"I watched 5-and-a-half Sunday morning talk shows yesterday, and I heard the same thing over and over. Trump has lost some unregainable portion of the women. He can never get them back, but he could never have won anyway, and really what he is is America's expression of anger. We're an angry, angry America, and this lout is, apparently, an embodiment of our collective id."
I wrote, on August 15, 2015, in "Dawn walk thoughts," which I'm reading this morning because I'm retroactively applying my new tag "sunrise."
I don't watch the Sunday morning talk shows anymore. I don't know exactly when I stopped but that old post expresses the aversion that keeps me away entirely now. I can't take the anger. I can't take the constant obsessing over Trump. And that was 4 years ago. Little did I know how much anger and obsessing would follow. But, as I did then, I can get away from the media-enforced anxiety.
४०२ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 402 पैकी 201 – 400 नवीन› नवीनतम»Trump is at the forefront of a global movement against the aristocracy. It is playing out in Britain, Hong Kong, Brazil, the Philippines, The US and many other countries.
The aristocracy, who own the media, do not appreciate this.
The dictators of Venezuela were smart enough not to promise to do what they did. They promised to do socialism right. The Democrats aren't even smart enough to lie about it, or rather their base isn't smart enough to need lied to.
Less a battle than a dust-up, the first shot was fired when Obama got involved in the Henry Louis Gates arrest. It was, according to our Enlightened President, a "teachable moment".
That was certainly a preview of coming attractions but the Trayvon case was the first in which major league lying was used.
well they promised to restore the safety net, much like fidel with the 1940 constitution, but if you read between the lines,
The aristocracy, who own the media, do not appreciate this.
I'm listening for the second or third time to Pat Buchanan's book, "Nixon's White House Wars."
Agnew was Buchanan's mouthpiece and the battles were much that same as we see now.
That time the press and the FBI were able to take Nixon down. How they did it is educational.
Yep. I haven’t watched the television news since the early morning hours of November 9, 2016. I was so over the moon with the result, and I knew the groupthink newspeak horror that was to follow.
well Nixon was challenging some of the defeatist elements of the deep state, that couldn't stomach his notion of Vietnamization, an interesting perspective was that roman a clef that victor Marchetti wrote, 'the rope dancer' which seems to kind of prescient, one might substitute Afghanistan for Vietnam,
AA: “I don't watch the Sunday morning talk shows anymore.”
Yep. I haven’t watched the Sunday talks since Tim Russert died, and that was after the loss of David Brinkley. The clowns they have on now are insufferable children.
The reason is “talking points,” which prevent interesting, meaningful exchanges. The pols are pre-programmed and self-righteous. The journ-o-lists are all playing gotcha, not opening up the conversation for real information. I’d say it’s a shame, but it’s just a boring dance at this point, and both sides are to blame. Russert was able to maneuver around the talking points, and he was fair.
I want to go back to the old days of journalists — when journalists distrusted everyone who held power. That’s what’s missing. They’re all on the take. And as Ben Rhodes pointed out, it’s all too easy...
Chuck said...
Drago, maybe you can get Laurence Meade or Althouse herself to itemize what rules that I alone broke, to deserve any sort of banishment.
You are here in bad faith. You are not what you say you are.
Your posts are boring and repetitive.
Nobody cares about what you say or listens to you or your pathetic little group of shysters.
You are literally clutter.
they see 1984 as a how to guide,
I don't know the actual numbers, but are we losing any more soldiers in Afghanistan than we would if they were stateside training? Regardless, I bet we could make it so, and still keep Afghanistan a lot less dangerous to us. Basically use the Taliban for practice.
Please help me understand what LLR means.
I can’t find an explanation for the abbreviation that makes sense.
Must be part of the Althousian lingo, as it seems to be in common use.
Thank you in advance.
Though I must say, Chuck is a most curious cat.
Please help me understand what LLR means.
It's Chuck's claim of being a life-long Republican.
It appears some people doubt that.
Chuck Todd lost me at “We’ll never have a climate change denier on the show.” That settles that. A network that has broadcast story after story about Trump/Russia collusion that turned out to be false thinks they have the judgment and credibility to ban one side of a discussion of a scientific proposition that has taken on grave political overtones.
NBC really takes the cake as a lickspittle propaganda organization. Trump is too polite to them.
Got it. Thanks.
I figured it was “Lifelong Republican” or “Left-Leaning Republican.”
Same diff. If you need to say the former, you’re more than likely the latter.
I often run around yelling about a guy named "Poopadoopalis" but I can't remember whether he's a "talking head" or some old French guy.
Rumpletweezer: People stunned by Trump's victory haven't made much progress in figuring it out.
To be more precise, those opposed to Trump's victory have made much progress in figuring it out.
I supported Trump, but thought he had little chance to win. I remember my friends calling my on election night and yelling at them not to jinx it, I was expecting a Florida 2000 shenanigan or something. I even taped a paper printout over the bathroom sink that said "President Donald Trump". The wife and I would stare at it like it was some coded puzzle we needed to figure out.
So, we were stunned by Trump's victory, but knew why he won.
It's the stupid Democrats and treacherous Cuck NeverTrumpers that are still wandering the wilderness, looking for the Russian Snipe or something.
@Doc K,
That time the press and the FBI were able to take Nixon down. How they did it is educational.
I would add the CIA to this mix. Nixon and Helms got sideways, possibly over Allende in Chile, but possibly over the then-secret Operation Mongoose. In any event "ex" CIA Agents, McCord and Hunt of the Plumbers had "higher loyalties" to Helms and the CIA, then to Nixon.
I know, now we're straying, but a large segment of Nixon enemies were on the Right -- they didn't like his secretive dealings with China or his detente with Soviets.
Fen: “To be more precise, those opposed to Trump's victory have made much progress in figuring it out.”
Contrast the current news reporting with this:
Inga: If Althouse wanted me gone, I’d be gone. Obviously she doesn’t. So it is you who is the the asshole and an obsessive one too. There is only one commenter that gets deleted every time she posts and it is not I. Now wouldn’t it be a breath of fresh air if you actually commented on the subject matter of any given Althouse blogpost rather than consistently obsessing over that Inga person and directing one after another comments at her
There is truth in this. I've been here since 2006. When Althouse wants someone gone, she/Meade deletes their posts as they post and cautions others not to waste time responding to said person, as their remarks will be deleted too.
If Althouse wanted Inga and Chuck gone, they would be gone.
I suspect they are allowed to remain (or were created) to inflate page views.
Fen: “To be more precise, those opposed to Trump's victory have made much progress in figuring it out.”
LOL I screwed that up. :) Try again:
To be more precise, those opposed to Trump's victory have NOT made much progress in figuring it out.
The truth is Althouse is running a insane clown posse for deplorables. I agree with Fen, Meade plays the Chuck character and Ann plays Inga just to bump up the pageviews and To make her amazon booty twerk.
Actually it all boils down to two things:
1) Believe and understand the right things.
2) Fight for them despite the force or breadth of the opposition.
Read My Lips, NO NEW TAXES
We're going to need SOME NEW Taxes, to pay for All our New Spending
At the pentagon, probably buy not at the company
Fen — I know what you meant, and I’m with ya.
It’s not that they don’t know. It’s that they don’t care to learn. THAT is willful ignorance, and that I cannot excuse, nor forgive.
There’s a Pulitzer in digging down and fully reporting Operation Crossfire Hurricane — and following every possible path in/out of it. It is telling that no mainstream news media outlets are pursuing that story.
Again, my problem is not that they don’t know. It’s that they don’t care to learn.
I feel very strongly the need to know what the other side is saying but my means of finding this out has changed. I used to read Wapo, the NYT etc. and listen to NPR but it just seemed to me that I shouldn't be screaming at the radio and throwing the paper across the room. So for awhile I've been "free-wheeling". On a bike freewheeling is where you hold onto the back of a bus or a truck and get pulled along. Freewheeling with the news is letting others read or watch the shows and if they made the case that something was interesting then I would watch. But this policy has a shelf-life because the people I'm freewheeling behind have to have a brain. And everybody with a brain is checking out. The day after the climate townhall there seemed to me to be quite a quest to find someone who watched it and had a report. The report was that they all made wild promises. Now Althouse is ditching the Sunday morning shows. All I can think of is that we should have a lottery - the winner watches the shows on a given week and reports. Second prize, the winner watches for two weeks. Or there could be a fantasy election game. You get five words, you guess the headlines. Only the five words will always be "Trump", "racism", and "inevitable Democratic victory." So maybe we are in the eye of the storm which has stopped above us while the winds in the media eyewall continue to pound the TDSers. For them, good news about the economy must be twisted to bad; Joe Biden must be seen as capable; racism must be everywhere; a world-ending climate change must be thought about and feared and thought about and feared and fear; country-ending socialism in Venezuela must NOT, NOT, NOT be thought about.
In Wisconsin a group is starting some kind of paper called Empower Wisconsin which is conservative. It will have people from the McIver Institute, Vicki McKenna and others. Maybe we could fill in the time by starting conservative papers everywhere.
Well youll learn next to nothing from the sunday shows:
Fen said: LOL I screwed that up. :) Try again: Haha, I started reading at post 200 and wondered about your original comment.
Agreed that they haven't figured it out, but more importantly, they Do Not Want To figure it out.
About a year ago, my lib FB friends would occasionally ask something like "Trump tweeted [something unintelligible] How can his supporters not see Trump's incompetence?". And I might answer something like. . . "maybe his supporters are glad that unemployment is at its lowest point in decades and they are getting good raises and working full-time". At which point, several folks would pile on me about how "character" matters more or the "DOW lost 300 points today"! or "you Trump supporters (I didn't vote for him)are blind".
IOW, progs don't honestly want to understand Trump voters. Trump voters know this, understand it and at this point, don't plan on trying to educate the other side. They have better things to do with their time and money.
“when did they [Venezuelan socialist leaders] ever state that that [effective abolition of their petroleum industry] was their intention?”
Amazing. Have you ever heard ”Watch what I do, not what I say ?”
Certainly! My point, however — which you appear obtuse to — is that here we see the corps of U.S. Democratic presidential candidates actually going beyond the proverbial “full Venezuela” by (full-throatedly, unanimously) venturing into territory that the archetypal Venezuelan socialist strongmen never themselves dared go, at least verbally, to wit: publicly advocating before a vote is cast for them their intent to abolish the American nation's petroleum industry.
I suspect they are allowed to remain (or were created) to inflate page views.
Probably true. I notice that Inga or Chuck or Ritmo usually result in 300 comment threads.
The NeverTrumper at Ricochet has the same effect. He won't shut up and people keep replying.
"I hate the news right now. Everyone seems to think the thing to talk about is Donald Trump, which strikes me as profoundly stupid."
It's not stupid. The goal is to turn
anti-Trump Fatigue into Trump Fatigue in general. So that people will their annoyance from the Media to the Media's subject: Trump.
It's how the Media avoids pitchfork mobs putting their heads on pikes. And, unfortunately, most Americans are dumb enough to let them get away with it.
My point, however — which you appear obtuse to
New troll watch. Is that you Inga ?
Oh I used to remove the extra line spacing as a courtesy to Outhouse and repost.
Fuck that shit, I'm not doing it anymore. Instead I'll use that time to copy and repost if needed for the inevitable deletion.
You want respect, give respect.
In any event "ex" CIA Agents, McCord and Hunt of the Plumbers had "higher loyalties" to Helms and the CIA, then to Nixon.
I don't disagree. I just enjoy Pat Buchanan's books. His book about Churchill, who he hates, is interesting although I don't agree with him. Mark Felt had a more direct involvement with the coup but CIA has always had a love-hate relationship with the USA. The last patriots were purged by Kennedy and Church.
Michael K said...
On Blogger since August 2019
Profile views - 5
A new troll?
Are you talking about me? I've been posting on this blog under this (my correct) name for at least a decade and a half. You personally have responded to postings (plural) of mine within the last few weeks. How quickly one forgets!
As for my profile that you're so suspicious of, last month I was out of the country, needed to post under a new login name (my older gmail box was full — of cc's from this blog, to a considerable degree) — and I didn't have all my passwords. So I used a new temporary profile. So sue me! Sheesh!
Chuck Todd lost me at “We’ll never have a climate change denier on the show.” That settles that.
Juxtapose that with the MS MALMO, which took a bunch of devout climate change warriors out to see the “disappearing” arctic ice, only to be trapped about a week ago in the very real, expanding, attic ice sheet.
Well theres the distinctions between the romanoffs and the brahmins as john weisman described it one series, the fmr were ex military enlisted generally right wingers like gray lynch and rip robertson the others like helms meyer et al were ivy league liberals
The latter were the ones who absolved the bureau and damned the brigade, the ones who didnt consider any new strategies re vietnam
DJT is 45 minutes in and all of the speakers in Fayetteville, NC are talking about fighting the Dems harder and harder. The Home of the 82nd Airborne has spread its All American never surrender spirit there. They know losing is not an option.
‘Michael K said...
“On Blogger since August 2019
Profile views - 5
A new troll?”
Michel McNeil said...
Are you talking about me? I've been posting on this blog under this (my correct) name for at least a decade and a half. You personally have responded to postings (plural) of mine within the last few weeks. How quickly one forgets!
As for my profile that you're so suspicious of, last month I was out of the country, needed to post under a new login name (my older gmail box was full — of cc's from this blog, to a considerable degree) — and I didn't have all my passwords. So I used a new temporary profile. So sue me! Sheesh!”
Michael K is a very dedicated troll sniffer.
I notice that Inga or Chuck or Ritmo usually result in 300 comment threads.
Half of them are Drago's, who could be one of them, since you rarely see Chuck without him. Annoying.
He doesnt aay what to do if they do crush the protesters:
Half of them are Drago's, who could be one of them, since you rarely see Chuck without him. Annoying.
Oh I know, it's so "annoying" when the conservatives fight back against the libs. Those aren't our people dear. And have you read David French's latest? SOOO dreamy!
Fuck off.
I try to show rather tell, because it does get tedious pointing out category error, blue wall if text is particularly annoying.
Probably stansfield turner and john deutsch, about 20 years apart, purged operatives and assets, the former used the pretext of edwin wilson (who we discovered 25 years later had been working for the company) the latter torricellis desire to impress bianca jagger.
Right back at you, LLFen.
See, isn't that boring?
Ralph: "Half of them are Drago's, who could be one of them, since you rarely see Chuck without him."
I'm quite certain any objective analysis of my interactions with the lefties (Chuck, Inga, et al) would show that without question I am not one of them.
But thank you for your insightful assessment.
I've been posting on this blog under this (my correct) name for at least a decade and a half.
Odd that a new profile was necessary. Lefties always have an excuse. Even Inga who is a low normal at best.
Let’s not talk about how Trump reveals classified information and causes great concern in the CI A and other agencies, instead let’s talk about talk shows. Just who is deranged?
“Much of my journalism for the past four years has been devoted to critiquing President Trump and opposing the spread of Trumpism. But no matter how many columns or sound bites I produce, he remains in office, acting (as Sharpiegate shows) more erratically than ever. Sure, he’s not terribly popular — but he could still be reelected. I am left to ask if all my work has made any difference.” — Max Boot
roesch/voltaire: "Let’s not talk about how Trump reveals classified information and causes great concern in the CI A and other agencies, instead let’s talk about talk shows."
John Brennan and his corrupt CIA team of Crossfire Hurricane would-be Stasi-ists outed their supposed "close to Putin" "inside the Kremlin" "source" in early 2017.
Given how much of a hoax r/v's beloved fake dossier is as well as how bogus a lie that "17 intel agencies" turned out to be, I am putting my money on there is no Kremlin source in danger and it was all another in a long line of Brennan/Clapper/Comey lies fed to Sciutto (obama admin BSer) at CNN.
Another transparent lefty hoax.
Unlike brennan who had to spike the ball, on the anniversary of the bin laden raid, burnt a key asset in al queda, trump quietly informed the russian ambassador of the sourcing for the tip, then some deep stater leaked it to the press.
Michael K is a very dedicated troll sniffer.
I just like to know who I am talking to. I make no secret who I am., Inga and Ritmo are constantly swapping identities to avoid being banned. When I see a new ID, I look to see who it is and when I find an ID that is less than a week old, I suspect a troll. Especially when they start with a lefty snark. It is obvious that they are not interested in debate.
The pawned that earlier leak to a sometime bureau contractor that couldnt have known who was the source of the bomb diagram, unlike general cartwright who fell on his sword.
Next up for noted hoaxer r/v and LLR Chuck: We need to open an investigation to determine just how fast Trump was feeding those Japanese fish!!!
Fen said...
If Althouse wanted Inga and Chuck gone, they would be gone.
Fuck that shit, I'm not doing it anymore.
Is it any wonder that Althouse has become so enamored with Reddit recently? The spirit over there is generally positive and funny. The mood over here has become very sour.
Things change, of course. Soon, rather than having to defend the Great Pumpkin by endless deflection to trivial complaints about the left, Althouse will be able to full-throatedly attack the left and peace will once again reign in her kingdom.
What is going to be of interest is how, and how quickly the mob here turns on Trump, because we all know they will turn, once he is a loser.
I'm witcha.
Let’s not talk about how Trump reveals classified information and causes great concern in the CI A and other agencies, instead let’s talk about talk shows. Just who is deranged?
Awww whassa matter? Upset the NYT didn’t do it first?
Prettu much always:
What is going to be of interest is how, and how quickly the mob here turns on Trump, because we all know they will turn, once he is a loser.
Delusions again.Take your meds.
Michael K had...
Delusions again.
I am so old (although nowhere near as old as Michael K) that I can remember when people here thought W. was the greatest thing since sliced bread. How things changed. Trump only just stopped short of calling the Bush family traitors to the country and everyone cheered.
Officials dispute report Trump revealed classified information to Russians
H.R. McMaster: 'I was in the room. It didn't happen.'
Was this the birth of the witch hunts that are still in progress today? Still not viable. Obama spied, Clinton colluded, Biden obstructed, DNC denied with personal cause, and the media prosecuted multi-trimester warlock trials (e.g. trials by press, appeals to empathy). Water Closet will forever live in infamy. Fortunately, Deep Plumber is clearing the consensus and flushing the brown matter.
I'd like to put this here but it would be funny in the Bill Maher thread a few pages down.
oh well.
Hello wine and bagel bites
Krispy Kreme gives me life.
Well the witchhunts were already underway.
Yay progressives!
Who knows if its true:
It was high time.
She wanted it.
Now they don't want her.
Let's not talk about Trump --- I like him and I appreciate his efforts but ....
That being said, let's talk about Americans who are not Trump.
For example, did you know that there are many people who live in America whose parents were born in America and whose grandparents were born in American and whose great grandparents and so on were born in America who still think it is important to think about ALL OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION ...
so when we reflect on the hateful things that poor John "Chrysostom" said, we, who live in a country that is ours, wonder:
I get it, he was "declared" a saint by human beings who often declare that sort of thing.
But let us speak, as people who care about each other speak, about what has really been going on.
We all know that, a thousand years ago, some guy who preached a lot and who was basically asexual and not an alcoholic, was proclaimed a saint after he died. That was poor "John Chrystostom" (Hate me if you want but I know what i am talking about). Keep reading .....
Most of you have not spent a moment researching his life.
I have, and no, he was not given to personal sins, but he had hatred in his heart for Jews, and that hatred in his heart was so strong that I really think he had little room left for the love of others that Jesus COMMANDED US TO HAVE ....
are you with me so far?
or are you bored because I am not talking about Trump?
canon lawyers are sometimes right and sometimes wrong and all they can say is this
DISMAS (whom Jesus said on the Cross would be with him in HEAVEN THAT VERY DAY) and STEPHEN (described in the Holy Book as having seen God at the moment of death) and a few others -for example John the Baptist, Mary of Nazareth, Joseph her beloved Spouse, and James the Great, whose martyrdom is described in the Acts of the Apostles) --- are SAINTS IN HEAVEN
--- even the best of canon lawyers cannot say, that a specific individual, having lived and died in this world, is in HEAVEN, with the few exceptions I mentioned above and a few others ....
SO LET US ALL PRAY FOR POOR JOHN CHRYSTOSTOM and all the other "saints" who may or may not be in heaven
if they are not, they will be so so grateful
and trust me my friends there is nothing better in this world
than to win the gratitude of someone who never had a friend in this world.
(changing gears)
a generation ago, I used to play the melodies of Tchaikovsky, the better known ones, on the piano
In the late 1970s I visited his summer home
but only recently did I ever listen to the beautiful melodies and harmonies
poor Tchaikovsky composed ....
when he wrote
(based on words that some anonymous writer, in the humbleness of his or her heart, ascribed to JOHN CHRYSTOSTOM)
the person who I asked you to pray for earlier in this comment ....
(For the record, I understand why people who read what I write on the internet sometimes think I am a phony who should be criticized. I am not. In real life, people who hear what i have to say about the good news of the Lord ---- and while I am no wonder-working sidewalk preacher, I talk about the Lord to those I meet many times every day - and Nobody ever looks at me like I am a phony when I do so because they can look me in the eyes and see I get no profit and no advantage in this world from my efforts at sharing the word of the Lord - TRUST ME MY FRIENDS ------)
Listen, my friends, to Tchaikovsky's setting of the "HYMN OF THE CHERUBIM"
and think
I dont stephen cooper, admittedly chrysostom was wrong on some things, one should take to acknowledge the old testament teachers that inform christianity,
Now he didnt feel confident enough in his prea hing of the Word, to mention how Christianity distilled the essence of Judaism, apparently this was an early phase of his preaching
Chuck imagines himself poking another person's sternum.
Probably a woman.
Maybe a black woman.
Chuck is racist.
I can remember when people here thought W. was the greatest thing since sliced bread. How things changed. Trump only just stopped short of calling the Bush family traitors to the country and everyone cheered.
I was not a fan of Bush and worked as a volunteer for McCain. My former partner, much older then, was upset with me because I was not a Bush supporter. I was actually content to have Gore win as I thought he was more sensible than Clinton. My theory is that Gore went insane as a result of the 2000 election.
My own blog began in 2007 so I cannot prove I was neutral.
At first, I supported the Bush Iraq adventure but, by 2007 , I had doubts.
The war in Iraq has been a long series of decision cycles. War opponents seem to lack the willingness to acknowledge this fact or are ignorant of the entire process. Even the New York Times, which seems to be accepting the new circumstances, describes the process today. The theoretical concept seems to be beyond them but it can be found in the article if one can ignore the occasional snarky asides. Our strategy is changing as circumstances change. The Times comments that this conflicts with the recommendations of Colonel John Nagl but I don’t believe that is true. This article in Mother Jones magazine, hardly a supporter of the war or the military, shows his ideas. Petraeus has to get the swamp drained before he can implement a long term plan for the next war but Nagl is right and has the ear of Petraeus.?
I was quoting "Mother Jones"
ARM: "...by endless deflection to trivial complaints about the left,"
Lets not quibble about who wants to impeach who based on proved lies, those darn republicans wont stop fighting back!!
Hey ARM, have you and the left recovered sufficiently from the Trump scandal of diet cokes and 2 scoops of ice cream yet?
Sunday morning show to watch:
Maria Bartiromo on FOXNews at 9am EST.
The rest are garbage.
narciso he is my little brother who messed up
and I am not gonna ever stop praying to God to look at him the way he was before
he was inveighed by his love for his own intelligence and his own proud views of the world
here is a list of other saints who are probably not really in HEAVEN YET who need your prayers
Max Kolbe
Karol Wojtyla
Robert Bellarmine
Francis of Assisi, with his Dale Carnegie style love of his phony love for others whom he would not have agreed to take care of (that being said his pal Bonaventure is in heaven, I am so so sure of that)
the poor sad 20th century celebrity Popes like the one who had the arrogance to take on the name of John when he was nothing like John and the poor little fellow (my favorite, because he was the least arrogant to them all) who took the name of Paul
and poor Dorothy Day who had hatred in her heart for the middle class
and poor Chesterton who was the best of them all but who still was unable to go the last mile he did not know what it means to love everybody
and poor Romero, the unrepentant friend of terrorists (I remember the victims)
(you know I am right, pray for the poor man, he did not understand what it is to love people so much that you hate terrorism with the hatred God has for sin)
and the one who most needs our prayers ----
vilify me all you want but I know the poor creature needs our prayers ----
and if it were not for me you would not have thought for a moment that he needs your prayers .....
but I know he needs your prayers ....
ah the poor creature.
thanks for reading.
Off the internet, in real life, when people look at me, they KNOW THAT I GET NOTHING OF VALUE FROM
my humble efforts
to remind people
that God loves you, and God loves you just as much if you don't naturally like people like me as God would love you if you liked me.
Please pray tonight, in the goodness of your soul, for the people who were kind to me back in the day before I realized that
thanks for reading
That was before we knew rosen was journolist and later a part of rhodes echo chamber, im aurprised more wasnt gleaned by then captain
Bagott glubb experiences in mesopotamia in the 20s and early 30s againat the wahhabi raiders
narciso he is my little brother who messed up
and I am not gonna ever stop praying to God to look at him the way he was before
he was inveighed by his love for his own intelligence and his own proud views of the world
here is a list of other saints who are probably not really in HEAVEN YET who need your prayers
Max Kolbe
Karol Wojtyla
Robert Bellarmine
Francis of Assisi, with his Dale Carnegie style love of his phony love for others whom he would not have agreed to take care of (that being said his pal Bonaventure is in heaven, I am so so sure of that)
the poor sad 20th century celebrity Popes like the one who had the arrogance to take on the name of John when he was nothing like John and the poor little fellow (my favorite, because he was the least arrogant to them all) who took the name of Paul
and poor Dorothy Day who had hatred in her heart for the middle class
and poor Chesterton who was the best of them all but who still was unable to go the last mile he did not know what it means to love everybody
and poor Romero, the unrepentant friend of terrorists (I remember the victims)
(you know I am right, pray for the poor man, he did not understand what it is to love people so much that you hate terrorism with the hatred God has for sin)
and the one who most needs our prayers ----
vilify me all you want but I know the poor creature needs our prayers ----
and if it were not for me you would not have thought for a moment that he needs your prayers .....
but I know he needs your prayers ....
ah the poor creature.
thanks for reading.
Off the internet, in real life, when people look at me, they KNOW THAT I GET NOTHING OF VALUE FROM
my humble efforts
to remind people
that God loves you, and God loves you just as much if you don't naturally like people like me as God would love you if you liked me.
Please pray tonight, in the goodness of your soul, for the people who were kind to me back in the day before I realized that
thanks for reading
There is much commendable in chryostom, some that isnt, i dont think anti jewish animus was unknown in the time and place of his preaching
Do you acknowledge them as saints, remember thar passage i linked from time ago, i wouldnt use chrysostoms most controversial manuscripts there is much that is useful.
That last link was about bains ties to robert maxwell.
So who is worthy of providing instruction, you seem to sift out all of the church thinkers for one reason or another.
inveigled not inveighed
and you don't need me to tell you who I was thinking about when I said "ah the poor creature"
God is good and the kindness that all his creatures experience when we dream about a world where the goodness of God is like Summer in summertime ..... or Autumn in the Fall months (October, November, with a little taste of late September) ... or the days of Spring where we remember either (a) what we felt like when we were young and healthy or (b) what we felt like when we realized that our fate in this world was to SO MUCH WANT THOSE WE LOVE TO BE HAPPY AND ANY DAY IN ANY SEASON OF THE YEAR WAS A DAY WHERE WE IMAGINED THOSE WE LOVE BEING HAPPY ....
that being said, I really do care about "ah the poor creature"
Please join with me in praying for Dorothy Day, I really like her, but I am so so sad that the poor creature never really loved others the way she could so easily have loved them
Think about it, you too can fool yourself into thinking you care about everybody
IF you don't please try, much harder than poor Dorothy (I remember!) to be one of those people who do care about everyone else.
Look I know you have read that God hates the arrogant but really he doesn't, it is just this ...
God wants you to know ....
(just saying)
God really really wants you to pray for arrogant people, like poor Dorothy Day, in the hope that they will be less arrogant in the future.
thanks for reading
but don't be arrogant
Yes dorothy day was mistaken in significant waya, so was arch bishop romero in similar situation
This is where madness leads you:
with a few exceptions
Listen to people who have suffered
who never had a real friend in this world
and who nevertheless KNEW That GOD LOVES US ALL
Like I said, Stephen the Proto-Martyr was obviously a saint, the Bible, written by the best friends of Jesus, tells us that. Dismas who died on the cross at 2 in the afternoon of the day Jesus died on the next cross over at 3 in the afternoon was a saint. Stephen who was hit in the head time after time with big rocks thrown by the sort of people who today post on the internet with SJW righteousness, he was a saint. MARY THE MOTHER OF GOD WAS OBVIOUSLY A SAINT, and Saint Joseph was probably a saint. And of course John the Baptist, and his parents, and the prophets Anna and Simeon.
That being said, in the goodness of your heart, choose this (A) to refuse to pray for people who are called saints by the sinful people who have claimed to be able to say who is a saint or who is not or (b) pray, in the goodness of your heart, for almost anyone who the sinful churchmen of history have claimed as saints. Particularly, John Chrystostom, Francis, and all the others I mentioned earlier.
Well they must know the Word, stephen cooper, your feelings however well intentioned is not enough
Redsteeze is, at this point in his life, just a performance artist
You and me both know what that means
ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, the people he cares about when he is not being a sad performance artist ---
really do care about him
(not you, narciso, you get it - I really think you know what this world is)
Yes but she is a saint, because she had incredible reservoirs of faith,
He is pointing out the irony of a media that has gone insane, hes not everyones cup of tea,
stephen cooper is the one poster I scroll past instinctively.
I read roesch/voltaire, ARM, Ritmo, Chuck Reader Inga, and others for amusement.
They're stupid but sometimes good for a giggle.
Boring. Preachy. Judgmental.
Just... no.
Althouse has noticed the PURPLE ELEPHANTS.
But even as she decries the PURPLE ELEPHANTS,
Althouse mentions the PURPLE ELEPHANTS.
I explained Trump's purposes three years ago.
I remember some people hated my repetition.
I don't hold it against them.
They may know who they are.
When somebody tells you not to think of a thing, even a ludicrous thing, you immediately think of the think.
It cannot be resisted.
Trump demands the press not talk about the issues the press would prefer to ignore.
So the press talks about the issues the press would prefer to ignore.
Please, don't visualize a PURPLE ELEPHANT.
Well you are most likely to lead a believer to atumble, you dont point out the pebbles in everyones shoe,
Well you do aggravate even those willing to meet you half way. What does love mean in this instance, someone willing to take all the sin all the burdens of this well, while we rebelled, how can one reply in kind.
We live in a world as paul predicted in romans 1, a world that has denied the Truth, and God has left them to their desires, i need not tell thats the state of the world, The Word is like water to a fish. A totally alien concept.
Narciso love means taking all the sin and all the burdens of those you love because they were
Proverbs 8
And remember GOD LOVES US ALL
and God, while not a creature, has chosen to interact with creatures, and to that extent
unless GOD decided to be more than a God who interacts with creatures ....
But why would he do that? God knows that many of us - his creatures - are willing to do what he wants us to do ...
to bear the burdens of others
And God loves us so so much when we bear the burdens of others
he is happy the way one of those hot women are happy when they get really happy when they meet a guy who tries to be fit and good-looking and fun to be around , as if all those efforts were worth it in order to be
someone a hot woman is happy to be around
Time is not long it is short
There are people who think nobody loves anybody, really
Do we, yet we dont do it, paul said it himself 'what i dont want to do i do, what i want to do ido not'
Seriously sometimes I try to make it too simple.
Proverbs 8.
God loves us all and considers us all capable of understanding wisdom.
OK thanks for reading.
Feel free to think of me as no different than the street preacher who you gave a wide berth to, that day in North Carolina, while Lon Solomon, with his long hair and his drug-dealer looks, tarried,
I don't care
not a sermon just a thought
and i get nothing out of it
not a sermon just a thought
it is no small thing to be a kind and honest and truthful friend to a creature who never had a real friend in this world
I remember.
Thanks for reading.
The left has become incapable of losing an election gracefully. They will not accept Trump or Brexit, yet yammer about "democracy" which, apparently means allowing non-citizens and 12-year olds voting privileges.
Paul said that on a bad day
We all had bad days, long ago
Ive never been to north carolina.
Yes look at venezuela the way they look at democracy
narciso is the plainspoken and clear thinking one in these exchanges.
Irony abounds!
(No offense intended, narciso. I am a fan.)
Thanks i do try to get to the heart of the matter, there is so much broken trust even in a telatively churched community around here, its not easy to break through.
So they seem to have found some junior official i the russian govt and say this is the one, whose been living under his owm name a few miles from the russian embassy does that make any sense?
Jesus knows that you had your challenges
Jesus, for example, was BRAVE ENOUGH TO DIE ON THE CROSS
and we should give him props for that
and Jesus (a) has no problem willing to take on the sins of those of us who were born in mediocre circumstances (Take all the sins of all the burdens of this world, it is not that big of a deal)
For God's sake, my friends, stop listening to me and listen to what JESUS TELLS YOU IN YOUR HEART
Why? Why? WHY did I. vote for John McCain????
Oh yeah, he was running against a Chicago hack pol who had wafted upward on the unearned goodwill of others and suffered no vetting at the hands of the press and his opponents. Obama then got an eight year free ride while he did all sorts of things that teed up the powers that Trump has asserted.
Our politics, which had taken years to recover from the Nixon and Carter fiascos, have been spiraling down with a different and increasingly alarming cast of presidents and presidential candidates ever since George Mitchell figured out how to demagogue his own party’s tax reform bill.
Most people have reservations about Trump, but he is a man in a progression, and his opponents appear worse.
I just like to know who I am talking to. I make no secret who I am.
Bullshit. I post under my full name and always have; I don't see yours. (As for me, a quick google — try "Michael Edward McNeil" — will reveal my old blog which, if one were to bother to look, could be recognized as being decidedly non-leftist.)
Inga and Ritmo are constantly swapping identities to avoid being banned. When I see a new ID, I look to see who it is and when I find an ID that is less than a week old, I suspect a troll.
As I say, you and I, Michael, have traded comments on quite a few occasions at this point. You never seemed to recognize me as being an “Inga” incarnation before. Nor is your “senior moment” failure of memory in this regard my problem.
Especially when they start with a lefty snark. It is obvious that they are not interested in debate.
And that's the oddest thing of all. I'm a Trump voter, and a Trump supporter. I'm not a leftist and hardly ever post anything that could even remotely be regarded as being “leftist” in flavor. Then, too, I've engaged in debate in this group many times.
Moreover, the post(s) in question (by me anyway) that you've been responding to contain no “leftist snark.” Rather I pointed out that those (upthread) speaking derogatively of our current stable of Democratic presidential candidates are actually short of the mark when they declare that those Democrats' stated policies would lead to the “full Venezuela” for America. This is because the actual Venezuelan socialist dictators who ruined their country never dared to vocally advocate actually shutting down their nation's oil industry (they would have lost their oh-so “democratic” elections had they done so) — while our presidential candidates do publicly, explicitly advocate abolition of the oil industry.
How is holding and voicing such an opinion “leftist”? How is it remotely something that (say) leftist-tool Inga is likely to produce?
My conclusion as a result of the foregoing paradox is that you couldn't even be bothered to read what I posted, but instantly jumped off into never-never-land(s) of your imagination (“leftist snark”) — where you've been stuck ever since in this conversation.
Well we probably felt confidence in a womam who took up the challenge who believed there something at stake, who mccain callously th
Through to the wolves, (the jones memo proved he cooperated with schnidt and wallace) the media made her and her family, fair game and yet she persisted, she encouraged her son to go on mccains crusade, and he took up the challenge and was injured by it.
That ()11:43) was my respectful reply to my friend Narciso at 11:12.
Well maybe he is not my friend, I have so many friends I often forget that not everyone is my friend.
Proverbs 8.
And yes I would have enjoyed watching "Monday Night Football", recalling the days when my neighbor John Madden was the color commentator, but instead I spent an hour or two trying to amuse or instruct the readers of the thread entitled whatever this thread was entitled.
If you think I wasted your time, God bless you,
If you appreciate one phrase among all the phrases I typed out WHEN I WOULD HAVE PREFERRED TO BE DOING OTHER ThINGS, well, God bless you.
If you understand what I was trying to say, well don't tell anybody that you understood, just do what you need to do to be
humbly stated, that might not be the best advice you have ever gotten
but that is good advice.
God loves us all.
She contined even after the campaign, although she tried to return to alaska, but the well had been poisomed all her efforts came to nought, the pipeline she pushed for lay fallow, her
I will vouch for Michael McNeil- no troll. Few comments, but always worth reading when he does comment.
Church was burned down, her very effigy was hung for her faith, this system just crunchs and spits out good people, only those with a cast iron constitution on one hand, or no shame on the other seem to prevail.
All I can say, Mr. Cooper, is that God must certainly love Drew Brees.
Yet we know, thats where it leads cuba used to be the great sugar producer, now it atruggles to harvest a pittance. Venezuela floats on an ocean of oil, it cant keep the power on for critical necessities.
Thats just my humble impression about things, what ive seen in the last eleven years
The candidates asem to be reading fron a translation of vargas llosa and plinio mendizas perfect latin american idiots or galeanos open ceins
Mendozas, this was written before chavez and morales and correa and kirshner.
Agreed RE: Michael McNeill
Friendly fire from Michael K.
Ready. Fire. Aim.
Now 18 years since that dark tuesday, we find ourselves in a kind of anabasis or odyasey, almost as long as both of homers volumes but we cant find our way home, thats the quandary.
Ask not for whom the belle trolls; she trolls for thee.
That may be so, stephen but for at least the lasr 20 years detroit has not been like that, coleman and conyers fed upon the city like locusts, one could make similar observations about daley and enmanuel, or villaraigosa and xo.
Yeah, I saw that 'live' earlier.
Doc K was on a roll, zapping all the trolls at least once each, all through the different posts.
And then he stepped in it.
I've done a few whoopsies myself (for certain values of 'few').
Shake hands.
Yes Narciso.
Jesus wept over Jerusalem ---- and Detroit has suffered as much, and probably much much more ....
Think of every individual soul in each of those towns ------
By the way, to the guy who said God loves Drew Brees ----
Well, God loves us all.
Thanks for an interesting comment.
I would really really not want to be Drew Brees.
Just saying.
Still, God loves Drew Bress, so there's that.
Well its underatandable one has to venture through these droppings and toxic waste to makd a cogent point, trigger finger can slip, its a challenge to remain civil when othera will not.
I had disdained the economic component, when i considered ths solutions in college but that a role when it came to flint as well as detroit.
For a while there was another "Jason" regularly commenting here.
I always liked and agreed with what he said and thought he was really sharp so I didn't say anything.
Pro Tip:
Be sure to read the comment before you compose your reply.
Yeah, battle of the Jims, Craigs, Marks and Mikes.
can you do one about saying goodbye to a man who is reasonable?
Wendy O. Williams
Thanks Kapil, I live for heartfelt backslaps.
Stephen Cooper said,
so when we reflect on the hateful things that poor John "Chrysostom" said, we, who live in a country that is ours, wonder:
1. Who?
2. You indicated pickiness earlier to someone else, with whom you are not on good terms, to the effect that you should be called Stephen and not Coop or, I presume Cooper. And I've picked up other hints of this... Is there some religious or cultural or national significance or difference between the names Stephen, and Steven or Steve? That somebody would be choosy to have it spelled one way or the other or to be called one name and not the other? For instance, I have a friend named Stephen, is it okay to call him Steve?
3. eddie willers said...
All I can say, Mr. Cooper, is that God must certainly love Drew Brees.
9/9/19, 11:57 PM
Drew Brees?
humbly stated, that might not be the best advice you have ever gotten
Yes - should I run out and find it, this creature who never had a friend in this world, or can I concentrate on helping my parents right now at a delicate juncture in their lives?
I could use a good friend myself, but although they have run thin, I could never claim that I had *never* had a friend in this world. Hopefully I've been one. You can never tell.
6. Did I understand correctly the part above where you said that you were more courageous than Jesus?
Oh yes above...sprry sequence:
5. If I could demonstrate a case where your shtick was net negative, i.e. doing harm, would you consider cutting it out or cutting down?
Not Inga said: Bullshit. I post under my full name and always have;
Don't remember you at all, don't really care.
You can't walk into a blog rife with Leftist sockpuppets and be outraged when people look at you sideways. A reasonable person would understand, whereas as sockpuppet would likely engage the "how dare you" fake umbrage.
Your call... but you can't really fault Mike K. for looking at you sideways.
And I still don't remember you, but whatever I guess.
Great post. Thanks for putting it out. For readers who are interested, LifePage has the most exhaustive Career List.
No prob. I always check out LifePage when looking for au pairs. Esp brunettes.
And your bill for advertising on the Althouse blog site is...
(should have read the FAQ first)
Will that be Visa or Mastercard?
7. Blogger stephen cooper said...
That ()11:43) was my respectful reply to my friend Narciso at 11:12.
Well maybe he is not my friend, I have so many friends I often forget that not everyone is my friend.
What does "being a friend" mean to you?
NIchevo ....
Thanks for reading.
1. Chrystostom was a rich preacher who lived back in the day. The beautiful music in Tchaikovsky's Hymn of the Cherubim is set to words which he is claimed to have written for the liturgy. Nobody prays for him because they are afraid to do so, or because they have not heard of him. Sad !
2. The prickliness is not what you think it is. Sidewalk preachers insist on people being at least minimally polite not because they want respect but because they do not want people to treat them as fools, which would spoil the atmosphere.
3. Drew Brees is a rich quarterback, he won a Superbowl ring once. American males are in the habit of citing quarterbacks as the darlings of this world, sometimes with topical effect, sometimes not.
4. None of us have really had a friend until that day when we realize with the faith of the saints that God is our friend.
5. "Shrick" is a Yiddish insult word.
Tell me why it would be better for someone who has been comforted by the fact that there is at least one person who discusses God as our friend if those people who like to throw around Yiddish insults were comforted by the fact that said person were to shut up.
Tell me you can read hearts, then get back to me on that one.
Also, I Know what Nichevo means, and it is sad that you would take on a nihilist name, you are better than that. There are 300 plus posts here. Also when I delete posts I am mocked by the sort of people who come here to mock.
6. No.
7. In my experience, most preachers have a tendency to preach against one type of sin more than any other type of sin. In the ten minutes of prose which seem to have bothered you so much, Nichevo, it should be clear that the theme of the sermon was the necessity to give some thought to the fact that there are other people in the world. I realize that most of us consider ourselves good people, who love our families and our friends and who like to think we are generally loyal kind people.
My shtick, as you call it in your Yiddish invective, for the people who listen to it, may or may not draw someone to questioning if they have not, in fact, wasted much of their time in pursuits that have nothing to do with friendship of our fellow creatures.
The rhetorical use of the words in the phrase in question are what they are, and I think you understand them.
Thanks for reading.
5. Shtick, I think is the spelling, right? Sorry for the typo.
There are more than 300 posts here - so skip mine. People know what they are going to hear when they read the name of the commenter.
I used to comment only for the people I was replying to, and then erasing the comments which were meant for individual commenters who had a question or an objection, but then I got mocked for erasing those person to person comments.
So, considering there are a million comments here per year or so, and only a few hundred under my name, I might as well leave them up. If a blog administrator wants to erase long comments, or short ones, that is fine by me.
Please pray they are not a 'net negative", and pray for Chrysostom, too. You see, that was the main point, to get prayers for a poor departed soul.
Some are tired of the anger, others are tired of the sycophancy...
Sycophancy, one the late unlamented Inga's favorite words. She picked it up from The Reader's Digest while preparing a term paper for her English Lit requirement at the Close Cover Before Striking School of Psychiatric Nursing and Watch Repair.
All of us surmised FrankiM was Inga's new nom de plume many weeks ago. Now it is confirmed.
stephen cooper writes: My shtick, as you call it in your Yiddish invective, for the people who listen to it, may or may not draw someone to questioning if they have not, in fact, wasted much of their time in pursuits that have nothing to do with friendship of our fellow creatures.
Shtick (more properly schtick or schtik) is not in any sense an invective, Jewish or otherwise. The word has been a common Americanism since the end of World War Two and is widely used in England and the Commonwealth as well. It nicely describes the corpus of your contribution, assuming contribution is a fitting term, to the Althouse blog.
I think Stephen Cooper is a Laslo creation.
Nichevo, to make you happy, I deleted all those of my comments from earlier this morning where I directly discussed nihilism.
The nihilists were't going to try and understand them anyway and they were probably needlessly confusing to those who do not know that nihilism is a thing.
Not saying you are a nihilist - but if you have any temptations down that route, Proverbs 8 hosts a wonderful discussion of why even nihilists should love God. Of course they couldn't be nihilists anymore, but that's life.
"Shtick (more properly schtick or schtik)..."
Where do you get this assessment of propriety? I see "shtick" as the dominant spelling. Wikipedia: "A shtick (Yiddish: שטיק) is a comic theme or gimmick derived from the Yiddish word shtik (שטיק), from Polish sztuka and German Stück (Proto-Slavic *ščuka), meaning "piece" or "thing"."
It would be good to know if Res Gestae, the weekly newspaper for high school Latin students, has Trump Derangement Syndrome.
I've written a whole post on the topic of "shtick" and the first item is about the spelling:
"By the way Ann, is the 'ludicrous distraction' part of your cruel neutrality schtick?"
Asks walter in the comments to last night's post "Are you following the ludicrous distraction of 'John Miller' and 'John Barron'?"
First, that word: "schtick." I would have chosen the spelling "shtick." But I'm looking at the OED, which gives the main spelling as "shtik," validates both walter's and my spelling, and also accepts "schtik." So basically, you can do anything you want with "c"s in that word....
I prefer the carrot over the schtick
German always has sch for sh. A positive feature of German, consistent spelling for everything.
So there's a social force towards sch for any foreign word that might be German, which turns up at least in acceptable alternatives.
‘Chrissy, gimme a shtickle of fluoride.’
Here's a discussion of the Yiddish/German distinctions in spelling at Babble:
1. Schtick or shtick?... I was just debating with someone whether the word is spelled "schtick" or "shtick". Being a good German, I always want to insert the "c", and I know that Yiddish is similar to German, and lots of good Yiddish names have "sch" in them, so I kind of figured "schtick" did too. But I see from looking up both spellings on the internet that there are dictionary entries for both of them! So: schtick or shtick?
2. With the "c"! That sound, in my head, is always with the "c"... it's probably a German thing, though, because I lived in Germany for a couple years when I was learning to spell. It could be why I'm pretty bad at it, though.
3. Canadian Oxford Dictionary has shtick with schtick in parentheses. It also has shtetl next, no alternative with a c for that one. American Heritage has only shtick.
4. The etymology of the word is Yiddish and is shtick. Yiddish inserted a "c" when warranted, such as schmuck. So, it should be shtick....
5. shtick
from Yiddish shtik "an act, gimmick," lit. "a piece, slice," from M.H.G. stücke "piece, play," from O.H.G. stucki (see stock (n.1)).
Some others. Including shtick spelled correctly. (Apparently the "c" was generrally left out in Yiddish).
Nosh - snack (from Yiddish nashn)
Nudnik - pest, "pain in the neck"
Oy vey - Oh no! (literally, 'Oh, pain!')
Oy gevalt - Oh no! (from Yiddish gvald 'emergency')
Plotz - to burst, as from strong emotion: "I was so angry, I thought I'd plotz!" (from Yiddish platsn 'to crack')
Putz - unclean penis; stupid 'dirty' person (from Yiddish pots)
Sheygetz - Gentile male (plural shkotsim)
Shiksa - young Gentile woman, generally used derisively
Shiksl - Gentile girl
Shlemiel - an inept, clumsy person
Shlemazl - unlucky person (from Yiddish shlimazl, from German schlimm 'bad' and Yiddish mazl 'luck'). The difference between a shlemiel and a schlemazl is described through the aphorism, "A shlemiel is somebody who often spills his soup; a shlemazl is the person the soup lands on."
Shlep - to drag (an object)
Shlong - penis (from Yiddish shlang 'snake')
Shmeer - to spread, e.g. the cream cheese on your bagel
Shmuck - penis; a jerk, an unpleasant person (from Yiddish shmok)
Shnorrer - beggar or person always asking others for services
Shnoz - nose (possibly from Yiddish shnoits 'snout')
Shtick - comic theme (from Yiddish shtik 'piece, whims')
Shpiel - a lengthy talk (from Yiddish shpil 'play')
Shtum - quiet (from Yiddish shtum 'mute')
Shtup - to have sex, screw (from Yiddish shtupn 'push, poke')
"German always has sch for sh. A positive feature of German, consistent spelling for everything."
In English, putting the c in like that all the time is a rather unattractive speech impediment.
I think it is fascinating when people declaim sock-puppetry based on very little evidence. It shows, even in smart people, that the human brain needs simplicity through comforting labels, even when there is no reason beyond some strange paranoia to reach that conclusion.
It likely all boils down to childhood and some trauma of being embarrassingly unaware that someone goofed on you, and you needing to make sure nobody ever goofs on you again.
Anyway, I'm bissage, Sir Archie, Feste, and Freeman.
Turn on CNN in the morning with the sound off.
Just read the Chryon across the bottom
TDS is real
Trump Trump Trump
It's psychotic.
What English words refer to young Jewess* women in a derisive manner (usually)? Or is it since Gentiles are so powerful and Jews so powerless Jews can say things us rich overlords can't say in return without them being brace truth tellers and us being bigots deserving gas chambers?
*Answered my own question via autocorrect, albeit weakly. I'd rather be a princess than a whore.
I just finished a delicious Aldi caramel nut danish, and my fingers are shticky.
ARM: I am so old (although nowhere near as old as Michael K) that I can remember when people here thought W. was the greatest thing since sliced bread. How things changed. Trump only just stopped short of calling the Bush family traitors to the country and everyone cheered.
You mean, they wised up? I'm not seeing the problem here. Now if only the Dem party faithful would do the same.
The problem also isn't that the "mob...[will turn...] on Trump, because we all know they will turn, once he is a loser". (All political careers end in failure, as a certain anathematized pol once observed.) The problem is that Trump is a one-off, that there's no in-it-for-the-long-haul organization being developed, and that the "mob" backslides into thinking guys like Romney are peachy and in any kind of opposition to the progs.
(Btw, nice to see you alive and well. As silly as ever, but one can't have everything.)
But let us speak, about when I said "ah the piano"
but only recently did I ever listen to the last mile he did not understand whose grandparents, and the arrogant people who do care about the Lord - TRUST ME MY FRIENDS ----
when he was nothing lived and died in this world, is in heaven
the people who are not, the Bible, written by the best of canon lawyers are sometimes wrong and whose grandparents and so on were born in Americans who are not Trump.
Please pray for the love of his life.
In the old days I felt a need to be in touch with a collected intellect, a group of commenters talking about various topics, not just politics, to understand where America was going, since as a Catholic, anti-abortion Republican I'm mainstream of the future but might misjudge the present. But now the Dems are openly running as anti-American, socialist, gun-grabbers. You're for it or against it. And yet this simplification has resulted in blog comments that have crosscurrents and undercurrents and rip tides like the Hebrides.
Speak for yourself, wildswan. My comments are perfect, as always.
Yancey Ward said...
I will vouch for Michael McNeil- no troll. Few comments, but always worth reading when he does comment.
Fine, he's real but I don't agree about always worth reading. I was curious about a new commenter who began with a snarky comment.
Too much like Inga and other trolls. No problem.
My point, however — which you appear obtuse to — is that here we see the corps of U.S. Democratic presidential candidates actually going beyond the proverbial “full Venezuela” by (full-throatedly, unanimously) venturing into territory that the archetypal Venezuelan socialist strongmen never themselves dared go, at least verbally, to wit: publicly advocating before a vote is cast for them their intent to abolish the American nation's petroleum industry.
Sounds leftish to me.
Venezuela was smarter than present day Democrats because, while destroying a petroleum industry that was the country's only source of serious cash, they didn't say so.
OK. Your opinion. I can ignore it but the snark set off a troll alarm.
I hate the news right now, oh boy
About a lucky man named Donald Trump
And though the news was profoundly stupid
Well, I just had to watch
I saw 5-and-a-half Sunday morning talk shows.
Very Good Post. You Can Also Check Bhulekh Odisha. We Post Helpful Information Daily.
New Mike walks out into to the courtyard.
Notices Benedict Arnold swinging from a tree.
Says "Benny had a few good ideas about the Brits though..."
Gets offended that everyone is looking at him sideways
Fen still doesn't remember him.
Thinks he should lighten up or just sod off.
Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard said...
Btw, nice to see you alive and well. As silly as ever, but one can't have everything.)
And I am glad to see that you have not abandoned your quixotic crusade to defend the indefensible. You have the fortitude for the task, unlike Althouse, poor dear, for whom the strain becomes increasingly visible with each passing day.
“Let’s not talk about how Trump reveals classified information and causes great concern in the CI A and other agencies, instead let’s talk about talk shows. Just who is deranged?”
The CIA?
The CIA doesn’t ultimately get to make this determination in our republic. The entirety of Executive power in our country Constitutionally belongs to the President, and not the unelected bureaucrats over at the CIA or FBI. He is the one with the ultimate power to classify and declassify, and he can delegate it to whomever he wants. George W Bush delegated full declassification power to VP Cheney. Obama gave State Dept declassification power to Crooked Hillary, and Trump gave full, unfettered, declassification authority over anyth8ng related to SpyGate to AG Barr.
R/C’s question there shows why we ended up with SpyGate. Unelected bureaucrats, working closely with presidential appointees of the previous Administration decided to spy on the President and his top advisors. Some did it because they had been duped by the Clinton financed Steele Dossier. And some of them just didn’t like their President. In any case, what they engaged in, in trying to destroy the Presidency of their duly elected President from their jobs within his government, is sedition. A lot of us believe that they deserve to be marched out in a line and executed on the spot, and would be willing to pull the trigger, with their attempt to destroy our Republic. Some think that would be too kind, and something like drawing and quartering, alive, would be more appropriate.
The natives are getting restless. The drums be a-beating and Word files at the ready. It's war, I tell you. War!
ARM is goofy.
Defending the indefensible?
You mean like more than 5 million Americans who no longer need food stamps?
Or the more than 7 million jobs currently open and hiring?
You should try to convince the +22% of blacks who publicly support Trump.
And the +45% of latinos.
“The natives are getting restless. The drums be a-beating and Word files at the ready. It's war, I tell you. War!”
I noticed. When they start fighting and attacking each other it’s a sign that the apples are rotting too quickly.
Oh great diviner of the mysteries of life, please tell us about all the things you foresee.
Pee tape confirmation?
Mueller will lead to impeachment and conviction?
Nobody knows what Mueller knows?
Your forecasts have been so helpful.
Please lead us out of the political desert.
It ain't that hard.
Michael McNeil said...
garage mahal sez:
Why is Sarah Plain giving a speech in front of a 49 star flag in 2008? Doesn't seem very American to me.
Alaska is the 49th state — why shouldn't folks celebrate that fact? Me, I spent last Fourth of July reveling with lots of others in front of a 48-star flag. Was that supposedly “Unamerican” too?
10/5/08, 6:56 PM
“Let’s not talk about how Trump reveals classified information and causes great concern in the CI A and other agencies, instead let’s talk about talk shows. Just who is deranged?”
Turns out, apparently, that this involved a high level CIA source in the Russian government. The CIA had apparently leaked quite a bit to the media, but they were sitting on the source. The classified information involved here was apparently an Islamic terrorist plot to use laptops packed with expletives to bring down airplanes. Trump appears to have told the Russians because they too have an airline, as well as their own Islamic terrorism problems. The CIA apparently believed that this endangered their high level source. However, they were able to extract him safely the next year, in 2017.
This, btw, is why Presidents, and not the CIA, ultimately have this decision. They were looking at their narrow agency interests, while he was looking at the overall national interests.
FWIW I don't think McNeil is a troll, puppet, lefty or, by local community standards, snarky.
He has made posts, infrequently, for as long as I've been posting frequently.
Nobody here speaks for everyone
Lol. As FullMoon points out just above, pace Fen and Michael K's irrecollection, I'm hardly a “New Mike” here.
"I watched 5-and-a-half Sunday morning talk shows yesterday, and I heard the same thing over and over."
Maybe an explanation for this statement can be found in the definition of collusion?
Collusion - secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
I never watched the Sunday morning news shows. And I've long since given up all news shows. Harshes my mellow, doncha know.
Lol. As FullMoon points out just above, pace Fen and Michael K's irrecollection, I'm hardly a “New Mike” here.
So, what do you know about carbon dating and dinosaurs?
So, what do you know about carbon dating and dinosaurs?
(Smile) Haven't we discussed that here on this blog? It's been so long, and so many things have been talked about here, that I forget.
But anyway, with regard to that interesting topic, except for more recent birds (which are all descended from dinosaurs), all (other) dinosaurs became extinct some 65 megayears ago. Meanwhile, so to speak, so-called “carbon dating” per se has a physical limit dictated by the 5,730-year half-life of the carbon-14 isotope, which as a practical matter means that carbon-14 dating can only be used to date carbon-containing materials which are less than approximately 50,000 years in age (with their atmosphere-drawn carbon thereby “killed” and decaying as of that “manufacture” date).
Remains of dinosaurs from the pre-65 Ma “age of the dinosaurs” lie 3 orders of magnitude beyond that physical limit. So, no.
Agree with earlier poster who stopped watching Sunday shows after Brinkley retired. ABC This Week was the only decent show, mainly because of Brinkley's good-natured neutrality. I had no idea what his political views were, which seems obviously a good thing, but I guess it's not obvious to the geniuses at the networks now.
(Smile) Haven't we discussed that here on this blog? It's been so long, and so many things have been talked about here, that I forget.
Yeah, way before my time here. Looks like you won that argument as your opposition has disappeared, or changed identities.
Humorous to me is the fact that as a new commenter I once remarked how civilized AA commenters were compared to some of the other sites. I must have arrived in the eye of the storm, so to speak.
"The Wall Street Journal is the nation's most-subscribed newspaper, right?
There are loads of right-wing and alt-right news outlets who are openly supportive of Trump."
I subscribe to the WSJ. Read it everyday. Have since the 1980's. You are a moron.
In any case, the WSJ is hardly "openly supportive of Trump." The editorial pages lean conservative, but not pro-Trump. Peggy Noonan is open disdainful of Trump, while Kim Strassel does great work defending Trump against the absurd Democrat investigations, but otherwise has never been all that supportive. The news pages seem pretty apolitical, or at least not obviously biased one way or the other.
I don't know enough about dinosaurs or carbon-dating, so I'll ask here about the dinosaur > evolution > bird theory--
For reals? I'm tempted to envision really small dinosaurs hunkering down and gradually becoming . . . chickens?
Help me out here
Me too. They took the news out of it and made it about outrage, and it's boring. Doesn't matter whether you voted for Trump or against him, it's boring.
I want news about the world in news shows, and the genuine informative content has reached low levels.
I don't watch the Sunday morning talk shows anymore. I don't know exactly when I stopped but that old post expresses the aversion that keeps me away entirely now. I can't take the anger. I can't take the constant obsessing over Trump.
Most women apparently don't hate themselves as much you do - to think so blithely about a likely sex offender wielding so much power so shamelessly. Nor do they find it virtuous to be as disengaged about our president and his recklessness as you do.
SO in short, they have both the dignity and patriotism that you seem to not only lack, but to feel offended by.
Sucks to be you. ;-) What's it like being a part of a country that has so little in common with someone as weird as you?
Comment 400. I think I will be moving on.
That is what sidewalk preachers do.
"In the meantime, one must let the bees drain all of the honey from the flowers, leaving nothing and giving it all to Jesus. Then we will say, like the flower of the twilight of our life: "This is the evening". Then it will be over .... And the gentle rays of the Sun will replace the frost, Jesus' eternal smiles will replace his tears."
(Quote from Therese de Lisieux, from a letter to her sister Celine).
Like I said, I think I will be moving on, but I will miss you guys and gals, particularly the ones who gave me the most trouble.
God loves you all!
401, 400, what's the difference?
"It is no small thing to be a kind and honest friend to a creature who never had a kind and honest friend in this world" ...
(That is how one of my AIs would translate Proverbs 8 if you asked one of my AIs to translate Proverbs 8 into an English phrase of 30 words or less).
God loves you all!
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