Let's read:
Last week, at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, the winner of the best paper award in the Political Psychology division was “A ‘Need for Chaos’ and the Sharing of Hostile Political Rumors in Advanced Democracies.”... [Michael Bang Petersen, Mathias Osmundsen, and Kevin Arceneaux argue] that a segment of the American electorate that was once peripheral is drawn to “chaos incitement” and that this segment has gained decisive influence through the rise of social media.I don't know about "decisive," but otherwise this seems like a good observation. But I'm going to resist Edsall's idea of making the problem specific to Trump voters.
The circulation of [conspiracy theories, fake news, discussions of political scandals and negative campaigns] has been “linked to large-scale political outcomes within recent years such as the 2016 U.S. presidential election.”But that doesn't mean that only the winner's voters were susceptible to that sort of material! Also, I wouldn't limit the problem of "chaos incitement" to social media. Mainstream media does it too.
The authors describe “chaos incitement” as a “strategy of last resort by marginalized status-seekers,” willing to adopt disruptive tactics. Trump, in turn, has consistently sought to strengthen the perception that America is in chaos....That sounds like an appeal to people who don't like chaos! Does Edsall even notice this blatant contradiction?
[Petersen, Osmundsen and Arceneaux] conducted six surveys, four in the United States, in which they interviewed 5157 participants, and two in Denmark, with 1336.... 24 percent agreed that society should be burned to the ground; 40 percent concurred with the thought that “When it comes to our political and social institutions, I cannot help thinking ‘just let them all burn’ ”; and 40 percent also agreed that “we cannot fix the problems in our social institutions, we need to tear them down and start over.”...That does indeed sound like a scary level of enthusiasm for destruction in modern-day human nature, but I don't see how you pin that specifically on Trump voters. Edsall just says:
In an email, Petersen wrote that preliminary examination of the data shows “that the ‘need for chaos’ correlates positively with sympathy for Trump but also — although less strongly — with sympathy for Sanders. It correlates negatively with sympathy for Hillary Clinton.”"Correlates" — but how strongly? And isn't that just saying some people want more change and some people want more stability? Is the willingness to risk change really a need for chaos? I know I'm risk averse and I tend to want a centrist, middle-of-the-roader — a pragmatist who doesn't get any big ideas. But I don't think the people who are comfortable with more risk and want radical change have some crazy urge for the state of chaos. To vote for Trump was to take a big risk, but if there was a need motivating them, wasn't it to get back to what looked like a solid old idea of America?
I'm skipping over a bunch of stuff, but let me give you Edsall's last few sentences, which, perversely, appeal to the readers "need for chaos":
How worried should we be about a fundamental threat to democracy from the apparently large numbers of Americans who embrace chaos as a way of expressing their discontent? Might Trump and his loyal supporters seek to bring down the system if he is defeated in 2020? What about later, if the damage he has inflicted on our customs and norms festers, eroding the invisible structures that underpin everything that actually makes America great? A political leader who thrives on chaos, relishes disorder and governs on the principle of narcissistic self-interest is virtually certain to find defeat intolerable. If voters deny Trump a second term, how many of his most ardent supporters, especially those with a “need for chaos,” will find defeat unbearable?It's quite rich to ask if Trump supporters will try to "to bring down the system if he is defeated in 2020." If that's what chaos-needers do then I'd say a lot of Hillary supporters had a need for chaos. They certainly put an intense effort into canceling the results of the 2016 election.
१९८ टिप्पण्या:
Heavy dose of TDS in those people. Maybe the Denmark interviewees were angry at all the Muslims disrupting their lives.
What snobs.
It’s like they think they’re entitled or something.
It’s not chaos. You’re causing the chaos in your life. Or is your life so boring? Small? Narrow? That you can’t handle an election every 2-4 years?
Statist. moribund.
Instead of chaos, how about creative destruction?
The Left doesn't like this so-called chaos because it is tearing down the liberal order it has built since 1968 and has got exceedingly more radical. When did it become a good idea to import a bunch of illegal aliens and prefer them to existing American citizens? I could go on.
Is "make America great again" synonymous with "make America chaotic again"?
I thought it was Obama who wanted radical change.
You weren’t the ones some of us have been waiting for.
The authors describe “chaos incitement” as a “strategy of last resort by marginalized status-seekers,”
Encroachers! How dare you try and diminish our status!
We are legends in our own minds!
and also because I think it suggests that Trump voters are not fascists.
So you've been entertaining the idea all along that they were?
Chaos is when you don't have sensitivity training seminars.
It's quite rich to ask if Trump supporters will try to "to bring down the system if he is defeated in 2020." If that's what chaos-needers do then I'd say a lot of Hillary supporters had a need for chaos.
No, they needed to restore ORDER to the system they had so thoroughly controlled.
It's ORDER they want! ORDER! ORDER! ORDER!
Can't you see? Those Antifa thugs attacking people peacefully parading through the city streets are to restore the proper order of things.
They will determine who can march and who cannot. Not the Republican "fascists" who seem to think it's anybody's right to do so.
KAOS? Get Smart!
Is chaos the opposite of collusion?
Edsall, actually, is one of the better liberals of the NYT. He is not a delusional leftwing fuckhead. He identifies with the common man, the blue collar worker, and genuinely wants to improve their economic lot in life, as best as can be done by merely writing stuff for the august New York Times.
If Edsall had a little bit more intellectual heft, he'd see that Trump voters are more in tune with his vision, than not.
They don't want globalism. They don't want international wars. They don't want Green New Deals. They don't want in-your-face gay activists.
They essentially want blue collar jobs to feed their families. They also like beer, football and hunting, but that's cultural.
Edsall needs to get out more and talk directly to Trump voters. Typing away on the upper west side of Manhattan doesn't quite give you the full picture.
The 2016 election results were not valid, because Vladimir Putin bought a lot of Facebook ads, which helped Donald Trump win that election.
Trump was a secret agent of Putin. In a Moscow hotel room in 2013, Russian Intelligence videotaped Trump watching some Russian prostitutes urinate on a bed. Trump had paid the prostitutes to do so, because President Obama and his wife had slept on that same bed.
The videotape was shown to Trump, and so he was compelled to become a secret agent of Putin. They made a deal that Putin would help Trump become the US President, after which a President Trump would do Putin's bidding.
To communicate with each other, Putin and Trump set up a secret communications channel between computer servers of a Russian bank and of Trump Tower. In order to arrange this channel, Trump sent his personal lawyer Michael Cohen to meet with Russian agents in Prague.
After Trump joined the election race, he hired Carter Page as a foreign-policy advisor. Page was a witting secret agent of Russian Intelligence. Page previously had lived in Russia, and during the election campaign, he traveled to Russia to meet secretly with Russian oligarchs who were close supporters of Putin. In return for his assistance, Page was promised a 40% ownership of the Russian petroleum industry.
Trump hired also George Papadopoulos as a foreign-policy advisor. Papadopoulos met with Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese "professor" who was a secret agent of Russian Intelligence. Mifsud informed Papadopoulos that Russian Intelligence had thousands of Hillary Clinton's e-mails and would release those e-mails shortly before the election in order to help Trump win. Mifsud intended that Papadopoulos would inform Trump's campaign staff about this top secret of the Kremlin.
Fortunately, this elaborate plot was discovered by a British dude, Christopher Steele. During the 1990s, when Boris Yeltsin was the Russian President, 27-year-old Steele had worked as a British Intelligence officer in Russia. Because of Steele's contacts from that period, he was able in 2016 to phone those contacts and collect the Kremlin's top secrets and write them into a Dossier, which detailed the Putin-Trump plot.
Steele gave his Dossier to the US Intelligence Community, which initiated the Crossfire Hurricane investigation to confirm that Trump was a secret agent of Putin.
After Trump was elected, he suspected that FBI Director Comey was doing such an investigation, and so Trump fired Comey in order to obstruct justice.
it's a meme. they gotta recycle those anymore. Back in early 2017 the White House / staff was in chaos. now the voters? whatever. Does a paper lining a bird cage report anything?
The DOW is headed back to the mid 26,000s. GDP growth is about 3%. Unemployment has been virtually eradicated.
We're at peace.
What chaos is this that we're discussing?
The Democrats advocate non-enforcement of our borders and immigration laws. Now, there's some chaos for you.
Chaos and nihilism? Are they referencing their underfunded pension crisis?
One man's chaos is another man's democracy. Anyone even remotely in touch with the world around them knows clearly that the people in these surveys were expressing frustration with institutions that no longer perform their missions, instead focusing on the promotion of the interests of the people who staff and promote them, rather than those of the citizens who maintain them.
"I'm risk averse and I tend to want a centrist, middle-of-the-roader — a pragmatist who doesn't get any big ideas."
You phony 60s boomer:
Christian basher
Same sex marriage advocate
Abortion supporter
Free sex advocate
Just another AA "I love ordinary" meme
It's all about power and 2020
Trump, in turn, has consistently sought to strengthen the perception that America is in chaos....
It is amazing how Trump's ascendancy has made it obvious that Leftist thinkers are intellectually bankrupt and emotionally damaged by their own inadequacies.
The use of projection has now become standard fare. Obviously, the Left has been fanning the perception of Trump-related chaos since the day of his election.
As with a great deal of academic research, it seems like this person may have started with a premise (in this case, Trump voters are different from other voters because they want chaos) and attempted to make the data fit that premise.
But there's certainly some validity to the notion that many voters on both sides desire the upsetting of the existing power structures. I don't know if I'd classify that as exactly the same thing as wanting "chaos".
And it's difficult to dismiss some conspiracy theories since it often turns out that many of them sort of end up being true. Look at the Russia collusion narrative. At this point it's become fairly obvious that a group of people at the highest levels of US intelligence did actually conspire to undermine a candidate and, failing that, remove a sitting president.
By the way, that "conspiracy theory" about the DNC in alliance with the FBI and DOJ attempting to rig the 2016 election, and having failed that, fabricating the Russia collusion hoax to cripple Trump's presidency, is true. That conspiracy did occur and continues.
I think it suggests that Trump voters are not fascists. I'm assuming fascism is grounded in an excessive need for order.
Your belief in their desire to be consistent, your assumption that they care whether what they say could theoretically make sense is cute.
Trust the NYT and academia to turn the fact that a lot of people are pissed off into a formal behavioral theory.
"Chaos Incitement" sounds like a crime political dissidents would be charged with in a communist country.
Trump never wanted to be Captain Chaos, he always wanted to be...Captain USA! DUN DUN... DUUUNNN!!!
Wow! Orwellian and Alinsky combined. Give that man an A in creative fiction treating truth telling as chaos to the Propaganda Narrative done by pros.
Speaking of Chaos, I have a question for buwaya
Does anyone in the PI still remember Ramon Magsaysay?
Seems like things would have been different without the plane crash
{and, YES; i Only know about him because they named a Troop Transport after him}
Walter Sobchak is today's Democrat.
"Nihilists! F*** me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos."
Nihilism is the new racism.
Continuing my comment at 8:36 AM
As part of their plot, Trump needed to help Putin target the purchase of Facebook ads. Trump ordered his campaign manager Paul Manafort to provide data from the Republican Party's internal polls. Manafort gave this data to a Russian, named Klimnik, who had translated for Manafort when Manfort had worked in Ukraine.
Klimnik provided the data to Russian Intelligence, which ordered Internet Research Agency in Moscow to purchase Facebook ads targeting Americans mostly in the US election's battlefield states.
These Facebook ads caused disagreements among Americans, especially in those battlefield sates, and caused them to lose faith in American Democracy. For example, Facebook ads portrayed Jesus arm-wrestling with Satan. The ad informed the Facebook readers that if Satan got the most "likes", then Hillary Clinton would win the election.
Because such Facebook ads targeted the battlefield states, the ads helped Trump get the few extra votes he needed to win those states -- and thus to win the entire Presidential election.
More generally, the ads caused Americans to lose faith in their democracy. This loss of faith makes Trump happy, because he wants political chaos in the USA. Trump is not doing anything to prevent Putin's meddling in future elections. Trump even says publicly that he trusts Putin.
Trump pretends that Russian meddling in our elections and our Democracy should not be a top concern.
Trump wants political chaos in the USA, and so do many of his supporters. This conclusion has been proved by the USA's political scientists.
How do you get a majority of 327 million people, spread across 3.8m sq miles to agree on anything? Inciting chaos seems to me not an effective means of doing so. Rallying around a vision of a positive future (perhaps based on a perceived positive past) is better as a leadership tactic.
A working link to “A ‘Need for Chaos’ and the Sharing of Hostile Political Rumors in Advanced Democracies.”
I don't know about "decisive," but otherwise this seems like a good observation.
This is the sort of thing supporters of the status quo begin to "observe" when the system - which they wish to maintain, and believe that they can maintain with some adroit tweaking of procedural mechanisms fortified with hectoring propaganda - is losing the mandate of heaven.
It's the type of analysis "moderates" cling to when they don't seem to understand what's going on. What's that pop video you were discussing approvingly a while back? - "y'all just need to calm down", something like that. Everything is interpreted in terms of an assumption that they system is perfectly healthy, just being inexplicably attacked by irrational "marginals". E.g.:
"What about later, if the damage he has inflicted on our customs and norms festers, eroding the invisible structures that underpin everything that actually makes America great?"
In other words, "we won't consider for an instant that *we* - our decades of incompetent governance, our own corruption and ideological foolishness - are responsible for those 'invisible structures' having been so weakened."
There's nothing new about this purblind "observation", it's been being observed in op-eds everywhere, with increasing frequency and alarm, for some time now.
"The authors describe 'chaos incitement' as a 'strategy of last resort by marginalized status-seekers,' willing to adopt disruptive tactics. “
Uppity deplorables who don’t know their place are voting for something different? The horror!
Funny that Hillary’s “Stronger Together” slogan comes right out of the very root symbolism of fascism, “You can nae break sticks when they’re in a bundle!” - Fascist Scotty in the Star Trek movie that was really a Hillary Commercial that ran summer of 2016.
Mr. Wibble at 9:40 AM
... The funny thing is that if the political establishment has simply been more flexible, they could have weathered this whole event without much worry. Build a few walls, nibble around the edges of a few trade deals, etc., etc., etc. and then get someone else elected in 2020. Instead, they're the ones who decided to blow up every institution and political custom that holds together this country. They did so because they are gigantic children used to getting their way, and because they are in fact very stupid people.
A brilliant comment.
How do you get a majority of 327 million people, spread across 3.8m sq miles to agree on anything?
How about decentralized power and the ability to run your own life?
Nah, much better to put yourself at the top of the virtue chain and start blacklisting those who won't go along.
"...[T]he winner of the best paper award in the Political Psychology division was “A ‘Need for Chaos’ and the Sharing of Hostile Political Rumors in Advanced Democracies: A Case Study in Psychological Projection.”
Althouse is not a free sex advocate! I do not think she is a Christian brasher either. But one thing she ain’t is an advocate for consequence free sex!
The nerve of the status marginalized!
New York Times speaks power to truth.
I think the current lefty democrats have a streak of anarchy a mile wide with Antifa, Black Lives Matter, OccupyWhatever, the Green New Deal, and open borders. Empowering those people would be dangerously chaotic.
I don't know about "decisive," but otherwise this seems like a good observation.
The need for "decisive" answers comes from an overwhelming need for control.
Beginning with the narrative.
I think he and others conflate "Fuck those guys" with "need for chaos".
In Vancouver Canada, a lovely multi racial, liberal city, trans activists have managed to get the government to defund *a rape crisis shelter*. The shelter has been vandalized, with dead rats and threats against TERFS.
Vandalizing rape shelters seems about as extreme an embrace of “tear it all down” as can be. And these people are not remotely Trumpkins.
Chaos in this case is the perceived loss of control by an entitled elite. Any disruption of their power would be construed by them as. "chaos.”
We deplorables can not only read Alinsky, we can read Faucoult.
I think my “Fuck ‘em all, I’m for Trump/Sanders” T-Shirt I wrote about here in 2016 sort of pre-dates this “paper.” But we are all “gorillas in the mist” to them.
You'll get no argument from me Kevin.
Next thing you know these chaos seekers will. take the country on a two year freakout of peeing Russian hookers.
Another word for “chaos” is individual liberty.
Thanks for the link to the actual paper Edsall is analyzing.
Hooboy, what a buncha gobbledygook!
First, the paper is from August 2018, not August 2019, so Edsall is mailing in an old paper, pretending it's new or current.
Second, the two lead authors are from the "Department of Political Science & Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, at Aarhus University .
Forgive me for being rude, but who the fuck ever heard of Aarhus University?
Here's a few excerpts from this important scholarly article:
Studies in both political science and psychology provide evidence that citizens’ political identities in advanced democracies emerge from generic group psychological processes (Campbell et al., 1960; Green et al., 2004).
Thank you, Professor Obvious!
Hence they are directly undergirded by the same psychological mechanisms that process ethnic and racial identities (Pietraszewski et al., 2015).
In other words, birds of a feather flock together?
Furthermore, the hostile political rumors that are disseminated in the context of advanced democratic politics share a remarkable similarity to rumors disseminated to mobilize against other groups in the context of, for example, ethnic riots: both emphasize the target group’s (a) power, (b) low valuation of the in group and (c) readiness to aggress (compare Horowitz [2001] and Uscinski & Parent [2014])
Oh, for God's sake, I will shoot myself if I have to read any more of this pointless twaddle. Please go back to Aarhus University faculty lounge and go fuck off.
Francisco: "It is amazing how Trump's ascendancy has made it obvious that Leftist thinkers are intellectually bankrupt and emotionally damaged by their own inadequacies."
Leftist AND LLR-leftist thinkers.
The term "nihilism" doesn't occur in the paper discussed.
"The circulation of hostile political rumors (including but not limited to false news and conspiracy theories) has gained prominence in public debates across advanced democracies. Here, we provide the first comprehensive assessment of the psychological syndrome that elicits motivations to share hostile political rumors among citizens of democratic societies. Against the notion that sharing occurs to help one mainstream political actor in the increasingly polarized electoral competition against other mainstream actors, we demonstrate that sharing motivations are associated with ‘chaotic’ motivations to “burn down” the entire established democratic ‘cosmos’.
We show that this extreme discontent is associated with motivations to share hostile political rumors, not because such rumors are viewed to be true but because they are believed to mobilize the audience against disliked elites. We introduce an individual difference measure, the “Need for Chaos”, to measure these motivations and illuminate their social causes, linked to frustrated status-seeking. Finally, we show that chaotic motivations are surprisingly widespread within advanced democracies, having some hold in up to 40 percent of the American national population."
Except for the mention of tearing down the [corrupt] political establishment, I woulda thunk they were referring to the MSM, "a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier" with its obvious desire to "burn down" a functioning country and replace its economic system with one which is a proven disaster.
“New York Times clutches pearls” An evergreen headline. Remember back when they said “You’ve got to break some eggs to make an omelette” about Stalin? Oh, that’s when they were seeking control, not in it! Like “Question Authority."
Does widespread support for AntiFa among Democrat and Media, but I repeat myself, count as chaos seeking? “Deplorable punching” is an actual thing that “Hippie Punching” never was.
Edsall needs to get out more and talk directly to Trump voters. Typing away on the upper west side of Manhattan doesn't quite give you the full picture.
I agree with Bay Area Guy. Edsall sits around New York City trying to figure out Trump voters, because it’s too much like work to head west of Newark and actually meet Trump voters so he could ask them.
You'll get no argument from me Kevin.
I know. Apologies if you thought I was responding to you personally rather than the issue you raised.
I think the Progressives are already tackling the problem of 7 billion people.
It's why Google has no problem working with the Chinese on their next-generation social platforms.
I think the current lefty democrats have a streak of anarchy a mile wide with Antifa, Black Lives Matter, OccupyWhatever, the Green New Deal, and open borders. Empowering those people would be dangerously chaotic.
Boy, is that a good observation ! Projection seems to be a leftist characteristic more than ever.
Where is Farmer when you need him? I would say that more than most here Farmer is a “tear down the institutions” guy. But he is far from an advocate of chaos.
the winner of the best paper award in the Political Bukake division
YES; i Only know about him because they named a Troop Transport after him}
Quite a bit about him in Boot's biography of Lansdale.
If Edsall had a little bit more intellectual heft, he'd see that Trump voters are more in tune with his vision, than not.
The death of expertise. Edsall exemplifies the very reason Trump voters have lost faith in the Establishment Class. He might as well say "let them eat cake".
Something unexpected with Trump's Great Unmasking - how many "experts" now and how many more years will it take for them to truly understand us? Are they really this stupid? These people who have need to constantly remind us how enlightened and sophisticated they are? Maybe...work with me here... they are anything but enlightened and sophisticated, maybe that is why they must constantly resort to asserting it instead of demonstrating it? Because after 3 years, I have yet to hear one of Teh Enlightened accurately explain why we voted for Trump. Although this guy's funny skit came close...
And... Chaos lovers? I once had a Hillary fan launch the same accusation at me, calling me a sore loser because I wanted to "burn down the kitchen" because I thought the system was rigged an corrupt. Others quickly retorted on my behalf: "you don't burn down *the* kitchen, you burn down *a* kitchen".
The alternative to Edsall's corrupted Establishment is not Chaos, it's Reform.
It's fun watching "The Science is Settled" crowd argue those who disagree with them are authoritarian fascists.
It's disappointing how many people observe that debate and fail to immediately note the contradiction.
But consider the audience, this is the NYTs. The article is intended to prop up the self-esteem of people like Inga and Chuck.
“The death of expertise.”
I call it ‘cargo cult credentialism.’ They have hollowed out our civilization while taking on its titles and superficial forms. It’s like when they put the Pope’s hat on a commie and imagined that they had won the heart and soul of the Catholic Church. “He’s wearing the hat! You must listen to him! He is infallible!”
I am sure that the Catholic Church never looked on Martin Luther’s little note nailed to the church door as “chaotic.” That revolution was led by the printing press, this by the internet, and as Hillary famously said “The problem with the internet is that there are no gatekeepers!"
I agree with Bay Area Guy. Edsall sits around New York City trying to figure out Trump voters, because it’s too much like work to head west of Newark and actually meet Trump voters so he could ask them.
Yup. If I wrote for the NYTs and Althouse fisked my article, I would already be here lurking in the comments.
Instead, Edsall is ensconced in his echo chamber patting himself on the back. Else, show you face Edsall... Esdall?
Fine by me. I prefer my enemies remain arrogant in their ignorance.
"how many "experts" now and how many more years will it take for them to truly understand us? Are they really this stupid? “
To paraphrase somebody, “It’s a very difficult thing to make a man understand something when his status and self esteem depend on him not understanding it."
It's not that Edsall is completely wrong about some Trump voters being in love with chaos. That's one of 4chan's biggest and best tools. Where we part company is the notion that chaos is the province of Russian agents and people trying to bring about the apocalypse. First and foremost, chaos is a tool: against ossified liberals, or those who never developed mental resilience, chaos has a remarkable ability to induce mental disorders that leave liberals sobbing. They try to match the chaos, as with the Mueller inquiry, but usually find themselves with filled pants and a bundle of regrets.
But don't be fooled. The reason Thomas Edsall writes about Trump voters being CHAOS-SEEKERS WHO ENDANGER DEMOCRACY is the same reason that the Joel Steins and Josh Tyrangiels write about evanglicals supporting Israel because it's Rapture time and they seek the end of the world. It's the Big Lie, which is extremely common with a certain type of reporter, and is their go-to move. The problem is, of course, that it's incredibly obvious and does more damage overall to the reputation of the reporter than the reputation of their target. See Bret Stephens, "Why a Professor Being Mean And Showing How I am Stupid Hurts My Fee-Feels."
Projection. Obviously. Whenever the left accuses the right of anything, it is time to investigate the left for just that thing. Think Russian collusion
"When did it become a good idea to import a bunch of illegal aliens and prefer them to existing American citizens?"
Who is importing illegal aliens? (Aside, perhaps, from sex traffickers.) Rather, they're fleeing greater misery at home for the lesser misery they'll find working in the U.S.A.
There's a labor market for illegal aliens because employers can (and prefer to) pay them less pay than Americans will accept for the work they're asked to do. This is driven by capitalism. The problem could be better solved through civil or criminal sanctions imposed on employers who hire illegal aliens over available American labor.
When a once great building is rotting from the rafters, the foundations have been undermined by determined trolls, and the beams are rife with happy termites, you push it over with a gentle shove, strike a match, and start again.
"We're at peace."
Hahaha! As if.
Nice how he distinguishes "we" from "Americans who embrace chaos" Those Trump supporters are definity not out type Madge.
"The problem could be better solved through civil or criminal sanctions imposed on employers who hire illegal aliens over available American labor.”
Right, and both major parties have opposed that for their own reasons, Republicans for the cheap, pliant labor, and Democrats for the easy pliant votes. Hence, burn it down. It’s locked into a paradigm that rejects the needs of the citizens. Trump is the guy trying to do what is possible to solve the problem given the array of entrenched interests from both parties he faces.
Dear Establishment Edsell,
Explain why Republicans like me abandoned the civil polite tones of Mitt Romney and John McCain for a knife-fighter like Donald Trump? Do you think that happened in a vacuum? We all just woke up one day and simultaneously decided to burn everything to the ground?
Right, and both major parties have opposed that for their own reasons, Republicans for the cheap, pliant labor, and Democrats for the easy pliant votes. Hence, burn it down. It’s locked into a paradigm that rejects the needs of the citizens. Trump is the guy trying to do what is possible to solve the problem given the array of entrenched interests from both parties he faces.
Ssshhh! "Never interfere when your enemy is..." You know the rest :)
The Green New Deal may be a lot of things - all of them bad - but one thing it isn't is chaos or chaotic. It's straight Stalinist from-the-top-down imposition of government control over our economic and political lives. No chaos involved.
What could be a bigger threat to democracy than defining part of the electorate as “marginalized status seekers” (I thought that’s why we let everybody vote!) and undermining the legitimacy of their vote?
One would have thought that Cook would be on the side of “marginalized status seekers.”
They essentially want blue collar jobs to feed their families. They also like beer, football and hunting, but that's cultural.
Beer, football, hunting AND bowling.
"Does widespread support for AntiFa among Democrat and Media, but I repeat myself, count as chaos seeking?"
Is there "widespread support for Antifa among Democrat (sic) and Media?" Where?
It's chaos like the total destruction of hurricane Dorian wiping out the east coast all week long, with reporters standing in toe-deep puddles under sunny skies telling us the horrors of global warming
"Might Trump and his loyal supporters seek to bring down the system if he is defeated in 2020?"
"All the News That's Fit to Predict"
Cook: Who is importing illegal aliens?
Your people are. There were even Lefty NGOs caught red-handed importing muslim "refugees" into Europe. No doubt they are doing the same here.
Because you and yours want to enslave them through welfare dependency to the State. African-Americans have finally wised up to your game and are fleeing the Democrat party, so you seek to import a new class of voters that you can manipulate into being dependent on you for the rest of their lives - people who are poor and in need and already have a high tolerance for 3rd world corruption - so they will vote you into power for all the "freebies" you steal from taxpayers to bribe them with. To slap an iron collar around their necks.
It's disgraceful. You don't care about immigrants, illegal or not. You only care about using them as props, as slaves, to put yourselves into power.
Trump may not be the “light bender” but he is the “light bringer.” He has shone a light on the cockroaches in the kitchen and watch ‘em scurry!
I would pay to see Dave Chappelle read deadpan the Russiagate summary Mike Sylwester wrote at 9:36 am. A concise tour of the rabbit hole. This is what they had to pretend to believe.
Fen, you appear to have ingested an old batch of the brown acid they warned against at Woodstock.
Cook: Is there "widespread support for Antifa among Democrat (sic) and Media?" Where?
Gee, I must have missed all the Lefties here denouncing and distancing themselves from Antifa.
Democrats tolerate Antifa with a wink and a nod. And when any Dems get out of line (like the #WalkAway Movement) you shut them down. If you spent half that energy confronting Antifa, they wouldn't exist. Admit it - Antifa commits violence in your name and you approve of it.
Or do you really expect us to believe the Ctrl-Left can't control their own Brownshirts?
Please. Take your sophistry and shove it deep up your Marxist ass.
"I think it suggests that Trump voters are not fascists. I'm assuming fascism is grounded in an excessive need for order."
No shit? It suggests that?
It's been crystal-clear for a hundred years who the totalitarians are.
Cook: you appear to have ingested an old batch of the brown acid they warned against at Woodstock.
That was your Mum.
Cook, if you're not seeing that indifference to and actively refusing to enforce our immigration laws is not tantamount to importing illegals then you are willfully blind.
The irony that is lost on Cookie and is ilk is that they made me. I was once a naive idealist who once would have fought to the death to defend their right to disagree with me.
Now I am their Frankenstein Monster.
Stop poking me with a stick Cookie and ask yourself how that came about?
"The underlying motive of many Socialists, I believe, is simply a hypertrophied sense of order. The present state of affairs offends them not because it causes misery, still less because it makes freedom impossible, but because it is untidy; what they desire, basically, is to reduce the world to something resembling a chessboard." -- George Orwell, The Road to Wigan Pier
"Is there "widespread support for Antifa among Democrat (sic) and Media?" Where?”
This is what comes from you limiting your news sources to outlets like the New York Times who even changes headlines if they upset the prejudices of their readers, as we have recently seen.
PELOSI: Well, what is Antifa? Antifa is an organization that is fighting against Nazism. As an organization that is one thing but people who act violently should um, be, um, conde-, uh, (long pause) rejected. We should reject any violence.
Because after 3 years, I have yet to hear one of Teh Enlightened accurately explain why we voted for Trump.
Didn't you get the memo? It's because we're all racists. Seriously, we're all racists.
Remember for the post-Marxist Left:
"For Hegel, the engine of history was Spirit.
For Marx, the engine of history was class consciousness.
For us post-Marxists, the engine of history is Racism."
Spirit = Class Consciousness = Racism
Or remove the middle term:
Hegelian Spirit = Post-Marxist Racism.
By the way, you know who else thought that the engine of history was racial conflict? the National Socialists.
Hooboy, what a buncha gobbledygook!
The paper was just words about other words.
There's a clear pattern if you look at the dual actions of committing felonies (creating "chaos"), and then registering to vote:
For instance, in New York, about one-third of felons released from prison registered to vote
62 percent registered as Democrats and
9 percent registered as Republicans, with
26 percent registering as independents or with other parties.
In North Carolina, about a quarter of those who were released registered after their release. Of those,
52 percent registered as Democrats,
19 percent as Republicans and
22 percent as independents or with other parties.
And in New Mexico, 41 percent of those who were released registered to vote. Of those,
55 percent registered as Democrats,
10 percent as Republicans and
18 percent as independents or with other parties.
"Since we started our research into Trump voters we have seen shit that'll turn you white! This country is headed for a disaster of biblical proportion. Old testament. Real wrath of God type stuff. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! 40 years of darkness, earthquakes, volcanoes, the dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!"
It's quite rich to ask if Trump supporters will try to "to bring down the system if he is defeated in 2020." If that's what chaos-needers do then I'd say a lot of Hillary supporters had a need for chaos. They certainly put an intense effort into canceling the results of the 2016 election.
Not only that, but if instead the paper had said Trump supporters want "to fundamentally transform America", Edsell would have applauded us.
Pretty rich, the people who want to destroy America, lecturing us about Chaos. Eh Cookie?
So Cook, when are you and your Democrats going to give up on enslaving People of Color?
We would be happy to start another Civil War to stop you, if you make us.
BTW, you have to pick through the bullshit in right leaning media every bit as carefully as you do the media of the left, like the New York Times. I don’t even click on the Wa Pa because it’s just not worth it, anymore.
Fen, when you come down from your bad trip, perhaps you can better explain what your babbling means.
No Cookie, I'm just dragging you for the entertainment. I refuse to cure your ignorance.
So... still no denunciation of Antifa, eh Cookie? LOL.
OK, what does the tag ‘r’ mean? Two posts, I guess that the similarity is blaming people for the faults in their stars. IDK.
I was hoping it would have to do with statistics, Steve MacIntyre, maybe, the guy who made the language “R” famous outside of statistics.
"So... still no denunciation of Antifa, eh Cookie?"
Why should I think I'm expected to denounce them? I've never supported them.
"Does Edsall even notice this blatant contradiction?"
Does Edsall even notice this blatant projection?
They are your fellow Democrats. You support Antifa with your silence.
Even now, when pressed, you can't manage to condemn them.
"They are your fellow Democrats. You support Antifa with your silence."
You're ignorance shows itself again in your assuming I support the Democrats.
Is there "widespread support for Antifa among Democrat (sic) and Media?" Where?
Come on, RC. The mainstream media have ignored every bad thing they've done, Chris Cuomo has called them allies, etc. This was just off the top of my head.
You're WAY smarter than that.
And Fen, in fairness to RC, I can't recall him ever supporting Antifa in any way.
"Even now, when pressed, you can't manage to condemn them."
Hahaha! You seem to be under the mistaken impression I have an obligation to make denouncements to suit your expectations and mistaken assumptions.
You'll have to stay frustrated.
"Chris Cuomo has called them allies, etc."
Has he? Really? If so, he's a dope.
It’s not a question of bringing on chaos, but of recognizing it.
Chaos is already upon you, but rather few understand this.
The orderliness appears to continue, things seem to still move on old grooves.
But this is just inertia.
The pillars of order have cracked.
RC, here is the statement in question.
Christopher Cuomo
And we're in agreement on whether Cuomo is a dope or not.
The NYT editorial writers aren't even good; they are entirely predictable these days. Their ignorance of history is astounding, and their political biases so blatant that they don't even offer the pretense of impartiality any longer. The 1619 Project is an embarrassment.
I usually vote for a third-party candidate, but not in 2020. I'm not a fan of chaos, but I do enjoy watching the imbeciles at the NYT suffer.
Yeah, I get why some NeverTrumpers smugly insist that they don't support the Democrats, that they're above it all, if only that uncouth Trump could be stopped. But you've badly misjudged the situation. In this environment, we merely want to stop the socialists and give helicopter rides to the elites and journalists that are most responsible for the situation.
By contrast, nationalists want you tarred, then flayed, then rolled in salt. The Free Shit Army in turn wants to rob you, rape you, and torture you. Partly for reparations, partly for funsies. You're screwed either way, and your smug beta attitude just fires us up. If anything, as an example, the absolutely horrific murder of Ben Shapiro stands to unite right and left in good-humored brotherhood.
“I know I'm risk averse and I tend to want a centrist, middle-of-the-roader — a pragmatist who doesn't get any big ideas.”
You mean like Anthony Kennedy, Althouse? You believe he didn’t get any big ideas?
"Chris Cuomo has called them allies, etc."
His statement is amazingly bereft of sense.
"Because such Facebook ads targeted the battlefield states, the ads helped Trump get the few extra votes he needed to win those states -- and thus to win the entire Presidential election."
So you are saying the voters in battlefield states are stupid and thus, easily duped?
Chaos is already upon you, but rather few understand this.
Especially the "Remoaners" who have trouble shifting focus as the world turns.
They can't be sure what they want.
For the past week a few thousand members of the obsessively anti-Brexit urban elites have taken to the streets to accuse Boris Johnson of behaving like a dictator by suspending parliament for a few more days than is normal. ‘It’s a coup d’état!’, they hysterically cry. And yet now our supposed dictator, the author of this foul, anti-democratic coup, is offering people a General Election, and how have the ‘Stop the Coup’ saps responded? By saying they don’t want one.
Oh, the pain of having to decide !
Edsall: The Edsel of pundits. (Look it up.)
"in fairness to RC, I can't recall him ever supporting Antifa in any way"
Cook and his ilk will regard you as racist for refusing to denounce the likes of David Duke and Robert Spencer. You do yourself no fairness in holding him to a lower and different standard.
"Make then live up to her own rules"
Blogger Dave Begley said...
Instead of chaos, how about creative destruction?
I believe this is correct. Good observation!
Ho hum. I like fantasy but this story needs some elves.
Hey progs, make up your mind. Do we deplorables suffer from authoritarian personality syndrome which leads us to be enthralled with the strong leader bringing order, or are we disenchanted America-haters who want chaos just because?
Anyway, as Althouse already says, the people trying to bring down the system are the anti-Trump collusion hoaxers, eagerly mobilizing government resources to undo the elections and undermine the president. And of course, we've had antifa chaos from the day of the inauguration.
Here's the essence of what Democrat pols want:
1. Open the southern border to permit anybody to enter the US; allow anyone in the US to vote.
2. Ban guns
3. Abolish all student debt
4. Abolish the Electoral college
5. Government-paid abortions on demand, even after birth.
6. Reparations
7. Higher taxes on income
8. The first wealth tax
9. Purge Christianity from society, culture and fabric.
10. Elevate athiesm
11. Elevate gay rights
12. Government take over health care
13. Cut foreign aid to Israel
In sum, the Dem party is wacked out. Trump exposed their wackiness.
Yeah well...it's not like Fredo is threatening to "trow you down da stairs" or sumpin';.
Cook: Is there "widespread support for Antifa among Democrat (sic) and Media?" Where?
Have a nice fucking day!
My favorite Hunter S. Thompson political quote is from the '72 election, when the Republicans criticized the Dems for their support of "Acid, Amnesty, and abortion." The charge was politically effective and Thompson was supposed to write a piece rebutting it, when he gave up and said, Heck, I am for those things!
Now Tulsi is running on “Putting service above the self.”
I don’t know how you could get any more fascist than that. She seems, by her ad choices, to be trying to appeal to the right, but I don’t think that the right means what she thinks it means. She can keep her fucking fascism.
A Boston police union leader on Tuesday urged Rep. Ayanna Pressley to withdraw her support for activists arrested at an antifa-fueled counter-protest, saying her support for a bail fund serves to “encourage criminal and disruptive behavior.”
In an open letter to the Massachusetts Democrat, Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association president Michael Leary said the “so-called peaceful protesters” injured four officers working security Saturday at the Straight Pride Parade, which drew more than 1,000 counter-demonstrators.
“I urge you to reconsider your support of the protest bail fund,” the letter said. “Instead, I hope you will make it clear to your supporters that you don’t approve of violent behavior against public safety personnel.”. - Boston Herald
That’s just today, BTW.
"Does anyone in the PI still remember Ramon Magsaysay?
Seems like things would have been different without the plane crash"
Yes. He is commonly referenced in speeches and political rhetoric, usually when denouncing corruption. Denouncing corruption is its own rhetorical category over there. You can summarize entire series of speeches as "denounced corruption", and leave it at that.
As for whether anything would have been different - I don't know. Too much in this is inherent in the situation, besides culture and accumulated circumstance.
Trump voters need chaos?
Pssst. We haven't been the ones screaming at the sky for the last three years.
Not to mention how effectively the Epstein hanging shut down that story. With Bill Clinton contradicting the flight logs made by pilots whose license and livelihood depended on their accuracy. No story there!
Like somebody said, with that story, they were just shaking their dick after peeing all over us.
“Putting service above the self.”
Father Damien, or Saint Damien of Molokai
" but I don’t think that the right means what she thinks it means."
Depends on what one means by "right".
In the ancient form, this is one of the aristocratic virtues, indeed, the foundation, or justification of his existence.
Excellent list BA Guy.
14. Add thousands of regulations on the economy and people, aka fighting climate change
"They certainly put an intense effort into canceling the results of the 2016 election."
It started in the 2000 election when the crooked democrats and Gore tried to steal that election.
The main thing to keep in mind when reading or viewing these overheated critiques of Trump and his voters is that the core of left liberalism has become projection--they are projecting onto others those traits they see (or fear) in themselves but do not want to admit--racism and misogyny first and foremost, but really almost everything.
In this case, who is sowing chaos? Not trump, at least not to the same degree as his strongest critics who are screaming "disaster" every chance they get, over even trivial things.
Democrats have been channelling Mussolini since Hillary invoked the glory of Rome (We came, we saw, he died!) in her invasion of North Africa
A little too “on the nose” don’t you think, Hillary? Then to follow it up with “Stronger together.” Yeesh!
Trump is the Democrats’s punishment for nominating Hillary, nothing more.
Skippy, it's not "refuse to condemn."
AOC is fundraising for them,
The face of the Democratic Party, Squad member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, got involved with raising bail money for Antifa terrorists, some of whom were in jail for attacking the police. The Antifa terrorists were arrested in Boston while attempting to disrupt a straight pride parade and committing assault and battery on a police officer.
The Boston Herald interviewed one of the Antifa members:
“We’re covered in black so when we attack these guys we can’t be prosecuted,” said Jon Crowley, an Antifa member who told the Herald that he felt violence was the only way to deal with the people marching in the parade, which went from Copley Square to City Hall Plaza. “They are fascists, 100%. How else are you going to get them to shut up?”
Right !
One way to support the local LGBTQ community impacted by Boston’s white supremacist parade?
Contribute to the Bail Fund for the activists who put themselves on the line protecting the Boston community:https://t.co/z2NRSqHMve
(Any $ left over goes to @MassBailFund+@Boston_GLASS) https://t.co/G9xhIda6sF
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) September 1, 2019
Yup. Her good deed for the day.
A few reasons why I'm a political optimist, not a doom and gloomer:
1. In 2000, Gore lost to Bush by a tiny ~600 votes in Florida. In close elections, the Dems almost always win through shenanigans. Bush had serious flaws, but he was better than Gore. Bullet Dodged, No. 1.
2. In 2016, Trump won 4 swing states by 1% each to win the Electoral College. Nobody (but Mick!) predicted this. Bullet Dodged, No. 2.
3. In 2018, SCOTUS appointee Kavanaugh was savaged with false, toxic, stale rape charges, but squeaked by to win confirmation 50-48. Bullet Dodged, No. 3.
4. The Deep State Russian Hoax FBI/CIA used the powerful NSA to spy on the Trump campaign, and set out to frame or drive him from Office. Yet, Mueller beclowned himself, and no charges or impeachment were made against Trump. Bullet Dodged No. 4.
Yes, at some point, the bullets won't miss, but it's remarkable to me that the sane citizens of this country have been so incredibly fortunate to dodge these 4 bullets.
In 2020, the next missile won't just be a bullet, but a torpedo. All sane citizens who care about the Republic gotta bear down and support Trump. He can't do it alone.
I say this not as any Pol. Just a citizen -- who cares about our Republic.
As a Trump supporter, I define chaos as the govt failing to enforce its own laws. So I see chaos in our illegal immigration situation and in the way Hillary and her cronies have escaped any culpability for their crimes. I can add many more examples if need be.
"Edsall needs to get out more and talk directly to Trump voters. Typing away on the upper west side of Manhattan doesn't quite give you the full picture."
Wouldn't it be easier to just read Salena Zito columns?
Hence, the 2016 election was the Hunger Games election. The folks inside the Capital-Media District have had it coming for awhile.
The Roman tradition required something other than quips.
Knowing how to die ranked high.
Marcus Atilius Regulus
"he defeated the Carthaginians in a naval battle at Cape Ecnomus near Sicily and invaded North Africa, winning victories at Aspis and Adys, until he was defeated and captured at Tunis in 255 BC. After he was released on parole to negotiate a peace, he is supposed to have urged the Roman Senate to refuse the proposals and then, over the protests of his own people, to have fulfilled the terms of his parole rather than break his word by returning to Carthage, where, according to Roman tradition and Livy, he was tortured to death"
"So you are saying the voters in battlefield states are stupid and thus, easily duped?"
Well, I saw Jesus arm-wrestling Hillary Clinton, and hell, you never vote against Jesus!.
Robert Cooks recommends the social order brought about by a mix of media Potemkin villages and socially imposed intellectual prisons.
"Pay no attention to the pillaging being done by the coastal elites and their congressional and administrative allies. Disregard the pillaging being done by the boomers of their progeny. All is well. Remain calm. Keep watching the TV where you are being continuously distracted by tales of oppression of one race against another, and one color against another. Do not stop and consider the true oppression of the poor by the rich-and-getting-richer."
In 2020, the next missile won't just be a bullet, but a torpedo.
The Democrats have fired a number of torpedoes at Trump but, so far, they have all tended to circle.
The Deep State Russian Hoax FBI/CIA used the powerful NSA to spy on the Trump campaign,
This one might sink their ship. Flynn has himself a ferocious advocate in Sidney Powell. I have her book and she dropped a nuke in the court last week.
She fires with both barrels and points to an extremely troublesome revelation, first made here I believe in superlative analysis published by SD. Counsel writes:
“Likewise, the prosecutors did not produce evidence of Weissmann’s and Ahmad’s relationship and work with Bruce Ohr on transmitting the corrupt information to the FBI, and the numerous 302s resulting from the interviews of Bruce Ohr by the second agent.”
This is the motherlode of problems for the prosecutors and the entire Mueller investigation scam. They were all “in on it” from when Bruce Ohr was inserting paid disinformation from the DNC and Hillary Clinton. Involved in this process were later two major Mueller scam investigators. One of them, Ahmad was directly involved in both obtaining information regarding efforts of the Ohrs and then switching onto the prosecutorial team of Mueller.
This is very, very bad and extremely corrupt.
In addition, defense demands unredacted documents inclusive of Peter Strzok – Lisa Page text messages amongst other key documents identified as in existence in the Mueller report.
Judge Sullivan is in a difficult spot because he’s inherited this ugly mess from the conflicted pal of Peter Strzok, Judge Rudy Contreras. Where is the FISA Court in all this? There is so much egregious behavior, it shows a federal prosecutorial process running amok of any rule of law or decency.
Finally, Flynn has someone who can fight his battles.
Knowing how to die ranked high.
Some US POWs were unbreakable.
McCain was not one.
Together, these 11 men were the most unbreakable prisoners at the Hanoi Hilton. So the Vietnamese moved them to a remote outpost, the one the POWs called Alcatraz.
meanwhile, thanks to judge amy Jackson who treated manafort and roger stone as zeks and avox's, greg craig gets off scott free,
Remind me. It was McCain who promised “change we can believe in,” right? I mean, change just for the sake of change, right ?
Or was it the other guy?
jeremiah denton, bud day, james stockdale, Everett Martinez, col nick rowe,
It’s the Antifa Left who are the nihilists.
@Doc K,
Wow, that's a powerful NYPost article about the Vietnam vets. I hope the Navy is still making pilots like those guys.
As for whether anything would have been different - I don't know.
Thanx Buwaya . I'd like to dream that he would have been able to hold things together better, but what do i know? My knowledge of the PI is that you can put peanut butter on egg rolls
Here's the essence of what Democrat pols want:
1. Open the southern border to permit anybody to enter the US; allow anyone in the US to vote.
2. Ban guns
3. Abolish all student debt
4. Abolish the Electoral college
5. Government-paid abortions on demand, even after birth.
6. Reparations
7. Higher taxes on income
8. The first wealth tax
9. Purge Christianity from society, culture and fabric.
10. Elevate athiesm
11. Elevate gay rights
12. Government take over health care
13. Cut foreign aid to Israel
In sum, the Dem party is wacked out. Trump exposed their wackiness.
Bernie wants a meat tax.
And to pay for all these “free” things, kiss your 401k goodbye. And inheritance.
Now Tulsi is running on “Putting service above the self.”
Next thing you know they’ll require “volunteer work” like the French did.
Bernie wants a meat tax.
To be fair, a meat tax could help pay for the added cost of inspecting all these women who insist on dragging their penises through airport security.
The organizational spectrum is: left is authoritarian (e.g. central, single, monolithic), center is constitutional, right is libertarian, and the left-right nexus of totalitarian-anarchist.
Chaos includes evolution (e.g. human life from conception to death), is a nonlinear process that is incompletely, and, in fact, insufficiently, characterized, and unwieldy. Chaos has an underlying order that escapes our perception and discernment. Life is estimated or modeled as a progressive (i.e. monotonic) process in limited, a scientific, frame of reference.
As to Fascism, Order and Chaos, a love of brutal, disorderly power has historically been a current within Fascism. Look up Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Italian poet, Futurist art theorist, and Fascist political figure.
"In 2020, the next missile won't just be a bullet, but a torpedo. All sane citizens who care about the Republic gotta bear down and support Trump."
This will be the issue to pose to Althouse and the Althouses.
Cruel neutrality is insane when we are faced with people who mobilize the resources of government to stage a coup.
sanders is like Corbyn, the former was Nicaraguan and soviet supported, the latter stb and soviet, with Palestinian sympathies,
Here's the actual study. The authors determined that there was a correlation between expressing agreement with violent fantasies (e.g. "I'd like to see it burn it all down") and spreading hostile political rumours, not just about the "opposing" party, but one's own party, as well. https://psyarxiv.com/6m4ts/
in other news
"bring down the system", Ha! I live in Portland, Oregon, and I have not forgotten the protests and mini-riots that took place here in 2016 in the wake of the election.
There is some evidence that the Mayor of Portland and the Chief of Police have made the decision that the police be "neutral" in the recent conflicts between Antifa and the Patriot Prayer groups. I'm trying to imagine what might occur if Mr. Trump loses the election and groups like Patriot Prayer are joined by other, less radical citizens to protest. The word "incendiary" comes to mind. (My guess is that the police are likely more naturally inclined toward the right-wing folks and philosophically opposed the guys/gals wearing masks.)
Speaking of "need for chaos", how about that ANTIFA bunch?
Trump voters want us to follow the Electoral College and rule of law; his opponents promote #BAMN and de-platforming (through violence and other means) of their political opponents.
And you want me to believe... Trump voters are the ones pushing chaos?
and this is happening in the administration of the respectable ramaphosa and his haklyut associated finance minister,
looks like there is some accountability,
That's not accountability, narciso. That's just a draw.
The outcome of every cultural conflict with the Left seems to be that either we lose, or we manage not to lose.
But the Left actually held accountable? Never. Happens.
Get back to me when Benjamin Penn loses his job AND isn't immediately rehired by some other leftist propaganda mill.
The Mattis book is not turning out as advertised by the left.
Oh Oh.
President Obama came out vocally against Mubarak, insisting that in Egypt, “we were on the right side of history.” Having read a bit of history and found that events, good and bad, had been “written” by both good and evil characters, I put little stock in the idea that history books yet to be written would somehow give yearning Arabs what they fervently desired today.
Oh well, he's just a military dunce.
writing stuff for the august New York Times.
Especially since the article didn't come out til September!
Thank you! Try the veal!
Thats an intriguing surmise about magsaysay, would he have prevented the rise of marcos, or even that of the npa.
How about diem if kennedy hadnt reacted to halnerstam gaslighting him about the buddhist, maybe the counterinsurgency might have advanced and there would have been no direct intervention
Fletcher knebel who was a washington correspondemt in the early 60s, saw the flare up more likely to have occurred in iran, probably with azerbaijan serving as the northern korean standin.
I think its sytematic chaos, an oxymoron. The system at this time really needed a large dose of creative chaos. Creating chaos is an important part of creativilty.
On "chaos": What was Trump's biggest (but, so far anyway, unfulfilled) campaign promise? The Wall, the Beautiful Wall, All Along The Southern Border. If there's chaos anywhere, it's THERE, isn't it? Because the Wall, the Beautiful Wall, hasn't been built. Do Trump's supporters applaud the chaos at the border? If they have, I've missed that.
Maybe the Trump electorate is anti-chaos, and the anti-Trumpers are the pro-chaos faction. Could that be?
IMHO, Magsaysay was a decent man but just a man. There have been many decent men in charge over there, their problems aren't those caused by some individual.
Magsaysay would have finished his term and probably would have been re-elected. But its doubtful he could have addressed the fundamental economic issues of the time, protectionism, rejection of foreign investment, and import-subsitution. A crippling autarkic program, sort of a polite (and popular) form of North Korean juche. Its not clear that he had any economic ideas beyond those wrong-headed ones of the local leadership consensus of the day. They all actually did mean well, but it was the wrong play for that game.
The NPA grew out of a combination of an underemployed intelligentsia and rural poverty caused by population growth outstripping the lands capacity to keep these people in agriculture. And there was insufficient industrial growth in the cities. So real personal incomes decreased.
Marcos was the first to even attempt to break out of this stifling industrial policy (along with creating a few of his own disasters). They still have significant remnants of this nationalism.
Ok so he may have been the best among lousy options, that does look like a nasty stew of trouble.
Michael K: "The Mattis book is not turning out as advertised by the left.
Oh Oh."
LLR Chuck hardest hit.
As magsaysay may have better the huks, but as a matter of degree.
And ryan maue points out, that the alabama projection, was perfectly reaaonable based on the original 7 day projection
Much likw pas estensoro in bolivia, who introduced land reform not that much difference from arbenz in guatemala
"So... still no denunciation of Antifa, eh Cookie?"
Why should I think I'm expected to denounce them? I've never supported them.
Remember that Republicans are demanded by media to denounce every bad thing that happens, in hopes that it taints them. Weather or not they are supported.
Chaos systems are dynamical and very dependent on initial conditions, and result in very different outcomes based on small differences in initial factors. Statistical systems have a distribution around a mean that allows estimation of the probability of an event, extreme or not, of occurring. Which political system do you desire? And Why?
To parry criticism, I will state that the Cauchy distribution has no mean.
The chaos has been forced by witch hunts, warlock trials, allegations of diversity (e.g. racism, sexism), political congruence, left-wing violence, corporate violation of civil rights (e.g. denying arms..., deplatforming or exclusion, censorship), the progress of anti-nativism, immigration reform, etc.
"So... still no denunciation of Antifa, eh Cookie?"
“Why should I think I'm expected to denounce them? I've never supported them.”
“Remember that Republicans are demanded by media to denounce every bad thing that happens, in hopes that it taints them. Weather or not they are supported.”
The double standard has long been pretty egregious. And that, I think, is because Republicans are much more likely to respond to moral claims. They are the, and have always been the anti racist party, the party founded to end slavery has, for a century and a half been susceptible to pressure by calling them racists.
The Democrat Party, for two centuries now, has been the racist party. Founded by slave owners, they tried to leave the Union to perpetrate Black slavery in this country. After losing there, they fought Black equality for the next century with Jim Crow and the KKK. Wilson, their great progressive leader, desegregated the federal government. Then, a half century ago, under LBJ, they shifted from intimidation to economic oppression with LBJ’s War of Poverty, that did an even better job of segregating Blacks from the rest of society through the destruction of the Black family through welfare dependency.
The result is that a mere whiff of racism will doom the career of a Republican politicians, while Democrats will accept, and even laud former Klan leaders like Robert “Sheets” Byrd. Unless maybe they become inconvenient - we may see this used against Biden before the end. And a lot of the difference there is that for a lot of Democrats, the only morality is winning, and the resulting power. I have little doubt that any number of Dem leaders were, themselves, not racists, but kept quiet publicly about the racists (sexual predators, etc) in their midsts, and that is because the party, probably at least since before the Civil War, and maybe even to Jackson, has been the party of allied interest groups that work together to gain power, and then divides up the spoils (as exemplified by how they run cities, and Obama ran the federal government).
So don’t expect the leftists here, such as Cook, Inga, etc, to truly and honestly condemn their new Brown Shirts, their violent Anti First Amendment (AntiFA) fascist thugs, just like they didn’t condemn open racism and Klan membership for so long. They are the party’s shock troops. They get their place at the bargaining table instead, along with Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Feminists, Gays, gender confused, government unions, etc.
Paul Zrimsek @ 10:58 AM
Yeah, personally I blame SimCity for a lot of this.
"2. Ban the little people from owning guns "
That's not accountability... That's just a draw. The outcome of every cultural conflict with the Left seems to be that either we lose, or we manage not to lose. But the Left actually held accountable? Never. Happens.
Exactly. We rescue someone who never should have been in jeopardy to begin with (Kavanaugh) and call that a victory. When we should have identified the sites the missiles were launched from (Abortion Cult) and shelled them into oblivion.
Prevent Defense for 4 quarters and we wonder why it's always 1 step forward, 2 steps back.
“Exactly. We rescue someone who never should have been in jeopardy to begin with (Kavanaugh) and call that a victory. When we should have identified the sites the missiles were launched from (Abortion Cult) and shelled them into oblivion.”
I was struck that Ford’s Attorney seems to almost have given the game away, that it is apparently perfectly legitimate for women to lie through their teeth before Congress and destroy innocent lies by besmirching character, all for the sake of keeping abortion cheap and legal. They know that the DoJ isn’t going to prosecute them, even when it is extremely blatant, like the woman claiming that Kavenaugh ran an orgy club in high school.
What is going to be interesting is to see how Kavenaugh handles those lies long term. Sliming Thomas in his confirmation seems to have turned him into the most zealous advocate on the Court against anything smelling even a little bit like affirmative action. And likely pushed him further to the right in other areas too.
What is going to be interesting is to see how Kavenaugh handles those lies long term. Sliming Thomas in his confirmation seems to have turned him into the most zealous advocate on the Court against anything smelling even a little bit like affirmative action.
I thought in the beginning that Kavanaugh looked like a squish. I would be very happy to be proven wrong.
Thomas had an early life that prepared him for the assholes of the world. I don't think Kavanaugh did.
Wilson, their great progressive leader, desegregated the federal government.
Sorry, Resegregated the federal government.
This is the type of material that really illustrates the fraud that is in the terms and presentation of representative government and democracy. The complaints by the anointed story tellers mount and these systems are criticized by them and said not to work when the people's preferences cannot be well-manipulated with vote fraud to meet the anointers' goals. So many contradictions and dissonance. Too bad. Thank God for the intertoobs.
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