१९ नोव्हेंबर, २०१९
Anybody watching the impeachment show?
I'm overhearing it, so I know it's on. It sounds like they're talking about how people felt and what concerns they had after they heard the Ukraine phone call.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
१२७ टिप्पण्या:
Colonel Vindman is a Leftwing stooge. Probably a Commie.
If I heard correctly, Vindman said Trump was not following Official US policy.
I wake up screaming.
Vindman clearly does not understand our system of government. Typical Dem.
Per Wince on 10/30/19...
Here's what Vindman said, "the New York Times reported, citing a draft of his opening statement".
“I realized that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the Bidens and Burisma it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has thus far maintained.”
In other words, Vindman "realized" Democrats might cut-off aid to Ukraine if the Bidens were investigated?
I don't see any other way to read that.
They should hire actors to play the parts of Williams and Vindmen, like Jennifer Aniston and Andy Daly.
KGO San Francisco, Armstrong and Getty's home station, has the hearings. KKAT Salt Lake City, an affiliate, seems to carry the show however, so I switched to them.
So much for the hearings.
WHY doesn't this Trump guy REALIZE that, as President; he is subservient to appointed officials?
THESE appointed bureaucrats ARE THE GOVERNMENT! THESE appointed bureaucrats ARE AMERICA!
As "President" his job is to listen to their instructions, and allow them to do it!
WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS? The Leader of the country, or something?
We're gonna impeach over..... feelings.
His lips are moving:
You know, I've been eagerly anticipating a "You Can't Handle The Truth" moment from all this, and yet it never arrives. So far the back and forth, simplified, is this:
Dems: Yah huh, you did so!
Trump/Repubs: Did not!
Dems: Did too!
Trump/Repubs: Did not!
I'm not watching, but I am amused by the hot takes. Lots to make fun of about Vindman and unless my sources are deranged (always a possibility), Vindman will be deservedly ruined when this is over.
Vindman is wearing a nice fancy outfit. Gives him leftwing gravitas.
My wife swapped channels so it is playing in the background. That's as close as I care to approach.
Not a chance.
Col. Vindman is a fat nerdy goofball.
What a joke this hearing this. Pointed serious detailed questions about utterly trivial matters.
The witnesses are all mid-level feudal Bureaucrats defending their their feoffs from a President who wants to change policy. In other words the DC Government is really run of , by, and for undercover Deep State apparatchiks, with a suggestion attached.
The real issue is smoke and mirrors desperately being deployed to stop the investigation of three Billion US dollars given to the CIA installed Poroshenko Gov't in Kiev who then rewarded the Dems with cash kickbacks. They used a natural gas company that was ordered to raise gas bills from 50 cents to hundreds of dollars. That additional loot has been continuously transferred to Soros who uses it to stoke rebellion in the USA and bribes every Dem politician.
I am watching or listening. There is some attemot to make afew legal points, but this helps fill and correct some details.
For instance: What language did Zelensky speak? In the second call he made a aliant atemot to speak English bt he also spoke Ukraainian.
Theer are some corrections to the transcript, which I heard before (Id forgotten about the claim that Zelinsky used the word Burisma - and not "the company that you mentioned"
Vindman thinks the failure to include his two substantive corrections - the other was Trump mentioning recordings - and Vindman knows it was avideo he misspoke himself a bit - was just an administrrative error and putting it in the secure system was a decs=ision made on the fly.
If you know a substantual bit of the story it fills things in.
You don't investigate the Deep State.
The Deep State investigates you.
why is it illegal to look into obvious corruption by the democrats in the democrat party?
Because it is!
Yes! Impeach Trump on 'how people felt and what concerns they had'!!!
And no, I don't watch the impeachment show...
So Nancy said Trump isn’t worth impeaching?
Hearings schmearings. #FartGate is the real scandal. Swalwell blew it.
Sorry, sorry, but the impeachment inquiry and #FartGate hold about the same validity imo.
Jennifer williams was in london at the tome of the cabal.
No I am not. I do not even watch clips. I have looked at short bits of transcripts.
That's not 'feelings', that's emotional testimony according to CNBC
I'm in anti-politics mode today.
I'll catch up later this afternoon if I have the stomach for it.
Venkman knows about how the military works, like orders and stuff...
Not me.
2017: A shadow government run by the Deep State is an Alt-Right fantasy.
2018: OK, the Deep State is real, but they're all patriots.
2019: Trump is the shadow government!!
I'm fresh out of give a darns about this Schiff show. Smells like a Swalwell appearance on MSNBC. I'll go wash the dog today--better things to do than listen to this.
I would rather spend my time looking for secret cameras in the bathroom.
Jennifer williams was in london at the tome of the cabal.
She is a reason why Pence is not completely clean. He is a weakling anyway, as shown in his collapse on RFRA when Governor
This is actually a good demonstration of what Trump complained about on U.S. trade policy. It seems clear that Vindman did not see himself as an agent of America whose goal and responsibility was the protection and advancement of its interests. He imagined himself instead as a representative of this “interagency consensus” and his purpose was to protect and perpetuate its agenda.
if only we could read the transcript ourselves
we would not have to be told what to think based on how someone feels
Do you think they will release the transcript?
I used to laugh at third world countries....sadly I can't anymore.
Chuck Schumer says the intelligence agencies have six ways to sunday to fuck you.
I think this is #5.
Trump is a honey badger.
Vindman is no hero.
Statement from Vindman's former CO.
It is a professional theatrical Production with well trained actor/lawyers as extras hitting their marks and delivering their lines well. Too bad it is a much ado about nothing.
Haven't watched a bit.
I'm skipping the prelims and voting for Trump in 2020.
I would summarily fire all these low level foreign service bureaucrats. It's mostly nice paying govt jobs for boring, talentless white people.
To cover up taking money out of the federal coffers, Biden set up a multi-stage payment system: Gov't aid to Ukraine, Ukraine payments to Burisma holdings, Burisma hires Hunter BIden for a cushy no-show job, Hunter shares with Papa Joe. The whole impeachment stuff is to deflect attention from the underlying BIden corruption tied to US aid.
This whole thing should EMBARASS the left...but it won't. They think they are above it all.
I am watching this morning.
Vindman and Schiff are both lying about not knowing who the whistleblower is. Why they are insisting on telling this lie, I don't know- the entire charade about protecting the identity of Eric Ciaramella is one of the most baffling things I have ever seen in D.C. politics. It is 100% certain Ciaramella is the whistleblower, and everyone knows it, too.
Additionally, Vindman is going to be court-martialed for insubordination- that much is obvious. He basically has stated in several instances that he was deliberately undermining his superior officer, Trump. Also, I think it quite likely he is going to be charged with sedition- his own testimony makes it very clear that was more or less working on behalf of the previous Ukrainian government, and not the US one.
Is this still season one of The Impeachment? I heard a rumor that J-Lo is in negotiations to be the host next year...
I find Fartgate more compelling.
I'm skipping the prelims and voting for Trump in 2020.
Me, too. I'll vote for him even if he is removed from office!
I'm watching Swalwell fart videos. Much more instructive.
I'm watching Swalwell fart videos. Much more instructive.
Please link one. I can't seem to find the actual video.
So many lefty/lib/dem Deep State Ukrainian "Experts" who simply "dint no nuffin" about Burisma and raids on business executive homes and hiring of Hunter Biden and the dems/Hillary/DNC detailed and extensive dealings with the Ukrainians to manufacture dirt on Trump and his campaign.
I mean, imagine what might have been going on if we didn't have "Experts" running things over there!!
The most pointless exercise I have seen in politics in decades. It's like a high school student council meeting, where the serious kids are feverishly trying to comply with Roberts Rules of Orders.
Seriously drago, you could imagine the good col in the ackroyd role.
The DoJ filed a motion reply to Strzok's suit for reinstatement.
Seriously, you really should read the reply- it outlines in no uncertain terms how bad Strzok's and Page's animus towards Trump was, and the listed texts between the two paramours definitely makes it clear that it likely affected how the Clinton e-mail investigation was handled by Strzok.
>>Yancey Ward said...Vindman is going to be court-martialed for insubordination- that much is obvious. He basically has stated in several instances that he was deliberately undermining his superior officer, Trump. Also, I think it quite likely he is going to be charged with sedition
Yancey, In your dreams. But, sorry, the Army isn't going to touch this radioactive political character with a ten-foot pole.
I have the same dream, BTW.
Please link one. I can't seem to find the actual video.
TMZ has it.
But the infrared meme video is the best.
Look up the hashtag #FartGate on Twitter for more memes. The Greta one is pretty good.
“KGO San Francisco, Armstrong and Getty's home station”
I’ a longtime listener, they are broadcasting from Sacramento, on their home station KSTE.
Schiff continues to misrepresent whistleblower protections under law.
Vindman is disobeying a direct order to not appear. Grounds for court martials.
Vindman says he doesn't know whistleblower, but he says he did speak to someone in intelligence community, but he is not allowed to identify due to Democrats claim of whistleblower protection.
"need to know". This is used a lot but why doesn't anyone explore who determines this.
Thanks, Infinite Monkeys.
Sammy, Vindman said putting it on the secure server was not an issue and that he still had access. He also said that the few things left off the official call transcript were of no consequence.
I anticipate Patterico writing a post about this... not.
Vindman reminds me of Kent Dorfman from Animal House during ROTC training.
Ice Nine: "Yancey, In your dreams. But, sorry, the Army isn't going to touch this radioactive political character with a ten-foot pole.
I have the same dream, BTW."
Correct. However, Vindman will find himself isolated within his role area and after Trump is reelection I suspect Lt Col Vindman will find himself passed over for O6, though I suspect he has no illusions he would ever be promoted.
What I would expect to see is Vindman hired by the Deep Staters at CIA for "services rendered" during this impeachment farce.
Has anyone cried today because Trump hurt their feelings?
I'm sorry, but watching Vindman babble on, makes me yearn for Dean Wormer to reach across the table, smack him upside the face, and sternly remind him that "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, Son!"
I cannot understand why the constitution doesn't allow lower level geniuses like these to make policy rather than the elected president. It makes no sense. They are so much smarter than any President. Just ask them.
Honey badger don't care. He just keeps goin'.
I voted for Trump so he would fire cretins like Vindman.
*Posted here because you are not allowed to say such things on Twitter and Facebook. Thank you Professora for allowing free speech!*
As Professor Codevilla wrote about the Kavanaugh hearing farce "Making someone pretend that your patent lie is true may be the most humiliating of assertions of power."
There's not a single intelligent, moral, patriotic American who believes that Trump has done anything meriting impeachment. To force the country to endure this crap is precisely the humiliation that the Democrats intend. They are thumbing their noses at the Constitution, the foundational concepts underlying our country, and the very notions of truth and the rule of law.
For three years these assholes have engaged in a relentless assault on Trump, America, and the Constitution. It's time good and decent folks got seriously pissed off. There is no middle ground.
Well, well, well, the self-proclaimed "Top Advisor to the President on Ukraine" has been forced to admit that he has never once had a conversation with Trump on any topic- not one.
Schiff is now editing transcripts to remove statements that favor Trump.
The Morrison transcript, for example.
“First, the committee withheld the transcript since October 31, only releasing it after the first public hearings began last week. Morrison’s testimony was rumored to be very good for President Donald Trump’s defense — Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) had described Democrats in the room during the closed-door hearing as “sucking lemons” — and Republicans would have made good use of it, had they had the transcript available. But it was not provided.
Yancy, did he mention that he was offered an appointment as "Defense Minister to Ukraine," three times ?
Conflict of interest much ?
"Vindman clearly does not understand our system of government. Typical Dem."
Cut him some slack, he's a foreigner.
Officers like Vindman are exactly why fragging was invented. What a waste of space.
’For three years these assholes have engaged in a relentless assault on Trump, America, and the Constitution. It's time good and decent folks got seriously pissed off. There is no middle ground.’
In a nutshell.
~ ~ ~
Nunes just called this sham an ‘impeachment inquisition’. 😜
I'm listening now and then. Working. Vindmann seems like someone with an exaggerated sense of his own importance. Like all the others. President Trump is in charge of foreign policy - not Lt. Col Vindman or Taylor. We need to hear from Eric Ciaremella, the so-called Whistleblower. Vindmann said he talked to the whistleblower and Kent. So, Vindmann is a leaker.
I had no idea Jackie Speier (D-CA) was a Jamestown, Guyana survivor.
IOW, she is a cultist if the highest order.
Jim Jones follower in Congress.
California is crazy AF.
Vindman's self-puffery is on full display. Go get 'em, Sparky!
“Correct. However, Vindman will find himself isolated within his role area and after Trump is reelection I suspect Lt Col Vindman will find himself passed over for O6, though I suspect he has no illusions he would ever be promoted”
Doesn’t the military still have Up or Out for officers?
To answer the question in the subject line:
Bruce Hayden,
"Doesn’t the military still have Up or Out for officers?"
Yes. If he doesn't make Colonel he'll have to retire when he hits 28 years of active commissioned service.
The most damning thing for Vindman is this- he never once approached Morrison, his direct supervisor, about his "concerns" regarding the phone call and the appropriated aid. In rebuffing questions about this failure, Vindman claims he was busy that week, but also that the NSC counsel advised him to discuss the matter with no one else, but the Vindman went and discussed with around a half-dozen other people who weren't on the call, including the "whistleblower" Ciaramella and Vindman's own brother. Vindman's assertions about why he didn't discuss it with Morrison just don't add up to an honest answer. It is all but certain that Vindman did what he did as an attempt to get exactly this impeachment hearing. He basically planted his opinions about the call with numerous people not on the call, and people he had reason to believe were deeply anti-Trump, and just sat back and waited for one them to leak it to the House and the media. He didn't talk to Morrison because he knew Morrison wasn't fertile ground for his planting.
Whenever Althouse posts something pop-culture related, there are always a million commenters who chime in to proudly say something like “I’m so glad I don’t know who ‘so-and-so’ is.” That’s how I feel about all these scandal posts, and maybe all political posts in general too, to be honest.
Swalwell must've taken a double dose of Beano before the inquisition...
Drago said...
Correct. However, Vindman will find himself isolated within his role area and after Trump is reelection I suspect Lt Col Vindman will find himself passed over for O6, though I suspect he has no illusions he would ever be promoted.
I would not count on that, especially in the post-Obama DOD. He's likely to be make JCS with that bunch.
"Swalwell must've taken a double dose of Beano before the inquisition...
Nah, buttplug.
"I had no idea Jackie Speier (D-CA) was a Jamestown, Guyana survivor. IOW, she is a cultist if the highest order."
She was an aide to California Congressman Ryan(D), and was with him on that fateful day in November '78.
Yancey Ward: Vindman and Schiff are both lying about not knowing who the whistleblower is. Why they are insisting on telling this lie, I don't know...
Seems pretty obvious to me, even from the brief listen I got on the car radio this morning. The point is to use "the WB's anonymity must be protected" (and the rest of Schiff's Calvin-ball rules) to head off the discussion of *anything* that the inquisitor-clowns don't want known or thought about. It's ludicrous, but there it is.
Additionally, Vindman is going to be court-martialed for insubordination- that much is obvious.
Nothing is going to happen to any of these people.
If they manage to have a point to these proceedings, I may pay attention. At the moment it is obvious they have nothing but are going to pretend it is important for some reason.
Regarding consequences for Vindeman, from the AM link above:
“Knowing his political bias, backed by his somewhat radical left-leaning ideology, it was my obligation, indeed my duty, to come forward with this information. I couldn’t go to the same mainstream media to put it out, nor could I go to the Army, as they’re backing Vindman, so I took to Twitter, a source for getting the truth out,” he added.
Has Swalwell farted yet? The use of a buttplug could prove dangerous, especially when combined with toxic gasses in an enclosed space.
one thread, I think shem horne's how voyavonich's career began in Somalia, during the time of said barre's dictatorship (that omar's family was a party to,) after Russian language school at the Puskhin institute, she finally got an ambassadorship in 2004-5 in kyrgistan, where there was an uprisng against a local warlord, the rebels kicked us out of our airbase in 2009, McCain likely was involved, then Armenia, that went pearshaped, and ultimately ukraine
useful idiot, or just idiot,
maybe call him lt colonel beaker (some resemblance)
The #impeachment inquiry witnesses are apparently all patriotic American heroes of unquestionable integrity. Some even have medals. How dare the #Republicans question people with medals! The Republican members should be impeached along with the @POTUS!
I have a life to live, and impeachment "hearings" will not be a part thereof.
"Ranking member, it's Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, please,"
I've served under people like this. Assholes, through and through.
And btw, Lt. Colonels are called Colonels, boy.
I'm thinking Milhouse Mussolini Van Houten.
If I were on the Committee:
BAG: Mr. Vindman, you agree that fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, correct?
Witness: it's LT. Colonel Vindman, Sir.
BAG: No further questions, fatboy.
Instapundit linked to This piece accusing Schiff of leaving out part of Morrison's testimony. If true ( and it appears to be) it should be damning. Whether the Dems can ever be embarrassed is a question though.
Mike K referred to this above.
There's not a single intelligent, moral, patriotic American who believes that Trump has done anything meriting impeachment. To force the country to endure this crap is precisely the humiliation that the Democrats intend. They are thumbing their noses at the Constitution, the foundational concepts underlying our country, and the very notions of truth and the rule of law.
For three years these assholes have engaged in a relentless assault on Trump, America, and the Constitution. It's time good and decent folks got seriously pissed off. There is no middle ground.
Many, many 'conservatives' want the Senate to prolong it as long as possible...
...to own the libs!
I don't watch the hearings but my sister does. My sister is a dear, sweet lady - retired school teacher. It just isn't like her to throw things at the TV. And the dog is hiding under the bed.
Volker is a bean counter. He offers only pointless gibberish about some stupid-ass statement.
I watched Nunes opening--amazing. It is so bizarre that the focus is on how people felt and that they did not like it that Trump was going "off-script" vs their views. The Ukraine call transcripts are available to read--why do we need to hear how these people felt?
Nothing to see regarding Bidisma. Because he's known Joe for a long time.
Uh huh. Case closed.
"Ranking member, it's Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, please,"
His title of reference is Lieutenant Colonel, as in "This is Lt.Col. Vindman." His title of address is Colonel, as in "Good morning Col. Vindman." This was explained to me in Air Force OTS.
BTW, for those who are tempted to call a Lieutenant Colonel, Lieutenant. What would you call a Rear Admiral?
Listening via an app, Volker sounds like Michael Medved.
In case you were wondering, Vindman is in violation of protocol by testifying in uniform, given his position.
Did Ollie North testify in uniform in the Iran-Contra hearings. I think he was assigned to the NSC as well.
Bill, Republic of Texas said...
Did Ollie North testify in uniform in the Iran-Contra hearings. I think he was assigned to the NSC as well
I guess you nailed it--as to why they changed the protocol from 30 years ago.
In the Navy, a Lieutenant Commander is addressed as Mister, unless you really want to kiss his ass. Then you call him Commander, but it's not required.
Yes, the exchange with Nunes, a civilian, over Vindman's title of address is pretty revealing what kind of person Vindman is.
His title of reference is Lieutenant Colonel, as in "This is Lt.Col. Vindman." His title of address is Colonel, as in "Good morning Col. Vindman." This was explained to me in Air Force OTS.
Never once did I ever refer to a Lt. Colonel as Lieutenant Colonel. It was always Colonel X. Or Colonel Y. Which is exactly how he should've referenced his rank to the Congressman. But he's an asshole with or without a title, so it doesn't really matter.
And a Rear Admiral would be referred to as Admiral.
tcrosse, 5:13:
"In the Navy, a Lieutenant Commander is addressed as Mister, unless you really want to kiss his ass. Then you call him Commander, but it's not required."
Interesting, some of the differences in culture. Within the Army, warrant officers may be addressed as Mr. or Ms. (I usually go for "Chief" - a WO1 technically isn't one, but they do seem to like the honorary title; for CW2 and up it's correct.)
Contrary to so many Army movies, addressing a superior officer by rank only (rather than rank plus last name, or just sir / ma'am) is casual to the point of being borderline improper. I might call my Lieutenant Colonel boss "Colonel" (rather than "Colonel ___" or "sir") over a beer, but not in front of his superiors or my subordinates.
Vindman is/was a Soviet/Ukrainian/Russian citizen by birth.
Is he still? When did he become a US citizen (I assume he is one)
His older brother has gotten pretty rich doing Business in Ukraine & Russia (tungsten capital)
Does ltcol vindman have any conflicts of interest?
I wonder how a person with relatives in Ukraine gets a security clearance to work on Ukraine issues
John Henry
This is still gong on.
I can't figure out why this hearing is different than a State Dept. hearing in the Appropriations sub-committee.
Asshole self-identification: corrects and insists that you refer to him/her by title, i.e.; Professor, Doctor, Governor, Lt. Colonel.
Me? You can just call me stevew, my official title is not relevant to this discourse.
Also, if you run into more than one asshole in a day, it might be you.
Vindam has a predecessor-
Don't call me Sir, Ma'am
He is THE fattest active duty Infantry LtC that I've ever seen. He would not be considered
for any command position.
He was lobbied by naftogaz, chief client of burisma.
No way
Also, since the news is all impeachment all the time (more ewwwww) I'm getting reacquainted with our local fine classical music station.
Wake me when it's over. If it doesn't end well (from my perspective) our country will be truly headed for H-double hockey sticks in a handbasket.
Can someone please tell me whether there is a rule that a President cannot appoint a SCOTUS justice while under an impeachment process? I'm really trying to figure out what they hope to prove with this travesty.
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