Watching #TrumpRallyDallas & Luke crawls up to the TV and says “I like him mom, I like him.” I believe we have a future #Patriot #ToddlerInChief #MAGA2020 #TRUMP2020 #America #AmericaFirst #babyrepublican #Election2020 @pampollard @realDonaldTrump @POTUS @TeamTrump @GOP @VP
— Jenny Schmitt (@JennySchmitt11) October 18, 2019
७५ टिप्पण्या:
Sondland Testifies: No Quid Pro Quo in Ukraine Call, Trump Policy.
“I knew that a public embrace of anti-corruption reforms by Ukraine was one of the pre-conditions for securing a White House meeting with President Zelensky. My view was, and has always been, that such Western reforms are consistent with U.S. support for rule of law in Ukraine going back decades, under both Republican and Democrat administrations. Nothing about that request raised any red flags for me, Ambassador Volker, or Ambassador Taylor.”
Looking at Democratic corruption is illegal. So sayeth the Twitter owner and the Zucker - the Harvey Weistein of CNN. Corporate media is corrupt.
Trump has a very animated way of speaking -- lots of gestures, facial expressions, changes in vocal tone -- which I can easily imagine appealing to small children.
At least the kid isn’t quaking with anger, repeating over and over “How dare you?”
You know, like Michael K.
Post keeps disappearing...
"Let the children come to me..."
Always nice to see children being used in the support of adults political agenda.
Another thing Ann is a hypocrite about.
OMG you posted that clip. How will the kid ever get admitted into an elite University or eat dinner in peace at an upscale restaurant? His life is ruined. But he will get to live in a country that is great again, safe again, wealthy again and that puts his life first , not last. That's the famous Scots Irish Privilege: to win and keep what you won from evil Government pillage.
The folks on the left really enjoy weaponizing children for politics. I don't see that on the right so much other than the odd right to life march. Its weird to see it no matter what political stripe you are.
Ann would lambast a liberal for this using of children to further their adult political agenda. But a conservative gets a yawn.
the thing that Really SCARES the democrats, is that MOST people would 'I like him'
So that crook is going straight for the sake of the children?
I suggest that you change your tag from Trump idolatry to Trump admiration.
The Little Children and Jesus
People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.
— Mark 10:13-16
Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.
— Matthew 19:13-14
People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
— Luke 18:15-17
Baby kissing Politicians are like Jesus
The younger we can bring them along, the better.
Isn't that what the left did, infiltrating our educational institutions, 1 through 12, colleges and post grad?
Don't tell them how to get to Sesame Street. Show the children the Yellow Brick Road to Trump Tower.
There they'll learn about American Exceptionalism, the Constitution and how to Keep America Great.
Re: Unknown:
Always nice to see children being used in the support of adults political agenda.
Another thing Ann is a hypocrite about.
Her tags are "Trump idolatry" and "using children in politics." You think those are, ah, positive?
Interesting that people do not see Ann's implied criticism here, even AFTER they comment on “idolatry“. She's not hypocritical here unknown, she's just subtle.
"Using children in politics"
Bless their hearts.
It reminds me of when my cat, Cinnamon, used to meow at the little chicks on Friends. Going for the shiny object. Or, in that toddler's case, the nasty loud shiny object.
Any reference to anything religious, shame on you. Shame,shame on you. That man is a serial cheater, a vile and disgusting person. Anyone with any religious conviction should run, not walk, away from him
Shame on you, narayanan,I am dismayed for any evangelical who supports this piece of dreck.
Vicki from Pasadena
Come on and attack me, you right wing nuts.
Unknown said...Ann would lambast a liberal for this using of children to further their adult political agenda. But a conservative gets a yawn.
I'm always caught the liberal ability to think about an issue exactly as long as they need to to arrive at an answer they like. And not one bit further.
"I like him"
Cuz he is a nice man.
Poor bastard. That kid will never get into a good school now.
Carol said: "Post keeps disappearing..."
The twitter links disappear for me on Firefox, too, unless I go to private view. Maybe it's because I don't do twitter?
"Ann would lambast a liberal for this using of children to further their adult political agenda. But a conservative gets a yawn."
Laughable ignorance, Unknown. If you actually ever paid attention, you would understand why she didn't find this particular video as disturbing as some of the child videos used by the Left.
I am loving this!
Hillary Clinton has lost her mind. LOL. Or did Hillary swallow some Zucker juice?
According to Hillary Clinton, Tulsi Garbbard and Jill Stein are... wait for it...
Being Groomed! By Russia. They are bots. Russian Bots.
I thank you, Trump. For beating this horrid corrupt international fraud. Universal fraud.
This reminded me of the comment by Annie C in an earlier thread about going to the Trump rally in Dallas. She called it “Joyous”. This election is becoming ever more polarized, and part of it is coming down to whether you want to go through life happy or mad. The child naturally gravitates to the guy who makes everyone around him happy (at a political rally). Some of the Dem candidates might have been capable of that, except that they have been pushed so far into the mad and angry category, that they most likely can’t get back to hopeful and joyous in time for the election. Some of them, like Bernie, of course, have probably not been optimistic and happy in decades.
We spent eight years mired in the Obama Recession, where the Dem scolds destroyed all joy, along with a lot of jobs and economic growth. Much like Carter’s malaise. Trump comes along, and the economy rebounds, with the lowest unemployment rate in decades for a number of demographics. Jobs, jobs, jobs. He brings a message of hope and joy. The Democrats are running on a message of despair. If we don’t give them massively more power over our lives, the earth will end in 8 years, or something apocalyptic like that. While Trump is saying “Rejoice, life is getting better”. And it is, for much of America. I know which message I prefer, and suspect that enough Americans (and their children) share my views here, that the election isn’t going to be that close. But that message wouldn’t resonate nearly as much right now except that we have just survived eight years of Obama malaise.
Probably one of the most moving things about Christianity for me is attending Christmas Eve services, and after the somber musical buildup, the Congregation sings “Joy To The World”. The long night of waiting is over. It is now time to rejoice, as our savior has arrived. It is only the beginning of the end of our struggles, and he has yet to die for our sins, but we can still, and must, rejoice in his birth.
Of course, there is a lot of evidence that Jesus was not really born on December 25. Indeed, I don’t think that it is the least bit accidental that it is celebrated near the Winter Equinox, which has been celebrated for much of recorded history as a similar turning point, where the seasons turn from winter to spring, with its promises, followed by the fecundity of summer.
Althouse clearly does NOT like this sort of thing.
Check her tags and quit writing stupid stuff.
I am not a fan either.
As a video with no political position, it is interesting to consider what Trump does that makes him attractive (making the enormous assumption that this was not prompted) and I expect academicians eventually to evaluate him objectively.
Probably when the next president is LITERALLY Hitler.
Funny, because I remember some photo from 2016 where they claimed Trump made the baby cry.
Oh, well, let the warring fools beat each other's brains out. The Real World beckons....
cause he looks like tinky winky
Despite everything, the Real Clear Politics poll averager has Trump at 42.7% approval and I don't think it's crazy to think his actual approval is higher than that. Not 10 points but maybe two or three.
So, let's say Trump has the support of about 45% of the American public. That's works out to around 147 million people. Given that the media and political establishment have decided to unzip and whizz as hard as they can into the fact of 147 million people, a thought occurs.
What percentage of Trump supporters have to become radicalized and alienated in order to see real political violence, like Baader-Meinhof but coming from the Right? 1%? .5%? .01%?
Gk1 said...
The folks on the left really enjoy weaponizing children for politics. I don't see that on the right so much other than the odd right to life march. Its weird to see it no matter what political stripe you are.
10/18/19, 10:39 AM
What's ODD about marching against mass genocide???
Blogger Carol said...
Post keeps disappearing...
I think it is something about Twitter clips. First, Chrome would not show then and Firefox did. Now, neither do. Maybe Safari.
It shows up in Safari.
Trump at rally like jolly fat man, but in blue, not red.
Carol said...
Post keeps disappearing...
Not sure if this is what you're talking about, but Althouse has been moderating comments for the past few weeks in an attempt to encourage posters to put more effort into their posts as well as cut down on trollish behavior. Consequently after you submit a post you won't immediately see it until Althouse (and/or perhaps Meade?) OKs it manually. This could take minutes or hours.
Oh thank you Jesus for giving us President Trump! We are honored to give you our children, teach them all your ways.
Well, "liberals" (by which I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping government humpers and State fellators") always use "It's for the children" as an excuse to start swinging the Mailed Fist; so they should enjoy this.
Trump going after the kids early-on is - in my book - preferable to the Marxist leftwinger indoctrination many will undergo in public schools and in popular music/entertainment.
They used to call him Jesus Three-Times. "Never enter it, enter it, enter it." <--Goodfellas reference.
Sorry, as a non-Christian, I don't mean to mock, and I realize that for some reason this is a thing, but the New Testament seems to be terribly repetitive. As short as it is, it could be a lot shorter, apparently.
Or is it a Rashomon thing. Ann, you should enjoy writing about that. I assume you've read the New Testament. Hidden under the Playboys no doubt. Come on, that's got to bake your noodle, a Playboy - Jesus Rashomon triangle.
Meanwhile, what is meant by, he is going straight for the children? Do you accuse the President of doing something to manipulate children, to manipulate that child? Is it his fault the child allegedly had this response? I wonder what children do when they see one of the Democrats on the screen. Probably cry.
Ken B said...
At least the kid isn’t quaking with anger, repeating over and over “How dare you?”
You know, like Michael K.
To be honest that's kind of my read on you.
"A diplomat who served in the State Department under former President Barack Obama testified Tuesday that he sounded the alarm about Hunter Biden's appointment to Ukrainian energy company Burisma in early 2015, but no one seemed to care, according to the Washington Post."
He has already made inroads into planned children and human remains from a contemporary age. Surely, a positive development.
"Out of the mouths of babes..."
Ronald Reagan appealed to many people to.
Cause he really believed in America and he expressed it openly.
So does Trump.
Hillary Clinton floats conspiracy that Tulsi Gabbard is being 'groomed' by Russians
Can we agree? That if someone, or something, is going to going to be "grooming" Tulsi,
that it should be ME?
Oh! and Can we agree? That Hilary has finally gone around the bend; and is in loco land?
Earlier this week she went on record; Proudly stating that she "could beat" Trump, "Again"
Now, she thinks that the Russians are "grooming" Tulsi
And they call ME Crazy for thinking that i should be giving Tulsi hair care, and facials??
Obviously that child understands economics and foreign relations better than most Democrats, but once he gets in school, we'll fix that.
For the Children:
"A dorm located on Michigan State University’s campus hosted two drag queens to read and dance with children. The event was hosted in celebration of “National Coming Out Day.”
The Morning Watch reported the attendees were mostly parents with their children. The reporter notes there were few MSU students in attendance.
Drag queens Asio Aviance and Caj Monet read children’s books focused on LGBTQ pride and “the hardships people in this culture face.”
Monet read one story that was particularly disturbing about a boy named “Gilbert.” In this fictional story, Gilbert lives in Kansas where he refuses to use a firearm while enlisted in the military. Monet took this opportunity to “teach” children that guns are bad.
“Everybody say ‘boo’ to guns. Boo,” Monet said to the children.
Gilbert then moves to San Fransisco, a beacon of hope and equality in this story. The story progresses to show Gilbert removing the San Fransisco flag which “reminded Gilbert’s community of evil,” and replacing it with the rainbow flag.
“Say good job Gilbert. You’re awesome Gilbert,” Monet said.
The event represents another attempt by progressives to force their agenda upon the most innocent. Teaching children to hate guns and to view middle-America as dangerous place comparative to progressive California is no longer just propaganda, but indoctrination.
This event was hosted by MSU’s LGBTQ resource center, the MSU Student-Parent Resource Center, and the MSU Writing Center.
My youngest likes him, in agreement it's Trump use of being animated and as needed treats himself as a character in a reality show.
Anyone reading this post as celebrating what is happening to this child is — I presume — a victim of Trump derangement syndrome.
"Ann would lambast a liberal for this using of children to further their adult political agenda. But a conservative gets a yawn."
You're not on the reading level I'm aiming at here.
It was creepy when a children's choir sang the praises of their savior The Great Lord Obama.
This is just cute, nothing more nothing less.
Damn, Ken B morphed into Chuck (and or) Inga, so fast I hardly noticed.
Candid camera, maybe. It could be kids say the darndest things captured on film. Let's not condemn the little monster, yet.
Ann Althouse said...
"Ann would lambast a liberal for this using of children to further their adult political agenda. But a conservative gets a yawn."
You're not on the reading level I'm aiming at here.
"BIG bada-boom." -- Leeloo, "The Fifth Element"
Maybe, instead of assuming Althouse's intent when it's not explicitly clear, ask? If you've been around here for a while, you can't fail to have noticed her fascination with HOW people communicate as much as with the CONTENT of their communication.
Come on and attack me, you right wing nuts.
Get over yourself, bint.
Vicki from Pasadena: Come on and attack me, you right wing nuts.
I was wondering what they taught in Trolling 101.
vicki the Bill Clinton supporter: "Any reference to anything religious, shame on you. Shame,shame on you. That man is a serial cheater, a vile and disgusting person. Anyone with any religious conviction should run, not walk, away from him"
Trump should prominently display a box of cigars in the oval office for all meetings that dems attend.
You know. For old times sake....
Unknown: "Always nice to see children being used in the support of adults political agenda."
Yes, a member of the lefty Climate Change/Let All Kids Out Of School To Protest crew checks in.
And where is that video of children professing allegiance to Barack? It's around here somewhere.
You know what we really need? Drag Queen Story Hour where the little ones can flop around on the ground with grown men dressed as women.
You know, non-adult agenda-y things.
Vicki from Pasadena: "Come on and attack me, you right wing nuts."
Hmmmmm. Nope.
As always, it's better for conservatives if you just keep on talking.......
Maybe the kid is confusing Trump with SpongeBob SquarePants.
*taps foot*
Do I have to post that batman clip again?
but once he gets in school, we'll fix that
He's on the list, for ideological reeducation, IRS auditing, congressional unmasking, presidential spying, journolistic judging, and mob intervention, perchance stalking.
"Donald John Trump-- Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmm !!"
C'mon, sing it with me, children!
"using children in politics"
One might as well use children in politics since they're not of much use anywhere else because weak and stupid.
Come on and attack me, you right wing nuts.
I'd pass flatus in your general whatever but I'm too stoned on fentanyl to bother.
Gilbar said ...and facials??
I can help you with that.
I hate people who get their kids involved in politics.
Ken B said...
At least the kid isn’t quaking with anger, repeating over and over “How dare you?”
You know, like Michael K.
I seem to be living in Ken B's head. I would rather get out, it's pretty close in there, Hat size 61/4?
Maybe I missed something. How did Donald Trump go for the kids? Pretty much a standard Trump rally, happened to he on TV when the kid walked in, kid reacted, mom recorded his reaction. You could make the case that the mom is using her kid in politics, but Trump?
Maybe I missed something. How did Donald Trump go for the kids? Pretty much a standard Trump rally, happened to he on TV when the kid walked in, kid reacted, mom recorded his reaction
Get with the program MTG. It is standard practice to find anything, anything that casts aspersions on Donald Trump's character.
That is what it means to be obsessed.
How is the kid being exploited? He isn't even being prompted.
Although it does reinforce the childishness of whatever appeal Trump can be said to have.
[Ritmo] said...
How is the kid being exploited? He isn't even being prompted.
This is why I love you bruv - you can be fair when it suits you.
[Ritmo] said...
Although it does reinforce the childishness of whatever appeal Trump can be said to have.
Oh now don't sulk :-) Remember except as ye become like little children, you will never enter the kindom of heaven. Playboy says so! Besides, remember, it doesn't work out well to contemn PDT for love. "I love the poorly educated" - remember the jeers? 'Cuz (remember the fetishization of intelligence thing?) some SMRAT folks just HATEZ the poorly educated! But the P-E are people too. They may not be as smart as you or I, but put baldly as that, even they know not to vote for people who hate them.
You know how people trust their dogs? How dogs are credited with instincts or senses to judge people? Likewise I think how bad can he REALLY be if some rando kid likes him, presumably (and you're not fighting me on this) unprompted? Imagine what that kid would think of Warren or HRC hectoring and fuming and shaking their fists.
Maybe the Ds should focus group toddlers and see which candidate they like best. No animals or lollies!
I'd think Bootygag is best fitted to appeal to the kiddies. He's got that Chucky-doll vibe going for him, which is nice.
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