Now fact check the results rather than writing a tweet that makes it appear to be a false accusation you hacks.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 9, 2019
I guess you’ll run cover for anyone in media i.e. Matt Lauer???
९ नोव्हेंबर, २०१९
He's right. They are hacks. And it was blackface.
Donald Trump Jr.,
Joy Behar,
Matt Lauer
८० टिप्पण्या:
They are propagandists. We don’t have a serious media anymore, maybe on the far left and some on the right.
Always refer to Justin Trudeau as the Prime Minstrel as well. Never forget!
Joy Behar walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Why the black face?"
Speaking the truth in public is the only remaining Sin today. It has to be censored and punished or 50 years of careful narrative disinformation and to brainwash American citizens will be ruined.
I blame the Internet.
It wasn't blackface blackface.
No humans involved, What Me Worry?
Make-up expert Joy Behar was accused today...
Jr. doesn't play with the same good nature as Sr., though.
He's right but pissy about it instead of always having an opening left for their reply, to continue the game.
"It wasn't blackface blackface."
Damn, beat me to it.
I thought Behar admitted it awhile back?
NBC defended ABC's the view?
CBS fired ABC's whistleblower?
WHAT does it say; that they have circled their wagons, and spend their time defending each other?
Didn't they used Pretend to be separate organizations?
Hypocrisy - thy name, if it be writ large, is DEMOCRAT.
True enough, each one of us has a bit of hypocrisy in our lives. But only with the Democrats and the left generally is it seen as a virtue.
I decided years ago that the media is corrupt, venal, stupid, and actively working against my interests.
It’s obvious this conclusion is becoming more widely held. I would be it is reaching, or already has reached, critical mass.
When you’ve lost both Althouse and Scott Adams...
Jr. pounced on Behar for wearing blackface.
Original Mike asked...
I thought Behar admitted it awhile back?
"It was a Halloween party, I went as a beautiful African woman."
serious Question:
Can Somebody (Howard? Purple Penguin? Igna? Anybody?) Show me a pic of a white REPUBLICAN dressing in Blackface (or, perhaps; as a "beautiful African Woman")?
Kinda bet not; Kinda bet not of any Republican that survived it
But Please! Someone Help me out! Anyone? Any Pix of a Republican??
Edit to above: I would “bet” ...
The funniest thing here is that out of all the things people should get outraged about, suddenly “blackface” has become socially toxic.
Okay. Glad we got that figured out. I’ve never once in my life thought about doing “blackface”, but if some folks want to look stupid for a Halloween party, well, who gives a shit?! And if they later run for office, or sit on a dumb talk show panel, well... who gives a shit?!
95% of the world goes about their busy day not caring about any of this.
I was in a waiting room yesterday and they were playing The View. An old man in a circa Montgomery Wards type tan jacket was laughing with delight at everything they said. But they were being serious.
His wife asked me if I would watch him briefly while she went to her appointment. The hospital was sending a volunteer minder but he wasn't there yet. She told me he has Alzheimers but he's easy. She gave him a child's Highlights magazine, the only one they had. He was happy to have it. He was happy for me to sit down next to him. He pointed at the tv and laughed at everything every one of those hags said. He wasn't laughing with them or laughing at them: he was just absolutely delighted by every single exchange.
I thought to myself, this is great. This is exactly what I need. This is what we all need. This is even what the hags on The View need.
The idea that the dumb hacks on the view brought up the Access Hollywood tape (a private conversation 10 years prior to Trump's running for office) and being outrage outraged still - is pure hack and fake moral preening.
These people all work for an industry that is filled with vulgarity.
Madonna was offended by vulgarity. Give me a break.
I wonder if the media understands the reasons for America's contempt for and distrust of them? And if so, do they even care?
When are you people going to stop forgetting that trained journalists are smarter than you and possess a finely tuned moral navigation system you couldn't begin to understand?
Using specialized training, available to but a few, a credentialed journalist will have already detected skads of something they call nuance while you're still gaping like a bumpkin at the shoe polish on Joy's face.
It's time to get with it. Why keep blundering along with your crude, homemade, probably toothless opinions when much more sophisticated fare is available on the internet for free?
Opinions are like children, there are already far too many. Don't bring another one into the world. Adopt.
All leftwing crimes can be airbrushed.
It wasn’t blackface. Blackface is burnt cork, white lips, and Al Jolson jazz hands, but if a white man without lefty bona fides had done what Behar did, he would of course be canceled.
Interesting how they are trying to carve-out a "homage" exemption for Bahar when Megyn Kelly was ostensibly fired for suggesting the same about people who did so other than herself?
SNL's treatment just last February.
AKA Republicans Pounce!
And Polanski’s treatment of the 13 year old girl really was “rape-rape,” notwithstanding what Whoopi Goldberg had to say. Not only was the child underage by five years, which Polanski knew, and drugged, but she was conscious enough to realize what was happening to her and able to say — no, to scream — “No.”. Behar and Goldberg are both pretty low.
On the plus side, that does make her qualified to govern Virginia.
Forcefeeding or How the Media sees their Job
Donald Trump Jr. accuses Joy Behar of wearing blackface without evidence.
NBC News forgot to add that standard phrase.
Sorta Sidebar: Watching the pre-game show just now in Tuscaloosa where the crowd shot was of fans waving posters. I saw one "Epstein didn't kill himself." Is this political statement common at such an intense football game? Or is it because PDJT is coming? I see it as more and more people being woke to alternative narratives .
I predicted on this blog they would do that. Their doing so is an exhibition of power and contempt, and exhibitions of power and contempt are what their audience and the left want to see and participate in.
Prime minstrel Trudeau. Lovely.
Did Behar have to go blackface to be beautiful? Inquiring minds want to know!
Did she get to "beautifuL'? Nope, meanness is ugly clear to the bone.
Now as for Don Jr. One might say that the combative apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
" WHAT does it say; that they have circled their wagons, and spend their time defending each other? "
Monopolistic Consortium?
Broadcast Oligarchy?
The major networks should be brought to Justice for violating Sherman.
Notice how the fake news no longer pushes back on being fake?
Even they can't proclaim their innocence with a straight face anymore.
He is RIGHT!! The media made their lying propaganda they are lying in it and don't know how to get out of it....
Donald Trump is a spirited young man, and speaks with a certitude no doubt annoying to his antagonists. Unlike "McKinsey-style" certitude, which is really just reductionary glibness couched in jargon to avoid appearing glib, Trump Jr.'s speech is indeed simplifying in an edifying way.
Just in case I choose someday to run for President, let me confess this now. One Halloween I dressed up as Frankenstein's monster, wearing heavy brogans and a ratty old dark sport coat too small for me. Yes, I did green face, and I'm ashamed.
Yeah, at 73 I'm a little young to run for President, but maybe later...
The media loves to say the claims against Biden have all been "debunked".
In this case, they are trying to retroactively "de-gunk" Behar's face.
The cast of the The View are a bunch of dingbats, and Joy Behar in particular is insufferable. That said, Don Jr. has one of the most punchable faces I have ever seen on a human being.
Bob Boyd at 8:58 AM, great comment.
Reminds me of "blighter", a commenter on Megan McArdle's old Bloomber blog. He or she could write the most carefully crafted satire, expounding on the wisdom of the leftist position only to give the game away with great subtlety near the end. blighter fooled a lot of people into thinking he / she was a liberal Democrat.
bligher had imitators, but no one else could write quite as well. Some comments were awarded "milli-blighter points" (100, 300, 600, etc) for good efforts.
Your comment is definitely in light "milli-blighter" territory.
You know who else is on the war path now, aside from Althouse, angered by this stuff like a switch has been flipped? Another moderate Democrat, Mickey Kaus. There is starting to be an undercurrent of anger toward the press’s treatment of Trump.
"NBC News forgot to add that standard phrase.”
And admission right there.
The Democrat Party: Making Black Face Great AGAIN!
Behar is a Hillary colon polyp
None of The View hacks are troubled by Bill's sexual depravity.
1) The putative rationale for the continuing coverup of the so-called whistleblower's identity is that identifying him, or her, would expose him, or her, to a risk of physical harm, or retaliation.
2) All parties know that Eric Ciaramella has been identified as the so-called whistleblower by numerous press outlets, so that, if anyone wished to harm the so-called whistleblower, they will by now know the name of Eric Ciaramella.
3) Neither Democrats nor Republicans have denied that Eric Ciaramella is the so-called whistleblower (nor has he denied it himself, SFAIK).
4) If Ciaramella is not the guy, and IF anyone really believes the putative rationale for the identity coverup, then the life and livelihood of an "innocent" man (and potentially, his family) are being put at risk to facilitate the coverup.
5) If Ciaramella IS the guy, and if some violent nutcase happens to conclude that some other person is the so-called whistleblower, then that innocent person and his or her family are being placed at risk in order to facilitate the coverup.
On these premises, I conclude that it is extremely likely that Eric Ciaramella is the so-called whistleblower, and the the putative rationale for covering up his identity is pretextual.
I can't bring myself to actually listen to the noise of The View, but from what I'm reading, Don Jr. has a lot of the same opinions that I do. Seems like he reads a lot of the same stuff. Wouldn't be surprised if he reads Althouse....
Megyn Kelly got fired for investigating Matt Layer. Blackface was a convenient excuse that's now coming back to bite them. Shows their hypocrisy on two fronts now.
NBC and ABC deserve every minute of this beating. They protected connected sexual predators while attacking others. Hypocritical frauds.
Behar would have called any Republican woman who did what she did a racist.
wendybar said...
Remember...Meghan Kelly got FIRED for saying when she was was okay to dress up as black if you were impersonating a hero such as Diana Ross.....HALLOWEEN.....COSTUMES RACIST!!!!
You're right. What a week.
And Billy Bush was fired for *not* saying anything to Donald Trump on the bus when he did the interview. And now Meghan Kelly interviews the woman fired for looking at video of Amy Roarbach (who interviewed Hunter Biden!) complaining that ABC Killed her Epstein story. What a crazy week.
Joy Behar hosted a show in San Diego for at least one episode and The Beat Farmers played.
Man I loved the Beat Farmers.
this links to the big foia, the times did back in may, odd they cover it with a pillow, when it comes out,
You know who ain’t gonna punch Trump Jr in the face? Badass talking J Farmer. He would so totally clean your clock J Farmer.
Lucian wrote:
"1) The putative rationale for the continuing coverup of the so-called whistleblower's identity is that identifying him, or her, would expose him, or her, to a risk of physical harm, or retaliation."
This is, of course, the media and the Democrats lying. The actual plan of the Democrats should be obvious to everyone- they were planning to file an impeachment charge as soon as either Trump or one of his staff said the name in public, accusing Trump of endangering the whistleblower for political gain. Of course, this only works if the name is kept secret, which it hasn't been. Schiff himself, and his staff, outed Ciaramella's biographical details in the NYTimes back in early October, and Schiff allowed the name to be seen in the Bill Taylor testimony transcript, and then took down the transcript just an hour or so after Gateway Pundit pointed to that line in the transcript, thus allowing us, the public, to confirm Ciaramella's identity as the whistleblower by inference.
Still, expect to see Trump Jr. "subpoenaed" to answer to the allegations that he, Trump Jr. outed the whistleblower (he mentioned the name in a tweet), even though the name had been in the public domain for almost 3 1/2 weeks prior to the tweet. We are in pure farce mode at this point in time.
Can Somebody (Howard? Purple Penguin? Igna? Anybody?) Show me a pic of a white REPUBLICAN dressing in Blackface (or, perhaps; as a "beautiful African Woman")?
Once again, you call me out by a thread I haven't commentated on...regarding a subject I doubt I've ever said anything about on this blog or elsewhere. As stated before, your infatuation with me is kinda weird and seems to be built on false premises.
All that aside, 'tis pretty easy to google-up examples of Republicans wearing "blackface". I have no strong opinion about it - just offering it up for kiddos like yourself who don't know how a search engine works.
Point of Parliamentary Procedure:
I wore an Obama mask one Halloween Party. There might be pictures. Does this count as Blackface and must I be promptly banished from polite society? Please advise.
Remember that lying Skag, that claimed that she'd modeled underwear for Trump back in the old days? (when she was only in her 50's (or 60's?)
She said he raped her; and pressed suit against him.. Which got thrown out of court?
NOW she's saying that she's filing ANOTHER SUIT, on account of because he called her a lying skag.
[donald:] Man I loved the Beat Farmers.
He was right, but kind of like Gordon Bombay, at the start of The Mighty Ducks he might have spiked the football a little too hard. It was great, but he will never be a politician. Maybe he needs to be sent to coach a kids hockey team to learn a little humility.
@ Bob Re 10:57
I remember when she was a third rate comic, how did stewart, maher, et al, gain any degree of influence,
now that person, who was a rolling dumpsterfire from her esquire column, yikes, wants to portray trump as some sort of Borgia,
Man I loved the Beat Farmers.
donald, do you know The Ballad of Country Dick?
Country Dick played the drums
Like he was fuckin' nuns
Behind the rectory
He was pure rock 'n roll
Chaos in his soul
He came to set us free
purplepenguin certainly has some written tics that remind me of somebody.
Cannot really say who.
But whatever and whoever they are, I am sure they have been that way since birth.
30 Rock covered it pretty well.
You know who ain’t gonna punch Trump Jr in the face? Badass talking J Farmer. He would so totally clean your clock J Farmer.
"Punchable face" is descriptive not prescriptive.
Try enlisting Google, gilbar. Don't Dodge your responsibility
“Man I loved the Beat Farmers.”
Oh Hell, yes!!!
I'll start being shocked by white people doing blackface when black people get nailed for doing whiteface.
That never happens, of course, because black people (who are not middle-class or above) get nailed for just e.g. "talking white", paying subway fares, speaking English, learning arithmetic, having a bank account, and probably--from how it appears--even holding a pistol with two hands when they are trying to shoot it.
Joy Behar. Isn't a "Dingbat". She's a vicious, stupid, lying Bitch. She's only on TV, because a couple of asshole left-wing execs like her. Really. TV/Movie used to do Likability ratings of actors/talking heads - maybe it was Q rating - anyway Joy Braying Ass would have a NEGATIVE Q Rating outside of the ABC HQ and maybe Manhattan and Beverly Hills.
She's a disgustingly stupid Cunt.
i'm not hear to do your work for you PP; YOU'RE hear to sway my opinion; remember?
Joy Behar reminds me of Howard Cosell in a way. Of course, Howard was actually intelligent and witty (Sometimes) but he was only on TV because the ABC Execs liked him. He was never popular like Frank Gifford or Don Meredith. I can remember as a kid hearing him on Football or whatever and thinking he was super-smart and wondering why so many adults hated him. Then I went back and listened to some of his broadcasts on Youtube.
Now I understand why so many adults hated him. The CONSTANT interruptions with useless Trivia, the CONSTANT Faux "smart" analysis - which wasn't smart at all. The constant *attempts* at humor. Cosell was a 14 year old boy's idea of "Smart". Listening to him in 2019, I was like "Shut the fuck up and stop telling us what what happened 16 years ago".
rcocean @6:40PM: Speak it, brother!
Separately, regarding Horrible Howard, I remember (if little else about him) how much he liked O.J. Simpson at the time. "You got to give it to The Juice!" he would say after Simpson made a successful run. Of course Simpson was a great athlete at the time, before he became (or reverted to) being a career criminal.
I was happy that Cosell never had to live to see OJ's so to speak second act.
Life is funny that way.
Joy Behar. Isn't a "Dingbat". She's a vicious, stupid, lying Bitch. She's only on TV, because a couple of asshole left-wing execs like her.
Luckily I have a foolproof antidote: I don't watch the show or listen to anything she says.
Yes I do Phil! Somebody should do a movie about Dan.
Iman, I noticed you’re a Flying Burrito Brothers guy also. That gets us to Gram and everything that came from that brilliant fucked up mind.
Which gets me to The Pine Box Dwellers from Waycross and I suggest everybody look em up.
Great band, and the best guys you could imagine.
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