I loathe that Buttigieg's campaign is trying to turn #PeteButtigiegCalledMe into a positive.— Stephen Black (@stephenablack) November 27, 2019
I don't get good feelings about Buttigieg from @michaelharriot's follow-up.
I'm glad Buttigieg listened but alarmed that he knows nothing about systemic racism.https://t.co/1aiDO51BiH
I click through to the article at The Root, which went up last night. It's written by Michael Harriot, who is described at The Root as "World-renowned wypipologist. Getter and doer of 'it.' Never reneged, never will. Last real negus alive." Harriot had written an article about Buttigieg — "Pete Buttigieg Is a Lying MF" — objecting to something Buttigieg said 8 years ago:
“Kids need to see evidence that education is going to work for them,” Buttigieg explained whitely, when he was running for mayor in 2011. You’re motivated because you believe that at the end of your education, there is a reward; there’s a stable life; there’s a job. And there are a lot of kids—especially [in] the lower-income, minority neighborhoods, who literally just haven’t seen it work. There isn’t someone who they know personally who testifies to the value of education.”Oh, that's the article Scott Adams was praising on his podcast yesterday. Adams thought "Buttigieg explained whitely" was truly hilarious. That Buttigieg quote is made hard to read by the lack of a quotation mark (which I presume belongs before "You're motivated").
Anyway, what's in the new article is that Buttigieg cold called Harriot and said "I don’t think I’ve ever been called a ‘lying motherfucker’ before." Harriot stood by his opinion that what Buttigieg said in 2011 was a lie. Buttigieg tried to get him to agree with the point that "Sometimes children don’t get to see the possibilities" and "the lack of positive examples of educational success can lead to mistrust and a lack of confidence in the system." Harriot said "No...well, yes. But the lack of confidence doesn’t have anything to do with role models or support from parents, it’s because the shit is true!"
“It’s not like black parents wake up in the morning and say: I’mma just withhold my support and teach my kids about dishonesty and see what happens,” I explained. “No one knows the value of a two-parent home more than a single mother.... Here’s why black voters support black candidates,” I said. “When you go into a room and sit around a table of white men, we are worried that this is what will happen; that a roomful of white people will talk about role models and confidence and crime and no one in the room will say: ‘Hold up, we can’t talk about any of this without talking about racism. We can’t talk about education without talking about discrimination.’ That is our fear.”...Here's the #PeteButtigiegCalledMe if you want to see whether it's skewing positive or negative.
The only thing I actually know about Pete Buttigieg is that he is a white man.
But Pete Buttigieg listened, which is all you can ask a white man to do....
५३ टिप्पण्या:
Mayor Pete may have binged on "First 48" prior to making that comment.
Racism is the explanation of everything. It's all you need to know.
Somebody ask Mr. Harriot who invented the term "acting White" and why?
Somebody ask Mr. Harriot why Black people from other parts of the world come to the US and are successful.
"Known homosexual on line 2"
"Block that number"
I'm glad Buttigieg listened but alarmed that he knows nothing about systemic racism.
This mantra of "We're all fucked up & it's your fault, Honky" may sell clicks to The Root, but it's appeal is limited to a certain stratum of the black community & White Lefties & no where else.
My guess is that this is Buttigieg's Sister Soldjah moment, and it actually helps him in the polls.
... Buttigieg cold called Harriot and said "I don’t think I’ve ever been called a ‘lying motherfucker’ before.
It's lyin' muthafucka, Pete! You can't even spell right!
My Thanksgiving Prayer: "Please, oh Lord, I don't ask for much in this world, and am truly grateful for all the blessings I have received, but please convince the Dems to nominate Pete Buttigieg, so that 50% of blacks vote for Trump in 2020."
Thank you, God.
I am going to ignore this whitely.
The reason #PeteButtigiegCalledMe is trending is because the fact Mayor Pete called a detractor, and listened to him, makes him look good to many voters. The detractor will never vote for Buttigieg, but Buttigieg's willingness to listen to an overtly anti-white black author makes Buttigieg seem open minded and reasonable -- particularly to white voters.
I worked for more than a dozen years, in mostly urban public schools, I think that statement is right, now of course he doesn't have any experience in the matter, and he's a suv liberal, so that's as far as I'll go defending him,
It was mighty white of Mr. Harriot to pen that insightful column.
"Last real negus alive."
Now that's Trumpian.
The Root
Pitiful as usual.
If mayor Pete nominated, Trump might win the popular vote.
I think many, many people who are not "homophobic" are pretty sick and tired of being of being inundated this stuff and might use their secret ballot to voice their displeasure.
Especially the left and LLR's who could then lie in public like they always do and pretend they voted for Pete.
""Known homosexual on line 2"
"Block that number""
Funny because it's true. Your average negus isn't cool with Babylon.
Why Are College Students So Afraid of Me?
Posted on Insty a while ago. It really sums up the the mentality behind the poor-victim-mob class. Fear and loathing replace opportunity and knowledge. By design.
Americans enjoy prosperity and opportunity but the hard-left cannot see it nor can they seize it. There is too much profit selling the eternal-victim is me, BS.
What's the alternative?
White old crusty government millionaire Bernie? The communist.
"I have a plan for that" statist Warren?
Old Quid-Pro-Joe?
The radical Antifa-fascist hard left base of the D-party has strict rules and speech codes. Do not deviate, or you will be destroyed.
"Ricky don't lose that number, its the only one you want, you might call it when you feel better...."
"But the lack of confidence doesn’t have anything to do with role models or support from parents, it’s because the shit is true!".
Seems like this dim, black bulb is a good example of the phenomenon the Boy Mayor was referring to. These Democrat really deserve each other. If there were just some way they could get each other, good and hard, without fucking up the rest of us.
Diversity (i.e. systemic color judgments) breeds adversity and exclusion.
Transgender is trendy and full of pride.
Here's the #PeteButtigiegCalledMe if you want to see whether it's skewing positive or negative.
Looks like most of the positives are from his campaign volunteers, and most negatives from Black Twitter.
They all have one thing in common: Influence that is disproportionate to their numbers, due to Twitter.
So Alfred E. Neuman was never called a lyin’ muthahfuckah.
I'm noticing a trend today. Most racism, overt and in your face racism, is towards white people. Not from white people.
And right now it's a well and good, because heck, dont white people deserve it?
But once white people start getting discriminated against in order to right historical wrongs, it's not going to be so funny anymore.
So, expressing an opinion on the cause of black underachievement that doesn't jibe with the professional grievance mongers makes you a liar? As to whether Mayor Pete has ever had sexual relations with his, or any other, mother, I think the facts speak for themselves.
Peter Butt said the same thing 99% of all white libs and Blacks say about Black education, etc., but he said it whitely, and gaily. He didn't know Harriet's personal history, so that makes his opinion a lie.
I have no opinion on the subject of negroidal education. I couldn't care less.
FullMoon: I think many, many people who are not "homophobic" are pretty sick and tired of being of being inundated this stuff and might use their secret ballot to voice their displeasure.
Sure, but there are probably many, many wypipo among liberals who are sick of "I couldn't possibly be wrong; anybody who disagrees with me is a racist, so shut-up, whitey" lectures from dumb, pompous assholes like Michael Herriot. People who are intelligent enough to see perfectly clearly that he's a dumb-ass, but too cowardly and well, liberal to say that out loud about a dumb-ass if the dumb-ass is black.
So any pushback to that could work in Buttigieg's favor with them, as mild as the pushback was.
“No one knows the value of a two-parent home more than a single mother."
If that is the case, then why is she a single mother?
Wypipologist: An advocate for the subset of citizens defined by privilege, the ability to wear flip-flops in all climates and an irrational empathy for animals while displaying antipathy for any group of people other than their own.
Urban dictionary
Wypipologist is a humorous slang term for someone, usually a black person, who "studies" wypipo, or "white people."Wypipo, after all, do some crazy stuff in need of expert explanation.
Each Dem candidate rises slowly until polling gets people to pay attention and then POP! and sinks to the bottom. So Mayor Pete is having his 15 minutes of being a 2020 Election Dem front-runner candidate. There is almost universal opposition to him among blacks and I wonder what is causing that. It's the most opposition I have ever seen from any group to a possible candidate and has been steady at 1000% since the beginning. There's something they are accusing him of among themselves. We should know but maybe it doesn't matter since he clearly isn't answering the charge whatever it is and he won't be nominated if he doesn't. Just shows that even in the digital age millions can know something they can still keep secret from millions.
Racism is the explanation of everything. It's all you need to know.
Light of the world
Shine on me
Racism is the answer
Todd Rundgren was sooo close.
Negus? He's a drink made from wine (usually port or sherry) mixed with hot water, sweetened with sugar and sometimes flavored?
'Cause it's raining in California, and I could go for some of that right now.
But once white people start getting discriminated against in order to right historical wrongs, it's not going to be so funny anymore.
Here on Earth 1, it's been happening since the 1960's in the United States. It hasn't worked out well, for White men or Black people. The big winners have been White women.
I've been told that it will stop in 9 years.
" it’s because the shit is true!"
What shit, exactly? An illiterate who can't string together two sentences without obscenities or silly made-up words is going to tell us what is 'true?'
Yes, Kevin, Todd was close, but these people just want to bang on that drum all day.
I think Mayor Pete acquitted himself well enough here. Bloomberg, meanwhile, blabs to all who listen about condoning regrettable policing tactics. There's room for criticism of "stop and frisk" and other aggressive policing, and I have no doubt that unpleasant confrontations with police are a shitty part of being black in NYC. I'm white and practically invisible to NYC police officers, and invariably polite to the fuzz, but I've still had some scary encounters. However, there's nothing ennobling in what Bloomberg is doing: it's disrespectful to the intelligence of his critics to just offer an apology based on ignorance. He doesn't have to defend the policies, but he should be explaining what happens especially in minority communities when police lack the support of the mayor. At least Mayor Pete is engaging and debating.
"Just shows that even in the digital age millions can know something they can still keep secret from millions."
I just wanted throw a nod of appreciation for this line.
I am Laslo.
"Systemic racism"?
When the gov't or big companies treat people differently based on the color of your skin?
Don't the Democrats call that "Affirmative Action" and "Identity Politics"? And aren't they in favor of both?
“No one knows the value of a two-parent home more than a single mother"
‘Hold up, we can’t talk about any of this without talking about racism. We can’t talk about education without talking about discrimination.’
Really? What "racism" is forcing that black woman to have sex with guys who won't marry her? What "racism" if forcing black males not to marry the females they get pregnant?
Both of teh people involved here are black. Are they the "discriminating racists" causing the problem here?
Or are you just completely full of sh!t with all your whining?
The 'negus' puzzled me, too, since Mr Harriot isn't the heir to the Abyssinian crown, but Urban Dictionary confirms that the word has come to mean, at least in certain communities, a prince or ruler in a generic sense.
I tried, without any success, to make a joke out of the hashtag #PeteButtigiegCalledMeByYourName or some variation thereof.
Not for the first time I like what seems an instinctive response from Buttigieg. He is obviously right here and some of the caustic comments above have nailed the incoherence of Harriot and crew.
I have also been quite turned off by some of his instinctive responses.
Pete needs to run for governor, deal with real problems, build a record we can judge him on, mature and moderate, and come back in about 2032. Not being as gawd offal as Warren or Harris is not enough this time around.
You need a special skill set when you're a white Pol trying to pander to black folks. Buttigig has zero experience at it, and he's not the sort of person that has any empathy for black folks. Neither did Kerry, but he was an Establishment Pol that was going to beat the R's. Pete's just an obscure white guy mayor who's also Gay.
If you think Buttigig is a "moderate" - he's endorsed every radical position in the debates EXCEPT Medicare for all. He recently returned donations from Two lawyers who worked for the firm that helped defend Kavanaugh.
He's only moderate in your mind.
Trump has reduced systemic racism against blacks since more of them are employed and their real wages are higher now.
Orange is the New Black
“No one knows the value of a two-parent home more than a single mother."
If that is the case, then why is she a single mother?
@Ron, because she learned the value of a husband’s support after she became a single mother.
There is such a thing as racism, and I'm sure it complicates a lot of lives. Still, if racism were the sole and overwhelming problem that black people faced, you would expect black people in majority black countries to live better and happier lives. Not the case. They go to a great deal of trouble to come to this country to endure racism....It's a proven and well known fact that white racism ennobles and dignifies the struggles of black people. Look at the beauty of Nelson Mandela. Now observe that punk ass kid that Winnie Mandela had beaten to death. Who is more worthy of our love and sympathy? Nelson Mandela, of course. You won't see any HBO miniseries on that punk ass kid who probably had it coming anyway.
If starvation rather than enslavement were the metric of oppression than the Irish have it all over the Africans. There was constant hunger and periodic famines for eight hundred years, and, during the Potato Famine, one out of seven people there starved to death. There was a UN survey in Dublin in the 1950's that indicated that 25% of the children in that city suffered from malnutrition. Bad times were a way of life...I have several flaws in my moral development. I'm almost certain that they were caused by England's shameful occupation of Ireland. I strive to be a better person, but the overhang from all those long years of oppression weigh me down.....I don't know what is to be done. Perhaps if everyone here of Anglo-Saxon descent contributed fifty dollars to me through the Althouse portal, it would go a little way towards making me a better person and more able to compete with those who never suffered such ancestral wrongs. It's worth a try.
You talkin to me? Because I said Pete needs to moderate. Verb moderate ending long a meaning to become moderate adjective not ending in long a.
So my comment implies I do not think he is a moderate.
Or we could count. Russia had 24 million serfs when the American civil war began
What if Kunta Kinte was gay? Is the Root even woke enough to ask that question?
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