November 2, 2019

"Elizabeth Warren swatted back at Joe Biden’s criticism of her $21 trillion Medicare-for-All plan Friday, accusing him of 'running in the wrong presidential primary.'"

"'Democrats are not going to win by repeating Republican talking points,' the Massachusetts senator said in Des Moines, Iowa. 'So, if Biden doesn’t like that, I’m just not sure where he’s going.'"

Bloomberg reports.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

any criticism of insane spending for insane socialism is now a "Republican talking point."


Michael K said...

Fiscal sanity is a "Republican Talking Point."

Good to know.

BarrySanders20 said...

Democrats sure do seem to like that particular version of Democrat called a Massachusetts Democrat.

Laslo Spatula said...

"Elizabeth Warren swatted back..."

"Swatting" (when not involving a fly) brings to mind a mother and a child: 'she swatted the troublesome toddler's bottom' etc etc).

Which makes Warren a stern mother and Biden a careless child.

Not a good look for either of them, really. But probably accurate.

I am Laslo.

Beasts of England said...

How dare Biden criticize her CherokeeCare proposal!!

Kevin said...

If your plan can’t stand up to Biden’s gentle breeze of criticism, how will it survive Trump’s Cat 5 tweets?

Eric said...

The worst part of this new stage in Warren's campaign is that she'll have a new talking point that she will repeat *ad nauseum* like the "costs will go down" dodge or the "mistakes were made" heritage mendacity.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

She's likeable enough.

Temujin said...

"'Democrats are not going to win by repeating Republican talking points,' the Massachusetts senator said in Des Moines, Iowa."

What she meant to say is that Democrats are not going to win by stating obvious truths.

Sebastian said...

I know Althouse hates "finance" and prefers to vote on the basis of feelz (I hate Hill! Trump is so chaotic! Barry is pragmatic!), but inquiring minds want to know, is Lizzie's scheme crazy enough to bother her?

Francisco D said...

With "Republican taking points" Warren is simply trying to confuse Biden, who is easily confused.

Bob Boyd said...

Biden groped the tender bits of Warren's Medicare plan, so she swatted him.
Good for her. The friggin' policy perv. She should have kicked him in the nuts.

mockturtle said...

So it's clear the inmates have taken over the asylum.

tim in vermont said...

"Border crossers will pay for my plan through wealth taxes strictly limited to the 1% after amnesty”

She’s right. No Democrat should be required to have answers for obvious questions until they are flummoxed by those questions in a presidential debate.

Her answer on where insurance company employees are going after she wipes out their industry is even funnier.

tim in vermont said...

The “Great Leap Foreward” worked out great for China too! Dream big!

Birkel said...

Warren cannot be elected.
She loses 40 states.

Big Mike said...

Elementary common sense is now a Republican talking point?!?!? What an admission!

Ken B said...

This is another manifestation of the war on reason and evidence. Fifty years ago you would have been laughed at for dismissing criticism like that. Even the medieval church had a Devil's advocate.

chickelit said...

Warren's "Medicare For All" is essentially "Medicare for the world or for whomever can get here." When anyone seriously asks what the limits are, we're told to shut up and stop being so negative.

Pelosi has Warren's number.

Lurker21 said...

Did she do a little self-satisfied shimmy, like Clinton, when she said that?

Liz still not likable. Always the schoolmarm swatting down students who don't agree with her. It would be good to hear from people who actually took her classes, but as with Senior Lecturer Obama's students, I don't think they'll talk.

tcrosse said...

If she can't handle Biden, how will she handle Trump?

bagoh20 said...

A lot of derision was thrown at Trump for claiming the wall would get built and Mexico would pay for it, but that's a lot less bullshitty than her plans, any of them.

bagoh20 said...

Electing any of the Democrats will not get you free healthcare. It just won't happen. The math guarantees this, and they know it. They will simply take your votes and let you down, leaving you only the expansive and soon to be regretted end of Trump. It won't feel as good as you thought it would, and it will soon hurt you badly, only proving what we are telling you now. Remember when we told you that Obamacare would not deliver as promised. You thought that was racism or some shit, and yet here we are with Dems running against the very healthcare system they sold you as a solution last time. Do you ever learn? What is there about Republicans in your fevered mind that is so awful that you continue to swallow the same crap over and over to convince yourselves you are not being taken for fools.

gilbar said...

Temujin said...
"'Democrats are not going to win by repeating Republican talking points,' the Massachusetts senator said in Des Moines, Iowa."

What she meant to say is that Democrats are not going to win

Drago said...

If giving 20 million illegals free health care can pay for half the costs of Warrens Unicorn/pixie dust healthcare plan, then why wouldnt we find another 20 million illegals to give free health care to pay the other half of the costs?

Better yet, lets let 100 Million more illegals in to run a health care plan surplus?

bagoh20 said...

"Democrats are not going to win by repeating..." the truth.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"'Democrats are not going to win by repeating Republican talking points,' the Massachusetts senator said in Des Moines, Iowa.”

Oh, sweet irony. That’s exactly how the Democrats could win in 2020. Sure, retain the Trumpsterics for the base, but ape every GOPe talking point. Certain victory.

Bay Area Guy said...

Warren, Biden, Sanders - 3 70-year old losers.

That's the best they can do?

Yancey Ward said...

She needs to take Biden out- she needs to use influence peddling Biden and his son engaged in to do it.

Josephbleau said...

At least if Warren is elected the deep state will still be there to ballast her extremes. Big Government inertia is equivalent to the mass of corrupt money.

tim in vermont said...

"It just won't happen. The math guarantees “

She was told there would be no math.

hstad said...

@Yancey Ward - "...She needs to take Biden out- she needs to use influence peddling Biden and his son engaged in to do it...?" If she's successful in pointing to their corruption, doesn't that kill Pelosi's/Schiff's impeachment gamble?

rcocean said...

Joe Biden - Russian Asset.

tim in vermont said...

Nancy strikes back at Warren

I am sure the Democrats are goign to reply “OK Boomer!”

tim in vermont said...

It’s pretty clear that Pelosi wants fellow “Boomer” Biden. He’s toast though.

Drago said...

Skylark: "She was told there would be no math."

Math is a tool of the White Man and used for systematic oppression.

Says so in all the new lefty "math" screeds.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Nobody's getting to the left of Fauxcahontas!

She'll be fine as long as she doesn't look down.

Steven said...

The available evidence isn't that Elizabeth Warren was fired for being pregnant, but for being unable to perform arithmetic at a fourth-grade level.