Pugnacity, high drama, self-congratulation and Top 10 familiarity — preferably all at once — are clear requirements for the playlist at Mr. Trump’s rallies. They’re oldies with a swagger … including, surprisingly, gay swagger. The default sentiment is combative self-confidence; the default sound is a martial blare. — JON PARELESHere's a graphic depiction of the "gay swagger" of Trump's songlist:
I was dubious about this depiction of the "most frequent words" in Trump's songlist:

That is just part of a bigger diagram, emphasizing the frequency of "love." The downward slant of the purple line continues (and Sanders is the one with the least "love").
But what caught my eye was "macho." How could "macho" have come in second in frequency? They only left out "filler words like 'the,' 'yeah,' and 'bam.'" But as I was thinking about that, "Macho Man" played in the background, and the word "macho" is indeed repeated in great profusion in that song. Looks like about 100 times...
Every man wants to be a macho, macho manI love the recommendation of a "health spa," because we know that when Trump mocked a man for being fat, he told him, "Go home. Start exercising." Home?! And then there's also the notion, promulgated by the press in 2017, that Trump opposes exercise (other than golf) because he believes that "a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy."
To have the kind of body, always in demand
Jogging in the mornings, go man go
Work outs in the health spa, muscles glow
You can best believe that, he's a macho man
Ready to get down with, anyone he can
१२५ टिप्पण्या:
"including, surprisingly, gay swagger"
Why surprising? Trump was pro-gay and pro-SSM before O.
he believes that "a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy
Any scientists out there care to refute Trump on that one?
If Trump plays "Under Pressure", does that mean Biden plays "Ice, Ice Baby"? (Plagiarism joke.)
"Trump opposes exercise (other than golf) because he believes that "a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy.""
Well, he doesn't seem to be trying to conserve any energy for fear of running out of it.
The list seems more dated than gay. Mostly 70's-80's things. Lots of disco.
Maybe that's what he remembers from when he was young and in society.
The real standout is "Nessun Dorma".
You should re-elect him for that reason alone.
Except for not exercising.
The most frequent stuff in his list is from the Stones.
And if you add up the Stones, Queen and Elton John, the list may be almost half British.
Obviously a foreign agent of some sort!
Trump opposes exercise (other than golf) because he believes that "a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy."
Evan Osnos (New Yorker) invented that phony quote.
There's nothing gay about that music at the time it was made except a bunch of gays have since decided that it is gay and retroactively declared it as such.
I like just reading each list as a set of lyrics unto themselves.
Trump's "Get body time, baby" is a great chorus.
I am Laslo.
rehajm, re "a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy":
"Any scientists out there care to refute Trump on that one?"
I'm interested but unsurprised to learn the quote is phony. Thanks, Fernandistein.
It's closely related to the line [wrongly] attributed to Neil Armstrong, the belief that we all have a finite number of heartbeats and he didn't intend to waste any of his doing exercise. (A hell of a line to attribute to an astronaut!) Even if it were true, you could compare these two cases:
- I don't exercise but keep fairly healthy otherwise. For 168 hours per week, my heart averages 72 beats per minute. That's 730,000 beats per week.
- For 3.5 hours per week, I do some tough cardio, keep my heart up around 150 beats per minute. For the remaining 164.5 hours per week, my resting pulse is 50. That's 530,000 beats per week.
He is in good humor.
The Log Cabin Republicans just endorsed Trump for 2020.
Remember Althouse’s 2016/primary observation that “Trump is pro-gay and being cagey about it...”? I agree with Althouse’s observation at the time, and I still agree. Trump doesn’t care about that part of the culture war, or as he calls them, “the fucking Evangelicals.”
Of course my agreement as a matter of fact with Althouse on that score doesn’t make me like Trump any more (or at all), and I expect that it is a source of delight for Althouse.
All that I want out of it is to force clarity on whether or not “Trump is pro-gay and being cagey about it,” and drive that wedge issue with fans of Trump.
The first record I ever owned was the Village People's Cruisin'. My Mom bought it for me when I was probably like 5 years old because it had a picture of a bulldozer on the cover and I loved contruction equipment. Of course I, nore my mother, knew anything about the heavy gay implications of the music and image
There's nothing gay about that music at the time it was made except a bunch of
Cultural appropriation.
late 14c., "full of joy, merry; light-hearted, carefree;" also "wanton, lewd, lascivious" (late 12c. as a surname, Philippus de Gay), from Old French gai "joyful, happy; pleasant, agreeably charming; forward, pert; light-colored" (12c.; compare Old Spanish gayo, Portuguese gaio, Italian gajo, probably French loan-words).
The word gay by the 1890s had an overall tinge of promiscuity -- a gay house was a brothel. The suggestion of immorality in the word can be traced back at least to the 1630s, if not to Chaucer:
But in oure bed he was so fressh and gay
Whan that he wolde han my bele chose.
Slang meaning "homosexual" (adj.) begins to appear in psychological writing late 1940s, evidently picked up from gay slang
"Evan Osnos (New Yorker) invented that phony quote."
Yes, in a May 2017 article title "How Trump Could Get Fired." How'd that work out? Trump had just taken office. It's 2 and a half years later.
I wonder how many times Trump expounded on his "battery" theory. It seems like a jocose excuse for not exercising.
Biden's is 'day'.
As in "what day is today?" asked Biden.
"The day we crash this ship of state with no survivors..." said Obama.
"My favorite day!" Said Joe.
The first three words on Buttigieg's list are:
got free come.
That seems to have some gay swagger, too.
I am Laslo.
"The real standout is "Nessun Dorma". "
Now, Pavarotti was fat.
I don't subscribe to Trump's battery theory, but I agree with him that exercise is awful.
New line of attack since racist won't work?
Press: Hey, let's separate Trump from his base by revealing Trump as not offended by gays. Surely his homophobic base will desert him! Eureka! We found his Achilles Heel.
Trump's base: Yeah. We don't care about that. Live and let live. We go hunting with our gay friends.
buwaya: "The real standout is "Nessun Dorma".
You should re-elect him for that reason alone."
Interestingly, for the last several years Billy Joel has worked a performance of Nessun Dorma into his concerts with one of his band members singing the aria as Joel accompanies in the piano.
" and drive that wedge issue with fans of Trump."
But why?
Your motives are obscure, to say the least.
Who, or what, is the man behind "Chuck"?
What is the personality that would emerge face to face over drinks on the terrace?
Russian hoax => Racism all day all night => Elton John records!
The Get Trump Squad is letting their creative juices flow.....
"Gay Swagger"
Would that be the pigeon-toed walk that comes from a lifetime of anal sex resulting in a prolapsed anus requiring reconstructive surgery that leads to frequent rectal bleeding, forcing the need to adopt a gate that keeps embarrassment to a minimum?
It's a long read and not for the squeamish, but if you've the stomach I encourage you to hunt down:
It can still be read in its entirety on various forums (you'll have to because the gay culture Nazis got the original on his site taken down)....but don't say I didn't warn you.
I can promise you won't associate 'gay' and 'swagger' together again. Ever.
Trump's the sorta guy who needs constant "action" - he can get that on the golf course. Betting, talking to his partners, etc. I don't see him going for lonely walks on the beach.
Why the hell is Trump using "Macho Man" by the Village People at his rallies, lmao? That song is about muscly masculine beauty.
Reid Hoffman-"conservative" Chuck: "
All that I want out of it is to force clarity on whether or not “Trump is pro-gay and being cagey about it,” and drive that wedge issue with fans of Trump."
What could be more pathetic than a leftist like pro-obamacare/open borders Chuck thinking he is in a position to drive a wedge between evangelicals and the most pro-life/defend the rights of evangelicals President we have ever had?
Spoiler: Nothing.
It appears our #StrongDemDefender Chuck is very very angry that Trump successfully drove Planned Parenthood to voluntarily back away from federal funding they had previously been receiving from the secretly pro-Planned Parenthood LLR schmucks!!
So. Much. Conservative. Winning.
The fact that we are experiencing conservative policy wins along with putting the far left on the defensive and it upsets Chuck beyond reason is simply icing on the cake.
Icing. On. The. Cake!!!
Thanks for the entertainment Chuck!
And give our best to the Reid Hoffman rep at your next gathering!!
"Now, Pavarotti was fat."
OK, sort of true. Pavarotti was always a bit, er, burly. A wide man.
About my size in fact.
If Trump actually believed the "Battery theory" he would sleep more. Obviously, its either a made up quote, or a joke taken literally. In order to make Trump look bad. Like every news story.
Buwaya: "Your motives are obscure, to say the least.
Who, or what, is the man behind "Chuck"?
What is the personality that would emerge face to face over drinks on the terrace?"
Not obscure in the slightest.
See "Reid Hoffman" and "RolCon".
I could probably have fit in Pavarotti's suits.
Shoulder size you know.
"See "Reid Hoffman" and "RolCon"."
But what makes a man do that?
It would be interesting to explore the character.
Motives with roots in early life, family, loves and loneliness, betrayals and disappointments.
rcocean: "Obviously, its either a made up quote, or a joke taken literally."
Recall LLR Chuck's "Department of Black People" fake quote that he tried to pass iff as Trumps.....and failed miserably.
That was one for the books.
As memory serves, the failure of that sad little effort so angered our clearly unstable LLR that he immediately reverted back to attacking women and children!!
Women don't mind if you're fat, if you're successful AND big. So, Orson Welles (Under 40) Charles Barkley or Pavorotti could attract chicks. If you're short and Fat, well that's something else.
What does this have to do with 1619?
Frank the NH Trump supporter is actually "Burly" not fat.
’All that I want out of it is to force clarity on whether or not “Trump is pro-gay and being cagey about it,” and drive that wedge issue with fans of Trump.’
You may be surprised to learn that the Trump fans I know don’t give a flying fuck about the whole gay thing. We do, however, enjoy humiliating the cucks. Enjoy your own-goal, Charlie.
One could prove the NYT is White supremacist by simply doing a word count on "Confederate" and "Nazi". Boy, you sure do seem to love those two words, NYT - why is that?
All that I want out of it is to force clarity on whether or not “Trump is pro-gay and being cagey about it,” and drive that wedge issue with fans of Trump.
Poor Chuck. Are you in the closet ?
Ever heard of "Doth protest too much?"
Teamsters are always Burly for some reason. Also Lumberjacks.
What's your game Ann? Stupid post . The president is fat, is that your point? Add that to he is 'weird." I notice you never talk about policy but some trivial aspect of Trump. I do know that most of your readers are pro trump. I know you are a 60s liberal who has deep down not wavered on progressivism and did not vote for trump.. So are you trolling or trying to sway some of readers to go against trump. What is it?
Unless he knows them personally (like Elton John), I doubt Trump knows or cares about the sexual proclivities of most of the writers of songs he likes. He just likes the songs.
Beasts: "We do, however, enjoy humiliating the cucks. Enjoy your own-goal, Charlie."
LLR Chuck's own goals are now so numerous its difficult and accurate tally.
Some of the more notable fake conservative concern troll efforts by RolCon Chuck involved pretending Trump was racist, pretending Trump was anti-semitic (how many locales in Israel are named after Trump now?) and on and on and on.
Something new every week from Chuck depending on the current dem/left needs.
Wouldn't that be "Gay Sashay" rather than Gay Swagger?
I'm gay, totally gay
He's gay
I'm a fabulous flouncing
Loud and proud cliché
Freddy Mercury, "When You're Gay"
When you're gay
Every day is a nonstop cabaret
You've got style and flair
You're loved everywhere
Except for North Carolina
Bears and queens
And Catholic tweens
The world's your buff buffet
Come and join in the fun
Say hello to tight butts
And goodbye vaginas
I wonder how many times Trump expounded on his "battery" theory.
There was some old crank doctor who espoused something similar, that people were wearing themselves down with extreme exercise, compromising their immune systems. Of course he was mocked, because we must get people to exercise! Exercise good!
It's always spin, to get us to do or not do something, so who knows. But I walked three miles today and feel terrible. It just aggravates my low blood pressure.
Some guys, especially a lot of Hispanics/Mexicans, seem to be about 5/8 high and 5/0 wide. Tough to knock down.
We're like batteries but we recharged when we sleep and rest. Plus we can get stronger through intelligent use, while batteries are what they are.
So, what would have been the prog reaction if an NYT reviewer had noticed a gay swagger in O campaign music?
Reid Hoffman is clearly not receiving his money's worth from LLR Chuck.
Although I clearly disagree with lefty Hoffman's and LLR Chuck's politics, the capitalist in me us appalled by the terrible concern troll performance of Chuck.
At this rate Hoffman simply ought to bring Inga on board as it would yield the same lefty performance at a much lower price point.
’Something new every week from Chuck depending on the current dem/left needs.’
The ‘Department of Black People’ remains my favorite. :)
The pettiest and most despicable part of the opposition to Trump was when the opera powers that be leaned on Andrea Bocelli (with both private and open threats) to back out of performing "Nessum Dorma", presumably with a chorus also, at the inauguration.
A captive audience for some actual good music, an audience of many millions for this revelation. But no, politics trumped an act of beauty.
Sebastian: "So, what would have been the prog reaction if an NYT reviewer had noticed a gay swagger in O campaign music?"
That one would have been a bit too "on the nose".
buwaya: "But no, politics trumped an act of beauty."
There can be no beauty in the Soviet/LLR State as it does not properly serve the State and thus is frivolous.
Haha. Trump is one of the first Republicans to actually play decent music at his rallies. Most artists don't allow their music to be used by Evil Republicans so it's a crappy country playlist. Trump's prior relationships allow the songs, though I could really do without the Village People.
Trump includes "Nessun Dorma," the only candidate with a classical piece of music--an opera aria no less. (Given Domingo's current problems, I hope another recording is used.) That doesn't exactly fit the media stereotype of Trump voters, and I find it hard to believe that the crowd engages in a singalong, but if they did. . .wow!
I don’t know about gay swagger, but Trump is without doubt the campiest man in American politics ever.
The NYT needs to get out more. It's bone stock standard high-school football game music. The kind of upbeat throwaway stuff that everybody recognizes and nobody frets about.
Trump is not heterophobic or even diversitist. He's merry and gay, and his future looks bright.
when the opera powers that be leaned on Andrea Bocelli (with both private and open threats) to back out of performing
Where once Trump was the cream of the urbane set... I remember that and wondered what possible motive forced their uncivil assaults, the gross intolerance, the intolerable principles, and then came inauguration with leftist elements braying and corrupting a a climate of gaiety and celebration.
Once the pep band kids tried to sneak in Pumped-Up Kicks. That got shut down quick! Crazy kids.
"You may be surprised to learn that the Trump fans I know don’t give a flying fuck about the whole gay thing."
The Trump fans I know lament the fact that he seems to have acquiesced to the Supreme Court-imposed so-called 'marriage' regime-- but, as with so much else in political life, one practices to avoid making the perfect the enemy of the good. We remember who his opponent was in 2016.
wait. I thought he was a racist white nationalist Russian spy.
Now he's gay?
The only pop music song I like lately is The 1975's Chocolate. I'd like the Trump rally people to play that at the next one.
BleachBit-and-Hammers: "
wait. I thought he was a racist white nationalist Russian spy.
Now he's gay?"
You'd think LLR Chuck and his lefty pals could come up with something consistent by now...
There was some old crank doctor who espoused something similar, that people were wearing themselves down with extreme exercise,
This is medical history so probably not of much interest, but, there was an Australian nurse named Sister Kenny, who proposed extreme physical therapy for polio victims in the days of the great polio epidemics.
Many patients got better and some even ran marathons but 25 years later a new disease called "Post Polio Syndrome" appeared. There is some evidence that over exercise in those patients, not normals, is the cause.
acquiesced to the Supreme Court-imposed so-called 'marriage' regime
So very Pro-Choice. Civil unions for all consenting adults, regardless of their sex, gender, quantity, and secular orientation. Incest, too? Don't ask, don't tell, I suppose.
Which queen song rhapsody champions et al
There was some old crank doctor who espoused something similar, that people were wearing themselves down with extreme exercise,
Yeah, there was a crank Dr. Atkins who espoused cutting back on carbohydrates. Mainstream called him a quack...
’We remember who his opponent was in 2016.’
You certainly addressed the issue with more nuance, but I think we’re in agreement on the ultimate conclusion.
"Yeah, there was a crank Dr. Atkins who espoused cutting back on carbohydrates."
Quite. I have done just this, and lost thirty pounds, and kept it off for three years now. I needed to due to diabetes. I am down to 180-85 at 5'11"
Chuck: All that I want out of it is to force clarity on whether or not “Trump is pro-gay and being cagey about it,” and drive that wedge issue with fans of Trump.
Great strategy, Chuck. Drive that wedge. The socially conservative people who support Trump aren't in on the Big Seekrit that Trump is "socially liberal", and you're just the man to blow their minds with this shocking revelation.
Yeah, yeah, so funny what each of us sees when we look at the same thing...myself, i am most struck by the fact that trump's #1 word is "man" and it's not even listed once by anyone else! OK, so maybe/probably it's because trump says "Oh, man!" a lot? And I bet if we searched the word 'men' or 'males', Trump would score at the bottom and the Dem-Sicaialists bunched at the top. Why? They say "white males" a lot....OK, class, what did we learn from this?...the entire class responds with the word "nothing". Just another day in the Media bullshit business.
Chuck: All that I want out of it is to force clarity on whether or not “Trump is pro-gay and being cagey about it,” and drive that wedge issue with fans of Trump.
Donald Trump is the first President to have supported gay marriage BEFORE he took office.
Good luck with that wedge LOL
I think I have told this story here before, but will do so here if I haven't.
I first really got interested in popular music of the day when I was in the 7th grade (1978-79) and started buying 45 rpm records with my allowance. One of the very first records I bought was "YMCA" by the Village People, and I later bought "In the Navy", too. I loved both songs a great deal, but didn't give either much thought after about 1981 when you couldn't find a disco song on the radio anywhere- it was quite dead.
In the Winter of 1984/85, I was a freshman in college and I was going through this girl's record collection with her and some of our friends when I came across the album "Crusin'" by the Village People which prominently features the singers on the cover on construction equipment, a motorcycle, etc. It suddenly, for the first time, hit me, and I blurted out, "Wow, I didn't know those guys were gay!" My friends were just rolling on the floor laughing at me.
Life-long Fredos really do think Trump's support for gay marriage is a wedge issue.
It's funny how people get locked into music from a certain age. I hate music from the 70's, but clearly Trump likes it.
This made me Google "Donald Trump" and "Studio 54" and I got this.
There was some old crank doctor who espoused something similar, that people were wearing themselves down with extreme exercise, compromising their immune systems. Of course he was mocked, because we must get people to exercise! Exercise good!
Exercise is something Trump should do for physical and mental sharpness. However, extreme exercise can be an issue.
My wife and I exercise regularly. She runs marathons and I workout on the treadmill, recumbent bike and Bowflex. I also do 125 pushups a day at age 66. When she started having knee problems, I suggested that she lower her mileage and use the recumbent bike and Bowflex. She is overjoyed with her weight loss since that change.
My non-medical theory is that the body adapts to extreme exercise, particularly if it is the same type of exercise. Hence, the benefits decline over time. There is also some research that suggests that extreme exercise causes the production of free radicals. I will leave that to the experts.
Trump is also the first president to suggest that he could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue and would not lose any support among his base voters.
Deep down, I think that Trump’s contempt for his base is greater even than my contempt for his base. I base that on the fact that Trump has referred to “the fucking evangelicals” and I haven’t.
I believe that if tomorrow Trump proposed a single-payer national healthcare system, a guaranteed income, reparations for African-Americans and a cap-and-trade tax to combat “climate change,” Trump’s most devoted supporters would applaud all of it. Because, Trump.
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"The NYT finds a surprising 'gay swagger' in President Trump's choice of music..."
Well, they would.
Stupid stuff, as the frequency analysis shows.
"The man sees what he wants to see, and disregards the rest..." (Paul Simon)
it's probably redundant,
LLR & Reid Hoffman-RolCon "conservative" Chuck has once again positioned himself on the far far left of his dem allies and has been reduced to lobbing the most Maddow-like adolescent insults at republicans now that every other lefty/den/LLR-lefty tactic and hoax has been destroyed by Trump's instinctive policies and tactics.
And it is absolutely glorious to witness in real time!!
LLR Chuck and Joe Biden's Decrepit Noggin!! What a combo!!
Chuckles seems to be diligent in his job. He is probably far more diligent here than he was as a failed lawyer.
He only takes off work when he can get free booze.
You know whats funniest about LLR Chuck's lefty lunacy?
The fact that he has spent years pretending to have that "insiders" deep deep understanding of republican politics and what motivates "real" republicans and "principled" conservatives and in the end, Trump has broken him completely and exposed as essentially the Peter Beinert of Althouse blog!!
So. Much. Winning.
But only So Much!
Trump isn't pro-gay or anti-gay. He just doesn't care, because it's not very important. You have to choose to make it important, and then it colors everything, just like if you make race or gender far more important than they really are. Those distractions have wasted the time and brain power of an entire generation who could have spent their potential on something substantial. Now many are just dolts, repeating platitudes about nothing, becuase they know nothing but these distractions.
Francisco D: "Chuckles seems to be diligent in his job. He is probably far more diligent here than he was as a failed lawyer."
According to himself, he is an eleventeen thousand dollar an hour legal beagle who requires a mortgage level retainer for his highly sought after services...which no doubt pkeases both his wife, Morgan Fairchild, as well as his high class mistress: Rachel Maddow Blow-Up Doll #7 (no doubt top of the line)
So is Trump still a homophobe? Secretly gay? Not really a pussy grabber? Totally woke?
FullMoon said, "Mainstream called him a quack..."
Mainstream should talk. They have a hard time keeping weight off of anyone.
Drago @ 6:35 - that made me laugh.
Mitt Romney just came out for a carbon tax.
Fuck Mitt Romney.
I proudly didn't vote for him, McCain, or either Bush.
Things like carbon taxes would affect my life.
Gay people?
Yeah, live and let live.
Yeah, there was a crank Dr. Atkins who espoused cutting back on carbohydrates. Mainstream called him a quack...
The rejection of Atkins by "all the right people" led IMHO directly to the obesity epidemic of the past 40 years.
This reminds me of the lyrics to the song "Go Home, Start Exercising" by the band Gay Swagger back in the early 90's I think:
Love, love, man day-day,
Get macho!
Lovely like baby, love know.
Baby know: Get love!
Know want body keep good.
Music time: Got want!
One baby edge, keep dance: Got baby!
Lovely gonna let-let.
Let little young lifting one
Good home: think.
"Trump isn't pro-gay or anti-gay. He just doesn't care, because it's not very important. You have to choose to make it important, and then it colors everything, just like if you make race or gender far more important than they really are. Those distractions have wasted the time and brain power of an entire generation who could have spent their potential on something substantial. Now many are just dolts, repeating platitudes about nothing, becuase they know nothing but these distractions."
Yeah, most people just want to live and let live and mind their own business.
Somehow I was imprinted with 19th century musical tastes.
There is something to that I think.
My favorite piece as a little kid was Suppe’s “Light Cavalry”.
We had one of those classical collection records.
The damage must have been permanent.
rehajm said..."he believes that "a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy"
Any scientists out there care to refute Trump on that one?
E = mc^2
People have finite mass so their energy is likewise finite. Note that people with greater mass have greater energy. Science can be counterintuitive.
buwaya: I don't know the piece, but I have been exposed as an adult to Suppe.
It is sad that you had this experience as a child. I suffered from nothing worse than Tchaikovsky, and Bing Crosby.
On second thought...
narciso, it was no big surprise that "representatives" of the Chicago Teachers' Union would make a pilgrimage to Chicago. After all, Weatherman commie Bill Ayers spent decades as Professor of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Just who we want training our future teachers.
Bill Ayers speaks at "World Education Forum,Centro Interncional [sic] Miranda, Caracas, Venezuela, November,2006."
President Hugo Chavez, Vice-President Vicente Rangel, Ministers Moncada and Isturiz, invited guests,comrades. I’m honored and humbled to be here with you this morning. I bring greetings and support from your brothers and sisters throughout Northamerica. Welcome to the World Education Forum! Amamos la revolucion Bolivariana!
This is my fourth visit to Venezuela......
I also thank my youngest son, Chesa Boudin, who is interpreting my talk this morning and whose book on the Bolivarian revolution has played an important part in countering the barrage of lies spread by the U.S. State Department and the corrupted Northamerican media.
On my last trip to Caracas I spoke of traveling to a literacy class—Mission Robinson—....
Despite being under constant attack from within and from abroad, the Bolivarian revolution has made astonishing strides in a brief period: from the Mission Simoncito to the Mission Robinson...
Bill and Bernadine raised Chesa Boudin from infancy after his parents were jailed for decades for their involvement in the 1981 Brinks robbery. In his twenties, Chesa took the backpacking trip to Latin America, and ended up in Venezuela. Within 24 hours of his arrival in Caracas, he found himself in Miraflores (Venezuelan White House), working for Hugo Chavez.When, like Chesa Boudin, you are a member of lefty royalty- his family tree includes Leonard and Michael Boudin- doors open.
BTW, "Chesa" is a combination of Che Guevara and South America. I doubt that Chesa's "revolutionary" parents, David Gilbert and Kathy Boudin, could locate South America on a map.
Neither Queen nor Elton John sang Gay music.
Village people for sure sang Gay music.
narciso, it was no big surprise that "representatives" of the Chicago Teachers' Union would make a pilgrimage to Chicago. After all, Weatherman commie Bill Ayers spent decades as Professor of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Just who we want training our future teachers.
Bill Ayers speaks at "World Education Forum,Centro Interncional [sic] Miranda, Caracas, Venezuela, November,2006."
President Hugo Chavez, Vice-President Vicente Rangel, Ministers Moncada and Isturiz, invited guests,comrades. I’m honored and humbled to be here with you this morning. I bring greetings and support from your brothers and sisters throughout Northamerica. Welcome to the World Education Forum! Amamos la revolucion Bolivariana!
This is my fourth visit to Venezuela......
I also thank my youngest son, Chesa Boudin, who is interpreting my talk this morning and whose book on the Bolivarian revolution has played an important part in countering the barrage of lies spread by the U.S. State Department and the corrupted Northamerican media.
On my last trip to Caracas I spoke of traveling to a literacy class—Mission Robinson—....
Despite being under constant attack from within and from abroad, the Bolivarian revolution has made astonishing strides in a brief period: from the Mission Simoncito to the Mission Robinson...
Bill and Bernadine raised Chesa Boudin from infancy after his parents were jailed for decades for their involvement in the 1981 Brinks robbery. In his twenties, Chesa took the backpacking trip to Latin America, and ended up in Venezuela. Within 24 hours of his arrival in Caracas, he found himself in Miraflores (Venezuelan White House), working for Hugo Chavez.When, like Chesa Boudin, you are a member of lefty royalty- his family tree includes Leonard and Michael Boudin- doors open.
BTW, "Chesa" is a combination of Che Guevara and South America. I doubt that Chesa's "revolutionary" parents, David Gilbert and Kathy Boudin, could locate South America on a map.
So they’re saying Trump is the Queen of Queens?
Hes now a candidate for da in san francisco, goood grief
"All that I want out of it is to force clarity on whether or not “Trump is pro-gay and being cagey about it,” and drive that wedge issue with fans of Trump."
Based on Trumps open embrace of LGBT during his first campaign, it appears that his base doesn't care. Did you miss that part of his campaign? What sort of wedge do you think is going to be effective on the most openly pro-gay GOP President ever?
I can see Democrats using it as a wedge issue based on their projection of homophobia onto Trumps base.
Or maybe you're a homophobe who thinks he needs to warn the GOP about Trump?
Franz von Suppe, "Light Cavalry Overture"
This is the Berlin Philharmonic, I think, condected by Karajan
Trump is totally flexible. He honors all successful men and women for their talents. Ask Stormy Daniels and the Playboy Playmate of the Year. That is why he is a Christian. Jesus is the most successful man that has ever competed.
narciso, when Bill Ayers talked about "the barrage of lies spread by the U.S. State Department and the corrupted Northamerican media," this could be seen as a case of projection, as Chavismo had shown itself quite capable of lying. The Chavista government previously claimed that through its work on literacy- via the Mission Robinson that Bill Ayers praised- that UNESCO had declared Venezuela an "illiteracy-free territory." It turned out- surprise of surprises- this was an outright lie.UNESCO denies Venezuela literacy claim.
London 06.07.06 | This was just too good to let it pass... On 22 June this year Maria Pilar Hernandez, Vice Minister of External Relations for North America and Multilateral Affairs, gave a speech in Geneva before the UN's Human Rights Council in which she stated, amongst other pearls of wisdom, the following "just to cite some important examples, our country had the honour in 2005 of having been declared officially by UNESCO as an illiteracy-free territory..." Knowing the deceitful nature of chavistas I decided to call UNESCO to check whether or not there was any true to that allegation since the data contained in UNESCO's Institute for Statistics does not correspond to Ms. Hernandez declaration. I spoke to Sue Williams, UNESCO's Chief of Section of Bureau of Public Information in Paris, and this is what she had to say in that respect: "UNESCO has not endorsed or made any statement to the effect that Venezuela is free of illiteracy."
For a more detailed look at Mission Robinson, which Bill Ayers told us had "made astonishing strides in a brief period," look at Freed from Illiteracy? A Closer Look at Venezuela's Robinson Literacy Campaign. Basically, the improvements in literacy in Chavista Venezuela were the consequences of elderly illiterates dying off combined with high rates of literacy among younger segments of the population. And Bill Ayers wanted to inform us this constituted "astonishing strides in a brief period.
Was Bill Ayers a fool or a knave when he praised Mission Robinson? Hard to say, because he has shown himself to be both.
narciso on Chesa Boudin:
Hes now a candidate for da in san francisco, goood grief.
Chesa wrote a book about his backpacking in Latin America:Gringo: A Coming of Age in Latin America. His descriptions of the public speaking abilities of Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales are worth reading.
That Chesa Boudin could end up as DA in San Francisco is just one more nail in the coffin of that city.
Lucid-Ideas said...
There's nothing gay about that music at the time it was made except a bunch of gays have since decided that it is gay and retroactively declared it as such.
That's certainly true of Elton John and, to a lesser extent, Queen. The Village People, on the other hand, were out and proud at the time, and everyone knew it.
That was an interesting article as far as what the playlists say about the candidates, in terms of genres, ethnicity and gender. My playlist would have more country and Americana in it than any of the candidates had.
“Trump's gay swagger”. Worst Hitler ever.
You may be surprised to learn that the Trump fans I know don’t give a flying fuck about the whole gay thing.
Registering objection here to, among other related things, (i) state-supported attacks to ruin the businesses and lives of non-conformist cakemakers (and others similarly situated) operating purely private enterprises and in no way in the ambit of any "public accommodation" or "common carrier" doctrine of invasion of property rights and rights of association, (ii) (ab)use of "human rights commissions" by larpers to ruin the lives and businesses of hapless beauticians in the Great White North uninterested in waxing scrotal sacs (coming soon to a left coast location); and (iii) United States Government State Department export of sodomy celebration to societies in the Middle East.
As an experiment, I went to the My Soundtrack station my Amazon Music app and started playing songs to see what would come up. Eagles, Supertramp, Warren Zevon, Neil Young, and then it went seriously country and Americana: Alison Krauss, Steve Earle, Jason Isbell, Turnpike Troubadours, Lucinda Williams, Gillian Welch, Colter Wall, Brandi Carlile, Ray Wylie Hubbard, Drive-By Truckers etc. It also played Sarah Shook and the Disarmers a few times, and now a song that I absolutely love, "Turn Off The News (Build A Garden)" by Lukas Nelson and Promise of the Real.
Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real - Turn Off The News (Build A Garden)(lyric video)
Seriously, give it a listen.
Then it went back to '70s and '80s rock like Tom Petty, Heart, Bruce Springsteen, Kansas, Styx, Boston, Joe Walsh... It seems to go in chunks of related music.
This is the Gillian Welch song that came up. It made me laugh:
Gillian Welch - Dry Town (Demo) - Official Video
That Chesa Boudin could end up as DA in San Francisco is just one more nail in the coffin of that city.
They will elect him on name recognition and the false belief that he will put bread in their bowl.
Chuck: I would say Trump is pro-gay by the 20th century meaning of the word, tolerance and moderate acceptance. He is not pro-gay by the 21st century drag queen story time meaning.
They are insane:
Oh thats all:
I can accept Elton John and the Village People - but I insist Trump draw a line in the sand on anything related to Boy George.
If President Trump has any gay in him, it is per the litteral meaning from the dictionary, and that may be when he plays golf. If he is in any way a homosexual than I may as well be a lesbian nacho man.
He's got something for European ladies.
That's not considered a mental disorder yet, is it. Like Marxism for example.
They are just throwing everything against the wall at this point.
When you put ot that way:
More like nxim creepy
A different persoective
I insist Trump draw a line in the sand on anything related to Boy George.
I dunno,Karma Chameleon sounds like a good Trumpian nick name for some of the flip-flopping Dems running.
How idiotic!
The playlist more likely reflects the familiarity of the songs, along with their tendency to promote the desire to move/dance. Music from the attendees' youth, when they were filled with energy.
Sometimes, a song is just a song. Not a statement of a worldview.
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