November 17, 2019

"Starting with Labor Day, I felt a level of energy at the steak fry..."

Buttigieg is way out in front at 25%, with Warren, Biden, and Sanders clustered at 16%, 15%, and 15%.


Unknown said...

How's he looking in South Carolina?

rehajm said...

looking good for those...what is it, 60 delegates? That’s pretty much locks up the nomination dunnit?

Temujin said...

Better yet, how's he looking in South Bend? I'm not sure he'd get reelected in his own city. Not that that matters once the national press gets onto your wagon.

Though it might matter once he's sitting in Washington DC.

Michael K said...

Money talks. The money is flowing into his campaign. The other candidates above 1% are Medicare beneficiaries.

The Crack Emcee said...

"I felt a level of energy at the steak fry..."

"The energy from Ye is starting to swell"

jnseward said...

It's hard to get Iowans to go for all that wacko stuff that Bernie and liz are putting out, and Joe is in the beginning stages of dementia. So Pete is all they've got.

Kevin said...

Feel the Booty!

Big Mike said...

I guess we’ll know in 78 days.

jeremyabrams said...

He wants to pack the Supreme Court.

Krumhorn said...

I wouldn’t imagine that Buttitchitch can get that itch scratched in Iowa unless they string some buckeyes on a length of leather and yank on it hard at the right moment. Oh, wait! That would be Hawkeyes. Yeah, that won’t work.


- Krumhorn

Big Mike said...

And please note that Iowa rewards organization even more than popularity. You have to have people on the ground who have identified your voters and who will see to it that the get to the right caucus site. As with the general election ten months later, it is possible to win the popular vote handily but still not get the most delegates.

It also helps to be lucky, as when Hillary Clinton won five out five coin tosses four years ago.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Good to be old.

Paco Wové said...

Doing a quick on the ground survey of yard signs in my purple-tending-blue Iowa town, it's Pete and Tulsi neck-and-neck with 2 signs apiece.

tim in vermont said...

He is the only one whose name I have heard from the not crazy, but still Democrats set. Meaning aside from Bernie and Warren.

tcrosse said...

He wants to pack the Supreme Court.

Easy as fudge.

Sebastian said...

Running for Least Crazy Dem?

Crafty, though: it'll appeal to Althouse: "serious," "competent," "pragmatic." And the gay vibe. The alternative to Trump "chaos." IOW, the total package for moderate-liberal vote rationalization.

M Jordan said...

Buttigieg is Buttadukakis. Liberal Dems fancy themselves lovers of the intellect (but of course they’re not) and St. Pete seems intellectual to them just as Lord Obama did. Neither man is but they speak intellectual quite well. I do myself.

Michael Dukakis was a seemingly intellectual man and he got beat by a bumbling George H.W. Bush. If Dems nominate St. Pete they’re doomed.

Francisco D said...

He's got that Iowa steak fry mojo.

There is no stopping him now.

JML said...

Where's the beef?

Paco Wové said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paco Wové said...

Somewhat off-topic, but wondering if anyone had seen Mickey Kaus' The Maidan's Tail:

The problem is that the ... establishment's attitude toward Ukraine has apparently now been transferred to domestic politics, where — led by the same foreign policy establshment, in a controversy not coincidentally involving Ukraine- — Democrats are too cavalierly attempting to throw out a constitutionally elected president. It’s not a stretch to say this attitude provides the background music for the parade of Ukraine-desk bureaucrats (Taylor, Kent, Yovanovitch, and soon Vindman) currently appearing before cameras in Rep. Schiff’s impeachment hearings. They seem, almost reflexively, to be willing to do to their own country what they supported doing to Ukraine.

Howard said...

The only argument against him is his homosexuality. His main strength is his unflappability. You people are still titillated by the mention of his name. You've got nothing to worry about, he's not trying to recruit and convert you to his team.

Wilbur said...

I thought from the get-go that Da' Mayor would be the most - maybe the only - formidable candidate against Trump. Nothing has happened yet to change my view.

Anonymous said...

Just went to check out call-me-Pete's campaign site. Clicked on "issues". Got this at the top of the page:

"It’s time to reclaim the values that drive our policy decisions."

God, that's beautiful. Makes no sense at all.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

jnseward said...
It's hard to get Iowans to go for all that wacko stuff that Bernie and liz are putting out, and Joe is in the beginning stages of dementia. So Pete is all they've got.

This is pretty close to the truth, although there are other moderate candidates (at least two senators), who have not clicked with the voters. Booty will be something of an odd choice if he makes it all the way to the nomination, but that doesn't mean he can't win. We have had two outsider (in some respects) presidents in a row. No obvious reason why Booty doesn't make three.

Tommy Duncan said...

My son-in-law is from Indiana and describes South Bend as being a crappy little city that happens to be home to Notre Dame. Butt-gig has a very visible record as the mayor. Pertinent statistics are available about crime, poverty and employment. Unlike the senators and congressmen he is running against, Mayor Pete has a record. That record verifies what Trump says about Democrat controlled cities. We can expect his opponents to do some digging on his record soon.

Paco Wové said...

"God, that's beautiful."

Didn't realize Kang & Kodos were his campaign managers.

JML said...

The only argument against him is his homosexuality.

No, there are several arguments against him. He's a liberal democrat who has policy ideas that many people disagree with. I don't give a sh!t that he's gay. I do care that he is young, inexperienced, want's to raise the minimum wage, wants to expand gun control legislation, wants to eliminate the electoral college, wants to tax carbon emissions, is in favor of late term abortion, and I could go on and on.

And yes, his name is ripe to make fun of. That's just a bonus.

Bob Boyd said...

Somewhat off-topic, but wondering if anyone had seen Mickey Kaus' The Maidan's Tail

Yes. Made me wonder.
The Dems are going full bore with impeachment in the House, but they have to know, when it reaches the Senate, one of 2 things happens, It's dismissed outright or there's a trial controlled by the Republicans that ends in Trump's aquittal.
So just for fun, what if the Dems plan to gin up huge protests, ala Ukraine, to criminal Trump remaining in office and try to force the entire Administration out that way or at least significantly impact the election?
Conspiracy theory territory, but interesting to ponder.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Go Bootsie!

rcocean said...

He looks so dreamy and so moderate.

rcocean said...

Will be hard to have a "Buttigig Boyfriend" tag though.

Francisco D said...

It's dismissed outright or there's a trial controlled by the Republicans that ends in Trump's aquittal.

I think a Senate trial may end much worse for the Democrats than just Trump's acquittal. It may end with a lot of Democrat Deep State corruption being exposed.

They know it. There will not be impeachment and a trial. This is all for show so that the Propaganda arm can do their work to muddy things up for the 2020 election and when the IG report is issued. They are also tampering with future jurors for the Democrats indicted by Durham.

Birkel said...

So Democratics in Iowa are stupid?
Sure, but how does that make them different from other Democratics?

rcocean said...

He's not from New England, so Buttigig will fail in NH. Then comes SC, not going to do well there either. Then its Super Tuesday. I think his campaign will just be an iowa thing. I don't see him taking off.

narciso said...


JAORE said...

The only argument against him is his homosexuality.

Yep, sure. Tell yourself that. Then wait for the RNC to describe South Bend with interviews if local PCs.

You are a card, Howie.

JAORE said...

Sorry, that is POC, of course.

rcocean said...

There' a poll out that puts Biden at 1%. Surprising. I don't think Joe will do well in California either. He's really an east coast guy.

Big Mike said...

The only argument against him is his homosexuality.

Is there an argument for him, besides being photogenic? Not according to his black constituents!

Anonymous said...

Sebastian: Running for Least Crazy Dem?

Crafty, though: it'll appeal to Althouse: "serious," "competent," "pragmatic." And the gay vibe. The alternative to Trump "chaos." IOW, the total package for moderate-liberal vote rationalization.

"Least crazy" is still...crazy.

But I guess you can persuade a "moderate-liberal" that a candidate pushing crazy-radical stuff that will be highly destructive of social and political stability in the long term (as well as of the ability of ordinary citizens to live as free men in the short term) is a "serious," "competent," and "pragmatic" guy, as long as he isn't vulgar and has great-and-good money behind him.

"Moderate-liberals" (especially of the Upper-Midwestern persuasion, ime) tend to be peculiarly susceptible to the temptations inherent in the opportunity to indulge in ostentatious virtue displays (like supporting the candidate possessing the currently fashionable "diversity" attribute).

narciso said...

Try again:

narciso said...

About mayor howdy

MadisonMan said...

I was in Iowa earlier this month, and out for brunch. A 'For Pete' family was there: Very White, heteronormative (two kids) and overweight. The relative we were with finds Buttigieg supporters very annoying.

Francisco D said...

ButtiBoy is getting his 15 minutes extended.

He will not be on the ticket. Only the "enlightened" will virtue signal by voting for a mediocre small town mayor whose claim to fame is that he is the wife of another man.

Calypso Facto said...

"He wants to pack the Supreme Court."

He's a judge-packer?

Anonymous said...

You are a card, Howie.

Yeah, but there sure are a lot of people here who don't seem to get the joke. Howie always struck me as being like that pathetic bore we've all run into - you know, the guy with sub-clinical brain damage from decades of excessive alcohol consumption who's always saying really stupid, lame shit, but who's confident that he's cleverer and wittier than anybody else in the room. Probably had a decent brain, once, before the slow pickling process took its toll.

And yet, people here always respond to him as if his barely coherent (if self-satisfied) output were worth taking seriously enough to refute.

Paco Wové said...

"It may end with a lot of Democrat Deep State corruption being exposed."

Maybe, but to what effect? Forgive my cynicism, but I have long since come to the conclusion that 99% of the time, people see what they expect and want to see. In the case of hyperpartisans, make that 100%. It's Ok When My Side Does It, etc.

tomaso said... owe me a keyboard!

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Yesterday, Buttigig put out a list of 400 black South Carlinians that endorse him/his Douglass Plan for Black Americans.


A lot of those people are confused because they do not support his plan.

Forty two percent of the list is white.

They used stock photos from Kenya as illustrations on his plan.

chuck said...

A Rhodes Scholarship and Oxford. A great education. And what did that produce? The coocoo clock.

Howard said...

I've been compared to Emily Litella, Norm Crosby and now Foster Brooks. Thanks Angie!

Birkel said...

Please add ass hole to the list with my regards.

TJM said...

Pete is a credentialled idiot, pure and simple. He was raised by a commmunist, hence his advocacy of a wealth tax, which the media under-reports. His military service was a joke. He went into the military because that's where the boys are. 20% of South Bend's adults travel each day to "evil" Republican, controlled Elkhart, Indiana for work. Pete would never carry the state of Indiana, so the Dems and the media (but I repeat myself) are pissing up a rope. Why does the media always choose Dems with virtually no resume or real life experience?

TJM said...

Tommy Duncan,

South Bend is full of left-wing loons. They would vote for Hitler or Stalin if either were on the Democratic ticket. A lot of union goons, professors, and plantation party Blacks.

Unknown said...

His Douglass plan isn't working in South Carolina

He should switch to a black husband to court them

Danno said...

In summary of the excellent rebuttals to Howard above-

We can abide by Pete's fudge-packing, but not his judge-packing.

Tomcc said...

It seems that Iowa Democrats favor the least left-wing candidate(s). That doesn't surprise me. I don't think he maintains that position in future primary states, but then, I didn't expect Jimmy Carter to win, either.
"Steak fry"- quest qe c'est?

Bay Area Guy said...

Well, Mayor Pete may win Iowa -- good for him. He's the least obnoxious leftist of the group.

But do you know how embarrassing his surge is to: (a) Biden and (b) Harris?

Biden, Obama's VP as he is inclined to remind us, is supposed to be the front-runner and supposed to be the most "electable" to the Dem establishment.

And, Yet, he's losing to the gay Mayor of South Bend, population 100,000.


And, Kammy, the black/woman/attractive prosecutor, is toiling away at 1% in the polls, and staking it all on Iowa, a bland midwestern state of mostly white farmers.


I say, Go, Pete, Go!

Achilles said...

I hope Buttigieg is the nominee.

It will break black voters away from the Democrats as a block for good.

Yancey Ward said...

He has no chance of getting the nomination. Where he will run best in overwhelmingly white states that hold caucuses rather than primaries. This isn't anywhere near enough to win the nomination, though. Sure, he is like Obama in 2008 in this regard to caucuses, but Obama had something Buttuvwxyz doesn't have- the ability to win primaries across the South, the Southwest, the Rocky Mountain states, and the big Northeast states like PA, NY, NY, and MA. He is basically the college aged voter candidate, and such candidates often do really well in Iowa because of the caucus structure.

Marc in Eugene said...

Someone on Twitter the other day was speculating about the impossibility, in the circumstances, of finding two fair-minded and honest public commentators on the Left (to participate in a hypothetical discussion with two from the Right on some topic I've forgotten); Althouse and Mickey Kaus were the names that came to mind. That Kaus essay The Maidan's Tale is a devastatingly clever reduction of the anti-Trump nonsense.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Mayor of Bend-South--

is he the Dem duJour since the others are looking crazier,

and Obama cautioned to tone it down? Geffen and Zuck-bucks behind him?

Marc in Eugene said...

TCE's new song is quite listenable and the lyrics are clever, too.

From what I can imagine
I'm going to Heaven
and all y'all going to Hell
from what I can tell

Bay Area Guy said...

The Democrats are funny. They are fumbling about to find someone who: (a) checks all the leftwing boxes (pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, higher taxes) and (b) looks and sounds plausible in public, even if it's a guy like Pete B. who has accomplished practically NOTHING in his life.


Narayanan said...

Blogger Bob Boyd said...

/Paco Wové said
Somewhat off-topic, but wondering if anyone had seen Mickey Kaus' The Maidan's Tail/

Yes. Made me wonder.
At Maidan SorosCIA had to use falseflag snipers to heat things up for West Media.

I'm guessing Washington Mall for location of choice. Is Also their homecourt.

Nichevo said...

Howard said...
The only argument against him is his homosexuality. His main strength is his unflappability. You people are still titillated by the mention of his name. You've got nothing to worry about, he's not trying to recruit and convert you to his team.

No, all fucking communists must hang. (Gee, Howard, why is his homosexuality an argument against him?) Plus, he's just too young, what kind of wisdom can he have? Unflappable just means being able to keep a straight face for a little bit. Beyond that it means indifference, uncaring. Presidential, is that?

Besides, it's funny that he's presenting as the sane one, because in this ambitious mayor I sense a hidden madness, madness that will, soon or late, show its head. I had this idea but I have had it confirmed at second or third hand.

Narayanan said...

narciso said...Try again
Thanks for the link.
R's are way behind curve generating memes, tropes etc.

They should have music for their pressers : what I call Transparency Song From My Fair Lady ===>>>>
Why can't Schiff be more like Trump

Jim at said...

The only argument against him is his homosexuality.

The mayor of a small town in Indiana - where he probably wouldn't win re-election - is running for the leader of the free world and the only argument against him is his sexual preference?

My gawd, you're dumb.

narciso said...

yes, he has been inept at handling crime issues in south bend, his green nude eel, is insane, he has a strong strain of anti Israeli sentiment in his foreign policy, he is opposed to traditional faith that he likens to Wahhabism,

Narayanan said...

Blogger Unknown said...
His Douglass plan isn't working in South Carolina

He should switch to a black husband to court them
How about New Religion Reform Mormon Muslim

Many husband allowed.

narciso said...

another squirrel, let loose,

narciso said...

stranger things have happened, don't ask me what,

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Perhaps this is why Mayor Pete is surging.

He speaks truths about Punitive-Pocahontas.

hombre said...

This had to happen. Even Obama’s failure couldn’t help the Democrats understand that membership in a victim class does not qualify someone to be POTUS.

hombre said...

Blogger Howard said...
“The only argument against him is his homosexuality. His main strength is his unflappability.”

Actually, his homosexuality is the main argument FOR him among the useful idiots who gave two terms to another guy for whom the main argument was that he was biracial. That guy was also unflappable and was a terrible President. The best argument for Mayor Pete is that he is not Biden, Bernie or Fauxcahontas.

Matt said...

This is so fng transparent and embarrassing. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, would be paying any attention to a flyover mayor from a small city if he didn't suck cock.

How far we've fallen.

narciso said...

lis smith, the former miss spitzer, and deblasio spokesman, ah snorfle,

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

what? Not into RM ??

My daughter's immigrant friend, asked during her dissertation defense why she had not dealt with the Marxist interpretation of her topic: "I grew up in Eastern Europe during the Cold War. I do not indulge in recreational Marxism." -- per charlesmurray

rcocean said...

You don't get energy at a steak fry - you get a heart attack.

Crazy World said...

I’ll need to research what Obama thinks of him before I can decide.

Milwaukie guy said...

I'm not sure I care about the Democrats troubles any more. I'm getting more sure that whatever they decide on, they'll pull a McGovern.

Doug said...

He wants to pack the Supreme Court.

I don't think four of them will let him.