৮ অক্টোবর, ২০১৯

Pictures from the White River National Forest.



Photos taken a week ago, when we were in Colorado.

Please feel free to use the comments section to talk about whatever you like.

২৯টি মন্তব্য:

rcocean বলেছেন...

Love those photos. You can see why True Grit (1969) was filmed in Colorado in the fall.

William বলেছেন...

Jeff Daniels could bring something to the role of James Comey in the upcoming tv series based on Comey's book. We all remember Daniels from Dumb and Dumber, but I think here the role demands a touch more gravitas. I'm thinking Jussie Smollett. Smollett can bring a sensitivity and poignancy to the role that would be lacking with Daniels as the lead. Smollett could, as the saying goes, actually inhabit the role of Comey.... As an added plus, it's long past due that Hollywood considered using non-traditional, inclusive casting in these biopics. This would send the right kind of signal to casting directors that Hollywood is serious about diversity.

wildswan বলেছেন...

The UN is running out of money. The member states weren't meeting their obligations. Like NATO. It requested more but all the member states said "no more," and Trump said they were wasteful as well as no more for Palestinian anti-Semites. So its employees are postponing travel and cutting down on conferences and just generally being austere. Almost Venezuela.

Lawrence Person বলেছেন...

At least it's not drowned elephants.

Enjoy The Turkish Conundrum. Though "enjoy" is probably not the right word...

stevew বলেছেন...

While the noose is tightening around the necks of the 2016 anti-Trump conspirators I've fabricated a small oak whiskey and bourbon glass on my lathe. The shape is inspired by The Glenlivet Scotch Whisky glass and I chose oak because single malt and bourbon are aged in oak barrels. The prototype came out nicely - I am planning to make them as gifts for a few of my whisky sipping friends. Unfortunately, it leaks. The exterior finish is boiled linseed oil, the interior is unfinished as I didn't want to add any flavors. Will have to figure out a way to seal the outside, otherwise it will just be a mantel display piece. I'm thinking treating the inside with my mapp gas torch is worth a shot. Of course, that could result in total destruction. We'll see.

Looks like you got the yellow you were seeking on your trip. Great photos. Is that the new multi-eyed iPhone camera you are using?

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Via Insty:

United Nations could run out of money in a few weeks, Secretary General warns

Not tired of winning!

The world isn’t poor. They can start ponying up more cash.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

just thinkin'-- Remember few years ago when we landed a probe on a comet, but feminists could only make an issue of the shirt one of the engineers wore?

The mission took a journey of 4 billion miles and is a feat that has been compared to landing a fly on a speeding bullet. It is, in short, a thrilling triumph for human ingenuity, but the Lefties had to shit all over it.

Lefties see a room full of ponies, and are disgruntled that there might be some shit in there.

And The Trump? He's the Punch in their Turd-bowl.

Dont be a Lefty.

Danno বলেছেন...

stevew said..."I chose oak because single malt and bourbon are aged in oak barrels. The prototype came out nicely - I am planning to make them as gifts for a few of my whisky sipping friends. Unfortunately, it leaks. The exterior finish is boiled linseed oil, the interior is unfinished as I didn't want to add any flavors. Will have to figure out a way to seal the outside, otherwise it will just be a mantel display piece. I'm thinking treating the inside with my mapp gas torch is worth a shot. Of course, that could result in total destruction. We'll see."

Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey is aged in oak barrels also. I toured their distillery in Lynchburg, Tennessee on a trip to Florida a week or two ago. They make their own barrels, and treat them with fire, but I believe that is for caramelizing them for flavor. You might want to do a tour there to reconnoiter how you can make yours waterproof. Their website has a little information, but probably not what you'd learn from the tour. The sipping tour is great. And I'll take Jack over any Scotch whiskey.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

I'm thinking Jussie Smollett. Smollett can bring a sensitivity and poignancy to the role that would be lacking with Daniels as the lead.

Peter Dinklage. Cast against type.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...


Woburn Woodcraft Supply, yo!
why put an(edible, of course) oil on the inside? Alters flavor.
What about a natural wax on the exterior?

Middle Border বলেছেন...

White oak is a pore diffuse wood and is used for barrels as it won't leak. Red oak is a ring porous wood that will allow seepage.

Nice বলেছেন...

I'm surprised the leaves turned so early. Last week was late September, Oct 1 ??? I thought, in the West, they don't turn until at least mid to late October at the soonest. In California, near the coast, we don't see fall colors till December. I was in Carmel, CA, last January, and they were in Fall foliage....in Jan !! I have a tree from Brazil that was replanted (CA) and thinks it's Spring. Nature is in a state of confusion.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

War of the Worlds type panic in SF bay area.
Power company may shut off some electricity due to high winds/fire danger.

Last year, big uproar when power company wanted to shut down lines to smaller towns. Resulted in billions in fire damage, many lost lives.

This year, politicians cannot disagree.Local MSM full of world will end scenarios...

Quaestor বলেছেন...

The shape is inspired by The Glenlivet Scotch Whisky glass and I chose oak because single malt and bourbon are aged in oak barrels.

The history of wooden drinking vessels is a brief and unhappy one. If you want to avoid glass or vitreous porcelain I suggest horn. Somewhere in my trove of mostly pointless stuff, I have a set of four horn whiskey drams with ornate silver filigree decorations. You might find that lining your oak vessels with horn will scotch the leaks, if you'll forgive the pun.

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

Great photos! What textures.

Flat Tire বলেছেন...

I rarely comment but always read. Now I am alternating between thinking about how to seal a turned oak whiskey glass and the idea of Jussie Smollett playing James Comey. Thanks to all of you.
PG&E is supposed to turn the power off in an hour because of predicted high winds. It's absolutely still right now. Two years ago tonight I was bailing water out of stock tanks trying to save barns and moving livestock from dry grass to burned off pasture. the Sonoma Valley has been out of it's collective mind today, cleaning out stores of water, non-perishable food, gas, generators, etc. will be interesting to see what PG&E does.

Flat Tire বলেছেন...

I rarely comment but always read. Now I am alternating between thinking about how to seal a turned oak whiskey glass and the idea of Jussie Smollett playing James Comey. Thanks to all of you.
PG&E is supposed to turn the power off in an hour because of predicted high winds. It's absolutely still right now. Two years ago tonight I was bailing water out of stock tanks trying to save barns and moving livestock from dry grass to burned off pasture. the Sonoma Valley has been out of it's collective mind today, cleaning out stores of water, non-perishable food, gas, generators, etc. will be interesting to see what PG&E does.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

I love this part of Colorado this time of year. For a bit over 90 years, my parents, and before them, my grandparents, would take an annual aspen tour through the Colorado mountains, and esp the central mountains, centered around White River National Forest. I did it too, when I was married to the mother of my kid. After my mother died, my 4th brother helped my father carry on the tradition for better than another decade.

I remember one day, maybe a decade and a half ago. I had gotten a speeding ticket east of Vail, and decided to fight it. Court was in Eagle, and it was a zoo, because of the Kobe Bryant rape case had a hearing that day. Headed from Summit county over Vail Pass, where the aspens were perfect, then down to Eagle, down through Glenwood, back up through Aspen, where the aspens were still green, then up over Independence pass, where the aspens were peaking, to ultimately Leadville, and thence over Fremont pass back home in Summit County, where the aspens were past. I wished that I had had another day (instead of a very long afternoon), because I probably would have turned south at Carbondale and headed over Keebler and McClure passes, which seem to peak about the same time as Vail does, and are absolutely glorious when you hit them perfectly. The last time I did that, we found ourselves driving through miles of gold, with most of the hillsides that you could see also golden.

One of the things that I miss up here in NW MT are the Aspen trees this time of year. The evergreens here are just too thick. They are the climax trees, with the Aspen trees moving in after forest fires, and then ultimately get pushed out by the evergreens, which can get much larger. This may mean that we may see more aspens here after all of the recent fires. We shall see.

Getting back to CO, there is just something very Colorado with elk coming together and wintering in the leafless Aspen Forests. Fun fact - for decades, Vail Ski Area shut down earlier every spring than it needed to for snow because the Aspen trees that make that valley so glorious this time of year, attract significant numbers of elk, and the slopes in the ski area are prime elk calving grounds. No wonder, people from here go to Colorado to elk hunt, despite large elk herds no more that 10-15 miles from here.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

I see that tonight (Wednesday) over 800,000 customers of the California electric utility will have their power deliberately turned off for most of a day because of windy conditions and the threat of wildfires. Glad I don’t live there.

rehajm বলেছেন...

I’d recommend Tried and True Original. It’s a combination of and beeswax. We use it on wooden serving bowls. The beeswax is key to water resistance. If you go the linseed oil route make sure there aren’t drying agents or any other additives that may be toxic. The food grade flaxseed oil I use to refinish cast iron skillets is good. Boos butcher block cream is a great finish too but not sure how waterproof it is...

All Available thru the Althouse Amazon portal...

rehajm বলেছেন...

Ray conducted serious background research for the show, traveling to Washington to meet with Comey, his family, FBI agents, prominent journalists and other Washington bigwigs to ensure an accurate portrayal of real-life events


Rusty বলেছেন...

Just off the top of my head; bees wax? In keeping with the artisanal spirit. Thin it with mineral spirits and work it into the grain. My nerdy tech side says go with an epoxy. Do they make a food grade epoxy?
ICTA; Another cool space fact; Astronomers have found 20 more moons around Saturn. Cool shit. Unless you're a leftist then, Trump!

stevew বলেছেন...


I've got some Salad Bowl finish which is beeswax based - and which I may have gotten at that exact location - will give that a try. Good idea, thanks!

Hagar বলেছেন...

Sipping whiskey is like good brandy. Very thin glass cognac snifters is the way to go.
I have a few old "baby" snifters that Courvoisier used to put out with their logo for advertising that is just right for Gentleman Jack and up.

Hagar বলেছেন...

If Pelosi has the House vote for impeachment, then the House has spoken.
Without a House vote, the so-called "impeachment inquiry" remains a partisan Democrat attempt to embarrass the opposition party for the upcoming elections.

(No longer an attempt to get an actual impeachment for a "do-over" of the 2016 election, since the way things work in this country today, they could not prosecute and convict a car thief in the remaining time.)

Beasts of England বলেছেন...

Lynchburg is about an hour north of me, and it’s a little slice of heaven. I highly recommend the distillery tour - even if you’re not a fan of their whiskey. And then a supper of fried chicken and veggies at Miss Bobo’s... 😋

Professional lady বলেছেন...

I sip Cognac on fall/winter Sundays while I'm making dinner. One of life's little pleasures.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

I see that tonight (Wednesday) over 800,000 customers of the California electric utility will have their power deliberately turned off for most of a day because of windy conditions and the threat of wildfires.

Yep, time to dig out the Y2K generators.
World gonna end for sure, this time.

Biotrekker বলেছেন...
