Mr Trump suggested other extreme measures, according to the book.Assuming — only for the sake of argument — that the unnamed interviewees got these facts right, I would still need to have a feeling for the kind of brainstorming that was going on. This could have been lightweight banter or some way of getting to useful ideas by first loosening up and just saying every crazy thing you could think of, as if you were pitching movie ideas. Trump might have talked about a snake pit or an alligator moat, but how did he talk about it? Context is everything here, the rest is just feeding ideation.
"Privately, the president had often talked about fortifying a border wall with a water-filled trench, stocked with snakes or alligators, prompting aides to seek a cost estimate. He wanted the wall electrified, with spikes on top that could pierce human flesh," reads the extract.
ADDED: Trump reacted to this report in his press conference today. He denied it all and made fun of how stupid it was. He mistakenly identified the reporters as being from The Washington Post.
१४७ टिप्पण्या:
Put the leg back in allegator.
I hope his alligators suggestion included frick'n laser beams.
CNN "expert" said only a sadist would suggest such measures. But what if his own home was under assault by barbarians. Would such protective measures then be okay?
Just another story - and it might be fake - as grist for the anti-Trump mill.
On CNN or MSNBS someone said that the day Trump came down the escalator and said Mexicans were rapists was the end of the world. But that's not what he said. Can anyone deny the fact that are illegal aliens from Mexico that have committed crimes in the United States that never would have happened if the illegals weren't here? Ask Kate Steinle's family that question.
Honestly, the idea of a snake & spike filled pit, proceeded by an alligator moat sounds pretty awesome. Maybe automated drones could parachute drop crates of rattlesnakes periodically into heavily trafficked areas.
Does that last idea qualify me for a job with the Department of Homeland Security?
For the love of God, these people are idiots.
More anonymous experts.
I'm not willing to engage in the second derivative fantasies until we get some named sources. Book is not a source. Given the recent history of things I've been expected to believe whistleblower is not a source, either.
Until the ANONYMOUS interviewee or whistleblower or aide reveals his true identity, he has no credibility.
"President's aides horrified as Trump babbles rambling tale about a twelve-inch pianist!"
I’ll take “Things That I Wish Had Actually Happened” for $200, Alex.
Alligators would make lousy guards. They are risk averse, don't eat very often and don't tend to view man as a protein source. However, man's dog looks quite delicious...
Pious agnostic
Never leave us.
I heard he suggest holding them down on slides and cutting their hair.
Ann sets up the strawman and cleverly stays neutral or tepidly bashes it. But the strawman is there. Clever.
Yet another thing Trump supposedly said taken without proper context and reported in a second hand way. What was the context here? I could think of a number of possible explanations. An obvious explanation could be that Trump was expressing frustration over the lack of momentum on his signature issue and the Democrats stonewalling. So he could have been proposing these things sarcastically or facetiously. I mean, Trump has been known to exaggerate for effect. He's been known to call people "fantastic" and a "great person" one day and attack that same person the next.
Context IS everything. The NYT's managing editor is on public record stating the paper INTENDS to cloak its news as anti-administration opinion. Let that sink in for a minute. The NYT stated they intend to misrepresent their opinion as fact, either to please its readers or influence the reading public in general. And those who quote or repeat the NYT will lose their credibility as the NYT has over the past three years. The NYT is birdcage liner and nothing more.
Trump wanting to get medieval on border security, A portcullis at every entry point would be great, too
An obvious hoax.
Trump's aides put in a vhs tape of a documentary on gorillas, and the president thinks it's The Gorilla Channel. He sits staring with his face inches from the screen, and yells excitedly when the Gorillas hit each other.
Yes, Trump SERIOUSLY discussed Alligators. More Lies. Again, lets not have a serious discussion about enforcing the immigration laws, or a border wall. No, lets talk about babies -BROWN BABIES IN CAGES - and alligators and angry elephants at the border.
Americans are actively being harmed by contagious sick people, MS-13 gang members, and criminals coming across our border. That's real. But you rarely hear about it, because the D's want votes, and the R's want cheap labor. And that nice illegal Guatemalan nanny is so cheap!
Meh. after all the assassination talk (about Trump) this is nothing.
Trump aides, White house official. Either made up. Or 2 people. Of course, given their track records there's possibility No. 3 - someone who stupidly thought the reporters would fairly and accurately quote them.
The named source said... what? no name? nevermind.
These same people claim Rosenstein was joking about wearing a wire to meetings with Trump. My guess would be Trump was joking. I would make that joke too. The "That's not funny" because brown people clowns can go huff tainted vape for all i care.
This has gotten beyond ridiculous. Stoking fears and feeding the hysteria are all they have. The absolutely mind numbing reality is that people actually believe this tripe. And people are being traumatized by it - anxiety, depression, the mental health of those who are on the edge anyway is being weaponized. Like the way poor Greta's neuroses are being used, the swamp dwelling asshats are winding people up tighter and tighter.
I feel it's the Left that is being tweaked to be even more hysterical and whose advocates succumb to a traumatized, unstable state while the Right is being prodded to get angrier by being backed into a corner. We all know what happens when you back a wild animal in a corner.
Another "Trump is crazy book". There is a market for that, lefty redoubts like the BBC for instance, but is isn't going to have any impact where it matters. The "crazy" take is conventional wisdom on the left and all this book does is delay recovery.
Sorry, I didn't read the details. Its written by NYT REPORTERS. No need to even think about it. Its' "Orange man bad" crap. DNC propaganda. I know that, just like I know "Mein Kampf" will be pro-Nazi without even reading the 1st page. Just see who the authors are.
Forget it Jake. It's the NYT.
And ffs, everyone knows that moats and alligators and the like make the meme rounds whenever the border wall is talked about. They've shoved all manner of the OMGOrangeManBad histrionics - SEE!! - into that "book", assigned anonymous sources, and called it a day.
Are people really thIS gullible and stupid? This country is so screwed.
Heh heh. Reminds me of a city councilman in WA who, when the council was discussing what to do with all the drug-addicted, said, jokingly, "We could take them out and shoot them". Needless to say, he lost his post. Progs have no sense of humor.
The elites always come up with correct perfect ideas first time. That's how they cured cancer.
Blogger WisRich said...
I hope his alligators suggestion included frick'n laser beams.
10/2/19, 9:11 AM
Everyone knows sharks have that monopoly on laser beams. Duh. Alligators get rocket launchers.
So, The President of the United States, asked about something
He was told it'd be illegal
So he didn't do it?
Am I missing something?
Do we have enough legislators to fill a moat from border to boarder?
Maybe if we used city council members to fill in the gaps....
Just some lightweight banter about shooting people in the leg and throwing them into alligator pits. Oh, you sayTrump did not say anything about throwing, there I go feeding ideation again.
Just substitute "fairy godmother" for "unnamed interviewees." Puts it in perspective.
If they do this, they need to put up warning signs: “BEWARE! Alligators in this pit! Snake pit is 200 yards to the right.”
He wanted sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads, but evidently his cycloptic colleague informed him that that can't be done.
He may have to settle for sea bass. Ill-tempered sea bass.
Democracy Dies in New York City, the Village of Pimples
Taking Trump literally but not seriously.
One wonders if the mediaswine, particularly NYT and WaPo, will ever treat us to information provided by a live, named source.
Thanks also to the BBC for letting us hear from an “excerpt.” “The excerpt said ....” “The excerpt describes ....”
Unbelievable! The circle jerk abides.Z
The Lefty/LLR-lefty Lie Machine must be fed every single day.
Seems like the NYT is beginning to realize that the impeachment thing is going to fail and is preparing to drag the old 25th amendment thing out again.
But that would be giving them too much credit for thinking ahead.
I heard he suggested turning Mexico into a plain of molten glass, but really beautiful, spectacular glass.
Let's assume for a moment it's true. It begs the question:
So what?
Context is everything. It could be that Trump is floating ideas and see where the boundaries are.
For example, there was footage of 500 men charging a 20-foot fence in Spain (the Daily Mail covered it).
Suppose it happened here? What can we should? What should we do?
To get answers, you have to ask questions. You have to float ideas.
Apparently, Trump is the kind of leader who wants to know. He wants to make the decisions. Unlike politicians, who embrace deniability. Like Obama winking at launching the coup against Trump. He's not gonna say no, not gonna say yes. When you're in the Oval Office, you can't be driven into a corner.
Trump is a New Yorker, but a water filled moat with alligators through the Southwestern desert, up hill and down vale? I don't think so.
*Shooting intruders*
Considering how the leftist collective lie and remove context on behalf of their narrative - yes - I doubt the story is factual on its face.
We all know it's just about beating Trump -- figuratively and literally, I think -- by any means possible.
"See! See! He's always says mean things about immigrants! Get 'im!"
I'm surprised he hasn't floated the idea of mining the border. Might be cheaper than building a wall.
I've had thoughts like this, too. Just line up machines gun and mow the illegals down as they come across. Would I do this? Of course not. It's just an expression of frustration.
Antifa, on the other hand, has no such restraint on their violent behavior.
Meth-fueled 'gators and snakes along the border just might work. Or some of those robotic dogs like that episode of Black Mirror.
Bullschiff sessions are always productive.
"the president privately suggested that soldiers shoot migrants in the legs, but was told it would be illegal"
What a horrible answer. Without even knowing the intricacies of the law, I'm guessing the correct answer is "it depends" and "I can write up a one-page memo for you by tomorrow." This fact alone leads me to believe that either (1) the story is fake, or (2) Trump's advisors are really bad.
If this is truly what his government lawyers are saying, no wonder he relies on Rudy. They're idiots.
Ann mistakenly credits the writers with a modicum of credibility. How many times does reporting like this have turn out to be just a partisan hit job before Ann stops assigning a credibility that ceased to exist a long time ago?
These are evil people - Trump's opponents that is
Hilarious if true. Tweet from Trump, intentionally misspelled moat, even using capital M, in order to get MSM talking about his ignorance and therefore bringing attention to the ridiculous story.
"Now the press is trying to sell the fact that I wanted a Moot stuffed with alligators and snakes, with an electrified fence and sharp spikes on top, at our Southern Border. I may be tough on Border Security, but not that tough. The press has gone Crazy. Fake News!"
The correction the BBC's editors would have made if they weren't malicious liars: Inside Trump's Assault on Crime.
Blogger pious agnostic said...
"President's aides horrified as Trump babbles rambling tale about a twelve-inch pianist!"
10/2/19, 9:15 AM
The punch line to that rambling tale is-
"You don't really think that I wished for a twelve-inch pianist, do you?
I work with a senior business executive who starts most serious contentious discussions with a "nuclear option" and walking back from there to a reasonable conclusion.
It goes something like this in a business context,
Customer: threatens business in some way or takes a hard stance rather than a reasonable stance.
Executive: What are our terms for firing them? Why shouldn't we?
Team: Well we could and this is how we'd do it.
Executive: So tell me why we shouldn't fire them.
Team: Starts proposing reasonable solutions that were not tied to giving into the customer.
If he didn't consider sharks with freaking lasers on their heads; then he's no Dr. Evil.
If it actually happened, it is interesting. Shooting the illegals would, of course, be illegal. At least if done by government employees or contractors. But I think that there are ways to make a well marked and advertised, automated, system that is legal. Maybe put up signs every 10 feet or so, in English and at least Spanish, that they are entering a mine field. Alligators would be good too. Probably best in a band inside the mine fields. To possibly make it legal, immediate human agency needs to be completely removed. Still, I am worried about the cases resulting in convictions for creating shotgun boobytraps that ultimately injure or maim trespassers.
Oh, my goodness !
Donald J. Trump
The Do Nothing Democrats should be focused on building up our Country, not wasting everyone’s time and energy on BULLSHIT, which is what they have been doing ever since I got overwhelmingly elected in 2016, 223-306. Get a better candidate this time, you’ll need it!
Deep Fake Video evidence to nail Trump will be appreciated.
I wanted hunter-killer AI drones and mechanical dogs like in Black Mirror's 'Metalhead.'
I will never be President of the United States.
mccullough said...
Trump wanting to get medieval on border security, A portcullis at every entry point would be great, too
You get brainstorming like this because the obvious answer of just deporting people here illegally is made impossible. This is why there is a drive to make the wall as inpenetrable as technologically possible- once the the illegal immigrant is on the US side, the ability to send them back diminishes to almost nothing.
Another symptom of tds
Or an attempt to Alinsky Trump by freezing the target
Or a Goebbels type big lie.
Ya know this is all made-up. While alligators are dangerous, they're no way as dangerous as the Nile crocodile which is what Trump'd use if he were serious. And for the end parts of the wall, near the Pacific and the Gulf, you'd dig a trench of x number of miles, flood it, and bring the meanest, take-no-guff from anyone, the salt water crocodile.
Trump is mocking the report on Twitter.
Twelve trimesters of witch hunts (e.g. Antifa, trials and threats of impeachment), warlock trials (e.g. trial by press, steering via social media platforms, rumor and innuendo), and Water Closet, despite Deep Plunger's diligent work, is a progressive condition.
A walled moat with alligators? Why the heck not, right? Except of course that a modicum of thought would demonstrate that alligators are swamp critters, and last time I checked New Mexico and Arizona had a distinct lack of swamp along the border....
It's an unserious claim. Heck, I bet Trump asked for sharks with frikkin laser beams too! Why not, right? If you are going to dig a moat, why the heck not?
Rather more realistically, why not dig a ditch and fill it with rattlers? That at least is climate appropriate.
This story is stupid. Who in their right mind would believe that Trump, a serious businessman who knows the limits of possibility, would seriously advocate a moat with alligators as border control? Now, if the story was "Trump asked for large rolls of concertina wire with claymores aimed south" then that would be a serious story.
I can readily believe that Trump makes some off the cuff remarks that are not consistent with the Categorical Imperative or the Golden Rule. What sets him apart from other world leaders, however, are not his offhand remarks but the speed and facility with which those offhand remarks are disclosed and reported on......FDR, LBJ and JFK said and did some outrageous things, but their aides and the press were united in their commitment to upholding the reputation of the Presidency.....
Schiff said some stupid shit and said it in his role as Committe Chairman. He says it was parody, and the press says right, it was parody.....I bet that over the years Hillary and Bill, Michelle and Barack have made some entertaining and salty remarks that no one will hear about for another fifty years. Anyone interested in what Hillary and Huma said to each other when the Weiner affair became public? Just be patient for another fifty years.
There already are snakes in the desert why not add them to the water said the man holding the apple.
Make Alligators Great Again
“There already are snakes in the desert why not add them to the water said the man holding the apple”
Same problem as with alligators and crocodiles - wrong climate. To be a proper deterrent, the snakes would have to be either poisonous, or constrictors. That pretty much means rattlesnakes for almost the entirety of our Mexican border. My experience is that they don’t like water. Not as bad as our cat, but growing up, we had to be careful right after big rain storms, for rattlers that had been washed out of their burrows. For a time, after one of these rains, my mother would refuse to go out in our yard until my father had cleared it of snakes.
Excerpts say...
It's the NYT. I trust NOTHING in/from the NYT. Indeed, I despise, detest, and distrust the NYT. The WaPoo, too.
wondered why my Bullshit meter spontaneously combusted. Civility Bullshit meter is very warm to the touch but still functioning.
I heard from a guy who heard it from someone who overheard it that they were going to shoot the men in the balls and grab the women by their pussies and then throw them in the alligator pit. With snakes.
The WaPoo left out this part:
Austin Powers - Sharks with lasers
Throw us a frickin' bone!
Props to the writers for recognizing there is absolutely nothing you can make up that the American left will not believe.
And taking their money while doing it.
The concept was blocked when Trump was told alligators could not be trained to let people with bowl hair cuts pass through unscathed.
According to unnamed sources, of course.
bagoh20 said...
I heard he suggested turning Mexico into a plain of molten glass, but really beautiful, spectacular glass
that would become solar power farm and pay for itself.
roesch/voltaire said...
There already are snakes in the desert why not add them to the water said the man holding the apple.
10/2/19, 11:44 AM
Available through Amazon Porthole:
"The Pocket Idiot's Guide to Grammar And Punctuation Paperback – July 5, 2005"
What, no Zyklon-B?
The really sad thing is neverTrumpers, like my neighbor who believes Trump really did hire prostitutes to pee on a bed, will buy this hook, line, and sinker.
The moat idea made me laugh! I work in a large furniture store in a busy suburban mall. We get any number of people that just drift in, many of them teens and pre-teens. Some are just obnoxious and a few are stupid/malicious. I've suggested a moat on numerous occasions and when that is declined, I ask for Tasers.
In jest, of course.
It's a non-lethal choice that may be justified to stop the progress of certain classes of illegal aliens, including: rape-rapists, pedophiles, abortionists, human traffickers, and others of the kind. Otherwise, despite AOC and other social "justice" Democrats interference, there is a wall and facilities to mitigate collateral damage, quarantine undetermined vectors, and assess intent and fitness for entry.
Trump's one simple request was for sharks, with fricken' laser beams attached to their heads.
Is that so hard?
"He mistakenly identified the reporters as being from The Washington Post."
He might have read it in "The Daily 202," a Wapo email bulletin that contains summaries of the day's important news stories. It regularly highlights bizarre anti-Trump nonsense stories from the MSM. That's where I read about the alligators & moat story.
Hell, they could put a mine field around the border and just blow off legs.... quite legal.
A mine field would be cheaper and more effective. Sending them back using a Catapult, would also be cost effective, and quick.
It would have been believable if he said something like, "China has a great wall, America needs the GREATEST Wall" followed by alligators etc.
Gorilla channel take #278,001
> He mistakenly identified the reporters as being from The Washington Post.
Easy error to make, rhe WaPo used to have the sewer all to itself.
Polar bears. Their ice inhabiting days are numbered becuase of my wood-burning fireplace, and we need muscle at the border. White fur would be great in the desert. Put it under some refugee job retraining budget we already waste on teaching bears to code.
ah Julie davis 'trapper keeper' aficionado for Obama, Michael shear, known fusion gps recipient,
Halt or I'll shoot! When did it become illegal to defend our border? What's the point of spending $700 Billion on weapons to defend the country if we aren't allowed to actually use any of them to stop people from invading our territory?
The Washington Post thing was not an error, it was a diss. Burn.
Blogger Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
Make Alligators Great Again
That wins the thread. Ann, you can shut down the blog for a few hours, nothing better is going to be said.
Just slam 6,000 volts through the wall periodically.
All previous rumors reported by respectable print and tv news outlets as news proven false have changed my sense of presumption regarding reported Trump misdeeds. Before this onslaught of error, advertant and inadvertent, my sense of presumption was to take the reports seriously, incline to believe them but keep an open mind. Now my sense of presumption is the opposite: I don’t take these kinds of reports seriously, incline to disbelieve them but keep an open mind.
so Robert linik, the state ig, was appointed by Obama in 2011, another gatekeeper,
Vance: "Now, if the story was "Trump asked for large rolls of concertina wire with claymores aimed south" then that would be a serious story."
Actually, I'd call that a serious suggestion. It is true that other civilized countries manage to do without that (some that even have immigration under control, unlike us), but they don't have a thousand-mile border with a third-world narcostate.
Regarding the recent brain dropping from the NYT:
If it's illegal to shoot illegal aliens who refuse orders to halt crossing the border, it shouldn't be. (Shoot a few of the men first, and the women and children will stop showing up.)
Is this a sovereign nation, or a lifetime care center for the world's indigent? If they can't fix their own countries, why should we let them bring their pathologies here? There are about four billion people in the world with per-capita incomes lower than the average in Mexico. Where are we supposed to resettle them? Madison? New York City? The sidewalks in San Francisco are already taken.
Two things the open-borders crowd refuses to acknowledge are (1) not all immigrants are eager to assimilate and prepared to be productive citizens, and (2) at some critical point of societal malfunction--which we are getting close to in some places even now--the exceptional American miracle breaks down, and along with it our unparalleled liberty and opportunity.
Unexpectedly. But perhaps not unintentionally.
Enlighten-NewJersey: Shorter version of what I said. Shorter is better, well done.
Trump is further alleged to have said that this was the natural evolution of the wet/dry foot immigration policy: Dry foot/shot foot.
AllenS: "Sending them back using a Catapult, would also be cost effective, and quick."
And, lots of fun to watch.
The coyotes on the Mexican side can set up booths to sell them parachutes at the last minute. Everybody wins!
Can I suggest a theory that actually makes sense of the leaking of this nonsense story to the press?
I'm thinking that this story was a unique "poison pill" that, along with a few other individualized poison pills, was passed to internal staffers or "trusted" reporters by the Trump admin in order to suss out leakers.
In order for poison pills to work, the story must be so juicy that the leaker cannot resist passing it on & there must be some degree of "pain" for the pill planters in order to seem credible to the leaker.
It wouldn't be surprised if quite a few of the 'Trump Goes Around The Bend On..." stories were poison pills. I'd love to know how the release of these stories correlates with personnel changes among WH staff.
Here's one of the more famous Poison Pill stories from recent history.
Suggestion for Trump: a ditch 200 feet wide and 200 feet deep the length of the border. Then take the dirt from the excavation and build a berm the length of the border behind the ditch 200 feet high. Low maintenance, no sharks or gators needed.
And again, as with the "shithole countries" episode...
I see Some Trump supporters -- here and elsewhere -- claiming that the report is obviously and naturally wrong. That Trump could never have uttered something so ridiculous. That the reporters were complete idiots to ever believed and to have reported such incredible nonsense.
While other Trump supporters -- here and elsewhere -- claim that, That's our Trump! We love it! How about minefields? And what exactly is wrong with shooting illegals? That part of what makes Trump great is his unbridled un-p.c. trashtalking.
It's a remarkable thing to me. Trump's image being so malleable depending on what his supporters want to believe. And that what Trump is reported to have said is either so terrible that it must be a media lie, or else that it is so cool that a leader is finally saying what everybody privately wants to hear.
Look at this page. Most of the Trump-supporting comments fall into one of those two irreconcilable camps.
Trump knew better than anybody; he could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes among his core group of supporters.
He mistakenly identified the reporters as being from The Washington Post.
There’s a content difference between the Post and the Times? Who knew?
LLR Chuck's desperation is easy to understand when you consider the hilarious collapse of his dem allies collusion/obstruction lies.
It comes as no surprise that an admitted dem-o-phile racist liar like Chuck would so quickly advance the latest hoax accusations against Trump since that is precisely what he has done every day for the last 3 years.
an ironic twist:
The last election had no effect on my opinions regarding the border, race relations, nationalism, the coastal elites, or any of the other topics that the Left would prefer not to be subject to debate in what we used to call the "marketplace of ideas". Of course, the Left doesn't like marketplaces of any kind, so no big surprises, there.
Trump is a symptom, an outcome, not a cause.
Chuck's comment @4:53 could easily be mirrored by substituting "Hillary" for "Trump" and any of the usual Leftist tropes about oppressed groups, white privilege, open borders, Medicare for all, etc., for securing the border.
Did that parallel escape you, Chuck? You seem able to be reasonably perceptive when you care to.
Regarding this particular NYT "article", given the press's track record over the last 12 years or so for getting things wrong, not checking the assertions that they print, making things up, leaving things out, and ignoring inconvenient facts, is is really that hard to understand that only the Leftist true believers take it at face value?
Allen S OH YEAH! Remember the Human Canonball at the circus? Gotta be twenty of those canons just sittin around gatherin dust! Mexico can put up their nets if they really want em back home. Boom Boom Boom Boom as John Lee would say!
One castle in Eastern Europe still has a bear moat. With a bear in it. It has been in continuous use for about 300 years.
Has anyone here mentioned the fact that NYC is going slap a $250K fine on anyone who calls someone an illegal? Link
If studies were to show that immigrants from Latin America vote Republican, the Congress would change the laws so that it would not be illegal to shot border-crossers.
Trump knew better than anybody; he could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes among his core group of supporters.
Maybe you'd like to test it out, Chuck.
All Trump need do to shut the southern border is to send a troop of diversity facilitators there, and to insist that all migrants endure diversity training sessions before being allowed to proceed. That'll stop 'em.
Chuck, he could shoot you and no one would care.
Trump knew better than anybody; he could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes among his core group of supporters.
Depending upon who he shot, Chuck, there's a chance he could increase his support.
Kellyanne Conway gave a press conference on the White House lawn recently I'm not sure when but she told them that she would have more respect for them if they just admitted that they were activists that hated Trump and wanted him out of office and she also said we laugh about what you write, I just want you to know that. There was a lot more than that. It was a deeply satisfying 20 minutes
I’m more of a Vlad the Impaler fan.
As I recall, Andrew Jackson made good use of alligators in his defense of New Orleans back in '12.
A reminder: Chuck voted for Trump.
I did not vote for Trump.
"Trump knew better than anybody; he could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes among his core group of supporters."
Was this reported by that Gorrilla Channel that’s on at all the airports?
Trump needs to be careful, with his mouth but more importantly just be careful. He’s not recalling hanging with a shoot them in the legs crowd. He’s got a lot of enemies among the two to the body, one to the chest crowd.
Would it be illegal to shoot them in the groin? Asking for a friend.
Trump has failed to shoot anyone on Fifth Avenue so far, despite his campaign promise.
Maybe I’m just exhausted but does anyone really believe this shit? Seriously!
If we shot at their nuts, just think of the wide-spread panic. Nobody would dare attempt to cross.
Chuck @4:53 again:
The are "shithole countries", by the way, and they are that way for a reason, and the reason is that the vast majority of people in them are incapable of living in, much less contributing to, a prosperous modern society. There's no question about it. You wouldn't move to any of them, and neither would anyone else in their right mind. Everyone knows it. Two hundred years of European colonialism and all the ruling class there learned was how to set up a Swiss bank account. Trump, who owes nothing to the political class and their suck-ups, is willing to be the turd in the punch bowl and state publicly what we all already know. This is bad? When did it become a crime to state the truth? Why are so many people afraid of it?
Seeing Red @6:04PM Have you seen the Romanian movie Vlad Tepes (1979)? Absolutely awesome movie about the real Dracula. Huge battle scenes, horses galore, beautiful countryside, fantastic cinematography, brilliant dialogue. A GREAT film. Analogous to the Russian/communist occupation of Romania, and the treasonous activities of collaborators and enemies within. Resonates with American society and the infiltration of leftist ideology undermining our rights and liberty, and the battle Donald Trump is saying against the democrat party, republican establishment, and deep state traitors.
Vlad Tepes. Lots of versions on YouTube. One of the best movies I have ever seen.
Rosa Marie Yoder: "Maybe I’m just exhausted but does anyone really believe this shit? Seriously!"
Like all True Leftists, LLR Chuck swallows every transparent and moronic lie vomited up by left and invariably becomes the biggest lefty lie narrative booster at Althouseblog.
When did it become a crime to state the truth?
That's speaking facts to truth, which is taboo in a monotonically divergent society. In a politically congruent age, they speak truth to facts, and other sociopolitical constructs.
Be still my heart, Chuck is back to lecture us on daring to support the President of the United States.
Chuck is obviously a Democrat Clinton supporter. Who else could be perfectly content to let the Democrats weaponize law enforcement, the intelligence apparatus, the FEC, and the incredibly intrusive powers of tax collection to destroy Republicans. This started before Trump was even the nominee, BtW.
" she told them that she would have more respect for them if they just admitted that they were activists that hated Trump and wanted him out of office and she also said we laugh about what you write, I just want you to know that”
Conway is making humiliation videos for the cucks? You chould have at least give Chuck a link out of human kindness!
For the record, I'm in the "dig a moat" camp. Mainly because it was my favorite solution for containing crime in Detroit a while back. Keep hope alive! Someday I'll get my moat!
(Why is Chuck back?)
a belated, moderated thanks!
Mebbe Trump should journey to the land of the Wizzard of Id and import some surplus Moat Monsters.. :)
Maybe I’m just exhausted but does anyone really believe this shit? Seriously!
Chuck, like any life-long Republican, takes anything Trump tweets, says, or is alleged to have said, literally and seriously. So yes, there are people who - seriously - "believe this shit".
However, almost half of the country - the sane half - takes most of Trump's parody and master-level trolling of life-long Republicans and crypto-fascist Progressives seriously but not literally.
Ain't it great?
From when the press was poodle:
Rosa: "(Why is Chuck back?)"
Because Reid Hoffman and George Soros demand their people deliver results.
Or his companies could start hiring Americans. No reptiles needed. Just a suggestion.
Aren't there endangered species of deadly poisonous snakes that need to be reintroduced along the border as to balance the natural environment. Snail darters with fangs.
Thou hypocrites!, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the moat** out of thy brother's eye.
**no spelchek in king jimmie's day
You can make mines that disarm in the absence of a periodic radio ”stay on” signal. They are no longer a humanitarian scourge.
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