“In fact, in a lot of ways, it’s precisely the fact that it looks silly that it gained traction as a white supremacist symbol. Mark Pitcavage, the senior research fellow with ADL’s Center on Extremism, compares [Dylann] Roof’s bowl cut to Hitler’s mustache: an objectively ridiculous-looking, yet distinctive enough feature that it can be easily subject to memeification. Yet the rise of the symbol is inextricably tied to part of a larger effort to canonize Roof within the white supremacist movement. The ADL started seeing white supremacists incorporate the bowl cut into their iconography around 2017, a few years after the Charleston church shooting. Pitcavage says this timing is significant, in large part because in the immediate aftermath of the Charleston shooting, many white supremacists either disavowed Roof or expressed disapproval of his actions — not necessarily for moral reasons, but because they believed violence would attract undue scrutiny to the movement.”
From “How a White Supremacist’s Haircut Became a Symbol of Hate” (Rolling Stone).
१२३ टिप्पण्या:
And here I thought that a bowl cut (or "mop top") was a symbol of the Beatles!
How a White Supremacist’s Haircut Became a Symbol for Hate?
Think of it!
SOMEHOW, according to Rolling Stone, a White Supremacist's [something] became a Symbol for Hate
That is Just Bizarre,
try to Imagine a World, where things that a White Supremacist does, become Symbols of HATE
Of All the things in the World that are far apart, and Not Connected: White Supremacy and Hate?
Judgment, labels, and diversity motivated by what they believe is politically congruent fodder.
So now bad haircuts associated with white poverty, hand clapping, and and holding your fingers a certain way are to be officially monitored as hate.
If I can say that.
My dearly departed grandmother, a raging white supremacist, used to give the boys in my family 'bowl cuts'.
She paid us $2 each to do it.
Luckily my hair has grown out since she passed.
It's simply Moe Howard retro.
Hitler’s mustache? Heinrich Himmler’s jugeared bowl cut more on target.
People who look for hatred in everything will find hatred in everything.
"In fact, in a lot of ways, it’s precisely the fact that it looks silly that it gained traction as a white supremacist symbol."
Did you happen to see Pitcavage's beard?
"“The rise of the bowl cut has nothing to do with the hairstyle itself, or the view that it’s somehow a cool or attractive hairstyle to be emulated.”
The rise of the Beatles through Justin Bieber notwithstanding.
“The bowl cut is different from a number of other hate symbols, because by its very nature it is explicitly condoning murder,” Pitcavage says.
I don't think the words "nature" and "explicitly" mean what the author thinks they mean.
Does that mean Henry V was a racist ?
So Moe Howard, Pete Rose and the Beatles were white supremecists?
Who'd a thunk it!
Hey, I got one 50 years ago as a kid because we were poor and a neighbor offered to provide free haircuts to me and my brothers. They were ugly back then as well.
National Socialists, color supremacists, and other hairy trends
Cute. Pretty. Probably not.
Rabid diversity is a clear and progressive policy. #HateLovesAbortion
It's a world of women out there. Everything is fraught with significance, where a guy only wonders what she's going on about.
It comes of women's short circuit to feelings.
So arguments can be about what you meant. She knows and you don't.
Apply in the large to feminized politics.
A few states should be set aside for a man cave.
Bad hair day! Bowl cuts are racist, and racist sixth graders cut off dreadlocks.
My first instinct is that Rolling Stone has hired Sabrina Rubin Erdely as its Managing Editor.
Shorter Rolling Stone: people least like us are the most likely white supremacists.
“The bowl cut... is explicitly condoning murder. ...This [haircut] is one of the few that is implicitly promoting - and in some cases, explicitly promoting - the idea of going out and committing extreme violence.”
Is this The Onion or the ADL?
Semiotics is an inane area of academic study. It enables an author to draw arbitrary, subjective inferences based on patterns that indicate nothing—and sound learned while doing it.
Pauline Kael ripped Andrew Sarris a new asshole in an essay, "Circles and Squares," on the way to blowing up the auteur theory of film criticism. A pattern or a tendency in a director's oeuvre doesn't indicate that the director is an "auteur" or anything else in particular. Likewise, a bowl haircut doesn't make you a neo-Nazi, even if every neo-Nazi wears one.
Semiotics is the phrenology of social science.
Click on link and look at Dylan's hair. If that's a bowl cut - they feature a lousy photo of Dylan sporting a "bowl cut".
Maybe his hair had grown out from a previous bowl-cut? But that's not much of a bowl cut in the photo. In fact it's pretty normal looking.
Or is that the point? Now normal looking boy hair is White Supremacist!
Do we all need some sort of per-approved leftwing hair cut now?
Wince said...
Did you happen to see Pitcavage's beard?
Yes and his bald, bald head. I suspect jealousy is the motive.
That and the fact that he's probably never been laid...
Ann Althouse, reading this garbage so we don't have to.
Here's hoping in all sincerity that you look back on a life well lived, Emerita. Are you still keeping track of your expected future lifetime in days instead of years?
Says who?
Do we take the D-media word for it? Not much credibility these days found in left-wing hack MSM journalism. or is this bowl cut a thing?
And remember - the left must make KKK-white supremacy a thing - even though real KKK numbers are small.
Kamala Harris calls anyone who works for Immigration and Customs -- KKK.
They’ll be coming after the Mulket next. Then the Caesar. Then the Princeton. Then the Flat Top. Then the Buzz Cut.
The only thing left will be to go bald. It will be safe then to be a Skin Head
The left is dedicated to terror and murder, they just need to generate enough BS to justify it to the general public. This is part of that push.
If dreadlocks are symbolic of Black Supremacy, does that mean it was all right for those boys to cut off the girl’s dreadlocks?
Did we ever hear Althouse,s actual reply about the crazy hair?
Can I change my vote to “it’s a symbol of hatred directed at people with jug ears, I am a sleek ear supremacist “
The ADL has classified numbers like 14 and 100 as hate symbols too.
White supremacists, like these folks maybe?
A few states should be set aside for a man cave
I vote for Arizona. It's also a refuge in Schlicter's "The People's Republic."
Everybody knows that the true White Supremacist haircut is the Mullet.
Why should I care what the ADL thinks? Did we elect them to something?
Mark Pitcavage was an ornament of the old unmoderated civil war discussion group soc.history.war.acw or whatever it was called (c.1994-2000). He got his PhD in military history with a dissertation, IIRC, on early Republic militia laws. Very smart guy, and no shrinking violet.
As for RS the publication, I guess it's good to keep up with what baby boomers who are still babies think
While SCUBA divers worldwide continue to throw one another white nationalist symbols underwater to indicate they're doing fine, Charlize Theron just got a bowl cut.
Perhaps that kid in class who appointed himself hall monitor should simply be ignored.
The man bun is a communist/anarchist symbol.
Although it isn't a bowl cut, I've noticed a lot of Yuplings with haircuts similar to the kind of Beatles hairdo worn by John-John Kennedy at the JFK funeral. I remember one of my high school teachers saying (with what authority I couldn't say) that rich people tended to let their kids have long hair. I wonder if the Yups are imitating that as a way of having their offspring look like they come from Big Money.
Lordy. Like the Okay Sign, this is another example of mischievous kids on 4chan trolling the supposed grown-ups and watching them bite. Their message is mostly how dopey and gullible the square world is.
Short page cuts are the hairstyle of the female white supremacists.
As others have pointed out, this last paragraph, is just a whole lot of stupid.
“The bowl cut is different from a number of other hate symbols, because by its very nature it is explicitly condoning murder,” Pitcavage says. “A lot of other hate symbols in our database are offensive and objectionable and awful, but this is one of the few that is implicitly promoting — and in some cases, explicitly promoting — the idea of going out and committing extreme violence.”
Also I'm not sure their comparison of the bowl cut to Hitler's mustache is appropriate. The bowl cut at the time of the Charleston shooting was generally accepted as a rather silly and dorky hairstyle. Was Hitler's mustache at the time considered silly? Charlie Chaplin sported it. My instinct is that that style of mustache was probably stylish at the time.
I hope that last one was blogger and not the moderator but again:
Short page cuts are the hairstyle of female white supremacists.
The whole point of this is to turn American citizens into Green Grocers.
The Power of the Powerless (1978)
-Vaclav Havel, Nobel Prize winner and former president of Czech Republic
The point is not to convince people. The point is to get people to willingly concede.
I have a beard. I use beard oil. I worry though about one ingredient, prickly pear oil. That sounds like a white supremacist kind of oil. I would hate to have to throw out my beard oil. Is there a register of white supremacy things I can check?
Mulllets must be back in!
" Pitcavage says this timing is significant, in large part because in the immediate aftermath of the Charleston shooting, many white supremacists either disavowed Roof or expressed disapproval of his actions — not necessarily for moral reasons, but because they believed violence would attract undue scrutiny to the movement.”
I would love to see the verbatim quote, and who these supposed "white supremacists" were.
It's so insane. Even when people disavow some action, they aren't really disavowing it is they have the wrong haircut.
Racism = old hat. A worn out cliche that's done its job. Time to put it out to pasture.
White supremacist = the new "racism". The new Liberal/Leftist "Word as Weapon". Look at the Right as they cower in fear, piss their pants, and cry how much they are NOT "white supremacists". Why NOBODY hates "White supremacy" more then they do - they wimper! Dance to our tune - Righty!
They're everywhere. You just have to know the signs.
So how long before some poor, innocent young man with a bowl cut gets beat senseless by some antifa thug because it marks him as a white supremacist?
Is this The Onion or the ADL?
Satire imitating a penumbra of life, the ADL, the Rolling Stone, and diversity racket. It must be their fundraising period.
Can you cut it like Moe?
I'd laugh at these idiots if it wasn't just so, damn tedious.
Every, effing day it's something else.
In fact, in a lot of ways, it’s precisely the fact that it looks silly that it gained traction as a white supremacist symbol. Mark Pitcavage, the senior research fellow with ADL’s Center on Extremism,
Some people have way too much time on their hands to go along with an idle and generally empty mind. he needs to take up another hobby.
The United States is utopia. If crap like this can be the source of income, it is proof positive we are living in a time of zero poverty, and unlimited wealth.
Sometimes hairstyles are just mindless fashion statements. And sometimes touching your thumb and forefinger is an anchoring technique (NLP) to feel confident and relaxed.
The ADL has gone off track imo because of its partisan bias towards the Democratic Party and its agenda.
The ADL deliberately misleads people about the scale of white supremacism (minimal) while downplaying the increasing threat towards Israel and Jews being peddled by the progressives in the Democratic Party, both on college campuses and in Congress, who are promoters of the BDS movement and avowed Hamas supporters.
We are seeing white supremacists emboldened in their attacks on synagogues because hating Jews has been legitimized by "anti-Zionists." That makes more sense than blaming Trump and his immigration policies especially considering his support for Israel and that his daughter and son in law are Jews.
Is it okay to punch someone for wearing a bowl haircut?
Wait, is the word "okay" all right?
FantasyLand. OK?
At the risk of pissing off the host, the Babylon Bee explains Common Racist Hand Signals.
Ken Burns is a white supremist, judging by his haircut he has had for years.
Bull. It's the okay gesture all over...
Pitcavage: “The bowl cut is different from a number of other hate symbols, because by its very nature it is explicitly condoning murder.”
Will someone please tell Mark Pitcavage that he is a nutcase"
Thanks a bunch!
@Althouse, I ask this in all due sincerity. Is there a point where you liberals stop being stupid?
This explains why we see so thousands of gents in bowl cuts at Trump rallies. Heh.
I thought Tom Brady was a White Supremacist but he doesn't have a bowl cut.
Now I'm confused.
Just saw Pitcavage's picture. How can anyone take anything he says seriously? Seriously. I expected to see snuff drippings down his front.I'm really tired of being lectured by idiots trying to pass themselves off as my betters.
I have a hard time taking anything from The Rolling Stone seriously. They have no credibility.
Just saw Pitcavage's picture. How can anyone take anything he says seriously? Seriously. I expected to see snuff drippings down his front.I'm really tired of being lectured by idiots trying to pass themselves off as my betters.
This is Rolling Stone publishing satire, right?
Look out for Men with Bangs.
the bowl cut was primarily known as an unfashionable hairstyle popular among toddlers whose parents cut their hair, and 1990s child stars.
Clearly doesn't watch Asian TV shows. How Euro-centric of them. So parochial and so unaware of it.
Real men wear mullets.
Dave Barry sports a modified bowl cut. Does this mean he's anti-Semitic? Or half a white supremacist?
I eagerly await the day the middle finger is considered a white supremecist symbol.
Moe Howard... a white supremacist to the end? I won't believe it till I read it in the New Yorker!
I bought and now display a "Betsy Ross" flag just because "my betters" told me it was racist. Declaring everything racist is just a tactic to silence dissent.
I will not be silenced. I aim to misbehave.
Hitler originally wore a more of a "handle bar" style moustache. He trimmed it to his characteristic style as a result of a poison gas attack during his WWI combat service. The more extended style of moustache didn't allow his gas mask to properly seal. Hitler trimmed it out of expediency.
History lesson concluded for now.
I knew it was only a matter of time before they were on to us! Back to the mullet, I guess!
It's not a haircut, it's a hatecut!
(inspired by a typo)
Far-right extremists are now using Dylann Roof's haircut as shorthand for calls to violence.
According to some staff writer who must be a knowledgeable and enlightened person since they work for a sleazy irrelevant POS organization.
"OK" then!
Look out for Men with Bangs.
Look out for white men, bangs or not. They're bad.
The three stooges are now a symbol of white supremacy. Hmmmm. Or should I say Nyuk-nyuk.
What a shame. Here I thought that a shaved head was a symbol of white supremacy.
That means Sinead 0’Connor must of been a white supremacist at one point in life.
That’s ok enough with me as long as mullets are not scrutinized.
I actually like mullets, but can’t handle the shame from bullies.
It was all about sideburns for a man anyway.
They grow up so quick.
What's the latest on public hair styles? Just making sure I don't get branded a Nazi in the locker room.
Why are all you Althouse posters so polite?
Why not cut to the chase?
These people are fucking insane and should be ignored at all times.
I remember finding a "Hate Symbol" website back in the mid-90's, before Pitcavage went to work for the ADL--it might have been their site, which is why I mention it--and among the usual culprits was The Peace Sign (tm). You know, the hippy-dippy peace-love-dove sign.
I thought that was a rather expansive view of the thing--silly N.D. semaphore yaddayadda and BFD, but a hate symbol?
Signs, signs, everywhere signs
But Moe Howard was Jewish! :-O
One more reason to dislike that Rapinoe woman.
What utterly diversitist journolism. People don't really hate the "bowl cut". In fact, it is a very fashionable style among men and women, globally.
For pure racism nothing, absolutely nothing, beats tattoos. That are as purely about showing off white supremacy as it is possible to get.
Only white people can get tattoos. They only really show up on white skin. Sure, some brown people get them. They do it to pretend to be white.
Lighter skin blacks, those with some white ancestry are worst of all. They get tattoos to lord their white blood over their truly black brothers and sisters.
Truly black people can't get tattooed. It just doesn't show up.
If you have a tattoo you are racist AF. Own it. Deal with it. Get them removed.
Or be branded as a racist for life. Your body, your choice.
Tattoos are even more obnoxious manifestations of Racism than fingers, speech or haircuts. Those are temporary and can be hidden. Tattoos say "fuck you I'm a racist and I'm gonna shove it right down your throat like Clinton did to Lewinski."
We in polite society need to shun these tattooed racists. They need to be outcast and treated like lepers.
Say no to Racism. Say no to tattooed racists.
John Henry
(no tattoos)
Henry V of England had a bowl cut. Very comfortable under a helmet in the day. And Hitler's mustache accommodated a gas mask from WWI - showed him to be a Kamerad when it was important to be one.
Sadly, this blog is no fun anymore. :-(
That was so dumb, I found I was squinting while reading it.
So did Shel Silverstein or Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show know that all they needed to do to get on the cover of the Rolling Stone was to blow up some people and/or rape a teenage girl? That would probably have saved some effort.
I am feeling pretty good about being white. All I have to do is have a bad haircut and people of color will cower in fear. Not that I want them to cower in fear - but I cannot control what they do. It's just like having a superpower.
"Hands up! Haircut police!"
"Hands up or we'll kill you where you stand, Adolph!"
"What are you . . ."
"Got that fuckin' nazi. Right between the eyes. . . earned my pension today."
Obviously, the thing to do if you have a bowl cut or any other white person haircut- if you don't want to be thought a Nazi- is to shave your head completely. It really is the only way to avoid being a white supremecist.
The left must be praised for their willingness to stand up to white supremacist symbolism. But one action I have noticed that is common with all white supremacists is they all breathe. While some others than white supremacists breath, that should not deter a true believer from the goal of avoiding anything associated with white supremacy. Therefore, I urge all true leftists to voluntarily stop brathing.
The Rolling Stone didn't quite make it to the fainting couch as its writers and editors tried to decipher and report the latest ravings of the retards at the ADL. Edgy. The stupidist list of hate symbols is here. https://www.adl.org/hate-symbols
I better not catch you using "100%" you waaysis.
It's a bit short on the pedo symbols and codes used by active participants such as Jeff Epstein's surviving acquaintances.
It's not a peace sign but a chicken foot.
Unlike a lucky rabbit foot, white supremacy didn't know what to make of a chicken foot.
The idea was pitched for hub-caps and denied. Thus the chicken foot inside a circle. The end.
Upside: we can now easily count the number of white supremacists!
Blogger MAJMike said...
Hitler originally wore a more of a "handle bar" style moustache. He trimmed it to his characteristic style as a result of a poison gas attack during his WWI combat service. The more extended style of moustache didn't allow his gas mask to properly seal. Hitler trimmed it out of expediency.
History lesson concluded for now.
Exactly. The same is true for the high and tight haircut. Pre WWI, men commonly had long hair and lavish mustaches.
I'm really tired of being lectured by idiots trying to pass themselves off as my betters.
Is that too wordy for a T-shirt?
rhardin suggests we set aside a few states for mancaves. Obviously Alaska and Alabama.
Virginia, Carolina, Florida, Georgia and Mississippi are female names, you might want to check with Florida.
We get Texas, zhey get California. Oregon and Montana - men. Idaho and Whyoming - female. Della Ware and Connie Etiquette - female. Door County - Male.
Crazies gonna craze. Yes, I'm talkin bout Dylan Roof, 'white supremacists, EJ Dickson, and Rolling Stone.
Mock-turtle: regarding Moe Howard's claim to be leader of the white supremacist movement. In the old days Jews were the victims of white supremacy. But those times are gone. Now Jews are the perpetrators of white supremacy (for example in their repression of the Palestinians of color). I admit I have trouble keeping up, so it's possible that the wheel has turned and Jews are now victims again.
“ I'm really tired of being lectured by idiots trying to pass themselves off as my betters. “
Is that too wordy for a T-shirt?
Great t-shirt idea !
“ I’m currently not with a white supremacist, but I l know of only one.
Shh, I never told him/her, I prefer red-necks over supreme pasty skin. “
Second part goes on the back...
Clayton Hennessy - and Theron is an Afrikaner, too.
Toxdoc- Kenny B is a white supremist judging by where he lives: Walpole, New Hampshire, in the whitest county in the whitest state in America.
So explain Chuck Todd’s lousy ‘do.
Both my sons had that haircut in middle school in the 90s.
It was called "the skateboard cut" then.
Paranoia strikes deep.....
A bowl cut hidden beneath every MAGA hat.
This just proves what some of us have always suspected: The Amish are nothing but a front for hatefulness and murder and racism while outwardly portraying peacefulness and love for all mankind.
I suggest a tag for "They are INSANE"....
I want to know more about the "pedo symbols and codes" JamesB.BKK mentioned! Is there, like, a safe website we could look at?
People are always gesturing at me for some reason or other, and since I am (if I say so myself) a very youthful-looking retiree, I need to be aware.
It might be the bowl-cut, tatts, and my geese, who follow me in fylfot formation
So you know what I think is weird? Young white people who braid and then rat-up (I don't know what to call it) their hair; there was a lot of that on campus.
I have an antibowl cut. I have no hair where the bowl would be. Do I win?
Just say Moe.
The Amish sometimes do not reach 8th grade, but alas they are no dummies.
They will exterminate all ( including jews ), with butter.
Maybe milk, just maybe.
Lancaster County had some extraordinary cigars though.
I don’t know if Cuba needs to return to the cigar race.
Way off topic. I’m done.
It's in the Stone. Why should I believe anything in the Stone? Not interested.
Narr - as requested : https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/FBI_document_reviews_symbols_used_by_pedophiles
There is a link within to a wikileaks file that purports to be made by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (during its free time while not "botching" the running of guns to heartless cartel operators in Mexico?). Safety not guaranteed, but 100% accurate so far to the chagrin of so many.
I wish there was a white-supremacist movement in this country - or anywhere in the West, for that matter. It might do something to counteract all the other ethnic-supremacist movements that are destroying our civilization.
Communism has destroyed everything including the tobacco harvest
Oops. I used "100% accurate" in an earlier note. That's raciss per the ADL.
The fast flow of instantly appearing comments is over. I hope this inspires your writing.
The fast flow of instantly appearing comments is over. I hope this inspires your writing.
Thanks JamesB.BKK. Maybe I'll actually look.
Nice knowing you, phunktor.
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