November 24, 2019

5 minutes before sunrise.


Photo by Meade, at 6:57.


Leslie Graves said...

Sounding like a broken record, I love this series.

mockturtle said...

What a great--really great--photo! Your presence makes it special. A keeper.

Ann Althouse said...

I like that he framed me inside an "A" ("A" being my first, middle, and last name initial.)

David Begley said...

Portrait of a Woman Contemplating Paul Bunyan’s Axe.

Rusty said...

Nice composition, Mead. Great gams , Althouse.

Original Mike said...

"I like that he framed me inside an "A" ("A" being my first, middle, and last name initial.)"

You might like the Jewel Box open cluster (NGC 4755). It's a colorful "A" shaped asterism. My favorite cluster.

Original Mike said...

"Portrait of a Woman Contemplating Paul Bunyan’s Axe."

We're going to have to play better than we did against the Boilermakers.

stevew said...

"Did I leave the gas on?"

They say, whoever they are, that photos with humans in them are best. I tend to agree. Love the contrast of the jacket color.

Maillard Reactionary said...

The boulders in the foreground are an important part of the composition. Nice one.

rcocean said...

You look in top condition.

mockturtle said...

Original Mike observes: We're going to have to play better than we did against the Boilermakers.

Ya never know. AZ State beat the Ducks yesterday. Herbert had a pretty poor outing.

rcocean said...

"Ya never know. AZ State beat the Ducks yesterday. Heber had a pretty poor outing."

Both teams played bad defense, and both have the weirdest uniforms ever. Oregon was absurdly overrated, the last poll had them 5th in the USA. This loss will drop them out of the top ten.

daskol said...

Laslo got his ducks in a sunrise thread after all.