২০ নভেম্বর, ২০১৯
"Why not buy Greenland?"
"Biden, to me, is like having a flashlight with a dying battery and going for a long walk in the woods."
Joe Rogan,
Matt Taibbi,
Trump rhetoric
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
৬৮টি মন্তব্য:
I watched the whole clip, and think that both men did a good job understanding the Trump mojo.
‘He’s so faded’ was good, too...
Trump knows real estate. He knows the AGW thing won’t result in a skyrocketing value for Greenland but if he jawbones it a bit he can bid up the price and get China to overpay.
So far as I can tell, the only knock against buying Greenland is that it's not for sale. Which means we would have to overpay to get it.
The rest is Orange Man Bad stupidity.
Denmark is just playing hard to get. Once the EU trade tariffs get the China treatment, they will want to offload that cash drain of Greenland in a hurry.
Fascinating. Taibbi sees the crowds for Trump and says, "Something is going on here." He discusses it with other reporters, and they say, well, we don't want to make too much of it. It's like we're supporting Trump. So they don't report it except to make fun of some people who are clearly having fun by running counter to the narrative. I love the discussion of the crowds. Rogan and Taibbi don't quite say it, but the Trump crowds are having fun. Roger Simon and Mark Steyn made this point back in 2016. I think they both said the crowds are having fun--something is going on here.
Trump is the first Punk Rock President.
Those who don’t get him never will.
How crazy has the left become when Matt Taibbi stands out as a voice of reason?
"The Asshole King". Profound.
We should buy Greenland. We can’t have The Concentration Camp Chicoms make it an outpost.
Taibbi has always been a reporter of what he sees, with a lefty spin, but NOT a Fantasyland like the rest of the CIA owned Corps of fake journalists who only write fiction that fits.
"How crazy has the left become when Matt Taibbi stands out as a voice of reason?"
Bears repeating.
Bears repeating in ALL CAPS.
Bears being posted on a NYC billboard.
Bears being posted on a Drudge Report Headline
serious question?
How long before Jo Biden starts (OPENLY!) using his walker?
Friend went to the Trump rally in Dallas. Her words paraphrased - The people were having a great time. It was fun. People were talking and laughing and excited. The energy was amazing. You could tell that Trump was having a great time, too, and that he loves this country. We had a blast.
"I ain’t the one who called Trump a 'buffoon'
Then lost to the nigga like I spoke too soon"
I really thought y'all woulda appreciated that lyric. And then there's this one:
"[The French] Ain’t that enlightened
Sometimes I got frightened
Got a socialist system
It ain’t that invitin’"
That's Unapologetically Pure Conservative Gold, People.
Tough Crowd.
Rogan and Tiabbi was a good dialogue. I listened to the whole thing and - again - except for Rogan's endorsements of yoga and meditation, etc., I found little to disagree with.
The Democrats have over egged the pudding, and it isn't even 2020. Maybe we can find a McDonald's somewhere and get burger.
Greenland is full of rare earths, and other critical resources.
He discusses it with other reporters, and they say, well, we don't want to make too much of it. It's like we're supporting Trump.
And that is a system problem with the media. It explains the failure of the Mueller report and Russian collusion as well as the Hillary loss. It allows stories to get out of control.
They should want dissenting voices. Long term it maintains viability of the system.
But they just denigrate "Fox News" as a outlier and the death spiral tightens.
I forgot to add that the system problem was identified and exploited by Trump as early as the "birther" controversy.
Crack MC?
would it be alright with you if i burnt that glass pipe song to a stick, to listen to in my car?
Yes, Allen S,. Exactly correct. They said the Trump mojo is that of stupid assholes who finally have a voice.
Assholes don't have a voice, Howard, they can only fart to make a sound. Your stupid friends have no mojo. So, there.
gilbar said...
"Crack MC?
would it be alright with you if i burnt that glass pipe song to a stick, to listen to in my car?"
No, not at all. I wanted to provide a download button but I haven't found Soundcloud's yet.
"Facts don't have political affiliations, we're just supposed to tell you what we see."
Bless his heart.
Your asshole Trump also communicates by an unceasing flow of diarrhea, which his minions lap up greedily
Once again, it's liberals telling you how it is. Is Rogan macho enough for you?
Isn't it cute that Howard thinks he, Howard, will somehow gain manhood points by pointing to a 'roided up pothead.
Kick back. Relax. Have some fun. Embrace your stupidity and your assholiness. Get a Trump-wigged Punisher skull T-shirt and wear it in Madison. I guarantee you will make some new friends, some of whom may hit you in the head with a rock. Every tribe has its own customs.
Find out what the folks in tolerant Madison are really like.
thanx Crack!
It's a Crack in response to the Macho Repose of Trump that you people cheer
Crack: "I really thought y'all woulda appreciated that lyric."
Hmmm, and so I did.
"Trump is the first Punk Rock President."
No, Rogan called it: Trump is the Asshole President.
(Or, I guess he could be called a Punk Rock President; the initially small punk rock audience grew beyond an artsy coterie when it became filled with knuckleheads who just wanted to be violent.)
Howard is a little discombobulated because he knows we know that Vindman is precisely the sort of dude he despises but we are at the "any port in an impeachment storm" point in impeachment charade, so whaddya gonna do, right Howard?
"How crazy has the left become when Matt Taibbi stands out as a voice of reason?"
He always has been.
Drago, did I miss something? Is Vindman a squid?
Actually, Rogan kinda dumb. Trump didn't say PUBLICLY say "Grab 'em by the pussy" - he said in PRIVATE and was SECRETLY TAPED. Anybody who believes this, "Dumb people support Trump" is dumb themselves. Its politics as HS. People had excellent policy reasons to support Trump. Its not about the "Cool Kids" vs. "Dumb People".
"And that is a system problem with the media."
Partly it's because the media is owned by giant profit-driven corporations, and they want to push outrage and polarized views because it drives ratings, which generates profits. Partly it's because many of the newer generation of journalists are over-educated nitwits.
Howard said...It's a Crack in response to the Macho Repose of Trump that you people cheer
Who's "you people"?
Althouse has thousands of readers, how many does it take for you to pretend the whole world is against you?
Rogan seems like a "reasonable" liberal but he's still so far in the Left-wing/liberal bubble, he can't see reality. His comments about Biden are good, although quite a few people get NH and Vermont mixed up. IMO, its ridiculous that Vermont and RI, two postage stamp states, have Senators. They should be merged into Massachusetts.
Robert Cook said...
"How crazy has the left become when Matt Taibbi stands out as a voice of reason?"
He always has been.
Most of his personal politics are crap, but he's consistent (and he's a great writer). He calls bullshit wherever he sees it. There are precious few of those on the left. Since Nat Henthoff died, it's Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi and ... that's all I can think of.
Partly it's because many of the newer generation of journalists are over-educated nitwits.
They may be over credentialed, but they do not seem well educated.
Aside from political bias, they come across as sloppy, overeager college students wanting to please the professor. I feel sorry for the professors who had to grade their papers because they lack the clarity of thinking needed to be good writers.
You people is a ironical dig for triggering Trump loyalists. Thanks for playing
Odd that Robert Cook thinks if only we could get rid of the profit motive (you know, change human behavior altogether) then things would be better.
I hate New York City communists.
Howard is always saying "You people." Howard do you know how small your people are as a group? Trying to join the cool kids ?
The -al is superfluousical, Howard.
Be best.
"Trump is the first Punk Rock President."
W was given that title by the South Park boys.
"Howard is a little discombobulated because he knows we know that Vindman is precisely the sort of dude he despises but we are at the "any port in an impeachment storm" point in impeachment charade, so whaddya gonna do, right Howard?"
Which highlights how absurd the whole notion of a righteous, progressive "Resistance" is. If, in 1969, you tacitly supported-
The abuses of the FBI and the CIA
The suppression of dissident free speech
The American military intervening in the affairs of brown people
Wealthy corporatist Mormon politicians covering for their offspring
-you were a member of the reactionary Establishment.
50 years later nothing has changed. Resistance, my ass. Same old face.
“Partly it's because the media is owned by giant profit-driven corporations, and they want to push outrage and polarized views because it drives ratings, which generates profits. Partly it's because many of the newer generation of journalists are over-educated nitwits.”
Actually, much of the problem is probably just the opposite. Some of the major former print media players are now run for the purpose of propaganda, or are vanity projects. The NYT is effectively controlled by a Mexican billionaire, Carlos Slim. WaPo, home town newspaper for DC, and the Deep State, is owned by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, and The Atlantic was recently acquired by a foundation funded by Apple’s Steve Jobs’ widow. Normal people probably don’t read the Atlantic anymore, but it does affect elite opinion. The BYT though is still apparently the Paper of Record in this country, the one place where leftist media types have to check every day for their marching orders. And, the DC bureaucrats and Congress members and staffers read the WaPo every morning.
Pretty much all of the alphabet networks have mega corporation ownership any more, but they aren’t run for profit, but rather, at a loss, for PR, advertising, etc reasons. It isn’t profits that are driving programming, but rather for protection, etc.
Joe is typically reasonably "inquisitive" and open to understanding "things" but they both show an huge lack of understanding by basically writing off the intelligence of those that attend Trump events and parrot his slogans. As others have commented in the past [here and elsewhere] Trump's fans don't take him literally too much AND his opponents usually not only take him literally but take what they think he said literally. The "grab um by the p*ssy" remark is but one example. He did NOT say he does, he said women would (or do) let him. It is permitted due to his being famous. Who does not understand that? How many women would gladly let Mick Jagger do that? Not all of course but MANY.
As to the slogans, they express the "bumper sticker" sentiments of an ignored constituency and express a truth the MSM and "our betters" refuse to acknowledge. Many people do want to "lock her up". They do want to "build the wall".
Yes there are mindless morons in any movement but if you actually ask many of Trump's supporters what they do and do not like about him and his policies, you will get reasoned responses. You may not agree with them but they are not simply parroting the latest RNC talking points. This interview [segment at least] glosses over that depth.
The Atlantic was recently acquired by a foundation funded by Apple’s Steve Jobs’ widow
Don't forget NPR! NPR is owned by a foundation funded by Ray Kroc's wife Joan
I'm sure, Some of you will say; Unh-unh! it's owned by the american people!
which shows that some of you aren't paying attention
I think that we should have seized Greenland during WW II, ostensibly to keep it out of German hands. Too strategically important to Atlantic maritime security to risk German control, etc. Then just never getting around to turning it back over to the Danes, until we could do like the Russians did to Russify their non Russian Soviet republics - fill them with your own people. Once the majority of Greenlanders are Americans, it is easy to justify levering it away from the Danes.
Now though? I don’t think that the Danes are the least bit likely to sell it to us. And, being putative allies, we aren’t going to take it away from them. Now, if NATO were to fall apart....
we lost a nuke back in the 60s, and there was a sizable installation there, if memory serves,
Blogger Howard said...
You people is a ironical dig for triggering Trump loyalists. Thanks for playing
More evidence that Howard is just a troll. This is what trolls do. Thanks for pointing that out.
Trump should buy Greenland then pay Greta Thunberg to live there and keep an eye on it.
Howard said...You people is a [sic] ironical [sic] dig for triggering Trump loyalists.
What's "ironical" about it?
And how is it a dig at Trump loyalists, specifically?
If you have to ask, Tim, you can't afford the explanation.
Rogan's a fun inquisitive housecat. He believed anything he's told by anyone, which is why the leftists squeal with indignation whenever he talks to anyone right of center.
Taibbi spent years in Russia. He may entertain the usual slurs against Trump supporters, but he has no illusions about the stupidity of the Russia narrative.
"Covering up the reality...".
They should have said that this is horrible, full stop. Instead the BAD thing is it backfired on Hillary.
A tiny hat tip to facts is facts at the end.
Ladies and gentlemen (and all you other genders out there) I give you modern journalism.
Greenland Plus: With Greenland, we have Canada outflanked. Perfect as a staging area for the inevitable invasion -- eastern invasion pincer complementing western pincer from Alaska and massive cross-border invasion from south. Easy victory. Then, the concentration camps.
Greenland Minus: Another Indigenous Peoples problem, replete with unceasing welfare payouts, crime, family and society dysfunction, etc. Just ask the Danes about this
Folks have this notion that “Greenland” is nothing but ice, so treating a possible U.S. acquisition of the vast Greenland subcontinent as merely a politically opportune occasion for a repetition of all the “Seward's folly!” and “Seward's icebox: ha ha!” propaganda which came down during the purchase of Alaska during the 19th century (William H. Seward was Secretary of State at the time) — one might note in passing that Alaska actually isn't a vast “icebox” and in the end proved worth a great deal — may in the case of really ice-covered Greenland seem at least somewhat appropriate.
The fact is, however, that Greenland too is far from being completely covered by ice. Even ignoring the (enormous!) ice-covered areas of Greenland and its no doubt vast mineral wealth, Greenland's ice-free portions are actually larger than the (U.S.) state of Montana or the (European) nation of (reunited) Germany — indeed, it's almost as large as California — the American 3rd largest state! (Specifically, according to the U.S. Geological Survey the ice-free parts of Greenland add up to 381,392 square km, or 147,256 sq. mi.)
That much territory (not to speak of the vast ice-inundated region — the so-called “inland ice”) no doubt is inherently worth, from a variety of outlooks, a huge amount of money — not to speak of economically accessible mineral wealth!
I suggest that the U.S. offer Denmark (say) $1 trillion for its enormous insular subcontinent — payable at the rate of perhaps $100 billion per year over a decade. Let's see how they like them apples!
Drago said...
Howard is a little discombobulated because he knows we know that Vindman is precisely the sort of dude he despises but we are at the "any port in an impeachment storm" point in impeachment charade, so whaddya gonna do, right Howard?
11/20/19, 8:56 AM
Howard said...
Drago, did I miss something? Is Vindman a squid?
Crack, Speedy Howie is talking about you. Isn't it neat though how he polishes your boots when he thinks you're a black he can use?
Of course really he's just talking trash like I said before. Just goes to show, nothing he says is worth anything.
Greenland Minus: Another Indigenous Peoples problem, replete with unceasing welfare payouts, crime, family and society dysfunction, etc. Just ask the Danes about this
The population of Greenland is some 56,000. Of that $1 trillion purchase price previously suggested, allocate $10 million — at $1 million per year over 10 years — to each member of the native population. (After that, with a “mere” $10 million each, they ought to be able to fend on their own.)
Think such a provision might capture more than a few votes on the necessary sovereignty transferral referendum?
Biden be dim, and getting dimmer. Much dimmer. YMMV.
Howard said...
Drago, did I miss something? Is Vindman a squid?
Squid is Marine Corps slang for a sailor. Not a compliment.
I really don't know why people engage Howard. He is probably just as inebriated as Chuckles was.
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