"I watched 5-and-a-half Sunday morning talk shows yesterday, and I heard the same thing over and over. Trump has lost some unregainable portion of the women. He can never get them back, but he could never have won anyway, and really what he is is America's expression of anger. We're an angry, angry America, and this lout is, apparently, an embodiment of our collective id."
That's something I wrote on August 10, 2015. I'm encountering it now because I clicked on the "sunrise" tag in the previous post. I wanted to compare my sunrise photographs. I was stunned to see a post — "Dawn walk thoughts" — with exactly the theme that had arisen on the blog this morning, there plain as day 4 years ago.
The old post is a list of 6 "dawn walk thoughts," and what's quoted above was #3.
६२ टिप्पण्या:
"Everyone seems to think the thing to talk about is Donald Trump, which strikes me as profoundly stupid."
It was stupid, but it also wasn't: his rise to power is one of the most amazing things that ever happened in this country, and progs were right to fear him.
Plans for the insurance policy and the coup attempt were being hatched as nice moderate law profs were complaining about too much talk.
The progressives are roaming at the mouth angry. Trump appears to be having a good old time.
Trump has unearthed a mother lode of corruption and dirty deals. He’s exposed the press as a corrupt pack of thieves.
He’s exposed the greatest feminist icon, Hillary Clinton, as a thief and a saboteur of the U.S. electoral system. (I know you’ll disagree with me about her feminist credentials, but that’s what she ran on and that’s what the Democrats say she is.)
I’ve been expecting a woman to commit the most evil, despicable acts imaginable. That’s really where we’ve been headed for the past 60 years ago. Feminism is really about women demanding that we see the demon in them. And Hillary fits the bill. She’s demonic, evil and proud of it. That’s the logical outcome of feminism.
The drama is compelling. I agree that we’ve virtually ceased noticing or talking about local issues and ideas.
You can’t ignore the impact of these seismic events.
I’m doing all sorts of interesting things. My grandkids are always around. I’ve returned to being a classical and sacred musician. I spend most of my day trying to find peace of mind and to ignore this shit.
Decades of lies and corruption are being exposed. The eternal civil rights crusade is falling apart because it’s a sham for hucksters.
The consensus of the 60s is dying and Trump is the one killing that consensus.
Don't worry. We get to endure 5 more years of this insane peace and prosperity just so that jerk can prove he wins everything . Boy will we be glad to see that come to an end and normal times resume.
Interestingly, at the old post from 2015, a regular commenter here of the left-wing variety suggests that Althouse let go of her attachments to Scott Walker and move her affections and vote over to Trump’s side, wisely setting her up to support a guy we all know could never, ever, not in a million years beat Hillary.
Excuse my verbosity, but I think the reason you find all this Trump stuff “stupid” is precisely because the underlying assumptions of feminism are being demolished.
The job requirements for president have nothing to do with feminism, with being black or with being gay. You seem very determined to believe otherwise. From my perspective, your idea of what qualifies a person for any political office is mistaken, because you are obsessed with your personal identity politics self-interests.
Your love of Big Ideas has nothing to do with what is required of a president.
The job of a president is to be an executive. It’s nuts and bolts stuff. Your irritation with Trump, I think, is that he doesn’t fulfill your identity politics obsessions and he isn’t about Big Ideas. You’ve often stated directly how much you dislike the typical hard charging, money driven executive. It’s a violation of your aesthetic and romantic fancies.
You responded the same way to me, calling me “stupid” for saying that women and gays should not be equal. I never said that, and you are well aware of that. I’ve always said that women and gays have never been unequal in the U.S. From my viewpoint, you long ago ceased to be about equality for women and gays. You’re for preferences and you view anything short of preference as discrimination.
Trump is succeeding because he understands the role of an executive in a visceral way that you don’t understand and that you intensely dislike.
That whole 60s nostalgia thing is dying. And a damned good thing it is.
I greatly disliked Trump back then. He seemed like an unserious candidate, a sideshow. Now all the Dem candidates seem like the sideshow.
same as it ever was, same as it ever was, same as it ever Was
Listening to Arnold Bax's Symphony 4. Quite unrelated to you know who.
Begley's opinion of Trump back in 2015 was so negative. What a shocking turnabout!
Charlie Eklund said...Interestingly, at the old post from 2015, a regular commenter here of the left-wing variety suggests that Althouse let go of her attachments to Scott Walker and move her affections and vote over to Trump’s side, wisely setting her up to support a guy we all know could never, ever, not in a million years beat Hillary.
I think many regular commenters changed their initial opinions of Trump. -- including Althouse herself. It's always interesting to see who had a consistent opinion.
I'm simultaneously both joyous and angry. I'm joyous for what we have accomplished as a nation in the past and that we are trying to refresh that by electing Trump, and cleaning out corruption, but I'm also angry that so many of my fellow Americans want to destroy that effort with all their heart. I should just feel disappointment, but the desire to destroy people, and our incredibly rare institutions and social contracts is not accidental; it's intentional and potentially disasterous for this most amazingly unique and successful experiment in human history. The very idea of human liberty is being sacrificed over emotion and envy, as were we warned it might be right from the start.
It would seem stupid at first glance, and does overshadow a lot of what is happening in the world, but regardless of how it all turns out, we are living in a period that will be critical historically one way or the other. And you were there. Soak it in. My primary life advice to young people is "Pay attention - it goes by fast."
Our attention should be more local, as that's what affects us most, but technology brings the the whole world right to your desktop - want it or not. With everyone having a desktop like that, you can't escape it. People won't let you.
And thanks to this Trumpism I won't get to attend anymore funerals of 20 year old sons of friends and clients killed defending the CIA's poppy fields in nowhere Afghanistan.I will miss seeing the great Rolling Thunder guys trying to make the senseless deaths seem like a heroic defense of the USA and not pure corruption by the Military Industrial Complex gone wild.
"Excuse my verbosity, but I think the reason you find all this Trump stuff “stupid” is precisely because the underlying assumptions of feminism are being demolished...."
I skip over stuff. Do you imagine that I don't skip over your stuff? Get a little self-reflective. Or don't bother.
The seditious DNC/leftmediaswine scam goes on. What else is there for the talkmakers to talk about? Real news? Meh!
Sondland Testifies: No Quid Pro Quo in Ukraine Call, Trump Policy. “I knew that a public embrace of anti-corruption reforms by Ukraine was one of the pre-conditions for securing a White House meeting with President Zelensky. My view was, and has always been, that such Western reforms are consistent with U.S. support for rule of law in Ukraine going back decades, under both Republican and Democrat administrations. Nothing about that request raised any red flags for me, Ambassador Volker, or Ambassador Taylor.”
To me, the most astounding thing of the last almost 3 years has been the REFUSAL of the Democrat Party and the MSM to accept the fact that Trump is President, and deal with issues that got him elected. Instead, its been a 3 year Establishment temper-tantrum. 92% negative coverage, obstruction of his nominees, and no desire to work with him on almost any issue. Soft coups by the intelligence community. Its insane.
They - the D's, the media, the Establishment, literally do NOT care about the country. We get this ENDLESS DRUM BEAT of "Get Trump" 24/7. Sadly, i think they'll get away with it. We keep calling it "Trump derangement syndrome" - I think its worse than that. I think the left/liberal/MSM have made it clear they don't care what 50% of country thinks or wants. They're going to get their way, no matter what.
What nonapod said at 9:14am...
Also, the Hildabeast says the Russians are grooming Tulsi Gabbard for a 3rd party run...
"I agree that we’ve virtually ceased noticing or talking about local issues and ideas."
I think that I've mentioned this before: my dog and I are together about 90% of the time. Like clockwork, once every spring some know-it-all would try to chastise me about leaving him in the car. They would claim either to be a vet or to have just called the police, and were always shocked when I didn't instantly fold for them. This has not happened once since 2016. All of the virtue signalling has been directed at Trump and at issues directly adjacent to him (e.g., MeToo).
I think the left/liberal/MSM have made it clear they don't care what 50% of country thinks or wants. They're going to get their way, no matter what.
I have come to the conclusion that they must believe that their marketing can overcome reality and convince voters to vote for them.
They are competing with the greatest marketing genius of the past 30 years. We will see how it ends.
"I think the left/liberal/MSM have made it clear they don't care what 50% of country thinks or wants. They're going to get their way, no matter what."
There is no winning over this: you can reelect Trump but you're still left with tens of millions of crazy people. We have to be willing to cut loose the dozen or big cities. Their surrounding areas will mostly come with us, but they have to go.
"Excuse my verbosity, but I think the reason you find all this Trump stuff “stupid” is precisely because the underlying assumptions of feminism are being demolished...."
Most of the underlying assumptions of feminism, like the underlying assumptions of socialism, communism, progressivism, etc., were demolished long ago. It’s probably fair to assume that the Professor is aware of the damage caused by feminist excesses.
Althouse, you read my stuff with keen interest.
Don’t bullshit me.
It’s an odd quirk of yours that you are drawn to strange and new ideas, and I’ve got them.
I’m not trying to get in your pants. Quit pulling that tactic on me. Nor am I trying to win your favor. My ego is not at all invested in your approval.
I’m 70 years old. I’m not a dumb kid.
No, I don’t imagine you skip over my stuff. You’re bullshitting me. I’m onto the games women play with men.
And, you are a player.
What is said about certain types of vicious dogs--"They are either at your feet or at your throat", is true about some Democrats, and most "progressives". They fawned at Obama's feet--and leapt for Trump's throat.
I think they were surprised when they found out just how hard it was to really get a grip on Trump's throat. Not that they aren't trying.
that last link is about the climate in the ukraine, rainy with a chance of c4, concerning the bank that owns burisma,
Tolerance of Congressman Schitt’s star chamber scam is resounding proof of Democrat and leftmedia corruption. The only remaining question is how many other Americans they can persuade to forego our traditions of due process and human decency to join them in their seditious crusade.
The answer to that question will determine the future of our country. Democrats have neither the know-how nor the moral fiber to govern in the 21st century. There is at least a possibility that some Republicans do.
And I do see the demon in you, Althouse.
You convinced me a long time ago that that teacher who told you to go home because your ass was hanging out did the right thing.
The American obsession with Trump is not the most amazing thing. I belong to an online music group, and the people from Finland and New Zealand and Britain are all obsessed with Trump. The parasitic nature of social media. And the inability of the soft minded to resist it.
in red to black, by former?? mi6 operative alex dryden, he paints a tale of the plan, putin, had developed over 20 years, which involves taking over europe, through proxies like nordstream, the last one siberian spring, hasnt been published over here for five years,
Rcocean's observations are spot on and I was thinking about the country if Trump is defeated next year and how the unraveling of the fabric of the country will start in earnest. "Irish Democracy" will take hold. Why pretend our votes matter when clearly they don't to liberals because of wrongthink? And yes, I will actively vote and support any republican senator or congressman that wants to impeach the democratic president on Day 1. Those are the new rules, haven't you heard?
Nonapod said...
I greatly disliked Trump back then. He seemed like an unserious candidate, a sideshow. Now all the Dem candidates seem like the sideshow."
Well said. Not only are all the Democrat candidates for president are unserious but since every Democrat running for any office support the crazy they are all unserious. With Trump everyday is some kind of excitement one can never be sure what will come next but that said if things continue as they are I see Trump re-elected, the House recaptured, the Senate maintained and a huge number of pickups in local and state seats. I don't know how long the Left can maintain the intensity of it's crazy, but the longer they do, the longer the Republicans have the opportunity to control the presidency and the congress (after regaining the House). With luck, maybe they will keep up the crazy for another ten years.
Someone above already mentioned it, but I thought it would be interesting to repost this comment from that August 2015 thread below:
AReasonableMan wrote:
"Trump is bigger than life. He has invaded your dreams and now you know you want him. Stop fighting your desire, drop that girly-man Walker and embrace The Donald. While your confusion and trepidation is understandable, he is almost too magnificent, put aside your fears, submission to The Donald is the right path for you."
Of course, all the Sunday shows were talking Trump at that time because all of them saw themselves tossing Trump into the Republican primaries as a hand grenade to disrupt the nomination process- all done to aid Clinton's coming campaign in the general election. This is also exactly what ARM was doing, too. Truly hilarious how that all turned out- the left literally goaded the Republicans into nominating the only person who could have defeated Clinton- none of the other candidates would have won any state in the midwest or mid-Atlantic except for Indiana and, possibly, Ohio (and probably not Ohio either). The idiots dropped the grenade into their own laps.
The other good comment on that thread, though, was the one that pointed out that Althouse herself had just written 36 posts (I didn't do an actual count, I just scanned the previous two days of posts) in the previous week about Trump. So, take that into account when reading the "morning walk" post.
Ann Althouse said...
"Everyone seems to think the thing to talk about is Donald Trump, which strikes me as profoundly stupid."
Stupid, perhaps, but with the intent to destroy the presumptive straw candidate who should not have won the election. They didn't realize that the constant drumbeat of "Trump..Trump...Trump" kept his name at the top of the news and served as free advertisement for his campaign, despite all the oppo research they had saved for that phase of the DNCC's campaign.
IMoO it all depends on how many safeguards the Republicans put into place against voter fraud.
If you think the Left's crazy doesn't extend to the point of literally just erasing actual vote tally totals and replacing it with whatever numbers they like, you haven't been paying attention.
so now Russians have to be behind tulsi, says renaissance bank (oligarch backed bank) recipient Hillary Clinton,
“in red to black, by former?? mi6 operative alex dryden”
aka Buck Dharma, Blue Oyster Cult?
I voted for Trump because there was no one else to vote for. I did not believe he would make any effort to do what he promised, and I did believe Hillary would. I did not like his methods or manners but he took his election seriously and he is making the changes he promised. I will vote for him again because now I think he will do what he says and I believe the Dem candidate will do what he/she says. And I still don't his methods or manners, but I knew the first time that it was Democratic party method and manners, and that is apparently what the majority wants to see (it worked for the Dems, too).
thinking back to 2015, made me think about a certain Life Long Liberal, that posted here
"Ever wonder if you may be a cuck? Here are some warning signs:
If you call yourself 'conservative' but sort of wink your eye when you say it
...you may be a cuck.
If you've ever written a think piece that starts out 'The conservative case for...', ...you may be a cuck.
If you think Bill Kristol is a great thinker
...you may be a cuck.
If your name is Mitt Romney
...you may be a cuck.
If the only enemies you see are on your right
...you may be a cuck.
If you're in favor of open borders, but live in a gated community
...you may be a cuck.
If your answer to heading-to-socialism-at-90-mph is heading-to-socialism-at-40-mph...you may be a cuck.
If you think that if you play nice, they won't eat you
...you may be a cuck.
If you dislike social issues conservatives more than you do the mainstream media...you may be a cuck.
If you always say, "we must pick our battles" but never see any battles good enough to pick
...you may be a cuck.
If the only time anyone hears your voice is when you're attacking other conservatives
...you may be a cuck.
If you write for the New York Times
...you may be a cuck.
If you're more appalled by Trump's mean tweets than by big tech's efforts to de-platform conservatives
...you may be a cuck.
If you're comfortable with being in a permanent minority as long as you keep getting paid
...you may be a cuck.
If you've ever hit up a left-wing billionaire for money to start a 'conservative' newsletter
...you may be a cuck.
If you've ever delivered a policy speech from the lido deck
...you may be a cuck.
If you think your apology means they forgive you
...you may be a cuck.
If you think things will go back to the way they were after Trump is gone
...you may be a cuck.
Finally, if your highest ambition in life is to lose nobly
...you may be a cuck."
There are Indian summer conditions in our neck of the woods. A climate fit for a king and queen, but it will inevitably be cold, too cold, then Spring, perfect, and Summer, hot, too hot, never... rarely just right.
We're an angry, angry America, and this lout is, apparently, an embodiment of our collective id.
So it's not, and never was, about Trump.
That realization is the first step to breaking free of the zeitgeist.
I skip over stuff. Do you imagine that I don't skip over your stuff? Get a little self-reflective. Or don't bother.
10/18/19, 9:49 AM
Back atcha. Get this through your little blonde/red/gray head: YOU ARE NOT THE UNMOVED MOVER.
This is also exactly what ARM was doing, too. Truly hilarious how that all turned out- the left literally goaded the Republicans into nominating the only person who could have defeated Clinton
So, so true. ARM, every time you open your yap to poison minds here (which is every time you post), first think back to those halcyon days, imagine that if you and legions like you hadn't said that thing, there would be no President Donald John Trump, and ask yourself with your finger on Publish: Is this wormtongued comment really necessary?
Or is the quasi-sexual, sadistic gratification you receive from trying to hurt and abuse your hostess and fellow commenters worth it?
I liked him then; I like him now. I voted for him then and I'll vote for him now.
A week after he had announced, and I was assuring a friend--middle-aged Republican lady like me--that "he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning," I listened to him speak and thought, "My God, I agree with everything he just said."
And, as the saying goes, I have never looked back.
Yancey Ward: "This is also exactly what ARM was doing, too. Truly hilarious how that all turned out- the left literally goaded the Republicans into nominating the only person who could have defeated Clinton- none of the other candidates would have won any state in the midwest or mid-Atlantic except for Indiana and, possibly, Ohio (and probably not Ohio either). The idiots dropped the grenade into their own laps."
Jimmuh Carters staff believed Ronald Reagan would be the easiest to beat as well.
See a pattern?
I was actually making fun of Althouse's obsession with Trump at the time, with her even dreaming about him. The idea that I care how you guys vote or think that anything I post here influences someone's vote is a little delusional. You guys need to get out a little more, especially Nichevo, who I hear is a Russian plant.
The idea that I care how you guys vote or think that anything I post here influences someone's vote is a little delusional. You guys need to get out a little more, especially Nichevo, who I hear is a Russian plant.
I guess that's why you are here 24/7
Of course, all the Sunday shows were talking Trump at that time because all of them saw themselves tossing Trump into the Republican primaries as a hand grenade to disrupt the nomination process- all done to aid Clinton's coming campaign in the general election
There is a lot of irony being ignored by the left.
I got interested in Trump in December 2015. Not as a supporter but as a Phenomenon
I am not a Trump supporter but I am intrigued at the steady progress he is making toward success. I have been a fan of Angelo Codevilla’s characterization of America’s Ruling Class.
The recent collapse of Republican Congressional resistance to the left’s political agenda as noted in the surrender of Paul Ryan to the Democrats in the budget, has aggravated the Republican base and its frustration.
Ryan went on Bill Bennett’s radio show on Tuesday to tell his side of the story, which involves the fact that he inherited from outgoing Speaker John Boehner an unfavorable budget framework, as well as some of the tradeoffs involved (especially defense spending). He also laid out the argument I’ve heard elsewhere, which is that he needed to “clear the decks” so that a real return to “regular order” budgeting next year will be possible. You may or may not be persuaded, but the contrast with Boehner is fairly plain, I think.
In other words, perhaps the omnibus should be thought of as something like the Dunkirk evacuation. But if so, we still need our Churchill to explain it and chart the path forward in a compelling way. This requires the presidential field to step up.
Dunkirk brought the British Expeditionary Force home almost intact, although minus their weapons. Ryan did the equivalent of surrender.
Their panic was best articulated last week in The Daily Beast by GOP consultant Rick Wilson, who wrote that Trump supporters “put the entire conservative movement at risk of being hijacked and destroyed by a bellowing billionaire with poor impulse control and a profoundly superficial understanding of the world .?.?. walking, talking comments sections of the fever swamp sites.”
Some might take that as a backhanded compliment. Can the GOP really be so out of touch with the legions of out-of-work Americans — many of whom don’t show up in the “official” unemployment rate because they’ve given up looking for work in the Obama economy?
Anyway, the political left had a big hand in creating the Trump Phenomenon. Congratulations, ARM
So what's the deal? Is your profound opposition to Trump criticism and Trump aversion/contempt just compensation for your mistaken prediction from 2015?
I don't think it works that way. Your previous error doesn't suddenly become vindicated by smearing all Trump opposition ever since then.
Oh, bullshit, ARM- you clearly thought if the Republicans nominated Trump, it would guarantee Clinton's election. Every Democrat thought the same damned thing, including all your new favorite writers at NeverTrump magazines. It is why CNN and MSNBC in particular were actively promoting his candidacy- at least right up until he secured the nomination.
I never discounted Trump's chances to win the general election. I always thought his problem would be winnning the nomination, at least until about December of 2015. It was at that time that I realized that only Trump and Cruz were ever going to stake out ground to the right of Jeb-Please-Clap-Bush on immigration control. I realized about that time that it would likely come down to Cruz vs Trump after the first month of the primaries- they were the only two candidates staking out ground not well trodden by literally everyone else.
I supported Cruz the entire way, but I knew he wasn't going to win the nomination by late April of 2016. I had no reservations about voting for Trump, and for most of the general election campaign, I thought he had a very good chance to win. My only doubts came the day the Access Hollywood tape came out, and the night of the election when I realized he wasn't going to win Virginia. Like everyone, I was blindsided by his strength in the midwest.
ARM: "I was actually making fun of Althouse's obsession with Trump at the time,...."
Yeah. A lefty wrote that. Just now. Without irony!!
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
I was actually making fun of Althouse's obsession with Trump at the time, with her even dreaming about him. The idea that I care how you guys vote or think that anything I post here influences someone's vote is a little delusional. <--what's the Latin for "self-refuting?"
You guys need to get out a little more, especially Nichevo, who I hear is a Russian plant.
Blyat! Da, tovarishch. Maybe you should stay closer to home and keep an eye on your mom; she's like a police station with all those dicks going in and out.
So you better make sure she's not stiffing you on your cut.
Srsly tho ARMy guy - so you're accustomed to blathering on to no effect? That works for you?
Thanks for the laugh on the Russian thing, I needed that.
Yancey Ward said...
Oh, bullshit, ARM- you clearly thought if the Republicans nominated Trump, it would guarantee Clinton's election.
You are free to think whatever stupid thing you want to think. I, however, remain the preeminent expert on what I think. First of all, I had exactly no say in the Republican nomination (you need to get over yourself on the importance of these blogs). Second, I agreed with others that Trump was the strongest candidate among the Republican candidates, in large part because the other candidates were all so weak. Finally, up until the the first debate with Clinton I thought Trump would win, because she was also such a terrible candidate. He was so completely clueless in that debate, that I began to think the electorate would reject him simply because of his stupidity. How wrong I was. We are now reaping the full harvest of his stupidity.
In 2016 the electorate was faced with two genuinely terrible options. The party that got stuck with the winning candidate was obviously going to take a hit. That turned out to be the Republicans, and the costs of that choice are only now coming fully into focus.
Nichevo, there are some sharp witted minds who comment here, not you obviously, who I enjoy engaging. If you have a complaint about that you should take it up with Althouse.
Engaging? Is that what you call it? In Yell County they call it something else.
You sorry piece of trash!
Damn that was a good movie.
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