The headline puts "just nonsense" in quotes and not "trope," but "trope" is also Harris's word.
"Trope" is kind of a vogue word, isn't it? Google says yes:
Clyburn, the House Majority Whip (third-highest-ranking Democrat in the House), is black and 79 years old, so one would think he knows what he's talking about on this issue, though it may be indelicate to say:
On Sunday, South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn told CNN that there was “no question” Buttigieg’s sexuality could hurt his popularity among older black voters, calling it a “generational” issue.Harris is taking the position that a candidate probably should take — denying the stereotyping generalization. Here's video. I think she could say this with more weight and assurance. There's something so jittery about her presentation. She knew what to say, so why say it like this, like it's making her very nervous?
"I know of a lot of people my age that feel that way," Clyburn said. "I'm not going to sit here and tell you otherwise. I think everybody knows that's an issue."
Kamala Harris responds to Jim Clyburn's comments: I'm never going to buy into that trope...that African Americans are label one community in particular as being burdened by this bias as compared to others is misinformed, is misdirected, and it's just simply wrong.
— Blake Jones (@BlakeJones___) November 5, 2019
१२३ टिप्पण्या:
Only White People can be labeled like this.
Harris is from California. Not many black people there. Clyburn is from South Carolina. Lot of blacks there.
She's a dope, who dislikes the trope, but her campaign is still on the ropes.
Is Harris speaking as a black woman? As someone who has her finger on the pulse of the black community?
How the hell would she know?
John Henry
She's full of it. Older church going blacks don't go in for radical gay activism.
She's right. Around here they're EXTREMELY homophobic. They don't fear them, however, they beat on them.
Harris is taking the position that a candidate probably should take — denying the stereotyping generalization
Well yeah, it's not like Harris is going to say "Oh yeah, black people on average tend to be more homophobic than white people or hispanic people."
But whatever. She's quickly becoming irrelevant. I don't even think she'd be a VP pick for either Biden or Warren at this point.
A sensitive issue in California 2008, accounting for passage of prop 8 against same sex marriage in year of Obama.
and yet the whole notion of "white privilege" that Harris buys into along with most of the left is all about "label[ing] one community in particular." She has no problem with it in that case.
When she says, "I'm going to be very honest with you," that's a tell. It means, "I'm about to lie to you."
Is the narrative that black guys won't vote for a sour old white woman a trope, too? That one sure feels true...
Oh, what BS! I sometimes think I should start a website called "Demographics for Democrats", because Democrats are awful at demographics.
Of course, blacks as a group are not too fond of homosexuals. They are, for one thing, the most religious ethnic group in the country, and, last time I looked, mainline Christianity is pretty limited in what it considers "acceptable" forms of sexual expression. Even the black community of California, which you would think Harris should know, voted overwhelmingly against gay marriage, a result which thoroughly pissed off the gay community at the time.
Those Nigerians who "lynched" that French actor must have been homophobic.
the buzz out of FBI is phone records show Harris called smollet right after his hoax.
Aside from that, there was the curious tracking of Booger's and Kammy's tweets, etc re smollet.
Remind me again, who is Kamala Harris?
The current time in Kamalaland is 14:59.
Clyburn is correct- the most homophobic sentiments you will find are those stated by people over age 60 and/or an ethnic minority of, pretty much, any kind. This isn't a controversial fact, or shouldn't be. It is fine to say this sentiment is wrong, but to deny it makes one look stupid.
This video is pretty good example of why Harris has gained zero traction as a candidate.
Ah, so. Live witness testimony is a veritable lie detector compared with Transcripts.People can read a real, live witness. Especially old and wise people.
When I was young, the word was cliché, not trope.
Also, the movie word was preview, not trailer.
Black people as a group are more disapproving of homosexuality, for cultural and religious reasons.
However their motivation isn't fear, so technically they aren't homophobic.
Just because you oppose something doesn't mean you are scared of it. It's time for the Left to leave the whole "phobic" trope behind.
If Pete wins the nomination the Black vote will stay home in droves.
Stereotypes become stereotypes for a reason. They're generally based in truth.
But will you buy some dope?
Clyburn's political base is the Baptist Church. No way they will support a man married to a man. They cling to their Bibles.
Blacks, Hispanics, Catholics, and Protestants, and anyone who supported equal treatment, but opposed political congruence ("=") or sociopolitical constructs, a trans/judicial override, then they targeted LDS with a parade for the transgressions of the democratic.
It's hardly news that much of the African-American electorate remains socially conservative.
But, the larger issue here is that white Woke women have marched so far and so rapidly off to the far left that, deafened by the pounding of their own drums, they can't see the ever-widening gap between themselves and those they perceive as their natural allies.
Poor old Kamala. She should have said something straightforward like "that's not who we are" or "Clyburn is on the wrong side of history". But instead she uses an elitist word that few people will comprehend. Reminds me of when I was working and the word of the day was "tranche". People used that word for everything or so it seemed to me. As I recall, it started dying-out when co-workers would exclaim "We're going down to the burger joint for some tranche!".
Re: "Trope"
The incredible website might have something to do with the rising popularity of the word.
Prop. 8 says hello.
How would she know ? She's not "African American."
There were some people who voted against Obama simply because he was black, but my guess is that there was a superior number who voted for him precisely because he was black. There will be a lot of people, black and white, who vote against Buttigieg because he's gay and that number will be far greater than the people who vote for him because he's gay..... On the plus side for Mayor Pete, the people in the media will find lots of nice things to say about him and no pressing reason to report on anything that has gone wrong in South Bend.....I don't think the pros outweigh the cons for a gay candidate. It's just too soon after James Buchanan to elect another gay man as President.
There’s not a genuine bone in Kamalatoe Harris’s body.
The reason Prop. 8 in California (which briefly banned gay marriage) passed in 2008 was that 7 out of every 8 black voters voted for it. Sentiment in the black community may have softened a bit over the past 10 years, but I bet it hasn't changed that much.
Many Truths are too truthy for the dems/left/LLR-left to admit.
It's like Harris didn't even process the generational distinction made by Clyburn and emphasized by Blitzer.
I’ll subscribe to the assessment from Clyburn over Kamala’s wishcasting. Does she not remember the gay marriage vote in her won state several years ago and its underlying demographics?
Homophobia is a bullshit term. The term is a deliberate, flagrant lie.
People aren’t afraid of homosexuals or homosexuality. They have a well founded aversion to homosexuality based on such things as the AIDS epidemic that has killed 10s of millions of people. Many people also believe in the traditional Christian and Jewish teachings.
This aversion is certainly stronger in the black community, to its credit. That community remains more committed to traditional Christian values.
I lived thru the AIDS epidemic in San Francisco and New York City. The stereotype of male homosexuals is mostly true. That’s not homophobia. It’s observation of reality. Call me whatever you like. I’m retired. I don’t have to kiss your ass and repeat your lies.
The very term “homophobia” is a lie. In the same way that the word “sexism” is simply a lie.
Generalizations about Blacks are false and racist, even if they're true.
Mccullough: "Harris is from California. Not many black people there."
California has 2.3 million African Americans as of 2010, the largest population of Black Americans in the western U.S, and the 5th largest Black population in the United States.
Homophobia is very prevalent among Blacks, as is homosexuality, hence the prevalence of prison rape.
"She knew what to say, so why say it like this, like it's making her very nervous?"
Because she thinks she's lying.
’There’s not a genuine bone in Kamalatoe Harris’s body.’
Other than Willie’s.
har Char Binks: "Generalizations about Blacks are false and racist, even if they're true."
Any generalizations about any groups that are reliable democrat voting blocs are false and racist and misogynist, ESPECIALLY if they are true.
It's actually very illuminating. It shows the Leftwing/Leftcoast Bubble "writ large."
1. Clyburn, age 80, is black Congressman from South Carolina. He's been in Congress for 26 years. He's the 3rd ranking member of the Democrat House Leadership.
2. Does anyone doubt Clyburn knows the black culture in South Carolina? Particularly, what older southern blacks generally think about things?
3. When Clyburn gently suggests that Mayor Pete's gayness is an issue for older black South Carolina Dems in the primary, does anyone doubt he may be right?
4. So, Kammy comes in from the Left Coast, bathed in SF gayness and toleration and rainbows, while hermetically sealed from the rest of the country. Kammy is astounded by this "trope"! How can this "trope" even exist? How can we stop this "trope"?
All Kammy had to do was to acknowledge that South Carolina is different than California, acknowledge the 'trope" and gently criticize it. Instead, she pretends it doesn't exist.
That's how the Left rolls. They hear something they dislike or haven't heard before, and they lose all their faculty senses.
"Harris is from California. Not many black people there." More than 2 million, almost 6 percent.
Iman said, "There’s not a genuine bone in Kamalatoe Harris’s body."
I disagree. She genuinely likes the sound of her own voice. I just wonder why.
But it is okay for Harris to claim she isn't ahead because Democrats hate blacks and women?
"Harris is taking the position that a candidate probably should take — denying the stereotyping generalization. Here's video. I think she could say this with more weight and assurance. There's something so jittery about her presentation. She knew what to say, so why say it like this, like it's making her very nervous?"
Sometimes even political candidates can feel uncomfortable when having to mouth obvious bullshit for the sake of political expediency. That she's uncomfortable having to mouth falsehoods - which she knows are falsehoods, and which she knows you know are falsehoods, and which you know she knows you know are falsehoods - speaks well to the redeemability of her immortal soul, if not to her her viability as a presidential candidate.
OK, I went and watched the clip after writing that. Not seeing the nervousness. Looks like quotidian bare-faced moron-targeted bullshitting to me. You keep analyzing this stuff as if it were targeted at people like you, professor. It's targeted at the people who take CNN seriously, i.e., moron-feed. Harris's nonsensical blabber is perfectly adequate to the purpose.
Not wanting to vote for someone is not "Homophobia". Buttigig would have zero support in South Carolina if he was straight. The man has ZERO connection to black folks.
Buttigig's whole campaign was kick started because he's Gay. So, its the old "You can vote FOR him because he's Gay - but you can't vote AGAINST him because he's Gay".
Harris is the same. If she was white, her POTUS campaign would've never happened. Even with the advantage of being black AND female, Harris is still going nowhere.
If Huma Abedin's closeted girlfriend couldn't draw the black vote, what chance does the Gay Mayor have?
Homophobia isn't a real thing.
MAGAphobia is.
"I know of a lot of people my age that feel that way," Clyburn said. "I'm not going to sit here and tell you otherwise. I think everybody knows that's an issue."
Did he mention anything about yelling in movie theaters?
Black on black violence and murder is a real problem in South Bend, but if anyone questions Mayor Pete about it they are labeled a "racist."
Pete is a boutique candidate. He can raise lots of money but he can't get elected.
He's also an arrogant know-it-all Rhodes Scholar. La di da.
Very few people will vote for a weak looking gay man like Mayor Pete IMO.
And I am not black btw.
There's something so jittery about her presentation. She knew what to say, so why say it like this, like it's making her very nervous?
She's probably afraid that people will see it as a veep application, which it kinda is.
The people who have told me many blacks have a problem with gays are black themselves.
You know who has an even bigger problem with gays? Muslims. A majority of UK Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal.
Leftists who pretend that diverse communities operate like Disney's "It's a Small World After All" and level the charge of racism at anybody who points out reality are not doing gays any favors.
Mayor Pete's record of failure. From the WSJ,
"In the two years before Mr. Buttigieg took office, 2010 and 2011, there were only six and nine murders in South Bend, a city of 100,000. The count jumped to 18 in his first year as mayor, dropped to nine the following year, but then jumped back up.
In 2018, 20 people were murdered. On Monday, the South Bend Tribune reported that though rape and robbery are down this year, aggravated assault is up 38% and shootings have “spiked.” “It’s like the O.K. Corral out here,” one resident told the paper."
The most beautiful sound in the world is the thud of sacred cows colliding.
to label one community in particular as being burdened by this bias as compared to others is misinformed...
All groups of people are exactly the same in every way. Except for "generational" people.
"Trumps a racist"! Fact beyond question
"Blacks are homophobic" Of coarse not, no evidence exists (examination also beyond question)
I’m cheered to see her failing. Who’s wasting their money supporting her candidacy?
“He's [Pete] also an arrogant know-it-all Rhodes Scholar. La di da.”
I submit one can’t be elected POTUS when one is a dead ringer for Alfred E. Neuman.
Should a candidate really "deny[] the stereotyping generalization" when it is largely true? Or should the candidate be as honest as Razib Khan: Huge Difference In Attitudes Toward Homosexual Behavior Among Democrats by Race?
Harris is taking the position that a candidate probably should take — denying the stereotyping generalization. Here's video. I think she could say this with more weight and assurance. There's something so jittery about her presentation. She knew what to say, so why say it like this, like it's making her very nervous?
There's this thing, it's called truth, it's a thing. The thing that so many people like, and that so many people hate, about President Trump, is that the truth is coming out about so many things.
So is Clyburn homotropic or heterotropic? Allosterism is so confusing.
trop de trope, non?
Shows how much Towelette knows about black attitudes towards homosexuality. By the way, they're not "phobic" (afraid) of homosexuals, they just think they are ridiculous, disgusting, and unnatural. Which was the majority opinion of just about everyone everywhere except the "elites" in the West, starting from the late 20th century.
Since she's half Indian and 3/8's white her identity-group credentials are weak at best, and it shows.
Apparently there was a time when she could do good work on her back, but time marches on, and her time is Over.
Leftists who pretend that diverse communities
Diversity (i.e. color judgments) breeds adversity and division.
Homophobia is a bullshit term. The term is a deliberate, flagrant lie.
It and its superset: transphobia, are projected conditions: the hate and fear that political congruence ("=") and other sociopolitical constructs will not be normalized through a democratic consensus. That said, the established "Church" is the Chamber, and the established quasi-religion ("ethics") is Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic. So, there is still hope for change with sufficient secular inducements.
I’m cheered to see her failing
There will be one less #MeToo #HerToo #SheProgressed A positive development for women and men.
Transition from Orange Man Bad to Mad Man Gay? I don’t think so...
Are blacks, in the majority, opposed to trans/homosexuals, trans/homosexuality, or to political congruence ("=")? I wonder how many are Pro-Choice, and how many have left the Chamber. h/t West h/t that Black Panther who repented and reformed
"I submit one can’t be elected POTUS when one is a dead ringer for Alfred E. Neuman."
Tell that to Jimmy Carter. Lincoln's no beauty either.
Our Beloved Professor said...
Clyburn, the House Majority Whip (third-highest-ranking Democrat in the House), is black and 79 years old, so one would think he knows what he's talking about on this issue
WHA?? we're talking about what Black people think. Who you going to listen to?
a black guy, that's been in National Politics for 50 years?
Or an Hindu, former prostitute; that's married to a white guy?
One of these two has the pulse of black people, and it isn't.... Or wait, yes it is
"Even with the advantage of being black AND female, Harris..."
Black and female in not an advantage outside of very limited areas. Black and female only gets a start in politics when the community fails to belch up any other credible Donk contender.
Comedy gold. You people love blacks when they hate on the gay and sucks up to Trump.
Bay Area Guy said...
3. When Clyburn gently suggests that Mayor Pete's gayness is an issue for older black South Carolina Dems in the primary, does anyone doubt he may be right?
4. So, Kammy comes in from the Left Coast, bathed in SF gayness and toleration and rainbows, while hermetically sealed from the rest of the country.
"Rest of the country"? IIRC Bay Area "African American" voters were for Prop 8, let alone AAs in the rest of the State
Blogger gahrie said...
If Pete wins the nomination the Black vote will stay home in droves.
If Democrats are lucky they'll stay home in droves. If Democrats aren't lucky, they'll come out, and vote for the guy who's been driving their unemployment rates down, and celebrating that fact
Razib Khan: Huge Difference In Attitudes Toward Homosexual Behavior Among Democrats by Race?
"There has been a little hullabaloo in the media about lack of support for Pete Buttigeg in the black community due to the skepticism of his identity as a married gay man."
So Black Democrats are worse people than Republicans - yow!
It's actually the opposite. It's not people won't vote for him because he's gay, it's because he has stupid ideas. He'll say it's because he's gay.
a couple of people here, have pointed out that, In California, Blacks there are...
More than 2 million, almost 6 percent.
Which, i'm thinking PROVES the earlier comment that...
"Harris is from California. Not many black people there."
Math Fun TIME!
IF Blacks in California, amount to Almost 6 percent, how many TIMES more Blacks would California have to have, to have the same proportion as South Carolina?
[hint, the number you are looking for is FIVE TIMES more]
There are about twice as many Blacks in All Of California (population about 40 million, ), as there are in the State of Carolina (population about 4 million)
TEN TIMES MORE PEOPLE, Twice as many Blacks, and y'all think you're Disproving something? As Barbie says: Math is HARD!
I give her my art but she wanted my trope
Iman said, "There’s not a genuine bone in Kamalatoe Harris’s body."
When someone made that observation to Willie Brown, he just grinned and said, "At least, not now."
But don't stereo type, it's all right
So Mayor Pete is down low in the polls in SC?
Does she know that "trope" doesn't mean "lie"?
people said...
Very few people will vote for a weak looking gay man like Mayor Pete IMO.
I submit one can’t be elected POTUS when one is a dead ringer for Alfred E. Neuman
as an old, straight, white, guy; i'm going out on a limb, and saying that the next gay President (after Buchanan,) will be a pitcher, not a catcher.
Americans might very well vote for a gay guy for President, but a fairy? I doubt it.
Also, our first lesbian President isn't going to be a Bull Dyke. We nearly elected one, it's true; but i'm pretty sure the next lesbian President will have what ALL Presidents have
Good Looks
Bonus Round: Farmer? Titus? could either of you see yourselves voting for mayor pete?
I thought maybe she would get through it without laughing but no. Why does Harris feel the need to laugh so much? I don't recall her doing this when she ran for AG and Senator. Did a consultant tell her it makes her more likeable?
Oh, and she used the word "trope" three times so it must be cool.
Rand Paul is so great.
Did Kamela Harris just Not HEAR the word OLDER, or did she just Not LISTEN to it?
Just because you oppose something doesn't mean you are scared of it. It's time for the Left to leave the whole "phobic" trope behind
"Phobic" is more than mere fear. It's fear so severe that the person has a psychological condition because of it. So, when they call people who oppose the gay rights agenda "homophobes" they are saying they are mentally ill.
For the D's to nominate the 37 y/o Mayor of South Bend Indiana would be madness. Sheer madness. Even for them. BTW, the most important question in these polls never gets asked:
Who is your 2nd choice. Because all these Mayor Pete, Harris, Kochblob, etc. voters are going to have to end up with Biden, warren, or Bernie.
Homophobic = traditionally religious
Weird definition.
I think Warren ought to be asked about homophobia in the Cherokee community.
Buttuvwxyz will have trouble winning a single delegate in the Southeast- it isn't just African-Americans, it includes Hispanics. Buttuvwxyz's appeal will be greatest in the Northeast (competing with Warren and Sanders) and the Pacific Coast (competing with Warren). I just don't see how he could even win the nomination.
The word “trope” has been a thing in media since at least 2011. I think it has its roots in academia as part of the jargon that’s used in critical theory. It was later popularized on a social media site, whose name I will not mention, before it exploded on to the mainstream.
Politico article on Kammy: How Kamala Harris Went From ‘Female Obama’ to Fifth Place
Money Quote:
Her bid for the 2020 Democratic nomination, which began with so much promise, has been marked by a long and painful pattern of self-inflicted lapses and growing disorder among her inexperienced staff. In recent weeks, her plunge in the polls has metastasized into a fall flatline in the low single digits. She’s tumbled into a virtual fifth-place tie with Amy Klobuchar and Andrew Yang in Iowa and trails the top candidates by double digits there.
How's she going to handle the world if CNN is a struggle?
Buttigieg’s sexuality could hurt his popularity among older black voters, calling it a “generational” issue.
Could also be that blacks resent being shoved to the back of the justice bus while gays and trans get a plush front seat.
How can Black voters be homophobic when they overwhelmingly elect politicians who support same-sex marriage and homosexual rights? They can't be racist, they can't be homophobic, deal with it.
Karmala is the sad, real joke, about the state of our political culture.
Howard said...
Comedy gold. You people love blacks when they hate on the gay and sucks up to Trump.
Go suck a bag of dicks, Howard. Oh, is your cucky snowflake self's feelings hurt? Is that an insult? Then you must be homophobic. Otherwise you should be thanking me for inviting you to help yourself to your favorite treat. Why do you hate on the gay?
Blogger n.n said...
Leftists who pretend that diverse communities
Diversity (i.e. color judgments) breeds adversity and division.
Homophobia is a bullshit term. The term is a deliberate, flagrant lie.
It and its superset: transphobia
It's like being accused of Naziphobia. What are you skeered of? If you don't like gas chambers, don't own one.
FBI Intervened in Smollett Race Hoax After Sen. Kamala Harris Showed Up in Phones Records
here's where it gets "juissie"
What is one of FBI’s premier child sex crimes and child sex trafficking investigators doing working an assault case? Wing and his FBI task force track down high-profile pedophiles and pimps. He doesn’t intervene with local assault cases.
when they overwhelmingly elect politicians who support
When it's irreconcilable, but spoken truth to facts, then it's Pro-Choice.
Could also be that blacks resent being shoved to the back of the justice bus while gays and trans get a plush front seat.
It's a short bus so the position isn't that important.
They should most resent the illegals.
What S. Thomas said. Hear, hear !
She has that Hillary touch, the more she talks, the less appealing she is.
Did I use the correct pronouns?
6% "Blacks" in California? Wow. I raised my family in Chicago which used to be about 40% "Black." There's almost 7% "Blacks" in Oregon, one of honkiest places in the union. Or maybe that's just the Metro area. Whatevs. What are the Southern states?
“Heels Up”
wiki says that South Carolina is 30% black, state wide; or FIVE TIMES more than Cali
Cali has Ten Times more people; and Twice as many Blacks. So not many blacks to see in Cali (with all the white folk blocking them.
I'd assume that of the 2 million blacks in Cali, a HUGE number live in Compton?
She is intentionally misrepresenting what was said. The question asked to James Clyburn and what he responded to was specially the idea that 'older' African-American voters, may have a negative reaction to Pete Buttigieg because of his sexuality, not Black voters in general. Something tells me Kamala Harris is deliberately misrepresenting the issue to try to improve her numbers with Black voters writ large, so she can be seen as their defender.
All that being said there is a little bit of Schadenfreude when you see people complain about labeling black people as generally homophobic, when the same and worse is spoken about white people in general on the regular.
It varies dramatically from county to county, but generally most southern states are 30%-40% African American.
Also I'm not a fan of the what I see as the common usage of the word, 'trope.' To me at least, it feels like it is pseudo-intellectual word, that people use to try and make their ideas seem more sophisticated and academic than they really are.
Still just reading this. Making a nice dinner for my brother.
Yelling in theaters. For a year we had a Swedish au-pair who was related to our neighbor. She was your typical Swede, Americans are warmongers and Sweden did not essentially collaborate with the Nazis.
Anyway, she took her first trip to downtown Chicago for a movie. When she came back, we asked her how it was? Was there anything notable about her experience? She blushed, said that a lot of the audience was yelling at the screen. What kind of people? She blushed again, black people.
We said, A lot of them are Baptists, welcome to America.
Let's bring in some actual facts, shall we?
"Persistence of racial differences in attitudes toward homosexuality in the United States"
By Sara Nelson Glick, MPH and Matthew R. Golden, MD, MPH
Found on the NIH research web site:
"The proportion of African Americans who indicated that homosexuality was “always wrong” was 72.3% in 2008, largely unchanged since the 1970s. In contrast, among white respondents, this figure declined from 70.8% in 1973 to 51.6% in 2008, with most change occurring since the early 1990s."
I knew a Ms. Ann Trope... a very disagreeable woman... the last I heard she’d retired to Nevada and lives with a houseful of cats.
trope (n.)
1530s, from Latin tropus "a figure of speech," from Greek tropos "a turn, direction, course, way; manner, fashion," in rhetoric, "turn or figure of speech," related to trope "a turning" and trepein "to turn," from PIE root *trep- "to turn." Technically, in rhetoric, "a figure of speech which consists in the use of a word or phrase in a sense other than that which is proper to it" [OED], "as when we call a stupid fellow an ass, or a shrewd man a fox" [Century Dictionary].
Close. It's a mischaracterization.
Bonus Round: Farmer? Titus? could either of you see yourselves voting for mayor pete?
Never. Although at this point I don't think elections matter much anymore. White guilt is undoing Western Civilization. Western Europe and the Anglophone nations have insanely convinced themselves that their vitality relies on importing third world hordes into their nation. The former communist bloc and the East Asian countries are the last refuge.
I can imagine a lot of black folks thinking:
“How would she know? She isn’t even black! Don’t tell us what you think *we* think!”
"I'm never going to buy into that trope...that Republicans are label one community in particular as being burdened by this bias as compared to others is misinformed, is misdirected, and it's just simply wrong."
- Skippy
Socrates: What is implied by one man calling another man a 'bitch'?
Student: That he is soft and unmanly.
Socrates: Does that mean that man is like a woman?
Student: Well....kind of. Or close to it.
Socrates: And what men use the word "bitch" most often?
Student: Um....isn't that the lunch bell?
Blacks wouldn't like "Straight Pete" much better.
It's the Weenie/Dweeb factor.
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