October 24, 2019

The parsley harvest.



(Meade and I separately photographed the parsley. The first photo is mine, taken while he was out collecting the second bowlful. The second photo is his.)


Big Mike said...

Where’s the rosemary and thyme?

Meade said...

Triple-rinsed of dirt, snakes, toxic biofilm and Never Trumpers. In other words, scum free.

Fritz said...

The Black Swallowtail Butterfly caterpillars devastated our parsley. I was OK with that.

Maillard Reactionary said...

The parsley looks great! What a wonderful smell it has. Minced with fresh garlic on a steak, it is brilliant.

I love flat-leaf parsley, and always keep it in the house. Fortunately it's cheaply available in the local supermarket (though I'm sure Liz or Bernie will fix that by and by).

When I make basil pesto, I use about half parsley and half, or even a bit less, basil. And walnuts, which are cheaper than pignoli and just as good.

All basil for the pesto is too bitter for me.

Fresh garlic, your best EVOO and grated Parm, and salt, and you've got a year's supply of wonderful pesto.

Good on tortellini or gnocci (with some sliced grape tomatos) or as a topping for pasta e fagioli soup.

A reminder of summer in the freezer, ready when you need it.

Fernandinande said...

Nobody eats parsley.

Maillard Reactionary said...

What do you have against snakes, Meade? Do you suffer from poisonous snakes in Madison?

If you had no garter snakes (for example) the slugs would have their way with your parsley, and that would not be good.

Of course, if you picked the snakes out of the colander and let them go outside, that's all good. (You gotta be fast with that, they can move when they're motivated.)

That said, nobody wants any of those things in their parsley, so I get that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


LOL! this is great.

traditionalguy said...

Yummy. The good earth gives good things to good husband men. Enjoy.

mtrobertslaw said...

I believe there is a black bear in your kitchen.

madAsHell said...

Did Meade change the room lighting for the second picture? Was the overhead light turned off in favor of the ambient?

I notice because my wife loves the overhead. I always choose the ambient, and task lighting.

Danno said...

Is that a dog in Meade's picture?

stevew said...

Looks great.

We harvested the last of mrs. stevew's garden this past Sunday, not including herbs, they come later. Late season yield was a couple dozen hot jalapeƱo peppers, a large colander full of Brussels sprouts, and a very large ball of horseradish. We've had a couple of frosts so all the tomatoes, bell peppers, and green beans are gone.

Garden is put to bed. If our plan comes together this will be our last harvest at this house. Mixed feelings.

tim maguire said...

The darker lighting makes Meade’s parsley look more intense, fresher and riper.

Yancey Ward said...

"Where’s the rosemary and thyme?"

LOL! I was going to ask the same question.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is that Zeus?

SayAahh said...

I love seeing Zeus(?) in your house. Have missed him.

iowan2 said...

So, who's the pooch? Resident or guest?

Ken B said...

Flat parsley like that is the tasty variety.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

is that Arthur in the background?

Tell him we said hi.

Capitol Report New Mexico said...

First hard freeze forecast for tonight in New Mexico. Harvested the few remaining very small tomatoes and bell peppers (poor crop this year). We leave parsley in the ground which allows us to pick fresh all winter.

Narayanan said...

Pesto with parsley and acorn.

Await taste test! Report.

Orly said...

How about a picture of that black lab?

rhhardin said...

The opening of a criminal investigation is likely to raise alarms that Mr. Trump is using the Justice Department to go after his perceived enemies.

All the likely news that's fit to print.

tim in vermont said...

Hi Zeus!

Sebastian said...

"The parsley harvest."

Followed soon, we may hope, by the arrest of John Brennan et al.

iowan2 said...

uh oh :( Barr has upgraded his investigation of the origins of the Russia collusion counter intel investigation (witch hunt), to a criminal investigation.

Breaking news at the top of the 8 pm hour. Switched over to Maddow, msdnc. and she was blindly spinning this as a mafia boss, Barr, going to the mattresses. Her talking points were meshing together and hilariously coming out as garbled mush.

Going to head into the kitchen and pop a big bowl of popcorn and peruse the leftist blogs.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

you say tabouli,
I say tabbouleh
Let's call the whole thing off

Milwaukie guy said...

Fall is in full "bloom" down in the Willamette Valley. My brother and I are preparing new planting beds for garlic, onions and herbs. One of our four gardens has a winter crop and the other three we are ready for over-wintering clover. I want to turn one of our four fields into a winter garden, with raised beds and a metal/plastic structure over it. I'm going to harden the irrigation infrastructure.

On another note....

While I'm not a vet, just an armchair general, I have a long history of wargaming and am the Sgt. Major of the Oregon Union battalion. Sort of like staying in a Holiday Express.

For military readers out there I'd like to recommend two sort of obscure books.

Armed Insurrection by A. Neuberg is a Comintern-sponsored manual about urban uprisings, published in 1928.

Our Great Spring Victory by Van Tien Dung is his account, as the commanding general, of the 1975 NVA combined-arms offensive, published in 1977.

Well worth anybody's time.

This is a cafe post, right?

PluralThumb said...

Note to self,
do not put all the parsley in one bowl.

Howard said...

Looks like cilantro

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

The garnish garner.

BJM said...

Do you dry it or puree and freeze it? Fortunately I can over winter parsley, basil, tarragon and such in the green house. There are some compensations to living in CA...although apparently electricity ain't one of them.

Francisco D said...

My parsley isn't doing that well and neither are my tomatoes.

I am trying to figure out how to grow things in southern AZ. It seemed easier in Chicago.

Anonymous said...

In this world that Satan rules, parsley is a welcome respite.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NCMoss said...

Fill flash (in the first picture) looks lame even though it's more uniformly lit; some photo-bombing with some turnips would have helped.

Mr. Groovington said...

Masisi and the BDP win the Botswana general election. Hooray!

The main threat, Duma Boko, blew himself out of the water in the country’s first ever televised debate. He called opposition elders “pigs”. That was the end for him in this Christian, conservative, country. His Harvard years backfired and what was a tight election turned into a landslide.

Rwanda and Ethiopia looking good currently, too. For anyone open to new things.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Chopping up herbs and freezing them with a little water in ice cube trays always kept me in full herb ecstasy over the winter. Bags of little blocks of parsley and sage and oregano and basil and cilantro and rosemary and thyme. Oh my!

SDaly said...

How many oranges are in the bowl, hidden under the parsley.

(Only long-time Althouse readers will get this.)

LTC Ted said...

Tabouli in leaf!

JohnAnnArbor said...

I initially misread that as the paisley harvest.

walter said...

Danno said...Is that a dog in Meade's picture?

Begonia said...

Yum. make some chimichurri for a big juicy steak right now.

With whatever remains, make parsley pesto and freeze it for later.

The Elder said...

His picture includes Zeus. He wins on composition.

What a good boy!