On Monday, the same day that students held a march and rally over the incident, campus police arrested two of the students in the video, identifying them as Jarred Karal and Ryan Mucaj... [I]n an incident report filed by police, Karal and Mucaj, both described as white, 21-year-old male students, had been playing 'a game in which they yelled vulgar words' as they walked with a third student. After arriving at the parking lot of the student apartment complex, they 'switched to saying a racial epithet,' according to the report. The men were loud enough for some students in the complex to hear the shouting from their apartments.... On October 21, Karal and Mucaj were charged with ridicule on account of creed, religion, color, denomination, nationality or race.... [University of Connecticut President Thomas C. Katsouleas] has worked to stress his belief that the university both has a zero-tolerance policy against racism and should not be defined by the recent racist incidents...."
From "White UConn students were arrested for shouting the n-word. Black students say the incident is part of a larger problem/Students say the university needs to do a lot more to address a deeper culture of racism on campus" (Vox).
First, let's distinguish between doing something "to address a deeper culture of racism on campus" and having the state prosecute 2 individuals for saying the n-word to each other in some kind of game. The arrests are a complete distraction from whatever the serious problem may be in the campus culture.
Second, here's that zero-tolerance policy again, that fake, self-serving way for those in power act as though they're taking the problem their constituents care about seriously. We just saw the case of Marlon Anderson, here in Madison, Wisconsin, who was fired for saying the n-word in the context of telling a student not to call him the n-word. Everyone could see the badness of zero tolerance in that context. In this University of Connecticut case, guys who thought they were only talking to each other were playing some sort of game of saying bad words, in which context, it's plain to see that they knew the word was transgressive. They had no target, but they were overheard and recorded, and now they're being scapegoated.
Third, whatever is going on with the school's purported "zero-tolerance" policy, that was not what Karal and Mucaj were arrested for. It's something the school's president is trying to use to defend himself from the students who want the culture to change. I suspect that to these students, what Karal and Mucaj did is evidence that there is a racist culture. If that could happen, they may think, it means that much more is happening all the time. In that light, you should see why Katsouleas's response would be experienced as infuriatingly weak.
They were charged with “ridicule”? Seriously??
Racism, sexism, etc. Diversity breeds adversity.
Their pictures are online. Yeah, they look like a Waffen-SS recruiting poster.
There’s a great opportunity here,
~ If the police don’t drop the charge and press on with the case
~ If the two boys don’t cop a plea or make some sort of deal
~ If they get a competent 1A lawyer
Then there’s the chance that this hate speech nonsense can be put down with a clear ruling that the 1A protects words and thinking that others might find offensive/disagreeable. In the end it’s only such words and thoughts which need 1A protection.
Wow, so you can be arrested for just yelling a word out loud. Not directed at anyone, just audible. Wild.
Anyone remember the 90s movie "Demolition Man"?
They have these machines that fine you anytime you curse or say something mean or uncouth. That is most definitely where a large segment of the population wants to take the country. They really legit want to make insensitivity a 'hate crime', at least insensitivity that has not been designated as protected insensitivity.
Those are certainly typical Anglo Saxon names.
Jarred Karal and Ryan Mucaj. Yup. Just like Smith and Jones.
They’re kids on their own. The more you “address” it the deeper the impulse to be transgressive gets. After the legal leveling of the Civil Rights movement was done the way forward was patience and the calming banality of familiarity. But there’s no hay to be made, no power to grab, no cash to be hoovered, that way.
Gene Volokh has a column pointing out why the Connecticut statute by its terms doesn't apply to the students' activity as well as, of course, why it's unconstitutional as all get-out.
And what would have happened if they were black>?
Wait, arrested? Just for saying a word, not even directed at anyone except possibly each other? How is that even a thing in the US?!
Nobody is inclined to say the n-word except to defy a rule that should not exist.
That criminal statute is fatally defective as a matter of Constitutional law. Eugene Volokh pointed that out already.
I very much hope that F.I.R.E. and/or ACLU take this case, and seek costs and damages against UConn and, ideally, the complainants who pushed for these kids to be punished. People only learn when they’re in pain, and this is a great learning moment.
One fix is the use the n-word to mean fluffy bunny. It's already used that way in rap songs.
Culture of racism at UConn:
"Affirmative action plays a role at all stages of the employment process, including, but not limited to: recruitment, evaluation, interview, selection, hire, promotion, demotion, transfer, discipline, layoff, termination, benefits, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, selection for training, the use of all facilities, and participation in all University sponsored employee activities."
How awful it is for Americans to be rooting for the failure of an American military effort because that's how much they hate Trump and want him proved horribly, irrefutably wrong!
How awful it is for Americans to be rooting for some white person somewhere to do something which can be used to promote the meme of structural racism because that's the America in which they prefer to live!
Some people have zero tolerance for words they're not allowed to say.
Sue them into a hole so deep, they'll need to learn Mandarin Chinese.
Lèse-majesté against The Special People Club.
Nobody is inclined to say the n-word except to defy a rule that should not exist.
Blacks are sacred. That why using the n-word in vain, and in a parking lot, is national news, covered by just about every news outlet in this dying country.
They shoulda done this in downtown Oakland!
Connecticut is a failed state.
Aggie said...
And what would have happened if they were black>?
10/23/19, 10:59 AM
There was a third participant, who was not arrested. Perhaps that answers the question.
In his statement, the UConn president described the incident as "an egregious assault on our community that has caused considerable harm."
I wonder what the UConn president will say when there is an actual incident that is "an egregious assault on our community that has caused considerable harm."
The prosecution will go nowhere, First Amendment still is the law of the land.
Presumably, the purpose of this arrest and news story is to cancel the boys, ensuring their unemployability for life with a simple Google search of their name. At this point, the SJW don't even have to indict, try or convict: mission accomplished.
Is rap music banned there? No? Then shut the fuck up about the N-word. It's the most used racial slur in the culture by a factor of 100, and not by Whites. This is fake outrage, because the word is only offensive when used by people you want power over. Nobody is really hurt by a slur in today's culture, becuase they don't represent any real discrimination. People are aloud to be racist as long as it doesn't materially affect anyone, and that word no longer does. If people cannot be racist in speech, then a lot of very public people need to go to jail, and they are not redneck good-ol boys. There is a slur that does materially affect people, and its use is mostly racially motivated. It's the word "racist". It's used intentionally to damage people, based on their race.
Old enough to be charged with a bogus crime. Not old enough to be on their own health insurance.
In the end, this type of overreach will create racist attitudes in people who didn't have them before. Great Job!
Was it racist when Charlie Pride sang Kawliga?
RNB said...
"Their pictures are online. Yeah, they look like a Waffen-SS recruiting poster."
Which isn't racist at all. Nope.
Blogger Kevin said...
"Some people have zero tolerance for words they're not allowed to say."
Which words are those? Who's not 'allowed' to say? By whos' authority aren't you allowed to say them? Motherfucker.
The boys actions were not intended to hurt anyone. The authorities' reaction, and of those who support it, is specifically intended to hurt the boys precisely because they are White. It actual racism used to fight imagined racism.
"I suspect that to these students, what Karal and Mucaj did is evidence that there is a racist culture."
No it isn't. If they were yelling "Fuck" would that be evidence of a rape culture? They chose the word that was most effective for the game, which was a game of challenge based on risk.
You have to clear the mind of guard rails to find the path of truth.
The 1st A is meant to protect only anodyne speech that is uncontroversial and universally supported. As such, there is no need for the 1st A.
Jarred Karal and Ryan Mucaj... [I]n an incident report filed by police, Karal and Mucaj, both described as white,
Fourth, while these guys are described as white it's clear if they were victims of inappropriate behavior they would be considered brown by the same people currently describing them as white.
Apparently the narrative can't be sufficiently supported by claiming whites are guilty of what other whites do so now we have to pretend they're also guilty of what brown students do.
"Anyone remember the 90s movie "Demolition Man"?"
I listen to a podcast called "How Did This Get Made," in which three middle-aged actors take apart movies.
When they did "Demolition Man," my wife and I had just seen it. It's a stupid 80s movie but enjoyable, but also amazingly prescient. It posited a future society in California in which cursing was an automatic fine, and their desire to use so few resources that toilet paper was banned in favor of three washable scallop shells.
Naturally, the three idiots trashed all this as ludicrous, despite the fact that this was happening all around them.
A literal case of "one movie, two audiences."
"And what would have happened if they were black>?" - Aggie
These laws are written for the sole purpose of prosecuting whites. In the view of the SJWs, only whites can be racist. Even if a couple of black students were yelling, "Cracker", "Whitey", there would be no arrests, no news coverage. Of course, whites are not really offended by those "slurs", but the point stands, this is only to punish whites.
UConn is in a deep blue state. Why do these "racist" incidents keep happening in places that are so woke and anti-racist they can't stop thinking about race for 5 minutes?
I guess, by the same token, from Hillary Clinton’s perspective you can see the last three years of CNN, MSNBC, NBC, NYT, WaPo Russian conspiracy mongering as infuriatingly weak. That is why we don’t decide things from some aggrieved but badly mistaken person's perspective.
The First Amendment to our Republic's CONSTITUTION protects "hate speech" except such as might be shouted to lead or push a mob into physical violence. This also applies to tax-supported universities/colleges.
Demolition Man Is a greatly underrated movie. Audiences expected a Stallone/Snipes actioner, and they got it, but they also got a comedy, and a very enjoyable one at that. They also got a vision of the future that included an oppressive regime combined with a police force incapable of protecting the citizenry, paradoxically enough, and that seems to be what we’re actually heading for.
Blogger rhhardin said...
Nobody is inclined to say the n-word except to defy a rule that should not exist.
10/23/19, 11:01 AM
Giving words power beyond their meaning. Because black people are (have been taught) to be overly sensitive with the N-word, non-blacks now have power over those people. The opposite of the desired effect.
The proper response, were we really a society that believed in free speech, is for everyone to use the word repeatedly, daring the administration to do anything about it. However, almost none of the students have either the courage or even the belief in free speech to do so.
The names Karal and Macaj are Turkish and Albanian, which is to say Muslim. This is in line with the news media’s usual practice these days of identifying people as Muslim or Hispanic when something bad is done to them but as white when they do something bad.
“They’re kids on their own. The more you “address” it the deeper the impulse to be transgressive gets. After the legal leveling of the Civil Rights movement was done the way forward was patience and the calming banality of familiarity. But there’s no hay to be made, no power to grab, no cash to be hoovered, that way”
They are speaking truth to power. Attacking the establishment. Because that is what kids their age do. Esp boys, cranked on testosterone. My generation, it was long hair, love beads, smoking pot, and loud Rock and Roll music. This generation, it is attacking politically correct statist orthodoxy on the left, esp on campuses, that is transgressive. Think about it for a minute - students saying the N Word on a college campus these days are far more likely to feel the brunt force of the authoritarian academic state probably than running across campus nude, or maybe even trying to literally burn it down (as long as the college authorities agree with the reason that they were burning it down).
The best way to stop the absurdity of using "n-word" is to use nigger.
I demand zero tolerance for the use of the term “honky” or the term “white male” in a disparaging way.
African-Americans are permitted to commit a disproportionate number of crimes and collect a disproportionate amount of welfare. It is just unfair that the spirit of the First Amendment be depreciated disproportionately in their favor as well. Right? Right!
Dennis Leary plays the antagonist/anti-hero in Demolition Man. He had a great monologue about the rubberized-straightjacket civilization 'San Angeles' had become:
"You got that right. You see, according to Cocteau's plan... I'm the enemy. Because I like to think, I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech, the freedom of choice. I'm the kind of guy who likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder - "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of BBQ ribs with the side order of gravy fries?" I want high cholesterol. I wanna eat bacon and butter and BUCKETS of cheese, okay? I wanna smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section. I wanna run through the streets naked with green Jell-O all over my body reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to, okay, pal? I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Mayer Wiener." You live up top, you live Cocteau's way: what he wants, when he wants, how he wants. Your other choice: come down here... and maybe starve to death."
Who needs "evidence that there is a racist culture?"
Do they have White Castle in Connecticut?
Further to officiousintermeddler's comment,"Karal and Mucaj, both described as white......" Is that anything like white Hispanic George Zimmerman?
Why go out of your way to do that? It just sounds completely stupid and immature and devoid of a reasoned viewpoint. Asshats, I say. Or as they're commonly known, college students.
If they were playing a game of yelling transgressive words, that implies that the word is transgressive there, and there is not a wider culture of using it in that place.
Structural Racism: White people can't use the n-word.
Once again the Progressives are creating what they claim to abhor.
What is it about leftists that lack any concept of history?
All those students protesting? Perhaps, if they didn't spend all of their waking hours in the echo chamber of leftism, they would have remembered, a little dust up in Columbia Missouri? Check in with those graduates from there and how well their job searches went? The decimation of freshman attendance numbers, the corresponding cuts to staff and programs?
Education at all levels is a farce today. And, I'm tired of saying that "there are good teachers, they're great, its the bureaucracy that's the problem." No. Teachers share the shame, of the total failure of education.
Free the UConn Two!
If you are going to charge someone with criminal racism on account of ridicule or criminal ridicule on account of racism, shouldn't there be an object other than the clear night air?
On the other hand, what are the odds that they were unaware of where they were and who might hear them? We used to do stuff like this on a different plane (no racism involved, just mockery) when I was in college 50 years ago. (Falsetto squeal as you walked by a dorm: "Can the Westies come out and play?")
This is a pretty widely known game, and 20 years ago we played it with the word penis (how quaint!), and usually in a classroom or closed area so it starts as a whisper. How anyone is shocked SHOCKED that kids do this is insane. Smartphone recording everything is awful—WE have become Big Brother.
I think the weakness is displayed by those who wish to suppress free speech and the school administrators who coddle them.
The police should be sued for violating civil rights.
The only answer for fixing this problem is for about half the universities in this country to go bankrupt.
And I want many of them to be flagship schools like Michigan, UCLA, or Florida.
The market needs to punish this stupidity.
And punish the people who created the stupidity most of all.
Maybe they had just watched Chappelle 's Netflix show
We also need blasphemy laws.
Since similar cases have already been adjudicated, and the laws struck down as a First Amendment violation, the police and prosecutor are going to have a tough time claiming sovereign immunity for violating their rights.
Somewhere else I read this is the first time since that law was enacted in 1915 that any DA in CT has prosecuted anyone for violating it.
Also a problem with being prosecuted for a simple word is why the DA is practicing an extreme form of prosecutorial discretion. As live evidence, tune to any station catering to blacks and have the jury listen for 10 minutes - then tune to another one.....
Oh, want to have some real fun this year from about Dec 6-13?
Walk around the campus of USNA or just the streets of Annapolis and constantly scream out "Beat Navy".
Or walk around USMA and scream "Beat Army!"
Actually, you could do that any time of year for fun.....
Be way more fun then screaming random words to annoy people.
Sandra Bullock's character in Demolition Man is named "Lenina"
Could that even be done today?
"On October 21, Karal and Mucaj were charged with ridicule on account of creed, religion, color, denomination, nationality or race."
So, no making fun of Snobby Englishmen, Cheap Scots, Cowardly Frenchmen, Boring Canadians. and Irish boozers?
Do we really want to live in that world?
I haven't written poetry for a long time but today I was inspired. To wit:
polack, a poem to diversity
nigger, nigger, nigger
wop, wop, wop
beaner, beaner, beaner
jap, jap, jap
limey, frog, limey, frog
kraut, kraut, kraut
dago, dago, dago
spic, spic, spic
slant, slope, slant, slope
honkey, bohunk, honkey, bohunk
gook, gook, gook
kike, kike, kike
We should march for Free Speech, except we'd get attacked by Antifa with the approval of the Democrat Party and the liberal MSM.
A deep culture of racism at UConn.
Stop saying the "N-word".
It's "nigger" or, as stupid ghetto kids and rappers say, "nigga".
It's a word, ffs.
How long until disliking black people is considered a crime?
Connecticut logic: Treating the word as taboo proves it isn’t taboo.
rcocean said...
"On October 21, Karal and Mucaj were charged with ridicule on account of creed, religion, color, denomination, nationality or race."
So, no making fun of Snobby Englishmen, Cheap Scots, Cowardly Frenchmen, Boring Canadians. and Irish boozers?
Do we really want to live in that world?
I don't. Therefore, JOKE TIME:
Joke Of The Day
OCTOBER 22, 2019
Donating Blood in Scotland
A wealthy Arab Sheik was admitted to hospital for heart surgery, but prior to the surgery, the doctors needed to store his type of blood in case the need arose.
As the gentleman had a rare type of blood, it couldn’t be found locally, so, the call went out. Finally a Scotsman was located who had a similar blood type.
The Scot willingly donated his blood for the Arab. After the surgery, the Arab sent the Scotsman in appreciation for giving his blood, a new BMW, 5 carats of diamonds, and $50,000 dollars.
A couple of days later, once again, the Arab had to go through a corrective surgery. The hospital telephoned the Scotsman who was more than happy to donate more of his blood again.
After the second surgery, the Arab sent the Scotsman a thank-you card and a box of Black Magic chocolates.
The Scotsman was shocked that the Arab did not reciprocate his kind gesture as he had before. He phoned the Arab and asked him: “I thought you would be generous again, that you would give me another BMW, diamonds and money … but you only gave me a thank-you card and a box of chocolates.”
To this the Arab replied: “Aye laddie, but I have Scottish blood in ma veins now.”
Shamelessly stolen from Grouchyoldcripple.com. Is it PC to say cripple?
If I were interested in thinking deeply on this one I'd say you should extend the same conceptual framework--that this single instance should be understood as indicative of a deeper, more pervasive problem--to the clearly-unconstitutional arrest of these two guys.
Them feeling comfortable shouting a racial slur proves the campus environment is wholly racist and dangerous to POC. Ok.
The State feeling comfortable using its investigatory and armed enforcement powers to arrest these guys for unpopular speech says...exactly what about the State? Not good things, Professor!
In his statement, the UConn president described the incident as "an egregious assault on our community that has caused considerable harm."
I wonder what the UConn president will say when there is an actual incident that is "an egregious assault on our community that has caused considerable harm."
Such as this from 2005, Mr. UConn President? UConn basketball players Marcus Williams and A.J Price stole laptop computers.
"...Charged with ridicule on account of creed, religion, color, denomination, nationality or race...."
Been any incidents at UC of mockery based on orange skin color? Asking for a friend.
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