October 22, 2019

"When the sickeningly twisted mother pretends her daughter is sick, then actively makes her truly sick and die, for her own personal attention and gain, some call it Munchausen syndrome by proxy."

"When the sickeningly twisted president of our nation pretends our nation is sick, then actively makes it truly sick (and our democracy die?), for his own personal attention and gain, some call it a Manchurian candidacy. Apparently, 'by proxy' to Putin. Both of them deserve the worst sort of hell."

That is one of the highest-rated comments on "A mother’s ‘bucket list’ for her ‘terminally ill’ daughter went viral. But now she’s charged with her murder" (WaPo). To his credit, the commenter marks his own comment "off topic."


MayBee said...

Who are the people actively trying to make the country sick? I contend the people who can't stop obsessing about the President being crazy and a stooge of a foreign country.

Levi Starks said...

How about Trump derangement syndrome by proxy?

hombre said...

These Trump haters are truly insane. This one is projecting the behavior of Democrats onto Trump.

zipity said...

That is one serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

He should see his primary psychiatric professional ASAP.

YoungHegelian said...

When the sickeningly twisted president of our nation pretends our nation is sick, then actively makes it truly sick

I guess the commenter is referring to the state of the economy. /sarc

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

We are all sick children in need of the nurturing motherliness of Big Hillary.

MayBee said...

The economy is strong, unemployment is low across all racial groups, violent crime is low, we aren't in any major wars, we aren't constantly fearing terrorist attacks.....and yet there are vast swaths of people who are constantly agitated about how bad things are in this country. Look in the mirror, Muncheausen people!

rcocean said...

That comment itself shows trump is right. The left in this country is truly sick. Do they believe the BS and lies they spout, or is it all "propaganda" and "Selling the party line". Does Hillary truly believe Tulsi G. and Julie stein are "Russian Assets" or is she cynically lying? Does Adam Shits really believe his lies, or knows they're lies and tells them anyway. Did Comey really believe all the lies he told in May 2017, or just laugh and think he would get away with it?

Its hard for more or less honest people to understand cold-stone serial liars. Alger Hiss lied about being a spy and communist his entire life. He did it day in and day out for 40 years, protesting his innocence - when he was guilty as hell. To normal people that's crazy but...

Lucid-Ideas said...

"Worst sort of hell"

Whoa whoa whoa there buddy. Not even close! Wait till you see what's in store if you and your friends keep hyperventilating! Ramp that knob in November 2020 to 11 after another Trump victory!

Skin that smokewagon my man! See what happens!

gilbar said...

President Trump made his nation sick.... HOW?

Wince said...

"When the sickeningly twisted president of our nation pretends our nation is sick, then actively makes it truly sick (and our democracy die?), for his own personal attention and gain, some call it a Manchurian candidacy. Apparently, 'by proxy' to Putin. Both of them deserve the worst sort of hell."

That is one of the highest-rated comments...

Oh, so now Hillary too is posting comments under a pseudonym?

Althouse, see what you have unleashed!

traditionalguy said...

And then came sexual reassignment surgery Medical Industrial Complex.

Skippy Tisdale said...

The world is full of stupid people.

Michael K said...

A good piece on why the left hates Trump.

But what drives this unprecedented furor, given the economy has reached near-record low peacetime unemployment at 3.5 percent, resulting in millions of inner-city youth and poor being sought after by labor-needy employers? What is so evil about attracting the lower-middle classes to the Republican Party, and shedding its stereotype as a party of the golf links and corporate retreats?

Workers’ pay has risen to a net per capita gain of $5,000 since Trump took office. The U.S. energy industry is booming as the world’s largest producer of gas and oil, a fact that has likely saved more lives by rendering the death trap of the oil-rich Middle East increasingly irrelevant to American strategic interests.

By 2020, Trump will have remade the federal judiciary—when at an earlier moment in 2016, it looked as if an Obama-Clinton 16-year regnum would soon ensure a half-century dominance of left-wing activist judges.

Trump entered office with North Korean nuclear rockets allegedly pointed at the West Coast, and with China heralded as the inevitable new global hegemon. A petulant NATO insidiously refused to meet its promised contributions. ISIS ran amuck.

Too much winning.

Michael K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

What sickness has been forced on our nation. How is America I’ll — other than the mentally challenged Resistance?

All the damage being done to our Republic and society is being done by self-proclaimed haters of the Bad Orange Man. If you disagree please show your work.

wendybar said...

Whomever wrote that needs psychological help.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Just it’s clear I have a list of institutions destroyed by Trumps declared enemies. A sampling:

1. The Media. Trust in them is at epic lows except among progressives who are catered to exclusively. “Journalism” has changed its rules and self-immolated in the DJT Era.
2. Independent Counsel/Special Prosecutor. This unholy entity should have stayed dead but the Swamp launched one more as a Hail Mary from Rod Rosenstein to invoke the Insurance Policy. Mueller put a stake in it with his horrible performance as figurehead for a crew he didn’t lead and a report he didn’t read or write.

More? FBI, CIA, Hillary, Pelosi, ...

Kevin said...

At first I thought Chuck had started posting at the WAPO.

But he never thought his rants about Trump were off topic.

Beasts of England said...

Clueless projection from a proggie. Shocking.

Fernandinande said...

Olivia, she wrote, had a misshapen head and a vascular malformation in her brain, causing her to have seizures, KUSA reported. Her other daughter had “osteomyelitis,”

Oh, wow, man. I have a misshapen head and did a jr-high-school report on osteomyelitis, and I think about it every time I crack my shins.

Olivia’s exact cause of death is not specified in the indictment.

If she wasn't terminally ill, why did she die?....

Children’s Hospital Colorado, where Olivia had been treated, has declined to comment, the Associated Press reported.

...Oh. I bet they declined.

Big Mike said...

That is one serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

He should see his primary psychiatric professional ASAP.

@zipity, you don't know very many psychiatrists, do you? They're as badly infected with TDS as any potential client.

Temujin said...

Off topic, but I wait for the delicious moment when Hillary makes it official and tells Anderson Cooper that she was 'drafted, recruited' to join the Dem primary process.

Only then will the country be able to get on with it's work.

rehajm said...

When the sickeningly twisted president of our nation pretends our nation is sick...

-Canadian Commentor

TreeJoe said...

I'm a big believer in outcomes over words, but also on making clear statements. Here's my favorite two from the left TODAY alone that are divorced from reality at a mainstream level:

"The deep state is alive and well, composed of patriotic public servants. Their aim is not to bring down President Trump out of personal or political animus but to rescue the Republic from his excesses, says @mcottle." -

His "excesses" are reasons to "rescue" the "Republic" from Trump.

And of course the entire Democratic leadership of the country declaring a moral imperative and constitutional duty to impeach Trump without actually naming a crime.

Limited blogger said...

'Off Topic'? How 'bout Off the Planet.

SGT Ted said...

It's projection. The entire Democratic party modern platform is based on the nation being inflicted with the sicknesses of racism sexism homophobia bigotry and environmental calamity and this requires them to be elected in order to fix it all. The inability of Democrats do you have any sort of rational self-reflection really resembles mental illness in action.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Wonderful and fascinating. I've always thought that, outside of extreme trauma, people slipped into madness slowly and subtly. To watch it happen on such a scale must be significant of larger things. We're moving inside of history right now, which was not something I expected in my lifetime.

Nonapod said...

Winston Churchill described a "fanatic" as "One who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.”

We have a story that has precisely nothing to do with Trump and a commenter makes it about Trump. This is perhaps one of the purest examples of TDS I've ever seen. We've seen this sort of behavior in the comment section of this very Blog. But what's sad to me is that this comment is upvoted to the top, indicating that Trump seems to be on many people's minds all day every day. It's as if an entire cohort of our populace has been brainwashed, terrorfied, and reduced to very angry paranoid obsessives. That's the destructive power of the media.

alanc709 said...

The sickening thing about the progs and SJW's is that they are breathing the same air as regular people.

tim maguire said...

“To his credit”

Good one!

The Washington Post is a black hole relentlessly drawing in the insanely stupid.

jg said...

Idiot author and upvoters think there's a relationship between Munchausen and Manchuria?

CWJ said...

That commenter, and those who voted it near the top, are the ones with a sickeningly twisted view of this administration.

jg said...

Gypsy got 10 years for soliciting the murder of her abusive mother who kept her prisoner. Weird.
I'm generally a bit hands-off when it comes to consequences of poor parenting, so I would have given her a stern warning not to do it again.

Seeing Red said...

It’s not TDS.

It’s DDS

Deplorable Derangement Syndrome.

Richard Dolan said...

It is an accomplishment of sorts that Trump has made himself the alpha and the omega of every story told in lefty-land. Everything, it seems, is about him.

I don't think that approach to things will turn out quite the way they imagine, though.

Seeing Red said...

Wow, just think if only 50 US soldiers could stop the Turkish army, what could 50 US soldiers have done in Mexico?

JohnAnnArbor said...

These people have lost all connection to reality.

whitney said...

I don't know how they managed to connect that to Trump instead of to women who drug and publicize their prepubescent transgender children. That's the obvious comparison

rcocean said...

Munchausen syndrome is a factitious disorder, a mental disorder in which a person repeatedly and deliberately acts as if he or she has a physical or mental illness when he or she is not really sick.

Sebastian said...

"pretends our nation is sick"

The southern invasion was no pretense.

"then actively makes it truly sick"

Like, with record low unemployment?

"(and our democracy die?)"

Like, progs attempting a coup and proposing to do away with the Electoral College?

tcrosse said...

Had the election turned out differently, heaven forbid, I shudder to think how many of us would be stricken with HDS.

robother said...

The topic news organizations never want to cover in these Munchausen cases is their own role, and that of the charities that feed off the "dying children" (Make a Wish, i'm looking at you), in giving these mothers what they most crave, attention. Every local Denver TV Station covered the little girl's bucket list fulfillment.

The hospitals and doctors who could find nothing wrong with the little girl, but who went along with the mom's Go Fund Me-funded treatments, instead of reporting child abuse played a role too. The doctor who signed the Do Not Resuscitate order was an accessory to the mother's murder of her daughter.

Birkel said...

How dare the OMB beat Hillary!
And how dare he defend himself from the coup attempt?

Robert Edick said...

The sickness ends Friday:

"As Halloween Approaches, Thousands Of Witches Will Cast A “Binding Spell” On Donald Trump On October 25th."


gahrie said...

Trump hasn't made our nation sick, he has nursed it back to health after 8 years of Democratic neglect and abuse.

Birches said...

Can we talk about Munchausen by proxy with trans kids? Because it's real

Seeing Red said...

What that Texas Court just did to that 7 y.o.child is Munschausen by Proxy.

Nancy said...

The upvoted commenter reminds me of the patient who described all the Rorschach inkblots as different sexual positions. DOCTOR: Do you think you might be obsessed with sex? PATIENT: Me??? You're the one showing all the dirty pictures!

stevew said...

"twisted president of our nation pretends our nation is sick, then actively makes it truly sick (and our democracy die?), for his own personal attention and gain,"

Xe asserted without evidence.

William said...

well, it's a new meme. Give him some credit for that. Not the usual Nazi stuff. It shows some originality. Maybe if they started to explaining the many ways that Trump resembles Charles Manson or Jeffrey Dahmer they can win more independent votes.

wild chicken said...

Only then will the country be able to get on with it's work.

Seriously, Temujin, you need to make that suggestion at the NYT or WaPo comments.


traditionalguy said...

Parents that use children this way really miss slavery days since 1865, so they designate their children their slaves. And of course they try to disable them so they cannot escape.

Jim at said...

Once again, leftists deserve the misery they're creating.

Eric said...

Is it really of topic when it's the only topic a person talks about?

wildswan said...

What Nonapod said 12:12

Laslo Spatula said...

"When the sickeningly twisted mother pretends her daughter is sick, then actively makes her truly sick and die..."

Now -- as Texas shows us -- we are at the point where the sickeningly twisted mother pretends her son is female, then actively tries to make her son 'female' through socio-medical voodoo.

The father evidently didn't realize his legal status is 'splooge stooge'.

And some poor baker will be forced to frost the celebration cake.

As Althouse once wrote: "You can stand there on the platform and stomp your feet as it leaves without you, but now would be a good time to get on board and show some love."

I am Laslo.

chuck said...

Yeah, that the Washington Post, the major source of news for our rulers in DC. Scary, isn't it.

h said...

When Trump lieutenant Jose Altuve hit a so-called "walk off homerun" to humiliate the US Yankees, it was just another piece of proof about the extent to which Trump answers to Putin. The failure (so far) of the House impeachment inquiry to interview Altuve under oath is unfortunately an indication that the Democrats are not truly serious about impeachment.

Bilwick said...

I'm picturing the uproar if some conservatives during the Cold War had accused some prominent "liberals" of being proxies for Khruschev.

Michael K said...

I'm picturing the uproar if some conservatives during the Cold War had accused some prominent "liberals" of being proxies for Khruschev.

That's because a few of them were. Ted Kennedy offering Breshnev help in return for help defeating Reagan, for example.

Quite a few Sandinista supporters who never got the Trump investigation treatment.

narciso said...

I call it, along with the carlos slims times and the journal 'blank pages' yes they are insane, and growing more so,

rush was noting this afternoon, that people specially children, have a certain defense mechanism, against focusing on one's demise, but left obsession on climate change, gun violence, and other trendy issues, is eroding that,

n.n said...

When and by whose choice does a human life acquire and retain her right to life?

narciso said...

Red Harkin (f chuck todds first employer, david bonier, are two that come to mind,

n.n said...

the sickeningly twisted mother pretends her son is female, then actively tries to make her son 'female' through socio-medical voodoo

A male will never be female and vice versa. However, gender attributes can be influenced through mental indoctrination and simulated through physical alterations. Trans-gender is a state and/or process. Dressing the part (trans-social) aids and abets its progress. That said, some people are more vulnerable than others to transgender conversion therapy.

Steven said...

When the sickeningly twisted president of our nation pretends our nation is sick, then actively makes it truly sick (and our democracy die?), for his own personal attention and gain, some call it a Manchurian candidacy.

Yes, but it's now decades too late to actually remove Bill Clinton from office.

Martin said...

WaPo and NYT comment sections are Ground Zero for TDS. The deranged stuff you see there is beyond incredible.

Jim at said...

I'm picturing the uproar if some conservatives during the Cold War had accused some prominent "liberals" of being proxies for Khruschev.

We didn't need to. They were open about it.

Mattman26 said...

Ann, is the “insanity” tag for the mother or the commenter?

n.n said...

Yes, but it's now decades too late to actually remove Bill Clinton from office.

#MeToo before and after.

Mark said...

Munchausen mom is bad, but POS commenters who likewise exploit this innocent girl for his own crass perverse use is pretty crappy too, as well as the folks that would upvote him.

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