"If he’s the whistleblower, he has no credibility because he’s a Brennan guy, he’s a Susan Rice guy, he’s an Obama guy. And he hates Trump. And he’s a radical. Now, maybe it’s not him. But if it’s him, you guys ought to release the information."
(Via Washington Examiner, which unlike Trump, names the man.)
८३ टिप्पण्या:
He ain't wrong...
I see you are looking at the Washington Examiner in some cases now. A real newspaper, unlike WaPo. Up early today.
The weird thing is that Democrats want to impeach Donald Trump not because he is corrupt but because their leading candidate, Joe Biden, is corrupt. Which amendment prohibits the President from investigating corrupt Democrat politicians?
One year and one day until Donald Trump’s re-election.
The whistleblower is a fraud (no first-hand information) and the impeachment is carried out in bad faith, but no one disputes the basic facts of the July 25 phone call. Just the interpretation. So let’s argue about the interpretation.
He worked for Biden. He freaked out trying to protect Biden. This whole impeachment is a coverup for Biden’s corruption and DNC skullduggery in Ukraine. It didn’t work protecting Biden. It’s not impeachable to change foreign policy that was set by the former VP.
It’s pretty clear that almost nobody in Washington wants the swamp drained. Trump is like Saddam to these people. If you dam off the flow of graft and the swamp dries up, how are the swamp people supposed to live? It’s genocide! Hence they insist that Hoover Biden did "nothing wrong.” His behavior was “perfect."
Change my mind.
It's hard for me to believe that PDJT doesn't absolutely know the guy's name.
But I am glad he is leaving it to others to announce.
John Henry
Meanwhile, Joe is back with hair sniffing young girls
"So let’s argue about the interpretation.”
Let’s start with the motives of the whistleblower. He once worked for Joe Biden.
Let’s establish whether it’s OK for the man who is running the foreign policy for Ukraine to let his son collect graft there.
Let’s establish whether there was justification to suspect that Ukraine, [which has officially admitted to it BTW] interfered in the 2016 election on behalf of Hillary.
Let’s discuss whether Trump did anything beyond ask Ukraine to help the US sort out election interference and comment on a news story involving the former administration and Ukraine, disowning Biden’s tactics.
Let’s discuss whether Trump’s personal attorney is allowed to gather exculpatory evidence regarding “collusion.” when Schiff had him under investigation for that fairy tale.
HA HA HA! Sure, that will be allowed! I am sure that the Washington Post will be more than happy to print the other side of the story, and the NYTimes, and the evening news.
If you don’t assume Trump is guilty of some crime, there is no way to get to a crime here by Trump.
...because people have got to know whether or not the whistleblower is a crook. Well, he is a crook, if he’s who they say he is. He’s earned everything he’s about to get.
Exploring the credibility or lack thereof, and political bias of Schiff’s witnesses is “obstruction” and “impeachable.”
"He’s an evil beast, when attacked, he defends himself.” - French proverb.
Same thing goes for Kavanaugh!
This is just like President Trumps taxes. If there is nothing to hide, why hide? My understanding of the law, Whistle Blower protection is protection against retaliation at a proffessional, and career, level.
Like we have become used to, Democrats are not bound by law.
I listened to a bunch of the Morning shows yesterday. Not 1 identified the guy who name has been out for at least 3 weeks.
Eric Ciarimella.
See Real Clear Investigations https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2019/10/30/whistleblower_exposed_close_to_biden_brennan_dnc_oppo_researcher_120996.html
It's hard for me to believe that PDJT doesn't absolutely know the guy's name.
But I am glad he is leaving it to others to announce.
John Henry
His name is Eric Ciaramella
Ciaramella was kicked out of the White House for leaking negative stories about Donald Trump in 2017.
** Ciaramella worked with Joe Biden in the executive branch when he was Vice President.
** Ciaramella had no problem with the Joe Biden and Hunter Biden’s million dollar pay-for-play scandal with Ukraine.
** Ciaramella traveled with Joe Biden to the Ukraine.
Interesting Bio of the "whistle Blower
And Schifty's Star Chamber's secret Transcripts will be re-writes that push a narrative that the Corrupt Media has already written for him. This is a Cage Match for the ages.
I assume Potus has been warned against naming the whistleblower because of the law, although as it is he's acting contrary to the law in going after the whistleblower. But easier than defending his own conduct as accurately exposed.
Replying to John Henry who said it's hard to believe the WH doesn't know the whistleblowers name. I've been saying this to anyone who will listen since the NYT published identifying info (CIA, on loan to WH, Ukraine expert, also worked in Obama WH). I don't the size of the National Security Adviser's WH office, but it can't more than 50. And how many "Ukraine experts" -- may 2-5. And how many of them from the CIA? And also worked in Obama NSA office? It's impossible to believe that scores of people working in the WH couldn't figure out the identify from the information provided. I also agree with John Henry that the Trump WH has shown admirable restraint in not publicly outing the whistleblower.
Between the comments of this nameless whistleblower (but like the bar in “Cheers” everybody in Washington knows his name!) and LT. Colonel Alexander Vindman, it appears that during the years 2009 to Inauguration Day 2017 a President without much interest in foreign policy pretty much turned it over to corrupt Secretaries of State, a (mistakenly) trusted handful of advisors such as Susan Rice, Samantha Powers and Valerie Jarrett, his VP, and professionals in the NSC staff. Now Donald Trump has reverted to a more traditional model where foreign policy is set by the President of the United States, and people like Vindman, other Obama-era holdovers on the NSC, Rex Tillerson, John Bolton, and even Jim Mattis do not like it one bit.
Too bad for all of them. They can go read Article Two, Section one, Clause one of the Constitution.
It will be difficult to get AG Barr to recuse himself if Vindman's testimony isn't thrown out. Vindman has a pretty clear conflict of interest to be a neutral and thus credible whistleblower. Especially since 4 other intelligence officer involved in the call have rejected Vindman's account and verified the written transcript.
Yet none of this matters because Democrats are doing all they can to avoid prison from the Dunham investigation.
Serious Question:
This Lieutenant Colonel, that is supposedly the Whistle Blower;
That is a Ukrainian National (or Native?);
That has been working with Jo Biden on corruption issues in the Ukraine;
What's His Net Worth?
By which i mean; is he a Millionaire, yet? or is he waiting to cash his checks?
Though the whole world may know his name by now, if Trump names him, that is a "crime" and will be trumpeted as a ground for impeachment.
So, of course, Brennan congratulates the guy, and the Army guy who was actually on the call, and probably is one of the guys who illegally leaked the call to the “whistleblower”. And, the Army guy, apparently a Ukrainian native, complained on policy grounds. We have an O5, in uniform, complaining about his Commander in Chief’s foreign policy decisions in secret testimony before Schifty’s Star Chamber committee.
Note the acknowledgement that everyone in the media knows who the whistleblower is.
The circle of corruption around Trump is like a ring around the bath tub; the phone call is just a smalll part of it and includes Giuliani who seems to circling the drain.
They’re waiting for Trump to name the whistleblower so they can add that to the articles of impeachment.
gilbar: the whistle blower is NOT the Lt Colonel. That guy’s name is Vindman. He’s an interesting character. Read about his background.
The whistleblower is Eric Ciaramella. He also has an interesting bio. There’s much to read about him out there too.
For both people stay away from traditional media sources. They really want to protect these people.
Believe it or not twitter has some people who really research these folks and link to document.
But also check out Real Clear Investigations.
donald is not only a pathological liar, a cruel bastard, bully and hater...he is a coward
he's obsessing over impeachment and it's coming
Eric Ciaramella went to Schiff before he went to the IG. Shifty sent him to group of Dem lawyers who crafted a professional complaint - replete with footnotes and legal citations. He’s a political operative and a rat, not a whistleblower, and deserves none of the statutory protections due the latter.
The Bidens take millions out of Ukraine and Joe gets the prosecutor fired and that’s not important?
It's illegal to say anything bad about the two biggest money grubbers on the left.
The wife of a rapist and Quid Pro Joe.
It sounds like they’re trying to Scooter Libby Trump.
Valerie Plame’s name wasn’t a well-kept secret and he was the fall guy.
Transparency, baby. Land on the leakers. Schiff, `a la lanterne!
Let justice roll down like the waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.
How can you get kicked out of the the White House in 2017, and BLOW THE WHISTLE on something that happened in June 2019? How can 2nd hand gossip about a place you don't work - be whistle-blowing? Who told this guy what happened in the call? Vineman? If so, why isn't that leaking classified information?
The CIA Head of IG should be fired, he's in on the scam.
Supposedly, everyone in the media and DC has know for weeks who the whistleblower is, but it took Realclear investigations to report it. We don't have a free press, we have Pravda.
How can Lt Col Vindman leaking information - or gossiping - about a classified Call with a foreign presient not be illegal? This guy isn't just a bureaucrat, he's in the army. Isn't he bound by secrecy rules and regulations?
Big Mike: One year and one day until Donald Trump’s re-election.
One year minus one day - the election is Nov 3rd, 2020.
Trump wants the identity of the "whistleblower" to remain a mystery at least until there are public hearings.
Vindman has a pretty clear conflict of interest to be a neutral and thus credible whistleblower. Especially since 4 other intelligence officer involved in the call have rejected Vindman's account and verified the written transcript.
Vindeman sounds like a Ukraine lobbyist and should register with FARA.
Also, nobody seems to be talking about Bill Clinton's treaty with Ukraine that requires cooperation of criminal investigations.
The Treaty should be an effective tool to assist in the prosecution of a wide variety of crimes, including drug trafficking offenses. The Treaty is self-executing. It provides for a broad range of cooperation in criminal matters. Mutual assistance available under the Treaty includes: taking of testimony or statements of persons; providing documents, records, andarticles of evidence; serving documents; locating or identifying per-sons; transferring persons in custody for testimony or other purposes; executing requests for searches and seizures; assisting in proceedings related to restraint, confiscation, forfeiture of assets,restitution, and collection of fines; and any other form of assistance not prohibited by the laws of the requested state.
The whistleblower isn't the Army Lt. Colonel, but is another person who, according to the former acting director of the CIA, is a CIA guy. There's a law against naming a whistleblower and another about naming a CIA guy. However those laws aren't intended to provide secrecy for someone providing testimony for an impeachment. That can't be secret testimony from anonymous guy. And then Mr. Anonymous jumps out of a box and, SURPRISE, turns out to be a partisan Democrat like Strzok but working for CIA, not the FBI, SURPRISE. This is Season 2 of Captain Kangaroo Does Impeachment and it's repetitive, and therefore its partisan lying is predictable, and so is its outcome - namely the fall of everyone connected with it except Donald Trump. Then the return of Hillary to the naked field of dishonored Democrats and then she loses the election. When will they ever learn? The good thing is the there will be more jobs and fewer newspapers after 2020.
Thanks paminwi for the reminder. I think Vindman is the original leaker to Ciaramella, who then went to Schiff's office before being directed to the IG to create a 2nd hand whistleblower account. It's difficult to keep up with the cutouts but not impossible.
The idea that the whistleblower is offering to only respond to written questions is the most laughable thing. Democrats you should be embarrassed.
Has it occurred to anyone that perhaps the least authoritative rank any career military person can trot out is Lt. Colonel? "Light Colonels" a dime a dozen, and the rank is often the graveyard of military career hopes.
Good luck with Vindman's future efficiency reports. It's a hell of a thing when we have a political class and a news business that think that a POTUS can subvert US foreign policy.
Obama cleared out a lot of warriors from senior US military ranks. Trump is going to have to reorient the senior command of Army/Navy/Air Force (maybe Marines) from Social Justice to killing people and breaking things.
"Democrats, you should be embarrassed."
That ship left the dock years ago.
greg rubini broke the story weeks ago, others ran with it w/o giving greg the attribution.
McMaster insisted on having Ciaramella at NatSec, with Charles Kupchan as his boss.
McMaster had packed the NSC with pro-war globalists, some of whom came from the Obama admin, and others who were Never Trumpers.
Drop The Chalupa! (actually 3 sisters?)
In August, '17, Matthew Whitaker filed a complaint with the FEC
re: DNC & Chalupa (Alexa, this time) for accepting assistancefrom
Ukraine nationals during the election
"donald is not only a pathological liar, a cruel bastard, bully and hater...he is a coward
he's obsessing over impeachment and it's coming"
Do you have anything to contribute that's on topic?
The whistleblower law is to protect people who provide evidence of crimes from retaliation.
Not hearsay to begin a partisan hit job.
The system only works when both sides have something to lose.
R/V--it's always good to get a report from the planet Mars.
As a great man once said:
"Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids.
In fact, it's cold as hell."
How's the weather?
Trump is correct.
Adam Schitt wants the president to use the name so he can attack Trump for witness (4th hand) intimidation.
The whistelblower is an democratic operative. No question about it. that is why the media spins tales of BS "death threats".
Sungsong stands shoulder to shoulder with lying leftwing totalitarians.
sunsong weighs in with the DNC talking points.
From Sunsong's bio:
"I encourage you to dream and envision, to imagine and to allow yourself to consider the possibility that things will get better even as we go through chaos and crisis first."
In other words, Make America Great Again. Thanks, Sunsong. President Trump appreciates your support. I know you are pleased with our progress in the last 2-3/4 years, but there is much still to do.
Scam? I don't know.
Is impeachment supposed to be a "scam" in the same sense that Trump University was a scam?
I notice that, over the weekend, "...but they won't let us see the transcripts," changed to, "...Schiff shouldn't be allowed to release the transcripts."
And why won't they release the name of the person who took the strawberries?
The whistleblower at the center of scrutiny over President Trump’s dealings with Ukraine filed his complaint with the intelligence community’s inspector general after first going to the CIA general counsel, according to a new report.
However, as the process dragged out, the whistleblower reportedly became concerned his allegations were not being taken seriously, particularly after finding out Elwood had contacted the White House.
The whistleblower then decided to formally submit a complaint with Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community’s inspector general, a move that provides extra legal protections.
The Whistle blower started with the CIA, Then, because no laws were broken and no CIA operations involved, and no wrong doing by CIA personel, the CIA general Counsel refered back to White House General Counsel. This article is dated 9-26-19. Before we knew that Ciaramella first went to Schiff. Schiff then informed the Intel Community about the complaint about to land, and warned him the Whistle Blower complaint had to go to his committee, as spelled out in the WB statute
Vindman was born in Ukraine (or soviet Ukraine? Not sure) came to us at age 3.
Is naturalized us citizen. Is he still Ukrainian and/or Russian citizen? I don't know.
He likely has relatives in Ukraine which I would think makes him a security risk. Esp for something like national security council.
Twin brother is also army. Also ltcol(?) also on nsc(?)
Older brother leonid runs a good size hedge fund specializing in Ukrainian investments. Name is Tungsten something. On my phone in a plant and can't look it up.
Vindman family background is very sketchy to have an nsc level security clearance.
John Henry
@SeanF, I am embarrassed beyond measure. November 5 sticks in my mind because tomorrow those of us here in Virginia vote on legislative and school board races.
per @RealSLokhova
"So why would you appoint a known dirty trickster in charge of an investigation? And why would the media portray him as a hero, patriot, trustworthy?"
Re:Stefan A. Halper, the FBI source who assisted the Russia investigation.
she did excellent work digging up the dirt on Harper, et al
There is no whistleblower. There is a mole.
To have a whistleblower, there needs to have been a crime, an abuse of power, an unethical act. Trump's Ukraine call was neither a crime, nor an abuse of power nor unethical. Trump asked Ukraine's new leader to help us investigate the dirty tricks of the 2016 election, and oh, what about Biden's son getting rich? And Biden intervening in your domestic investigation of the episode? Not illegal, not an abuse of power and not unethical. I would argue that Trump has an affirmative obligation to find out what the Bidens were up to, what pull was exerted, what money was spread around and so forth. And if the Ukrainians know anything about Hillary's illicit server Trump has an obligation to find out about that, too. Because the 2016 Hillary/DNC/Obama intelligence dirty tricks were a major abuse.
Ciamirella (assuming he's the original complainer/leaker) and Vindman are not whistleblowers. They are moles. They are opposition (Democrat/Deep State) loyalists who worked from the inside to subvert the Trump administration.
Everybody in D.C. knows who the whistleblower is. Reverse things, make Obama the president and the whistleblower a Republican with ties to Dick Cheney, and his name and politics would be plastered every day on the front of the NYTimes and WaPo, and would be hidden by right-wing news media. Everyone knows this is true, and it is a measure of your intellectual honesty in whether you admit this or not.
his linked in, leaves out a lot,
“ Schiff then informed the Intel Community about the complaint about to land, and warned him the Whistle Blower complaint had to go to his committee, as spelled out in the WB statute”
Except, of course, the HSCI did not have jurisdiction because the complaint did not involve the Intelligence Community, but rather foreign relations. The only ties to the IC were that the whistleblower worked there, as did the leakers to him.
“ I would argue that Trump has an affirmative obligation to find out what the Bidens were up to, what pull was exerted, what money was spread around and so forth. And if the Ukrainians know anything about Hillary's illicit server Trump has an obligation to find out about that, too. Because the 2016 Hillary/DNC/Obama intelligence dirty tricks were a major abuse.”
Also, it could be argued that his requests were almost mandated by the bilateral anti-corruption treaty between the two countries.
halper was ray cline's in law, they gave him a go fer job, overseeing the carter administration, he was on the board of the palmer national bank,
And why won't they release the name of the person who took the strawberries?
I try to follow, at least vaguely, but strawberries? How are strawberries involved in any of this nonsense?
This is...very sloppy, desperate work by the Democrats, who are counting on their friendly megaphone (media), and absolutely misjudging the fair-mindedness of a great majority of American voters. It is partly amusing and partly terrifying to watch. I'm actually in favor of a Senate trial now, because although that too can be filtered through lefty media, it cannot be contained enough to cover up the truth of it.
All the Democrats had to do is NOT be insane. Seriously, they could have started campaigning after the Mueller Hail Mary bombed and probably would be in a good position to defeat Trump by now. But, no. They are insane, and Donald Trump can and will count on that to great success. Imagine a Republican House, because it is a possibility.
I couldn't get a straight answer from one of my lefty friends in the bay area what exactly the crime was the Trump did. First they were confounded I even asked the question (as it was blindingly so obvious) then sputtered that Quid Quo Pro is "illegal" and I asked how so? This is how world affairs are conducted. We give you X billions can you do Y? They threw up their hands by saying if you don't think its illegal to have a sitting president conduct "espionage" on behalf of their re-election then there is no help for me. :-) That's how deep the divide is between liberal democrats and the rest of us. Anything Trump does in foreign policy is "espionage" that is their whole frame of reference. This is how far out to sea they are. Good luck to get the majority of the country to go along with this farce.
"I couldn't get a straight answer from one of my lefty friends in the bay area what exactly the crime was the Trump did. “
They are using what they accuse Repubicans of, of course, they repeat their lie over and over and over again. If they start answering questions, the big lie technique doesn’t work. For example:I couldn't get a straight answer from one of my lefty friends in the bay area what exactly the crime was the Trump did.
"But easier than defending his own conduct as accurately exposed.” readering simply refuses to accept any questions of his lie, and just repeats it.
"The circle of corruption around Trump is like a ring around the bath tub”. R/V
The circle of corruption is around Biden, and he knows it, that’s why he refuses to engage. If he engages, he will be forced to make concessions that would show his loyalty to the lie to be foolish. Better to just repeat it and pretend he can’t hear any of the questions. I am sure when he is emptying waste baskets in the faculty lounge, he never hears the lie questioned.
The fact that the Bidens sullied the image of the United States by making it appear that US foreign policy was for sale, well, Hillary was hawking it too, is a far worse betrayal of our country than asking that it be investigated, if that is what actually happened.
Trump has a right to a legal defense, and Giuliani has a right to gather evidence.
The circle of corruption around Trump is like a ring around the bath tub; the phone call is just a smalll part of it and includes Giuliani who seems to circling the drain. - R/V
And yet you chuds still can't name one, fucking crime or impeachable offense.
Why is that?
The whistleblower law protects people who make an accusation. We want them to be able to do that without fear of retaliation since there is a danger people won't come forward. Presumably those who think the deep state is committing crimes against the president wish courageous whistleblowers would come forward with accusations there. (Hasn't happened as far as I can tell.)
It is up to others to figure out whether there is anything to the whistleblower's accusation. The whistleblower is kinda irrelevant at this point, now that their accusation has been investigated and substantiated. But the administration has the problem that some people who reviewed the whistleblower's accusation took it seriously and some didn't, and it looks like it was the partisan hack political types who didn't.
I think Democrats and the whistleblower need to assume Donald Trump will have the right to call the whistleblower as a witness, if not in the House then in the Senate.
Ask Bogie. He'll explain all.
John Henry
The WB is a witness to who leaked classified information to him and that's about all. I'm guessing Vindman is the culprit.
So why is it the Schiff doesn't think its necessary to have the "whistleblowers" testify?
If this is a real "investigation" why were they being so coy about them testifying? It was clear the moment Trump released the transcripts of the call the Schiff scam would begin to unravel. All they have testified to so far is their 2nd hand reaction to what was said. Who the fuck cares? Can someone tell me where the crime is here based on what was said? This is an impeachable offense? Someone's butt hurt reaction of what someone said about a call they weren't on?
readering: "The whistleblower is kinda irrelevant at this point, now that their accusation has been investigated and substantiated."
Please point to the 8 times in the non-whistleblowers "whistleblower" 3rd hand account where Trump directly asked for Ukraine to investigate Biden in order to influence the 2020 election.
Thanks in advance for being a moron and not being able to do that.
And as far as your claim of "irrelevant", I guarantee the non-whistleblower "whistleblower" will have to answer questions under oath at some point.
That will probably be the point where Ciaramella has to admit to coordinating with Adam Schiff and his staff direcly....as well as testify to his role working with Hillary/DNC hack Alexandra Chalupa in pushing Ukraine in 2016 to dig up dirt on Trump and Manafort.
And that's all before we get to Mr Ciaramella's role in advancing the hoax dossier and his role in securing funds from global organizations that benefited democrats directly.
Oh yes, we have lots and lots to chat with the non-whistleblower "whistleblower" about.......
bbkingfish; "I notice that, over the weekend, "...but they won't let us see the transcripts," changed to, "...Schiff shouldn't be allowed to release the transcripts."
More lefty lies.
Under the current dem kafkaesque rules, Adam Schiff ALONE gets to determine which transcripts or partial transcripts or partial partial transcripts will be released as well as being the ONLY one who can call witnesses and also can continue to direct witnesses NOT to answer republican questions and has already stated that exculpatory information obtained in the secret hearings WILL NOT be forwarded as part of any Adam Schiff-ty ALONE generated House report.
So, yeah. Being marxists as you all are, I can see why this sort of proceeding appeals to you.
"I think Democrats and the whistleblower need to assume Donald Trump will have the right to call the whistleblower”
The whistleblower law allows for the whistleblower to be identified if his complaint results in legal proceedings. He will be called as a witness, since context is extremely important here, no matter what “big lie” purveyors like readering may claim.
Most likely, readering and ARM are hear as part of some “call to action” to comment on Trump friendly blogs and repeat Dem lies over and over and over, and to avoid, at all cost, engaging arguments, since the lies won’t hold up.
ARM said that Althouse was not a good defender of Trump (let’s assume she wants that, I don’t think so, but arguendo) because she refuses to address his faults and failings. Meanwhile ARM absolutely refuses to address any counter argument. Which can only lead one to infer that he himself knows how weak his argument is, but he is just pushing it as a means to an end.
roesch/voltaire said... [hush][hide comment]
The circle of corruption around Trump is like a ring around the bath tub; the phone call is just a smalll part of it and includes Giuliani who seems to circling the drain.
Also, Epstien did not kill himself...
Yet none of this matters because Democrats are doing all they can to avoid prison from the Dunham investigation.
Prison is it? The gallows could be applicable.
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