November 17, 2019

"#BreakingNews Sources tell me from Walter Reed the President was being checked out for chest discomfort” — tweets one contributor to The Hill...

... but no one else seems to be saying that. It's not even a report at The Hill. I'm just reading an article about the tweet at Heavy.
The chest discomfort claim has not been confirmed by other sources. However, others have written that it’s unusual how the president’s Walter Reed hospital visit unfolded.... For starters, in the last two years, Trump’s annual physical was held in January or February, CNN correspondent Jeremy Diamond reported during a broadcast on the network, and he said the previous exams were publicly announced and were on Trump’s public schedule. In this case, reporters were even told they couldn’t immediately report on the visit, and the visit was unannounced.
I hope Trump is healthy, but this story did make me wonder What if Trump suddenly had a heart attack and died? My first thought is that millions of people would feel that the Democrats (and other anti-Trumpers) killed him. All that extra pressure they loaded into the already-onerous duties of the presidency. And the people who hate him and want it out would have what they've been fighting for all along. There, now you've got it. You can drop all that impeachment work you've been straining and laboring over. Now, turn on a dime and attack President Pence. He's a fiend! Worse than Trump!


rehajm said...

Shorter leftie: ohpleaseohpleaseohplease

That impeachment show nobody’s watching must be getting poor reviews.

David Begley said...

I absolutely would blame the Dems.

whitney said...

The Dems would be celebrating in the streets. They would be throwing parades. I have thought about it. It would be very very bad

Karen of Texas said...

It's just a small step from "oh please let him have a heart attack and die" to "oh please let someone assassinate him".

I never wished either of those on Obama - as much as I intensely disliked his policies and the decline in race relations that he ushered in - nor Hillary - simply corrupt, awful person she is - when it looked like she would be our next president. I know if either were to happen to Trump, I would be appalled at the straight up *celebrating* that would commence. I haven't cut off any of my Trump hating/bashing family and friends. If they were to Express joy over either event, THAT would be the thing that flip my switch. I know I would kick them to the curb with some very choice words. I can be savage when sufficiently motivated. I hope none of my family and friends are that awful.

rehajm said...

Sure, they could have split up the exam due to time constraints. If the annual physical for a President us takes a few days you could do the stress test, get the blood work going, send him home with the stool sample kit. Probably will never know unless he drops dead...

Temujin said...

The Dems would not be able to control themselves. Colbert would feign solemnity for 10 seconds, then break out in giddy laughter and his audience would love it. And on and on. It would not be pretty anywhere around the nation. And overseas? They'd be loving it because they all know the next Prez will be soft and malleable, unlike Trump. They love malleable American Presidents. Hell...they give them Nobel Peace Prizes before they even have a year in office when they're Super Malleable.

tim maguire said...

It didn’t occur to me that people would think assassination (but you’re right, they would).

My first thought was, party time in lefty-town. Ding dong the Trump is dead! The good people of the country, the beautiful people, would dance on his grave.

TRISTRAM said...

It would make Paul Wellman's funeral _____.

Michael K said...

I guess the Ukraine thing is not working out well.

Browndog said...

Soon enough people will realize that the American political process is permanently poisoned beyond repair.

There is no going back to "normal", even after Trump.

Mr. O. Possum said...

The article says that the source Vernon re-tweets Bernie Sanders, so that's all we need to know.

AndyN said...

My only question is, would they hold a new vote to begin impeachment proceedings against Pence, or just scribble his name over Trump's on the documentation for the one they already held?

Krumhorn said...

The American left is ugly to the bone. It would take less than 24 hours before Pence and Josef Mengele become indistinguishable. Children in the future will go to their mommies for homework help asking who was that bad man that injected poison into the eyeballs of 8yr old twins.

“It was Mike Pence, dear. Now hurry up, dinner is ready.”

- Krumhorn

Karen of Texas said...

"Soon enough people will realize that the American political process is permanently poisoned beyond repair.

There is no going back to "normal", even after Trump."

This, sadly, I fear is true.

Kevin said...

What would happen?

Epstein turned up to 11.

Trump’s heart didn’t kill itself.

Kevin said...

Just think if it were Pence who died!

Democrats would immediately storm the White House demanding Trump step down.

Brian said...

My twitter feed was full of speculation that Trump was setting up a "resigning for health reasons" excuse to avoid impeachment. That he had already reached a deal with Pence to pardon him.

So they were working on the #PenceKnew hashtag to get it trending.

What if Trump deliberately set this up? To drive his enemies mad with frustration. It definitely changes the narrative without any cost to him. Normal political calculus would say you don't show a health weakness. Especially with a candidate in his 70's.

But with Trump? I'm not so sure. If he's back out doing rallies when the campaign really hits is anybody going to be talking about how he doesn't seem fit?

On a 7 dimensional chess model doesn't the hero narrative establish that the hero has to die, descend into hell, battle his enemies before being reborn?

I don't know what to think anymore.

rhhardin said...

Pence will take over the controversial tweets in the event Trump is hospitalized.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, I agree with every word, and every sentiment, of your final paragraph.

I also see it the way that Browndog and Karen of Texas do.

D. said...

Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Visited a great family of a young man under major surgery at the amazing Walter Reed Medical Center. Those are truly some of the best doctors anywhere in the world. Also began phase one of my yearly physical. Everything very good (great!). Will complete next year.
9:09 PM - 16 Nov 2019

gilbar said...

Karen of Texas said...
It's just a small step from "oh please let him have a heart attack and die" to "oh please let someone assassinate him".

You're Right! if we continue down this path, it's just a matter of time before we have
"comedians" holding up effigies of his severed head
"newspeople" putting up graphics on tv, saying "Snipers Wanted"

Bob Boyd said...

Visited a young man. Got in early for his physical.
Quid pro quo!

Browndog said...

This is a former U.S. ambassador under Obama, and Senate candidate from Colorado:

Dan Baer
‏Verified account @danbbaer

Given the news of the President’s previously unannounced trip to Walter Reed, I find myself praying for the President’s health.

I want him to live to see his children, his other accomplices, and himself brought to justice.

4:13 PM - 16 Nov 2019

gspencer said...

"My first thought is that millions of people would feel that the Democrats (and other anti-Trumpers) killed him."

The lefties trying to do just that.

mockturtle said...

Whoever at Walter Reed who leaked [if it did happen] should be identified and fired for serious infraction of HIPAA laws.

But it might also be a great ploy for Trump: Trigger a rumor that he has a serious medical condition and hasn't long to live. It will get the Left's hopes up only to have them dashed when he survives another five years. :-)

roesch/voltaire said...

I guess watching too much Fox News should come with a warning:may cause harm to body and soul.

Amadeus 48 said...

I hope Trump is OK, but the news industry has so polluted the news reporting process that I am skeptical of anything reported by any organization as "Breaking News". It is usually wrong and often a lie.

Amadeus 48 said...

So R/V, anything you'd like to identify about Fox? Whatever you are thinking of, I have seen worse in the other direction from MSNBC/CNN--and they rot your brain, too, causing you to spout nonsense like that in your post at 8:03.

mockturtle said...

With no Trump, where would their flaming arrows fly? It would take all the ill wind out of their sails and leave them with no unifying focus.

Wince said...

Watch the stock index futures market.

Howard said...

Trump is always on message. His people likely planted the chest pain rumor. It distracts the TDSers with hope and joy while increasing the loyalty of his devoted fans by engarnering victim card

Amadeus 48 said...

The walls are closing in as the Mueller investigation draws ever nearer to the Oval office.

Remember all that nonsense Howard? How did that work out? It seems to me that the walls closed in on the decrepit Mueller and his team of political operatives, but maybe you have a different read. You ought to take the Sally-Anne Test.

Michael K said...

His people likely planted the chest pain rumor.

Howard the detective. Were you the whistleblower we are not supposed to mention ?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

btw - all the hand-wringers on the right worrying about Trump's tweets - shut the F up.
There is nothing wrong with Trump tweeting about the liar Schitt and his fraudulent BS faux- impeachment inquiry, and the clown show of bogus innuendo witnesses.

Taking the impeachment seriously is a big mistake. Don't give the corrupt deep state any hope that they hold legitimacy. They do not. THEY belong behind bars.

The impeachment inquiry should be mocked at all times. It's a fraud - run by a total fraud.
The real person who should be impeached is Adam Schitt.

MadisonMan said...

My Facebook feed would be unreadable if Trump were to die. The celebrations would be nauseating.

Francisco D said...

With no Trump, where would their flaming arrows fly?

To the next Republican in line.

The vitriol is worse for Trump than previous Republicans because he doesn't play by their rules and because they are increasing open about their totalitarianism.

We have seen this show before. It was just somewhat more restrained in the past.

Birkel said...

If it were a heart attack, his supporters would shrug and move along. Shit happens.

The Leftist Collectivists would go crazier and start impeachment proceedings against Pence.

rcocean said...

I'd rather have Trump healthy than die in office. He's done his part. Frankly, I don't think this country deserves him anymore than it deserved Reagan. Most Americans want to wallow in shit with the Clintons.

mockturtle said...

True, Francisco D, Trump doesn't back down, doesn't apologize and doesn't pander to the press. We would need another warrior. The time for 'playing nice' is over.

Kay said...

This is the oldest man to ever have been elected, so I wouldn’t be surprised. But people are living longer everyday, so I don’t think it’s cause for alarm. This is especially true of the extremely wealthy people who tend to get into politics. I wouldn’t be surprised if we elected even older people to the office in the very near future.

Bob Boyd said...

What would Ahab do if word came that Moby Dick had been found floating belly up in the South Seas?

Jon said...

@TRISTRAM: That's Paul WellSTONE

Paul said...

If Trump died of a heart attack the liberals would say that PROVES he was guilty!!

Kind of like the Salem witch trials where they threw you in a pond. If you drowned that proved you were innocent, if you floated... you were a witch and hung!

Jeff Weimer said...

Meanwhile, RBG got a "routine emergency procedure" according to ABC.

The need to minimize things for the left and maximize them against the right continues apace.

Howard said...

Blogger rcocean said...
Frankly, I don't think this country deserves him anymore

Amen, Brother.

MadTownGuy said...

From the post:

"Now, turn on a dime and attack President Pence. He's a fiend! Worse than Trump!"

If the Dalai Lama were a US citizen and a Republican, he too would be a fiend, and impeachable.

Bay Area Guy said...

AA asks/sez:

I hope Trump is healthy, but this story did make me wonder What if Trump suddenly had a heart attack and died?

That would be sad, we would mourn, but we would get over it -- Presidents often die in office (Harrison, Harding), get shot at in office (FDR, Truman, Ford, Reagan) and get murdered in office (Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, JFK).

My first thought is that millions of people would feel that the Democrats (and other anti-Trumpers) killed him.

From a heart attack? No, don't think so.

Yancey Ward said...

If Trump dropped dead from a heart attack, my first thought wouldn't be that he was murdered.

I can predict, though, what would happen.....for about 8 hours the Left would maintain some decorum, but in the end they wouldn't be able to help themselves- they would start openly celebrating. Also, impeachment would proceed after about a week of delay, but now with Pence the target. I also predict that a VP replacement might not be approved by the House, though even that might be a bridge too far for the Democrats- a lot of norms have been destroyed in the effort to get Trump out.

Matt Sablan said...

Yance: I have no doubt no VP would be approved. So long as they don't, if they can get rid of Pence, they'd be able to get Pelosi in. There's no way they'll waive that opportunity.

bbkingfish said...

Sounds like he had a panic attack. Glad he's OK.

Jim at said...

One doesn't need to imagine what the left would be doing if Trump were to suddenly pass away.

They fantasize about it. Openly.

Darrell said...

Cast into Hell, Satan, and all the evil Leftists, wandering throughout the world seeking the destruction of Souls.


mockturtle said...

"routine emergency procedure"

Really, Jeff? I mean, that was an exact quote? Hilarious!

mockturtle said...

OK, so that's probably behind this whole impeachment thing: The fact that RBG is moribund and maybe they believe that Trump can't nominate anyone to the SCOTUS when he's being tried for impeachment.

Narayanan said...

Blogger mockturtle said...
"routine emergency procedure"

Really, Jeff? I mean, that was an exact quote? Hilarious.
ABCspeak multitudinally.

Routine for hospital,
Emergency for patient

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

maybe it was for this pain in the ass

In the hours after National Security Advisor John Bolton was fired by President Donald Trump on September 10th, he immediately began calling longtime political operatives in Washington, DC, sources tell The Chronicle. Many of those calls were made to Democrats and many of them in the national security establishment.

One of those contacts was the intelligence agency whistleblower who filed the now-famous complaint pertaining to the President’s call with President Volodymyr Zelensky

narciso said...

that seems to be at variance with morrisons actual statements,

narciso said...

that bit of the narrative, is non operative, even the journal, admits Bolton was rather non plussed, and the Stache is not a wall flower, he doesn't send a telegram, he speaks out in the largest venue possible,

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Let not your hearts be troubled-- or maybe??

Several White House NSC officials, including some who have testified as impeachment witnesses, viewed Schiff's star witness Alex Vindman not only as a "loose cannon" but as a "security concern" inside the White House.
per paul sperry

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Going through Tim Morrison's transcript, it's pretty obvious why Schiff held it up all this time.
It's not very flattering for Alexander Vindman.
He has issues with chain of command, talking out of turn, rejection, and policy.
Will be posting highlights

per the inimitable Roscoe B. Davis

narciso said...

that certainly seems likely, there is no indication, like oliver north, he pushed to arm the Ukrainians with heavy weapons, from his post in Moskva,

elyse said...

Why would you expect anything different? Trump has caused a tremendous amount of pain for many many people and some have died. He will not be remembered fondly by many no matter when he leaves this planet. It's like when Anton Scalia suddenly died. No one's first reaction was happy that another human being died, everyone was shocked. But once they processed that he died, they were relieved.

wbfjrr2 said...

Elyse, you need psychiatric care. Care to specify who’s pain ( other than their own tds-induced) Trump caused, and who he made die?

It’s the fruitcake season, you might be the first to arrive.