"... a genre defined by its explicit subject matter and themes of gore and violence, specifically sexual violence and necrophilia,"
BuzzFeed News reports.
The band's song titles are explicitly sexually violent, such as "Preteen Daughter Pu$$y Slaughter" and "Cunt Stuffed With Medical Waste - Sexual Abuse Of A Teenage Corpse." The album art is equally explicit. One album cover shows a woman consuming feces, while another shows an illustration of a young woman's headless body chained to a bed, covered in blood, as a man puts his pants back on....
The band's Facebook page, which had nearly 1,700 likes, and YouTube accounts appear to have been deleted in the wake of the shootings, according to cached versions of the Google search results page.... Before its deletion, the page advertising the band's discography featured, as its background images, maggots and a woman with sperm covering her face and in her mouth.
On Sunday night, the account of the "black metal antifascist" band Neckbeard Deathcamp tweeted that [the murderer] was a member of the band — but then the account later clarified that no one in the band personally knew him....
On Monday, a popular death metal and grindcore meme page posted a message to and from the community referencing the Dayton attacks and confirming that the shooter was a member of the Menstrual Munchies.
"Pornogrind is like an offshoot of goregrind that's more lighthearted and has more sexual themes," the person who runs the page... told BuzzFeed News.... "The music is pretty obscene but the people who revolve around it are usually really cool people."
The murderer, whose name I won't publicize, is said to be the person on the right in this picture:
११४ टिप्पण्या:
Clearly they are Republicans
Chuck is a republican, these guys are deplorables.
Really. Cool. People.
I wonder if the Mayor of Dayton is going to tell Elizabeth Warren she isn't welcome there??
I was hoping you would stay away from blogging about anything to do with these tragedies. And I sat here for more than three minutes trying to find a more appropriate word than tragedy.
White rap music.
Pornogrind Metal? Did the cover 'The Lemon Song'?
Repeat after me: this guy is not a member of any of our mainstream political tribes and his abhorrent actions say nothing about any of our prominent politicians.
“I know it when I see it.”
Tom Lehrer
masochism tango
The murderer, whose name won't publicize,
Are you referencing I or they?
Not that I'd want to know.
The instrumentation suggests his music is no good.
Look for string quartets and piano trios for the good stuff.
A nationwide ban of electric guitars is the obvious first step.
Limit modulation to less than 100%, FCC licenses for audio bands.
"More lighthearted..."?
I've noticed that the regular gunshots around here have disappeared. There must be a half dozen backyard gun ranges within earshot.
If there's no goat there's no tragedy.
Back in the 50s the fear was what would happen to the nation's morals if they showed Ricky and Lucy sharing a bed or uttered the word "pregnant."
Maybe they were right.
The star spangled banner encourages violence.
The music is pretty obscene but the people who revolve around it are usually
really cool people
Except, of course, when they are a raping and a murdering
What is WITH these High Volume Electric Guitars? NO Sportsman Needs something that loud!
Rock music is used, By the Military to abuse and confuse (TORTURE!) innocent Al-Qaeda members
We Need a BAN on These Military Grade Instruments of Mass Noise Production!!!
Who buys this stuff? Goes to the shows?
I’d arrest them for extremely bad taste.
It's performance art. So long as the media like it, you'll get it. Actually an audience entertainment-taste problem.
Exercise the outrage glands.
Thanks for the heads-up on an omission. Fixed. The answer is "I." The name is in the linked article.
Disable right click mouse buttons nationwide. There's the problem.
One album cover shows a woman consuming feces, while another shows an illustration of a young woman's headless body chained to a bed, covered in blood, as a man puts his pants back on....
You know, if we were serious and we said, ‘Yes, she should be forced to smell the glove,’ then you’d have a point, but it’s all a joke.
The guy was wearing shorts. Just sayin'...
You incels have a music genre, nice
Bending over backward to avoid mentioning his political writings, and to portray as a lunatic.
I heard their Bob Dylan cover is pretty OK.
The mattress does more than "balance" on that bottle of wine, however.
I am Laslo.
So Ann , you being a 60s liberal who championed free sex is responsible for the for the murders in Dayton.
The removal of the morse code requirement for ham radio licenses is where things went wrong.
The flower candle balloon bear and card industry will stand in the way of reform.
My solution is replace the ritual. Call in comedians after every mass shooting.
Things went wrong back when CRAZY PEOPLE thought that they needed wavelengths shorter than 40 meters!
I worked CY9C early this morning on 40m. You'd think it would be a rare country or something but it's only Canada.
VERY High Frequencies?
In my day, we were happy to have HIGH Frequencies !
And don't even get me started on SSB!!!
Rhh obviously don't care about the 2m band survival
Like the killer in Parkland, FL, this guy gave hundreds of clues as to who he was and what was going to happen eventually. The schools, the police, his friends, and family either all did nothing or were restricted as to what they could do. But the signs were there. HUGE FUCKING SIGNS.
If we continue to ignore the sicknesses of our society, and think the answer is to take my gun away, you'll be out of answers when this not only continues, but gets more frequent. What freedom will you decide to remove next 'for the public good' when removing the guns from regular citizens is complete?
We've spent 3-4 decades removing religion, fathers, societal helper groups- such as Boy Scouts, church groups, removed standards of behavior, glorified abnormal behavior, muddled the thinking of our young so much they cannot even determine which gender they are from day to day, chose to ignore the laws that don't fit the times, and use other laws as a club, berated boys and men, especially white boys and men, and told them to lose their 'toxic masculinity', and let the web and it's social media become the parent, the director, the standard for thought, for all of our young people.
The result is a generation of kids thinking we're in Mad Max times. Guns like this kid had in Dayton should not be in the hands of kids or any mentally disturbed person. But as a nation- we have always had guns. Through hundreds of years. We've never had this carnage, and this precarious a generation ready to use the guns on their own. It's not the guns. It's our sick society. We either change it, or say hello to the Thunderdome.
He was really a good boy, but he just hung out with the wrong music spirits.
Rhh obviously don't care about the 2m band survival
I have only a quarter wave 40m vertical, so it's 40m or 15m. 15m is pretty dead until sunspots come back.
I can set up a temporary 20m vertical in the front yard but who has the time.
this guy gave hundreds of clues
Type I vs type II errors. If you consider only one, you're running on empty.
You can catch every mass shooter by setting thresholds so low that you catch everybody. Type I error rate 0%, type II error rate 100%.
The trick is finding the right metric so that you get a good type I error rate with a negligible type II error rate.
The trick is finding the right metric so that you get a good type I error rate with a negligible type II error rate.
I'm pretty sure, the real trick, is using the Type I errors to justify the Type II errors
Temujin: how do you explain the drop in all violent crime after we lost religion Mom apple pie and Chevy's?
There is probably a set of rules you could use to detect with a high success rate all of the mass killers in the past with not that many false positives (how would you even know it was a false positive?) but the chance that they will catch the next one isn’t that great. Backtest overfitting is always the problem.
OK Professor, you looked under the rock.
Now what?
They look like Antifa trannies to me.
Blame America First: Looks like they're performing on the edge of a cornfield.
There is a reason the press immediately starts braying for gun control before we know the facts.
Once we know the facts, stating guns are the real problem can no longer be said with a straight face.
People like that give necrophilia a bad name.
If this was a novel, I believe it would get a Bunch of 1 star reviews because it’s just to far fetched:
Recent publicized mass gun shooting perpetrators:
- Islamic white supremacist - mixed Italian / Iranian
- Environmental white supremacist
- Satanist, Warren / Sanders, Antifa supporter
Sounds better than Taylor Swift
As with the trannies and commies and hippies
Who are we to judge?
judgement is the ultimate sin
Like the killer in Parkland, FL, this guy gave hundreds of clues as to who he was and what was going to happen eventually. The schools, the police, his friends, and family either all did nothing or were restricted as to what they could do. But the signs were there. HUGE FUCKING SIGNS.
I think a big problem is that even when people see the "signs" they still wanna beleive the best about a person and thus do nothing about it. He's not really going to kill anybody - he's just blowing off steam is a common refrain 'cause nobody wants to beleive that someone they know...someone that they work with, converse with, interact with...is a monster who is actually capable of murdering others.
Even if that person flat-outs says "I am a monster" and is constantly talking about slaughtering others and committing violence, most folks still turn a deaf ear to what is being said. Until, of course, the dude who says he is gonna kill a bunch of people actually does kill a bunch of people - only then do most people say they signs were "obvious" and someone should've done something to prevent it. Up to that point, the anti-social and paranoid behavior is "just him being him" and nothing to be concerned about.
Blogger Howard said...
Temujin: how do you explain the drop in all violent crime after we lost religion Mom apple pie and Chevy's?
Abortion, Howard. Read Freakanomics for chrissakes!
Guns like this kid had in Dayton should not be in the hands of kids or any mentally disturbed person.
@Temujin, the “kid” was 25. Only Obamacare regards a person that age as being less than an adult.
I’ve not seen any evidence that the Dayton shooter gave off any signs, much less hundreds. Do you have a link? I wouldn’t mind reading it if you do. The first person he killed was his younger sister. If he gave off any signs that he was going to kill his sibling, why did his parents let him live at home?
only then do most people say they signs were "obvious" and someone should've done something to prevent it.
The Gabby Giffords shooter had myriad complaints about crazy behavior in school that his mother, who worked for the Pima County Sheriff, concealed or destroyed.
The kid who shot up the school in Connecticut was pretty obviously crazy for a while. His mother protected him and bought him guns, which he used to kill her.
The Broward county shooter was protected by Obama regulations and a Sheriff who was more interested in politics than law.
Even NPR saw it in 2017.
The revelation that the gunman in the Sutherland Springs, Texas, church shooting escaped from a psychiatric hospital in 2012 is renewing concerns about the state of mental health care in this country. A study published in the journal Psychiatric Services estimates 3.4 percent of Americans — more than 8 million people — suffer from serious psychological problems.
The disappearance of long-term-care facilities and psychiatric beds has escalated over the past decade, sparked by a trend toward deinstitutionalization of psychiatric patients in the 1950s and '60s, says Dominic Sisti, director of the Scattergood Program for Applied Ethics of Behavioral Health Care at the University of Pennsylvania.
Even NPR !
I see your point, and it has a lot of validity for family and friends. On the other hand, it shouldn't be the case for the police and other professionals.
Good answer Doc. I see the ExLax is working this morning
Sounds like pornogrind would be right up your alley, Althouse. You're famous for liking what is bad. Defending deviancy directly. And the killer is wearing a dress so how can you not love him?
This person was displaying red flags all over the place but no one reported him to the authorities or else the reports were not taken seriously. Scott Adams linked to a piece from his ex girlfriend. The guy was seriously disturbed and had fantasies about killing a lot of people.
@ Nichevo. Exactly, that's why I blame her for the murders in Dayton. Here is this 67 year old women who lives like a Queen but always peering into the basement. Pure deviancy but hey one of her favorite 60s motto is "let it all hang out"
Yep, nobody could have seen that coming.
@Minnow Wrangler, thank you for link, which I read. The last part makes the Dayton tragedy come across to me as a mix of Top of the world, ma! and suicide by cop. Because there was an excellent police presence where the Dayton killer chose to open fire, and multiple officers responded within seconds so he clearly expected to die, and die quickly. (Contrast with the El Paso Walmart, where the first police did not arrive until six minutes had elapsed -- which, believe it or not, is still an excellent response time.)
This what Democrats look like.
Possibly his bandmates thought the whole thing was a lark with a snark. He took it to the next level.
Just waiting for the NYT headlines calling for the rounding up of antifascist Warren supporters.
"I’ve not seen any evidence that the Dayton shooter gave off any signs, much less hundreds. Do you have a link? I wouldn’t mind reading it if you do. The first person he killed was his younger sister. If he gave off any signs that he was going to kill his sibling, why did his parents let him live at home?"
He had a clean criminal record. Passed a background check. You cannot jail someone for rhetoric unless you want to become the UK. We do not allow involuntary admission to psychiatric wards AFIAK. This is an individual rights vs. 'societal safety' issue. Where do you draw the line?
Privacy. #HateLovesAbortion
Good to see this genre getting publicity.
That should help.
But hey, It's not as disturbing/hateful as Steven Crowder etc.
NPR couldn't say enough last night about the "right wing" shooter in El Paso, with the implication that Trump and Deplorables are to blame, but when it came to Dayton, they drew a blank.
Inga and her puppets absent from this thread.
Note that most articles about this creep wash clean the fact that he is a democrat who supports Warren and Sanders and socialism.
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I can't imagine they were popular, which probably explains the masked face.
Ray - SoCal said...
"Recent publicized mass gun shooting perpetrators:
- Islamic white supremacist - mixed Italian / Iranian
- Environmental white supremacist
- Satanist, Warren / Sanders, Antifa supporter "
Strength through Diversity!
Known Unknown, I posted this link upthread, the Dayton shooter was severely mentally ill and shared with his ex girlfriend his fantasies of killing several people. Also being part of a band playing such disturbing music is a red flag in itself. Not criminal but it seems like someone should have been watching.
Passed a background check.
The Aurora IL mass shooter had a felony domestic violence conviction and was able to buy the gun he used to kill 5 people. The state police had not put him on a no-buy list as the law required.
One of the women killed had a CCW permit but did not bring her gun to work because they had a "Gun Free" policy,.
It is better than ten mass shooters go free than that one non-mass-shooter be comitted.
Why on earth are you giving voice to this shit?
@Minnow Wrangler, read your own link. He didn't give off "hundreds" of red flags even to his "girl friend" (who was not really a girl friend since she had another man she identifies as her fiance, just a friend from psych class who was also high functioning mentally ill). Nor did she contact authorities as far as her article is concerned. She let his mother know that the two of them were breaking up at her request.
Char Char Binks said...NPR couldn't say enough last night about the "right wing" shooter in El Paso
Yep. Another one of them extreme right eco nuts.
Belongs to a boomerang club might be a red flag. You get thousands of shots with a boomerang.
"Inga and her puppets absent from this thread."
Inga got banned. What sock puppets did she take with her?
Pornogrind- defn: A music genre nobody in their right mind ever heard of until today.
Starbucks says their pre-packaged coffees will no longer be offered in the popular Pornogrind, an extra-coarse grind.
"nearly 1700 Likes" explains why I don't have a FB account.
Instapundit has been covering how the El Paso shooter (presumably a "right-winger" in Hive nomenclature) has been getting the big publicity, whereas the Dayton shooter, a reported Elizabeth Warren fan, will be going the way of Bernie bro James Hodgson ("Who?").
Who was this James Hodgson guy? He protested at a softball game, or something?
I think one of the darkly prescient films in this genre, was 1990s heathers, the issue the school board was focused on, was the murder spree carried by Dalton '87 alum, Christian slater, which were disguised as suicide, the school boards awareness program was actually driving others to suicide,
"I'm pretty sure, the real trick, is using the Type I errors to justify the Type II errors"
Gilbar for the win. This is exactly what is being attempted.
Hog Whitman "Leather Whips, Rubber Underwear, Painful Memories of You"
We either change it, or say hello to the Thunderdome.
Bring on Thunderdome. Because it's not going to change.
It's only going to get worse.
Inga and her puppets absent from this thread.
Inga is banned. Let's keep it that way.
You know, people must have a spectacular amount of spare time to waste it on such nonsense as this.
I notice we're hearing a lot about the El Paso killer who is white and clearly a racist. He isn't necessarily a Republican, as he seemed to hate both parties and was an eco terrorist.
But, we're hearing a lot about him because the media think it can tie him to Trump.
This guy on the other hand was CLEARLY a leftist who supports Elizabeth Warren for President.
Yet we hear nothing about him, or almost nothing.
@Howard: Here is why crime dropped starting in the mid-1990s:
We now know most serious offenders are also extremely prolific offenders and also commit more than one type of crime. Evidence continues to grow that this is true.
DNA databising identified the most prolific rapists, many of whom committed one to three hundred offenses and most of whom had been pleading down to non-sex offenses such as drug possession and burglary and strolling in and out of prisons for decades.
Two and three strike enhancement laws, eliminating pleading down in gun and sex crimes, minimum mandatories and truth in sentencing rules dramatically increased sentences for the small pool of prolific violent offenders including sex and non-sex violent criminals, murderers and gang members --and these people were responsible for a lot of minor offenses too.
Enhanced sentencing for crack -- entirely at the behest of black community leaders -- and for drug trafficking worked.
Now we are unspooling all this progress. Expect crime to start rising again.
It isn't rocket science.
The mentally ill girlfriend really really wants every to know that hwr boyfriend was just a mass murderer, NOT a hate criminal.
Because that would be really bad.
Because thinking mean things about people is so much worse than blowing away nine humans.
Hate crime laws are the eugenics movement of the 21st Century.
BleachBit-and-Hammers: "Inga and her puppets absent from this thread."
Well, Howard is here and attempting to pull another All The Dixiecrats Became Republican maneuver by reassigning the Dayton shooter from Clearly on the Far Left to Republican.
It won't work but that's why Howard is here: to do the ridiculous and easily debunked dem/lefty work that LLR Chuck doesn't always have time to perform.
This guy was a registered Democrat, Elizabeth Warren supporter and associated with Antifa. Also a Satan worshiper.
Yah..but he ruled when he got that constipation zinger in against Michael K earlier.
No liberal seems able to answer this question:
If you don't respect the rights I value, why should I respect the rights you value?
If we're one country, united, as Americans, we can have our family squabbles. But if the First Amendment right to free expression includes full license to make violent video games and movies, while saying in the next sentence that my Second Amendment right is somehow under scrutiny as an 18th century anachronism and deserving restriction, then we're going to have a problem. A serious problem.
Any restriction on the First Amendment is met with cries of "Censorship!" Yet any and all gun restrictions are called "common sense gun control initiatives." And now we're doing it all in the name of the "white nationalism" bogeyman, who many Democrat figures have now labeled as ANYONE who supports President Trump. That is vile, wicked calumny.
One side of the political divide today doesn't seem at all interested in anyone else's views but their own. When someone disagrees with them or votes the "wrong" way, they aren't just wrong, they're vile and must be de-humanized. In Reza Aslan's terms, they need to be "eradicated." This Aslan is a man with a bachelors, masters of theological studies, a masters in fine arts, and a PhD. Spare me the bit that education makes everything better. If so, this man is nothing more than an eloquent executioner who would've done better in Stalin's Soviet Union. Did Aslan ever read "Gulag Archipelago?" Doesn't sound like it.
I've come to believe the modern university put us in this situation, as Leftist seminaries. There've never been so many people in America who are so educated, yet know so little, and have precious little wisdom. We're talking about white supremacy? For real? America is the most diverse, accepting and inclusive nation in the world. Troops on the Indian border shoot Bangladeshis trying to enter, to the tune of 1,000 so far this year! And a "Squad" of Democrat firebrands want to abolish ICE for cruelty?
Calling people "Racist!" in 2019 America is no different than calling someone "Witch!" in 1693 Salem, Massachusetts. Same hysteria. People want protection, and are willing to give up their precious civil liberties to get it. It's institutional failure at every level. We are headed for a big blow-up, and everyone will wonder "What happened?"
Leftists and liberals today have no idea what they are talking about. They seem ignorant -- no understanding of half the American population. They are simply emoting, covering it all up with a phony, snide, sophisticated veneer. Preening poseurs. I've just about had enough of it. It's Tuesday! The blood hasn't even dried on these horrible weekend tragedies, and we're already talking about overhauling federal gun legislation, as though this is an anomaly that just appeared to us all. We've endured years now of Black Lives Matter, and it doesn't look to me like anyone cares about urban black lives at all. The body count rises, and we're talking about limiting the rights of law abiding citizens. Nuts!
Maybe gun ownership should be limited to people over 30. While it used to be that men were pretty mature at 21, that is no longer the case. Not that someone couldn't yet get access to firearms but maybe more scrutiny would help limit access. And body armor? These guys are acting out some kind of fantasy but the results are horrendously real.
I don't think affording rights at various intervals after legally becoming adults is a helpful message.
If the age as is needs changing, so be it.
But I say no to arbitrary checker boarding..especially of constitutionally designated rights.
Blogger Howard said...
Good answer Doc. I see the ExLax is working this morning
Why ? Did you feel some pressure moving you along ?
I come by every few hours to see which wimp has attacked from cover.
The gun ownership issues ignore the fact that gun laws are not enforced. All the politicians do is call for new ones. It's like highway repair, What crooked politician supports maintaining things we have? Look at California, especially. Best highways in the country 50 years ago.
Half the stuff lefties like Howard post about guns are so ignorant there is no response but laughter.
Goodnight Mike
Howard said:
"Temujin: how do you explain the drop in all violent crime after we lost religion Mom apple pie and Chevy's?"
A very substantial increase in legal gun ownership, concealed carry, and the associated risks that ads to violent crime as a job. Check the numbers, accept the correlation, draw the obvious conclusion. Of course the abortion correlation is pretty hard to ignore as well.
More Jesus, less pornogrind. That's my answwr.
Correlation is causative for your beliefs, Bago. Thanks for making my point.
Blogger Howard said...
Goodnight Mike
Goodnight Howard. Try not to jerk off more than once.
"This guy was...Also a Satan worshiper."
See? Everyone has their good points!
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