Tweeted Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez in what I judge to be apt, light-hearted pushback (reported at The Hill).
Here's the video that accompanied her gentle mockery:
— Kelly Sullivan (@ksullivannews) August 31, 2019
What's with "Make Normalcy Normal Again"? What a sad slogan! If you were genuinely proud of what you are, why would you need You, the Individual to also be the norm? And if you are genuinely needy, why would it be enough to be recognized as — of all things — normal?
Also, guys, when you're marching in a parade about your pride, don't be staring down into your cell phone. That's no way to express pride. It is a good way to express neediness. Has anyone "liked" me in the last few seconds?
And maybe refrain from giving the finger?

I mean, is that your plan for the return to normalcy?
By the way, "normalcy" is a word tightly connected to one President, the President most well known for being bad, Warren G. Harding. His famous quote:
"America’s present need is not heroics, but healing; not nostrums, but normalcy; not revolution, but restoration; not agitation, but adjustment; not surgery, but serenity; not the dramatic, but the dispassionate; not experiment, but equipoise; not submergence in internationality, but sustainment in triumphant nationality."From Wikipedia, "Return to normalcy":
Return to normalcy, a return to the way of life before World War I, was United States presidential candidate Warren G. Harding's campaign slogan for the election of 1920. Although detractors of the time tried to belittle the word "normalcy" as a neologism as well as a malapropism, saying that it was poorly coined by Harding (as opposed to the more accepted term normality), there was contemporaneous discussion and evidence that normalcy had been listed in dictionaries as far back as 1857.I can't help thinking that whoever put the word "normalcy" in the straight-pridesters slogan intended to screw with the heteronormalists.
ADDED: In "A Hard Day's Night," Ringo, the original incel, is incited to go "parading," and seconds after he responds to the incitement to parade, Ringo gives the Hitler salute!
१३८ टिप्पण्या:
Proud not to be a pervert, is the idea.
It's a gay shame parade.
Call it straight advocacy.
All their women are in the kitchen making lunch.
from today's Daily Mail,
Brit DOUGLAS MURRAY: How did the world lose its marbles? A new dogma has turned beliefs that once seemed common sense into hate crimes. If you say the 'wrong thing', you'll be thrown to the wolves...
This is just more tribalism; which the Left lives by. Pushback.
Dorian has gotten boring. It's not moving. Once you've blown everything down, move on. The pictures don't get any better if you just stay there.
Public event advice column.
What's with "Gay Pride"? What a sad slogan! If you were genuinely proud of what you are, why would you need You, the Individual to also be proud? And if you are genuinely needy, why would it be enough to be recognized as — of all things — gay?
36 counter-protesters arrested for violence.
Mayor Walsh is blaming the cops.
Hurricane pride march.
Next year they should bring children.
It’s one of the few political rallies where they’re appropriate.
There was equivalence in the pathetic vibe but this one lasted a few hours at most. It was inconvenient for the neighborhood for a while, but not the four days for the gay one that took at least half a dozen laps. Not exposed to buttless chaps or floppy breasts either.
The silly SOBs probably want to marry wives and raise straight children in happy homes without 24/7 abuse as retarded Christian monsters. How dare they make others feel bad by promoting that Judeo-Christian ideal. They must be supremacists.
Normal meaning heterosexual 1914.
école normale 1794.
Normal, IL 1857
From Kevin's comment elsewhere:
“We’re covered in black so when we attack these guys we can’t be prosecuted,” said Jon Crowley, an Antifa member who told the Herald that he felt violence was the only way to deal with the people marching in the parade, which went from Copley Square to City Hall Plaza. “They are fascists, 100%. How else are you going to get them to shut up?”
All in fun as long as those icky men get beat up, eh, Althouse? Some days I read your posts and really pity Meade.
"What a sad slogan!"
It is sad.
"If you were genuinely proud of what you are, why would you need You, the Individual to also be the norm?"
Well, if you are confronted with prog culture warriors 24/7, who despise you as an individual and who attack everything you took to be the norm, then you might want to reassert the value of what was normal until the day before yesterday, so normal no one would have thought they'd have to take "pride" in it, until "pride" was reserved for being deviant.
And just to clarify, I take it that it is wrong for anyone to want to be the norm as "You the Individual," but that it is right for whole groups of Enlightened Advocates of LGBT Acceptance to want to be the norm, and to equate that acceptance as normal with Pride.
Home pride butter top wheat bread is what those women are home making.
Althouse rules: Me! Me! Me! Because I am woman!
Gays! Gays! Gays! Because my son is gay.
Rule for straight men: Shut up. Or you have a tiny dick.
In roman times there would be fart contests at a pride parade.
The whole world learns that Caesar has dined well.
Also, guys, when you're marching in a parade about your pride, don't be staring down into your cell phone.
They have to keep their phone ready to record acts of violence.
They can’t be punching in their birthday when some Antifa asshole jumps the police barrier to attack them.
"If you were genuinely proud of what you are, why would you need You, the Individual to also be the norm?"
"I insist that my orientation be treated by society as if it were the norm, in every possible way" is pretty much recent "[insert minority orientation here] rights" in a nutshell.
The nice thing about women, if you're straight, is the way they go off into feelings on every topic; how opposite of men.
Gays! Gays! Gays! Because my son is gay.
LOL. Hence the "apt light-hearted gentle mockery" and getting everything else wrong and backwards, too.
And maybe refrain from giving the finger?
Somebody forgot the penis hats at home.
We truly live in an insane world, when being normal is harassed and assailed by our "peers".
I watched. There's quite a few women and couples. Enough to question basis of the joke. Enough for the CNN fact check crawl to 'call AOC out', or whatever CNN would call it.
Harding wasn't all that bad.
- He was the first black president :)
- He release people imprisoned in the Palmer raids
- He tried to reverse Wilson's fascist policies
- The economy boomed
I see that there has been an attempt to tie Trump's ICE actions to the Palmer raids launched by the progressive Wilson administration. AFAICS, they have almost nothing in common.
I am pro-straight but I am cagey about it. You gotta be cagey about it.
“They are fascists, 100%. How else are you going to get them to shut up?”
You must agree with us or be silenced; First Amendment be damned.
Homosexuality is not genetic.
That's the scientific starting point.
That changes things
The open secret is that Pride Parades are just a big meat market.
Now imagine if some debauched (ostensibly) straight event like Florida Spring Break tried to ascribe a conceit like pride to itself.
Quite possibly the funniest article ever published in The Onion:
Althouse rules: Me! Me! Me! Because I am woman!
Gays! Gays! Gays! Because my son is gay.
Rule for straight men: Shut up. Or you have a tiny dick.
Pretty much. I'm never sure if arguments in the form of "you shouldn't engage in behaviors that I approve of in my favored groups because reasons" are being made in plain old bad faith, or if the person making them really is that gob-smackingly lacking in self-awareness. (There is also "I'm too dumb or morally vacant to even recognize the inconsistency and incoherence of my views", but we can't give Althouse a pass on that score.)
That is heresy, you knoe this:
Althouse said...
Tweeted Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez in what I judge to be apt, light-hearted pushback (reported at The Hill).
Wow, just wow, at the double-standards on display here, especially the marginalization of women.
AOC said...
For men who are allegedly so 'proud' of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event.
1.) AOC really does seem to be trafficking in hateful, prewritten male "incel" stereotypes with that comment. I saw more women and minorities in that video than I ever would have predicted.
2.) What AOC really does seem to be saying is the men have "real incompetence attracting" attractive women, doesn't she? As if the measure of a straight man is not only attracting women, it's attracting attractive women. And AOC is using women simply as the measure of the man. A blatantly sexist mindset towards all, which also implicitly taunts her own good looks over other women.
AOC said...
Seems more like a 'I-Struggle-With-Masculinity' parade to me. Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride.
1.) Again with trying to tie the parade to men "struggling" with their sexuality.
2.) Again denying women their presence, voice and agency.
3.) As for tolerance: how many people were arrested trying to disrupt #Pride?
Tweeted Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez in what I judge to be apt, light-hearted pushback...
There is something oddly "apt" here: the way AOC's bizarrely childish speaking voice aligns with the juvenile content of her tweet.
Read as if one were hearing it in that voice, it's meet and fitting. Dreadful that the whole construct is coming from a member of Congress, but a pleasing little spot of congruence and symmetry taken in itself.
AOC’s Indian puppet master should just communicate directly what he thinks.
Harding was a much better president than he's given credit for. After the catastrophic Wilson administration, Harding put the economy back on track with orthodox economics and ended the assault on civil rights the Democrats had unleashed.
I recall that a president of that era suggested awarding one of his cronies a “Generalcy.” In the army I suppose.
I watched the video. I don’t believe those paraders were straight. By definition, all parades are gay. Parades are not normal, they’re special. Parading is way of saying “We’re Special!” i.e., “we’re gay”
I've been meaning to ask this:
Who EXACTLY identifies as queer?
I'll tell you what suckas - I'm going to identify as Queer from now on. I'm a victim now. Give me your respect and your money.
and all your cakes celebrating my queerness.
I love a parade that I'm not a part of and don't have to watch from the curb. Meade is correct of course, parades are inherently gay.
What's next, an "Up With People!" revival?
"I watched the video. I don’t believe those paraders were straight. By definition, all parades are gay. Parades are not normal, they’re special. Parading is way of saying “We’re Special!” i.e., “we’re gay”"
Makes me think of this, from "A Hard Day's Night":
"You could learn more by getting out there and living."
"Out where?"
"Any old where! But not our little Richard. Oh, no. When you're not thumping them pagan're tormenting your eyes with that rubbish."
"Books are good."
"Parading's better."
"Parading the streets... trailing your coat, bowling along, living!"
"Well, I am living."
"You? Living? When was the last time you gave a girl a pink-edged daisy? When did you last embarrass a sheila with your... cool appraising stare?"
"You're a bit old for that sort of chat, aren't you?"
"At least I've got a backlog of memories. All you've got is that book!"
"Stop picking on me. You're as bad as the rest of them."
"So you are a man after all!"
"What's that mean?"
"Do you think I haven't noticed? Do you think I wasn't aware of the drift? You poor, unfortunate scruff. They've driven you into books with their cruel, unnatural treatment... "
"I'm going parading before it's too late."
It's like Ringo was an incel!
That AOC is a charmer. She’ll feel real bad when she sees Pelosi hanging from a lamppost (not radical enough and getting in the way of the revolution). Bernie is going to have to go, too. And Biden, Warren, Tom Steyer— all of them. And Omar is gone—too stupid, too dangerous, an obvious counter-revolutionary. People like Chuck and readering will do surprisingly well.
Is Ann arguing that the word "normal" has no real meaning? If so, then the word "abnormal" has no real meaning. Does Ann really believe that?
Narr said...
"Meade is correct of course"
mtrobertslaw said "Is Ann arguing that the word "normal" has no real meaning? If so, then the word "abnormal" has no real meaning. Does Ann really believe that?"
If you're ordering lunch, consider a side of mtrobert slaw. It's like kale slaw, but less crunchy.
Ann did not comment on some of the signs the anti parade protesters had. One, pointed out on this blog by mockturtle, read “Straight sex is rape”.
I want to question the term Ann used, “pushback”. Why do people have a to-do about pride in something? Because they are told that something is shameful. Hence black pride, and gay pride because they felt, rightly, a lot of people treated being black or gay as a bad thing. So it’s the pride parade which is the pushback. Would Ann describe a tweet mocking gay pride marchers as “pushback”? I don’t think so. So why do it here? Because she dismisses the feelings of the marchers out of hand. They just don’t matter,they are fair game.
A leftwing parade would showcase anger. angry pussy hats and mask wearing thugs. Lotsa anger.
That parade was very queer.
Up with queers!
> Harding was a much better president than he's given credit for.
When I was growing up in the fifties Wilson was held up as the ideal because of his internationalism and support for the League of Nations. During the 50's the United Nations and UNICEF were being pushed hard. How did that work out? Makes me wonder how things would have gone if Taft had been reelected. Wilson only got 41.8% of the vote, which is even less than Clinton's 43%.
@Debsam1760 via Twitter
"The Boston straight pride parade is a joke. And the protesters are a bigger joke bc they are protesting a joke."
Funny that they played “Freedom” during the March.
. OK, so you like dudes. You might even kiss ‘em in public and do other shit in bed. Whatever. Just keep the noise down and don’t fuck with my commute with your stupid parade.
AOC is an asshole who compares our immigration and customs with concentration camps.
We all know she is a bass-ackwards insult to history. AOC is an embarrassment.
Nazi Germans stole people and locked them up and killed them. Against their will.
People fleeing socialist hell-holes are streaming into the US willingly. If they happen to get lucky and end up in a "detention" center, where they are given showers, clean clothes, water, food, medicine, they are lucky. This is the OPPOSITE OF a concentration camp.
F* AOC and her toxic lies.
AOC calling anyone toxic is laughable. She's the most toxic thing going.
I dunno AOC. The analogue to "It's A Black Thing, You Wouldn't Understand" T-shirts in the 90s to day is "It's A Straight Male Thing, AOC Wouldn't Understand".
When the boys get together for some beer, bourbon and barbecue around a campfire, AOC is definitely not invited.
Notice the men and women are not wearing masks.
Up next - the corrupt asshole left will Nazi Doxx all of them.
wow - who knew Ringo was a white supremacist?
Good thing the police were there in big numbers. Unruly crowd of...queer normals.
When masked leftwing antifa facists get together to march and take over the streets, the cops are told to stay away.
These marchers have already lost the argument. They are fighting on their opponent's terms. They're just another identity group insisting something be given to them.
I used to think that AOC was an attractive woman at a certain level. Now all I see in her is increasing ugliness — especially her inner ugliness. This is feminist problem in general and one which they’re not even aware of.
Boston, huh? A purely Democrat town?
I think I will continue not to care too much.
Ringo had by far the best-looking wife of the Beatles
John, Paul, George, Ringo, Incel
One of these things is not like the others.
@Ringo, that "old guy" (Paul's uncle?) has gotten a hell of a lot younger.
Harding wasn't all that bad.
If Harding was president in 1929, the Depression would not have happened. The 1929 panic did not cause the Depression. The election of Roosevelt did. Plus the Rooseveltian actions of Hoover.
Coolidge saw the 1929 crash coming in 1928 and got out of stocks and advised his family to do likewise. He did not believe he had the power to rein in the stock market speculation. The stock market was chartered in New York and he believed the governor of New York was the one who should rein them in. The governor of New York was Franklin Roosevelt.
Maybe if Coolidge had run in 1928 but he was so depressed about the death of his son that he chose not to run and died in 1933.
I'm pretty normal. Perhaps banal would be the better word. I don't think marching in parades is particularly normal. I'm not even that much in favor of watching parades. Maybe the Halloween Parade in the Village. That's pretty cool....Still their are levels of abnormality. It's abnormal to march in a Normal Day Parade. but it's even more abnormal to march in a counter protest. Have pro-war protesters ever counter protested anti-war marches...Shame is much easier to attach to sexuality than pride. Maybe AOC will succeed in shaming straight sex. It's been done before.... Heteronormative sex is an easier way to muddle through life. So are regular bowel habits, but it's considered bad form to brag about such things.
The people who ridiculed Harding respected Wilson and revered Lenin. Harding had a better business plan than Wilson or Lenin. He didn't have to be brilliant. Ice cream is easier to sell than wars or famine.
There is nothing “light hearted” about AOC. She’s another humorless, self-righteous Leftist scold who thinks we can/should build bridges across oceans.
Antifa Crowley: ““They are fascists, 100%. How else are you going to get them to shut up?”
I guess by using tried-and-true national socialist techniques.
Antifa is an idiotic anarch-communist movement — the paramilitary wing of the Democrat Party. Citations and arrests are like merit badges.
Meade said...I watched the video. I don’t believe those paraders were straight. By definition, all parades are gay. Parades are not normal, they’re special. Parading is way of saying “We’re Special!” i.e., “we’re gay”
Tell that one to the VFW. But in your support, there is that video of Michelle Obama spectating a parade where she appears to mouth the words "all that for a fag?"
You can google it.
I hate parades and picnics. Of all varieties. Parades are simply people marching. Who cares? I will go to a barbeque, but never a picnic. Picnics are obligatory events that always feature potato salad, bees, red-checkered table cloths and more bees.
I still don't know why some people go way out of their way to find some nobodies just to point at and snark at them. Feel superior now?
Althouse's objection to the "straight pride" merely reflects many people's criticism of "gay pride" events. This was perfectly captured by Fernandistein at 7:52.
Normalcy is a distribution and process. The former refers to gender: masculine, feminine (e.g. heterosexual orientation). The latter is promotion of a behavior that has been determined to have a redeeming value to humanity and society.
Diversity breeds adversity. #HateLovesAbortion
The GPP is exclusive and bigoted. The male transgender/homosexuals needs to drop their transgender supremacist act and hold a TPP to celebrate the spectrum ("rainbow"). That said, it would still be politically congruent ("=") and indelibly bigoted, but baby steps.
Hurricane pride march.
That's not bad. Every year, Floridians et al, pander to people's empathy, while the rest of the year they enjoy a superior climate. Embrace the regular, recurring hurricane. Don your gay apparel. It wasn't until the mid 20th century that the word was appropriated to normalize male transgender/homosexuals and we have been on a progressive semantic play ever since.
Normal meaning heterosexual 1914.
There feminists (i.e. female chauvinist) sects that claim sexual reproduction is a patriarchal construct. Probably Pro-Choicers who deny human evolution, and believe in the political myth of spontaneous human conception.
I always thought the Q in LGBTQ was questionable.
The male transgender/homosexuals needs to drop their transgender supremacist act
They are too busy attacking and vandalizing women's rape crisis centers.
Whenever I am in public my very presence is a "straight pride" event.
This is a matter of course, of course.
It was even better when I was younger, and I would carry my children on my shoulders everywhere. Strollers? Bah.
Up there all could see the quality of my workmanship.
Yes: leave the marches to the Broken People.
Where taking pride in what is Broken In You provides a sense of meaning that still can't quell the Bad Thoughts in the Head. The people where the Compass in their head is pulled this-way-and-that by Shiny Shiny Magnets.
We shall give the High Ground in Civilization to the Broken People with the Bad Thoughts, and we shall take in the farce with bemusement.
At least until the Public Pegging starts.
I am Laslo.
Deviants from the norm eventually revert to mean.
Questioning their masculinity is "gentle mockery"?
I wonder what possible negative thing one could possibly say about gays marching in a gay pride parade that Ann would think only amounts to "gentle mockery". I don't believe *anything* could qualify. *Anything* negative said about gays would qualify as hateful and indecent mockery.
Oh, and anything negative said about gays *also* results in questioning the mockers' masculinity. We've seen *that* one ten thousand times.
Is there anything comparable going in the other direction? Of course not.
For the sake of political progress, AOC denied funds, violated civil rights, and endangered men, women, and children at the border and throughout America. For the sake of social progress, AOC embraces her inner Doula or "death dealer". Yeah, the heterosexual orientation is a patriarchal construct, designed to keep women available, productive, and taxable.
American society passed from a belated acceptance of homosexuality in the eighties to a general tolerance in the nineties. In the 2000’s that became an hysterical insistence that everyone must now celebrate it and smile while you’re doing it.
The Straight Pride parade strikes me as a very normal reaction to all that. Doesn’t bother me in the least. It’s actually kind of funny.
I have an idea for a splendid bit of fun.
Let's have a parade for all of the girl school-athletes who were born with a vagina, and have lost in their sports to girls born with a cock.
And then we laugh at the girls born with the vaginas, because their normalcy is so quaint and funny. And maybe a bit fascist.
But that's okay: I'm sure Antifa will be there to berate them, too.
I am Laslo.
They are too busy attacking and vandalizing women's rape crisis centers.
That would be the male transgender/neo-feminine, right? The color in the spectrum including the male sex that self-identifies as feminine gender.
Odd that our blog mistress and no one else has mentioned that Milo Yannopolous was the Grand Marshall at that parade.
So, yes, it was a light-hearted event.
Having Daddy Issues means you're still part of the Patriarchy.
Untuck your cock and try again.
I am Laslo.
Homosexuals are living with a personal tragedy.
Their parents also.
All that behavior (in some) is a sort of hysterical despair.
Thats one way of living with such hopelessness.
Yiannopoulos is a case in point, of despair.
I think he has said so.
Whats in their minds at 3:00am - I don't want to know.
What bloomin' book was young Richard reading? I can't make it out.
Candidates? I'll check back later.
that Milo Yannopolous was the Grand Marshall at that parade.
So, yes, it was a light-hearted event.
Just like the fabled "war on women", the intolerance of homosexual and bisexual transgenders is a political myth, which is dusted off with regular recurrence. The homosexual colors think the bisexuals are impure, and everyone thinks the physical transgenders (e.g. medical corruption) are weird and sexist (especially misogynistic).
And related, who isn't pro-choice: abstention, prevention, adoption, and compassion. The fifth choice, Pro-Choice, the wicked solution or planned parenthood, is the subject of contention. Another straw clown posed by leftists and "moderates" to amuse men, women, and children, too, of all ages.
“ buwaya said...
Whenever I am in public my very presence is a "straight pride" event.”
Don’t know if our lad buwaya is being facetious, but, yeah, this is pretty much how I felt when out and about with my children. No fuss certainly, but even a trip to the grocery store was a Pride Parade, consciously or not.
"“We’re Special!” i.e., “we’re gay”"
Tell that one to the VFW.
You can tell that members of The Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine are Special because of their cool cars, and doesn't driving a dinky car indicate a biggus dickus? (I used the Latin term, so it's not pr0n and no laffing)
At least Antifa didn't attack them. Too much. Liberal women need to stop with the "No woman will ever sleep with you" meme. It doesn't work. We all know liberals will fuck anyone. Even Polanski or Al Franken.
Serious Question
As we All Knew; men were EVIL... on account of because, they had Penises !!!
We could All Agree, that no DECENT person would have own of those! EVIL!==Penis!
But now?
I'm assuming that a Trans Man is A OKAY, because He doesn't have a dick....
But what about Trans Womyn? What about Chix with Dicks?
Are they Evil? Or is there an Exception for them?
Modern Problems are So Problematic!
The Ringo clip is hilarious. Its amazing how many good movies were just tossed off to make $$$, and how many bad movies were the result of huge budgets and large scale preparations and producers who "deeply cared".
I always thought the Q in LGBTQ was questionable.
At one time, there was a second Q for questioning. I believe it was after A for asexual and I for intersex. They lobbed those non-suckers off because of the mocking.
I like how this triggers you snowflakes whom are insecure about your uncertain sliding scale sexuality.
Liberal women want a successful man with an air of masculinity.
All the whining is female social bonding. They all have to agree with each other, and be seen to agree. But when they are in the presence, so to speak, the real person has to take stock, and put aside facades.
I am of retirement age, and married, and they still flirt with me.
Back in the day I had any number of "liberal" women attracted to me, in spite of my admiration for Ronald Reagan.
.Tweeted Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez in what I judge to be apt, light-hearted pushback
The parade itself was an apt, lighthearted pushback.
AOC gets to "push back" lightheartedly, and it is "apt", but
straights pushing back lightheartedly isnt allowed, or 'apt'?
"Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride."
When the 'Muslim Pride' event takes place, will Donkey-Teef be braying this?
What's wrong with a lighthearted shout-out to the orientation that has been the most viable for the continuance of our species since the beginning of time?
Oh, it’s the same sad dawn every day we awake not pining to be black or gay. Whatever to do.
Ringo, the original incel,
An incel who ended banging Barbara Bach on a regular basis!
Which I think is what happens to an incel if he dies & goes to heaven.
Blogger Howard said...
I like how this triggers you snowflakes whom are insecure about your uncertain sliding scale sexuality.
These posts always seem to bring out the troll; in Howard. Sexual insecurity projected.
IIRC, Ringo had more women than any of them.
His first wife divorced him due to endless infidelity.
His personality was also not much like his public schtick.
Unaccountably, he has stayed married to Bach. Thats, what, 38 years of marriage?
In that world thats very strange.
"sliding scale sexuality" - is that like pole dancing?
Progressive females? Run. Run hard, run long, run fast.
The "most" viable for the continuation of the species?
How about the *only* one capable of continuing the species at all?
Which is something to actually be proud of.
On the other hand, apply Kant's test for determining the morality of an act: What would be the effect on society if *everyone* were gay? Answer: species extinction. Hard to think of anything else that can fail Kant's test any more profoundly.
Fuck everybody that talks shit about the Straight Pride people. You want to talk about oppression and courage? Well, then, the people that get out and march w/o the fawning approval of the local political establishment, media and corporations kissing their ass for a full month are the ones with balls.
I used to not care about the fags, dykes, he-shes and whatever-the-fucks. Now I actively and fervently hate them and celebrate everything that stands up to them or puts them in their place. I wish nothing but bad things for them.
Eat shit, you fucking intolerant anti-normalcy weirdo bigots.
gspencer said..."If you say the 'wrong thing', you'll be thrown to the wolves..."9/2/19, 7:48 AM
So true, but only in the Western Culture, which is a small minority of the World's population. When you have all the time in the world and religion is absent from the public square, substitutes are very attractive - thus the PC Western Culture. For example, should Muslims become more dominant in Western Culture, the PC meme will go by the wayside. Additionally, Mother Nature is not very PC oriented, look at the Dorian hurricane. Earthquakes, Hurricanes, volcanoes, and ultimate meteor strikes haven't figured out the PC meme. Our Western Culture will be eliminated in one fell swoop should a global catastrophic event hit the planet. Few people know how to exist in nature anymore.
I see. So the LGBTQABCXYZYWTFBBQ community can demand ownership of the entire month of June and nobody can push back? Even in the slightest?
When was this determined? And by whom?
Doesn’t Boston look fab on the videos?
@Narr: The book Ringo is reading is "Anatomy of a Murder."
Althouse's answer is to parody that with which she disagrees.
As parody she would probably harshly criticize her own efforts.
She would agree it's just not that funny, as she believes the BabylonBee is not that funny.
It's a clever rhetorical trick.
My response:
Pretending that one side should allow the other a free of action in the culture wars is bad all around.
I encourage the snark.
The parades.
The countervailing speech.
I like the marketplace of ideas.
You know, you do not have to comment on this sort of thing, this march or protest or whatever it is. My mother's advice to "ignore them and they will go away" works really well in these kinds of situations. Clearly they are trying to push some outrage button. If you react then they've succeeded.
Boston is yet another city where the modern inhabitants would hate, with blinding intensity, the creators of its charming architecture.
Its a very strange thing. There is this strange blindness, where such people seem to assume their surroundings, in which they are so satisfied, were built by some natural process. Ants or termites or something.
AOC gets to "push back" lightheartedly, and it is "apt", but
straights pushing back lightheartedly isnt allowed, or 'apt'?
Women must never be made to feel bad about, or responsible for, anything, ever.
Apt is pretty close to Asp.
Nothing is new under the sun.
Wouldn't one protest pride with humility?
Thank God someone mentioned Up With People.
They tried to stop The Troubles with carbonated soda songs and stacked heels.
Nothing else worked to that point.
We used 'most' to side-step the shit-talk from those who would challenge 'only' by citing the anomalies wrought by exotic, unnatural medical procedures.
I'm not into parades, but I think the difference between this parade and the gay pride parade is that I could take my grandchildren to this one without having to worry about them being subjected to public acts of indecency.
Read the Onion piece that Chuck cited upstream if you haven't already.
Ringo had by far the best-looking wife of the Beatles
George gave him a run for for his money....until Pattie Boyd left him.
This is in Titus' territory.
Not Fab, I presume.
Look at that architecture. Housing costs are through roof too. So fab. The tourists thought it was a trump rally.
Focko, thanks!
Product placement issues?
Was that the one clapton sung about in layla,
Bet half those guys are in the closet.
I'm not really a fan of any parade that does not involve breasts and lots of cheap plastic beads. Even cheap plastic breasts are preferable. But pride? Meh. I can't imagine a more boring reason to have a parade. And I come for a place where they have parades for strawberries and oranges. In short: be proud of who you are, not what you are.
Annular Cutter
Broach Cutter
Magnetic Drilling Machine
I'm not really a fan of any parade that does not involve breasts and lots of cheap plastic beads
sing it.
"Is Ann arguing that the word "normal" has no real meaning? If so, then the word "abnormal" has no real meaning. Does Ann really believe that?"
My definition of a normal person is any person who takes no offense being labeled as normal.
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