"That’s why it bothered me so much. This woman, who looks like anyone you could see at a PTA meeting or next to you in yoga class, is out here terrorizing people in CVS."
Said Renée Saldaña, a witness to an incident that happened in L.A., described in "Police Are Investigating A White Woman Who Yelled The N-Word And Said She Was Pro-Lynching At A CVS." The woman did not just "yell the n-word." There's a whole long rant, with the n-word used many times. You can watch the video and read the transcript at the link (to Buzzfeed).
१०६ टिप्पण्या:
"I guess we know who she’s voting for."
Based on her apparent level of mental imbalance, I'd say it's up for grabs.
I hate those long receipts at CVS too, but this seems an extreme reaction
- Petri
More seriously, I'm not sure how much traction "disturbing the peace" gets in LA these days. I'm glad, in a way, that they arrested her, but it's also a clear abuse of power by the police.
I'm glad I live geographically as far from LA as is possible in the US. Because we don't have weird stuff in Florida. No sir.
The police are investigating what exactly? What crime was committed?
Say whatever you want. It's a free country.
National news. No, maybe international news.
More menacing than the racist lyrics of the rap songs blaring from the car next to me at the stop light every day, because it's coming out of her mouth.
The first response of the videotaker "She must be on drugs or something." There is clearly something wrong with her. Not national news.
Progressives are some of the most RACIST people...need proof?? Governor of Virginia, Justin Trudeau, Sarah Silverman, Jimmy Kimmel ect ect….are the people who actually filmed themselves in blackface, while calling everyone who doesn't agree with their ideology RACISTS, homophobes, ect...ect...ect….America is sick of them. (Fake Indian- Liz Warren)
That was awful.
Now do Jews getting randomly attacked by African Americans in NY.
National news !!!!
I have not watched the video, but based on the quotes, she is a vile, hateful person, and I hope she has a change of heart.
Having said that, what, exactly, are the police investigating? Being a vile, hateful person is not a crime, and none of the quotes are anything close to a threat.
"I guess we know who she’s voting for." Care to hazard a guess? My guess is that you have it backwards.
I am reminded of Dave Chappelle's awesome video about Juicy Smolliet.
It would be disturbing to witness somebody behaving that way, but was a crime committed?
Other than failure to drive in a careful and prudent manner?
Somebody was yelling?!? I hope nobody's ears were hurt.
As near as I can tell @google, Buzzfeednews didn't cover "Police arrest 20 people after these videos of beatings and robberies went viral"
"The robberies became more frequent beginning in August, where large groups of [black] people were targeting [white] individuals [, beating them] and robbing them of possessions like their wallets and cellphones."
The woman did not just "yell the n-word."
The black gang didn't just use their hands and feet in the beatings.
The woman in the video seems mentally ill, but it is unclear to me that she broke any laws. What "investigation" are the police doing? She is on video, so what facts need to be determined?
If she was screaming at a black person, they could possibly file charges, not sure what the charge would be though.
If form holds true, this will be someone left-wing trying to perpetrate a hoax.
And justlikethat we've progressed from virtual to literal speech police.
She'd might have a different outlook if only she had a transvestite nanny while growing up.
The woman forgot she wasn't on a blog comment page.
OMG that's my home town. It was quite segregated when I lived there. But I think there was a mulatto pupil at the grammar school. I think it's more Mexican now.
She must be on drugs.
Sometimes an illegal alien gets that license to express oneself.
More seriously, isn’t that the inevitable intersectionality of Trigglypuff, free speech, and the junkie camping in a puddle of urine on the sidewalk? Societal Tourette’s.
I won’t follow the Buzzfeed link. Sounds like a mental health issue. So the national attention feels like a voyeuristic circus freak show.
The demand for racism must be high.
What is it police are investigating exactly?
I'm sure this is not another hoax.
Alcohol is a depressant, and slows you down.
Looks like she was something else.
She worked in Hollywood, which seems to have a huge drug issue.
Reading Crazy Days and Nights Has been a revelation on Hollywood and celebrities.
What are the odds that the police devote as much effort to investigating an actual burglary or simple assault with an actual black victim as they do to this crazy rant?
If they arrest her, then why not the Black Israelites who harassed the Covington kids.
Race consciousness? Try mental illness. Or a hoax as Birkel suggests.
Don't worry. The woman probably isn't even in LA anymore. She just came to town for a roll of nickels and went straight back to the Truck Stop.
And how great is it that this video was posted to the Instagram account of Shaun King, world-renowned faux-Black man and bullshit artist? How great is it that Buzzfeed reports this with a straight face, as though it lent gravitas to this perilous moment in the struggle against white supremacy? The skeins of absurdity, irony, and comedy are so entangled here that it would be just about impossible to pick them all out.
Elevating stories like this to the national level is a patently ridiculous waste of everyone’s time.
Shorter version, and evergreen: “some weird shit happened in some random town that has nothing to do with you, but we want to gin up outrage and stoke your emotions”.
Don’t feed the beast with clicks. You’re just bumping up Buzzfeed’s ad revenue and asking for more.
Eagle Rock was Hispanic, but is now gentrifying with a lot of flipping of houses.
It has a huge rock that looks like an eagle.
Pretty close commute to Hollywood.
Under 2% Black.
20% Asian now.
I was behind a black woman in the drive thru at McDonald's once who was screaming at the Hispanic girl who was taking her order. Called her a "spic" and told her to go back to her own f-ing country. But I guess that wasn't racism.
The most important lesson of life is this: Always extrapolate wildly from a single data point.
“This woman, who looks like anyone you could see at a PTA meeting or next to you in yoga class, is out here terrorizing people in CVS.”
Oh, lord, not that! An unaccompanied, unarmed woman spouting racial epithets outside a drug store “terrorizes” people in a progressive neighborhood. How awful! How newsworthy! In DNC/MSM world every nut who supports the narrative has a moment of glory. What is she, 5’4”, 105 lbs.? How scary!
Well, it could be worse. The House of “Representatives” could be poised to disenfranchise half the country by overturning a presidential election for politically corrupt purposes.
[White] YouTuber Goes to Mariachi Plaza Dressed as Mexican Caricature, Gets Checked
"Checked" means "threatened".
Someday someone might be brave enough to discuss the legitimate reasons why some whites hate blacks.
Taboo for sure. Probably even illegal in today's society. Until then, we'll just stick to approved thought: Why all blacks hate legitimate reasons to hate all whites.
The woman in the video seems mentally ill, but it is unclear to me that she broke any laws.
Man Who Berated Woman Over Puerto Rico Shirt Is Convicted of Hate Crimes
"Mr. Trybus could face up to five years in prison on Oct. 21, when he is sentenced for his role in the June 14, 2018, episode, in which he repeatedly asked the woman, Mia Irizarry, if she was an American citizen and demanded to know why she was wearing a shirt with the Puerto Rican flag."
So being a certain kind of minor, non-violent jerk is now a federal felony.
So is a certain kind of vandalism: another guy got 3 years in federal prison for spray-painting a cinder-block wall around some dumpsters.
I'd be more worried about the person who would shoot up then leave the needle on the sidewalk right next to the place where she shit.
I have no idea what her problem is but I am sure it's somehow connected to Trump.
-- reads story comments --
Another satisfied customer.
Althouse, I didn't need this today. How will WaPoop drag Trump into it?
Time for another thumb-sucking think piece from NYT.
Schiff will do anything to get the "Whistleblower" fiasco back in its box, but this is extreme. CNN will run it 345 times today, with a chryon saying that Trump has ignored this incident of hate.
Some words did something.
@Bob Boyd - Truck stop people don't usually dress all in black, like this woman. I am guessing doped up whacko from Fairfax.
Woman lives in Mt. Washington, not Fairfax, but works in television and film. Sure, a typical conservative.
Yeah, get back to Me when we’re discussing those beatings.
Ignorance is Bliss said, "...and I hope she has a change of heart."
Sounds more like she needs a change of brain.
Diversity breeds adversity.
I usually watch anything, but I have zero desire to click on a video like what this sounds like. I'm just burnt out on people with big mouths being emotional jerks. Then having people assign their own agenda to it, like this person is typical.
Unfortunate but BFD. She was crazy or on drugs or both. The fact that she yelled "nigger" is irrelevant. She could just as easily have been yelling that the end of the world is nigh and Jesus is on his way from Mars to take charge of it.
Darn, she wasn't wearing a MAGA hat. Missed opportunity for a national conversation about race.......(/sarc)
L.A. has become a cesspool of dysfunction. Everytime I go back, I realize I got out just in time.
"So, what's your position on reparations?"
Badness is badness, whether it is in Charlottsville or in Eagle Rock.
Vicki from Pasadena (right next door to Eagle Rock)
She looks and sounds like a Moby
The woman is clearly having some kind of mental breakdown but why let this incident go to waste when we can spin it into political fodder?
Another seam splits in the fabric of civilization.
Thank you, but no.
And how great is it that this video was posted to the Instagram account of Shaun King, world-renowned faux-Black man and bullshit artist?
You mean Talcum X?
Yeah, this is strong evidence of a vast white supremacy movement.
The woman is obviously mentally ill, and this is evidence of nothing more than that. Here is the thing, though- the people who think this is evidence of something more and are disturbed by it are more mentally deficient than the woman doing the rant, because their reaction is evidence that they are too stupid to survive life.
The police involvement would be because she kept saying she wanted to lynch black people. A threat. At least I think that's the reason. In England and future America, the words alone get you arrested.
Remember the progressive Harvard administrator who yelled at and played loud music outside a black neighbor's apt. because she believed the black neighbor should not live in her neighborhood?
Only Progressive women feel "righteous" and "virtuous" enough to flaunt their racism. Conservative women would either treat their neighbors as individuals and as neighbors, or ignore them. They would feel silly and awkward to call attention to themselves.
Apparently she's an ecumenical hater; she also hates Italians:
>>Blogger Oso Negro said...
"Woman lives in Mt. Washington, not Fairfax, but works in television and film."<<
Used to work in television and film. FIFY
So they finally found an actual White Supremacist?
Or maybe just one of the many millions of white Americans who are sick of being the victims of crimes committed by young black men?
@ Oso Negro
That was a reference to the imaginary Truck Stop of Deplorables in Ann's first post of the day, "Trump’s getting impeached? I defy you to convince anyone at this cursed truck stop."
The process of doxing her is well underway.
Apparently she’s an ecumenical hater; she also hates Italians:
Ambien is a hell of a drug.
"Darn, she wasn't wearing a MAGA hat."
Someone will dupe it in and claim it is a video "taken from a different angle."
It is very "progressive" or monotonic. They can take pride in diversity, political congruence, and selective-child. One step forward, two steps backward. Progress.
I can only chime in, "Investigating for what?". If you start shouting and acting crazy in a store, you'll be asked to the leave, and if you do, that's the end of it.
Typical California. you can walk out with $900 of goods in SF and only get a "Notice to appear" but if a crazy person shouts the word Nigger- the police investigate. No doubt the Left would love to make that a "Hate Crime" with 2 years in jail, but there's that pesky 1st Amendment. Damn those slave-owners.
Blogger Dave Begley said...
The police are investigating what exactly? What crime was committed?
This was my thought. Before watching the video I assumed she was arrested for trespassing. But that can’t be correct because she left the store on her own.
So what was the crime? Perhaps instead of yelling she just should have shoplifted less than $1000 worth of merchandise. I hear that’s no longer a criminal offense in the DPRC.
Ambien is a hell of a drug.
This is important news because ...
it confirms something about White Supremacy and thus, the need for our betters to take control.
If this kind of shit didn't happen, the Left would have to make it up through a hoax or something.
Wait ...
You have to arrest her.
She is committing truth.
Sorry to hear Eagle Rock is progressive tho.
This ain't no disco! This ain't no country club either!
This ain't no disco! This ain't no country club, either!
The pharmacist looks up from her want ads.
Reminds me that you can watch Kentucky Fried Movie on at least a half dozen streaming services...
Almost as many N words in that rant as in an average Rap. But no motherfuckers, so there is that.
So they finally found an actual White Supremacist?
Rabid diversitist, perhaps. Color supremacist, maybe. Pulled a Jussie Smollett? It's a progressive liberal haven. The racket is always raising revenue and stirring good will.
"No doubt the Left would love to make that a "Hate Crime" with 2 years in jail, but there's that pesky 1st Amendment."
The First Amendment only says that Muslims are allowed to plan and carry out terrorist attacks. It doesn't say anything about white people talking.
If we're doing armchair diagnoses, I'm going with schizoprenic off her meds or going through heavy stress over white supremacist.
"It’s very frustrating because this community likes to see itself as very progressive,
The underlying belief is annoying as hell.
Let's hope she was there to pick up her sorely needed medication for treating her bi-polar symptoms.
Hmm. I live in Glendale. Eagle Rock is the next suburb over and I frequently eat or shop there. It's the home of Occidental College--one of Obama's alma maters. The stretch of the 134 freeway that runs through Eagle Rock is named after Obama. It's a "woke" community.
Now as to who this woman voted for? Eagle Rock is part of Adam Schiff's Congressional District which voted 78% for Adam in the 2018 Congressional election. (The losing Republican was an Armenian businessman who received just 22% of the vote.)
So if you want to bet who this woman voted for? There's a 78% chance it was Adam Schiff.
There's also a 78% chance that this incident was a scam designed to show that racial discrimination was still an issue. Can you say Jessie Smollett in Lululemon yoga pants?
Maybe Tourettes, given what her neighbor says.
Hey, Professor, as long as you're moderating -- which causes negligent posters like me to post multiple times, because their posts don't appear immediately -- could you please weed out duplicates? Kthxbye.
You can do it yourself. Just hit the little trashcan by the time at the bottom of one of your duplicates. Voila! You are down to one.
Editor: Hmmm. I have a single data point. Let's roll!
Racism has a supply-demand mismatch. There is a very high demand for videos of hillbillies burning crosses and lynching black people, but the supply isn't there so buzzfeed has to show a video of a crazy white woman cursing at unseen black folks.
And Patricia Arquette is working hard to get this woman cancelled.
Oh, the empathy.
Diversity is color judgment (e.g. racism).
Liberalism is divergent. Progressivism is monotonic. Conservatism is moderating. Principles matter.
I confess to using the qualifier 'clearly' @10:28 before reading Skylark's condemnation of that usage on another thread. With this delayed moderation, I had no way of knowing what a foolish mistake I had made until it was, alas, too late.
Which is the greater moral imperative: showing disapproval for a racist or sympathy for a mentally disturbed woman? Also, isn't there a moral imperative to find out the woman's backstory before coming to your conclusion?
sounds like she got really mad about something
Amadeus 48 said...
"You can do it yourself."
You're right, of course. Well, I already admitted being a negligent poster.
She seems very hateful and angry. She also seems like something set her off. I can't imagine anyone just thinking to themself, "You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to drive down to CVS and start screaming and shouting about violence and the N-word."
And not to cast aspersions about people from the South, but her accent seems to have a little bit of southern in there. Like maybe she grew up in the south but then lived out in LA for the last few decades.
Also, it is not very wise to blame your racist rant on intoxication when there is video of you driving away.
So they finally found an actual White Supremacist?
I honestly don't know if she is a white supremacist. In America today, the worst social transgression (meaning criminal acts are excluded), is for a white person to use the N-word as a pejorative, especially directed at black folk who are present. Sometimes if a person is upset and angry enough they will want to do very socially unacceptable things to express just how angry they are. If you listen to her rant she actually does have a disclaimer that she wouldn't actually kill black people because it is against the law. So my initial reaction is that she something set her off and she got really upset and angry about it, so upset she felt like she had to yell the most hateful, angry, and socially transgressive things that could come to mind.
She could also be a white supremacist.
The woman can be charged with disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor. If it's upgraded to a hate crime, it's a felony. Here's Reason on the nasty drunk who harassed a Puerto Rican woman in a public park. https://reason.com/2019/09/27/this-obnoxious-drunks-opinions-could-earn-him-an-extra-59-months-behind-bars/
The woman can be charged with disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor. If it's upgraded to a hate crime, it's a felony. Here's Reason on the nasty drunk who harassed a Puerto Rican woman in a public park. https://reason.com/2019/09/27/this-obnoxious-drunks-opinions-could-earn-him-an-extra-59-months-behind-bars/
I wonder why this crazy person is considered a representative of the "community," progressive or otherwise. She's a crazy person.
I buy Zyrtec and munchies at that CVS occasionally. For what it's worth, the cashiers there are particularly nice folk.
Ah the plot thickens. The lady with the rant is a costume designer and a member of a Hollywood union. Vault Dweller--that "southern accent" is probably from south Hollywood.
And as for intoxication and "driving away while intoxicated"--haven't you heard of DUIs? They're issued all the time in every state of the union.
Now as to the lady's use of the "N" word. I can recall my brother, sister and me lecturing my father on the "N" word in 1963. Dad was a yellow dog Democrat born and raised in Texas. He'd be a Pelosi voter to the day he died (which was in San Diego County in 2004--but I wouldn't be surprised if he hadn't "voted" for Pelosi half a dozen times since then).
In any case we were telling our father (who was 55 at the time) that you just couldn't say that word anymore. His response was "Well, that's what they are aren't they?" No Dad--you can't use that word. And I would venture to say that the percentage of melanin impaired citizens in the USA (that means "white folks" to you all) who would use that word today is well under 1%. So I'm thinking that this incident was a set up--a fake hate crime.
Since the lady in question is a costume designer, she might have thought to bring a white robe and hood--for authenticity doncha know.
Saint Tanya of the Holy Victim feels free to condemn this sinner for life
No absolution in the church of intersectionality
Its the power they always wanted and imagined in others
This is a typical reaction when a "progressive" loses her Pro-Choice quasi-religion. Wait until she has an epiphany about the "wicked solution". Here's to progress and a safe landing.
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