What say we respond to the #WhatTriggersLiberals hashtag with some lists of #WhatTriggersConservatives.
— There Is No Try, Only Zuul (@tonygoldmark) November 7, 2019
- Women
- Nonwhites
- LGBTQ+ people
- Non-Christian religions
- Pronouns in Twitter bios
- Questioning Dear Leader
- "Happy Holidays"
- The very existence of @AOC
Any others?
१०५ टिप्पण्या:
Roy Rogers.
Trigger is awfully close to the n-word. You'd think they'd notice.
The Green Nude Eel
That list is hilarious. NONE of those things trigger me. Violence against people who think different than me triggers me. Hating people because of who they voted for doesn't trigger me...it shows me who the idiots are...it's the violence against those people that is the trigger.
I've been exhausted for decades with looking at life from this perspective.
While I appreciate your hard work and your commitment to free speech, prof, if I get dragged into looking at life from this perspective, my day of struggling to focus on playing music and telling stories will be completely blown to hell.
The struggle is to free myself from the Marxist racism, sexism, homophobia mental prison, not to obsess over it.
I was locked in the fight against it. The only way out is out, and I'm praying and struggling every day to find the way out. Fighting against this mental prison is as enslaving as submitting to it.
Mr. Goldmark was definitely triggered by the original #WhatTriggersLiberals. Poor guy.
I never saw the original list, but what triggers me (as a straight white male, Christian conservative) are liberals who preach tolerance, as long as you agree with them and who accuse you of doing what they do. Disagreeing with something does not equal hating. It has been my experience that liberals are way more concerned with identity politics than conservatives.
Looks like typical projection. I love women and AOC is awesome. Who else is better than AOC in making sure NYC loses jobs?
- Women
- Nonwhites
- LGBTQ+ people
- Non-Christian religions
- Pronouns in Twitter bios
- Questioning Dear Leader
- "Happy Holidays"
- The very existence of @AOC
Only in a liberal's mind. A very small place, indeed.
@Shouting Thomas
This blog is for people whose only sin is reading this blog.
They really do live in a fantasy bubble with fantasy villains.
How about repeating lies and refusing to look at the evidence. That is wat triggers me straight up.
The pronoun thing just makes me kind of sad for the person. I think maybe the saddest personal I ever read in Craigslist was “Trans woman who cannot pass looking for partner in [nearby town.]”
He could have been gay and found men to sleep with. Opps, don’t want to trigger anybody... “she"
1. Women No
2. Nonwhites No
3. LGBTQ+ people Yes, partially (TQ+)
4. Non-Christian religions No
5. Pronouns in Twitter bios Yes
6. Questioning Dear Leader Funny for liberals to mention a 'Dear Leader', after 2 terms of Obama. Seems way more conservatives criticize Trump, than liberals criticized Obama
7. "Happy Holidays" Yes
8. The very existence of @AOC YES!
It looks like a liberal got triggered and now just lashing out with hate and prejudice. How common.
Sanctimonius white liberals. I suppose that's redundant.
- “Hate” speech is not protected speech
- Only the government should have guns
- Victimization as a virtue
- The right to other people’s money
- Outrage as the default form of expression
- Only white people can be racist
- It’s only when this President does it, that it’s a crime
- Plant-based milk
- “Witnesses” who’ve seen or heard nothing but think they know what might have happened
9. Quotes from two different sci-fi movies mashed into a Twitter handle.
Fighting against this mental prison is as enslaving as submitting to it.
Laughter is the best defense.
It addresses the content without subjecting oneself to it seriously.
- Physicians who protest Melania hugging babies at a hospital
This blog is for people whose only sin is reading this blog.
Now please explain the difference between being triggered and being annoyed by life's petty bullshit.
One has to laugh at these people who have their heads firmly implanted in their asses.
This seems like projection, mostly. The exceptions probably being pronouns in twitter bios (if rolling ones eyes counts as "triggered") and "Happy Holidays."
What actually "triggers" me (as in I get really het up about it) is people climing tht the problem with public transit in US cities is that we just need to give them even more money. Which I find genuinely infuriating because it functions to preclude any detailed consideration of actual failures in the management and operation of public transit, from incompetent or lackadaisical line employees all the way up to corrupt board members.
But that's why I like spending time in Tokyo, where I am right now.
- Women. My sexual preference is black women. They don’t like that at all.
- Nonwhites. No
- LGBTQ+ people. Jessica Yaniv, otherwise I’m cool with whatever.
- Non-Christian religions. Fascinated by Hinduism, specially extreme Hinduism, and the centuries of its attempted destruction by Islam.
- Pronouns in Twitter bios. Makes me laugh, otherwise I don’t care.
- Questioning Dear Leader. What’s to question?
- "Happy Holidays". Whatever
- The very existence of @AOC. No, I enjoy her bullshit.
This blog is for people whose only sin is reading this blog.
Let he who is without (other) sins cast the first comment.
Liberals are the least self-aware people on the planet, without a doubt.
Oh, no. I am not a conservative. This has triggered a full fledged identity crisis.
Hard to answer without knowing what was triggered. An outburst of laughter? A psychotic break? A flood of memories?
rehajm That is a really sad story. I quit teaching students 5 years ago and hope those ideas are limited to Boston. Pediatricians are the most leftist physicians, with the probable exception of public health docs who all work for the government.
None of those are triggering to me, though there are lots of things I find triggering. And by "triggering" I mean they provoke a (sometimes internal) snigger.
For example, I don't care if "pronouns" are used. When the person points out "these are my pronouns" snigger.
Corrupt Democrat politicians
Hypocritical millionaire Democrat politicians who advocate for socialism
Lying corrupt media who think we aren’t smart enough to see through their lies
I concede pronouns in bios trigger me.
Conservatism precludes triggering. It requires accessing the rational parts of your brain. You have to know how things are to conserve the good stuff.
The fundamental reason turning this around fails is that the entire concept of triggering is only a thing on the left.
Conservatives are not the ones asking for trigger warnings.
I mean, it's not like it triggers me like I need a warning or I can't recover. But like Balefegor I roll my eyes. Adults can do what they want to do, but I really don't think this is an area where we need to just jump aboard without considering what it mentally healthy.
Hmmmmmm. Let me help our shitlib friends so we at least know what they’re blathering about:
1. Wahmen
2. Vibrants and mystery meat
3. Degenerates
4. The Religion Of The Pedophile Prophet
5. Pyschobabble
6. Who?
7. Christmas
8. Stupidity
You’re welcome.
Do I really need to point out that being triggered by something and being opposed to it are not the same things? Being triggered is an involuntary and serious negative mental health response, like PTSD. Of course, the majority of the list conservatives aren’t even opposed to, so it’s just lies all around.
If "trigger" means losing one's sanity,then none of those things trigger me.
-- Using stupid lists as a vehicle to disguise hateful stereotypical insults.
None of the above. Stupid liberals, OTOH...
None of the above. Stupid liberals, OTOH...
rhhardin said...
Roy Rogers.
Also in that vein, I Wana Be A Cowboy...
Leftwing lists and left-wing perspective is a prison. Indeed.
It's a triggered lie-filled snowflake 180 degree out of phase projection-filled mine field of bullshit.
Triggered? Doesn't that mean that you have been set off to do something? Like a trigger on a gun sets the gun into action. (sorry liberals....I hope you aren't triggered by the very word GUN.) Trigger on a bomb.
Not agreeing or not liking something doesn't mean "Triggered". Annoyed is not triggered. What can I personally do about any of the below? Nada.
- Women Um...hardly
- Nonwhites define this. Actually no since many of my relatives are not pasty Irish.
- LGBTQ+ people who?
- Non-Christian religions I'm agnostic. I keep an open mind
- Pronouns in Twitter bios Yes. Annoying and confusing.
- Questioning Dear Leader Who?
- "Happy Holidays" Why should anyone care?
- The very existence of @AOC only if she is dangerous to me and then I really am "triggered" in the call to action sense.
FOXES pooping on my deck. Every freaking morning Fox crap on the deck, the welcome mat. Hint. Foxes are not welcome. Poop on the rest of the property but stop it on the decks. We have tried all sorts of preventative actions. Sprays. Chemicals. Motion lights. Live traps (got some skunks...yay?). Maybe I should borrow a friend's bear hunting dogs for a few nights. (He volunteered them) Next is to sit up at 12am and literally use a trigger and shoot at the bastards.
I have never met a liberal who had the slightest idea who conservatives are, what they believe, or why they believe it.
Straw clowns. April 1st. Overly ripe watermelons. Groundhog day. Heavily breaded chicken. Too hot, too cold, never just right. Groundhog day. Death, destruction, and dysfunction. Threadbare socks and comments. Groundhog day.
None of those things bother anybody I know.
I won't go along with your foolish attempt to control language by forcing me to misuse pronouns.
That sort of totalitarian impulse is why I hate Leftist Collectivists.
The fact that conservatives report being happier and with - not unrelated - more fulfilling sex lives is evidence not opinion.
I do not care to control other people so I do not involve myself in their intimate affairs.
There are legitimate public health discussions to be had and I won't be silenced in those conversations.
The others are similarly stupid.
I will not yield my personal freedom for the sake of getting along with people who want be to be subservient to their wishes.
WhatTriggersConservatives is “Trending” but EpstienCoverup isn’t.
That does kind of trigger me.
I notice in the twitter thread that the OP is trying to pretend that the whole point is that conservatives are not triggered by these things just as liberals are not triggered by the things conservatives think they are.
Maybe, but that requires a level of subtlety I can't quite credit the OP with.
Driving my Ford to the ward through bumper-to-bumper traffic.
Fetal-Americans. Such a burden.
Baby food (i.e. mush). I have teeth, and I like to crunch, crush, and chew my way through.
Salsa... it gets old.
Ah, you have to love all the tolerance and empathy.
I get triggered by attacks on fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution, including but not limited to Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, and the Right to Bear Arms. Progressives seem to treat these things as nuisances. I am most definitely triggered by the espousing of tyranny, which roughly 80%-90% of the progressive goals are designed to produce, most extremely triggered by idiots who do not realize that is exactly what they are espousing, and most furiously triggered by dimwits who do not see the big deal in enforcing their whims at gun point. They do not know what forces they play with and it will end badly for them. Unfortunately, if they get their way it will end badly for everyone.
is “Trending” but EpstienCoverup isn’t
While some stories progress, others are suppressed. Pedophilia is a forward-looking lifestyle and social orientation.
FOXES pooping on my deck. Every freaking morning Fox crap on the deck, the welcome mat.
A cherry tree... nay, two cherry trees, birds, a lot of birds, ungrateful bastards... the rest of the story is predictable.
OK, I'll assume the trigger wars are conducted tongue-in-cheek, but still: progs proceed on the assumption that they don't have to understand deplorables, that the only thing to be done with us is to crush us once and for all.
Trump is far from being our Dear Leader. Rather, he is our representative, our voice and an extension of our hopes for America.
What doesn't trigger Trumpists is the null set
Being labeled various ways because of politics. The first time was during Pres. Obama's first term. A master naturalist classmate told me that Republicans are anti-science. I responded that as a geologist I consider myself pretty much a champion of science. Later I learned I am racist. No discussion. I wanted President Obama to not have a second term therefore...
The Left's long march through our nation's institutions and nearly every facet of our society, its indoctrination of our youth and the resulting debilitating infection are the only things that really bother me.
The bitter flailing of mooks like Howard trigger much amusement in my world... at least for a few minutes.
How about the erasure of conservative women?
Blogger Howard said...
What doesn't trigger Trumpists is the null set
Where are the "safe spaces" and anxiety blankets for conservatives, Howard ?
Ivy League colleges have 50% of students seeking mental health care. Is it the water?
"just as liberals are not triggered by the things conservatives think they are.”
Is the OP Fen?
He’s probably right, but liberals invented “trigger warnings.” Kind of hard to overlook that in any reasonable discussion.
Obviously this person does not know any conservatives, he just knows what CNN or MSNBC or most movies and television shows tell him conservatives are like.
The original list seems to be part and parcel of the delusion -- common among liberals / progressives -- that they can discern what is in the hearts and minds of people they don't know, have never discussed anything with, and (often) have never even met.
DBQ: The dogs would work. They'll enjoy being up all night, and you'll get to feel all perky in the morning.
Blogger Michael K said... Where are the "safe spaces" and anxiety blankets for conservatives, Howard ?
Althouse, Instapundit, Ace of Spades, yadda yadda yadda
Howard is that kid on the playground flinging insults to get attention: little Howard stamps his feet; "I will *not* be ignored!
John Wayne, Mel Gibson, Clint Eastwood, Jordan Peterson. Today's liberals can't brook true freethinkers who don't wish to shut up and keep their philosophies to themselves.
Don't be the idiot you're telling Howard not to be.
A remarkably parochial list - implied by others above of course.
Being absurdly parochial is a common condition within the liberal bubble.
It COULD be cured by travel, but perhaps not by the approach to travel typical within the bubble.
Just 3, and not in this order:
1. The current obsession with Presentism.
2. David Remnick's Trumpmania.
3. That roof rat using my porch vine for a freeway.
Howard said...
“Blogger Michael K said... ‘Where are the "safe spaces" and anxiety blankets for conservatives, Howard ?’
Althouse, Instapundit, Ace of Spades, yadda yadda yadda.”
Seriously? These are analogous, Howard? Krikey!
"Adults can do what they want to do, but I really don't think this is an area where we need to just jump aboard without considering what it mentally healthy."
Define "adults". Because in Twitterworld they're pretty thin on the ground. Likewise the mentally healthy.
Right on!!!
We call this an inconvenient truth for the righties
Vicki From Pasadena
Looks like the original list worked as intended.
As I have pointed out many times- conservatives know far more about progressives and how they think than the reverse. It is simply the result arising from the fact that progressive culture dominates the media and educational landscape- all of us, conservatives and progressives alike, grew up bathed in it.
Only liberals get triggered. Conservatives get amused.
Remember the fundamental law of American politics
Liberals think conservatives are evil (hence the ability to be triggered). Conservatives think liberals are stupid (not triggered, but bless your bleeding, stupid heart)
Yancy's spot on. My libtard friends don't clutter up their minds with the superstitions and fantasies that clutter up the deplorable noodle.
Right on!!!
We call this an inconvenient truth for the righties?
Do they teach logic in Pasadena, Vicki?
If that is how we respond, why would it be inconvenient?
It's another obvious case of projection which is par for the course with todays Left. If you guys pulled your collective heads out of your collective asses, you might see more clearly.
Blogger Howard said...
Blogger Michael K said... Where are the "safe spaces" and anxiety blankets for conservatives, Howard ?
Althouse, Instapundit, Ace of Spades, yadda yadda yadda
Howard, you call that safe? Where are the puppy videos and the play doh?
And besides, how can it be safe if you are here?
victoria: "Right on!!!
We call this an inconvenient truth for the righties"
Is this anything like your lefty "inconvenient truth" that Brett Kavanaugh gang raped about 5,000 women?
It doesn't get any more "projection-y" on the part of the left than this.
Howard and victoria are perfect examples.
I am not triggered by non-whites, however I am triggered by white people who try to pass as a person of color: Rachel Dolezal, Dhaun King, Liz Warren ...
Don't be the idiot telling others not to be an idiot for telling Howard to stop being an idiot.
What DOESN'T trigger "liberals"? Statism. To them, a life without being able to force their wills on others would be a life not worth living.
Simplify the list by combining them into:
- people who want to control how other people live
- people who want to control how other people think
I'll just add that our society was much more civilized before the government let DARPANET get out of the lab.
"My libtard friends don't clutter up their minds with the superstitions and fantasies that clutter up the deplorable noodle.”
Russian collusion... cough cough.
This list is actually quite ridiculous and an example of the muddled thinking of someone who obviously doesn't know anything about how conservatives or pretty much anyone outside of his little bubble think.
With the exception of the pronoun issue which is butchering the English Language and is just confusing to people, non of those things listed are of much concern to me or are just not on my radar of things to be upset about.
First of all what does being triggered mean to liberals? How do triggered people act?
Do they expect Conservatives to go all Triggly Puff and have a public meltdown.? Freak out and lose control of our minds and bowels? Have toddler meltdowns?
Being irritated, annoyed, confused, bemused and silently laughing at you does /= triggered.
Besides. If we ARE triggered, you will certainly know. There will be no confusion.
"Triggering" implies a violent reaction. What the mainstream now calls "conservative" (meaning, racist) used to be called "reactionary". The example "reaction" is documented at
such that a person, once triggered, explodes into a shouting, arm-waving, temper tantrum -- if not tears, cursing, and outright acts of violence.
With that understanding, I can't think of any documented incident of a conservative or reactionary being triggered to a comparable tantrum by any of the listed concepts. "Pronouns", really? LGBTQIA+ people? Or any of the examples? The list betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of what constitutes an offense.
J Melcher and I must be psychic twins. Thinking of Trigglypuff at the same time.
"FOXES pooping on my deck. Every freaking morning Fox crap on the deck, the welcome mat."
For me it's raccoons pooping on my roof. I dropped 20 large replacing it less that a year ago and at night, they crap all over it.
"And besides, how can it be safe if you are here?"
Do you really find incels to be threatening?
this tweet is another example of how liberals think conservatives think. It's as if the author doesn't actually know any conservatives.
Trigger is just progspeak for any old reason to shut down righties and advance the cause. So Jordan Peterson "triggers" lefties as a racist patriarchal troglodyte speaking to deplorables--not because of anything he actually says but because his doubelplusungoodness is obvious enough to protest his speech and very existence, thus to clear the public sphere of anything unprog and pour encourager les autres. As the Universal Theory of Progressive Instrumentalism holds, triggers are tools.
In that sense, no righty has ever been triggered. But perhaps there's an exception: Hill triggered many regular GOPers into voting Trump.
I get triggered by violent, leftist women who want to hit me in the face if I get upset at being called a drunken rapist.
Howard said...
"Yancy's spot on. My libtard friends don't clutter up their minds with the superstitions and fantasies that clutter up the deplorable noodle."
Lessee there Howie.
Hate speech
Evil objects re guns
income inequality- fundamental belief in scrooge mcduck.
more than two sexes
black people are children
socialism is the answer.
regulation fixes everything.
free stuff.
ya might want to pause for a minute before you hit Publish , Howard
Besides. If we ARE triggered, you will certainly know. There will be no confusion. - DBQ
Exactly. It's similar to how we're always accused of being violent. Trust me. If we ever turn out to be half as violent as the left accuses us? They'll know.
Do you really find incels to be threatening?
Good point but that was sarcasm. I think of them as NPCs.
None of them trigger me. But I don't care.
It’s a reaction to Don Jr’s book Triggered that dropped today, I think.
- Women: My mother, my wife, my sister and my daughter are all women. Not triggered.
- Nonwhites: No
- LGBTQ+ people: I'm triggered by the media trying to convince me that 50% of the population is gay and that we need to bend over backwards for the tiny percentage of people who think they are transgender.
- Non-Christian religions: I've been to mosques, synagogues and Hindu temples. Not triggered.
- Pronouns in Twitter bios: Is an eye roll a trigger?
- Questioning Dear Leader: Mindless orange-man-bad criticism gets an eye roll.
- "Happy Holidays": Another eye roller sometimes.
- The very existence of @AOC: Her ideas are triggering, but she's an attractive lady who improves the appearance of Congress.
What does trigger me is being called a racist, bigot or homophobe because I think people should be treated as individuals.
"FOXES pooping on my deck. Every freaking morning Fox crap on the deck, the welcome mat."
"For me it's raccoons pooping on my roof. I dropped 20 large replacing it less that a year ago and at night, they crap all over it."
I've got a gang of 37 turkeys that live in the back woods and promenade through the cultivated yard pooping as they go, every dang day. Turkey poops are big. 37 turkey poops per yard transit are disgusting.
On the bright side, they do eat ticks.
There is only one response that makes sense. This person has no idea. I am moderately conservative and am not triggered by anything on that list. (Okay I'm not fond of the pronouns trope.) This person does what so many on the cultural left seem to do. He attributes attitudes and behavior to people with whom he disagrees. The conservatives he describes exist primarily in his imagination.
For 18 years I worked with internationals and immigrants in this city. It was my calling and my passion. I worked with people from other nations, ethnicities, backgrounds, religions. I have multicultural street cred the likes of which few Americans have. I am not triggered by the mere existence of AOC. I just happen to think she's a raving narcissistic twit.
Howard is like a drive-by shooter, but an embarrassing drive-by shooter. The kind that forgets to chamber a round, fumbles with the slide, misses the few shots he even takes, drops his gun outside the vehicle, and as the driver finally speeds away he realizes in all the excitement that he's crapped himself.
Climate Change (tm). That’s a trigger for me. It triggers me to go into contrarian mode, and get into an argument and state quite adamantly that climate change doesn’t exist; isn’t real; it’s a fantasy. It’s quite humorous (to me) to see them get so worked up about it.
Kyzer SoSay said...
Howard is like a drive-by shooter, but an embarrassing drive-by shooter. The kind that forgets to chamber a round, fumbles with the slide, misses the few shots he even takes, drops his gun outside the vehicle, and as the driver finally speeds away he realizes in all the excitement that he's crapped himself.
He should watch the Paul Harrell video on YouTube.
First, those things don't seem to be particularly triggering to anybody.
Second, whatever #WhatTriggersLiberals originally was, it seems to have been taken over by liberals to say good things about themselves and bad things about what they don't like.
Third, "triggering" affects only a small percentage of the population. Rather than go into PTSD when they see something that they don't like, people relish the opportunity to go on the offensive.
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