Colin Kaepernick and Roger Goodell deserve each other.
The owners should fire Goodell and let Kaepernick be the halftime show at the Super Bowl. He can wear a dashiki and throw some passes to the sweatshop workers from Nike’s factory in Vietnam.
How could anyone not stupid look at the horrible wrecker, completely made up false person Balsey Ford and not hate the structures giving her hatred power the of the innocent violated developed by a just society without giving an iota of a damn about actual innocence violated, such as Justice Kavanaugh's, and the loss of that just society because of the acceptance of liar's lying? What could they get from it?
That essay Mike K. at Quillette probably has the right answer, and I've said so years before here at the Althouse blog. "Oh but Bern Dorhn and Bill Ayer's might call me racist!"
I guess as long as we keep forcing them to abort their electoral majorities (such was life) I should feel more satisfaction than we do, given our amazing success at getting them to kill themselves in their blind hatred of God.
I just came back from taking the wife on a Monday night date to see "Ford V Ferrari." Wonderful. You know, once upon a time the US had manly men who did manly things. These days, not so much -- and none at all among the Democrats.
17) THAT'S why the context Yovanovitch was mentioned in got memory holed so far, that's what Schiff was trying so extra hard to control the questioning around her. She was the quite literal bag-man, the one who delivered the aid money to the Ukrainian oligarchs stealing it!
All you have to do is prove to me that you didn't do it. - Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House
A couple of the grandkids are here for a few days. Their parents, our daughter and SIL, work for the same company and are out of town at a work thing. Mrs. stevew had generously offered to take in the kids. They are 3 years old and almost 1. It's great having them here, quite fun and energetic. I'm pretty happy that bedtime is 7:30pm; theirs, not mine.
Any bets on wake time? I arise at 5am-ish, will I get my usual early morning alone time? Magic 8-Ball says, "Outlook not so good".
If Trump’s tweet about Yovanovitch was so intimidating, why did Schiff interrupt her questioning to read it to her? Was the senator trying to intimidate the witness?
I don't want the evil resulting in mass abortion for profit, nor the abortion for profit itself. Independently, both ought be ended if justice for all can ever be enacted.
Char Char Binks said... If Trump’s tweet about Yovanovitch was so intimidating, why did Schiff interrupt her questioning to read it to her? -- The honorable Schitt couldn't stand for intimidation behind her back.
All Trump success shall be distributed to every Never-Trumper for reasons yet to be certified, but they are there, they are right there, alright, okay, they are right, right there.
SteveW Great time being able to spend a couple of days with the grands, absent the parents. Hard to really get to know them, when the parents are there to influence. About the grands sleeping habits. Our DIL found an alarm device/clock thingy. Its a stop light. Red is asleep time, yellow is awake, stay in bed time. Green is OK to get out of bed and start your day time. You set it just like an alarm clock. It helped the household almost from the 1st night.
Wisdom comes from many places, you want perfect people, that it is impossible only those who meditate upon their past repent not apologize that means next to nothing.
I'm extremely skeptical that self-flagellation on the Internet is the kind of expression of faith the Big Man is looking for. However, I certainly don't presume. More thing between heaven and earth....
In 1986 i suffered an accident where I suffered extreme pain - broken bones, a spleen ripped out of place, and on top of it all, I was stuck in the front seat of a car, on a murderously cold Wisconsin night, with two choices in life:
to die right there and then
or to try and survive.
On the one hand, if I died, I would have gone to heaven - I remember the beautiful kind looks from dozens of angels and from the Virgin Mary, telling me that if I did not try to live, everything would be all right,
And then I thought about all the people who would have been inconvenienced if I passed away.
God does not like me much, but I can say this - in that fateful moment, I decided to do what was right for the people who God cared about, even if I knew that God cared less about me than about any creature who had ever lived - because we were friends.
It is so hard to explain.
And now, decades later, I get the reward of being amused that people think I am a phony - for example, you, Mr Cracker. You amuse me..
Tell me Narciso, faced with the choice between heaven and returning to this world, returning to this world in the state of a victim of a horrifying car crash that would have killed 999 out of a thousand people, tell me that you would have made the same choice I made ----
because if you would have said yes
you would know what I know
that you can order any angel you want to be as kind as you want to anyone who likes you and anyone who is not kind to you
this is my world, narciso, in a way I hope you can imagine
Oh, crud. Now he's bugged out. Look, I don't have much to recommend me to the Man upstairs, but I'm fairly certain that pooping my pants among these infidels is not the best reference.
Mr. Cracker is my Dad. Just Cracker is fine. We're on the same side, Stephen. But the weepy drama is off-putting and it bugs me that you don't see how it dishonors what you profess to love. But, so I'm bugged. Boo frickety.
cracker - literally, I have fought evildoers face to face, and there is nothing weepy about the fact that I can say this ----
if you are able to go through even a small part of the vicious nastiness I went through and still be someone who feels a deep love in his or her heart for God, well God bless you.
of you are not able to sympathize, well, don't worry, people with deep faith such as myself will continue to pray for you.
"interesting thread up and down per @HNIJohnMiller"
It is a good theory about that part of the transcript which was mystifying and oddly unmentioned by pretty much everyone in the media. I wrote comment about that the day the transcript was released over at Conservative Treehouse, and it got only one reply. I hadn't thought about it in several weeks now, but it does look like Ukraine was/is investigating Yovanovich for something, and her role doling out of aid would be about the only thing I could think of. Something to keep watch for, I think. If Comrade Fudge's theory is correct, this will actually end up under investigation at the DoJ.
Every winter I have my winter-makes-me-sick sickness which I just had, early, because winter is early because global warming. So I lie and stare at the ceiling and swallow down cherry coughdrops in unnecessarily large amounts and don't eat or do anything much. And as I lay there cutoff from the internet I pictured the Althouse gang up in Heaven - where we'll all be someday, at least I hope for it and you all too will hopefully get it, whether you want it or not, because Cooper is praying. He'll force the resistors through the gate, ("No, no I want hell to show you damn religious people what I think of your hypocrisy." "Well you can't have it, it'd be against my principles, so go be happy and like it." Well, I won't." "Well, don't.") And there'd be this little dale in the endless rolling downs of heaven, sort of resembling the area around Lake Mendota as pictured in various cafes and there'd be no Madison or screeching liberals. Sometimes we'd drop around for old times sake. I tried to imagine that - various pickup games? croquet? I saw a tangled knot of disputants at every hoop and then end of that was sudden - mallets were swinging down on heads. Baseball? I saw someone coming into second base, spikes up, too much dust to see the combatants. Inga coming for Drago, I suppose. Althouse and Meade were dressed as umpires but they had strolled off to inspect the spring flowers. Then everything froze. Moderation was on again. I fell asleep..
An inside source says President Trump’s food taster became ill after ingesting an unnamed substance, which is why the president made a surprise hospital visit on Saturday.
In an official statement, the White House said President Trump visited the Walter Reed Military Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland, for a “quick exam and labs.”
The hospital visit was not listed on the president’s public schedule, according to media outlets which indicated that the visit was not a routine physical exam.
Additionally, the inside source said his food taster was rushed to the facility after becoming extremely ill
Doctors and staff reportedly found the byproduct of a type of toxin that’s very hard to detect and has a time-delayed onset of symptoms.
Additionally, the toxin is a newer concoction that’s not typically tested for since it’s not well-known, according to the source.
The president was later taken to the same facility where a battery of tests were performed to assess whether he had ingested the same toxin.
The story seems to be that this weekend, Trump’s food taster reacted badly to food that he ate, and, JIC, the President diverted to Walter Reed to have tests done that couldn’t be done at the WH. There is also a question whether a Secret Service agent died awhile back from ingesting a time delayed poison aimed at Trump. There was food tasting as early at least as Clinton, though I doubt if he had an official cocaine tester for the lines he was supposedly snorting in the White House.
Is this real? I don’t know. But I think that they are right, that if Trump is assassinated, he will be a martyr, and there is a decent chance for the civil war to go hot. Could the #Resistance actually cross that line? They have violated a number of other societal norms to try to destroy Trump’s Presidency. Arguably, what went on last week in the House was the Deep State helping Schifty try to impeach him for his audacity in overriding their policy for the Ukraine. And now it looks like Giuliani is now being investigated for FARA violations for having helped get the corrupt Marie Yovanovitch fired as our Ukrainian Ambassador (everyone forgetting that, Constitutionally, Ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the President). Why are they so butt hurt about his policy in regards to the Ukraine? One suggestion is that it has bee one of the most corrupt countries in Europe, since the fall of the USSR thirty years ago, and western interests, esp including a number of Deep State/Dem interests in the US have looted billions from the country over that time. Burisma and the involvement of the Bidens may be just the tip of the iceberg. Yovanovitch appears to have been involved up to her eyeballs in the corruption. Maybe.
In any case, Cabellas typically has a nice Black Friday sale, and last year I picked up maybe eight cans of ammunition. What I really need is a bunch of 5.56 NATO. I am thinking maybe 1k for here, and 1k for MT. More magazines, of course. Maybe some other AR calibers too. One friend showed me yesterday on FaceTime his new .458 SOCOM (11.63×40mm) build. Friends have ordered body armor from Ali Express (both plate and Kevlar). If it is decent, several have indicated that they will follow suit. Does this mean that some people are worried about what the left is doing? Probably. Am I personally that paranoid? No. But I know enough who are.
So quid pro quo didn’t test well in focus groups, Corruption, collusion, emoluments were too vague, so now they’re gonna circle back to the piles from one of the other ones to look for something that looks like a lie.
‘Overwhelming’ support for impeachment according to the polls. If they could only find a reason...
There's a certain type who decide exonyms are not good enough to show their worldliness. NPR is full of them.
You’re right about the set of people involved, and it seems Ukraine specialists in the vaunted interagency have for some reason settled on “KEEV” to signal their gnosis. I don’t know why, since it sounds even closer to the Russian name for the city than the way we rubes say “KEE ev.” In Ukrainian, they say something like “KIH yew,” which makes Kyiv a useless transliteration for English speakers. (Nevertheless, Kyiv is how Ukrainians insist it should be transliterated.)
Incidentally, “KEEV” makes me think of all reporters going on about South “oh SEH ti ya,” as though speaking with bad Russian accents, when every English dictionary in which I could find the country’s name at the time confirmed a pronunciation of “aw SEE sha.” I wrote to NPR’s ombudsman to complain, but never received a reply. The NPR pronunciation has since shown up as standard in some places.
Good article on Conservative Treehouse this morning. Seems that Strzok was dumb enough to sue the FBI claiming that he was wrongfully terminated. As a result of the court proceedings, new emails between Strzok and Page have been released.
I've followed the whole Russiagate thing pretty closely, but I was still shocked at the utter animus Strzok and Page had for Trump, and their complete commitment to doing everything in their power to keep him from becoming President, and failing that, to remove him from office. This included whitewashing the Hillary email investigation.
The FBI's lawyer did a remarkable job laying out the relevant emails, context and timeline.
The Telegraph has revealed that in 2012 Prince Andrew allowed the N-word to pass his lips, within the context of there being one in the woodpile. Another source tells us that he made some remarks about Arabs and their camels. His big brother is being urged to exile Andy once HMQ relinquishes the throne.
One suggestion is that it has bee one of the most corrupt countries in Europe, since the fall of the USSR thirty years ago, and western interests, esp including a number of Deep State/Dem interests in the US have looted billions from the country over that time.
I think there may be something to that. Ukraine is a playground for the corrupt since the 1990s. Biden and Kerry are tow so far. I have worried about attempts to get to Trump and I don't trust the Secret Service. China is also a big source of bribery for pols but China is less passive than Ukraine. Scowcroft probably knows something about it but he's 94 and has forgotten if he is smart.
Good point about CTH this morning, Jersey fled. Saw this:
As we suspected the intelligence community -and most of congress- wants the reauthorization, even if temporary, prior to the release of a critical IG report on FISA abuse. That said, a short term extension is the best case scenario when we consider the goal of the intelligence apparatus -writ large- was a permanent reauthorization.
The “business records provision”, the “roving wiretap” provision, the “lone wolf” provision, and the more controversial bulk metadata provisions [Call Detail Records (CDR)], parts of the Patriot Act, are going to be revisited *AFTER* the report by IG Horowitz. The new deadline for terminal expiration will be March 15th, 2020.
FISA Court judges Rosemary Collyer (declassified 2017) and James Boasberg (declassified 2019) both identified issues with the NSA database being exploited for unauthorized reasons. The sketchy programs, and abuse therein, needs more public attention.
They want FISA reauthorized before Horowitz reveals the abuses. That is in a Continuing Resolution to fund government.
walter, I don't expect that you will ever read this, but I have changed my mind about you, for the better.
I get it that it irks you that I prefer to be like the people who call into late night AM radio shows, have their say, and then what they have said goes into the ether, and vanishes except in the memory of people who had felt a connection, cor ad cor loquitur - and I get it that you like to sound misanthropic at times.
trust me I have friends who were much more misanthropic than anybody who comments here
anyone who has argued with me should know this - particularly if you have argued with me in an intense way -
God loves us all.
There are battalions of angels ready to help anyone I pray for .... and there are battalions of angels just as ready to help anyone you pray for, as long as you
want what God wants
and that is this
that we all understand, eventually, that God loves us all, and that God is a God of justice and mercy.
Devote your prayer life to justice and mercy and battalions of angels will support you ....
This is all basic orthodox Catholic teaching, by the way.
The power of prayer, the importance of praying for that which is good, that is all clearly explained in the Gospels.
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८३ टिप्पण्या:
So I started this all with "Convicting Trump of Obama's crimes is what drove me batshit" thinking I would trap these fucks into self-fucking.
Although I deserve thanks and praise, God deserves it much more.
Thank you.
Colin Kaepernick and Roger Goodell deserve each other.
The owners should fire Goodell and let Kaepernick be the halftime show at the Super Bowl. He can wear a dashiki and throw some passes to the sweatshop workers from Nike’s factory in Vietnam.
“That’s where the insurance policy comes in,” says Lokhova
Caught in the Crossfire Hurricane Crosshairs: An Interview With Svetlana Lokhova,
Part 1 – The Setup
The word of the last few years is contrived.
How could anyone not stupid look at the horrible wrecker, completely made up false person Balsey Ford and not hate the structures giving her hatred power the of the innocent violated developed by a just society without giving an iota of a damn about actual innocence violated, such as Justice Kavanaugh's, and the loss of that just society because of the acceptance of liar's lying? What could they get from it?
That essay Mike K. at Quillette probably has the right answer, and I've said so years before here at the Althouse blog. "Oh but Bern Dorhn and Bill Ayer's might call me racist!"
I guess as long as we keep forcing them to abort their electoral majorities (such was life) I should feel more satisfaction than we do, given our amazing success at getting them to kill themselves in their blind hatred of God.
I just came back from taking the wife on a Monday night date to see "Ford V Ferrari." Wonderful. You know, once upon a time the US had manly men who did manly things. These days, not so much -- and none at all among the Democrats.
interesting thread up and down
per @HNIJohnMiller
17) THAT'S why the context Yovanovitch was mentioned in got memory holed so far, that's what Schiff was trying so extra hard to control the questioning around her. She was the quite literal bag-man, the one who delivered the aid money to the Ukrainian oligarchs stealing it!
Just posted a comment on another thread--not even a café thread--and it went up immediately.
Awesome! Is the old blog back? That'd be great, if so. Thanks!
Big Mike:
Totally agree. Great movie! Great script! Maybe better than my “Frankenstein, Part II.”
All you have to do is prove to me that you didn't do it. - Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House
A couple of the grandkids are here for a few days. Their parents, our daughter and SIL, work for the same company and are out of town at a work thing. Mrs. stevew had generously offered to take in the kids. They are 3 years old and almost 1. It's great having them here, quite fun and energetic. I'm pretty happy that bedtime is 7:30pm; theirs, not mine.
Any bets on wake time? I arise at 5am-ish, will I get my usual early morning alone time? Magic 8-Ball says, "Outlook not so good".
If Trump’s tweet about Yovanovitch was so intimidating, why did Schiff interrupt her questioning to read it to her? Was the senator trying to intimidate the witness?
Enjoy that time, stevew.
@Birkel, yes, indeed I will.
A lot of chickens are breathing easier tonight.
I don't want the evil resulting in mass abortion for profit, nor the abortion for profit itself. Independently, both ought be ended if justice for all can ever be enacted.
A lot of chickens are breathing easier tonight.
...not if they are around Eric Swalwell
Char Char Binks said...
If Trump’s tweet about Yovanovitch was so intimidating, why did Schiff interrupt her questioning to read it to her?
The honorable Schitt couldn't stand for intimidation behind her back.
The way history works is the Z man doesn't try to make his name today shitting on Buckley, that war was won.
By Buckley because noone will ever know your name.
And, Reagan.
Now, 1100 fathers to Trump. Or shut the fuck up.
All Trump success shall be distributed to every Never-Trumper for reasons yet to be certified, but they are there, they are right there, alright, okay, they are right, right there.
About to be certified.
Z man has an unsettlimg twitch
G of C let us be kind and peaceful and prayerful
magna est veritas et praevalebit
you know that
Bill Ayer's ass might call you racist.
What do i mean by that, the old testament is foundational.
Great time being able to spend a couple of days with the grands, absent the parents. Hard to really get to know them, when the parents are there to influence. About the grands sleeping habits. Our DIL found an alarm device/clock thingy. Its a stop light. Red is asleep time, yellow is awake, stay in bed time. Green is OK to get out of bed and start your day time. You set it just like an alarm clock. It helped the household almost from the 1st night.
I just wish everybody could make a million bucks claiming: Buckley hates Muslims.
Like Joe Sobran or whatever did.
Now, when the total grassroots abandoned the SS Buckley Jr., real people will still be reading and admiring this CIA Skull and Bonesman.
To start, why would the Bushes distance themselves from The Guy Who Got Reagan Elected?
I know. Trump knew. Now some of you know too.
Meth: We're On It
...SD spends a half-million for an anti-meth campaign, and that's what they get.
So the Washington Post is now spelling it Kyiv in addition to pronouncing it Keev.
So the Washington Post is now spelling it Kyiv in addition to pronouncing it Keev.
There's a certain type who decide exonyms are not good enough to show their worldliness. NPR is full of them.
Are we make the perfect the enemy of the good, stephen cooper, it is stated in luke jesus lineage,
Wisdom comes from many places, you want perfect people, that it is impossible only those who meditate upon their past repent not apologize that means next to nothing.
Well bill ayers has poisoned the minds of millions, so i happen to have some concern.
So you throw shade on gods prophets, the truth is the world has not changed that much in 2,000 even 4,000 years.
Yes he loves us like a parent, but when we disobey him, he righteously demands judgement
I'm extremely skeptical that self-flagellation on the Internet is the kind of expression of faith the Big Man is looking for. However, I certainly don't presume. More thing between heaven and earth....
Its kind of an inverse pride i guess, we need more of the Good book and other rostrums like paul confronted in collosus, with the gnostics.
I mean, look at the Charles Who Must Not Be Named. He loves flagellating himself on the Internet. It must carry some spiritual reward for him.
Yes he does seem to mistake argument for abuse.
narciso - no, not an inverse pride.
I have said this before, and I will say it again,
In 1986 i suffered an accident where I suffered extreme pain - broken bones, a spleen ripped out of place, and on top of it all, I was stuck in the front seat of a car, on a murderously cold Wisconsin night, with two choices in life:
to die right there and then
or to try and survive.
On the one hand, if I died, I would have gone to heaven - I remember the beautiful kind looks from dozens of angels and from the Virgin Mary, telling me that if I did not try to live, everything would be all right,
And then I thought about all the people who would have been inconvenienced if I passed away.
God does not like me much, but I can say this - in that fateful moment, I decided to do what was right for the people who God cared about, even if I knew that God cared less about me than about any creature who had ever lived - because we were friends.
It is so hard to explain.
And now, decades later, I get the reward of being amused that people think I am a phony - for example, you, Mr Cracker. You amuse me..
Tell me Narciso, faced with the choice between heaven and returning to this world, returning to this world in the state of a victim of a horrifying car crash that would have killed 999 out of a thousand people, tell me that you would have made the same choice I made ----
because if you would have said yes
you would know what I know
that you can order any angel you want to be as kind as you want to anyone who likes you and anyone who is not kind to you
this is my world, narciso, in a way I hope you can imagine
Oh, crud. Now he's bugged out. Look, I don't have much to recommend me to the Man upstairs, but I'm fairly certain that pooping my pants among these infidels is not the best reference.
Cracker Emcee - God loves you.
Trust me.
Mr. Cracker is my Dad. Just Cracker is fine. We're on the same side, Stephen. But the weepy drama is off-putting and it bugs me that you don't see how it dishonors what you profess to love. But, so I'm bugged. Boo frickety.
God knows all his creations, you had a very harrowing experiemce but how were you before.
narciso - before I suffered almost more physical pain than any human being, I was the same person I am now.
we are all brave because we are all human.
Meh, it isn't a full day if I haven't disgusted someone....
cracker - literally, I have fought evildoers face to face, and there is nothing weepy about the fact that I can say this ----
if you are able to go through even a small part of the vicious nastiness I went through and still be someone who feels a deep love in his or her heart for God, well God bless you.
of you are not able to sympathize, well, don't worry, people with deep faith such as myself will continue to pray for you.
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM wrote:
"interesting thread up and down
per @HNIJohnMiller"
It is a good theory about that part of the transcript which was mystifying and oddly unmentioned by pretty much everyone in the media. I wrote comment about that the day the transcript was released over at Conservative Treehouse, and it got only one reply. I hadn't thought about it in several weeks now, but it does look like Ukraine was/is investigating Yovanovich for something, and her role doling out of aid would be about the only thing I could think of. Something to keep watch for, I think. If Comrade Fudge's theory is correct, this will actually end up under investigation at the DoJ.
There's a certain type who decide exonyms are not good enough to show their worldliness. NPR is full of them.
It's still Peking and Bombay to me. Hell....Ceylon too.
Etch-a-sketch 'Coop is in the (Alt)house
It’s still Rhodesia to me.
30 Years past
walter - God loves you.
Trust me.
It will always be Burma to me!
Every winter I have my winter-makes-me-sick sickness which I just had, early, because winter is early because global warming. So I lie and stare at the ceiling and swallow down cherry coughdrops in unnecessarily large amounts and don't eat or do anything much. And as I lay there cutoff from the internet I pictured the Althouse gang up in Heaven - where we'll all be someday, at least I hope for it and you all too will hopefully get it, whether you want it or not, because Cooper is praying. He'll force the resistors through the gate, ("No, no I want hell to show you damn religious people what I think of your hypocrisy." "Well you can't have it, it'd be against my principles, so go be happy and like it." Well, I won't." "Well, don't.") And there'd be this little dale in the endless rolling downs of heaven, sort of resembling the area around Lake Mendota as pictured in various cafes and there'd be no Madison or screeching liberals. Sometimes we'd drop around for old times sake. I tried to imagine that - various pickup games? croquet? I saw a tangled knot of disputants at every hoop and then end of that was sudden - mallets were swinging down on heads. Baseball? I saw someone coming into second base, spikes up, too much dust to see the combatants. Inga coming for Drago, I suppose. Althouse and Meade were dressed as umpires but they had strolled off to inspect the spring flowers. Then everything froze. Moderation was on again. I fell asleep..
I assume that Alex Jones and Infowars are conspiracy theorists, but still thought this was interesting.
Food tester was first rushed to hospital, and doctors believe there was exposure to time-delayed poison
An inside source says President Trump’s food taster became ill after ingesting an unnamed substance, which is why the president made a surprise hospital visit on Saturday.
In an official statement, the White House said President Trump visited the Walter Reed Military Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland, for a “quick exam and labs.”
The hospital visit was not listed on the president’s public schedule, according to media outlets which indicated that the visit was not a routine physical exam.
Additionally, the inside source said his food taster was rushed to the facility after becoming extremely ill
Doctors and staff reportedly found the byproduct of a type of toxin that’s very hard to detect and has a time-delayed onset of symptoms.
Additionally, the toxin is a newer concoction that’s not typically tested for since it’s not well-known, according to the source.
The president was later taken to the same facility where a battery of tests were performed to assess whether he had ingested the same toxin.
The story seems to be that this weekend, Trump’s food taster reacted badly to food that he ate, and, JIC, the President diverted to Walter Reed to have tests done that couldn’t be done at the WH. There is also a question whether a Secret Service agent died awhile back from ingesting a time delayed poison aimed at Trump. There was food tasting as early at least as Clinton, though I doubt if he had an official cocaine tester for the lines he was supposedly snorting in the White House.
Is this real? I don’t know. But I think that they are right, that if Trump is assassinated, he will be a martyr, and there is a decent chance for the civil war to go hot. Could the #Resistance actually cross that line? They have violated a number of other societal norms to try to destroy Trump’s Presidency. Arguably, what went on last week in the House was the Deep State helping Schifty try to impeach him for his audacity in overriding their policy for the Ukraine. And now it looks like Giuliani is now being investigated for FARA violations for having helped get the corrupt Marie Yovanovitch fired as our Ukrainian Ambassador (everyone forgetting that, Constitutionally, Ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the President). Why are they so butt hurt about his policy in regards to the Ukraine? One suggestion is that it has bee one of the most corrupt countries in Europe, since the fall of the USSR thirty years ago, and western interests, esp including a number of Deep State/Dem interests in the US have looted billions from the country over that time. Burisma and the involvement of the Bidens may be just the tip of the iceberg. Yovanovitch appears to have been involved up to her eyeballs in the corruption. Maybe.
In any case, Cabellas typically has a nice Black Friday sale, and last year I picked up maybe eight cans of ammunition. What I really need is a bunch of 5.56 NATO. I am thinking maybe 1k for here, and 1k for MT. More magazines, of course. Maybe some other AR calibers too. One friend showed me yesterday on FaceTime his new .458 SOCOM (11.63×40mm) build. Friends have ordered body armor from Ali Express (both plate and Kevlar). If it is decent, several have indicated that they will follow suit. Does this mean that some people are worried about what the left is doing? Probably. Am I personally that paranoid? No. But I know enough who are.
So quid pro quo didn’t test well in focus groups, Corruption, collusion, emoluments were too vague, so now they’re gonna circle back to the piles from one of the other ones to look for something that looks like a lie.
‘Overwhelming’ support for impeachment according to the polls. If they could only find a reason...
There's a certain type who decide exonyms are not good enough to show their worldliness. NPR is full of them.
You’re right about the set of people involved, and it seems Ukraine specialists in the vaunted interagency have for some reason settled on “KEEV” to signal their gnosis. I don’t know why, since it sounds even closer to the Russian name for the city than the way we rubes say “KEE ev.” In Ukrainian, they say something like “KIH yew,” which makes Kyiv a useless transliteration for English speakers. (Nevertheless, Kyiv is how Ukrainians insist it should be transliterated.)
Incidentally, “KEEV” makes me think of all reporters going on about South “oh SEH ti ya,” as though speaking with bad Russian accents, when every English dictionary in which I could find the country’s name at the time confirmed a pronunciation of “aw SEE sha.” I wrote to NPR’s ombudsman to complain, but never received a reply. The NPR pronunciation has since shown up as standard in some places.
Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, White Man!
Good article on Conservative Treehouse this morning. Seems that Strzok was dumb enough to sue the FBI claiming that he was wrongfully terminated. As a result of the court proceedings, new emails between Strzok and Page have been released.
I've followed the whole Russiagate thing pretty closely, but I was still shocked at the utter animus Strzok and Page had for Trump, and their complete commitment to doing everything in their power to keep him from becoming President, and failing that, to remove him from office. This included whitewashing the Hillary email investigation.
The FBI's lawyer did a remarkable job laying out the relevant emails, context and timeline.
Well worth a read.
The Telegraph has revealed that in 2012 Prince Andrew allowed the N-word to pass his lips, within the context of there being one in the woodpile. Another source tells us that he made some remarks about Arabs and their camels. His big brother is being urged to exile Andy once HMQ relinquishes the throne.
Funny aside, they are concerned that Strzok's dad is voting for Trump, even though he is a Democrat.
One suggestion is that it has bee one of the most corrupt countries in Europe, since the fall of the USSR thirty years ago, and western interests, esp including a number of Deep State/Dem interests in the US have looted billions from the country over that time.
I think there may be something to that. Ukraine is a playground for the corrupt since the 1990s. Biden and Kerry are tow so far. I have worried about attempts to get to Trump and I don't trust the Secret Service. China is also a big source of bribery for pols but China is less passive than Ukraine. Scowcroft probably knows something about it but he's 94 and has forgotten if he is smart.
Good point about CTH this morning, Jersey fled. Saw this:
As we suspected the intelligence community -and most of congress- wants the reauthorization, even if temporary, prior to the release of a critical IG report on FISA abuse. That said, a short term extension is the best case scenario when we consider the goal of the intelligence apparatus -writ large- was a permanent reauthorization.
The “business records provision”, the “roving wiretap” provision, the “lone wolf” provision, and the more controversial bulk metadata provisions [Call Detail Records (CDR)], parts of the Patriot Act, are going to be revisited *AFTER* the report by IG Horowitz. The new deadline for terminal expiration will be March 15th, 2020.
FISA Court judges Rosemary Collyer (declassified 2017) and James Boasberg (declassified 2019) both identified issues with the NSA database being exploited for unauthorized reasons. The sketchy programs, and abuse therein, needs more public attention.
They want FISA reauthorized before Horowitz reveals the abuses. That is in a Continuing Resolution to fund government.
wildswan said...
One of my first reads this morning was your very entertaining short story.
Blogger eddie willers said...
There's a certain type who decide exonyms are not good enough to show their worldliness. NPR is full of them.
It's still Peking and Bombay to me. Hell....Ceylon too.
Me too. What’s wrong with us?
walter, I don't expect that you will ever read this, but I have changed my mind about you, for the better.
I get it that it irks you that I prefer to be like the people who call into late night AM radio shows, have their say, and then what they have said goes into the ether, and vanishes except in the memory of people who had felt a connection, cor ad cor loquitur - and I get it that you like to sound misanthropic at times.
trust me I have friends who were much more misanthropic than anybody who comments here
anyone who has argued with me should know this -
particularly if you have argued with me in an intense way -
God loves us all.
There are battalions of angels ready to help anyone I pray for ....
and there are battalions of angels just as ready to help anyone you pray for, as long as you
want what God wants
and that is this
that we all understand, eventually, that God loves us all, and that God is a God of justice and mercy.
Devote your prayer life to justice and mercy and battalions of angels will support you ....
This is all basic orthodox Catholic teaching, by the way.
The power of prayer, the importance of praying for that which is good, that is all clearly explained in the Gospels.
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