What a day. Now according to the wonderful city council in San Francisco, I am a member of a domestic terroist organization. They can't clean up the poop, deal with the homeless, make a dent in their on street drug problem, but they can take time out for virtue signalling by passing a resolution declaring the NRA (and, I am assuming, their members) a domestic terroist organization.
Marianne Williamson learned something new today. “I know this sounds naive. I didn’t think the left was so mean. I didn’t think the left lied like this,” Williamson told the New Yorker’s David Remnick in an interview. “I thought the right did that. I thought we were better.”
Big Mike She’s not there yet. She still thinks the mendacity and viciousness are limited rather than pervasive. But at least, like Gabbard, she is starting to see the party cheats.
busy day! A few tidbits, then we're out of your smartly-bobbed hair
"Your Investigations Are Just Too Damn Thorough !!" @JussieSmollett's lawyers said there was no need for the police to undertake such a “sprawling investigation”
-per brian cates -- good thread-- read more
Twice on the SAME DAY Mueller prosecution teams were forced to make admissions to the courts that they had been withholding exculpatory evidence.Why are they suddenly handing it over NOW? https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1169290349820428289.html
...and more from the Dead Pedophiles Society:
Secret Epstein documents contain the names of up to '1,000 people' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7427235/Secret-Jeffrey-Epstein-documents-contain-names-1-000-people.html
What does Jeffrey Epstein have to do with transhumanism? https://www.thecut.com/2019/08/what-is-transhumanism.html
Pedo Jimmy Saville hung out with Nick Soame's mommy Soames brothers are part of the Prince Charles & Jimmy Saville gang.
... but will they show up to vote, and for bennies??? the Department of Homeland Security recently revealed to Congress that as high as 90 percent of alleged 'asylum-seekers' did not bother to show up to their court hearings..
I know!! Let's kill foreign babies !
Democrat Voter: There are too many humans on earth. Bernie: I agree. We need to fund abortions to poor, third world countries.
Ref!! Stop the fight! B-Eye B-Eye Biden-- bleeding out his...whatever
O'Donnell lost because she did not hire the right campaign advisors.
Marianne is a whole different kettle of fish.
She really does not care about the abortion issue, she just does not fucking care.
May God care about her in a way that the cannot imagine!
She really does not care that the poor African-American women of our day are coerced and tricked into aborting their babies at triple and quadruple the rates that white women end their pregnancies, "without a single compassionate thought for the years and years of happiness denied to the aborted children."
Years and years and years, and sad Marianne thinks she is kind and loves people.
She was largely sabotaged by carl rove, who learned nothong from the lawfare conducted against him. In cooperation with the gop party chair, in retrosoect the subsequent elections have proven delaware is beyond recovery, they evem had a #metoo other senator in carper
Democrat Voter: There are too many humans on earth. Bernie: I agree. We need to fund abortions to poor, third world countries.
We need self-moderating, responsible women and men. We should encourage women and men to develop their faculties and moral character, and not indulge their liberal bias. A prerequisite for civilized society. A prerequisite for quality of life. We don't need the Pro-Choice quasi-religion (ethical code), including progressive policies that normalize selective-child, recycled-child a.k.a. planned parenthood or the wicked solution. #HateLovesAbortion
US politics is topsy turvy so maybe the normal rules do not apply but I think the following are unelectable, unless something drastic happens to the economy or Trump (always possible)
Biden — he is feeble and clearly not up to the strain Warren — the affirmative action fraud just looks fatal to me. Other problems too, but that’s a doozy. Harris — the gut shot came from Gabbard but it was always there. She was a dirty prosecutor, and the joking made it stark
I think it would be uphill for Sanders, or Buttigieg, but they all strike me as more electable. Still not very electable.
I am beginning to think the failed mayor has a real shot at the nomination.
“I thought the right did that. I thought we were better.”
Welcome to the real world, Marianne,
Losing her quasi-religion. What she and many perceive as liberal tolerance is actually divergence. Progressivism is monotonic. Conservativism is moderate. Principles matter.
you have to be really deluded by some false religion to think anything else
Yeah, Pro-Choice is a wicked solution, albeit to a hard problem: secular pursuit of wealth, pleasure, leisure, and narcissistic indulgence.
Human procreation has a redeeming value to humanity and society, and is therefore a legitimate cause for normalization (i.e. promotion). That said, I'm pro-choice: abstention, prevention, adoption, and compassion (i.e. pro-life). I don't think that society should deny women and men's faculties and moral character, for democratic leverage, social progress, or the cause du jour.
another sign of what the left has in store for us: SF Board of Supervisors declares the NRA a terrorist organization.
It's an inevitable progression of their Pro-Choice quasi-religion that denies women and men's faculties and moral character (e.g. self-moderating, responsible behavior).
That said, the civil right of the People to bear arms... legs, a head, and life, and to stand their ground in self-defense, shall not be infringed.
Althouse you seem rally determined to avoid the story of how Trump is doubling, tripling and quadrupling down on his phony and inaccurate tweet of Sunday wherein he warned the state of Alabama that it may be hit with damaging effects of Hurricane Dorian.
It was the howler story of the weekend, and you skipped it. Today, it became one of the legendary Trump lies of all time when Trump called up a blown up hurricane "cone" prediction map from THURSDAY (almost a week ago tonight), that showed Dorian coming ashore and making landfall in Florida and then moving off to gulf states including Georgia and Alabama. At that time, Dorian was way out in the Caribbean. By Sunday, the NWS knew that the path would turn north and when Trump told Alabama to look out, the Birmingham NWS station took to twitter within 20 minutes of the presidential tweet warning Alabama to watch out, and stated emphatically that no, Alabama was not in the hurricane's path. (It has been a beautiful, sunny, light-winds week in Alabama.)
And then today, in about his fourth or fifth run at the "Alabama" hurricane involvement, the White House Communications clowns trotted out a hurricane "cone" map from last Thursday, which showed the cone of possible hurricane activity extending though Florida up to Georgia (all information that was obsolete before last Sunday and Trump's infamous tweet), and then in some kind of hand-drawn addition, the cone was bumped outward to reach Alabama.
The one and only thing revealed by this story was the extent to which Trump would make a complete fool of himself rather than admit to having been caught in a clear fabrication. And it is such a beauty of an example this time. Of course it is about Trump's nearly unbelievable idiocy. But it is also now about a White House communications staff so completely craven that they play along with this nonsense from PDJT.
And you, Althouse, have missed out on all the blogging fun.
There is some good reason to believe the Benn-Burt Bill will not be enacted—at least not in its current form. One cannot be sure—as the final decision will largely rest with Speaker Bercow. The Benn-Burt Bill, in certain situations, mandates that the PM seek a further extension of the Article 50 process for negotiating a withdrawal from the EU. Furthermore, in certain situations, the bill mandates that the PM agree to the extension offered by the EU. The bill ties the hands of the PM in regard to negotiations and, if there is no timely Brexit on October 31, 2019, the bill will also tie the PM’s hands thereafter.
The issue is this. Generally, for Parliament to enact a statute, all that must happen is that the bill be passed by both houses and, then, obtain the royal assent. If the Benn-Burt Bill passes both houses, in theory, the PM could advise the Queen not to accede to the bill. The Queen acts on the advice of her ministers—but usually the ministers have put forward the bill or, at least, they have acquiesced to a private member’s bill. Here, where the House of Commons has seized the agenda paper and taken it out of the hands of the government, the government and House are not in alignment and the convention—that the Queen acts on the advice of ministers—is in tension with the historical norm that Queen accedes to all bills laid before her from Parliament. That’s one problem for the Benn-Burt Bill.
The bill has a second, and more significant problem.
As I stated: generally, for Parliament to enact a statute, all that must happen is that the bill be passed by both houses and, then, obtain the royal assent. There is an exception. Where a bill significantly weighs on the exercise of the reserved powers of the crown—the royal prerogative—the bill must have the Queen’s consent (which is distinguishable from the royal assent already discussed above). In other words, where a bill significantly burdens the exercise of what Hamilton called the residium of executive power, the bill must additionally have the support of a minister—and such support is usually signified in the third reading in the Commons. If the responsible minister does not support the bill, where the Queen’s consent is required, the bill (in normal times) dies—just as if Parliament had been dissolved or prorogued.
The Benn-Burt Bill limits executive discretion by the crown’s ministers in mandating, in certain circumstances, that the Prime Minister agree to extensions of the Article 50 process, if such an extension is offered by the EU. Using Queen’s consent, as opposed to relying on the royal assent, keeps the actual Queen out of politics—and puts real responsibility for the Brexit end-game back where it belongs: with ministers on the floor of the Commons and accountable to the Commons.
Boris still has an ace or two to play.
See generally: [A] Robert Craig, Proponents of the new Bill to stop No Deal face a significant dilemma over Queen’s Consent, LSE/Brexit (Sept 2, 2019),
So a rogue parliament has seized control of brexit, judge jackson allowed greg craig to hey away with his ukrainian case tamoering, the dema want to abolish industrial civilization and probably sterilize us, and you're muttering on about what now?
Remember that james hougan segment about onassua and his rivalry with both rfk and nixon one xould probably add howard hughes to that, one thinks that the screenwriters of diamonds are forever, knew about this rivalry but put blifeld in the onassis role.
Just saw Pure Prairie League play at City Winery. They were on the charts 50 ys ago. Three of the originals were present and able. Nadine what you goin to do?
I think we all struggle with the politics of addition. Reagan was a master. Trump is trying a unique strategy—but the media messaging is a headwind of hurricane force.
Interestingly it was tom mankiewitz, fmr rfk kennedy aide, who scripted the film, which suggesta that hughes had been under control of zome malign force.
And you, Althouse, have missed out on all the blogging fun
Blogging about it may have been fun, but the death threats and other nonsense that follows anytime someone speaks ill of The Chosen One probably isn't her idea of a good time.
People who’ve never run logistics involving hundreds of trucks and thousands of people across several states are basically flatlanders.
Late last week, nobody was ruling out tropical storm effects in Alabama. And if you’re a planner, if you wait for the five day forecast to put red ink on Alabama or anywhere else before starting necessary actions prior to movement, and start spinning up subordinates and kicking out advance teams, you’re hopelessly late, and incredibly incompetent.
Conflation of sex and gender, witch hunts and warlock trials with a distinct element of diversity, and efforts to normalize progressive policies including selective-child a.k.a. planned parenthood or the wicked solution.
pewresearch.org... U.S. Public Continues to Favor Legal Abortion, Oppose Overturning Roe v. Wade
Unlike China, progressive policies have normalized selective-child in the Western world. The number of Pro-Choice sects, secular and theistic, is still in the minority but progressing thanks to the efforts of Pew Charitable Trusts and other liberal organizations. Diversity, too, including anti-nativism (e.g. immigration reform), and other forms of affirmative discrimination that indulge color judgments for what is purportedly labeled "social progress".
So that straight pride parade in Boston? Antifa protesters attacked police and were arrested, believe it or not. However the prosecutor recommended dismissal of all charges but a couple of judges said no way. Our crackpot DA that's made national headlines is taking it to the MA supreme court :
The police in MA don't like it when their people are attacked and get away with it, for some reason. They're still powerful, too. ASk Martha Coakley...
I think there are several who hit the booze a bit while posting on cafe blogs. Just look at the spelling, grammar, nonsense, incoherence. It really goes to hell around here on the late night early morning cafes.
It will be interesting to see if/when the MA SJC dismisses the charges what rule of law is used to justify it. Not so say there won't be a law in MA that allows someone to beat up cops. Union thugs used the Enmons defense to avoid punishment when they roughed up Padma Lakshmi's TV cast and crew...
“Kamala Harris's green power grab would not be limited to pushing the Green New Deal. She also pledged to ban hydraulic fracturing (better known as "fracking"), offshore oil drilling, and plastic straws.
She also promised to sue oil companies like Exxon-Mobil.
"It’s not a question of debating the science. It’s a question of taking on powerful interests and understanding polluters have a profit motive to pollute. Let’s take them to court and require if they don’t change, they pay fines," she said.
It remains unclear just how Americans would get any electricity in Kamala's America.”
“So that straight pride parade in Boston? Antifa protesters attacked police and were arrested, believe it or not. However the prosecutor recommended dismissal of all charges but a couple of judges said no way”
My understanding is that the DA was a George Soros purchase. He seems to have been buying DAs a lot recently, in dark blue big cities across the country. With Soros, it invariably is to destroy a facet of our society. I don’t think that the purpose was to green light Anti First Amendment (Antifa) fascist thugs, because AntiFA is too new (though some of his money appears to be going there too), but rather destroy our criminal justice system by keeping violent gang members out of prison if they are POC, necessarily resulting in our inner cities turning into war zones.
With Soros buying big city DAs, that is just one more reason to live as far from big urban Dem controlled cities as you can. Crime, disease, drugs are going to continue to increase there. He buys societal entropy, in the name of Social Justice. I don’t consider most of the billionaires throwing their money behind the Democrats as evil, just misguided. Maybe not even Tom Steyer. But George Soros is in a league of his own, actively funding and organizing the destruction of American society.
To some extent it fell because African-American women are going to college in larger and larger numbers, a slow steady increase. Instead of entering adulthood at eighteen with high school graduation, they enter it several years later after college ends. The "teen" birth-rate was holding up the African-American birth-rate. Lowering it, finally put the African-American birth-rate below replacement level. Across all races, increasing education for women decreases fertility. However it is only recently that this has led to a world-wide birth-crash which leads in turn to demographic regimes that cannot sustain the welfare state as well as tending toward the extinction of smaller groups. Because this is a new social phenomenon, women don't really understand that they are choosing a demographic regime which will inevitably impoverish them when they are older. They are not really making informed choices about economics consequences although they usually specifically think they are making a choice based on economic calculations, rather than religion or "sentiment" or "tradition".
Most of the coverage of James Mattis’s new book, Call Sign Chaos, co-authored with Bing West, deals with the former defense secretary’s relationship with President Trump. The Atlantic‘s pre-publication interview with Mattis was headlined, “The Man Who Couldn’t Take It Anymore.” The New York Times editorial page ran a column about Mattis called “The Man Trump Wishes He Were.”
Both articles establish that Mattis doesn’t have much to say right now, in either the book or in interviews, about President Trump. Neither piece, though, mentions another president about whom Mattis is more than willing to dish. That would be Barack Obama, who was Mattis’s commander in chief when the then–Marine general led Central Command. Mattis’s critique of Obama isn’t just harsh. It’s blistering.
Like other TDS sufferers they just can't help themselves.
What if; President Trump HADN'T mentioned Alabama, and the hurricane had gone on and caused tropical storm/thunder storm damage IN Alabama?
Would Chuck and his Soul-mate, Rachel Maddow have: a) said, "well, it surprised Most people that it turned tail or b) said, "DAMN THAT TRUMP! It's ALL HIS FAULT!"
i'm pretty sure i know the answer, but what do y'all think?
So let's drill down on why Trump was so ridiculous and why this image is ridiculous. Look at the time of the image. Look at the location of the center of Dorian. It's from Wednesday, August 28.
Trump's "Alabama" Tweet was on Sunday, September 1. When the old track map was obsolete and newly corrected with the projected path turning north.
The NWS Birmingham wasted no time whatsoever correcting Trump. When Trump Tweeted out a danger warning for Alabama, they stated within 20 minutes that there was no danger for Alabama. The NWS was right at that time, and Trump was wrong.
But despite being completely wrong, Trump continued his tirade about how Alabama was still in danger. And that is the part that Brian Stelter's CNN piece illustrates so well. Actually, you can look at any one of dozens of reports on this story. And what you really must do is watch video of Trump and his dog-and-pony show on this subject. The guy cannot admit that he was wrong on his Sunday tweet, and the more he holds to that, the more the press ridicules him, and then the more weird and crazed Trump gets.
I had said in a café post from Monday that this story had made my weekend. It's making my whole week.
Many thanks to Darrell for showing how Trump's devoted fans will cling to President Donald J. Trump as he hauls all of them into the muck with this story.
Purple: Blogging about it may have been fun, but the death threats and other nonsense that follows anytime someone speaks ill of The Chosen One probably isn't her idea of a good time.
Death threats anytime someone speaks ill of the Chosen One? You're a liar.
i'm pretty sure i know the answer, but what do y'all think?
Ya. It doesn't matter what he does they'll find an angle to attack him. Usually two- at the same time both a bumbling boob and a clever and devious schemer...
They pretend they don't get he always doubles and triples down on these things, never apologizing, yet they seem to think that's supposed to hurt him. It never hurts the Clintons. It just makes them stronger. Nobody seems to care...
What if; President Trump HADN'T mentioned Alabama, and the hurricane had gone on and caused tropical storm/thunder storm damage IN Alabama?
Okay so more Trumpkin idiocy.
The reason that you do not want to send out needless and inaccurate warnings is because you divert resources, you cause unnecessary commotion, and you are essentially feeding bad information to the public. Instead of playing games about how maybe he wasn't completely and totally wrong about Alabama, Trump should have been and now should be focusing national attention on the coastal Carolinas and Georgia.
By your logic, someone could warn the entire U.S. about a hurricane since it might possibly go anywhere even when the NWS said it wouldn't
But we actually have a LAW about false weather reports, for all of the reasons I just hinted at, and more. The law is 18 USC Sec. 2074.
1) I don't trust you to give objective analysis (insert Chuck's confession that he will malign and slime Trump and has no interest in treating Trump fairly)
2) I don't care anymore than I cared about Titleist Gate.
Beasts of England said... ’It's making my whole week.’
What a sad and impotent life you must lead, tater tot...
This will be a page of some really rich personal attacks on me for the reason that there is nothing to be said defending Trump. So the default is to attack me personally. The stages of Trumpism:
1. Claim that technically Trump wasn't totally wrong. (Yeah, he was totally wrong.)
2. Claim that the non-track of a hurricane is not important. (But Trump himself did an Oval Office show all about this just yesterday.)
Chuck: The one and only thing revealed by this story was the extent to which Trump would make a complete fool of himself rather than admit to having been caught in a clear fabrication. And it is such a beauty of an example this time. Of course it is about Trump's nearly unbelievable idiocy. But it is also now about a White House communications staff so completely craven that they play along with this nonsense from PDJT.
Oh I get it now. Chuck and his ilk have been praying for Dorian to wreck Florida so they could launch their Katrina Op at Trump. All weekend, salivating for death and destruction that didn't arrive. Instead, all they got was this, so they are putting everything on it.
That's good news if the biggest takeaway from Dorian is that the Trump Haters beclowned themselves again. Although it's really sick to see them wishing for dead Americans they can use as props to bash Trump with.
Chuck said: "I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
smear noun \ ˈsmir
: a usually unsubstantiated charge or accusation against a person or organization —often used attributively
Purple Peguin: Blogging about it may have been fun, but the death threats and other nonsense that follows anytime someone speaks ill of The Chosen One probably isn't her idea of a good time.
People are just going to let that one fly by? Or is it known that Purple is a nutjob too?
4. Engage in some crazily twisted mischaracterization to make what I wrote look bad, and Trump look good.
You fuck head; I did not want the hurricane to hit anywhere. But if it did hit the U.S. (or anywhere) I want all of the reports and predictions and warnings to be accurate.
Trump's initial problem -- a minor one -- was his fundamental inaccuracy. Trump's massive and ongoing problem is his inability to admit that he was wrong. It's so bad, it is actually hilarious. (Hilarious to me, scary to others.)
Do not focus on the exact forecast track, as the average five-day track error is around 200 miles. The forecast can and will change. If you want the most accurate and up-to-date information, you will have to check the Dorian forecast several times a day. Otherwise, you’re working with old (and most likely bad) information."
’I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him.’
Chuck: You fuck head; I did not want the hurricane to hit anywhere.
Bullshit. You want Dorian to be Trump's Katrina disaster, and for that you need death and devastation. You don't give a damn about the hurricane or who is in danger, all you care about is bashing Trump. You are sick.
I want all of the reports and predictions and warnings to be accurate.
Idiot: "Do not focus on the exact forecast track, as the average five-day track error is around 200 miles."
Chuck: Engage in some crazily twisted mischaracterization to make what I wrote look bad
Like...quoting your own words back at you:
Chuck: "I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
Fen I'll use short words and simple declarative sentences for you.
On Sunday, when Trump tweeted that Alabama needed to watch out for the storm, the NWS already knew that the storm was not headed to Alabama. They knew it for sure. No cone, no doubt.
And they said so, immediately. And the NWS was right.
Alabama EMA ✔ @AlabamaEMA How does Dorian affect Alabama? After Labor Day and into next week, the long-range weather models have Dorian going anywhere from into the Gulf and as far west as Louisiana, to curving into the Atlantic.
"The Alabama National Guard tweeted Hurricane Dorian is expected to reach southern Alabama early next week."
AL National Guard @AlabamaNG #HurricaneDorian is projected to reach southern Alabama by the early part of the week. We are watching closely and #ready to act. Are you?
Fen, that is an August 30 article! Based, no doubt on pre-August 30 information.
Trump's tweet (and other even more ridiculous statements) was on September 1. When the NWS had much better and different information. And said so, in an apparently direct pushback to Trump.
Why can't you understand that? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Chuck is attempting to spin away his attack on the AL National Guard (an interesting psychological case study given his own hilariously over the top and long-winded defensive explanation of his apparently agonizing decision to not join the military) in much the same way he attempted to spin away his racist comments and attacks on children.
But then again, thats our admitted liar and smear merchant Chuck, isnt it?
Did anyone else happen to catch the fake conservatives at LLR Chuck's beloved fake conservative site The Bulwark come out strong in defense of the commie idiot bartender AOC against decorated SEAL teamer Dan Crenshaw?
This was to be expected of course given how our fake Conservative LLR's, like Chuck, always react viscerally whenever one of their dem team members is attacked effectively by a conservative member of congress who happens to have served honorably.
I wonder why that is?
Perhaps LLR Chuck, who strongly and passionately defended serial liar and Stolen Valor hack Da Nang Dick Blumenthal, can explain that.
I believe the answer is rather obvious though, don't you?
The whole President Trump, Alabama, thing Chuck is pushing is a lie. I haven't looked to see what the facts are. I just know when there is something that is meaningless pushed to the front, those TDS sufferers are intentional lying to smear. It is a conclussion based on 4 years experience. So when Chuck is smearing(his stated goal)he is lying. No need to do any further examination.
Wait a minute... do you mean Trump might've repeated slightly outdated weather prediction information?!? Impeach!!!! I mean, seriously, what does a US President have for distractions?! Nothing I tell you!
This is your lamest crap yet, Chuck, and that's saying a planetload.
Wait a minute... do you mean Trump might've repeated slightly outdated weather prediction information?!?
Worse, Chuck is just a cynic throwing rocks from cheap seats. You know the type - they park their fat ass on a barstool, look up at the TV and pretend they are smarter and wiser than the coach calling the plays. There could be all kinds of reasons they never consider, such as:
1) FEMA head was concerned Alabama was taking Dorian too lightly, so Trump nudges them publicly so that they will cover their ass to not look stupid if Dorian shifts back their way
2) FEMA want's states (AL, GA, NC) neighboring landfall (FL) to be at full alert so there will be ample reserves of relief aid and workers on standby to assist first responders.
3) some other reason that those who aren't on the inside couldn't possibly fathom.
Oh no! Trump's remarks mean Alabama will err on the side of caution when it comes to hurricane landfall! Thousand of potential deaths averted. The horror!
Death threats anytime someone speaks ill of the Chosen One? You're a liar.
You say that as if you've never ranted on & on about how you wanna torture and hang Chuck and all those other Republicans who have spoken critical of your Party Leader. You also seem to be unaware of how many times you've gone on & on about shooting folks for not voting the same way you do.
Then again - perhaps you ARE unaware of those posts you've made. Maybe Sober Fen has no idea what Drunk Fen is posting late at night. That makes sense, and would explain why you seem to "forget" so many things that are said - by you and in threads you participate in. (Tell us again how nobody said anything at all about cutting Chuck's testicles off and that I was lying to say someone did...lol...and that's just one of the many examples)
Or is it known that Purple is a nutjob too?
Asks the guy who has repeatedly admitted he is a psychopath. (Tho, you have said it isn't YOUR fault for being insane...the mean ol' Left made you that way, didn't they?)
TWO DAYS AGO, the Alabama Emergency Agency retweeted HHS warning:
"If you're in the path of Hurricane #Dorian, don't wait until it's too late! These tips will help you get your car and home ready before the storm hits. http://bit.ly/2PUnZUL #HurricaneDorian2019"
Not for criticizing Trump. You are free to criticize Trump without consequence all you want. Hell, if there is one thing Althouse has proven, it's that she champions free speech. \
Chuck gets the rope because he is a traitor, not because he slimes Trump. I have explained this several times to you now, and yet you continue to lie about me.
But the question was re your claim that Althouse gets death threats for criticizing Trump. Do you have any evidence to back up your latest lie?
Bullshit. You've said that Republicans who dare to speak critical of him are "traitors" who should be hung from a rope (after being tortured) and anyone else who speaks ill of him must be a "lefty"....and you've repeatedly talked about shooting them.
This is just like when you called me a "liar" for quoting that post about Chuck's balls being cut off and fed to him. You were wrong then and you're wrong now.
Fen said... TWO DAYS AGO, the Alabama Emergency Agency retweeted HHS warning:
"If you're in the path of Hurricane #Dorian, don't wait until it's too late! These tips will help you get your car and home ready before the storm hits. http://bit.ly/2PUnZUL #HurricaneDorian2019"
Chuck and his fellow vultures most affected
I’d issue the same advice. If you are in the path of Dorian, take all appropriate precautions.
But since at least last Saturday, we have known that Alabama was NOT in that path.
Purple: You've said that Republicans who dare to speak critical of him are "traitors" who should be hung from a rope
Nope. I have never said that.
What I have said is that NeverTrumpers are traitors. The Republican Party has had an agreement in place, at least since Reagan: we may fight like cats and dogs in the primaries but once we select our nominee we rally behind him for the good of the party.
My people did so - we held our nose and supported RINOs like McCain. We held our nose and supported Romney (I even went to work for his campaign). And we did so with the understanding that when the McCain/Romney crowd lost the primaries, they would honor the pact and rally around the candidate WE had chosen. Instead, they bolted the party and even openly supported Hillary Clinton.
They betrayed us. They are traitors. And we treat traitors worse than the enemy:
"When we defeat and enemy, we tend to their wounded and treat captive prisoners humanely. But traitors? Traitors we hang"
This is like the 4th or 5th time I've taken to explain all this to you. At this point I must assume you are too stupid to comprehend what you read or too corrupt to represent my viewpoint honestly. Or perhaps both.
I think the chaos post is interesting in light of the poll that Sanders supporters realize Epstein was murdered, and Warren supporters believe the crap they’ve been fed. It’s a red pill/ blue pill thing.
I wish I could watch The Matrix for the first time again.
"I have explained this several times to you now, and yet you continue to lie about me.”
That’s how she rolls, she and Chuck, you can prove them wrong all you want, it rolls off of them like water off a duck’s back. I am kind of surprised they think it’s good tactics. Probably comes from watching too much MSNBC, warps their perspective.
So much of the anti-Trump rhetoric is hysterical, hate-based and over the top. Take Chuck’s vituperation as an example: “lying assholes, mendacious Trump asshattery, Fuck you, You are a real fucking joke, You are an even bigger fool and a moron, God damn you eric!”
And that’s in the comments section of just one Althouse post.
“Not a single model predicted a two-day stall over the Bahamas”. Exactly, and you think a low level nuclear explosion wasn’t involved? Have you not noticed none of the rescuers are carrying Geiger counters?
Here is something fun to look at. Go to http://www.climatereferencenetwork.org and see the new fully vetted and scientifically designed climate reference temperature compared to the one they are currently using. It’s updated hourly. The new one is usually cooler than the one they have been using to “prove” how hot it is getting.
UN on Climate Change: "...one-sixth of Bangladesh could be flooded, displacing a fourth of its 90 million people...."
Note the deliberate sleight of hand - the eye comes away with 90 million people displaced.
Because for some reason (we know why) the writer couldn't simply do the math. So I will:
25% of 90 million = 22.5 million, thus:
"...one-sixth of Bangladesh could be flooded, displacing 22.5 million people...."
If your cause is just, it doesn't need to be propped up with deception. And that was just something easily caught. I bet the rest of their stats are likewise misleading.
Skylark said... "I have explained this several times to you now, and yet you continue to lie about me.”
That’s how she rolls, she and Chuck, you can prove them wrong all you want, it rolls off of them like water off a duck’s back. I am kind of surprised they think it’s good tactics. Probably comes from watching too much MSNBC, warps their perspective.
Prove me wrong on this; Alabama Sharpie-gate. Do it. Be very specific. Tell me what I got wrong in any way.
O.K.. this is all top secret so don't tell anyone. The extra black sharpie line is the flight path from the Alabama nuclear depository to the hurricane and back.
"Prove me wrong on this; Alabama Sharpie-gate. Do it. Be very specific. Tell me what I got wrong in any way.”
I don’t even know or care what you are talking about. I never said everything you post is a lie, either. I proved you wrong on Charlottesville and you still blow your stack rather than admit it. All you do in response is quote the Bulwark over and over and over, never once specifically addressing my point.
That’s because even you are not stupid enough to really believe your position on that one, so you stop before you get to where it’s too clear even for you to overlook that the guy has severe issues with logic. If we could make Venn Diagrams on here, I would have used one of those, but most people can do those in their head.
New York Times was at the demonstrations and interviewed people who said they rejected the white supremacists but supported keeping the historic statuary. Bulwark was not there and claimed to know who was there.
New York Times wins, that’s logic 101, if you ever took that course.
The other day I was mad because I couldn’t find the key to one of the jet skis. I knew it was probably attached to a life jacket so I searched the holds of the boat and looked at each of the life jackets I found. I looked in the barn, in the garage, I looked on the key hook. No jet ski key. I told my daughter she was the last person to use it and asked what she did with the key. She said it was on the boat. I said “No, it’s not” then she went to the boat, found it. It turned out that the key was on a life jacket that had been poked up into a little corner of one of the compartments.
According to Chuck, I proved that the key was NOT on the boat because I thought I looked everywhere! According the logic, my daughter proved I was wrong by finding the key.
You can learn about this kind of stuff in an intro to philosophy course Chuck. I would think that lawyers would be required to study logic too.
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remember when Christine O'Donnell foolishly said; i'm not a witch?
Marianne Williamson just tweeted; "Since I’m neither crazy, irresponsible nor dangerous...."
What a day. Now according to the wonderful city council in San Francisco, I am a member of a domestic terroist organization. They can't clean up the poop, deal with the homeless, make a dent in their on street drug problem, but they can take time out for virtue signalling by passing a resolution declaring the NRA (and, I am assuming, their members) a domestic terroist organization.
Wow - just wow.
Marianne Williamson learned something new today. “I know this sounds naive. I didn’t think the left was so mean. I didn’t think the left lied like this,” Williamson told the New Yorker’s David Remnick in an interview. “I thought the right did that. I thought we were better.”
Welcome to the real world, Marianne,
Marianne does not care about the aborted babies who will never get a chance to live a single moment of happiness in this world.
She is a fraud and I hope she one day realizes how sad it is to be someone who does not care about the victims of abortion.
Big Mike
She’s not there yet. She still thinks the mendacity and viciousness are limited rather than pervasive. But at least, like Gabbard, she is starting to see the party cheats.
But you see o'donnell, was a heretic to the wiccans and an outspoken christian so its not the same thing at all.
busy day! A few tidbits, then we're out of your smartly-bobbed hair
"Your Investigations Are Just Too Damn Thorough !!"
@JussieSmollett's lawyers said there was no need for the police to undertake such a “sprawling investigation”
-per brian cates -- good thread-- read more
Twice on the SAME DAY Mueller prosecution teams were forced to make admissions to the courts that they had been withholding exculpatory evidence.Why are they suddenly handing it over NOW?
...and more from the Dead Pedophiles Society:
Secret Epstein documents contain the names of up to '1,000 people'
What does Jeffrey Epstein have to do with transhumanism?
Pedo Jimmy Saville hung out with Nick Soame's mommy
Soames brothers are part of the Prince Charles & Jimmy Saville gang.
... but will they show up to vote, and for bennies???
the Department of Homeland Security recently revealed to Congress that as high as 90 percent of alleged 'asylum-seekers' did not bother to show up to their court hearings..
I know!! Let's kill foreign babies !
Democrat Voter: There are too many humans on earth.
Bernie: I agree. We need to fund abortions to poor, third world countries.
Ref!! Stop the fight!
B-Eye B-Eye Biden-- bleeding out his...whatever
O'Donnell lost because she did not hire the right campaign advisors.
Marianne is a whole different kettle of fish.
She really does not care about the abortion issue, she just does not fucking care.
May God care about her in a way that the cannot imagine!
She really does not care that the poor African-American women of our day are coerced and tricked into aborting their babies at triple and quadruple the rates that white women end their pregnancies, "without a single compassionate thought for the years and years of happiness denied to the aborted children."
Years and years and years, and sad Marianne thinks she is kind and loves people.
Thanks for reading, Narciso.
Joe Biden: bloody eye
Racist deadbeat dad Joe Walsh: bloody mess
A LLR Chuck nightmare...
She was largely sabotaged by carl rove, who learned nothong from the lawfare conducted against him. In cooperation with the gop party chair, in retrosoect the subsequent elections have proven delaware is beyond recovery, they evem had a #metoo other senator in carper
for goodness sake how can anyone who is not a complete moron be sabotaged by "CARL ROVE"
he is a self-evident FOOL
anyone who relies on the Carl Roves of this world is also a fool
For God's sake was that not self-evident from day ONE????
And the Senate partu chair cornyn and the likes of ahep smith and even o reilly and of course bill maher slithy tove.
Can't she straighten them out with love?
I know!! Let's kill foreign babies !
Democrat Voter: There are too many humans on earth.
Bernie: I agree. We need to fund abortions to poor, third world countries.
We need self-moderating, responsible women and men. We should encourage women and men to develop their faculties and moral character, and not indulge their liberal bias. A prerequisite for civilized society. A prerequisite for quality of life. We don't need the Pro-Choice quasi-religion (ethical code), including progressive policies that normalize selective-child, recycled-child a.k.a. planned parenthood or the wicked solution. #HateLovesAbortion
US politics is topsy turvy so maybe the normal rules do not apply but I think the following are unelectable, unless something drastic happens to the economy or Trump (always possible)
Biden — he is feeble and clearly not up to the strain
Warren — the affirmative action fraud just looks fatal to me. Other problems too, but that’s a doozy.
Harris — the gut shot came from Gabbard but it was always there. She was a dirty prosecutor, and the joking made it stark
I think it would be uphill for Sanders, or Buttigieg, but they all strike me as more electable. Still not very electable.
I am beginning to think the failed mayor has a real shot at the nomination.
N,N, -
you have to be really deluded by some false religion to think anything else
“I thought the right did that. I thought we were better.”
Welcome to the real world, Marianne,
Losing her quasi-religion. What she and many perceive as liberal tolerance is actually divergence. Progressivism is monotonic. Conservativism is moderate. Principles matter.
Just another sign of what the left has in store for us: SF Board of Supervisors declares the NRA a terrorist organization.
Kamala wants to ban fracking?
She wants to ban all traces of industrial civilization, thuggies only wanted occassional sacrifices.
you have to be really deluded by some false religion to think anything else
Yeah, Pro-Choice is a wicked solution, albeit to a hard problem: secular pursuit of wealth, pleasure, leisure, and narcissistic indulgence.
Human procreation has a redeeming value to humanity and society, and is therefore a legitimate cause for normalization (i.e. promotion). That said, I'm pro-choice: abstention, prevention, adoption, and compassion (i.e. pro-life). I don't think that society should deny women and men's faculties and moral character, for democratic leverage, social progress, or the cause du jour.
another sign of what the left has in store for us: SF Board of Supervisors declares the NRA a terrorist organization.
It's an inevitable progression of their Pro-Choice quasi-religion that denies women and men's faculties and moral character (e.g. self-moderating, responsible behavior).
That said, the civil right of the People to bear arms... legs, a head, and life, and to stand their ground in self-defense, shall not be infringed.
Christine O'Donnell foolishly said; i'm not a witch?
She's not a witch. Trump is not a warlock. Yet, the witch hunts and warlock trials persist and progress.
I'm going to bed, perhaps to dream of an alternate reality where there are 50 or 100 million African-Americans.
Polisci Fi!
Althouse you seem rally determined to avoid the story of how Trump is doubling, tripling and quadrupling down on his phony and inaccurate tweet of Sunday wherein he warned the state of Alabama that it may be hit with damaging effects of Hurricane Dorian.
It was the howler story of the weekend, and you skipped it. Today, it became one of the legendary Trump lies of all time when Trump called up a blown up hurricane "cone" prediction map from THURSDAY (almost a week ago tonight), that showed Dorian coming ashore and making landfall in Florida and then moving off to gulf states including Georgia and Alabama. At that time, Dorian was way out in the Caribbean. By Sunday, the NWS knew that the path would turn north and when Trump told Alabama to look out, the Birmingham NWS station took to twitter within 20 minutes of the presidential tweet warning Alabama to watch out, and stated emphatically that no, Alabama was not in the hurricane's path. (It has been a beautiful, sunny, light-winds week in Alabama.)
And then today, in about his fourth or fifth run at the "Alabama" hurricane involvement, the White House Communications clowns trotted out a hurricane "cone" map from last Thursday, which showed the cone of possible hurricane activity extending though Florida up to Georgia (all information that was obsolete before last Sunday and Trump's infamous tweet), and then in some kind of hand-drawn addition, the cone was bumped outward to reach Alabama.
Here is all of the detail, wonderfully explained by Brian Stelter of CNN.
Even Fox News couldn't resist tweaking this one.
The one and only thing revealed by this story was the extent to which Trump would make a complete fool of himself rather than admit to having been caught in a clear fabrication. And it is such a beauty of an example this time. Of course it is about Trump's nearly unbelievable idiocy. But it is also now about a White House communications staff so completely craven that they play along with this nonsense from PDJT.
And you, Althouse, have missed out on all the blogging fun.
"First, lets kill all the lawyers."
Wednesday, September 04, 2019
Boris Johnson Still Has An Ace Or Two To Play
There is some good reason to believe the Benn-Burt Bill will not be enacted—at least not in its current form. One cannot be sure—as the final decision will largely rest with Speaker Bercow. The Benn-Burt Bill, in certain situations, mandates that the PM seek a further extension of the Article 50 process for negotiating a withdrawal from the EU. Furthermore, in certain situations, the bill mandates that the PM agree to the extension offered by the EU. The bill ties the hands of the PM in regard to negotiations and, if there is no timely Brexit on October 31, 2019, the bill will also tie the PM’s hands thereafter.
The issue is this. Generally, for Parliament to enact a statute, all that must happen is that the bill be passed by both houses and, then, obtain the royal assent. If the Benn-Burt Bill passes both houses, in theory, the PM could advise the Queen not to accede to the bill. The Queen acts on the advice of her ministers—but usually the ministers have put forward the bill or, at least, they have acquiesced to a private member’s bill. Here, where the House of Commons has seized the agenda paper and taken it out of the hands of the government, the government and House are not in alignment and the convention—that the Queen acts on the advice of ministers—is in tension with the historical norm that Queen accedes to all bills laid before her from Parliament. That’s one problem for the Benn-Burt Bill.
The bill has a second, and more significant problem.
As I stated: generally, for Parliament to enact a statute, all that must happen is that the bill be passed by both houses and, then, obtain the royal assent. There is an exception. Where a bill significantly weighs on the exercise of the reserved powers of the crown—the royal prerogative—the bill must have the Queen’s consent (which is distinguishable from the royal assent already discussed above). In other words, where a bill significantly burdens the exercise of what Hamilton called the residium of executive power, the bill must additionally have the support of a minister—and such support is usually signified in the third reading in the Commons. If the responsible minister does not support the bill, where the Queen’s consent is required, the bill (in normal times) dies—just as if Parliament had been dissolved or prorogued.
The Benn-Burt Bill limits executive discretion by the crown’s ministers in mandating, in certain circumstances, that the Prime Minister agree to extensions of the Article 50 process, if such an extension is offered by the EU. Using Queen’s consent, as opposed to relying on the royal assent, keeps the actual Queen out of politics—and puts real responsibility for the Brexit end-game back where it belongs: with ministers on the floor of the Commons and accountable to the Commons.
Boris still has an ace or two to play.
See generally: [A] Robert Craig, Proponents of the new Bill to stop No Deal face a significant dilemma over Queen’s Consent, LSE/Brexit (Sept 2, 2019),
[B] Guidance: Queen’s or Prince’s Consent, Gov.uk (updated 28 Sept. 2018),
[C] The Benn-Burt Bill: Another Article 50 extension?, The Commons Library (Sept. 4, 2019),
So a rogue parliament has seized control of brexit, judge jackson allowed greg craig to hey away with his ukrainian case tamoering, the dema want to abolish industrial civilization and probably sterilize us, and you're muttering on about what now?
As in hilary benn, the daughter of who might have been the soviet mole in 10 downing atreet, had even the sovieys had reservations
even the sovieys had reservations
But they stayed there anyway.
What a country!
They found him unpredictable, this is who chris mullen suggested the establishment would go after in a very british coup.
Remember that james hougan segment about onassua and his rivalry with both rfk and nixon one xould probably add howard hughes to that, one thinks that the screenwriters of diamonds are forever, knew about this rivalry but put blifeld in the onassis role.
Blofeld, in that role, having kidnapped the hughes manque willard white played by jd spradlin who himself was a wildcatter before he became an actor.
Poor Chuck. He still does not understand hurricanes like the one in his head.
Per Seth Tillman ... for Royal Consent ... such support is usually signified in the third reading in the Commons.
How does a third reading happen?
Did not know there is such a thing!!!
So this burt character was a relatively reasonable tory but a protege of john major,
And when you realize the eu not benelux was designed by an italian communist, spinelli, you see where the chips fall.
Just saw Pure Prairie League play at City Winery. They were on the charts 50 ys ago. Three of the originals were present and able. Nadine what you goin to do?
Occhionero the italian samizdat has some interesting details about spanish involvement in italian internal policy, re migration issues.
Are the Democrats really going to nominate Biden?
What a day. Now according to the wonderful city council in San Francisco, I am a member of a domestic terroist organization.
Et moi, Arashi. Fortunately I don't live in SF or even in CA. Let's hope this lunacy stays confined to the 'Cereal State' [fruits, nuts and flakes].
Correction jimmy dean, played white, who might have been a more howard atark
NRA can show it's not cuck by opening a chapter in San Francisco. Take supervisors to court.
Correction jimmy dean, played white, who might have been a more howard atark
Jimmy Dean also made pure pork sausage, in my opinion better than Bob Evans.
Jimmy Dean played the role of Johnny Appleseed on the Daniel Boone TV series.
I think we all struggle with the politics of addition. Reagan was a master. Trump is trying a unique strategy—but the media messaging is a headwind of hurricane force.
Interestingly it was tom mankiewitz, fmr rfk kennedy aide, who scripted the film, which suggesta that hughes had been under control of zome malign force.
Now it was malachi martins vaticans that triec to fictionalize the scandal involving the vaticam bank p 2 and other elements of il estado profundo.
And you, Althouse, have missed out on all the blogging fun
Blogging about it may have been fun, but the death threats and other nonsense that follows anytime someone speaks ill of The Chosen One probably isn't her idea of a good time.
LLR Chuck goes all in on Brian Stelter!!
After going all in on Vox...and far left Lawfareblog...after going all in on MSNBC!!
It just keeps getting better and better!!
You can smell the desperation in LLR Chuck's pathetic attempts to shift the spotlight away from his beloved but lunatic dem/lefties!
All in all a very good sign indeed.
Tater, as ewok calls stelter, lol, so are you going to be at the yuk yuks in lansing.
Hey Chuck, tell us more about all those KKKers Buckley drove out of the Republican party as well as why obama's economy was "dream-perfect"!!
Is it even possible for a Reid Hoffman RolCon fake conservative like yourself to jump the shark worse than that?
I think not...
What are the odds Chuck realizes the position he and his dem/left allies are in and is simply phoning it in?
He still puts out just as many nonsensical lefty talking points as he always has but his heart doesnt appear to be in it anymore.
And this just in, hoax sexual assault faker Alva Johnson drops her hoax lawsuit against Trump.
Maddow and LLR Chuck hardest hit.
As always.
People who’ve never run logistics involving hundreds of trucks and thousands of people across several states are basically flatlanders.
Late last week, nobody was ruling out tropical storm effects in Alabama. And if you’re a planner, if you wait for the five day forecast to put red ink on Alabama or anywhere else before starting necessary actions prior to movement, and start spinning up subordinates and kicking out advance teams, you’re hopelessly late, and incredibly incompetent.
Like Pecan Pie Chuck, for instance.
All of these comments and nobody mentions that it was WEDNESDAY night?
Trunp released the SFWMD.gov storm track data that showed that Alabama was in the crosshairs in some of the potential tracks.
I'm sure that the Media and Chuck will apologize shortly.
pewresearch.org... why-is-the-teen-birth-rate-falling/
Conflation of sex and gender, witch hunts and warlock trials with a distinct element of diversity, and efforts to normalize progressive policies including selective-child a.k.a. planned parenthood or the wicked solution.
Alabama stormtrack.
pewresearch.org... U.S. Public Continues to Favor Legal Abortion, Oppose Overturning Roe v. Wade
Unlike China, progressive policies have normalized selective-child in the Western world. The number of Pro-Choice sects, secular and theistic, is still in the minority but progressing thanks to the efforts of Pew Charitable Trusts and other liberal organizations. Diversity, too, including anti-nativism (e.g. immigration reform), and other forms of affirmative discrimination that indulge color judgments for what is purportedly labeled "social progress".
There's still hope. Maybe Melania will wear the wrong shoes to hurricane relief.
So that straight pride parade in Boston? Antifa protesters attacked police and were arrested, believe it or not. However the prosecutor recommended dismissal of all charges but a couple of judges said no way. Our crackpot DA that's made national headlines is taking it to the MA supreme court :
Political allies working to free Antifa protesters who assaulted police
The police in MA don't like it when their people are attacked and get away with it, for some reason. They're still powerful, too. ASk Martha Coakley...
And you, Althouse, have missed out on all the blogging fun.
I don't know what he's on about but he's still trying this schtick? Does this mean he's hitting the free booze or he's out of free booze?
I shouldn't say free, he did do a little tap dance for it...
I think there are several who hit the booze a bit while posting on cafe blogs. Just look at the spelling, grammar, nonsense, incoherence. It really goes to hell around here on the late night early morning cafes.
It will be interesting to see if/when the MA SJC dismisses the charges what rule of law is used to justify it. Not so say there won't be a law in MA that allows someone to beat up cops. Union thugs used the Enmons defense to avoid punishment when they roughed up Padma Lakshmi's TV cast and crew...
Kamala’s on tilt:
“Kamala Harris's green power grab would not be limited to pushing the Green New Deal. She also pledged to ban hydraulic fracturing (better known as "fracking"), offshore oil drilling, and plastic straws.
She also promised to sue oil companies like Exxon-Mobil.
"It’s not a question of debating the science. It’s a question of taking on powerful interests and understanding polluters have a profit motive to pollute. Let’s take them to court and require if they don’t change, they pay fines," she said.
It remains unclear just how Americans would get any electricity in Kamala's America.”
“So that straight pride parade in Boston? Antifa protesters attacked police and were arrested, believe it or not. However the prosecutor recommended dismissal of all charges but a couple of judges said no way”
My understanding is that the DA was a George Soros purchase. He seems to have been buying DAs a lot recently, in dark blue big cities across the country. With Soros, it invariably is to destroy a facet of our society. I don’t think that the purpose was to green light Anti First Amendment (Antifa) fascist thugs, because AntiFA is too new (though some of his money appears to be going there too), but rather destroy our criminal justice system by keeping violent gang members out of prison if they are POC, necessarily resulting in our inner cities turning into war zones.
With Soros buying big city DAs, that is just one more reason to live as far from big urban Dem controlled cities as you can. Crime, disease, drugs are going to continue to increase there. He buys societal entropy, in the name of Social Justice. I don’t consider most of the billionaires throwing their money behind the Democrats as evil, just misguided. Maybe not even Tom Steyer. But George Soros is in a league of his own, actively funding and organizing the destruction of American society.
n.n said...
pewresearch.org... why-is-the-teen-birth-rate-falling/
To some extent it fell because African-American women are going to college in larger and larger numbers, a slow steady increase. Instead of entering adulthood at eighteen with high school graduation, they enter it several years later after college ends. The "teen" birth-rate was holding up the African-American birth-rate. Lowering it, finally put the African-American birth-rate below replacement level. Across all races, increasing education for women decreases fertility. However it is only recently that this has led to a world-wide birth-crash which leads in turn to demographic regimes that cannot sustain the welfare state as well as tending toward the extinction of smaller groups. Because this is a new social phenomenon, women don't really understand that they are choosing a demographic regime which will inevitably impoverish them when they are older. They are not really making informed choices about economics consequences although they usually specifically think they are making a choice based on economic calculations, rather than religion or "sentiment" or "tradition".
From Matthew Continetti:
Most of the coverage of James Mattis’s new book, Call Sign Chaos, co-authored with Bing West, deals with the former defense secretary’s relationship with President Trump. The Atlantic‘s pre-publication interview with Mattis was headlined, “The Man Who Couldn’t Take It Anymore.” The New York Times editorial page ran a column about Mattis called “The Man Trump Wishes He Were.”
Both articles establish that Mattis doesn’t have much to say right now, in either the book or in interviews, about President Trump. Neither piece, though, mentions another president about whom Mattis is more than willing to dish. That would be Barack Obama, who was Mattis’s commander in chief when the then–Marine general led Central Command. Mattis’s critique of Obama isn’t just harsh. It’s blistering.
Like other TDS sufferers they just can't help themselves.
so here's a hypothetical WhatIF
What if; President Trump HADN'T mentioned Alabama, and the hurricane had gone on and caused tropical storm/thunder storm damage IN Alabama?
Would Chuck and his Soul-mate, Rachel Maddow have:
a) said, "well, it surprised Most people that it turned tail
i'm pretty sure i know the answer, but what do y'all think?
Darrell said...
Alabama stormtrack.
So let's drill down on why Trump was so ridiculous and why this image is ridiculous. Look at the time of the image. Look at the location of the center of Dorian. It's from Wednesday, August 28.
Trump's "Alabama" Tweet was on Sunday, September 1. When the old track map was obsolete and newly corrected with the projected path turning north.
The NWS Birmingham wasted no time whatsoever correcting Trump. When Trump Tweeted out a danger warning for Alabama, they stated within 20 minutes that there was no danger for Alabama. The NWS was right at that time, and Trump was wrong.
But despite being completely wrong, Trump continued his tirade about how Alabama was still in danger. And that is the part that Brian Stelter's CNN piece illustrates so well. Actually, you can look at any one of dozens of reports on this story. And what you really must do is watch video of Trump and his dog-and-pony show on this subject. The guy cannot admit that he was wrong on his Sunday tweet, and the more he holds to that, the more the press ridicules him, and then the more weird and crazed Trump gets.
I had said in a café post from Monday that this story had made my weekend. It's making my whole week.
Many thanks to Darrell for showing how Trump's devoted fans will cling to President Donald J. Trump as he hauls all of them into the muck with this story.
Purple: Blogging about it may have been fun, but the death threats and other nonsense that follows anytime someone speaks ill of The Chosen One probably isn't her idea of a good time.
Death threats anytime someone speaks ill of the Chosen One? You're a liar.
i'm pretty sure i know the answer, but what do y'all think?
Ya. It doesn't matter what he does they'll find an angle to attack him. Usually two- at the same time both a bumbling boob and a clever and devious schemer...
They pretend they don't get he always doubles and triples down on these things, never apologizing, yet they seem to think that's supposed to hurt him. It never hurts the Clintons. It just makes them stronger. Nobody seems to care...
’It's making my whole week.’
What a sad and impotent life you must lead, tater tot...
gilbar said...
so here's a hypothetical WhatIF
What if; President Trump HADN'T mentioned Alabama, and the hurricane had gone on and caused tropical storm/thunder storm damage IN Alabama?
Okay so more Trumpkin idiocy.
The reason that you do not want to send out needless and inaccurate warnings is because you divert resources, you cause unnecessary commotion, and you are essentially feeding bad information to the public. Instead of playing games about how maybe he wasn't completely and totally wrong about Alabama, Trump should have been and now should be focusing national attention on the coastal Carolinas and Georgia.
By your logic, someone could warn the entire U.S. about a hurricane since it might possibly go anywhere even when the NWS said it wouldn't
But we actually have a LAW about false weather reports, for all of the reasons I just hinted at, and more. The law is 18 USC Sec. 2074.
So, Chuck made it CLEAR; that the answer was
thanx for playing Chuck, you're a piece of work
Chuck: So let's drill down on why -
Nah let's not.
1) I don't trust you to give objective analysis (insert Chuck's confession that he will malign and slime Trump and has no interest in treating Trump fairly)
2) I don't care anymore than I cared about Titleist Gate.
Can someone put that up again - Chuck's confession that he's just an anti-Trump hack? Thanks.
Beasts of England said...
’It's making my whole week.’
What a sad and impotent life you must lead, tater tot...
This will be a page of some really rich personal attacks on me for the reason that there is nothing to be said defending Trump. So the default is to attack me personally. The stages of Trumpism:
1. Claim that technically Trump wasn't totally wrong. (Yeah, he was totally wrong.)
2. Claim that the non-track of a hurricane is not important. (But Trump himself did an Oval Office show all about this just yesterday.)
3. Attack me personally. (Whatever.)
It wasn’t an attack, tater tot - just an accurate assessment.
Chuck: The one and only thing revealed by this story was the extent to which Trump would make a complete fool of himself rather than admit to having been caught in a clear fabrication. And it is such a beauty of an example this time. Of course it is about Trump's nearly unbelievable idiocy. But it is also now about a White House communications staff so completely craven that they play along with this nonsense from PDJT.
Oh I get it now. Chuck and his ilk have been praying for Dorian to wreck Florida so they could launch their Katrina Op at Trump. All weekend, salivating for death and destruction that didn't arrive. Instead, all they got was this, so they are putting everything on it.
That's good news if the biggest takeaway from Dorian is that the Trump Haters beclowned themselves again. Although it's really sick to see them wishing for dead Americans they can use as props to bash Trump with.
Chuck said: "I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
smear noun
\ ˈsmir
: a usually unsubstantiated charge or accusation against a person or organization —often used attributively
Purple Peguin: Blogging about it may have been fun, but the death threats and other nonsense that follows anytime someone speaks ill of The Chosen One probably isn't her idea of a good time.
People are just going to let that one fly by? Or is it known that Purple is a nutjob too?
Chuck, WHY are you still here?
Oh, another stage of Trumpism:
4. Engage in some crazily twisted mischaracterization to make what I wrote look bad, and Trump look good.
You fuck head; I did not want the hurricane to hit anywhere. But if it did hit the U.S. (or anywhere) I want all of the reports and predictions and warnings to be accurate.
Trump's initial problem -- a minor one -- was his fundamental inaccuracy. Trump's massive and ongoing problem is his inability to admit that he was wrong. It's so bad, it is actually hilarious. (Hilarious to me, scary to others.)
Alabama Hurricane Watch
We do not expect any direct impact from Dorian along the Gulf Coast Saturday through Monday, including places like Gulf Shores, Destin and Panama City Beach. If there is an impact on the central Gulf Coast, it will be toward the middle of next week, and the same for inland parts of Alabama.
Do not focus on the exact forecast track, as the average five-day track error is around 200 miles. The forecast can and will change. If you want the most accurate and up-to-date information, you will have to check the Dorian forecast several times a day. Otherwise, you’re working with old (and most likely bad) information."
gilbar said...
Chuck, WHY are you still here?
To live freely, in writing.
’I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him.’
Didn’t someone just mention sad and impotent? :)
Chuck: You fuck head; I did not want the hurricane to hit anywhere.
Bullshit. You want Dorian to be Trump's Katrina disaster, and for that you need death and devastation. You don't give a damn about the hurricane or who is in danger, all you care about is bashing Trump. You are sick.
I want all of the reports and predictions and warnings to be accurate.
Idiot: "Do not focus on the exact forecast track, as the average five-day track error is around 200 miles."
Bitch, don't go away mad. Bitch, just go away.
And you, Althouse, have missed out on all the blogging fun.
Do you think the winds just stop once they hit land?
Chuck is the pied Piper of Cucks. Well done my old son.
Chuck: Engage in some crazily twisted mischaracterization to make what I wrote look bad
Like...quoting your own words back at you:
Chuck: "I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
Or is it known that Purple is a nutjob too?
It is known.
Fen I'll use short words and simple declarative sentences for you.
On Sunday, when Trump tweeted that Alabama needed to watch out for the storm, the NWS already knew that the storm was not headed to Alabama. They knew it for sure. No cone, no doubt.
And they said so, immediately. And the NWS was right.
Alabama EMA
How does Dorian affect Alabama? After Labor Day and into next week, the long-range weather models have Dorian going anywhere from into the Gulf and as far west as Louisiana, to curving into the Atlantic.
"The Alabama National Guard tweeted Hurricane Dorian is expected to reach southern Alabama early next week."
AL National Guard
#HurricaneDorian is projected to reach southern Alabama by the early part of the week. We are watching closely and #ready to act. Are you?
Fen, that is an August 30 article! Based, no doubt on pre-August 30 information.
Trump's tweet (and other even more ridiculous statements) was on September 1. When the NWS had much better and different information. And said so, in an apparently direct pushback to Trump.
Why can't you understand that? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Oh and by the way, the Alabama National Guard was correcting their understanding of the predicted path in an honest way even when Trump was still fucking the whole story up.
Chuck is attempting to spin away his attack on the AL National Guard (an interesting psychological case study given his own hilariously over the top and long-winded defensive explanation of his apparently agonizing decision to not join the military) in much the same way he attempted to spin away his racist comments and attacks on children.
But then again, thats our admitted liar and smear merchant Chuck, isnt it?
Did anyone else happen to catch the fake conservatives at LLR Chuck's beloved fake conservative site The Bulwark come out strong in defense of the commie idiot bartender AOC against decorated SEAL teamer Dan Crenshaw?
This was to be expected of course given how our fake Conservative LLR's, like Chuck, always react viscerally whenever one of their dem team members is attacked effectively by a conservative member of congress who happens to have served honorably.
I wonder why that is?
Perhaps LLR Chuck, who strongly and passionately defended serial liar and Stolen Valor hack Da Nang Dick Blumenthal, can explain that.
I believe the answer is rather obvious though, don't you?
The whole President Trump, Alabama, thing Chuck is pushing is a lie. I haven't looked to see what the facts are. I just know when there is something that is meaningless pushed to the front, those TDS sufferers are intentional lying to smear. It is a conclussion based on 4 years experience. So when Chuck is smearing(his stated goal)he is lying. No need to do any further examination.
Wait a minute... do you mean Trump might've repeated slightly outdated weather prediction information?!? Impeach!!!! I mean, seriously, what does a US President have for distractions?! Nothing I tell you!
This is your lamest crap yet, Chuck, and that's saying a planetload.
iowan2: "So when Chuck is smearing(his stated goal)he is lying. No need to do any further examination."
LLR Chuck's anti-republican/anti-conservative lies and smears have reached a fever pitch, just like all the other lefties.
The reasons why are obvious. Chuck and his dem pals have nothing else.
I thought it was cool the way Trump’s force field destroyed the hurricane when it hit the coast.
I come from Alabama
With a banjo on my knee
I'm going to Louisiana,
My true love for to see.
It rained all night the day I left
The weather it was dry
The sun so hot, I froze to death
Chucky, don't you cry.
LOL, Mr Forward
Wait a minute... do you mean Trump might've repeated slightly outdated weather prediction information?!?
Worse, Chuck is just a cynic throwing rocks from cheap seats. You know the type - they park their fat ass on a barstool, look up at the TV and pretend they are smarter and wiser than the coach calling the plays. There could be all kinds of reasons they never consider, such as:
1) FEMA head was concerned Alabama was taking Dorian too lightly, so Trump nudges them publicly so that they will cover their ass to not look stupid if Dorian shifts back their way
2) FEMA want's states (AL, GA, NC) neighboring landfall (FL) to be at full alert so there will be ample reserves of relief aid and workers on standby to assist first responders.
3) some other reason that those who aren't on the inside couldn't possibly fathom.
Oh no! Trump's remarks mean Alabama will err on the side of caution when it comes to hurricane landfall! Thousand of potential deaths averted. The horror!
Fuck you Chuck.
Death threats anytime someone speaks ill of the Chosen One? You're a liar.
You say that as if you've never ranted on & on about how you wanna torture and hang Chuck and all those other Republicans who have spoken critical of your Party Leader. You also seem to be unaware of how many times you've gone on & on about shooting folks for not voting the same way you do.
Then again - perhaps you ARE unaware of those posts you've made. Maybe Sober Fen has no idea what Drunk Fen is posting late at night. That makes sense, and would explain why you seem to "forget" so many things that are said - by you and in threads you participate in. (Tell us again how nobody said anything at all about cutting Chuck's testicles off and that I was lying to say someone did...lol...and that's just one of the many examples)
Or is it known that Purple is a nutjob too?
Asks the guy who has repeatedly admitted he is a psychopath. (Tho, you have said it isn't YOUR fault for being insane...the mean ol' Left made you that way, didn't they?)
*rolls eyes*
TWO DAYS AGO, the Alabama Emergency Agency retweeted HHS warning:
"If you're in the path of Hurricane #Dorian, don't wait until it's too late! These tips will help you get your car and home ready before the storm hits. http://bit.ly/2PUnZUL #HurricaneDorian2019"
Chuck and his fellow vultures most affected
You say that as if you've -
Not for criticizing Trump. You are free to criticize Trump without consequence all you want. Hell, if there is one thing Althouse has proven, it's that she champions free speech. \
Chuck gets the rope because he is a traitor, not because he slimes Trump. I have explained this several times to you now, and yet you continue to lie about me.
But the question was re your claim that Althouse gets death threats for criticizing Trump. Do you have any evidence to back up your latest lie?
Usually, the cafe posts are the most interesting comments.
Not today. Chuck crapped all over it.
Asks the guy who has repeatedly admitted he is a psychopath
Sociopath not psychopath. You can't even get the basic facts right.
Maybe because you are so fast and loose with the truth to begin with.
owan2 said...
The whole President Trump, Alabama, thing Chuck is pushing is a lie. I haven't looked to see what the facts are.
My advice to you is to continue in your avoidance of the facts. They will only disappoint you in your worship of Trump.
Not for criticizing Trump.
Bullshit. You've said that Republicans who dare to speak critical of him are "traitors" who should be hung from a rope (after being tortured) and anyone else who speaks ill of him must be a "lefty"....and you've repeatedly talked about shooting them.
This is just like when you called me a "liar" for quoting that post about Chuck's balls being cut off and fed to him. You were wrong then and you're wrong now.
Fen said...
TWO DAYS AGO, the Alabama Emergency Agency retweeted HHS warning:
"If you're in the path of Hurricane #Dorian, don't wait until it's too late! These tips will help you get your car and home ready before the storm hits. http://bit.ly/2PUnZUL #HurricaneDorian2019"
Chuck and his fellow vultures most affected
I’d issue the same advice. If you are in the path of Dorian, take all appropriate precautions.
But since at least last Saturday, we have known that Alabama was NOT in that path.
Period. Full stop. Now stop your idiocy.
Purple: You've said that Republicans who dare to speak critical of him are "traitors" who should be hung from a rope
Nope. I have never said that.
What I have said is that NeverTrumpers are traitors. The Republican Party has had an agreement in place, at least since Reagan: we may fight like cats and dogs in the primaries but once we select our nominee we rally behind him for the good of the party.
My people did so - we held our nose and supported RINOs like McCain. We held our nose and supported Romney (I even went to work for his campaign). And we did so with the understanding that when the McCain/Romney crowd lost the primaries, they would honor the pact and rally around the candidate WE had chosen. Instead, they bolted the party and even openly supported Hillary Clinton.
They betrayed us. They are traitors. And we treat traitors worse than the enemy:
"When we defeat and enemy, we tend to their wounded and treat captive prisoners humanely. But traitors? Traitors we hang"
This is like the 4th or 5th time I've taken to explain all this to you. At this point I must assume you are too stupid to comprehend what you read or too corrupt to represent my viewpoint honestly. Or perhaps both.
And the pattern repeats itself:
1) Chuck gets boxed in
2) Purple Penguin appears out of nowhere, riding to his rescue.
Can we just drop the pretense and call you Purple Chuck?
Not a single model predicted a two-day stall over the Bahamas, so how could anyone predict its path with complete confidence?
Chuck gets boxed in
2) Purple Penguin appears out of nowhere, riding to his rescue.
Hmmm. Maybe you have a point. Purple contributes nothing but snark, sort of like Chuck.
Michael K: "Usually, the cafe posts are the most interesting comments.
Not today. Chuck crapped all over it."
Chuck has no choice but to do everything in his power to deflect attention away from the insanity of his democrat pals.
Have you seen the "highlights" from yesterdays dem/left/LLR-left lunacy on parade on LLR Chuck's beloved CNN?
Sometimes I feel sorry for Chuck and the rest of the left.....but it passes quickly!
"Purple contributes nothing but snark, sort of like Chuck."
Purple also claims to be Totally Not A Lefty....just like Chuck......
Snark usually implies a modicum of wit.
I think the chaos post is interesting in light of the poll that Sanders supporters realize Epstein was murdered, and Warren supporters believe the crap they’ve been fed. It’s a red pill/ blue pill thing.
I wish I could watch The Matrix for the first time again.
"I have explained this several times to you now, and yet you continue to lie about me.”
That’s how she rolls, she and Chuck, you can prove them wrong all you want, it rolls off of them like water off a duck’s back. I am kind of surprised they think it’s good tactics. Probably comes from watching too much MSNBC, warps their perspective.
Blast from the past:
So much of the anti-Trump rhetoric is hysterical, hate-based and over the top. Take Chuck’s vituperation as an example: “lying assholes, mendacious Trump asshattery, Fuck you, You are a real fucking joke, You are an even bigger fool and a moron, God damn you eric!”
And that’s in the comments section of just one Althouse post.
“Not a single model predicted a two-day stall over the Bahamas”.
Exactly, and you think a low level nuclear explosion wasn’t involved? Have you not noticed none of the rescuers are carrying Geiger counters?
Here is something fun to look at. Go to http://www.climatereferencenetwork.org and see the new fully vetted and scientifically designed climate reference temperature compared to the one they are currently using. It’s updated hourly. The new one is usually cooler than the one they have been using to “prove” how hot it is getting.
Over the past decade, it shows no warming.
I think there are several who hit the booze a bit while posting on cafe blogs.
I can affirm most emphatically that I've never commented on one of these café posts whilst under the baleful influence of gin.
UN on Climate Change: "...one-sixth of Bangladesh could be flooded, displacing a fourth of its 90 million people...."
Note the deliberate sleight of hand - the eye comes away with 90 million people displaced.
Because for some reason (we know why) the writer couldn't simply do the math. So I will:
25% of 90 million = 22.5 million, thus:
"...one-sixth of Bangladesh could be flooded, displacing 22.5 million people...."
If your cause is just, it doesn't need to be propped up with deception. And that was just something easily caught. I bet the rest of their stats are likewise misleading.
Skylark said...
"I have explained this several times to you now, and yet you continue to lie about me.”
That’s how she rolls, she and Chuck, you can prove them wrong all you want, it rolls off of them like water off a duck’s back. I am kind of surprised they think it’s good tactics. Probably comes from watching too much MSNBC, warps their perspective.
Prove me wrong on this; Alabama Sharpie-gate. Do it. Be very specific. Tell me what I got wrong in any way.
I wish Mueller had your on his team for insightful sleuthing and incisive question for witness.
Good God ! Is Chuck still blathering ?
O.K.. this is all top secret so don't tell anyone. The extra black sharpie line is the flight path from the Alabama nuclear depository to the hurricane and back.
"Prove me wrong on this; Alabama Sharpie-gate. Do it. Be very specific. Tell me what I got wrong in any way.”
I don’t even know or care what you are talking about. I never said everything you post is a lie, either. I proved you wrong on Charlottesville and you still blow your stack rather than admit it. All you do in response is quote the Bulwark over and over and over, never once specifically addressing my point.
That’s because even you are not stupid enough to really believe your position on that one, so you stop before you get to where it’s too clear even for you to overlook that the guy has severe issues with logic. If we could make Venn Diagrams on here, I would have used one of those, but most people can do those in their head.
New York Times was at the demonstrations and interviewed people who said they rejected the white supremacists but supported keeping the historic statuary. Bulwark was not there and claimed to know who was there.
New York Times wins, that’s logic 101, if you ever took that course.
" can affirm most emphatically that I've never commented on one of these café posts whilst under the baleful influence of gin.”
Me neither, more often it’s absinthe and water over ice.
The other day I was mad because I couldn’t find the key to one of the jet skis. I knew it was probably attached to a life jacket so I searched the holds of the boat and looked at each of the life jackets I found. I looked in the barn, in the garage, I looked on the key hook. No jet ski key. I told my daughter she was the last person to use it and asked what she did with the key. She said it was on the boat. I said “No, it’s not” then she went to the boat, found it. It turned out that the key was on a life jacket that had been poked up into a little corner of one of the compartments.
According to Chuck, I proved that the key was NOT on the boat because I thought I looked everywhere!
According the logic, my daughter proved I was wrong by finding the key.
You can learn about this kind of stuff in an intro to philosophy course Chuck. I would think that lawyers would be required to study logic too.
Purple Chuck: Prove me wrong on this; Alabama Sharpie-gate. Do it. Be very specific. Tell me what I got wrong in any way.
(psst! You forgot to log in to your Purple Penguin account)
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