Tried to get into the Mayor Pete rally at a Council Bluffs, Iowa HS. Parking lot more than full and a line at least 400 yards long. No way I could have gotten in.
More than half the cars were from Nebraska. One from Texas with a Brown College sticker. The Dems are desperate to beat Trump but this guy can’t do it. Zero support from Blacks.
David Begley said... Tried to get into the Mayor Pete rally at a Council Bluffs, Iowa HS. Parking lot more than full and a line at least 400 yards long. No way I could have gotten in.
More than half the cars were from Nebraska. One from Texas with a Brown College sticker. The Dems are desperate to beat Trump but this guy can’t do it. Zero support from Blacks.
Why are people from Nebraska there? Are they out of state supporters?
How big is this venue? 400 yards is not much of a line.
This is my current favorite party spread, courtesy of Garden & Gun: smoked oyster dip. I made some this afternoon for a Friendsgiving event tomorrow. It was a beautiful day so I fired up the Egg and smoked my own gulf oysters, but I’ve made it before with tinned oysters and they’re just fine. I use twice the amount of Old Bay seasoning as called for, but that’s a matter of taste. Simple and delicious!! 😋
Thanksgiving will be a smaller affair this year, just 14 of us. My favorite holiday.
Brett Baier said something about all the conversations about impeachment that will be happening around tables this Thanksgiving. Not with my family, we've got way more important things to discuss; the rye versus bourbon old fashioned, for example, and who will go on the post meal, pre-pie walk. There will be no politics discussed. Daughter and SIL are hosting. We listen to Alice's Restaurant at noon to kick things off. H/T: WBCN. Anti-war political but from 50 something years ago so it's just fun now.
Got some work to finish up by Wednesday, then family begin a to arrive.
I've just learned that Professor Tom Nichols thinks Indian food is terrible, and Americans who think otherwise are just pretending to be sophisticated.
I knew there was something off about that guy.
Now this minor Twitter flap is silly and doesn't matter, but it reminds me of a moment of exasperation with a colleague I like and respect. I was moved to remark that he is exactly as confident and forceful when he's wrong as when he's right.
On reflection, that was a stupid comment. Of course he is; who isn't? To be otherwise would require you to know you're wrong as you're saying it.
What I should have said was, he is exactly as confident and forceful in his speculation, which is often wrong, as in his knowledge, which is damn near always correct. He doesn't differentiate to his audience, and I suspect he doesn't keep track himself. They come out in the same tone.
That kind of thing can lead to the death of expertise, if you're not careful.
If you have to go gluten-free, good crackers are a problem. One solution is to get a baguette (gluten-free type), slice it across into half-inch slices, dip them in olive oil on both sides, salt and pepper one side and bake into hard toast - about ten minutes. Just like crackers, good with everything.
h said... Answering: "Why are people from Nebraska there? Are they out of state supporters?" It looks to me like Council Bluffs is a suburb of Omaha, NE.
How many of these people vote in Iowa?(and Nebraska...)
Narciso ---- the hero dog has nothing to do with Scalia.
I love the little guy, and I prayed for him a lot, and I was happy he had many children and many grandchildren - one of my great joys in life is knowing that guys like that, who had lots of grandkids, had been prayed for again and again by people like me,
That being said, he was a second-rate guy, wrong about so many things.
As good as Rehnquist - I will give you that - and better than the other 8 who voted against Rehnquist on the most important act of evil that our court has ever undertaken (and no, little Whizzer White, with his sad lonely ambitions, although he voted on the right side, did not do so for good reasons - sad! what a loser!!! - and because he voted for the right side for the wrong reasons, the sad rich fat evildoer, he was not someone we can respect).....
Narciso, as BIG OF A FAN as I am of hero dogs, let me tell you something about them.
In the 80s I went through OTS and that was hell on earth,
As much as I respect soldier dogs,
every single dog would have have washed out of officer training only us humans would have remained to fight for our country.
OTS - Officer Training School, San Antonio, Texas.
It was easy if you were an NCO who was there to become an officer for the last 8 or 12 years of your commitment, or a college grad who though the military was a way to make money.
It was hell on earth for people like me who were there because we wanted the USA to defeat every possible enemy the USA would ever see in our lifetimes.
(That being said, when I say hell on earth, try and remember - death was always afraid of me and my friends. so hell on earth does not mean as difficult a thing for me as it does for most people. So there's that. God has always been my friend, but not always a close friend, for reasons that are my fault, not his.)
Well they disrespect human heroes as well as animals, one fights for ones teammates as well as the country, desmond doss didnt carry a weapon but he stormed into the hell of hacksaw ridge.
I think sherman said it best 'war is hell' it is perhaps a necessary evil, although sometimes not. It was deemed that world war 2 was in the good and vietnam was good, the gulf war was deemed as being irrelevant.
Council Bluffs is NOT a suburb of Omaha. It is a city on the other side of the river. The two cities are very different. As Warren Buffett put it, “Even if Iowa had no income tax, I wouldn’t move.”
No way I was going to get in. At least 2,000 people in line and a HS gym seats maybe 1,000. There is a much bigger venue in CB and Bernie has used it twice.
"I was shot at defending the country you live in, and you despise me.
Wy?" That doesn't make you a good person. Or even a person of good judgement. Thank you for your service. My wifes cousin was in Vietnam. He carried the M60 for his unit. He was, still is, a big guy. His unit got ambushed. When it was over he was the last guy standing. Even though wounded. The NVA were either dead or gone. He got the bronze star. A genuine war hero. You'll never meet a bigger asshole. I mean it. A huge dickhead.
Birkel, God loves you, and I am happy that you tried to make me think I am stupid and useless. Of course I am stupid - I am not too stupid not to know that - but for God's sake, I am not useless ---- you have no idea how many people I have helped in this world,and you will never know..
Thanks for caring, God loves you, feel free to have the last word.
Tell walter I said Hi, and tell him that I know God loves him.
Just the bizarre way you come to your judgements, you think lincoln had anothet alternative, we saw for 75 years what happenw when a nation is half free and half in bondage
I really do respect Birkel, and I respect you, and above all I respect your wife's cousin. He deserves, a hundred times more than I do, any single one of the one or two dozen medals I won.
I just think that, every once in a while, I amuse myself by talking heart to heart to other people who might or might not care.
Seriously, nobody who posts here has any idea what they would need to say to hurt my feelings. And they never will, God bless their hearts.
me and lincoln are not friends because his wife fell in love with me and I was not in love with her and I was all like,
wow, this is not cool.
But God loves us all much much more than we love each other. The quotations of the Curate of Ars, John Vianney, explain all this in a couple hundred words better than I could in a million words.
Well, initially I had thought Bloomberg the least objectionable Democrat. He is not for open borders, or the green nude eel, or Medicare for all illegal immigrants and tourists passing through. But this directive that Bloomberg News will only investigate Trump and not any Democrat has changed my mind.
I was the guy in high school who had a crush on the fat girl with the cute face. I did not think - maybe she would be a good girlfriend - I had a crush on her, and I gave her the confidence to be the woman who I know will have thousands of grandchildren.
I was the guy in the army who made fucking sure that the momma's boys got good advice, I told them all that all the people who ever lived except me (me stephen cooper) and you (you, the guy who is now a grandfather but who I remember who you were when you were a momma's boy about to wash out of training) were momma's boys, you have no fucking idea how many grandpas, today in 2029, did ok in the military because they met a totally crazy but good-hearted guy like me.
narciso my friend it was not easy for me, years ago -you remember this - to join in on a thread where some poor kid , now a prosperous middle aged guy, said that it was HARD FOR HIM TO REALIZE how hard the world is, and I, in the goodness of my heart, I said, don't worry about it dude - trust me, I said, I have read your two or three hundred words and I guarantee you that you can find a woman of high quality - and I was right.
You see, narciso, nobody who I criticize thinks I do not respect them.
and to tell the truth, listen ...
and GOD replies to me, well, slow down there, pilgrim .....
So andy ngo who was beaten in the street by a bunch of thugs, who atill persists in covering auch matters, but the great wizard dorsey feels his truth is microagression.
Stephen Cooper Birkel despises you because you disagree with him. There really is no more to it than that. That said, religious ramblings don’t belong on the blog.
The giants Schwab and Ameritrade just did a 15 billion dollar merger, and they are moving the new entity's Headquarters from San Francisco to northern Ft Worth. That is a big fucking deal.
When he was a child me and my friends protected his country from evils that most people cannot imagine!.
That being said, I do not engage in religious ramblings: I merely relate, in the humbleness of my heart, what I know about what God had done in this world.
I have never gotten a single cent from anything I have ever said about this:
God loves us all.
If you like, read the best-selling tomes of Harold Bloom, Stephen King, and their female equivalents.
Those best-selling authors pocketed millions of dollars by pretending not to know this:
finally, Birkel does not despise me. He argues with me, but that is different than despising someone.
If you think religious ramblings do not belong here, remember, Ann can delete, any time she wants, EVERY SINGLE COMMENT where the word GOD is mentioned.
Trust me, I have written millions of words on many many websites, and sometimes the people in charge of the websites
deleted my accurate observations
what you call, derisively, ramblings - my friend, that was not a kind word for the efforts of a fellow human being to explain reality ----
but to tell the truth, it has been very rare that my words have been deleted.
and when they were I did not care, I have seen what this world really is.
You call it ramblings or bleatings, or you point out that people disagree with me, as if i cared ---
and God loves you as much or more than me.
Probably more ....
that is ok with me
God loves Birkel and you, and Narciso and Ann, more than God loves me
it is really simple
this is my world, for the most part, but God's world to a much greater degree
traditionalguy: "The giants Schwab and Ameritrade just did a 15 billion dollar merger, and they are moving the new entity's Headquarters from San Francisco to northern Ft Worth. That is a big fucking deal."
I have been assured by the rarely lucid HoaxPPT/Ritmo that these things could never ever happen because red states do not even have indoor plumbing!!
Schwab & Ameritrade must be bringing their own plumbing fixtures.
Is the Ameritrade move a good thing? I am assuming it means a lot of highly paid San Francisco voters moving to a state that is increasingly purple. I certainly understand why Texas wants the jobs and the tax base, but for the rest of the country, what would a Blue Texas mean?
Ft Worth not only has plumbing, it also has the only major accredited College offering a Bachelors of Science in Ranch Management. The ranch students learn to do their bar fights at Billy Bobs at the Stockyards.
Ft Worth started like Atlanta because of Railway lines to which were added Interstate Highway network, and now has become Aviation/Aerospace heavy including American Airlines Hdq. and also the plants and Airbases where Lockheed makes the F-35 and the F-16. To top it off, Ft. Worth sits on its own natural gas supply in the Barnett Shale.
Best part of the Conan the Hero Dog story today was that first he was male, then she was female, and then he was male again. Although he may have identified as female, at least for part of the day. A story that perfectly exemplifies our times.
@narcisco, Billy Sherman’s exact quote was “You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it.” The context was the burning of Atlanta, first by Hood’s Confederate troops, then Sherman’s troops burned most of what was left. The mayor and civic leaders complained, but Sherman was an early and thorough advocate of Total War — which he was about to demonstrate by marching his army from the ruins of Atlanta to Savannah.
Hot Air The Left’s Plan To Counter Trump In Swing States: Fake Newspapers JOHN SEXTON
After Hillary Clinton’s loss in the 2016 election, progressive strategist Tara McGowan came up with a solution to winning future elections in battleground states: fake newspapers. McGowan left her job at Priorities USA, the largest Democratic super PAC, and created Courier. Courier is a collection of progressive news sites which have been created to appear to be local news sources in various states [including the one now starting up in Madison, Wisconsin] when in fact they are Democratic media operations:
Bloomberg Businessweek The Left’s Plan to Slip Vote-Swaying News Into Facebook Feeds
"...The word for paid information designed to sway voters is advertising. But by adding an opaque layer between readers and the real goals of the publishers what Courier is doing seems closer to propaganda. Ask yourself this question: Why can’t Courier simply put something on its about page explaining that the site was created by Democratic operatives with the goal of helping Democrats win elections? Answer: Because being openly partisan wouldn’t fool people who mistake the site for a straight-shooting local newspaper.
There’s nothing wrong with being openly partisan. People can read material at Hot Air or at HuffPost and judge the content for themselves in light of the perspective that shaped it. The readers of Courier’s outlets should be similarly informed so they can make the same judgment about the content they are reading and spreading."
Did Jesus love the Pharisees ---- and their wives, and the little children whom they loved.....Yes; every time Jesus looked at a Pharisee, he had divine knowledge - he knew how blissful their parents were when the mother was pregnant with them, he knew how happy each of them would have been to understand the scriptures the way Jesus, in his divine way, understood the scriptures,
Jesus had a good life and a brave life but he regretted not having been a soldier so that he could have protected all his friends, including the people that losers like Martin Luther think of as despised Pharisees, from those who would harm those he enjoyed speaking with, friend to friend, even if they disagreed on certain philosophical points, COR AD COR LOQUITUR
I am not a big fan of "Mother Theresa" - she always seemed to me like a sad old woman with lots of goals but with little faith, someone who read Dale Carnegie with more respect than she read the epistles of Paul or the gospels of the Evangelists ----
but she got one thing right. she knew this, in her sad little old woman way, much better than I know it ... God loves us al.
I have been working on my garage band idea, a group called The Little Vindmans. I have a play list--no songs, just titles--for a two disc rock opera called Orange Man Bad. The first act is called Orange Man Bad, and the second Kill Shot (we missed). Here is the playlist:
Disc 1: Orange Man Bad
1. Election night (Wisconsin Rag/Pennsylvania 44,000) 2. Grab 'em by the pussy 3. DC Badboys 4. How can I miss Hill (when she won't go away) 5. Our homey Comey 6. Muellergate 7. Hands up/don't #MeToo 8. Melania, mon amour 9. Yummy mummy (Ivanka!) 10. Try my Trump Grill tacos 11. Somethin' ain't right 12. Badass Brennan (you idiot) 13. Trumpodelic 2020 14. Pussy Riot 15. Orange Man Bad
Disc 2: Kill Shot (we missed)
1. Resistance will kill ya 2. Whistleblower! 3. Don't need no missile/Got me a whistle 4. Call me (Lieutenant Colonel) 5. Moonset over Kiev 6. Don't touch that 7. Purple heart bleeding 8. Got those old dress blues 9. Oil and water (methane crazy) 10. Not my chief 11. Hearsay whoopee 12. Swalwell gas meter (who cut the cheese?) 13. Not much charisma/ lotsa Burisma 14. Ukraine girls (really knock me out) 15. Epstein didn't kill himself (Schiff should) 16. Kill shot (we missed)
So, what do you think? All we need is some talent, some musical instruments, some tunes, some words--but we have the concept and the titles.
Good grief you miss the whole message, he could have raised in a royal household like moses, but that wouldnt havr worked, his coming was predicted by the prophets
Native American = Lie Had to elope = Lie Grandparents were racists = Lie Was fired because she was pregnant = Lie Never used Native American lie to improve herself = Lie Kid went to public school = Lie Not taking corporate money for election = Lie per the inimitable Roscoe B. Davis
...and hey-- what are Bloomberg's ties to Epstein?
Joe keeps telling them he was christened José, but his Irish grandmother made 'em change it to Joe. He says his mom always kept chickens in Scranton, and they gave the eggs to the Mexican family down the street. He and a bunch of black kids had to fight the stuck-up frat boy next door because the rooster started off at 3:30 am. He says his best friend in grade school was a wetback kid who was being dragged off by immigration when Joe asked to see their badges. The guy in charge said, "Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges", and Joe dropped him with a right cross on the spot. Oh yeah, and Hunter's real name is Cazador.
Blockbusters Buried In The IG Report On FBI Misuse Of Confidential Sources The media has ignored several significant revelations detailed in the FBI report Inspector General Michael Horowitz released last week.
“the integrity of our criminal justice system is seriously damaged when investigations are grounded on information that is biased or dishonest and those problems, moreover, are hidden from the defendant’s advocate and the court.
Drago said...I have been assured by the rarely lucid HoaxPPT/Ritmo that these things could never ever happen because red states do not even have indoor plumbing!! -- Not such a big adjustment from shit stained SF.
off topic, but today I went to the driving range instead of the golf course - not just because the driving range is cheaper but because - I just realized this today - the majority of my friends cannot afford the time and expense of golfing on a real golf course (when I was younger it was free, you just joined the high school team, or cheap, you just went on a weekday - but that was in the MidWest where land is not as expensive as it is near the oceans).
I only hit 20 balls. 17 went more or less where I wanted. For some reason, I felt sad that it has been years since I used a persimmon wood golf club. But here is the funny thing - there were only about ten or so people at the driving range (It was a cold day - near zero, Celsius, anyway). By some coincidence, every single one of them was a beginner, or at best an obvious duffer, and for the first time in decades of playing golf I was the best golfer at an event, even if the event was sort of random (if you do not play golf, let me explain - nobody cares who is the best golfer on a given hour on a cold afternoon at a driving range. It is sort of like being the best hiker on a neighborhood trail.)
Not exactly a Jon Elway winning the Super Bowl at the end of his career moment, but still ..... it is not often you do something for 50 years and after 50 years you are the best, even if just for a moment .... reminds me of those random times when I was young when a girlfriend would show up for a date and she would be better dressed than anyone else in the restaurant or the night club and I would think .... life is good.
How predictable are the Democrat-appointed judges? Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, a Democrat appointed by Obama, rules against McGahn.
Democrat judges do not believe in the Rule of Law! They believe in BAMN!
Glad you enjoyed the driving range Mr Cooper. I think we all enjoyed your posting some item that did not involve God speaking to us heathens via words formed in your mouth.
@gilbar, the Honorable Representative from Michigan is too late. Even a vote to censure gives Trump his talking points for next summer’s campaign. What we’ve learned from the hearings is that a bunch of Obama appointees with delusions of competence were all butt-hurt that Trump exercised his prerogative to set foreign policy towards Ukraine without consulting them. Poor dears! He even went so far as to exercise his prerogative to replace an ambassador he had no confidence in. Poor, poor dears!
Also the foreign service professionals apparently do not want Zelensky, who ran on an anti-corruption platform, to actually be encouraged to investigate corruption. Well isn’t that just precious?!? Were they getting a cut of the take? Or just hoping that a dolt like Crooked Hunter’s Sleepy Daddy would be their next boss?
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९३ टिप्पण्या:
Frantically trying to get stuff done before a deadline. (sigh).
Retirement isn't happening for a while.
Tried to get into the Mayor Pete rally at a Council Bluffs, Iowa HS. Parking lot more than full and a line at least 400 yards long. No way I could have gotten in.
More than half the cars were from Nebraska. One from Texas with a Brown College sticker. The Dems are desperate to beat Trump but this guy can’t do it. Zero support from Blacks.
David Begley said...
Tried to get into the Mayor Pete rally at a Council Bluffs, Iowa HS. Parking lot more than full and a line at least 400 yards long. No way I could have gotten in.
More than half the cars were from Nebraska. One from Texas with a Brown College sticker. The Dems are desperate to beat Trump but this guy can’t do it. Zero support from Blacks.
Why are people from Nebraska there? Are they out of state supporters?
How big is this venue? 400 yards is not much of a line.
Please god let buttigieg be the nominee.
Please let him choose Harris as his running mate.
The links I posted above are the Fed admitting tariffs have NOT increased consumer prices.
This is my current favorite party spread, courtesy of Garden & Gun: smoked oyster dip. I made some this afternoon for a Friendsgiving event tomorrow. It was a beautiful day so I fired up the Egg and smoked my own gulf oysters, but I’ve made it before with tinned oysters and they’re just fine. I use twice the amount of Old Bay seasoning as called for, but that’s a matter of taste. Simple and delicious!! 😋
Thats about the mann suit against steyn, which the supreme court did not shoot dow
Thanksgiving will be a smaller affair this year, just 14 of us. My favorite holiday.
Brett Baier said something about all the conversations about impeachment that will be happening around tables this Thanksgiving. Not with my family, we've got way more important things to discuss; the rye versus bourbon old fashioned, for example, and who will go on the post meal, pre-pie walk. There will be no politics discussed. Daughter and SIL are hosting. We listen to Alice's Restaurant at noon to kick things off. H/T: WBCN. Anti-war political but from 50 something years ago so it's just fun now.
Got some work to finish up by Wednesday, then family begin a to arrive.
I love this time of year.
The rhetorical war on russia, came late in the game
Answering: "Why are people from Nebraska there? Are they out of state supporters?" It looks to me like Council Bluffs is a suburb of Omaha, NE.
I've just learned that Professor Tom Nichols thinks Indian food is terrible, and Americans who think otherwise are just pretending to be sophisticated.
I knew there was something off about that guy.
Now this minor Twitter flap is silly and doesn't matter, but it reminds me of a moment of exasperation with a colleague I like and respect. I was moved to remark that he is exactly as confident and forceful when he's wrong as when he's right.
On reflection, that was a stupid comment. Of course he is; who isn't? To be otherwise would require you to know you're wrong as you're saying it.
What I should have said was, he is exactly as confident and forceful in his speculation, which is often wrong, as in his knowledge, which is damn near always correct. He doesn't differentiate to his audience, and I suspect he doesn't keep track himself. They come out in the same tone.
That kind of thing can lead to the death of expertise, if you're not careful.
Hes come to more ridiculous conclusions
If you have to go gluten-free, good crackers are a problem. One solution is to get a baguette (gluten-free type), slice it across into half-inch slices, dip them in olive oil on both sides, salt and pepper one side and bake into hard toast - about ten minutes. Just like crackers, good with everything.
JPS --
Titania McGrath had the perfect Twitter response to Tom Nichols:
"What's wrong about being Aunty Trump?" asks Emily Litella
'So anti-Trump': President asks Jared Kushner to find out 'what’s going on with Drudge?'
Hang in there, MM.
h said...
Answering: "Why are people from Nebraska there? Are they out of state supporters?" It looks to me like Council Bluffs is a suburb of Omaha, NE.
How many of these people vote in Iowa?(and Nebraska...)
What do you think was a foolish decisiom by scalia
Narciso ---- the hero dog has nothing to do with Scalia.
I love the little guy, and I prayed for him a lot, and I was happy he had many children and many grandchildren - one of my great joys in life is knowing that guys like that, who had lots of grandkids, had been prayed for again and again by people like me,
That being said, he was a second-rate guy, wrong about so many things.
As good as Rehnquist - I will give you that - and better than the other 8 who voted against Rehnquist on the most important act of evil that our court has ever undertaken (and no, little Whizzer White, with his sad lonely ambitions, although he voted on the right side, did not do so for good reasons - sad! what a loser!!! - and because he voted for the right side for the wrong reasons, the sad rich fat evildoer, he was not someone we can respect).....
Narciso, as BIG OF A FAN as I am of hero dogs, let me tell you something about them.
In the 80s I went through OTS and that was hell on earth,
As much as I respect soldier dogs,
every single dog would have have washed out of officer training only us humans would have remained to fight for our country.
except me and people who know what I know,
OTS - Officer Training School, San Antonio, Texas.
It was easy if you were an NCO who was there to become an officer for the last 8 or 12 years of your commitment, or a college grad who though the military was a way to make money.
It was hell on earth for people like me who were there because we wanted the USA to defeat every possible enemy the USA would ever see in our lifetimes.
(That being said, when I say hell on earth, try and remember - death was always afraid of me and my friends. so hell on earth does not mean as difficult a thing for me as it does for most people. So there's that.
God has always been my friend, but not always a close friend, for reasons that are my fault, not his.)
Thanks for reading.
Well they disrespect human heroes as well as animals, one fights for ones teammates as well as the country, desmond doss didnt carry a weapon but he stormed into the hell of hacksaw ridge.
And here comes waste of typing to waste some typing in a conversation with his own damned self.
I think sherman said it best 'war is hell' it is perhaps a necessary evil, although sometimes not. It was deemed that world war 2 was in the good and vietnam was good, the gulf war was deemed as being irrelevant.
Have you seen hacksaw ridge, thats a powerful film, gibson often does that ben sshenkken was the screenwriter,
Narciso, I loved hacksaw ridge.
Who did a silly bit of agitprop, about trump which crashed on very blue broadway.
I think scalia has been brave on many fronts occassionally some decisioms likr flag burning were foolish
Council Bluffs is NOT a suburb of Omaha. It is a city on the other side of the river. The two cities are very different. As Warren Buffett put it, “Even if Iowa had no income tax, I wouldn’t move.”
No way I was going to get in. At least 2,000 people in line and a HS gym seats maybe 1,000. There is a much bigger venue in CB and Bernie has used it twice.
narciso - Scalis went over to the dark side on the santeria decision.
God despises those who do not protect the innocent.
Fortunately for old Scalia, he did not know what he was doing , and God protects the innocent.
The Lord of Israel slumbers not nor sleeps.
"I was shot at defending the country you live in, and you despise me.
That doesn't make you a good person. Or even a person of good judgement. Thank you for your service.
My wifes cousin was in Vietnam. He carried the M60 for his unit. He was, still is, a big guy. His unit got ambushed. When it was over he was the last guy standing. Even though wounded. The NVA were either dead or gone. He got the bronze star. A genuine war hero. You'll never meet a bigger asshole. I mean it. A huge dickhead.
I wasnt too keen on that, but it is freedom of religion, albeit a more bloodthirsty facet than we currently aupport.
Thus ends my attempts at back and forth.
Birkel, God loves you, and I am happy that you tried to make me think I am stupid and useless. Of course I am stupid - I am not too stupid not to know that - but for God's sake, I am not useless ---- you have no idea how many people I have helped in this world,and you will never know..
Thanks for caring, God loves you, feel free to have the last word.
Tell walter I said Hi, and tell him that I know God loves him.
Just the bizarre way you come to your judgements, you think lincoln had anothet alternative, we saw for 75 years what happenw when a nation is half free and half in bondage
Rusty - you get it.
Life is complicated.
I really do respect Birkel, and I respect you, and above all I respect your wife's cousin. He deserves, a hundred times more than I do, any single one of the one or two dozen medals I won.
I just think that, every once in a while, I amuse myself by talking heart to heart to other people who might or might not care.
Seriously, nobody who posts here has any idea what they would need to say to hurt my feelings.
And they never will, God bless their hearts.
narciso - you get it too.
me and lincoln are not friends because his wife fell in love with me and I was not in love with her and I was all like,
wow, this is not cool.
But God loves us all much much more than we love each other.
The quotations of the Curate of Ars, John Vianney, explain all this in a couple hundred words better than I could in a million words.
You demand too much of people, knowing how flawed they are,
I tried to explain why the spencer firing was important how the jags conspired to surveil and hide evidence in the case of senior chief gallagher.
Well, initially I had thought Bloomberg the least objectionable Democrat. He is not for open borders, or the green nude eel, or Medicare for all illegal immigrants and tourists passing through. But this directive that Bloomberg News will only investigate Trump and not any Democrat has changed my mind.
Notable: no resignations in protest.
narciso I love them all/
I was the guy in high school who had a crush on the fat girl with the cute face. I did not think - maybe she would be a good girlfriend - I had a crush on her, and I gave her the confidence to be the woman who I know will have thousands of grandchildren.
I was the guy in the army who made fucking sure that the momma's boys got good advice, I told them all that all the people who ever lived except me (me stephen cooper) and you (you, the guy who is now a grandfather but who I remember who you were when you were a momma's boy about to wash out of training) were momma's boys, you have no fucking idea how many grandpas, today in 2029, did ok in the military because they met a totally crazy but good-hearted guy like me.
narciso my friend it was not easy for me, years ago -you remember this - to join in on a thread where some poor kid , now a prosperous middle aged guy, said that it was HARD FOR HIM TO REALIZE how hard the world is, and I, in the goodness of my heart, I said, don't worry about it dude - trust me, I said, I have read your two or three hundred words and I guarantee you that you can find a woman of high quality - and I was right.
You see, narciso, nobody who I criticize thinks I do not respect them.
and to tell the truth, listen ...
and GOD replies to me, well, slow down there, pilgrim .....
I will tell GOD
yes You do.
with all due respect .....
Well he is for open borders, the rest is negotiable, he still fears the skydragon just not that willing to sacrifice.
Well that is the self evident part. Thr other is to repent of ones sins, thats a harder deal for some.
So andy ngo who was beaten in the street by a bunch of thugs, who atill persists in covering auch matters, but the great wizard dorsey feels his truth is microagression.
Stephen Cooper
Birkel despises you because you disagree with him. There really is no more to it than that.
That said, religious ramblings don’t belong on the blog.
Well whats more relevant, this int
Ramural kibitzing over nothing,thats peach flavored tea
So osteen tell you if you turn to christ, everything will work out and youll be rich thats the thin gruel that millions follow.
The giants Schwab and Ameritrade just did a 15 billion dollar merger, and they are moving the new entity's Headquarters from San Francisco to northern Ft Worth. That is a big fucking deal.
Ken B is a liar.
He enjoys lying about others.
Thats a big deal will the new resident learn from their experience.
Uh oh!!
From Politico
"Biden’s senior Latina adviser quits in frustration
Cárdenas’ departure is the latest in a string of troubles Biden’s campaign has had with Latino and Hispanic leaders and groups."
Ken B - thanks,
Maybe you are right, maybe he despises me.
When he was a child me and my friends protected his country from evils that most people cannot imagine!.
That being said, I do not engage in religious ramblings: I merely relate, in the humbleness of my heart, what I know about what God had done in this world.
I have never gotten a single cent from anything I have ever said about this:
God loves us all.
If you like, read the best-selling tomes of Harold Bloom, Stephen King, and their female equivalents.
Those best-selling authors pocketed millions of dollars by pretending not to know this:
finally, Birkel does not despise me.
He argues with me, but that is different than despising someone.
If you think religious ramblings do not belong here, remember, Ann can delete, any time she wants, EVERY SINGLE COMMENT where the word GOD is mentioned.
Trust me, I have written millions of words on many many websites, and sometimes the people in charge of the websites
deleted my accurate observations
what you call, derisively, ramblings - my friend, that was not a kind word for the efforts of a fellow human being to explain reality ----
but to tell the truth, it has been very rare that my words have been deleted.
and when they were I did not care, I have seen what this world really is.
You call it ramblings or bleatings, or you point out that people disagree with me, as if i cared ---
and God loves you as much or more than me.
Probably more ....
that is ok with me
God loves Birkel and you, and Narciso and Ann, more than God loves me
it is really simple
this is my world, for the most part, but God's world to a much greater degree
I am fine with that
traditionalguy: "The giants Schwab and Ameritrade just did a 15 billion dollar merger, and they are moving the new entity's Headquarters from San Francisco to northern Ft Worth. That is a big fucking deal."
I have been assured by the rarely lucid HoaxPPT/Ritmo that these things could never ever happen because red states do not even have indoor plumbing!!
Schwab & Ameritrade must be bringing their own plumbing fixtures.
narciso - osteen is not talking about riches he is talking about the minimum that it takes to live a life free of poverty
Is the Ameritrade move a good thing? I am assuming it means a lot of highly paid San Francisco voters moving to a state that is increasingly purple. I certainly understand why Texas wants the jobs and the tax base, but for the rest of the country, what would a Blue Texas mean?
Ken B: "Is the Ameritrade move a good thing?"
Oh no. Its a terrible horrible very bad thing. Good call.
A Warning--
... maybe "SnakeInTheGrass" is more fitting than 'Snodgrass'
adjective Scot. and North England.
smooth; sleek.
neat; tidy.
God despises those who do not protect the innocent.
That's funny, Stephen. You're always saying that God loves everyone.
It sounds like an echo, them again why else would matt lasseter be promoting him.
He does, but like a parent he requires that you obey him.
Schwab and Ameritrade won't likely turn Texas blue. Green, maybe...
Ft Worth not only has plumbing, it also has the only major accredited College offering a Bachelors of Science in Ranch Management. The ranch students learn to do their bar fights at Billy Bobs at the Stockyards.
Ft Worth started like Atlanta because of Railway lines to which were added Interstate Highway network, and now has become Aviation/Aerospace heavy including American Airlines Hdq. and also the plants and Airbases where Lockheed makes the F-35 and the F-16. To top it off, Ft. Worth sits on its own natural gas supply in the Barnett Shale.
Best part of the Conan the Hero Dog story today was that first he was male, then she was female, and then he was male again. Although he may have identified as female, at least for part of the day. A story that perfectly exemplifies our times.
Did Jesus love the Pharisees?
@narcisco, Billy Sherman’s exact quote was “You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it.” The context was the burning of Atlanta, first by Hood’s Confederate troops, then Sherman’s troops burned most of what was left. The mayor and civic leaders complained, but Sherman was an early and thorough advocate of Total War — which he was about to demonstrate by marching his army from the ruins of Atlanta to Savannah.
Hot Air
The Left’s Plan To Counter Trump In Swing States: Fake Newspapers
After Hillary Clinton’s loss in the 2016 election, progressive strategist Tara McGowan came up with a solution to winning future elections in battleground states: fake newspapers. McGowan left her job at Priorities USA, the largest Democratic super PAC, and created Courier. Courier is a collection of progressive news sites which have been created to appear to be local news sources in various states [including the one now starting up in Madison, Wisconsin] when in fact they are Democratic media operations:
Bloomberg Businessweek
The Left’s Plan to Slip Vote-Swaying News Into Facebook Feeds
"...The word for paid information designed to sway voters is advertising. But by adding an opaque layer between readers and the real goals of the publishers what Courier is doing seems closer to propaganda. Ask yourself this question: Why can’t Courier simply put something on its about page explaining that the site was created by Democratic operatives with the goal of helping Democrats win elections? Answer: Because being openly partisan wouldn’t fool people who mistake the site for a straight-shooting local newspaper.
There’s nothing wrong with being openly partisan. People can read material at Hot Air or at HuffPost and judge the content for themselves in light of the perspective that shaped it. The readers of Courier’s outlets should be similarly informed so they can make the same judgment about the content they are reading and spreading."
Did Jesus love the Pharisees ---- and their wives, and the little children whom they loved.....Yes; every time Jesus looked at a Pharisee, he had divine knowledge - he knew how blissful their parents were when the mother was pregnant with them, he knew how happy each of them would have been to understand the scriptures the way Jesus, in his divine way, understood the scriptures,
Jesus had a good life and a brave life but he regretted not having been a soldier so that he could have protected all his friends, including the people that losers like Martin Luther think of as despised Pharisees, from those who would harm those he enjoyed speaking with, friend to friend, even if they disagreed on certain philosophical points, COR AD COR LOQUITUR
I am not a big fan of "Mother Theresa" - she always seemed to me like a sad old woman with lots of goals but with little faith, someone who read Dale Carnegie with more respect than she read the epistles of Paul or the gospels of the Evangelists ----
but she got one thing right. she knew this, in her sad little old woman way, much better than I know it ...
God loves us al.
I have been working on my garage band idea, a group called The Little Vindmans. I have a play list--no songs, just titles--for a two disc rock opera called Orange Man Bad. The first act is called Orange Man Bad, and the second Kill Shot (we missed). Here is the playlist:
Disc 1: Orange Man Bad
1. Election night (Wisconsin Rag/Pennsylvania 44,000)
2. Grab 'em by the pussy
3. DC Badboys
4. How can I miss Hill (when she won't go away)
5. Our homey Comey
6. Muellergate
7. Hands up/don't #MeToo
8. Melania, mon amour
9. Yummy mummy (Ivanka!)
10. Try my Trump Grill tacos
11. Somethin' ain't right
12. Badass Brennan (you idiot)
13. Trumpodelic 2020
14. Pussy Riot
15. Orange Man Bad
Disc 2: Kill Shot (we missed)
1. Resistance will kill ya
2. Whistleblower!
3. Don't need no missile/Got me a whistle
4. Call me (Lieutenant Colonel)
5. Moonset over Kiev
6. Don't touch that
7. Purple heart bleeding
8. Got those old dress blues
9. Oil and water (methane crazy)
10. Not my chief
11. Hearsay whoopee
12. Swalwell gas meter (who cut the cheese?)
13. Not much charisma/ lotsa Burisma
14. Ukraine girls (really knock me out)
15. Epstein didn't kill himself (Schiff should)
16. Kill shot (we missed)
So, what do you think? All we need is some talent, some musical instruments, some tunes, some words--but we have the concept and the titles.
Good grief you miss the whole message, he could have raised in a royal household like moses, but that wouldnt havr worked, his coming was predicted by the prophets
Like your namesake, you are burgeoning musical genius!
Get together with Laslo, and you two could be a Andrew Lloyd Webber/Tim Rice duo for our troubled days!
oh, that Lying Sack-O-Gawea!
Native American = Lie
Had to elope = Lie
Grandparents were racists = Lie
Was fired because she was pregnant = Lie
Never used Native American lie to improve herself = Lie
Kid went to public school = Lie
Not taking corporate money for election = Lie
per the inimitable Roscoe B. Davis
...and hey-- what are Bloomberg's ties to Epstein?
"Cárdenas’ departure is the latest in a string of troubles Biden’s campaign has had with Latino and Hispanic leaders and groups."
Don't know what the problem could be unless it was the story Quid Pro Jose told about the time he stood up to El Chapo.
They werent going to get along
He seems to be mting down like jeb, months early
didnt she say he was only focused on blacks and whites?
Joe keeps telling them he was christened José, but his Irish grandmother made 'em change it to Joe. He says his mom always kept chickens in Scranton, and they gave the eggs to the Mexican family down the street. He and a bunch of black kids had to fight the stuck-up frat boy next door because the rooster started off at 3:30 am. He says his best friend in grade school was a wetback kid who was being dragged off by immigration when Joe asked to see their badges. The guy in charge said, "Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges", and Joe dropped him with a right cross on the spot. Oh yeah, and Hunter's real name is Cazador.
How could things not be going well?
Blockbusters Buried In The IG Report On FBI Misuse Of Confidential Sources
The media has ignored several significant revelations detailed in the FBI report Inspector General Michael Horowitz released last week.
“the integrity of our criminal justice system is seriously damaged when investigations are grounded on information that is biased or dishonest and those problems, moreover, are hidden from the defendant’s advocate and the court.
Drago said...I have been assured by the rarely lucid HoaxPPT/Ritmo that these things could never ever happen because red states do not even have indoor plumbing!!
Not such a big adjustment from shit stained SF.
we picked THIS Hill to die on; now, we see, that it is a Stupid Hill
off topic, but today I went to the driving range instead of the golf course - not just because the driving range is cheaper but because - I just realized this today - the majority of my friends cannot afford the time and expense of golfing on a real golf course (when I was younger it was free, you just joined the high school team, or cheap, you just went on a weekday - but that was in the MidWest where land is not as expensive as it is near the oceans).
I only hit 20 balls. 17 went more or less where I wanted. For some reason, I felt sad that it has been years since I used a persimmon wood golf club. But here is the funny thing - there were only about ten or so people at the driving range (It was a cold day - near zero, Celsius, anyway). By some coincidence, every single one of them was a beginner, or at best an obvious duffer, and for the first time in decades of playing golf I was the best golfer at an event, even if the event was sort of random (if you do not play golf, let me explain - nobody cares who is the best golfer on a given hour on a cold afternoon at a driving range. It is sort of like being the best hiker on a neighborhood trail.)
Not exactly a Jon Elway winning the Super Bowl at the end of his career moment, but still ..... it is not often you do something for 50 years and after 50 years you are the best, even if just for a moment ....
reminds me of those random times when I was young when a girlfriend would show up for a date and she would be better dressed than anyone else in the restaurant or the night club and I would think .... life is good.
I want to talk about how right I usually am in the face of constant criticism.
It's getting to be a man can't simply tell the truth anymore.
Any truth.
Backing away from impeachment by, of all people, Schiff !
I predicted this.
How predictable are the Democrat-appointed judges? Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, a Democrat appointed by Obama, rules against McGahn.
Democrat judges do not believe in the Rule of Law! They believe in BAMN!
Glad you enjoyed the driving range Mr Cooper. I think we all enjoyed your posting some item that did not involve God speaking to us heathens via words formed in your mouth.
@gilbar, the Honorable Representative from Michigan is too late. Even a vote to censure gives Trump his talking points for next summer’s campaign. What we’ve learned from the hearings is that a bunch of Obama appointees with delusions of competence were all butt-hurt that Trump exercised his prerogative to set foreign policy towards Ukraine without consulting them. Poor dears! He even went so far as to exercise his prerogative to replace an ambassador he had no confidence in. Poor, poor dears!
Also the foreign service professionals apparently do not want Zelensky, who ran on an anti-corruption platform, to actually be encouraged to investigate corruption. Well isn’t that just precious?!? Were they getting a cut of the take? Or just hoping that a dolt like Crooked Hunter’s Sleepy Daddy would be their next boss?
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