Quinnipiac reports.
Biden receives 24 percent of the vote among Democratic voters and independent voters who lean Democratic, while South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg gets 16 percent, Warren receives 14 percent, and Sen. Bernie Sanders gets 13 percent.... In an October 24 poll, Warren received 28 percent, Biden had 21 percent, Sanders was at 15 percent, and Buttigieg got 10 percent....
Trump's approval rating has improved since the October 23 poll. He's at 40%, as opposed to 38% last month. 54% disapprove now, and it was 58% last moth. So before it was a 20-point gap and now (after the impeachment hearings), it's only 14 points. And the opinion on impeachment has moved in Trump's direction:
While 45 percent of American voters think President Trump should be impeached and removed from office, 48 percent don't think he should be. In an October 23 poll, 48 percent thought he should be impeached and removed and 46 percent didn't think so....
७९ टिप्पण्या:
Medicare for All has grown increasingly unpopular among all American voters, as 36 percent say it is a good idea and 52 percent say it is a bad idea
Good thing they all got on that bandwagon
How does Biden's on-tape international tax payer funded quid pro quo get a pass? No trial - just the media telling us our eyes are lying to us.
When you’ve lost Quinnipiac...
I know why I don't like Warren as a candidate, but would be interested in hearing theories on why she's dropped so.
Impeachment is a loser. Someone last night on Fox said that when you account for the % of voters that are solidly in one camp or the other, there's really only 3-5% points in play. I think that's correct and so don't expect the impeachment numbers to change much going forward.
I strongly suspect that a significant number of poll respondents won't admit that they are Trump supporters. People see what happens socially to conservatives, and they don't trust that poll responses will actually be kept confidential.
Poll numbers change.
People's opinions stay the same.
Slow Joe is speeding up. Do the Dem voters feel sorry for him. He is a Disabled person. And he is the sole support of his son and grandchildren. And what’s a few hundred million dollars walking around money compared to the payoff money the rest of the Swamp has laundered into their secret accounts.
"Medicare for All has grown increasingly unpopular among all American voters, as 36 percent say it is a good idea and 52 percent say it is a bad idea."
Anti-single payer propaganda promulgated by the profiteering insurance industry is reaping the results they are paying for.
Voters Not Swayed By Impeachment Hearings
Hey! Is that brakes I hear screeching....?
Hee hee hee!
All public polls are juiced. None should be trusted.
“Voters not swayed by Impeachment hearings”
Trump Impeachment Inquiry: Support/Oppose. RealClearPolitics
Support for Impeachment by 12 in Quinnipiac Poll 11/21-11/25
Scrutiny. When she briefly got seen as a front-runner more people paid closer attention to her. That is, to her lies about herself, her ancestry, her abuse of affirmative action, her kids in private school, Michael Brown. And to her reckless ideas. “I have a plan for that” but the plan never involves paying for it. She's not the first media darling to tank when Americans get a good look.
The only idiots swayed by Schitt's shcitt show are the true believers in the Maddow-hivehind loyalty program and sad holdovers from the Russians under every bed Collusion hoax.
I've been anti-single-payer ever since Hillary attempted to gag us with it in the 90's. Either that or THE RUSSIANS!!!! errr.. I mean, The evil INSURANCE COMPANIES got to me!
perhaps, on the former, look we don't trust Russians, but we don't need to be stupid paranoid, now jim himes, harkin, biden, podesta, they were all in their pocket,
I feel like there is going to be a big shakeup in the Democratic race. The current dynamic is that Biden seems safe and his being well-known will keep him in the top ranks for a while. But eventually it is going to dawn on the Democrats that Biden has always been something of a glad-handing dim bulb.
To paraphrase:
There are Democrats who thought Biden would age like wine. If they mean it turns to vinegar, it does. If they mean it gets better with age, it don't.
At that point, all the moderates will have dropped out but someone will have to be nominated--Warren is a huge turn-off, Sanders is too old and too communist, so that leaves Buttigieg. Or maybe someone further down will have a surge, like Yang or Gabbard.
Anti-single payer propaganda promulgated by the profiteering insurance industry is reaping the results they are paying for.
Insurance companies mostly process claims. That's why Medicare beneficiaries get inundated with offers this time of year. The government pays all the bills, the medical associations set their prices and Medicare sets deductibles and adjusts those prices. The same thing happens for people in large companies because the companies are self-insured.
Processing claims for the government is a huge business without risk. Insurance companies do not like risk. If we have Medicare for all, the insurance companies will do quite well. The people who suffer will be the patients and providers.
As a Medicare beneficiary, I am happy with my coverage. However, doctors treat you like you are on an assembly line because they make so little money from Medicare. I know because I was a provider for ten years. Single payer systems will drive doctors out of practice and we will be stuck with PAs and other semi-competent, poorly trained robots.
My Predictions:
1. Trump will not be impeached. The Democrats will suffer if there is senate trial.
2. Biden will not be the nominee. He is ethically and cognitively challenged and people are starting to notice.
3. Warren will not be the nominee. Even my life long Democrat wife will not vote for her.
4. ButtiBoy will not be the nominee even if he has an African-American VP. Need I explain?
5. Bloomberg will not be the nominee because a lot of Democrats hate rich Jews.
6. Democrats realize that Trump will be re-elected, so they will nominate Bernie who will have Kamala as his VP. It's OK if he's Jewish because he is a Marxist.
Warren has already admitted that her single payer plan will necessarily lead to healthcare rationing. Besides her (and Cookie) who wants that?
I know why I don't like Warren as a candidate, but would be interested in hearing theories on why she's dropped so.
Well, as noted above the list of lies showing her minority/victim/I'm not REALLY rich/ just a beer swilling regular Joanne persona hasn't helped.
I think even MSM has let a bit of sunshine into the huge gap between just-a-few-bucks-from-Scrooge-McDuck and the real costs of her plans. She couldn't/wouldn't admit taxes although we all know they would. Kicking the BIG plan for health care to year three was transparently telling us I'll say whatever it takes.
So we can't trust who she is OR her plans.
Plus she is a stick up the ass schoolmarm scold. Four years of that? Yikes!
Sort of a triple threat.
@Francisco D,
I like your predictions and hope you're right. A Bernie-Harris ticket would be fab. They would win Cal,NY, Vermont - and almost nothing else.
Adam Schiff produced convincing evidence that Donald Trump strong-armed Ukraine to investigate the Bidens. But he failed to produce evidence for his original claim that Trump was strong-arming Ukraine to "make up" dirt. At the same time, Republican failed to produce evidence that the Bidens were dirty.
But, Mike Pence only needs 20 Republican votes from his colleagues in the Senate to become President - how sure are we that he's not going to get them?
Something about the Dem party selection process is messed up. It seems to be running in reverse to select losers. Maybe they know they can make as ballots as needed so whoever gets the nomination wins - the same thing as they thought the last time. But you have to be careful. In Uruguay once they had more votes than residents in a city.
At the same time, Republican failed to produce evidence that the Bidens were dirty.
Clean as a whistle, earned every penny.
Left Bank the Moron: "Adam Schiff produced convincing evidence that Donald Trump strong-armed Ukraine to investigate the Bidens."
Its like its still 2016 or something.
from the link above
Lynn Chu:The State Department denied Shokin a visa out of what George Kent averred, providing no facts or details whatsoever, a "broadbased consensus," that for Shokin to allege corruption at the US embassy must itself be corrupt. [p. 50, George Kent statement (out of 355 empty rambling pages, in closed session, Nov. 6, 2019)]. What this is, is self-dealing. It is bias and an obvious conflict of interest from which State Department
the other half of that post,
officials had a duty to recuse from any decision upon, and refer to their White House superiors for decision. They knew the White House decision would have been to admit Shokin (and his successor prosecutors) to meet and testify to Giuliani and his team, so it was insubordinate of State to block such entry and testimony from Shokin (and other Ukrainian prosecutors). A lot of firings are very likely warranted here.
Media polls designed to shape opinion are wrong in one direction, and only one direction, always.
Inga: "Trump Impeachment Inquiry: Support/Oppose. RealClearPolitics"
Fake polls by fake "journalists" to create fake momentum for fake impeachment!
Not gonna work.
Too funny.
Here we go again with the moron lefties like Inga milling about on all fours while bleating the lefty lies of the day.
Schiff wins again!
If the Ukraine impeachment hearings begin to falter, it's not too late for Schiff to shift to Emoluments! Something about Trump Tower somewhere, or maybe it's Trump Hotel, but regardless, Emoluments! are bad, as noted somewhere in the Constitution that Nancy-Pants says we should pray for.
Your Honor, I rest my case!
Medicare for All has grown increasingly unpopular among all American voters, as 36 percent say it is a good idea and 52 percent say it is a bad idea."
Anti-single payer propaganda promulgated by the profiteering insurance industry is reaping the results they are paying for.
Or the truth. Maybe they actually listened to Liawatha and math might not be as hard for some.
Go Nadler!
I just like saying that. It makes me chuckle.
Can you imagine the vulgarity Inga is going to launch at Althouse once this impeachment charade collapses on itself?
And lets not even get started thinking about what Inga will be doing once Trump wins reelection!
Lots and lots and lots of good times ahead.
I wonder if Inga ever thought about apologizing for her remark that all those military veterans and active duty personnel who voted for Trump were treasonous nazi traitors?
I'm betting no.
I think we have just about reached the point where the 5,000 lying lefties who contacted the FBI to tell them Kavanaugh raped them (with Inga believing every single one of them) will need to be repurposed against Trump and whatever nominee is put up to replace RBG.
Now this is quite a muddle
Maybe impeachment numbers go higher because they perceive it’s the only way he can’t win 2020?
Via Lucianne:
The latest impeachment polling has come in from HuffPost, CNN, and Politico, and it proves Adam Schiff’s House hearings were a massive failure. This is not just a massive fail on Schiff’s part — it is also a massive media fail. Because, if you recall the last two weeks, Schiff’s kangaroo court was backed by billions and billions of dollars in corporate propaganda through the fake media, including far-left CNN, MSNBC, and even a number of lying morons on Fox News, like Chris Wallace and Andrew Napolitano. What’s more, as a means to give Schiff’s hoax the air of legitimacy, all the major networks broadcast the hearing live....
I can't believe Beiden at all. The Ukrainian Gas outfit could have had McKinsey doing their "Management Overviews" for 25K per month, but chose the great DemoScion instead at twice the price. Do we just abandon our sense now? Can we not draw rational conclusions? The Clinton Foundation is something horridly illegal, but no one cares. How can Pruggs be touted honestly as the candidate? There must be a back plan.
Yet another staffer for Rep. Adam Schiff served as a fellow for the Atlantic Council, a think tank that is funded by and works in partnership with Burisma, the natural gas company at the center of allegations regarding Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden. Sean Misko has been described as “close friends” with Eric Ciaramella, whom Real Clear Investigations suggests is the likely so-called whistleblower. Misko reportedly joined Schiff’s staff at the House Intelligence Committee in August – the same month the so-called whistleblower’s complaint was filed after first reportedly interfacing with a staffer for Schiff’s office. Misko in 2015 was a yearlong “Millennium Fellow” at the....
well miss jareckas successor as finance minister, dandryk, (sic) was indeed a mckinsey alum
she had been the chief economic advisor at the embassy, from the henhouse to the chicken coop,
yes, misko was the middle east expert, snorfle, on the nsc, as such he was probably the liason with cofer black, fmrly of the counter terror office, and vp at blackwater, on the burisma board,
When it comes to impeachment polls, you can ignore the Democrats and Republicans. What matters is the independents. Assuming they are about 1/3rd of the electorate, 5%-6% of independents switched from do it to don't do it.
That's fairly significant, but not devastating for Democrats (other polls have been devastating--this one is relatively benign).
Hi Third World! I am the new US Secretary of State, but Future President. I have a great new Foundation that all of you can send money to. We accept donations from countries that receive US foreign aid too! Circular funding is fine. Stick with the winner or go broke! The foundation is primarily concerned with funding our retainers and serfs, along with our co2 emitting jet fleet.
Impeachment saved Biden so far, and hurt Warren as a consequence, but that is her fault to some extent. Let me explain:
To impeach Trump, the media felt they had to go fullbore ignorant and act like the evidence against the Bidens was nonexistent. However, just ignoring the Bidens' likely corruption wasn't enough- the media had to support support him actively in the polling, and this is why the media started going after Warren on the Medicare-for-all plan- it was the only way to boost Biden in the polling- take down the person that had jumped ahead of him. The same dynamic is going to hit Buttuvwxyz and/or Sanders unless the Democrats give up on impeachment and toss Biden to the wolves- the media will have to take down the new challengers to Biden to protect the impeachment narrative.
Of course, Warren herself allowed this to happen- she should have gone for Biden's throat openly a month ago. If she had, Biden would be out of the race today. The opportunity is there to finish Biden off- all it takes is one of the top 4 candidates to say start attacking Biden publicly for this appearance of corruption. Someone has to go first, and that person will reap the benefits. If they don't, and Biden becomes the nominee, I promise you Trump will beat him over the head with that video of Biden bragging about getting the prosecutor fired.
If Bloomberg wants to make a big bet on getting into this race, he should go after Biden on the Burisma corruption. This is the figurative a $100 bill on the sidewalk.
Yancy, that is a very perceptive note on the "Beiden" issue, until impeach rests "Beiden" will be protected.
Yancey has a strong point, albeit buried a bit in the verbiage: Warren should have gone after Biden. She didn't. To those who know, she looks weak. To the rest, Biden still looks like the strong horse.
I still think it's Warren by a country mile come voting time, though. I imagine she'd love to attack Biden. These polls should give her the courage to do so.
Adam Schiff produced convincing evidence that Donald Trump strong-armed Ukraine to investigate the Bidens. But he failed to produce evidence for his original claim that Trump was strong-arming Ukraine to "make up" dirt. At the same time, Republican failed to produce evidence that the Bidens were dirty.
But, Mike Pence only needs 20 Republican votes from his colleagues in the Senate to become President - how sure are we that he's not going to get them?
That is an interesting take Left Bank.
I don't buy the "convincing evidence" part, but the implied idea that Republicans want to bring back their culturally conservative credentials is a possibility. Of course, that would be the end of the Republican Party.
’At the same time, Republican failed to produce evidence that the Bidens were dirty.’
Nor did they produce evidence that the Earth is round, but neither was the focus of the hearings.
’If they don't, and Biden becomes the nominee, I promise you Trump will beat him over the head with that video of Biden bragging about getting the prosecutor fired.’
It reminded me of Bernie laying down on Hillary’s emails - he wimped out, and it cost him. I’m surprised Tulsi didn’t go for the jugular. She could have jumped into the top five...
"Biden Retakes Lead As Warren Plunges, Buttigieg Rises
The Butt Also Rises.
In an October 23 poll, 48 percent thought he should be impeached and removed and 46 percent didn't think so....
I look at these numbers and think, "Just think how much trouble Trump would be in if there was, you know, actual evidence of a crime. Or something."
Mark Sandy's testimony was just released and we immediately find out precisely why Adam Schiff-ty and the rest of the democrat liars kept it hidden for so long and did not allow republicans to reference the deposition during the hearings.
Sandy testified point blank that everyone knew that Trump's temporary delay was based on wanting NATO partners to contribute more.
Just like Trump said.
Sorry Inga/LLR Chuck/HoaxPPT/Left Bank/ARM/All other lefty morons, you think its going bad for you now, just go ahead and impeach Trump and hand over the "trial" to Lindsay Graham!!
Please, please vote for impeachment. Please. Can't come soon enough.
I hope Adam Schiff-ty is prepared to fully testify as to the entirety of his and his staff's interaction with the hoax whistleblower!
Why, we might even require CIA reps (from the Brennan era) to COME ON DOWN and testify as to why this schmuck POS was allowed back into the White House AFTER having been kicked out for leaking.
Leaking.......Hmmmmmmmmmm. Isn't that a crime?
Perhaps Barr will be watching closely for additional perjury crimes for these democrat henchmen. After all, if they've done nothing wrong they should have no problem testifying!
And just thinking of Burisma folks being "invited" in to testify along with Hunter Biden and Joe as well just puts a smile on my face.
But, Mike Pence only needs 20 Republican votes from his colleagues in the Senate to become President - how sure are we that he's not going to get them?
That is an interesting take Left Bank.
I don't buy the "convincing evidence" part, but the implied idea that Republicans want to bring back their culturally conservative credentials is a possibility. Of course, that would be the end of the Republican Party.
11/26/19, 7:47 PM
Specifically it would be the end of the 20 Republican backstabbers. Tell me who you pick as your Judases, Left Bank, and I will tell you how they die.
Amazing, isn't it, that after all these years Biden is the best they can do.
Of course, we deplorables deplored Obama, but we should thank him for narcissistically focusing Dem politics on him and only him, devastating their bench. But then, the lefties are in a quandary: they got Lizzie and Bernie as unappealing flag bearers, too many of them despise the few moderate Dem governors left, so Slow Quidproquo Joe emerges as the only viable establishment alternative.
But the weakness of the field -- I mean, even Deval P thinks he's better -- presents an opening to . . . Oprah.
Anyway, the Dems have yet to realize that Trump is the GOP move to the middle, coopting formerly lefty trade preferences, downplaying foreign intervention, ignoring hot-button social issues except indirectly in SCOTUS appointments, and not caring about spending and deficits.
The Oprah comment is interesting. If no one has a majority or is close to one by time of convention (I think a 50% possibility), then it would be wide open for Oprah or Michelle Obama to come in and take the nomination. And, in a short campaign against Trump, either would have a good chance (at least 50%) of being elected.
Cut to Mr. Bill.
“Sorry Inga/LLR Chuck/HoaxPPT/Left Bank/ARM/All other lefty morons, you think its going bad for you now, just go ahead and impeach Trump and hand over the "trial" to Lindsay Graham!!”
In what fantasy world do you live? The Impeachment process is not only not “going bad’, it’s going great, even better than expected. New revelations daily, the rats are jumping ship and the cockroaches skittering for cover since the lights have been turned on. The impeachment process could not be going any better, unless some tapes or videos come to light. You think that Lindsey Graham is going to throw himself on the coals for Trump once all the information comes to light? Graham will stab Trump in the back without blinking an eye.
I look forward to a Senate trial, I got my supply of popcorn. Watching Drago melt down even more than he has been should be entertaining too.
Buy-den is irreparably damaged. He will fail, the Billionaire Democrat kingmakers will make sure of that. Warren will make a comeback because she has 2 X chromosomes and Democrats are nothing if not all about sexism and/or racism. Burnie will be in it till at least August because of his rabid supporters will not give up. The dark horse has to be Michelle O. She checks all the boxes. Pete B will still be there, he's not really a white male, so just like Bernie, not threatening to D women. So by July Bernie, Michelle, Pete, and Elizabeth neck and neck.
By the way, Bloomberg is in it just so he can spend as much money as he wants unencumbered, directly targeting President Trump.
"The Butt Also Rises"
The Butt Stops Here
Inga the Kavanaugh Gang Rape Hoaxer: "In what fantasy world do you live? The Impeachment process is not only not “going bad’, it’s going great, even better than expected."
LakeLevel: "By the way, Bloomberg is in it just so he can spend as much money as he wants unencumbered, directly targeting President Trump."
Yeah, because the airwaves aren't already full of criticism of Trump!!
Bloomberg will have zero effect in the Battleground states relative to Trump's standing but Bloomberg can make Biden look bad amongst key demographics within the dem primary electorate that Joe "Ukraine Cash" Biden needs badly to win.
Seems like only yesterday Inga was cackling about Mueller closing in on Trump.
If Biden's the nominee, he'll be dragged off a stage in handcuffs. Trump's raring to set up that image, because the Bidens are less corrupt than the Clintons but FAR more inept. And he doesn't care even slightly that much of America will panic as political candidates are hauled off to jail, even when they're guilty.
As for impeachment, I bet the Democrats don't do it. Not because they're trying to inflate a decrepit last-minute parade float, but because Trump will cheerfully promise that if politics is going to be determined by trials, they'll be facing charges of their own. And he doesn't need the Senate to make that happen. People focused on subpoenas and witnesses have clearly failed to realize how President Trump does things. He loves going on offense, loves exposing Rat corruption, and loves revenge.
It's gonna be Biblical.
Specifically it would be the end of the 20 Republican backstabbers. Tell me who you pick as your Judases, Left Bank, and I will tell you how they die
There was an old Daniel Boone FessParker episode when I was a kid, you only got one shot you can’t kill us all! I’ll let you decide among yourselves who the one will be.
Quinnipiac polls *never* show the Asian cut of the data. Do they even ask Asians survey questions? Very weird.
I tweeted them once about this but they never responded. Somebody needs to investigate this.
Maybe Andrew Yang or Tulsi would surge in the polls if the surveys casted a wider net, right?
With all these up and down polls, a horse race commentator would have a hard time keeping up.
I used to think that Crooked Hillary was going to be the nominee, but then, The Bill and Hillary Speaking Tour went out amongst the unwashed and nobody showed up to listen to them. They had to cancel the show. That sent a very clear message to The Crooked One, and it was then that she realized that she was done politically.
Biden will be the nominee even after he loses Iowa and New Hampshire. He'll win everything else after that.
I can hardly wait.
... ah, except the Presidency.
The Dems have shit choices. Biden is a disaster, and that he has the support he does shows the Dem voters have shit for brains. Even the two who have occasional good-sounding ideas (Bernie and Warren) ruin it with their shows of support for the U.S. War Machine and our aggressive foreign policy. Shit on them, too.
Trump will have his second term with little doubt.
Even the two who have occasional good-sounding ideas (Bernie and Warren) ruin it with their shows of support for the U.S. War Machine and our aggressive foreign policy. Shit on them, too.
If only Comrade Stalin were alive, he would fix that American war machine.
"As a Medicare beneficiary, I am happy with my coverage. However, doctors treat you like you are on an assembly line because they make so little money from Medicare. I know because I was a provider for ten years. Single payer systems will drive doctors out of practice and we will be stuck with PAs and other semi-competent, poorly trained robots."
Hmmm. You're happy with your coverage. But if we had coverage for all, it would be a shit-show. Seems contradictory.
If it would be such a disaster, how is it that so many other countries are able to have their own various forms of government-funded (via taxes) healthcare for all, with doctors who are well-paid and citizens who are happy with their coverage?
Besides, "Medicare For all" is (I hope), simply a label used as an easy way to make the idea of single-payer insurance comprehensible to Americans. It doesn't mean (I hope), that if single-payer were ever passed in the U.S., they would do nothing but expand existing Medicare...for all. (Though, that would be a godsend for many Americans.) I would hope that we would create a bespoke system using the best elements of other successful systems around the world, while eliminating or minimizing the most common downsides among them. It would certainly help if we ended all our wars and shifted 75% (or more, preferably) of our military budget over to help fund the new system. I mean, no one is shouting in anger about our taxes going to pay for the biggest, most expensive and wasteful war machine on the planet, but we are paying for it. If our taxes are going to be spent, spend it on healing and preventative health care rather than destruction and murder.
As for insurance companies "mainly processing claims," they also deny coverage, and they make millions in profits. A proper system would eliminate the profit motive.
Oprah could make a race of it, following a brokered convention, and if she runs, and wins, I predict she'll resign in her first year (as she will have intended all along), in favor of the truly intended president, her VP. And that will be...hard to say. I'll go with Kamala or Mayor Pete.
> A proper system would eliminate the profit motive.
Good night, Gracie!
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