I don't mean "A President isn't supposed to hit back" literally. Obama was supposed to punch back twice as hard... or at least have his supporters do doubly hard punching for him. There's something about Trump just doing it for himself...
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
१४८ टिप्पण्या:
Gotta keep them on the plantation!!
That's our President Trump!
I'm so old that I can remember (although I was but a mere child and couldn't read until sometime during Harry Truman's Presidency) that "Give em Hell Harry" was a battle cry of the Democrat Party! So if Harry Truman could hit back (most memorably on criticism of his daughter's piano playing ability), why not Trump. I seem to recall him promising that the next time he saw that critic, the critic would need two beefsteaks for his blackened eyes and "a supporter down below".
I’m not happy about the president doing it, but it’s effective, necessary and, without Trump, no other high-profile person will do it.
Trump is taking down the soap opera version of government.
The criticism of Trump is its own soap opera for the same soap opera audience.
President Trump does his own wet work.
The dialogue is no worse than it ever has been. The difference is President Trump floats his own ideas. They aren't "leaked", or farmed out to some legislator, or staff of said legislator. Not the chief of staff for the under secretary of The Dept of Interior. President Trump is so transparent, the media refuses to see the transparency. The media is committed to pushing the lie, that different is bad. Not just different.
Movies where the president in national crisis addresses the nation today play like fake garblespeak. It's been going on forever. You don't notice it until somebody like Trump points it out.
The traditional president isn't a father figure but a news talking head.
I voted for the because, you know, not Hillary. But he kinda grows on you and he's doing the right things. Making the economy stronger. Pretty good foreign policy. Doing something bout illegal immigration. Making Democrats look like morons. I'd like to see him working on paying down the debt. We'll see what happens in his second term.
I don't know if the problem is Trump's thin skin or the pomposity of his antagonists. I am not interested in the political opinions of a a television actress.
The back-and-forth is wearying.
It started coming apart with In The Loop (2009), the contrast of public statements and vile personalities fighting for personal advancement. A little overdone. The writers hadn't gotten the hang of it quite. Veep honed down the edges nicely.
You'd think today nobody would raise an eyebrow at Trump's humor but the soap audience is vast and powerful still anyway.
You can't pay down the debt unless you balance the budget and beyond. Balancing the budget isn't going to happen except by growing the economy and not raising entitlements. Or, in the dem case, inflating the currency to zero.
It's called leadership. If a leader does not give a clear message to the followers, there can be no goals for them to work for and win. What offends the RINOs is that DJT's clear and direct leadership style is rude to our enemies.
Trump is taking down the soap opera version of government.
Well put.
Here’s the thing about social media. When celebrities and officials post stuff on it, it’s as if they are in the same room with someone saying it to their face. In other words, it’s public. If someone said that the donors to one party should be unmasked so they can be pressured, in a room full of other party members and the President, they would push back. So why not respond on social media? I don’t know if he does his own tweets, but the Twitter fights need to be done.
A lot of people are confused about what nice is.
“President Trump fired back at actress Debra Messing in a Sunday tweet after the “Will and Grace” star called for outing those who show up for the president’s big-money fundraiser later this month in Beverly Hills.”
Trump is the only Republican standing up for the rights of Americans to assemble, speak, and vote for the candidate of their choice.
Of course the media turns this into “Trump attacks Messing”.
The latest gripe is that Trump's reality deals with opponents is like watching a tennis match. The statements go back and forth, and back and forth...how confusing to have to watch and wait.
Sorry. No safe spaces for the eternally offended.
My favorite hot take is the headline from Vanity Fair that Trump "blows off hurricane prep for golf, Debra Messing feud".
What do these people think the President does in regard to hurricane prep? Fill sandbags, coordinate bottled water shipments, pilot a hurricane hunter...sure a tweet that took all of 2 minutes to send is endangering us all.
Actually, they know that it has no impact it's just another of the never-ending ways they can try to make him look bad.
Are they really criticizing Trump for fighting someone who wanted to dox other people? The intent of doxxing is intimidation. No harsh words for some doxxing celebrity asshole, just the best guy to call her on it.
What Messing said was pretty vile. I'd prefer the President not spend his time doing this, but if nobody is going to, then OK.
What Debra Messing did is disgusting. Trump does two things. It forces The media to cover it, and Trump stands up for his supporters.
Of course it is horrible, unpresidential, mean, authoritarian. It makes it impossible to ignore the ugliness of the Democratic party in its strongholds. How dare he do that.
I know I'm not supposed to bitch about the choices, but "refreshing" would have been the one and only one I would have chosen. Well okay, that one and "I can't spare this man. He fights."
A President isn't supposed to hit back, but Trump does.
Trump didn't hit back.
Of course the media turns this into “Trump attacks Messing”.
Apparently some people still believe them - see two lines above.
Trump: "I have not forgotten that when it was announced that I was going to do The Apprentice, and when it then became a big hit, helping NBC’s failed lineup greatly, @DebraMessing came up to me at an Upfront & profusely thanked me, even calling me “Sir.” How times have changed!"
"A lot of people are confused about what nice is."
A lot of people confuse nice for good. Good isn't never offending anyone. It's action towards a better cause. The insistence on always being nice, is meant to castrate. GWB almost always responded in a nice way. They buried his presidency because of it. Trump is like the Israeli's and Iron Dome. You try to take out every incoming rocket, then you destroy the source of the rocket launches.
Messing was messing with Trump. He returned the favor.
Remember when celebrities feared being stalked by lunatic fans and paparazzi? They stood together in solidarity to demand privacy out of fear for their safety and the safety of their families?
"There's something about Trump just doing it for himself."
Well, who else?
Any Republicans who have the guts and wit and fighting spirit?
But the question remains whether Trump's superior tactics will backfire as strategy, if too many soap opera women decide that he's ruining their show by being too mean and uncouth.
I didn't vote. The votes all seemed like your standard push poll. My vote would have been, that the tweets are necessary, to fight back against the bias in media and society against normalcy. Why in the world are we promoting counter-productive lifestyles and ethos, and denigrating traditional values. I understand why the left does it- it promotes their agenda, which is to destroy western culture. Has our culture been so thoroughly subverted that this is now mainstream?
The corollary to "don't punch down," should be that it isn't punching down if the other person holds you in contempt.
It’s a battle that needs fighting because politics is downstream of culture, and there are zero other people with the influence that Trump has who will do it.
My only complaint is “what took so long?”.
seems like; "hitting back" would have been Trump publishing Debbie's home phone and address
Did he do that?
OH! REALLY HITTING back, would have been publishing Debbie's info...
And then stating that ANYONE that Blew Her Brains out would receive a Full Presidential Pardon
If Trump had done that? What?
Would people say: "That Trump is Vile and Disgusting, he's worse than Hitler!"
There was not one choice even close to my thoughts. I bet I'm not alone here. Those are incredibly narrow choices
Any pushback against Hollywood is always welcome from anyone, anytime, anywhere.
Face it, it's punching down when it's actors and journalists. But it's refreshing, nonetheless.
"The President of the United States is rage tweeting a sitcom star the day after another mass shooting, as a category 5 hurricane hurtles towards the southeast."
“President Trump does his own wet work”
It’s political. She was the one to start it. She was vile. And was trying to use her stardom politically, to hurt Trump and help his enemies.
I used to like her as an actress. She was really the only redeeming thing about Will and Grace. How boring to the straight world is two gay guys dealing with being proudly gay. BFD. No interest. I really did like her later series when she was a detective as well as a singlish mother with twin hellions. Maybe a little like Colombo, where she fumbles around and gets her perp.
Now? I don’t even watch the commercials for her new Will and Grace.
Just noise.
I look forward to hurricanes. The only time when the chyrons aren’t full of the word “Trump!”
And now even that’s going away.
You forgot one
Admirable, because Messing is implicitly calling for vigilante action, and all presidents should oppose that.
Well, Trump is on a fixed term contract and can’t really be fired—you can see how well that impeachment thing is going. So he can pretty much say anything, and a straight-talking persona distinguishes him from his competitors. Almost everyone else—including Messing— is looking over his or her shoulder at the next job.
I like what Trump is doing, but I’ll get tired of it—but not yet.
in What World is she Pretty?
in What World is she Popular?
You Know who IS Pretty, AND Popular?
Jihyo and the rest of Twice
Trump is to Twitter what FDR was to radio and what Reagan was to TV—an unparalleled master. The reality is that he is the new future, the standard against which all future presidents will be measured. Some presidents will have writers dedicated only to writing their oh-so clever Twitter ripostes.
Now? I don’t even watch the commercials for her new Will and Grace.
Oh, is that why she did it? To drum up interest?
There’s a lesson about someone who lives behind a wall promoting vigilanteism.
Messing advocated a Hollywood political blacklist.
Trump simply observed Messing's change of heart toward him, from grateful to hateful.
Trump's only shade was thrown at NBC's "failed line-up" at the time.
I voted for not worth headlines. The world does not revolve around Trump except in the heads of the left. And LLRs like Chuck, of course.
Hollywood is so hostile to Trump that they are searching out anyone who has donated to his campaign. This is reminiscent of the Prop 8 hate campaign that took down Brendan Eich, along with a bunch of people who also lost their jobs but could not afford it.
Messing is pretty and popular?
Who knew?
Her show was canceled.
Trump missed a golden opportunity to include ‘rhinoplasty’ in a Tweet.
Looks like Twitter parAde for the Hollywood people version of their normalcy.
I admire how Trump merely by existing drive people crazy.
Trump is like Betan weapon : plasma-mirror
....from Vorkosiverse
Plasma mirrors were force-field devices invented by Beta Colony and used in the Barrayaran-Escobaran War; they reflected plasma weapons fire back upon the source.
The prudish left loves blacklisting — which is why it’s so sweet when it’s used against them (e.g. Bill Maher).
On the whole, the Left can dish it out but can't take it.
On the whole, Trump's practice of hitting back is effective. So, he needs to continue doing it. Folks who whine about his tweets are proof they hit the mark. Nobody cares about Obama's Twitter, and he's got 108 million followers.
The only mild concern for Trump is punching below his weight class. Hollywood has-been Messing might be below his weight class, and he has to be careful about that.
Skeptical Voter said
during Harry Truman's Presidency) that "Give em Hell Harry" was a battle cry of the Democrat Party!
Truman was sissy when it comes to fighting communist.
Trump working to fix his Korean mess.
Messing is exactly how you get more Trump.
Boxing have weight class.
Do pro-wrestling?
What do you want Trump to do about the Category 5 hurricane, Chuck? Stop it? Put on a sweater and turn down the thermostat? The Katrina playbook is 14 years old... time for an update.
I don't really have a cat in this fight (I voted "trivia"), but there is the proverb, "One must stoop to smite a worm."
A Star Is Boring
Messering was "Outing" Trump's Beverly Hills donors. She wasn't just "Popping off". That's one thing. The other is that Messering (Whoever she is) won't be counter-attacked by anyone. Trump has to do it all by himself. He can't count on Congressmen, Senators, the RNC, Fox News, or Republican Strategists. Its just him and the American people.
Trump’s tweeting works. It’s like using a laser pointer on a cat.
Trump is able to speak over the traditional distribution channel — the journalists’ press conferences that feed their exclusive interpreatations of “the news.”
There is no more White House daily press briefing. Does anyone notice? Not a whit. Jim Acosta lost his mic, and the rest of the White House press gaggle with him. They have no one to blame but themselves.
The biggest losers on the Trump era are those in the big news enemedia. No one trusts them anymore. This is is going to be very handy in the 2020 presidential race. TDS has consumed them. They have gone insane.
“White supremacy” was the final straw for me.
IRC, Bush wouldn't say anything, but he could count on others to defend him. Trump can't. All the Establishment assholes, deep in their hearts, want him to lose in 2020, so things can go back to "Normal" aka the D's in charge and the R's playing the Washington Generals.
Suburban women, the "wine box Moms", supposedly hate Trump for doing this. But there's no reason to believe they'd vote for him if he behaved differently. The shocking thing over the last 2.5 years has not been President Trump's tweets, its been the absolute REFUSAL of the Democrat party at all levels to accept that Trump won the election and is POTUS. They've refused to cooperate in passing needed legislation, refused to treat him with respect normally due the President, and called him names 24/7 every single day. I was hoping the American people would punish them for their behavior. Instead, they REWARDED the Democrats in 2018.
The National Weather Service is not supposed to hit back. But....
I'll say this, for normal working folks such things as proposals to double taxes, outlaw private insurance, take guns, stack courts, end electoral college, replace oil with whatever, open borders to all, free income, etc., *may* matter more than mean tweets by Trump.
And by *may* matter I don't think it will be in a positive light.
"Instead, they REWARDED the Democrats in 2018. "
I really don't think they did. I think all Democrat gains in 2018 amount to their finding new ways to rig the system. Escalated fraud.
It IS funny to point out the same folks who loved him prior now view him/portray as an existential threat..the new Hitler etc.
It's also fun to see the Hollywood Left put their blacklisting ways in black and white.
On another post AA said : Notice Spicer does not embrace loyalty, integrity, and trustworthiness as core values. The core value is one's career, and the appearance of loyalty, integrity, and trustworthiness is a means to that end. Sad!
On Twitter Trump display his core values could have been choice on poll.
Yeah, that prediction was so 8/30
AL National Guard
Aug 30
#HurricaneDorian is projected to reach southern Alabama by the early part of the week. We are watching closely and #ready to act. Are you?
I was hoping the American people would punish them for their behavior. Instead, they REWARDED the Democrats in 2018.
I'm not so sure. The Democrats used Emmanuel's playbook from 2006 and recruited some moderate candidates.
A bunch of RINOs retired.
There was rampant cheating especially in California.
The Democrats have now turned 90 degrees left.
We'll see if they can sell that.
I don't see any option on the poll that I agree with so I will pass.
the president Tweeting back at some actress who criticizes him might not be presidential. That is not what Messing did. As several others have posted, She called for vigilante action against people whose politics she disagrees with.
She will deny it, of course. There was no specific call for action (wink, wink)but it was there. That is very dangerous to the US.
I think President Trump didn't go far enough. He should have pointed out that she was calling for vigilante action, that it was wrong and asked her how she would like have her life thrown out in front of the world unfiltered by her publicist.
This is dangerous and has to stop.
John Henry
Tweeting about Messing isn't punching down- it is punching level. What she was doing with regards to the fundraisers is dispicable- it is far worse than Trump's tweets about Messing. You don't doxx people for participating in the political process as donors and voters- I mean how hard is it to understand the bad ends that behavior like this leads? How would Messing like it if I published her address and encouraged Trump supporters to go and demonstrate at it? I am sure she would be quite alarmed and upset by it.
The irony of all this is hilarious. Messing's co-star Erick McCormack tweeted:
Hey, @THR, kindly report on everyone attending this event, so the rest of us can be clear about who we don’t wanna work with. Thx.
@THR is The Hollywood Reporter, a trade magazine.
I am sure that Messing & McCormack would be very vocal about the original Hollywood blacklist and would blame it on McCarthy.
I am sure that they would not know enough history, even about their own industry to realize that the Blacklist pre-dated McCarthy and had nothing at all to do with him.
I am sure that they would not know that the Hollywood Blacklist was a private effort of, wait for it, The Hollywood Reporter's owner/publisher Billy Wilkerson. Nothing at all to do with government.
Here's another bit of bullshit. I found McCormack's Tweet at
https://www.hollywoodintoto.com/media-hollywood-blacklist-will-grace/ Which illustrates the story with a picture of the Great Satan himself and one of his little devils, Roy Cohn.
John Henry
With all the doxxing, the boycotting, the attempts to get conservatives and Trump supporters fired or driven from public life, I can't help buy wonder if the progs understand how they are doing the same thing the Germans did to the Jews back in the Thirties.
Yet they call *us* fascists!!!
Trump was forged in the anthropogenic thermal gradient of New York City, which, if it taught him anything, was to be proactive, assertive, and stand his ground. The District of Corruption (DC) has been a progressive teachable moment, which, if it taught hum anything, is to confront civility bullshit before it progresses as political myth spread by the press, media platforms, and activists.
Debra Messing is a leftwing Nazi asshole.
How come Hollywood is such a monoculture? I recognize that people in the arts tilt left, especially when younger, but Hollywood and the media seem abnormally one sided. I wouldn't expect the normal left/right distribution curve, but it's way too monolithic. It looks Stalinist......Every time I see a celebrity denounce Trump, I think of all those people who gave Polanski a standing ovation and partnered with Weinstein. They're in no position to denounce anybody.
Leftwing Doxxing Nazis should all be called out and ridiculed as the leftwing Nazi Doxxers they are.
How about "Preferable to ignoring attacks like the Bushes did"?
What Messing is calling for is the economic destruction of anyone who doesn't think like her.
That's serious stuff that cannot be ignored.
There are non-leftists in Hillarywoodland. Most keep quiet because the vile threats that come out of people like Debra Messing are exactly how they will be treated and abused. and ruined.
I'd like to see some comeuppance for Leftwing Nazi Doxxers.
What do you expect from an industry that has made heroes out the Blacklisted, a group of Lefties who stood with Stalin and the CP/USSR while it murdered millions of its own citizens?
Would the Blacklisted be remembered as heroes if they had been screwed over because of their loyal support of Hitler or Mussolini (e.g. Does anyone think Ezra Pound is a hero?)? No, they're supposed to be idolized because they supported the Leftist utopia du jour, the Soviet Union.
Hollywood really needs to re-examine its idolization of the Blacklisted, and understand that they kissed ass for one of the most murderous regimes in human history. Elia Kazan is the real hero, not Dalton Trumbo.
George W. Bush just sat there for eight years on the receiving end of non-stop, vile, vicious lies by the fifth-column left and didn't do a damn thing about it.
And just what was his approval rating when he left? High teens? Low 20s.
If you're not going to defend yourself, why in the hell should people like me do it for you?
The left doesn't like getting punched back. Tough.
Discrimination Against Hollywood Conservatives
I thought good and holy progressives were against discrimination? I guess not.
A crush of stories shows how conservatives are treated like second-class citizens, or worse, in Hollywood today. That intensified following Trump’s election. They lose jobs and aren’t allowed to fully express themselves like their liberal peers.
Many right-leaning actors and crew members stay silent, both on the set and via social media. They fear risking key opportunities if they don’t toe the progressive line.
And while a select few actors, like Nick Searcy, are loud and proud of their conservative opinions, others think speaking up can have consequences.
You’d think the actor best known for a show about love and tolerance would understand that.
I see Chuck is in on the "hurtling" hurricane thing. The weather sites that I follow were having a big laugh about CNN reporting on that the other day. In reality the hurricane is "hurtling" at about 1MPH.
Let me deconstruct Althouse.
(1) Debra Messing is a pretty redhead.
(2) Debra Messing wants to ruin the careers of anyone attending the Trump fundraiser, which the richly deserve because people should only be free to express support for Democrats, and, besides, Debra Messing is a pretty redhead so she should get what she wants.
(3) Trump is out of line to psh back against Debra Messing, who after all is a pretty redhead.
Only one "positive" in the poll.
Debra Messing wants to dox Trump donors, and you have no problem with that?
"How come Hollywood is such a monoculture? I recognize that people in the arts tilt left, especially when younger, but Hollywood and the media seem abnormally one sided."
Which is ironic since 95% of the stories they tell are about individuals overcoming odds often at the expense of oppressive monocultures. Their politics are progressive, but their stories are libertarian or anarchic in nature.
Big Mike
You assume Messing *only* wants to destroy careers. I do not assume that. She knows that there are violent people and she wants the names published. It's an open question just exactly what she wants.
Didn't Debra Messing lose her mind over the Jussie Smollett fake crime - that she assumed was real?
See here.
Messing is now saying "I don't mind being on a donation list"
Well of course not, b. You're a leftwing democrat progressive who supports Hillary and Joe Biden and all of their corruption. The elites in D-Hollywood applaud you and will hand you golden trophies for that support.
"I see Chuck is in on the "hurtling" hurricane thing. The weather sites that I follow were having a big laugh about CNN reporting on that the other day. In reality, the hurricane is "hurtling" at about 1MPH."
So, Trump tweeted about the hurricane potentially hitting Alabama. The Birmingham NWS pushed back that they will not be impacted by the storm. Chuck praised this.
So Chuck — which the f is it? Is the hurricane a big deal or not?
This is the very basis of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Exposing the media, which includes their "constituents" made up of the liberal elites, Hollywood, academia and every batshit crazy leftist movement,et.al.. Until now, they had pretty much unfettered control of the narrative. Conservatives have been complaining about media liberal bias and were laughed at. That's why Newsbusters came to be in 2005. He has so completely taken away their plausible deniability that they don't even try to hide it anymore. The left are a total bunch of infantile crybabies.
I suppose this is "punching up" for Messing...
Will and Grace actress Debra Messing tweeted support for an Alabama Baptist church this weekend but not because she had some sudden religious awakening. Instead, Messing agreed with the liberal church’s provocative sign which called black Trump voters “mentally ill.”
This is the typical pattern:
1. The OP attacks Trump.
2. Trump tweets about them.
3. The OP goes berserk tweeting about Trump supporters.
4. Trump ends up exposing them for who they are.
It seems his Tweets are less attacks then public service announcements.
Ya know what? Apparently sometime years ago, before my time here, somebody got into the common back and forth with a leftist female commenter and published her address online.
I am waiting for her opinion on this common leftist tactic by the actress..
alan markus said...
I see Chuck is in on the "hurtling" hurricane thing. The weather sites that I follow were having a big laugh about CNN reporting on that the other day. In reality the hurricane is "hurtling" at about 1MPH.
I'm not "in" on any "'hurtling' hurricane thing." I don't have any idea what you're talking about.
I was laughing at Trump's careless tweet telling the people of Alabama to prepare for a possible hurricane hit, with the National Weather Service office for Birmingham immediately tweeting back that Alabama isn't in the storm's path at all. I made no comment about the hurricane's path apart from the obvious, which is that it isn't going to Alabama at all. Trump's geography is a bit, uh, challenged.
And I can't remember the last time I used the word "hurtling."
How do you dream up this kind of crap?
Known Unknown said...
"I see Chuck is in on the "hurtling" hurricane thing. The weather sites that I follow were having a big laugh about CNN reporting on that the other day. In reality, the hurricane is "hurtling" at about 1MPH."
So, Trump tweeted about the hurricane potentially hitting Alabama. The Birmingham NWS pushed back that they will not be impacted by the storm. Chuck praised this.
So Chuck — which the f is it? Is the hurricane a big deal or not?
The hurricane is definitely a big deal.
And it isn't going to hit Alabama. It isn't going to hit Wisconsin either. And not Hawaii, or Alaska, or New Mexico.
But it is still a big deal for the southeastern Atlantic seaboard. Of which I learned that Alabama is not part of, when I was in about the first grade.
But when did Trump mention Alabama, you racist ass hole?
walter:"Yeah, that prediction was so 8/30"
LLR Chuck screws it up again!!
AL National Guard
Aug 30
#HurricaneDorian is projected to reach southern Alabama by the early part of the week. We are watching closely and #ready to act. Are you?
9/2/19, 11:46 AM
Its like clockwork for our racist pro-dem LLR!!
Personally I really enjoy LLR Chuck's little act where he plays meteorological rocket scientist!
About as well as he plays "principled conservative".
Do they let the Alabama National Guard shoot live ammunition? They might want to call the weather service in Birmingham.
Dont ever change chuck.
LLR Chuck: "Do they let the Alabama National Guard shoot live ammunition? They might want to call the weather service in Birmingham."
Yep. Caught in another inevitable screwup LLR immediately begins attacking the capabilities of the AL National Guard, precisely as he and his lefty pals attacked GW Bush's Natiinal Guard service.
Hey Chuck, we get it. You despise any military member or military org that steps on your far left/dem talking points while you simultaneously and vigorously defend democrat Stolen Valor liars.
Much like yourself. In fact, given that they are far left democrats that would mean precisely as yourself.
Btw, good luck with your next round of Reid Hoffman funding.
You can really tell when a Trump attack against LLR Chuck's beloved far left dems hits home because LLR Chuck starts squealing like a stuck pig and flails about for anything to change the subject.
Interestingly, these are often the scenarios where an often inebriated Chuck lets the mask slip completely as he has in the past with his racist postings, attacks against children as well as inadvertant admissions as to his real purpose at Althouseblog.
Lets see if LLR and huge Maddow fanboy Chuck can come up with something more effective than yet ANOTHER attack against our military members in order to advance his lefty talking points.
I am going out on a limb right now and guess that he cannot!!
Any takers! Given LLR Chuck's incompetence and entirely predictable leftist rhetorical tactics I am willing to give odds to make it more interesting.
Don't ya love how the left kick and kick and kick Trump - heaping non stop vile abuse.
Then Trump responds and they go ape shit "But hurricane"
Drago I am just learning about these Cat 5 hurricanes. Because nobody ever heard about Category 5's before.
I see LLR Chuck is in full deflection mode.
As predicted.
What usually comes next with Chuck will be an attempt to blame Trump directly for his (LLR Chuck's) disparagement of the entire AL National Guard.
Recall that after Chuck was called out for his clear and irrefutably racist "Dept of Black People" comment Chuck accused Trump of saying it!!
Now that Debra Messing, total white chick, has openly attacked african americans in a way quite similar to Chuck's many many attacks on service members, Chuck feels compelled to rise to his fellow leftists defense by changing the subject.
Tsk tsk
An all too obvious and worn out tactic.
We actually have higher expectations for our resident leftists like Chuck...and we remain sorely disappointed.
One can only guess that LLR Chuck's latest failed "performance" is being driven by his fellow dems laughable campaigns and panic is setting in.
Biden saying we are going to disallow all magazines that allow for multiple bullets!!
That one really hurt, didnt it Chuck?
What are you gonna do now? Double down on your wildly enthusiastic support of deadbeat dad and admitted racist Joe Walsh?
Too funny.
Recall that after Chuck was called out for his clear and irrefutably racist "Dept of Black People" comment Chuck accused Trump of saying it!!
No I didn't, you jackass. And you can't quote me or link to anyplace where I wrote that. I owned that comment because it wasn't the least bit racist in intent or meaning. Just more shit that you have relentlessly made up about me.
But here you are with more of your unending personal attacks on me, begging for the sort of personal "back-and-forth" that this comments page instructs you to please not do. But I don't care. Not my rules, and not my blog.
Silly rabbit:
Trumps tweet / punch back was very light.
I wish he had used the terms such as fascist, blacklist, McCarthism, freedom of speech, big brother, 1st amendment, doxing, etc.
Something of substance:
Chuck, the self-described racist smear Merchant, thinks a president warning about one potential path for a hurricane many days ago - only to watch the storm turn - makes the president stupid.
The people of North Carolina are hoping the storm turns some more.
That racist Smear Merchant, Chuck, thinks all the warnings are stupid.
You can tell Chuck is a Democratic because of all the racism.
So Chuck; you said...
I owned that comment because it wasn't the least bit racist in intent or meaning.
Help us out; Help us understand you better.
What WAS your intent or meaning in saying that Ben Carson was appointed to "the Dept. of Black People"
I DON'T Want to think of you as a racist; I DON'T Want to put words into your mouth
I want to hear; From YOU (not someone else) what YOU meant by saying that.
Could you please repeat? I have been looking on the Google machine, but can't find your explanation.
What did they expect after 16 years of Bush, Romney and McCain refusing to fight back and getting kicked while they were down and the left laughing about it? Trump responded to the incentives that the political world created.
Oh, here it is! I have found it!
Chucks explanation
What you are referring to was an insult that I aimed at Trump, not Dr. Carson. When Gina Haspel was nominated by Trump to be the Director of Central Intelligence, I endorsed her nomination and said that she was a credible candidate. I mocked Trump's nominating abilities by calling out "Dr. Ricky Bobby for Veterans Affairs or Dr. Ben Carson for Department of Black People." Dr. Carson, a superbly trained and preeminent surgeon (notwithstanding Trump's insult) had no experience in government and especially not in the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
I kinda STILL don't understand??
By WHAT Stretch of the imagination,
is the above statement (from you) NOT the least bit racist in intent or meaning???
inquiring minds want to know... 'cause it Sure SOUNDS racist
Dr. Carson, a superbly trained and preeminent surgeon (notwithstanding Trump's insult) had no experience in government and especially not in the Department of Housing and Urban Development.<
More evidence that Chuck is an idiot. Dr Carson ran a large department of neurosurgery at Hopkins. How many politicians appojnted to run departments have ever run anything but their mouths?
@ Chuck:
And I can't remember the last time I used the word "hurtling."
Check the link you posted at 9:02,moron.
And I can't remember the last time I used the word "hurtling."
to be fair; that was over EIGHT hours ago!
a LOT has gone over the dam (or, into the stomach) since then;
I'm willing to believe Chuck CAN'T Remember it.
Chuck's been slamming highballs since noon.
I strongly recommend keeping him away from small children.
To be fair to LLR Chuck, that earlier "hurtling" comment might have been written by the Reid Hoffman RolCon dayshift worker.
What I especially like is how LLR Chuck totally "owns" all of his comments that he denies making.
"By WHAT Stretch of the imagination,
is the above statement (from you) NOT the least bit racist in intent or meaning???"
-- Because he's using it transitively. He's saying: "Trump is totes racist enough to say this thing I just said." It's kind of a lame insult, but it is like when people on the left call someone gay, because they think it will "trigger" them. In those cases, they insist, "I don't think there's anything wrong with being gay! If you think it is an insult, that's on you!" So, here Chuck is saying, "I understand it is a racist thing to say, but *I* wouldn't say it; Trump would."
It's a weak insult, but whatever. Most political insults are.
Chuck, glad to see you admit you cheer death and destruction as long as TRUMP can be blamed.
Debra or lil debbie the doxxer is a horrible thing.
In Breaking news, the Alabama National Guard agrees that they aren't in the path of Hurricane Dorian.
Look, it was several days ago that that the ANG put out that first Tweet. August 30. After that, everybody figured out that Dorian was not going to hit Alabama. It was September 1 at 10:51 am that Trump threw out Alabama as someplace that was going to get hit harder than expected. Within about 20 minutes, NWS Birmingham was shutting that Trumpian myth right down. They knew better.
hahaha. My 9:02 comment was a cut-and-pasted headline. Not my words. A quotation of something completely ridiculous. And indeed, since I didn't write it, that's why I wasn't even thinking about it.
Do you know how many Cat 5 hurricane's have made landfall in the US?
There might be a reason why nobody has heard of them hitting the US before.
What a tool you are.
John Henry
Remember, you idiots; I'm the guy here who has actually met Dr. Carson and what I have repeatedly said was that I knew him to be a brilliant surgeon who I had seen as an expert witness in a Detroit courtroom for a medical malpractice trial. I have no doubt about what a brilliant surgeon and expert he was. I saw it for myself. He was a nice guy to boot.
No; it was Trump, who questioned Carson:
"He was a doctor, perhaps an OK doctor. By the way, you can check that out, too. They're not talking about a -- he was an OK doctor."
LLR Chuck takes time out from insulting Ben Carson to tell us he's Carson's biggest fan!
The lies just pile up once Chuckie gets cornered.
And LLR Chuck's latest insulting of the entire AL national guard will not be forgotten...and this disparagement came from LLR Chuck, the biggest online defender of Stolen Valor Blumenthal and Dick "US Troops are gestapo" Durbin.
Why does Chuck defend them?
They have a "D" after their name.....
Matt Sablan: "So, here Chuck is saying, "I understand it is a racist thing to say, but *I* wouldn't say it; Trump would."
LLR Chuck is an admitted enthusiastic supporter of self-admitted racist Joe Walsh.
Birds of a feather.
Oh, sure. That happened.
Remember, you idiots; I'm the guy here who has actually met Dr. Carson...
Simply "straightforward" would be accurate, but an obsession and cluttered thinking required adding "manly". "Natural" or "honest" would have been the clear thinking choice.
Dance this Messing around...
What this tells you about Hollywood Leftist actors is that they are not the nice people they pretend yo be in movies and on TV. In their real everyday life they are vile.
Wow the poll results, with more than a thousand responses (although not clearly more than a thousand individuals), is startling in the way that it reveals the extremist pro-Trump orientation of the current Althouse readership.
What we never see is an Althouse poll being given to a standard polling demographic. Or any standard polling questions (for which we could know standard polling results) being offered to the Althouse readership.
Simply for purposes of measuring the degree to which this readership has an extremist pro-Trump lean.
You're right Chuck; it's terrible here! And No ONE (not even igna) likes you
Why are you still here? Are you playing the long game? Hoping for more free gin?
Chuck is here to write racist things.
Also, he likes to threaten children and most-menopausal women.
Chuck also believes only the eye of a hurricane matters.
He only wants a political talking point.
He's a Democratic.
Birmingham, Alabama weather this week:
Tuesday - Sunny, H95/L71, 0% chance of rain, light winds
Wednesday - Sunny, H97/L72, 0% chance of rain, light winds.
Thursday - Sunny, H93/L64, 0% chance of rain, light winds.
Friday - Sunny, H92/L68, 0% chance of rain, light winds.
Saturday - Sunny, H98/L72, 10% chance of widely scattered showers.
Why does Chuck, racist Smear Merchant, care so much about the weather in Democratic-run cities?
Is it racism again?
Full Moon:
#Strong Dem Defender Chuck: "Wow the poll results, with more than a thousand responses (although not clearly more than a thousand individuals), is startling in the way that it reveals the extremist pro-Trump orientation of the current Althouse readership."
Remember, admitted smear merchant and liar Chuck proudly and loudly proclaimed his purpose at Althouse blog to be driving a wedge between Althouse and her readers.
Lies and wedges. Thats all Chuck is.
Nope, did not see your name in there.
Chuck said...
Full Moon:
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