I've had my reasons for keeping my vote secret, but this morning, I woke up with the thought that I now have a very good reason to reveal it, because I have something specific to say, and I want to recommend something, and knowing how I voted will reinforce my recommendation.
I have revealed all my other votes in the presidential elections of my voting life: 1972 McGovern, 1976 Ford, 1980 Carter, 1984 Mondale, 1988 Dukakis, 1992 Clinton, 1996 Clinton, 2000 Gore, 2004 Bush, 2008 Obama, 2012 Romney.
Clearly, I'm a swing voter. Notice that there are 3 men on that list that I voted for once and voted against once. In 6 of the last 11 elections, then, there was a man I was capable of voting for and against. Carter, I voted against when he had not yet established that he was presidential material, and then I voted for him, when he had been a pretty bad President. That's because I thought Reagan was dangerously extreme. I voted against George W. Bush in 2000 because I'd settled into voting for Democrats and I didn't like the social conservatism, but I voted for him in 2004, because 9/11 happened and we were in the middle of a war. With Obama, I did the reverse, voting for and then voting against. I voted for because I thought his opponent was unprepared to handle the financial crisis. I voted against him because the congressional Democrats had overreached and because of the military disarray exemplified by Benghazi.
Maybe you can extrapolate what I must have done in 2016, but I have made a point of never telling you. And maybe you can figure out why today feels different to me and I'm going to reveal what I have held secret for 3 years.
१७० टिप्पण्या:
Because you are going to vote for Trump because ALL of the Democrats have gone NUTS??? I can only hope!!! This election is for Freedom of speech, and a huge No TO SOCIALISM.
I won't think any less of you for not revealing your decision. After rereading your statement. Is there something else you want to convey?
John McCain, what a guy!
Hmmm, there's an economic crisis!
Let's take time off of campaigning, so everyone can see i'm unprepared to handle the financial crisis!!
Please tell us you didn't vote for Crooked Hillary.....PLEASE!!!
Since the economy swayed one vote, and Democrat disarray in military/foreign affairs, Clinton having close ties to the latter, and Obama is responsible for the slowest economic "recovery" since the Depression, That locks out Democrat, but still leaves the likes of Jill Stein, etal. not sure that equals Trump.
This next election sure points to President Trump.
2016 Hillary. 2020 Trump. Because the Dems have gone wacko.
I am having an odd flashback to Al Capone’s vault....
Anne Althouse is Bucky Badger.
Strong reasons to vote against Clinton -- the recent middle eastern mess was largely her doing, amongst many others.
Marginal justification for voting against Trump -- obnoxious cad, but obviously a very successful man of action.
Strong reasons to vote against Stein -- the Greens are a throwaway protest vote, and crazy besides.
Against Trump in '16, for in '20. Because the Democrats cannot have any more power right now. And they would get away with it too, except for meddling bloggers.
Well from your voting pattern you're entrenched in casting your vote for one of the two major crime syndicates that control this country. Both should br RICO'd.
Why look backwards? Onward. Trump 2020!
I made it my practice to never tell who I voted for, elven if it was fairly obvious who I favored. My parents taught me that the ballot was secret for a reason. It should be nobodies business how you voted or why you voted. We are all citizens, if someone potentially disagrees with your political choices so much, they are some who you should hold at arms length.
Funnily enough, my vote I the last election was the first that I felt compelled to publicly acknowledge. I voted for None of the Above. Pretty happy with my choice.
I’m having a flashback to ”what will Vanna wear tonight?”
Interested to know what you mean by "I voted against [Obama] because the congressional Democrats had overreached" - does that refer to the ACA?
But I assume you went for Hillary in 2016.
Because you didn't want to end up in that special place in Hell reserved for feminists voting against a woman for POTUS.
I am completely indifferent to your 2016 vote. Yours or anyone else’s. There is even a logic that says that someone who won’t contribute to candidates doesn’t need to vote for them. Cruel neutrality. You also appear not to be a third or fourth party voter. I am guessing there was more than one Trump voter in your house. It will be amusing if both you and Scott Adams come out for Mayor Pete.
Can't see a swing voter having made up their mind for '20 when the choice is unknown.
Clearly, I'm a swing voter.
You've voted for Dems eight times out of eleven, so, no, you're not.
She voted for Hillary, because of the disarray of Benghazi and because like Hillary, Donald Trump had not displayed quality of presidential material, and seemed extreme;
and she will vote for the Democrat in 2020, when President Trump has proved a pretty good President, because of the overreach of Congress and because of PDT's military array in the wars as exemplified by Syria/al-Baghdadi, to the point where we are almoat out of the wars, and because all his potential opponents are dangerously extreme.
It would be nice if she would vote for the President in 2020, because of his material successes demonstrating Presidential quality, because of the D Congressional coup, and because of the psycho who will get the D nom. but she is woman, she is large, she contains multitudes, and you can cut pieces off her, but you cannot tell her she has no choice, which PDJT and logic both decree.
If she does vote for the President, she will vote D for Congress, to counterbalance him, and because of that nice young man who got the D chair in WI.
Have I got all that straight? Plus which he is nasty mans.
Okay then... when do we get to find out?
I could argue for a vote either way, so I got nothin.
I'd guess it's systemically random, determined instead on who seems to mean best. That's how women vote.
Fortunately women aren't very persuasive, so their influence spread is restricted to their own vote.
How about this, didn't vote for Trump because it was unclear if he was presidential material, will vote for him this time because: (1) he is and (2) all of the Dems are batshit crazy?
If I had to guess I would say that you didn't vote for either of the major party candidates. You don't strike me as a supporter of Hillary Clinton, nor was 2016 Trump a person or candidate that you could like enough to vote for. Perhaps, like me in MA, you thought Hillary was sure to win in your state and so you could vote for one of the third party candidates that was better aligned with your political position. The major ones were Jill Stein and Gary Johnson in MN I think. Of those two I'd have to say Johnson for you - Stein was too odd and extreme.
So, that's my guess, Gary Johnson.
Hilary 2016. If you thought Reagan too extreme, Trump 2016 sounded otherworldly.
Trump 2020. Because you can see the real extremity is how Trump is portrayed - and it goes back to 2015.
Jumping Around
If you vote and your friend votes the opposite, it's 1-1, a tie.
If you don't vote but persuade your friend to vote for your guy, it's 1-0 in favor of your guy.
Obviously you have a much greater voice in the election by persuading rather than voting.
If you can persuade thousands, you're starting to have an influence.
It doesn't matter how you vote.
Who has Althouse persuaded? Probably nobody.
I will give you credit, Althouse. You are a true swing voter.
Most of the classical Liberals who tell me they are swing voters have voted for a Republican Governor or Senator, but never POTUS.
We have made some different choices, but I cannot find fault except for you thinking Reagan was too extreme. That was media spin.
Reagan was dangerously extreme
Only if you listened to the wrong people.
For Trump because Hillary was a walking crime syndicate, and loony tunes to boot?
Let's take time off of campaigning, so everyone can see i'm unprepared to handle the financial crisis!!
It's a strange world where putting the health of the country ahead of campaigning is deemed to prove you aren't prepared. It reminds me of the left claiming Rubio's drinking water at the lectern meant he wasn't presidential material. There is always a MacGuffin to justify their assertion non-leftists aren't acceptable. It doesn't matter much what it is, they will lower the standards until they find something.
Election day 2016. Crooked Hillary vs Weird Trump:
Not an easy day to forget. …I remember every detail. The [Democrats] wore gray, you wore blue.
And maybe you can figure out why today feels different to me and I'm going to reveal what I have held secret for 3 years.
You're going to announce you're voting for Trump if the Dems impeach (or maybe just if the nominee is an economic demagogue, i.e., not Biden) and want your prior vote against Trump to show Dems they are risking losing prior supporters.
Although I am a staunch Trump supporter, I don’t find my identity and purpose in voting for president or any other public office.
I find those things in the daily practice of my life.
Like Althouse, I thought Reagan was an extremist. That I was so wrong back then, that I was unable to foresee that he would be one of the principle figures in the dismantling of the Evil Empire, leads me to wonder whether I might be wrong now.
I’ll vote for Trump, and my life will be OK no matter who wins.
Standing in front of the plane in the fog.) I’m saying this because it’s true. Inside of us, we both know you belong with [Trump]. You’re part of his work, the thing that keeps him going. If that [Thursday vote against impeachment takes place] and you’re not with him, you’ll regret it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life.
"Francisco D said...
I will give you credit, Althouse. You are a true swing voter.
Most of the classical Liberals who tell me they are swing voters have voted for a Republican Governor or Senator, but never POTUS.
We have made some different choices, but I cannot find fault except for you thinking Reagan was too extreme. That was media spin."
I won't. By 1984, you knew better, but voted for Mondale? What that on a dare?
Do you still think that Reagan was a dangerous extremist?
classic clickbait. your tease is too obvious.
Our ability as citizens to vote for our various government representatives is truly a wonder and something we take for granted. Whether through deep introspection or shallow comparisons, we each make our voting decisions and exercise our right to vote.
I may agree or disagree with your decisions over the years, but it is our decision to make and we trust in the wisdom of many over the wisdom of a few.
At the time I post this comment, Ann has not yet disclosed her 2016 (and maybe 2020) choice. However, for Ann to make the disclosure is like finally learning the reason for the Mona Lisa's smile. It may answer a long-asked question, but the answer takes away a bit of the wonder.
Jill Stein, because Trump was too weird, Hillary too crooked and Gary Johnson too much of a dope. Also because Russia.
but I voted for him in 2004, because 9/11 happened and we were in the middle of a war.
So let's get this straight, you voted for Bush in 2004 because we were in the middle of war, a war, by that time, it was obvious the Bush administration had completely screwed up. But you voted against Obama because of Benghazi.
I am going to have to wait for the great reveal (Trump) because there is no logic or consistency to your voting patterns.
Oh! I'm excited to find out.
I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but there's no way I'm not in 2020.
I think in 2016 you voted for Gary Johnson because you found both Clinton and Trump unacceptable. Clinton because of her defense of Bill during the Monica scandal and because of the Middle East and possibly the emails too. Trump because, well he is Trump.
However you have indicated a few times recently in so many words, that Trump has not been given a chance to govern. You frequently show naked contempt for his treatment by the media. Even when he does good things and normal things that other presidents have done they find something to criticize.
So I believe that at this point you are planning to vote Trump in 2020 due to Democrat and media hysteria.
Eh...I'm a Republican. You are not. Isn't America great?
I have always suspected that you defaulted to the safe choice and voted for Hillary, although with zero enthusiasm. Who knew that Trump was going to win and that the Democrats would go stark, staring crazy? Everything looks clearer in the rear view mirror on this one.
Trump has been a necessary corrective, and his work is not done. I think you might vote Trump in 2020. BUT--
You also have a tendency to go all Peggy Noonan. You might feel the urge to talk the Democrats off the ledge--but then you will look at what is on offer and say "That won't work."
Maybe you are going to sit out 2020 and offer your views (cruel neutrality) while backing no horse in the race.
I said a couple years ago that Althouse let sort of slip that she voted for Hillary when she said that she “regretted her vote.” at a time when Hillary was making a lot of people more than the usual suspects scratch their heads why the party put her at its head. So it would make sense that she is planning to vote for Trump due to over reach by the House.
Anyway, that’s my bet. I think it would be “fascinating,” as Spock would say, if I were wrong. If this impeachment vote made her decide to vote for whatever pig in a poke at this time, the Democrats serve up.
Reagan was the greatest president of the 20th Century, and you didn't vote for him either time.
Hillary was the most qualified presidential candidate in the history of our republic, so I’ll guess that she garnered your vote in 2016. Outside chance is was Stein. I’d be shocked if it were Trump, but in revealing it today, it could be in the vein of how Trump recently lost your support...
I hope nobody is holding their breath for this.
But you voted against Obama because of Benghazi.
Tell me again why we invaded Libya and got involved in trying to overthrow Assad in Syria?
Since Trump owes his presidency to a relative handful of swing voters in three swing states, he should thank you personally.
I think you voted for Trump. You’re a denizen of the written internet and your critical mind would have been offended by the distortions in the media and by many of your peers. So I believe you took a stand against the corrupt and toxic mess.
Tell me again why we invaded Libya and got involved in trying to overthrow Assad in Syria?
We didn't invade Libya, we provided air support. I thought it was a huge mistake.
What I think about it is irrelevant and has nothing to do with this thread. My point that Althouse's stated reason for voting for Bush, yet against Obama, are contradictory.
AllenS comes in with the kill shot.
"Trump, but in revealing it today, it could be in the vein of how Trump recently lost your support...”
I wouldn’t rule that out, either. But I would ask for favorable odds before betting on it.
Agree with henry: clickbait.
If I buy something from Amazon thru you’re portal will I find out faster?
Freder has to wait for the CIA to tell him what he thinks.
For the record I reluctantly voted for Trump in 2016. I think he is a pretty repulsive person but he hasn't done too bad as president so far. I am actually looking forward to voting for him in 2020, assuming he is not removed from office. I think there are a lot of people out there who feel the same way.
What's not to like (besides his rude tweets)? The economy is good, he seems genuinely anti-war, most of his actions come from a fairly centrist position. And he never stops fighting even though it seems the entire political establishment and mainstream media are against him.
Incidentally, if the idea is that Althouse voted for Hillary in 2016 and is inclined to vote for President Trump in 2020 because of D shenanigans, and that this should incentivize the Democrats to stop with the shenanigans i.e. impeachment, she is terribly wrong.
Because the Democrats will realize, if they haven't already, that it will be impossible to win in 2020 with a fair election, and their only possible chance of victory is to impeach President Trump and defeat President Pence in the election. Any talk of Donald Trump re-running, or being appointed VP etc after impeachment and removal, is blarney.
So no help, AA. Thanks though I guess. If that was the idea.
For the record, people, AA, who says she does not lie, has previously stated that she voted for a major party candidate and not a Stein or a Johnson.
Ann voted for Trump because of the raid on the HQ of ISIS.
Trump is the strong horse that OBL referenced. After the weak Obama, America and the world needed Trump.
I, for one, don't care.
Many of us read Althouse daily, and knowing who she voted for isn't going to change the meaning of what she's written in the past or future.
Though I am curious how you voted, it's none of my business. It's a secret ballot. How you vote, is your choice, and your choice alone. You have your reasons, and I have mine. And that is ok.
My guess is Ann voted outside the two parties in 2016: either McMullin, Johnson, or Stein. I’m leaning Stein. And I further guess she will announce she is voting Trump in 2020 despite her personal disdain for him. The reason will be that she fears the Stalinistic left and their campaign against him, Plus, she likes us Trumpkin commenters because we’re decent people as opposed to the Trump haters.
Just read Nichevo’s comment that Ann has stated she voted major party in 16 so I will now adjust my guess to Hillary. But I’ll bet Meade voted Trump.
"Marginal justification for voting against Trump -- obnoxious cad, but obviously a very successful man of action."
Multiple bankruptcies and failure/refusal to pay many of his contractors, employees, and bills does not spell "successful man of action" to me, but either a bumbling incompetent, or a serial swindler and thief, or a bumbling incompetent whose continued survival is a result only of his being a serial swindler and thief.
The 2016 election is over. Why is this Althouse information important to anyone? Water over the dam. The only thing that is important now is the 2020 election.
"We didn't invade Libya, we provided air support.”
I didn’t kill her judge, I just pulled the trigger! The bullet did it!
What about Assad? "We didn’t try to overthrow Assad, we just poured weapons into civil war?”
I guess that is about what I can expect from a man who thinks that because he thinks the CIA told him somethig wasn’t true, he can’t believe his own eyes.
Here is a question for Althouse. Have the comments here ever changed your thinking on any of these issues?
Mondale in 1984. What was that supposed to accomplish? And surprisingly, Mitt Romney's voting record probably looks the same.
The effectiveness of propaganda in America is highly under rated. Until Trump, few publicly acknowledged that the MSM, especially 30 years ago, was changing facts to suit its political ideology. the internet threatened the lefts ability to craft a narrative. FB, twitter, and social media are attempting to put things back to the way it was.
Free speech, freedom to think and act. This election, and the one in 2016, is about the Bill of Rights. the candidate who can protect the Constitution is the one who Ann will vote for..
Remembering some of the comments from 2008, I hope Althouse votes Trump 2020, or there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. BTW, economic conservative but socially liberal, is the smallest of the 4 voting segments, but very influential due to their position in the Media and in Law.
What do women want. "We don't know."
Strong reason to vote for Stein -- the only vote (among the three) rational persons could make without holding their noses and stifling their gag reflexes.
(A "throw away" vote? If one is voting for what one believes in, it is never a throw away vote, even if one knows it will not be a vote for the victor...unless we simply surrender and accept that the "democratic process" will always devolve into a system where our only acts of "self-governance" are to make occasional rote choices to ratify one of two equally miserable and corrupt choices.)
Who Althouse voted for in 2016 is important. Those who are forget history are doomed to repeat it. And I don't want any living Republican to forget McCain or Mittens and their botched campaigns - hopefully it will inoculate them from nominating that type again.
"Plus, she likes us Trumpkin commenters because we’re decent people as opposed to the Trump haters."
I'm on tenterhooks. Whatever those are.
Last Comment. Here's my guessimate of Mittens voting Record:
72 - McGovern. Nixon and his father didn't get along.
76 - Ford
80- Carter, Reagan too extreme.
84 - Mondale, Reagan too extreme
88 - Bush
92- Clinton (Bush didn't offer Mittens a job)
96 - Clinton
00/04 - Bush II
08- Obama (Votes for the black man, still bitter at McCain)
12 - Himself of course
16 - His wife
One can observe through Althouse's voting pattern how critical breaking the MSM stranglehold over information flow has been. Trump has done quite a bit of damage to that press. The press has let their respective and collective freak flags fly.
Reagan dangerous? As opposed to Carter? Carter who let Americans be humiliated by Iran? Carter was less dangerous?
Again, the MSM must be defeated. They are the enemy of free thought and reasoned criticism.
Those of you who voted for Jill or Trump - you have revealed yourselves as Russian agents. Agents of Russia. Dark web. all that.
What I can't figure out and what really interests me is why today feels different.
That's the question I would like to see an answer to. Who Althouse voted for in 16 is not nearly as interesting as today.
"Today I will reveal something..."
It's contagious!
Althouse should do it from behind home plate at a World Series Game!
It's one thing to have voted for Hillary in 2016 given the hideous choice we were given. It's another thing to have stuck with her and her myrmidons in the last three years. I suspect Althouse of the former, but certainly not of the latter.
fourth try
I would not have expected a Trump to be the candidate that is more Pro Constitution in 2016, but in practice he has vastly exceeded my expectations to my delight.
>the candidate who can protect the Constitution is the one who Ann will vote for..
Mondale? Reagan in '84 was obviously too old, as iran-contra confirmed. Hmmm.
mockturtle said...
I'm on tenterhooks. Whatever those are.
Tinderhooks: anxious to see if they really look like the photo you swiped right.
I voted for Johnson, but then I had the luxury of voting in a deep blue state where my vote had no chance of making a difference. If
I had choose between Trump and Clinton, the devil I knew and the devil I didn’t know, I’m not sure what I would have done.
Not a day goes by that I’m not thankful the devil I didn't know won.
My guess is you voted for none of the above.
"(A "throw away" vote? If one is voting for what one believes in, it is never a throw away vote,”
Maybe not, but I did have to stifle a gag reflex, but I couldn’t come up with any way to rationalize it that a vote for anybody other than Trump was a vote for Hillary.
I would think that you would be happy to see a man who struggles with the military industrial complex and tries to end wars. Even as they fight him at every turn.
Unless your anti-war shtick is just for show...
"Mondale? Reagan in '84 was obviously too old,”
And yet the country did great... That’s why I don’t listen to you guys anymore. There is such a disconnect, as now, between how the country is doing, and how you guys think it should be run.
Robert Cook said...Multiple bankruptcies and failure/refusal to pay many of his contractors, employees, and bills does not spell "successful man of action" to me, but either a bumbling incompetent, or a serial swindler and thief,
How about glorified used car salesman?
But however distasteful he may be personally, however immoral he may have been as a businessman, by any sane standard, he has been a good president and he deserves another term. If Democrats want to beat him, the onus should be on them to nominate someone better. Enough with the dirty tricks and skullduggery.
If they have someone better, they have yet to show it.
Regardless of who Althouse voted for, she is a national treasure due to her commitment to the free exchange of ideas.
Indeed, when she and Meade actually reported on what the Left in Wisconsin was doing to thwart Gov. Scott Walker's legitimate agenda, it made national news. It exposed the Left as anti-Democracy. It elevated Scott Walker to a national platform and it helped Wisc turn red (barely).
So, even if she erred in voting for Sister Hillary, it's small potatoes. Indeed, even if she errs again by voting for Liz Warren in 2020, it doesn't matter. Her commitment to truth, debate and freedom trumps (no pun intended) all that.
My 2 cents.
So, you bought the Democratic "extremist" line with Reagan. That's pretty silly, but you did realize, at least somewhat, the seriousness of Benghazi. That probably means that Hillary did not get your vote. Can't see you voting for any ticket with Weld, so I would guess you voted for Stein. And you are revealing your vote now on eve of the "impeachment" resolution vote to be able to say that you're not a forever-Trumper, but ...
Myrmidons. Excellent!
I can top this. I voted for Frank Rizzo then I voted against Frank Rizzo and then for Frank Rizzo.
I was figuring Ann as a Evan McMullen type in 2016.
What I recall is in 2008, you provided a warning about McCain that was dismissed as a vote for Obama because of his skin color or you just being a Democrat. The fact is Obama gave his base what they asked. McCain stabbed his base in the back at every opportunity including as he knew death was only moments away.
I wonder how many that disparaged you for not voting for McCain restated their vote for him. I'm pretty sure none have apologized. It's fine. Civility is bullshit. As for your announcement, if you had issues about Benghazi, then I know who you didn't vote for. And really, I think many did the same for the same reason.
Althouse has decided to jump into the Race!
Forces within and outside of the government are trying to ensure your vote only counts if they approve-
Meaning, your vote doesn't count.
I betcha voted for Crooked Hillary. Why? Cause you were scared MAGA man might actually do something.
You've voted for Dems eight times out of eleven, so, no, you're not.
Wait a minute... McGovern, Ford, Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, Clinton, Clinton, Gore, Bush, Obama, Romney - by my count, that makes nine democrats!
"That's because I thought Reagan was dangerously extreme. I voted against George W. Bush in 2000 because I'd settled into voting for Democrats and I didn't like the social conservatism"
So you voted exactly as a grotesquely biased media told you to vote.
The good news is, regardless of the 2020 outcome, fewer people do this everyday. Indeed, 2016 marked an epochal change in the power of the media as an Establishment force. They won't stop desperately trying but, increasingly, it's just wind from a monkey's backside.
My money is on Althouse voted for Hillary.
Perhaps the answer is Trump in 2016; because Hillary was too scandal-ridden due both to Benghazi and the email server, and hey - why not take a chance something new. And Trump again in 2020 - a first - because of a feeling that the Democrats have overreached by pursuing impeachment since November of 2016. And let's throw in a dose of feeling betrayed that a vote cast for Trump in 2016 was not recognized by Democrats and a message needs to be sent that a refusal to accept election results must not be encouraged.
Rotwang's cabana boy writes: I am going to have to wait for the great reveal (Trump) because there is no logic or consistency to your voting patterns.
Having revealed himself unable or unwilling to follow the opposition's argument we await the professorial smackdown.
Interesting voting record. This makes me respect your cruel neutrality even more. I very rarely vote, especially in presidential elections. I’ve only voted for one person on your list (at the same time you did) and only once. There is one other person who is not on your list that I did vote for, and I really regret having cast that vote. And I hated feeling like I was forced to cast the losthsome vote because there were no better options. It made never want to make that kind of compromise again.
I'm not votin' for Althouse unless she promises to keep blogging from the Oval.
"Maybe you can extrapolate what I must have done in 2016."
Find yet another way to rationalize yet another vote to demonstrate your rationality and autonomy.
Reagan was "extreme," Barry was "pragmatic," and on it goes.
Althouse voted for Tim Tebow in 2016, and I salute her for it.
Probably Hillary because most of the brain dead did even though no one could name a single accomplishment. Not voting for Reagan in the second term shows a detachment from reality
uHillary in 2016. First woman, and you thought the "grab them by the pussy" thing was a big deal.
Trump in 2020. The democrats are batshit crazy and you are offended by the grossly irresponsible behavior of the in-the-bag-for-the-democrats media.
That's my guess.
For the record, I held my nose and voted for Trump in 2016. All most didn't vote for the first time in my life but in the end I couldn't stomach the thought of Hillary as President. The e-mail thing alone was disqualifying, but there was much, much more. I will enthusiastically vote for Trump in 2020 because he's done a good job, because the democrats have become divisive socialists who will ruin the country, and because I am offended by the grossly irresponsible behavior of the in-the-bag-for-the-democrats media.
I see your mistake.
The answer is 10.
Bush in 2004 the only exception.
When is the reveal?
There is a special place in Hell for intelligent, accomplished, moral women who nonetheless voted for evil “We came, We saw, He died” cackling witch Hillary! who slept through Benghazi and sent her State Department official emails through a private email server in her bathroom.
The last Dem I voted for was Lyndon Johnson.
No, wait! I wasn’t old enough to vote for Lyndon.
Never voted for a Dem. Fixed it.
- Krumhorn
Most people voted against someone in 2016. I voted against Hillary. I'm guessing Althouse voted against Trump, the erotic dreams not withstanding.
Has the wily Putin gotten to Althouse? A vast Russian Conspiracy is mobilizing people to vote Trump 2020. His weapons are dark magic and the dark web. Hillary seems to be our only hope, along with Moose and Squirrel.
wendybar said...
Because you are going to vote for Trump because ALL of the Democrats have gone NUTS??? I can only hope!!! This election is for Freedom of speech, and a huge No TO SOCIALISM.
10/29/19, 5:44 AM
This is the kind of talk that turns me off on voting. Every election is cast in this doomed fear-mongering kind of way. This kind of talk doesn’t persuade me, it makes me skeptical. Both sides are guilty of this. Lighten up! There will be another one in a few years.
I voted for McCain knowing he was in bad health, because he unwittingly picked a VP candidate I supported. And when he and his minions realized she was more popular, they went on to undermine her.
He was, in Navy terms, lower than whaleshit.
One can observe through Althouse's voting pattern how critical breaking the MSM stranglehold over information flow has been. Trump has done quite a bit of damage to that press.
That is an excellent point, Birkel. The MSM keeps the loyal Democrats on the reservation by highlighting and/or cresting (true and false) negative stories about conservatives and covering the negatives about liberals with a pillow.
Swing voters are most affected by media propaganda. (I no longer call it bias). Once you open the curtain (as I did during Reagan's first term), you realize that the MSM is quite simply the PR firm and Propaganda arm of the Democrat party.
I tend to appreciate truly dedicated leftists (like Cookie and my Bernie-loving sister) because they think for themselves rather than buying the crap that the MSM sells.
Gore. Mondale. Dukakis. "Ewww, Reagan is too extreme. Ewww, Bush is a social conservative."
Spare me.
Obama won in 2008 largely because McCain was a known quantity to many Republicans — i.e. known to be a blend of truculence and treachery. Many Republicans unwilling to give the man they had grown to distrust executive power stayed home. Obama won reelection at least partly on the strength of the deeds of SEAL Team Six — that and a little vote harvesting in friendly and suitably corrupt districts here and there. However, in spite of the deservedly violent death of OBL, the Obama/Clinton Middle East policy had gone distinctly odoriferous by 2016, especially the iniquitous destruction of Muammar al-Gaddafi and the rise of ISIS, Clinton's proxy troops against the Assad regime. Consequently, anyone able to resist the specious notion that the presidency goes by right to the more deserving genitalia would be compelled to vote against Hillary Clinton — a known quantity known for a similar blend of truculence and treachery.
Freder Frederson said...
Tell me again why we invaded Libya and got involved in trying to overthrow Assad in Syria?
We didn't invade Libya, we provided air support. I thought it was a huge mistake.
"We came, We saw, We killed him"- Hillary Clinton.
Appropos of opening our voting kimonos:
1972 McGovern - enthusiastically
1976 Carter - with great hopes
1980 No One - believed RR was too extreme, but Carter was incompetent
1984 Reagan - enthusiastically
1988 GHW Bush - what choice did I have?
1992 GHW Bush - see above
1996 No One - Clinton was adequate, but would not vote for him
2000 GW Bush - meh
2004 GW Bush - I thought he was a stronger man
2008 McCain - so sue me!
2012 Romney - It didn't really matter
2016 Trump - with great reluctance, but there was no other choice
2020 Trump - with great enthusiasm.
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
"I would think that you would be happy to see a man who struggles with the military industrial complex and tries to end wars. Even as they fight him at every turn."
That is the one thing I give him credit for, and both parties and the MIC do fight him on this, to their eternal discredit, but I have to wonder how much of it is mere show. After all, he "removed" the troops from Syria only to move them to Iraq, (rather than bring them home), but then he moved troops back into Syria to "protect the oil fields."
If you thought Reagan was too extreme, there's no way you voted for Trump.....I never voted for Reagan but, in retrospect, he was clearly the better candidate. The American electorate has been right in their decisions more often than I have. Ain't democracy grand?....I voted for Trump mostly as a protest vote. I didn't think he was going to win. He's had a successful Presidency so far. I'll vote for him with far less misgivings this time but I still have reservations......Althouse is definitely an influencer. I got my cataract operation because of her. Her opinion on the upcoming election will be a data point, but I'm set on voting for Trump. Maybe if Pence as well as Althouse comes out in favor of the Dem candidate, I will alter my decision, but I'm pretty certain my choice will be Trump.
I did not care who you voted for until I read this post. Now I want to know, but I more want to know what happened that made you think now is the right time to tell us, and I most want to know what this recommendation is.
When do we get to find out?
My guess: not for Trump, but now moving towards Trump because of the impeachment, which is merely the culmination of three years of anti constitutionalism from the anti Trumpers.
Maybe I am projecting, because that describes me. (I supported a fringe candidate of the never Trump variety).
I suspect pillow talk with Meade these past several years, might be a factor not withstanding Althouse’s powerfully independent mind.
Initially in our marriage we were at opposite political poles but now years later our views are unified.
"But however distasteful (Trump) may be personally, however immoral he may have been as a businessman, by any sane standard, he has been a good president...."
I disagree.
"If Democrats want to beat him, the onus should be on them to nominate someone better. Enough with the dirty tricks and skullduggery."
I agree. They have wasted the past three years on bullshit, made up originally by Hillary to salve her ego at losing to Trump, and quickly taken up as holy writ by the foolish Democrat faithful and their ratings-hungry enablers and panderers in the MSM. In the meantime, what policy proposals have been put forth by the Democrats? What legislation has been crafted? The "Impeach Trump" fatwa has been an excuse for the Democrats, for the most part, to neglect their purported purpose for being in Washington, to represent and serve the people.
I couldn't stomach Hillary as President either. I can understand her standing by her man, but I will never forget her involvement in the Bimbo Squad as well as some of the other scandals in which she was directly involved. The MSM keeps resurrecting Hillary and she almost seems like a viable candidate again. But I think that those who couldn't stomach her in 2016 still can't stomach her and that she will always be the greater of two evils.
Who cares? What difference, at this point, does it make?
I think you voted for Trump.
Kay said "This is the kind of talk that turns me off on voting. Every election is cast in this doomed fear-mongering kind of way. This kind of talk doesn’t persuade me, it makes me skeptical. Both sides are guilty of this. Lighten up! There will be another one in a few years."
10/29/19, 9:37 AM
Stay asleep then Kay....
Professor - in retrospect do you still think Reagan was dangerously extreme? What decided your vote for Clinton over Bush in 1992?
They have wasted the past three years on bullshit, made up originally by Hillary to salve her ego at losing to Trump, and quickly taken up as holy writ by the foolish Democrat faithful and their ratings-hungry enablers and panderers in the MSM. In the meantime, what policy proposals have been put forth by the Democrats? What legislation has been crafted? The "Impeach Trump" fatwa has been an excuse for the Democrats, for the most part, to neglect their purported purpose for being in Washington, to represent and serve the people.
Well said Mr. Cook.
Truman went bankrupt before he was president, too, Cookie.
Mondale had his epiphany when he was a businessman.
Real estate is high risk and can be high reward.
As to not paying contractors, maybe some deserved not to be paid.
Hillary was more qualified to be President than George HW Bush?
Who Althouse voted for in 2016 is of course conjecture on our part. Given that she said she voted for Romney in 2012 in part because of Benghazi I suspect that after the disclosure of the email server scandal and Comey's indictment that he walked back on a ridiculous legal theory, she probably voted third party in 2016. As for 2020, the likelihood of Trump being impeached and removed is about zero and the likelihood of him dropping out is about zero it is safe to say that Trump will be the Republican candidate. Since you can't beat something with nothing it is up to the Democrats to nominate a candidate that isn't a half out of the closet Communist if they wish to win. So if the Democrats pick their 2020 McGovern and it looks like a massive landslide for Trump in which its safe to vote third party or even Democrat, my bet is in a close election Althouse will hold her nose and vote for Trump.
Hillary was more qualified to be President than George HW Bush?
my view has been clear, I voted for palin, McCain just happened to be on the ticket, past being prologue I should have realized he would throw her under the bus, much the way he did his long suffering exwife, but stein, good grief, what if she'd won,
Mondale had his epiphany when he was a businessman.
If I recall correctly, that was McGovern, an even bigger surprise.
Robert Cook said...
"But however distasteful (Trump) may be personally, however immoral he may have been as a businessman, by any sane standard, he has been a good president...."
I disagree.
"If Democrats want to beat him, the onus should be on them to nominate someone better. Enough with the dirty tricks and skullduggery."
I agree. They have wasted the past three years on bullshit, made up originally by Hillary to salve her ego at losing to Trump, and quickly taken up as holy writ by the foolish Democrat faithful and their ratings-hungry enablers and panderers in the MSM. In the meantime, what policy proposals have been put forth by the Democrats? What legislation has been crafted? The "Impeach Trump" fatwa has been an excuse for the Democrats, for the most part, to neglect their purported purpose for being in Washington, to represent and serve the people."
Wow! Talk about being right albeit for the wrong reason. What is interesting is that Cook who is openly a progressive can see the scam but the majority of the progressives have bought into Russia and Ukraine nonsense have swallowed the kool aid by the gallon.
Rick @ 6:48 AM,
I don't think it was suspension of his campaign per se, but rather that McCain's subsequent talk and action made clear the fact that he had no idea, whereas if he had just stayed on the campaign trail mouthing platitudes people might not have noticed.
Minnow @ 7:52am,
How can you not like the tweets? "He fights!"
All most didn't vote for the first time in my life
Not just directed at you, but to everyone who feels this way: Please don't not vote. If you can't stand whoever the TwoMajorParties decided to put on their ballot then find a third/fourth party whose views most closely align with yours and vote for them. Despite what the Establishment-crowd and the Media try to claim, it DOES make a difference....and with the way the deck is stacked against 'em (with regard to ballot access, media reporting, etc etc) they need all the help they can get.
The only wasted vote is the one not cast.
Rick said..It's a strange world where putting the health of the country ahead of campaigning is deemed to prove you aren't prepared.
Yeah..but Obama was out there clearly demonstrating his mastery of things economic...
Terry di Tufo said. There is even a logic that says that someone who won’t contribute to candidates doesn’t need to vote for them.
Which is? Contributions can be made public. Voting is via secret ballot.
To some, that is pretty important.
Trump has not gone bankrupt.
Some of Trump's subsidiaries went bankrupt.
Lawyers structure limited liability businesses for a reason.
Democratics' talking points should not be given credence.
McCain's subsequent talk and action made clear the fact that he had no idea,
There was nothing about his later comments that showed he was any more or less competent than Obama. The press simply asserted his incompetence while Obama remained silent and let his media allies win it for him.
McCain didn't know how to stop it of course, but neither did anyone else including Obama, Krugman, or Geithner. People need to understand government cannot control the economy. It can only F it up.
The "I have a secret" is a little schoolgirlish, but also enticing. Everybody loves a secret. I can see not trusting young Bush in 2000, and then recoiling from Kerry in 2004. How Kerry ever thought he could get elected president, even against Bush, is a mystery. He was unlikable in so many ways that he wouldn't be a sure bet to win even against the abominable Cheney, and that's saying a lot.
I can understand voting for Dukakis in 1988. He wasn't very impressive, but after 8 years of Reagan it felt like the country could afford something different, and Bush senior still gave off a creepy Rockefeller-CIA vibe. Mondale, though -- that is a puzzlement. If I had voted for him it would still keep me up at night wondering why and feeling ashamed. I would have kept that vote to myself.
I can understand voting for Clinton, though personally I could never take the guy. There was quite a change from 1992 to 1996, though. In 1992, Southerners could view Bill and Al as favorite sons (or some Southerners could), while for many in the Northeast he was strange and suspect and a little repellent, somehow too slick and oily, with a hellova harridan for a wife. By 1996 Clinton had lost a lot of support in the South but was regarded almost as a favorite son in the Northeast. That's how it felt to me, anyway.
I was never that crazy about Obama, but so many people on the websites I visited hated him so much and retailed so many crazily concocted rumors about him, that it was hard for me to keep up with that level of loathing. I didn't like or agree with or vote for the guy, but I did have a little sympathy for him, given all the stuff he'd been put through. Obama was out of his depth, like almost anybody else would be in his place. He was playing the part he had to play as a Democrat, and as his presidency wound down he mostly stayed out of people's way. A hard guy for me to like, but also hard to hate with any intensity.
The difference in politics between when I came in now and today, is that top politicians today all seem to be on the record insulting voters on the other side sometime in their career - "bitter clingers," "47% percent," "deplorables ... irredeemiables" - and they seem to be more encased in ideology and faction than they used to be. Maybe it makes them more unlikable than they used to be, though people also hated presidents and politicians when I was young. You can see that partisan sniping in Trump as well, but it's hard to tell how much he means it and how much it's part of the act. He seems almost to love having his enemies around, though he's afraid of admitting it.
My interpretation of all that is that you voted for Clinton in 2016, but will now vote for Trump.
I'll add my voice to those who are concerned by the vote for Mr Mondale; gosh, tsk.
My guess is, Mrs Clinton in 2016, for world historical reasons and in spite of significant misgivings. Why the reveal today? 'Had I known then what I know now, I'd've voted for Mr Trump', prior to the nonsense impeachment vote that the D.s will (it seems) insist on holding tomorrow.
I voted for the Constitution Party fellow in '16, whatever his name was, because I live in Oregon and Mrs Clinton's victory here was a foregone conclusion; but I'd have voted for Mr Trump if I'd thought the race's outcome was in doubt.
Trump has not gone bankrupt.
Some of Trump's subsidiaries went bankrupt.
Lawyers structure limited liability businesses for a reason
Based on the "logic", then Trump never earned any money either...rather some of his "subsidiaries" did.
*rolls eyes*
You voted for Ford in '76? Didn't the Playboy interview sway you at all?
I was once a swing voter, though far more fiscally conservative while socially quite liberal. I am still fiscally conservative, but I now realize there are no fiscally conservative politicians of any kind. As I have gotten older, I have become far more socially conservative on several dimensions, though I suspect that might be an illusion in that what is considered socially liberal has become very deranged in the last decade or so.
I put this up a couple of weeks ago on my voting history:
1984 Reagan- all of my fellow college students (I was a 18 year old freshman at Transylvania University) were Mondale supporters, so I was the contrarian, but I would have voted for Reagan anyway, and would have voted for him in 1980 had I been eligible to do so.
1988 Bush- still supported Reagan at the end, so I voted for his VP, too.
1992 Clinton- was quite tired of Bush, and fell for the youth movement of Clinton/Gore. I don't regret the vote at all in retrospect. I think, overall, Clinton was an excellent president, but I also give a lot of credit to the fact that the Republicans controlled the legislature the last 6 years of it. I might have even voted for a Clinton 3rd term had he been able to run again in 2000.
1996 Dole- wasn't actually tired of Clinton, but I lived in CT, and that state was a sure Clinton hold and the actual outcome was never in doubt, so I just voted for Dole because I respected the man and thought he deserved at least some support in an election he was sure to lose. Call it a pity vote.
2000 Bush- my biggest regret. I disliked Gore at a fundamental level. However, in retrospect, Bush destroyed the Republican Party to an extent it still hasn't recovered from. I don't think that Gore would have gotten the US as deeply involved in war in the Middle East as Bush did, and that would have made all the difference. Gore would have had to deal with a Republican House for two entire terms, so he would have been the proper continuation of the Clinton presidency that I would have been willing to vote for had Clinton been on the ticket in 2000. My actual vote is indefensible.
2004 Bush- by this point, I knew Bush was a disaster for the Republicans, and had Gore run again in 2004, I was prepared to vote for him. John Kerry was and is a complete fopdoodle and would never be able to undo what Bush had done and was likely to make it even worse.
2008 Obama- didn't trust McCain at this point to not get the US involved even more deeply in the Middle East. However, by the time I made the decision to vote for Obama, it was clear he was going to win in a landslide, so decided to vote for him just so I could say I did so. As it turned out, I now no longer think McCain would have been worse for US involvement in overseas wars. So I have some regrets.
2012 Romney- was already greatly disappointed in Obama's military adventures and interventions. This was the last vote I will ever cast because of fiscal concerns. Romney wouldn't have been better than Obama in this regard, but at the time I thought he might.
2016 Trump- was a Cruz supporter, but I liked Trump's positions on immigration and stopping the overseas wars. I thought Hillary was a corrupt harridan, and would vote for her for any office no matter how minor it would be.
2020 Will crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump. There isn't a Democrat who might get the nomination that I would vote for right now.
"Based on the "logic", then Trump never earned any money either...rather some of his "subsidiaries" did."
You are the one who isn't using logic, purplepenguin. The key point is that Trump himself has never been bankrupt- it his net position that matters. This is why businesses are structured that way- to distance your personal finances and protect them. Like it or not, the man is clearly quite successful on a net financial basis.
Must’ve been all the cheese...
Althouse listened to "Standing Outside the Fire" and realized she needs to back our potUS now, 'fore it's too late.
From wiki-
Brooks claims, on his All Access DVD, that most letters he receives regarding "Standing Outside the Fire" are from participants (or relatives of) in Special Olympics. In the emotional and inspirational music video, a high school student with Down syndrome named Brandon decides to not participate in the institution's Special Olympics but signs up for the regular event. There is much strife between Brandon's father and mother concerning whether or not he should be allowed to do this. The father is strongly opposed, claiming that "he will embarrass himself". However, the mother believes the father disapproves because he himself will be embarrassed. Brandon is seen working very hard for the meet. On the day of the State Track and Field Meet, Brandon trips during a race and is injured. The coach tries to help him out, but his father runs on the track and encourages his son to finish the race regardless, rather than quit. The father says to the coach, "Get away from him! He is not finished!" After his father's encouragement, Brandon picks himself up and sprints across the finish line, where he is emotionally embraced by both of his parents.
"Not just directed at you, but to everyone who feels this way: Please don't not vote. If you can't stand whoever the TwoMajorParties decided to put on their ballot then find a third/fourth party whose views most closely align with yours and vote for them."
In the end, I had to vote against Hillary. And in a sense, it wasn't that much different than previous elections. I am almost always voting against someone rather than for someone. The only difference this time was the strength of my negative feelings for the person I voted for.
And while I understand your point, I can't bring myself to agree with it (much as I'd like to). A vote for a candidate who has zero chance of winning pretty much is a wasted vote. I'd only do it if both major party candidates were abhorrent to me. In this case, Trump didn't rise to that level. And it turned out I am now pleased with how I voted.
A vote for a candidate who has zero chance of winning pretty much is a wasted vote.
Isn't that what they said about our current President? Didn't you see the polls all the way up to election day which proved he didn't have a chance of making it to the White House?
I admit that voting outside of the TwoPartyDuoploly is oftentimes a long-game rather than showing immediate results. But voting for them now helps them in the elections that follow - with matching campaign funds, easier ballot-access, etc etc. History has also shown that when an "outside" political party starts getting too much influence then one or both of the TwoMajorParties will take-up some of their issues for themselves - this is how woman got the right to vote in the US; how booze was both outlawed and re-legalized; and how Newt Gingrich's "Contract With America" came about.
Over a 1/3 of all eligible voters didn't vote in the last presidential election, and I beleive that most of them would have gone to the polls if it wasn't for the "voting third party is the same as not voting" propaganda that is constantly being spread by the establishment class and the media. I'm not trying to convince you personally to vote for any particular person/party, rather I'm trying to make sure that people who just stay home on election day 'cause they think both major-candidates stink are aware that a vote for a third-party can make a difference and there isn't anything wasted about it.
Ann Althouse, I would be interested in hearing, back to McGovern, who would you vote for knowing what you know now?
Based on the "logic", then Trump never earned any money either...rather some of his "subsidiaries" did.
*rolls eyes*
Honestly, Althouse. I really don't care who you voted for. That's your business.
When Trump is one of the two tops of the tickets, you vote Trump.
If not, vote 3rd Party iffin' you want to.
"Isn't that what they said about our current President? Didn't you see the polls all the way up to election day which proved he didn't have a chance of making it to the White House?"
While I would not have predicted a Trump victory, I also know the polls are not honest, but rather a tool of the media to influence us. There's a big difference between "Trump doesn't have a chance" and "Jill Stein doesn't have a chance". One is obvious, the other less so.
Never forget: You all coulda voted in Tiny Tim but y'all felt better for not doing it.
Herbert Butros Khaury
April 12, 1932
New York City, U.S.
Died November 30, 1996 (aged 64)
Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.
Some of us know better. Not all the millions of dead ---Clinton-caused---, they can't know any better anymore since the Clinton machine chewed them up and shredded all their humanity. We see the lessons learned by the voting patterns in NY. Always profiting from the carpetbaggers while broadcasting how evil everywhere in the heartland is.
Take your 3rd Party and shove it. Shove it hard, as true as you have the capability to be. And, my dear boy, we will see. You progs have not yet begun to undefile yourselves, embrace your inner truth Sir, for 2024!
*Did I misquote Doc Holliday from the Movie Tombstone and who can I sue for not teaching me not to not do that notly?
"Always profiting from the carpetbaggers while broadcasting how evil everywhere in the heartland is."
This can't be right, otherwise 80% of the country would clearly ... oops.
Sorry, my naiviete just overwhelms.
Yes predicatably.
Like alcoholism. Or pot addictions.
I don't care. It's just one vote in a binary choice, and it seems like a pattern of emotional wandering, so too unprincipled to predict.
What is much more important is what you support or not with your forum every day. That's what matters most to me, and is much more impactful than your vote.
Voting third party is like holding up a sign in a closet. I guess you tell people you did that. I'd understand if both candidates were exactly the same amount of distasteful, but we all know that's never really the case.
" I voted against him because the congressional Democrats had overreached",
When has that not been the case? Look at the progression of policy, with erosion of guaranteed rights, government interference in our lives, and nanny state diminishing of individual responsibility, and you see a nearly unbroken progression of progressiveness, with only slight and temporary mitigation. If overreach was really an issue to someone, they would never vote Democrat.
As a Registered Democrat, I voted:
Dole (yea, he ran)
I regret a number of those, but the alternative was worse. The damage done by presidents I did not vote for is amazing. Some of those I did vote for would have done much of the same, but overall we would be better off if I got my way, but maybe the current reformation under Trump never would have happened, and we desperately need that.
Your vote was no more secret than the color of your eyes.
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