November 19, 2019

Eastern view, 7:00 a.m., 9 minutes after the "actual sunrise" time.



Kay said...

This photograph would make a great painting.

tcrosse said...

The oceans have risen, and Madison is at the bottom of the sea.

gilbar said...

you're getting quite good at your snaps!
won't be long befor you start working on post production work in photoshop

Curious George said...

It's not the cold that gets me during a Wisconsin winter, it's the seemingly endless days of gray. Sunny and -10F would be preferred.

rcocean said...

Too bad this wasn't yesterday, you could titled it "Blue Monday".

Clyde said...

Does it mean something when a testifying witness holding a written statement has the paper continuously shaking in his hands?

MadisonMan said...

The color of the sky as far as I can see is coal grey
Life my head from the pillow and then fall again.

rehajm said...

Looks like Portland in Winter. How about a nice day? I'm about ready to slit my wrists...

pacwest said...

I guess these are cafe posts? I saw the Swalwell farting clip last night. Even though it's obviously fake as hell I couldn't stop laughing. There should be one of Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Schumer, all. Make it a meme. They're all blowing it out their asses anyway.

traditionalguy said...

It's not December 22 yet but you have already lost the sun. A hard winter's night should at least wait for winter to start. I blame Global Cooling caused by cutting CO2 emissions just when we needed them the most.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I grew up near Seattle and have always felt that the gray was cozy, comforting, pleasant. I've lived away for a loooong time and I'm starting to worry I can't go back north again. I've always felt the sunshine was harsh and unpleasant but it's really growing on me. We are planning to move to the Twin Cities for my youngest kids to attend a particular school there, and I'm a bit worried about how we are going to manage the winters. We live in Texas (blech) but spend a fair amount of time in the Phoenix area for family reasons and man are the winters nice. If I could find a school that I'm happy with there, we'd spend the school year there and light out for a cabin in Minnesota or Wisconsin from May through August. Sadly, so far not. A Christian school with a classical curriculum that does not teach creationism is hard to find.

In other Pants news, I'd posted a while back that I had decided to take off some weight that had accumulated through creeping bad habits and two late-thirties pregnancies. My goal was to lose forty pounds before my upcoming fortieth birthday. Happy to report that as of this morning I am a bit over the halfway mark, and I have taken off twenty-one pounds in eleven weeks. Yay! Special thanks to mockturtle for praying for my success early in the process. I feel great and am motivated to keep going.

DavidD said...

“This photograph would make a great painting.”

This photograph would make a great 2000-piece jigsaw puzzle.

Kay said...

DavidD said...
“This photograph would make a great painting.”

This photograph would make a great 2000-piece jigsaw puzzle.
11/19/19, 11:59 AM

Hmmm.... can’t say I disagree.

tommyesq said...

Very Picasso "Blue Period!"

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Blue Dawn --- Independent Council of Funk

pacwest said...

Congrats on the weight loss Pants. Stay with it.