November 5, 2019

Trump's spiritual adviser, Paula White.


Mark O said...

So what?

Bob Boyd said...

Is this real?

Do you really care?

Wince said...

Trump should name her VP as an "insurance policy".

Robert Cook said...

Another con. Trump doesn't believe in any entity exists greater than himself.

Jersey Fled said...

Much better choice than Jeremiah Wright.

Bob Boyd said...

Trump doesn't believe in any entity exists greater than himself.

He makes a good case for it too.

Dave Begley said...

Donald regularly went to services by Norman Vincent Peale in NYC when he was a child.

Amadeus 48 said...

Obama's spiritual adviser was Larry Tribe. So?

Also, to steal from Disraeli, Obama made his conscience his accomplice rather than his guide.

wendybar said...

I agree Jersey Fled!!!

Michael K said...

Interesting to watch this ant hill with all the ants thinking they are important while the Middle East is getting ready to explode.

Drago said...

Robert Cook: "Another con. Trump doesn't believe in any entity exists greater than himself."

Another Lenin fanboy checks in with latest marxist hot take.

Drago said...

Bill Clinton literally brought in the Reverend Jesse Jackson (noted married guy philanderer and user of org funds to pay a young woman who had his child out of wedlock) to spiritually counsel Billy boy on marital fidelity.

It took about 3 days for Jackson to declare everything cool on that front and the entirety of the left cheered as if as one!!


Summary: Party of Clinton, Weinstein, post-birth abortion infanticide and selling of baby parts decides now would be a good time to lecture republicans on Faith.


Earnest Prole said...

She's a deeply religious experience.

rcocean said...

Interesting. Before Trump was a phony who pretended to believe in religion for votes, now he's bad because he has a spiritual adviser.

rcocean said...

I could see Trump becoming a very devote Christian, as long as he didn't have to give up Shark Week.

tim in vermont said...

If they weren’t always trying to get Trump removed from office, I would agree with them from time to time. As it is, sod off swampy, to coin a phrase.

BamaBadgOR said...

In order to fully appreciate this development, you need to be familiar with Norman Vincent Peale's sermons.

readering said...

Just another grifter joining WH payroll.

traditionalguy said...

You go to war with the army that you have. The Paula White types are rare like trained special forces operators. Trump knows people and uses them for their talents. Being a man of Faith, Trump knows what is authentic and what is fake in the Spiritual warfare realm.

Like we approached Trump himself, we ought to appreciate the winning and not dump her for being an embarrassment until the war is over. Remember the November 8-9 , 2016 night. That was VE Day. But VJ day is still a year away. Trump has huge loyalty gene, so he probably won't dump her when it's over. However, she may dump him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She is weird. But i don't care. Is she going to bring down America with Schitt lies?


Drago said...

readering: "Just another grifter joining WH payroll."


Yes, a lefty wrote that. Just now. Without irony!

Meanwhile, how did gang rape accuser-liar Blasey-Ford make out? At last count she was well over $1Million paid to her for her transparent lies....which you swallowed whole.

Too funny. And, unfortunately for the left, utterly unbelievable and no longer persuasive.

Yancey Ward said...

She's fuckable.

purplepenquin said...


If we're gonna say that the Democratics have no business talking about faith because a cheater requested advice from a preacher who had sinned as well, then what should be said about the the seances that were conducted in the White House and the astrologer who was consulted on most decisions?

Those happened under Republican administrations...does that reflect on the party as a whole?

Continue to discuss.

stevew said...

That's actually funny Mr. Cook but somehow I don't think you intended it as humor.

wild chicken said...

Not a bad idea. Charlemagne was a beast, too, but had Alcuin.

wild chicken said...

He should use Dennis Prager.

Sebastian said...

"Trump has huge loyalty gene"

That's funny!

Anyway, White is not wrong about the spiritual warfare going on, and Trump probably appreciates her skillz, but methinks he needs no "advice" from a huckster.

Howard said...

Deal with It, libtards

Operaman said...

It is hard to imagine a more perfect fit. White is not only a prominent prosperity gospel preacher but is all powerful: “I had every right and authority to declare the White House as holy ground because I was standing there and where I stand is holy.”

readering said...

Folks I promise Drago and Readering aren't a team (or a trope).

Rabel said...

Bob Boyd said...

"Trump doesn't believe in any entity exists greater than himself.

He makes a good case for it too."

LOL. I wish I had written that.

Rosalyn C. said...

So now Trump's enemies are going after his spiritual adviser? She's not my style but I don't have a problem with her. It's good to have somebody around you can count on to raise your spirits. Paula White definitely has a lot of energy and obviously a pretty tough skin. I'm glad Trump has her support. I do my part and say a prayer for Trump, his strength.

Drago said...

Purplepenguin: "If we're gonna say that the Democratics have no business talking about faith because a cheater requested advice from a preacher who had sinned as well, then what should be said about the the seances that were conducted in the White House and the astrologer who was consulted on most decisions?"

Lets spend some time discussing how your latest democrat nominee for the Presidency, Hillary Clinton literally was "communing" with Eleanor Roosevelt and Gandhi in the White House!!

And she was A-Okay with you guys just a few years ago!!

A far cry from Nancy Reagans fears involving her husband being shot at and almost killed by a guy the lefties couldn't wait to release from prison.

Bilwick said...

"If we're gonna say that the Democratics have no business talking about faith. . . "

As an atheistic libertarian I would never say that. "Liberal" Democrats and other State-cultists have nothing BUT faith. Certainly not facts or logic.

rehajm said...

She seems kooky.

Darrell said...

In November 2019, Trump appointed White as special adviser to the Faith and Opportunity Initiative at the Office of Public Liaison. She delivered the invocation at his inauguration, on January 20, 2017.[5] She is the first female to deliver the invocation. That's what Althouse Lefties really object to.

Obama had renamed it the Office of Public Liaison the Office of Public Engagement. Under the Obama administration, the Office of Public Engagement had been referred to as "the front door to the White House, through which everyone can participate and inform the work of the President." Who did Obama select to answer that door? Why Val Jar, of course!

Jim at said...

then what should be said about the the seances that were conducted in the White House and the astrologer who was consulted on most decisions?

That we should discuss things that are happening this century?

traditionalguy said...

Evangelist Paula White has a large following among single women that watch TBN. These are a subset of the famous white suburban women voters that Trump supposedly loses. There are lots of them that see Paula as their trusted opinion leader. Their suburbs are not the expensive ones. But they are very faithful voters and givers. This is the same demographic that supported Sarah Palin. Good people to have on your side.

hombre said...

She’s not my cup of tea. OTOH, the alternative is godless Democrats:

langford peel said...

I wish he would use my spiritual advisor Paula Dean.

langford peel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stonethrower said...

Al Sharpton

Fernandinande said...

"Your future lives in your mouth!" -- Paula White

I think you have to be a mathematical cosmetologist to understand these new discoveries about the nature of time. Or maybe a dentist.

Freeman Hunt said...

The "prosperity gospel" is the anti-gospel. But then, I never thought Trump was a Christian, so whatever.

narciso said...

yes it's not a real grasp of the message,

rcocean said...

Oh for the days of Bill Clinton and Barrack Hussain Obama - when we had REAL Christians in the White House. Remember the Clinton's BIG BIBLE? They'd take it out and show it every time Bill was caught in a Bimbo Eruption or Hillary was caught in some fraud. And Then was Barrack. Who was a greater man of God, then Barrack "Goddamn America" and Reverend Wright?

Mittens was supposedly a big religious guy, unlike Pierre Delecto.

Birkel said...

How is that slippery slope, Freeman Hunt?

Mike said...

I like what one of my readers said: this isn't so much spiritual advising as it is professional courtesy between two con artists.

Robert Cook said...

"Good people to have on your side."

Why else would Trump be pandering to them?

Robert Cook said...

"Oh for the days of Bill Clinton and Barrack Hussain Obama - when we had REAL Christians in the White House."

Ha! Good joke!

Robert Cook said...

"She’s not my cup of tea. OTOH, the alternative is godless Democrats."

So...better lying grifters than honest (sic) atheists?

sunsong said...

she's an obvious fraud

probably a sexual realtionship, don't you think?

looks like KY has a dem gov now and VA has turned quite blue

but keep on enjoying your echo chamber kids

narciso said...

Dont count your chickens

readering said...

From Newsweek:

Alongside fellow Christian leaders Cindy Jacobs, Dave Kabul and Dutch Sheets, White has launched the One Voice Prayer Movement, starting the initiative on Tuesday with a prayer for Trump. "Lord, we ask you to deliver our president from any snare, any setup of the enemy, according to Ephesians 6:12. Any persons [or] entities that are aligned against the president will be exposed and dealt with and overturned by the superior blood of Jesus," she said during her prayer in a conference call with other Christian leaders.

"Whether it's the spirit of Leviathan, a spirit of Jezebel, Abaddon, whether it's the spirit of Belial, we come against the strongmen, especially Jezebel, that which would operate in sorcery and witchcraft, that which would operate in hidden things, veiled things, that which would operate in deception," she continued. "We come against it according to your word."

Witch hunt!