November 24, 2019

"Hong Kong's opposition pro-democracy movement has made major gains in the Chinese territory's district council elections, local media reports say."

"It took 201 of the first 241 seats declared, according to the South China Morning Post newspaper. Pro-Beijing candidates took just 28. More than 2.9m people voted, a turnout of more than 71%, against 47% in 2015."

BBC reports.


FullMoon said...

Sounds like a good reason to end the demonstrations.

Birkel said...

Of course now China will pretend they're all on the up and up.
They plan to punish Hong Kongers vigorously.
And Hong Kongers should not surrender because they will otherwise have nothing to lose.
Because China will take it all from them.

Michael The Magnificent said...

Won't make a hill of beans difference as far as China is concerned.

Drago said...

Tom Friedman, the NYT, the entire Left and LLR-left hardest hit.

The Bergall said...

This is bigger than one thinks. Beijing is scared of this stuff............

Think $$

Michael K said...

I think China is concerned. Hong Kong has been the financial window for China since 1949. This is more than Tiananmin Square,.

Birkel said...

The Hong Kongers are right in the heart of the current global... not sure what to call it.
Yellow Vests in France.
Brexit in England.
Iranians protesting and being shot.
Americans electing Trump.

Maybe it is discontent with "Top Men" who are not capable.

mockturtle said...

Since China has cheated on the terms of the agreement, the UK should take Hong Kong back.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Birkel said...

The Hong Kongers are right in the heart of the current global... not sure what to call it.
Yellow Vests in France.
Brexit in England.
Iranians protesting and being shot.
Americans electing Trump.

Dutch farmers and truckers gridlocking the entire country over emissions laws.

You know somethings going on when the Dutch get riled up!

mikee said...

201 relatively powerless local office holders versus one Chinese Communist Party. That Partyis composed of nepotistic totalitarian kleptocrats whose predilection for mass murder to prevent "instability" has been demonstrated repeatedly since Mao started the Long March.

My advice to freedom loving Hong Kong residents is to flee if you can.
If not, take a few Chicoms with you when they come to kill you.

iowan2 said...

France, Holland, England, more that half of South America, most of Central America, plus more nations, are in terrible turmoil.

These are the goals of Democrat Candidates for President.

People throw around Venezuela, as the model of failed socialism. But look at France and Holland. Uprising of working class citizens that just want to work and raise their family in peace. Democratic socialist fail at that simple goal. Leaving people alone to work and raise their families.

Paco Wové said...

N.of101, thanks for that link on the Netherlands. That was very interesting.

wildswan said...

I'm happy tonight for Hong Kong. It's something when people wake up enough to vote right.

mockturtle said...

The vote is really not surprising as these people have been living in a free and prosperous territory all these years. Why would they want to relinquish that? And China claims HK's freedoms would be protected for fifty years. Hasn't even lasted five.

Nichevo said...

FullMoon said...
Sounds like a good reason to end the demonstrations.

Sez the Communist Chinese agents provocateurs doing the bad stuff you decry at the protests.

Just say, "Down With the Gong Fei!" and we'll know you're all right. Unless of course you're just stepping on the icons.

Jamie said...

We're in Madrid right now, and yesterday a Fascist was making a speech in front of the Opera House because they won some seats in Parliament. I haven't checked to see if the current Spanish Fascists have the same platform as the old Spanish Fascists (and the guy leading our walking tour was an ardent socialist and merely told me that the platform they were elected on was "Nazi"), but it seems like part of the trend - our guide did acknowledge that part of their platform was anti-immigrantion and that unemployment is probably a big reason why they were successful.

The Crack Emcee said...

It doesn't matter.

They lost already.

Lyle said...

Stay strong Hong Kong!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So truly facing an existential threat almost doubled voter turnout. Is that the reason Democrats are always claiming this or that Trump policy will literally kill us? And yet 30% of Hong Kongers still shirked voting, about the same number as voted for their Masters on the Mainland. How fascinating!

Birkel said...

Yeah, The Crack Emcee, and those Jews in Warsaw should have gone quietly into that good night.
It "didn't matter" either.

Or the Hungarians in 1956.
Or the Czechs in 1968.

The Crack Emcee said...

Birkel said...

"Yeah, The Crack Emcee, and those Jews in Warsaw should have gone quietly into that good night.
It "didn't matter" either.

Or the Hungarians in 1956.
Or the Czechs in 1968."

Were they located in China, too?

Tina Trent said...

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

Bilwick said...

Stacey Abrams demands a recount!