"... a bounce from 43% approval in the last Emerson National poll in October. Support for impeachment has flipped since October from 48% support with 44% opposing to now 45% opposed and 43% in support. The biggest swing is among Independents, who oppose impeachment now 49% to 34%, which is a reversal from October where they supported impeachment 48% to 39%...."
Emerson reports.
१०८ टिप्पण्या:
Keep up the good work, democrat "Impeachment Inquiry".
Basically, it's a 50-50 country, which will likely lead to a close 50-50 election.
New York and California carry a lotta miserable, stressed out people, who vote Democrat. The rest of the folks in this vast land tend to want to work, raise their kids, pay their bills, drink some beer, watch some football and enjoy their lives. They ain't glued to CNN, that's for sure. They don't give a flying hoot what Dr. Fiona Hill does for a living.
Maybe this clumsy soft Ukranian coup (following the failed Russian coup) will push some moderate, sane, middle-of-the-road folks into the reluctant Trump camp. We can only hope.
I* won't be happy until it is 70/30 and the Dems have to disband and create a new party.
Since the DNC is bankrupt and the hearings are a disaster for the Dems, I may not have long to wait.
*A born Democrat and proud union member.
"Opinion lends to 'public opinions' the vice or virtue of the unforeseeable: 'mobile and changing,' 'difficult to govern,' the Letters to M. d'Alembert already said. Like 'dice,' they defy both 'force and reason.' De facto and de jure, opinion can change from one day to the next. Literally ephemeral, it has no status because it does not have to be stable, not even constantly unstable, for it sometimes 'takes its time.' A first ambiguity stems from this rhythm: if it had a proper place (but that is the whole question), public opinion would be the forum for a permanent and transparent discussion. It would be opposed to non-democratic powers, but also to its own political representation.
Derrida "Call It a Day for Democracy" _The Other Heading_ p.87
Stupid polls.
The movement is much bigger if they are being forced to admit their coup is failing.
another poll suggests Epstein didnt kill himself, AND--
Epstein Guard Offers To Cooperate With Prosecutors, Wants To Spill Details On Suicide
"Basically, it's a 50-50 country, which will likely lead to a close 50-50 election."
I'd say it's closer to a 70-30 country but with a good many otherwise sensible people in thrall to the MSM.
This is yuuuge.
And remember, all of these sorts of polls are of "adults", not "registered voters", and certainly not "likely voters", both of which tend to move the needle farther to the right.
The voters are sure getting a good view of the workings of the Democratic Party.
They can only imagine the carnage if it gets its hands on the American healthcare system.
There was a reason Hillary's committee worked in secret and Pelosi made sure she passed the bill before we knew what was in it.
@Texas Bill:
I* won't be happy until it is 70/30 and the Dems have to disband and create a new party.
Since the DNC is bankrupt and the hearings are a disaster for the Dems, I may not have long to wait.
*A born Democrat and proud union member.
Just spent the past couple weeks in Houston. Nice downtown area.
I HOPE you are right, but I fear that you are not. Maybe, it's my California upbringing and perspective. The problem, as I see it, is that we have horrific public schools and leftwing colleges that don't teach kids actual skills or basic civics or readin', writin' or rithmitic'. Basically, they are taught to be woke, hate their parents and hate the racist USA. And, there's a lotta of them.
But, I am an optimist, and Trump has truly surpassed all my expectations. If he survives this second pitiful soft coup, and wins reelection, maybe we will get a nice restoration.
corrupt media corrupt schitt - do people see thu it?
Hope so.
Nelson Muntz should be heard from at any moment now....
an oldie but goodie:
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.
---'Inside Job': Former National Security Council Official on Impeachment---
Some people are starting to realize the the Fake Media are the propaganda arm of the DNC. The longer this impeachment charade continues and the more they studiously avoid the Hiunter Biden bribe, the more some people will wonder.
Not to mention Jeffrey Epstein.
I suspect that he killed himself, but was helped and "encouraged." If it was something they could smear Trump (or any Republican) with, it would be covered 24/7, as would be the case if Don Jr. was in Hunter's shoes.
The Media are the enemy of Democracy.
Vindman & Fiona Hill are represented by Boies, Schiller & Flexner. That law firm also did work for Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company that paid Hunter Biden millions of dollars. That firm also employed Hunter Biden & paid him more than he’s worth. Weird, huh?
per @ArthurSchwartz
yes, that's what it looks like, now you see why so little progress have been made on certain foreign policy priorities, it's the minefield, with barbed wire.
By way of comparison, Barack Obama's approval rating - as of Nov. 30, 2011 - was 43 percent.
Try to imagine his numbers if the press treated him the same way as Trump. And vice-versa.
and vindman's atty is a fmr Obama aide, david pressman,
I don’t know why anyone believes any polls, now or ever again.
Kevin: "The voters are sure getting a good view of the workings of the Democratic Party."
Democrat Party and their pathetic LLR allies, like LLR Chuck.
’I don’t know why anyone believes any polls, now or ever again.’
The absolute values are of little interest to me in this case, but its direction shouldn’t be ignored.
that firm connected to Huma, Dawn Mills, Gillibrand--
In order to win, Trump has to:
1. Beat the Dems
2. Beat the RINO/establishment Republicans
3. Beat the Deep State assholes at the CIA/FBI/State and now fatboy Col Vindman in the DOD
4. Beat the Lawfare lawyers
5. Beat Mueller
6. Beat Schiff's bogus kangaroo court
7. Beat Obama district court judges; and
8. Beat the Media
Lotta obstacles, and yet, he stays energized and continues to plow forward.
and theranos, and fusion gps, coincidence, quelle surprise,
Cherry picking single polls! Not a very sound strategy when multiple polls exist that cumulatively tell a very different story.
Vindman & Fiona Hill are represented by Boies, Schiller & Flexner
Muh muh muh muh muh muh muh myyyyyyyyyyy Fiona
Muh muh muh muh muh muh muh myyyyyyyyyyy Fiona
(Apologies to The Knack)
Amy Klobachar on Fox News just now:
Hey, these hearings are public and out in the open! The republicans are unhinged, just like when they stormed the secure location where the hearings were being held!
Independents see through the Demos hogwash
The question of whether or not one supports Trump for a long time meant whether or not one approves of his outspoken attacks on those who resist him. Of course many replied that they are too genteel to approve of such a beastly person.
Today the same question comes when Trump is being targeted for removal for things that he never did. The answer now has to factor in whether one wants to lose a man with the proven courage and intelligence to fight for us and win.
lot of 'Q's about these Esq's
Mark Zaid, the whistleLeaker Eric Ciaramella attorney - bragging that he obtained Security Clearances for officers who had 'child po*rn issues---
...was also Epstein (He Who Didst Not Killeth Himself) attorney
exhelodrvr1: "Independents see through the Demos hogwash"
Independents see through the Demos and their LLR lap poodles hogwash.
Always remember there are a bunch of fake conservative LLR Chuck's behind every democrat/lefty ploy and conspiracy.
But only every single time. Without exception.
ran out of combs, again, I guess, it's rather striking Fiona explicitly pushed against arming Ukraine in the midst of the greater offensive by Russia, but this is was not unlike the half hearted assistance the kurds received in the first round of the counter attack against Islamic state,
so is this politico piece bylined by pixieish natasha Bertrand,
Trump was obviously lying when he said "I want nothing."
The man clearly wants to be re-elected.
I am not yet tired of all this winning.
Another Trump lie.
kyle cheney, who denies vogel's own reports nearly three years ago,
more... from "The Lovahs" email trove
Page: "Have we opened on Trump yet?
538 is a propaganda outfit for the Democrats.
It seems to me that if these hearings conclude without Articles of Impeachment PDJT will be able to rightfully say that they cleared him off any wrongdoing.
"Folks" , he will say, "Shift & co looked into me in considerable depth and exonerated me off wrongdoing. They have declared me innocent. Which I am. Now it's official."
John Henry
interesting, of course the press will address none of this,
this is the state of our intelligence community,
these are the same people that dismiss Rosemont Seneca's pay records,
Scott Walker shut down the grift operation of Democratics w/rt unions. The Left went ape shit because their money laundering scheme was disrupted. And the stakes in Wisconsin were for millions of dollars used to fund Democratics.
Now Trump is attacking the graft and grift operations of NGOs, the State Department, and corruption on a global scale. There are trillions of dollars at stake in that corruption scheme. The feedback mechanisms for corrupt Democratics (and corruptocrats everywhere) Trump is disrupting are highly profitable.
Ask Hunter Biden if you don't believe me.
The State Department and NSC guys are in charge of distributing the graft. And they believe they cannot be fired. Trump MUST disband federal unions and attempt to make government workers answerable for their behavior.
You're fired!
Yeah, the kooky "Independents" who knows what motivates them.
Ultimately Obama's "historical presidency" is balls deep in this whole corruption mess. I'm thinkin he's warmin up his Obamacare navigator's mailing lists for special operations right now.Voter fraud run riot. Obamacare's 2012 marketing budget twice as expensive as the wall? That buys lotta "navigators".
Face it.
45% of the people in this country will vote for Democrats despite the obvious and overwhelming evidence of corruption.
Ann voted for Hillary Clinton knowing how corrupt she was.
You read her reasons.
The country is broken.
“538 is a propaganda outfit for the Democrats.”
Real Clear Politics Trump Job Approval
Higher than Obama at the same time of his first term?
Thanks for clarifying, Royal ass Inga.
CNN reporting an FBI employee is being criminally investigated for altering documents in the Russia investigation.
Here's the spin :
The possibility of a substantive change to an investigative document is likely to fuel accusations from President Donald Trump and his allies that the FBI committed wrongdoing in its investigation of connections between Russian election meddling and the Trump campaign.
Some witnesses who have been interviewed in Horowitz's investigation have said they expect the inspector general to find mistakes in the FBI's handling of the FISA process, but that those mistakes do not undermine the premise for the FBI's investigation.
American intelligence agencies and the Justice Department have not swayed from their finding that Russia interfered in the 2016 election by hacking the Democrats and spreading pro-Trump propaganda online. And even former top Trump campaign officials have corroborated special counsel Robert Mueller's finding that the Trump campaign planned some of its strategy around the Russian hacks, and had multiple contacts with Kremlin-linked individuals in 2016.
This. Is. CNN.
This is the same cnn that made excuses for soviet foreign policy.
Schiff Show Produces Shinola Ratings. If this were CBS the show would have been cancelled already. As it is, the amount of screen time devoted to the hearings is sinking fast.
You are broken, Achilles. The country is just fine. Motivated reasoning will just drive you deeper down Dante's circle of self putty. Stephen Cooper praying for you won't help.
Glad to see polls are suddenly reliable now
The 37 page addendum with suggestions for “getting the most value out of media polls” is interesting.
Blogger Skylark said...
. . .
The 37 page addendum with suggestions for “getting the most value out of media polls” is interesting.
11/21/19, 6:34 PM
I was gonna say that the GOP probably has a similar formal plan for manipulating the response to polls, but they probably don't. Not because their ethics don't allow it, but because they didn't think of it.
"Not because their ethics don't allow it, but because they didn't think of it.”
No, they are pretty much shut out of the media. the way Republicans get polls to slant their way is to poll likely voters.
Everything Democrats are doing - Antifa, accosting Trump admin people at restaurants, impeachment, shooting Repubs at softball practice, etc,. is designed to let Dems know how far they can go before normal Americans take up arms against them. They have to stop just short of armed resistance, because that's when they lose.
“ And remember, all of these sorts of polls are of "adults", not "registered voters", and certainly not "likely voters", both of which tend to move the needle farther to the right.”
This is a poll of registered voters.
This isn’t about polls, in any case. I see now that Columbia is upset that our elected president has a say in foreign policy.
By way of comparison, Barack Obama's approval rating - as of Nov. 30, 2011 - was 43 percent.
Try to imagine his numbers if the press treated him the same way as Trump. And vice-versa.
What I’m trying to imagine is how Obama’s presidency might have turned out if the media had covered his administration honestly and dispassionately. With everyone fawning all over him he was able to dismiss perfectly valid criticism as mere partisanship and thus he never had any motivation to focus on having his results match his rhetoric.
#impeach #cancel abortion culture
For a certain large class of people, notably in the industrial midwest, the United States has been on a course that has been causing them economic ruin. They have a fundamental right to vote a change to that course. Democrats disagree. ARM and Howard will prattle endlessly about the uselessness of American workers. “Learn to code!” meanwhile the govt suppresses wages in that area by bringing in tens of thousands of what are basically indentured servants.
What this is about is denying these people a voice in their destiny.
here's some collusion from the fake-stream media:
Interestingly 538 gives Emerson an (A-)rating - their highest-for accuracy in polling. As many say the absolute numbers are pretty shaky, but the direction should be enough to bring the Dems to their senses. Ha!
Warren calls meeting with the president “corruption.” That’s a word that they throw around a lot, unless it involves Joe BIden, of course. It’s like there is a huge tranche of Americans who are some kind of political non persons.
The A- is highest of current polls - just to be accurate.
The truth be told, we could add 10 to 15 points ontop of that 48%.
"Basically, it's a 50-50 country, which will likely lead to a close 50-50 election."
No way. Everything points to a Republican sweep.
this was EXACTLY what the democrats had in mind, wasn't it?
This way they won't have to spend all that time and money running against Trump
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
here's some collusion from the fake-stream media:
Awesome link.
Schiff wins again!
Howard: "Glad to see polls are suddenly reliable now"
A lefty polling outfit seeking to advance the cause of lefties publishes a poll which shows Trump doing well against the moron lefty candidates.
Howard doesnt comprehend what this represents, which is a declaration against interest.
What you think is based on what you know, and what you "know" is based on who you listen to.
Half the people listens to CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS. NYT, & WP The other half have been listening to facts. You can't get much better than 50/50 with that.
Impeachment, and Schiff, die in sunlight, I can only conclude that they are vampires, or werewolves.
Speak English Drago. Not everyone is well-versed in your insurance salesman notary public lingo.
I will say that I am happy that you are happy about the new poll that says your man is a stud.
I'd like to meet one of the assholes who thought Schiff was a good guy to vote for, to give power to, and to represent them. That has to involve a major malfunction of some obvious sort. I bet there would be drooling and shoes that say "left" and "left."
i just got back from the gym, where they had CNN on the TV's (that i don't watch)
I glanced at a TV while walking to the abs machine thingie
And CNN's Scroll said something along the lines of:
Makes you wonder what people that actually WATCH CNN think?
you're welcome, Birk
Not "if", but HOW MUCH dirt could Burisma, etc, blackmail
#GrandaddyBabyMommaDramaBiden et Fils with should there be a
Herr Pluggs Von Sniffengroper as POTUS?
Howard: "Speak English Drago."
I cannot speak in "crayon" just to make it easier for lefties like you and LLR Chuck.
The more they try to impeach - the more it become necessary for them to succeed. I think they were instead planning on just doing enough damage to win the election, but that has not happened. It sounds like a bad strategy, but when you have the Democrat field as your alternative strategy, you gotta go for it anyway.
here's some collusion from the fake-stream media:
Hilarious. Ron Burgundys of the world, unite! You have only your heavily styled hair helmets to lose!
The argument the left has been making since the secret dungeon interogations, is that polls are showing more than half, want the hearings to happen, and almost as many want to impeach. The trend was going toward higher percentages. I didn't believe them. I cant find anyone I run into that wants any part of talking about impeachment. But if the Dems used the polls to justify proceeding, will they use the same polls to pull the plug on this shiff show?
Let me summarize:
7.4 billion is allegedly missing in Ukraine.
That is corruption on a massive scale.
Many! Many people are implicated.
Therefore Democratics must go after Trump hammer and thongs.
They cannot do otherwise because he is an existential threat.
If one faces an existential threat, even low probability options make sense.
A cornered animal is most dangerous.
Emerson is an outlier from every other poll right now. That's fine. outliers are normal. When it comes back down, then it will be all the liberal blogs screaming that Trump has lost five points and the public is against him on impeachment.
Pay attention to the averages, which haven't moved.
Its partially personal, but largely business
Hammer and thongs sounds kinda dangerous. I wouldn't do it. Wouldn't be prudent.
Yes could be painful.
Blogger bagoh20 said...
. . .
It sounds like a bad strategy, but when you have the Democrat field as your alternative strategy, you gotta go for it anyway.
Their lineup is amazingly bad. They do not seem like a party that is competent to rule. They have all staked out positions that are far from the mainstream among voters. Reparations? Yes. Some women have penises and some men menstruate? Yes. And remember, the reason Obama went for Obamacare instead of "medicare for all" was that 80% of the people are happy with their existing health insurance.
Look at the GOP candidates in 2008 & 2012: McCain and Romney, two centrists. The Dems seem to be committed to failure. I think that their strategy of holding so many debates has backfired, all of their candidates are in a race to be the most radical.
gilbar said, "Makes you wonder what people that actually WATCH CNN think?"
Reading the commentariat here vs the Slate commentariat is a day vs night experience. How one feels about impeachment / removal closely tracks how one feels about Trump. Slate readers mostly think it is criminal of Trump to use the bathroom, much less occupy the oval office. The difference from here couldn't be more stark.
But the Democrats are making mistakes.
In 1973-1974, the Democrats built a carefully-constructed, bipartisan case against Nixon. They were respectful toward Republicans. They were respectful about process. The House investigation was run by an obscure member named Peter Rodino. On the Senate side, Democratic Majority Leader Mansfield insisted there be no hot-dogs or presidential candidates on the investigating panel.
In the current inquisition, bipartisanship is out the window. The chairman of the Intelligence committee (now there's an oxymoron) is a dictator who is bucking for Speaker as soon as Pelosi expires. He holds Trump and the Republicans in contempt and vice versa. It is palpable with every bang of his gavel.
The Democrats seem more to be grasping at straws than building a case. They have been over-anxious since 2016 to "get Trump", and it shows. That's what drives the poll numbers.
One irony for me: In 1974, Nixon's strongest House defender until the smoking gun tape was Charles Wiggins, my Representative from the San Gabriel Valley. Today, Trump's most determined antagonist is Adam Schiff, who up until 2012 (or 2014), was my Representative.
The Dems are fatally compromised/conflicted, rendering themselves corrupted and incompetent: they want to pander to their traditional constituents, (minorities, the economically disadvantaged, those left of center to an acceptably timid degree, etc.), while also doing whatever they can to signal to their corporate patrons that they won't go too far off the leash, won't do anything that will really frustrate, or threaten the prerogatives of the .01%.
The Dems' three year impeachment scheme has been a supremely fruitless but useful time-wasting endeavor, substituting self-serving posturing for any attempts to do any real, you know, legislating.
"...remember, the reason Obama went for Obamacare instead of 'medicare for all' was that 80% of the people are happy with their existing health insurance."
No. Obama went for the compromise of the ACA in order to provide minimally better access to health insurance to millions of Americans who had no prior access to insurance--either because they could not afford it or because they were barred by insurers from obtaining insurance because they were deemed to have disqualifying "preexisting conditions"-- while guaranteeing the health insurance profiteers a continuing and expanded flow of revenues from the new captive market of Americans ensured access to insurance but compelled by law to buy it or be penalized.
This. Is. CNN.
Horowitz Leaks Begin – FBI Official Caught Altering FISA Documents, Now Under Criminal Investigation…
Here we go. Today is the day the inspector general closed the “Principal Review” phase of the upcoming IG report. Now is when the small group of corrupt DOJ and FBI officials -spotlighted by the IG investigation- begin trying to shape the narrative; and the leaks start with a whopper:
….An FBI official was caught altering documents within the 2016 surveillance operation against President Trump…
Keep in mind which FBI officials are now working for the media outlet, CNN, that is providing the leaks; ie. former FBI Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe; the spokesman for James Comey, Josh Campbell; a former FBI agent, Asha Rangappa; or the former FBI chief legal counsel, James Baker. All now work for CNN.
It’s important to note the media source aspect because normally this type of leak would go to the Washington Post or New York Times first; ergo, it likely stems as a personal leak to one of the former allied FBI officials now working for CNN.
Between Comey and McCabe, the two of them signed all four FISA warrants on Carter Page, personally certifying for the FBI that the allegations were true to the extent possible, had been validated, and there was no missing material evidence (such as that Carter Page had cooperated with the FBI for several years up until maybe March of 2016, testifying in court for them on multiple occasions, that he had repeatedly offered to come in and talk to the FBI during summer and fall of that year, etc). Their only possible defense is that they were lied to by subordinates who prepared the underlying FISA application package. Of course, this is unlikely to work very well with McCabe, since the entire operation had been planned sitting around his $70k conference room table. Baker too is in big legal trouble here, and can probably only escape prosecution by showing that he too had been lied to.
Hence the preemptive leak to and through CNN.
Hence the preemptive leak to and through CNN.
Are you saying it's a "get outta town" warning?
“The Dems are fatally compromised/conflicted, rendering themselves corrupted and incompetent: they want to pander to their traditional constituents, (minorities, the economically disadvantaged, those left of center to an acceptably timid degree, etc.), while also doing whatever they can to signal to their corporate patrons that they won't go too far off the leash, won't do anything that will really frustrate, or threaten the prerogatives of the .01%.”
It looks like Fauxhauntis Warren didn’t get the memo.
Her proposals, ranging from Medicare for all, including illegal aliens, through completely open borders, etc, are ruinously expensive, of course. But from the point of view of the .01%, her son is trying to pay for it with a crippling wealth tax. The richest people in this country don’t personally pay much in taxes, since most of their wealth is tied up in corporate stock, and they can live extremely well by just selling a fraction of it every year (paying long term capital gains rates) or even borrowing against it (which typically isn’t a taxable event). Taxing their wealth though at a couple percent a year would cause them substantial grief, made worse by having to pay income taxes on the money they would need to pay Warren’s wealth tax.
Cook’s .01% typically contribute mostly to Democrats, and, by hook and crook, often manage to contribute far in excess of the legal limits that the rest of the populace have to comply with. They were the ones who made it possible for Crooked Hillary to raise the $billion$ or so her campaign raised, meeting with her in small intimate groups throughout the election campaign, obviating, she thought, the need to actually make campaign appearance before the general public, esp in the Blue Wall states that she ultimately lost.
This is one of the big reasons that Warren isn’t well ahead of everyone else. Many of the 01% have essentially said that they won’t open their checkbooks if she is the Dem nominee, and without these mega donors, the Dems are DOA, esp given Trump’s recent success in raising campaign funds from the middle class.
“Hence the preemptive leak to and through CNN.”
“Are you saying it's a "get outta town" warning?”
Not really. Rather more to set the narrative that these hard working, long serving, bureaucrats (plus Comey) were innocent dupes. It’s not their fault that the falsely verified the four Carter Page FISA warrant applications. Rather, it was their traitorous underlings who lied to them. Of course, McCabe, in particular, picked and promoted the underlings involved...
What is going to be interesting is the timing. The House Dems seem to be pushing hard to get the entire impeachment investigation and vote wrapped up before the end of the year, which really means by mid December, given their normal Christmas (etc) break. The Republicans, scenting desperation here, today formally requested the ability to call their own witnesses (the Dems screwing up their rule changes from last December, leaving this power of the minority in the House rules). Schifty and Palsi will have to find a way to deny them. Have to - what happens if they actually call the alleged “whistleblower”. Schifty has to deny them, but if he does, he gives away his identity. Not fun.
I had been convinced that the big purpose for all this nonsense was to get the Dem dominated federal courts in DC to override Executive Privilege, as well as IRS and grand jury secrecy laws. As noted, there are three pending lawsuits, with at least two of them going their way, so far. one Obama appointed judge intentionally, it seems, ignoring the requirement to maintain the status quo ante, refused to issue a stay pending appeal (the DC Circuit did stay it). This way, they could get all of the juicy Mueller investigation material, as well as Trump’s tax returns. But right now it doesn’t look like they are going to wait.
What has changed. Two things, one expected, the other maybe not. The predictable one is that the DOJ OIG report on FISA abuse is going to drop right after the Thanksgiving recess. As noted before, this looks to be really bad for the Deep State, and probably the Obama Administration. And soon after that, probably at least some indictments by USA Durham. Making things worse, much of the sleeze behind the entire Clinton/Obama driven Russian collusion hoax seems to have come out of the Ukraine. The unexpected thing was the Ukrainian government asking the US govt to help investigate massive fraud in the foreign aid they have received, much of it apparently skimmed by Dem party and Obama Administration loyalists. And, yes, their impeachment inquiry is overshadowing their Presidential nomination process, with no one gaining traction, and the front runner, Biden, potentially fatally damaged.
It should be interesting.
Apologies in advance to Howard.
Just a reminder of the stakes here. In the summer of 2016, Obama Administration officials authorized a criminal investigation (based on alleged Logan Act violations) of the Republican nominee for President, based, very likely, on information fabricated by another Obama Administration official, CIA Director Brennan. It is highly probable that people close to President Obama knew of it, and likely approved it. There is some evidence that Obama himself knew. This information, very likely fabricated by the CIA, was then combined with the Clinton campaign and DNC funded Steele Dossier (some of which may have come from Ukrainian sources) into a FISA warrant application, that allowed, with the existing two hop rule, wiretapping of Trump himself, as well as his top campaign staff. It was certified by DAG Yates for the DOJ and D Comey, for the FBI, both again Obama Administration officials (both Obama nominated and Senate confirmed). The FISA warrant application on Carter Page (who still believed himself an acknowledged FBI cooperator) was rushed to the FISC a scant day or two before NSA Dir Rogers informed the same court of the details of rampant FISA 702 abuse by FBI contractors, apparently illegally using this FBI portal to NSA databases to electronically track and surveil US citizens in the US.
The first FISA warrant was issued a couple weeks before the 2016 election, at which time Trump became President Elect. Sometime during this first 90 day term of the FISA warrant, Trump was apparently informed that he and his transition team were being electronically surveilled by the FBI. In response, he moved his transition team to a location that he could better protect. Roughly, at about the time that he was inaugurated as President, the FISA warrant was renewed, certified again, I believe by DAG Yates and D Comey. The electronic surveillance would continue throughout the first nine months of the Trump Administration, repeatedly reauthorized and recertified by DOJ and FBI officials, including at least a couple appointed by Trump (DAG Rosenstein and D Wray). Notably, the last renewal was apparently essentially for the sole benefit of the Mueller SC investigation, despite FISA warrants being only legal for National Security (counterintelligence here) investigations and Special Counsel investigations only authorized, by DOJ regulations, for criminal investigations (meaning that there should have been no way that the Mueller investigation should have had access to this national security tool). One big question is whether the FBI was actually wire tapping the White House, and the sitting President, their Constitutional boss, and the sole Constitutional source of all their power? Or were they thwarted by Trump having been told about the wiretapping during his transition? In any case, not only was the President not told that he was the subject of a criminal investigation (he was lied to by FBI Dir Comey, who denied it), but neither was the Gang of Eight (with the possible exception of Senate minority leader Harry Reid), despite the legal requirement that they be informed of this sort of surveillance (this is one place where former FBI counsel Baker was involved).
The upcoming DOJ OIG Report is very likely going to disclose a lot of the sordid details about the FBI side of this scandal, where the Obama Administration essentially used the FBI to spy on the Republican nominee, President elect, and ultimately, successor to Obama. But even more worrisome for the former Obama Administration and it Deep State coconspirators, is that President Trump gave AG Barr complete declassification authority, and Barr has tasked CT USA Dunham with getting to the bottom of the scandal, and the scandal leads straight to the CIA, and it’s former Director, John Brennan, who seem to have fabricated the entire Russian Collusion hoax, out of thin air, using intelligence assets of our closest allies. The importance of the declassification authority is that the CIA has, for many decades, escaped accountability by hiding its misdeeds through the classification process. This doesn’t work with Barr and Durham. They can look at whatever documents they want, and the CIA can’t stop them. Heads have rolled with our allies here, and they appear to be cooperating. They appear to have already interviewed Joseph Misfyp (who planted that the Russia having Clinton’s missing emails with Popodopolis), Alexander Downer (who tried to reel Popadopolis in), and Stefan Halper, who coordinated the whole thing, and was paid millions by an obscure IC agency, presumably to do so. With Misfyp shown to be a western, not Russian, asset, the entire Russian Collusion hoax collapses into a CIA operation. And the pro western Ukrainian govt has just this week very publicly joined Trump and Barr this week.
With further apologies to Howard for ruining his cognitive dissonance with my long diatribes, some more thoughts.
As noted above, it very much appears that the House Dem leadership is now almost panicking in their rush to finish up their impeachment investigation based on Trump’s call with the Ukrainian President, and presumably go for a vote as soon as they can. Why the panic?
Going back a bit, my suggestion is that the top House Dems, and the dark money that bought them a majority in 2018 (primarily, it seems from the ubiquitous and loathsome George Soros) in order to impeach Trump. And after that, Trump would be either removed by the Dems and Never Trumpers in the Senate, or so weakened by impeachment that he would lose in 2020. They appear to have worked, even before the election, with Lawfare attorneys to set up their streamlined, kangaroo court impeachment process, which the newly elected Dem House majority adopted last December. They thus had a structure in place for impeaching Trump. All they needed now was something that they could leverage into justification for impeachment. They very likely expected that justification to come from the Mueller investigation. But that Hope was dashed by AG Barr immediately, after confirmation, shutting the Mueller investigation before it could transfer grounds for impeachment to them. They thus had an impeachment investigation all set up, and no crime to base it on.
And then Trump had that phone call with the Russian President. It is unclear at this point whether the alleged “whistleblower” was originally bothered by the call, or his friends and former coworkers, now working for Schifty, reached out to him first. In either case, Schifty decided to go with the Ukrainian phone call. His people appear to have worked with their “whistleblower” buddy to fabricate a whistleblower complaint, and get the IC OIG (the IC IG was an Obama Administration official) to allow hearsay evidence. It was then made special by that very same IC IG, so it could be brought straight back to Schifty (despite the subject matter being foreign affairs, and not intelligence, which is the committee Schifty chairs). And now with some clever Lawfare lawyering, they had the alleged crime for their already set up impeachment inquiry ready to go.
I think though that is where they may have made their fatal error, or errors. The “whistleblower” had only second or third hand knowledge of the call. Schifty went public with that version. But by that time, Trump had already made the transcript of the actual phone call public. Schifty was left claiming that his very erroneous version of the call was a parody. Few outside the swamp believe him. One of the problems with dealing with second or subsequent hand information here is that the “whistleblower” (and, thus Schifty) go important aspects of the phone call wrong. Probably the most critical thing that they got wrong was that Trump wasn’t asking for the Ukrainian govt to investigate the Bidens and Burisma, but help in investigating interference with the 2016 US election by the previous Ukrainian government working closely with the Obama Administration and the Clinton campaign. Whoops. And double whoops when the entire Russian Collusion hoax blows up and ends up with Obama Administration officials being criminally investigated and likely some of them get indicted. It doesn’t help that the new Ukrainian government seems more than willing to work with the Trump/Barr DOJ to investigate the collusion between the previous Ukrainian government and our last President to influence our 2016 election.
Just my thoughts here.
@Bruce Hayden: I, for one, appreciate your thoughtful posts. The only thing I would add to what you've written here (which I find interesting and insightful) is that the Dems really misunderstood and misread Trump and his relationship with the voters and public. They assumed everyone hated him as much as they do. Perhaps they accepted that he won because Hillary was such an awful candidate, but they were counting on people disliking him and for that animus to grow. Then he actually started doing presidential things, and the economy grew, and he had some small successes advancing America's interest and standing internationally. Throw in the over the top and unrelenting criticism and attacks; they helped make Trump a sympathetic character in their manufactured drama.
They're done and now substantially at risk politically and personally. Myself, I find this turn of events quite satisfying. Especially delicious has been the look on Schiff's face during the hearings when Nunes and Stefanik have read their statements.
Bruce Hayden has, as usual, combined a lot of open source facts, to lay out the frame work of where we are as of today. The Conservative TreeHouse is much of his source, because they have a history of predicting the future. Last week they predicted that information from Horowitz would be leaked before it was officially released. The purpose of the carefully scripted leaks was to give the deep staters an avenue to spin the corruption of them personally. Watch as leaks soft peddling this information of corruption keep comming, through the Holiday. Low viewing. Giving the DNC media cover for reporting it. The DNC media will do their job and spin the filth into pure wind driven snow. Lying as they go, the Never Trumpers happy to have, at least the appearance, of respectability.
One item of interest for Bruce Hayden. I have seen reporting the Mifsud has not been interviewed. He is still in hiding (detention, dead) and Barr/Durham only interviewed those that were working with him. Question to you, Has Mifsud surfaced, and has Barr/Durham actually interviewed him?
"Cook’s .01% typically contribute mostly to Democrats...."
Don't be silly: they contribute to both parties. This ensures that the winners, whoever they will be, will be indebted to the wealthy and will work to ensure the wealthy are served first, foremost, and always. Oligarchs Rule!
“One item of interest for Bruce Hayden. I have seen reporting the Mifsud has not been interviewed. He is still in hiding (detention, dead) and Barr/Durham only interviewed those that were working with him. Question to you, Has Mifsud surfaced, and has Barr/Durham actually interviewed him?”
You are probably right. Barr and Durham were in Europe in early October, and in particular, in Italy, where he had been supposedly hiding in somewhat open sight in Rome. What they exactly did there was never that clear, but they seem to have been able to prove that he was Western, and not a Russian Intelligence asset. At a minimum, they appear to have heard (and I would expect gotten a copy) of an audio interview with the Italian authorities when he had applied for police protection. They also met with Italian Intelligence people and people who worked with him, and Durham acquired two of his Blackberrys. Some believe that he may have actually met with Barr and Durham.
I found it odd that Mifsud had already gone into hiding in apparent fear of his life by the time that I first heard his name, better than a year ago. That seemed a fairly drastic step. Who would he be fearing so much? I think that the answer is the civilian side of the American Intelligence Community, and in particular, the CIA, whose role in SpyGate is looking to be less and less honorable, and more and more treasonous. And there is a decent chance that Mifsud‘s testimony is going to significantly help put the former Director of the CIA, John Brennan, in prison. Possibly even former DNI Clapper and other Obama Administration officials, even maybe into the Obama White House. Not only was he A loose end, he was the biggest loose end. And he apparently knew it very well.
As I noted last night, if Mifsud were western, not Russian, intelligence, then the SpyGate scandal collapses into a CIA operation run against American citizens in the US, notably the Republican nominee for President. That is because the FBI’s story, even all the way through the Mueller investigation, has been that he was the Russian intelligence source who told George Popadopolis (GP) that the Russians had Crooked Hillary’s missing emails. And then, of course, GP told the Australian ambassador to the UK, Alexander Downer. Of course, in real life, Australia’s most senior diplomat probably wouldn’t have even given a junior freelancer like GP the time of day and he surely wouldn’t have met for drinks. It was that one supposed fact that underpins the entire SpyGate narrative - Mifsud being a Russian intelligence asset. If he wasn’t a Russian asset, then he was a western asset, and that means that his meeting with GP was a setup, from the get go.
Mifsud Being a Russian intelligence asset was always problematic. American spies, from both the CIA and FBI, were trained at Link U where he taught and apparently had some ownership interest. Imagine Russian intelligence constantly being kept up to date over the last maybe decade or so about the identities of new western (including US) spies going into the field. This would have been one of the biggest security failures of the decade (probably only overshadowed by the Chinese apparently having real time access to Crooked Hillary’s emails as Secretary of State, thanks to the code that they had apparently installed in her server that forwarded everything she sent or received to them).
@Bruce Hayden...
I would be forever grateful if you could put together a bulleted list of events with links to sources outlining everything you just posted above... I've been trying to do this myself but there just so many layers and so much disinformation that I'm finding it very hard to layout of a succinct yet concrete timeline that covers all the necessary bits, yet is also not confusing / overwhelming...
I'm trying to convince several relatives on FB who are adamant that Trump is a criminal and all of this is just Republican conspiracy theories, that this is in fact real and that major, major crimes were committed by the FBI / CIA... something like this would be really helpful, as just sending them links to individual posts on CTH and other places don't seem to be doing the trick...
When you compare Trump to the Democratic presidential line up--Crazy Mother-in-law; Grandpa Gulag' Red Diaper Buttsky, etc,--how could he NOT look better by comparison?
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