August 16, 2019

"Some parents have latched onto a trend of raising children free of gender — sometimes known as 'theybies.' But Braiden had no interest in doing that."

"When an ultrasound revealed that the baby was a boy, Braiden was overjoyed. As someone who identified with both genders, Braiden was used to making choices on any given day.... But the expectant mom could not wait to raise a son with the stereotypical boyhood that Braiden never had. There would be trucks instead of dolls, and mud instead of makeup. Braiden chose a strong-sounding name: Owen. In the boys’ section at Buy Buy Baby, Braiden picked out a Nike onesie and a tiny dress suit. Braiden flipped through racks of outfits with footballs, dinosaurs and planets, and walked to the register holding a pair of tiny black suspenders — on sale.... Braiden wants Owen to understand that gender isn’t just male and female, and that his mom isn’t a woman. But Braiden doesn’t want Owen to feel as though he has to be a 'gender warrior' just because his parent is non-binary. Braiden’s assigned gender was the wrong fit, but that doesn’t mean Owen’s won’t be the right fit, Braiden said.... Sometimes this pregnant, feminine body felt so wrong — so disconnected from who Braiden was — that they wanted to rip their skin off. Sometimes, in private moments, Braiden would tightly clutch their stomach and breasts, take a deep breath, and think: This is not for me. This is for Owen.... Braiden wasn’t looking forward to breast-feeding. They hated drawing attention to their chest, and hoped to someday have a double mastectomy. But nursing was a sacrifice Braiden wanted to make, not only for Owen’s health but for the chance to bond with him."

From "A mother, but not a woman/Braiden Schirtzinger is non-binary, pregnant and about to take on the most gendered role of all" (WaPo).


Lucid-Ideas said...

There's a running meme on the chans that captions various degeneracies as:

And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

If making yourself generationally distinct from mom and dad is as American as apple-pie, then this 'father' is going to find Xirself staring up at a guard tower down the barrel of a machinegun manned by Owen.

My name goes here. said...

Feel such pity for this woman.

traditionalguy said...

Insanity by any other name is still insanity.

Anga2010 said...

But, how did they become pregnant after all? Who's the other daddy?

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

My truth is that Braiden is a woman, and this story is triggering me. The WaPo should be ashamed at its normophobia.

n.n said...

So, Schirtzinger is female (sex), but with a trans-feminine (gender) orientation (i.e. mental).

madAsHell said...

But, how did they become pregnant after all?

I remember back when "Go Fuck Yourself!!" was an insult. Today, it's trans-gender aspiration!!

Lucid-Ideas said...

Speaking of 'American as apple-pie', so are these various mass-hysterias throughout our history. Even the book Albion's Seed hit upon the idea that you could almost trace America's history from one hysteria to the next, these great zeitgeists that appear patently ridiculous removed 50 years in the rear-view from one generation to another.

This modern gender Lysenkoism is this period's zeitgeist.

Nonapod said...

How many people are in this situation? What percentage of the population is experiencing this? I can't imagine there's honestly some huge number of new parents that are honstly interested in raising their children in a gender free way.

It's similar to the trans community. How many of them are their really? I've heard estimates that are far lower than 1%. It seems to me that an incredible amount of energy and concern is spent on such a tiny minority of people. Things must be going pretty well.

madAsHell said...

If I was going to change anything about myself, then I'd get rid of that Schirtzinger handle.

Dave Begley said...

"Braiden wants Owen to understand that gender isn’t just male and female, and that his mom isn’t a woman."

If Owen's mom isn't a woman, then what type of creature gave birth to him? And how?

Jaq said...

There is the cutest girl fishing off of my dock all morning. I would call her a classic tomboy. Her family is staying at the place next door for a week but they never put their dock in over there. She has a boy’s haircut, fishes for hours catching sunnies and rockies and yellow perch. Kayaks around the cove while mom watches from an Adirondack chair on their lawn. Damn I need a grandchild.

n.n said...

I remember back when "Go Fuck Yourself!!" was an insult

Today, it's Go Plan Yourself.

stevew said...

The only way this makes sense to me is if the pregnant person is mentally ill.

Fernandinande said...

Tune into "Crazy Talk with Braiden and Owen", every weeknight at 13pm.

n.n said...

She has a boy’s haircut, fishes for hours catching sunnies and rockies and yellow perch.

Given this information, she's feminine female, with, perhaps, trans-social tendencies. The significance of the haircut, hobbies, and clothing, is in the form of a social construct that normalizes a favorable juxtaposition of the sexes.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bay Area Guy said...

Yeah, in the real world, that's called a "dereliction of duty." You see, if you create babies through sex, you have a DUTY to raise them, protect them, keep them safe, teach them, etc, etc. Most often, it's best to discharge this duty within a stable marriages of opposite sex partners.

So, you have this common trend among idiotic leftists, who instead of discharging their DUTY, they default to the little kids, who often times don't know shit about life.

On a smaller scale, for an example: If you let your kids decide what to eat for dinner, they might suggest ice cream sundae, covered in maple syrup, sprinkled with chocolate covered, toasted coconut. And, if you default to their judgment, they might choose this for every meal. And the result will be fat, outta shape kids, with lotsa tummy aches and sugar highs.

Same principle applies here -- only with much more dire consequences.

n.n said...

gender isn’t just male and female

That's correct. Gender is masculine or feminine (similar to phenotype), including physical and mental attributes correlated with sex. That said, there is a third quasi-gender: transgender. His mom is female with, apparently, some masculine bias.

n.n said...

in the real world, that's called a "dereliction of duty." You see, if you create babies through sex, you have a DUTY to raise them, protect them, keep them safe, teach them, etc

The establishment of Pro-Choice progressed a moral, social, and biological alternative.

Night Owl said...

How much of this trendy transgenderism is really just old-fashioned self-loathing?

Fen said...

"As someone who identified with both genders"

At the same time? Oh hell why not? I now identify as Ying and Yang.

Rick said...

Cults are always making new rules.

In death a member of project mayhem has a name.

Fen said...

She has a boy’s haircut, fishes for hours catching sunnies and rockies and yellow perch.

Funny how they use gender stereotypes to appropriate a gender role.

But it's okay when they do it because shut up.

Rick said...

His name is Robert Paulson.

Anthony said...

And thus does Western Civilization end, not with a bang or a whimper but with a head shake and a "WTF?"

Fernandinande said...

What percentage of the population is experiencing this?

"This", in this case, is probably mental problems.

The percentage of actual non-binary people is quite small:

"A 13-year incidence study of sex chromosome abnormalities in Arhus, Denmark of 34,910 newborn children showed that 1 per 448 had a sex chromosome abnormality."

About 22 people per 10,000.

Fernandinande said...

The other 9978 people are binary.

Ice Nine said...

If you had just started reading this article and knew nothing about it, the name "Braiden" popping up in front of you would be the first thing to tell you that you were about to read something ludicrous.

Well, OK, right after the Washington Post header anyway...

Bay Area Guy said...

Don't sleep with crazy liberal women -- like this Mom. If you can stave off the false rape charge/sexual harassment charge, you still might get saddled with a non-binomial, cis-gendered, multi-transsexualist child.

A hooker would be much less traumatic and much less expensive.

Mark said...

A mother, but not a woman/Braiden Schirtzinger is non-binary, pregnant and about to take on the most gendered role of all

No, Braiden (and Washington Post) -- you are A WOMAN. You know how you and we all know?? Because you are pregnant. The ability to bear children is the very definition of female/woman.

Mark said...

How many of them are their really? I've heard estimates that are far lower than 1 percent

The numbers are growing. Teachers are reporting that more and more students in their classes are saying that they are the opposite sex.

Which just goes to show that transgender is a social construct. It is an artificial creation, with more and more confused people creating it for themselves.

Birkel said...

I prefer the parenting style that raises them as gangbangers.

gadfly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gerry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gerry said...

This modern gender Lysenkoism is this period's zeitgeist.

Gender Lysenkoism. That is perfect description of the madness that it is. Fashionable. Politically convenient. Pseudoscience. False.

Thankfully, gender Lysenkoism (so far, anyway) won't result in massive crop failures and starvation, although it may cause a lot of social science and medical science misery.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Who the other father was..

Roger Sweeny said...

The mother has it tough. Sounds like (s)he's trying to handle things with grace. I hope everything works out. (I just can't use they as a singular pronoun,)

Rabel said...

Poor kid.

Leslie Graves said...

FWIW, cisgender binary women (like me) can also experience pregnancy as a time of significant alienation from what is happening with their body. In my case, it was more like "I'm not even a human being anymore! I'm some sort of an incubating mammal, like a COW." I am not the only cisgender binary woman who had feelings and thoughts like that at times during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Depending on what all is going on with the human being who is pregnant or breastfeeding and feeling somewhat alienated from all that change, different human beings can ascribe the feeling of alienation to different causes.

I hope it is not viewed as provocative to observe that the very, very significant emotional and physical sacrifices Braiden made to have and nurture a baby is a stereotypically female level and type of sacrifice.

Oso Negro said...

Insane person reproduces. Hilarity ensues.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Seriously Professor, why does this stuff interest you? Or is it a troll?

Serious question.

dgstock said...

Atlantic article from about 2000 called “A New Way to Be Mad” is worth looking up. It draws prescient parallels between so-called transgenderism (gender dysphoria), apotemnophilia (a subset of body dysmorphic disorder), and the social forces empowering these constructs.

TreeJoe said...

Once upon a time, a profession sought to be scientific and carefully study, diagnose, and treat mental illnesses.

I'm not aware of a better example of where psychology/psychiatry are getting it wrong:

1. There are definitive biological markers galore - DNA, bone structure, skin thickness, hormonal measures, penises and vaginas.....sure some extremely rare instances occur where these are messed up. That's a biological change.

2. The person/patient presents rejecting biological markers as relevant to their self-identity.

3. A group of people claim that biology should be ignored and that self-identity - which can change at any time for any or no reason - should be the deciding factor as to how someone should be viewed. This should even extend to permanent medical records, medical evaluation, and public records of an individual.


That this is accepted, rather than decided scientifically, is a blight on the scientific field.

Lewis Wetzel said...

As soon as I read the words "assigned gender" I know that I am reading bullshit. "Gender" applies to language and words, not biological beings. It is literally nonsense, it has no meaning.

Birkel said...

Leslie Graves,

If you type woman you will save a lot of characters and your writing will be clearer.

Bruce Hayden said...

I can’t get too upset here. Here we appear to have a transish (spellchecker hated that word) person deciding to raise their male offspring as cis male. Far better, from my point of view, than raising their kids gender indeterminate, or whatever, when they really aren’t. For the most part, cis is normal, and trans people need psychological help. And foisting that on your kids is, in my view, child abuse. Maybe, I am not woke enough. I am more than fine with that. Just don’t screw up the next generation with your own psychological issues.

buwaya said...

“A New Way to Be Mad”

Quite. I was thinking this very long ago.
There are fashions in madness.

Or not just madness, quite. Lets say unhappiness.

The end of this episode (in a decade or less, I hope) will be ugly.

Birkel said...

Bruce Hayden,
You are welcome to play the Leftist Collectivist language game.
As for me, fuck that game.

Boys. Girls. The statistically insignificant XXY, and XXXY notwithstanding.
Why does a strong thinker on the Right, like Bruce Hayden, give in so easily?

BUMBLE BEE said...

No AR15s for Owen!

MB said...

There should be a Nobel Prize in there somewhere, for these new gender theory discoveries.
And a journalist should get it. Journalists are so smart! They show us how to think.
So fresh! So profound! So original! So authentic!

Tom T. said...

I think a lot of people here are being too harsh. To me, this seems like a person with a lot of self-awareness and devotion. They (or she, if you really prefer) understand how troubled their own life is, and they're determined to create something more stable and grounded for their child.

Anonymous said...

Leslie Graves: FWIW, cisgender binary women (like me) can also experience pregnancy as a time of significant alienation from what is happening with their body.


Depending on what all is going on with the human being who is pregnant or breastfeeding and feeling somewhat alienated from all that change, different human beings can ascribe the feeling of alienation to different causes.

Millions (most? all?) of cisgender non-binary women experience ambiguous attitudes toward pregnancy. It's normal. Some of them the exact same feelings you're expressing here. Lots of perfectly ordinary "cisgender non-binary women" aren't all that thrilled with being pregnant or breast-feeding.

Feeling alienated from mortal bodies that are subject to all kinds of experiences (including disease, and the inevitable decline and death) over which we really have very little control is the human condition. (True even of experiences that are freely chosen.) There's nothing special about it.

I hope it is not viewed as provocative to observe that the very, very significant emotional and physical sacrifices Braiden made to have and nurture a baby is a stereotypically female level and type of sacrifice.

From the article it sure sounds to me like Braiden is reproducing in response to the standard biological drives that motivate women in general to reproduce, despite the inevitable emotional and physical sacrifices to which anybody who reproduces will be subject. She just happens to be living in a very messed-up society which has lost the plot on achieving maturity and integration of personality.

Jeff Brokaw said...

That quoted part is a celebration of mental illness, so I definitely did not click to read more, since I want no part in that.

Fernandinande said...

I'm some sort of an incubating mammal,

Some of my best friends are mammals.

Anonymous said...

Jeff Brokaw: That quoted part is a celebration of mental illness, so I definitely did not click to read more, since I want no part in that.

You chose well. It's the usual simple-minded "human interest" bullshit written for the party-faithful.

Fernandinande said...


That's a big problem in the newt community. Because they get better.

n.n said...

the inevitable emotional and physical sacrifices to which anybody who reproduces will be subject

So, it's not necessarily a masculine bias, or even a feminine phobia, but a circumstantial desire to change one's body for what may be perceived as "greener pastures". A man who envies feminine gender attributes and social constructs. A woman who wants her child and avoid the process, too. It sounds like she is borderline confused. I wonder if her child, a tangible, and, by an overwhelming consensus, good product of her feminine female self, will help to settle her dissonance.

Mr. Groovington said...

8/16/19, 3:50 PM
Blogger AlbertAnonymous said...
Seriously Professor, why does this stuff interest you? Or is it a troll?
Serious question.
Possibly (only possibly) Anne, being a sensitive wife, occasionally writes posts from links Meade sends her from across the room, rather than just blow them off, at a frequency that makes him feel included and keeps the peace.

Jamie said...

I find myself troubled by the fact that at no point in my life have I ever "felt like" a woman, yet I've never doubted that I am one. I don't want to trivialize this person's feelings, but the *reason* I don't want to trivialize them is because I refuse to trivialize the anomalous feelings and sensations that can accompany mental illness.

When I was in eighth grade, in a new school in a new state, I so stubbornly stuck to my story that I was an alien, of the ET type, that by the end of the school year, some of my classmates half believed me. I told that story not because *I* believed it but because I felt so alienated from my peers that I felt I couldn't cope on normal terms. But I knew I was acting out of the ordinary, whereas this person seems to believe her own story a hundred percent.

Which doesn't make it true.

Rabel said...

"They (or she, if you really prefer) understand how troubled their own life is,"

And this person with psychological issues aside from the sexual-gender problem who decides to bring a newborn into a single Mother household with limited economic support, a father who prefers to remain anonymous, and an estranged Grandmother who won't take a day off work to help out will somehow create a world of stability and groundedness for the child.

The pregnancy and birth reek of selfishness.

I pity the child. At least Grandpa is trying to help.

Anchovy1214 said...

I'm not 01101 00101 11101!

FullMoon said...

Another heart warming story. No doubt Berliners are 'enchanted':

Gay Penguins, and Their Hope for a Baby, Have Enchanted Berlin

Two male penguins at Zoo Berlin have adopted an egg, delighting Germans and raising the prospect of the zoo’s first penguin chick in almost two decades.

Michael K said...

That kid in 18 years

FullMoon said...

Here is something from Althouse 2015. Commenter Hoydon answers questions from inquisitive tenderhearted Althouse regulars regarding his sex change.

If he says he is a woman, he is a woman

DavidUW said...

Terence this is stupid stuff

michelle woods said...


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Here is the email address

Tina848 said...

I hope Braiden has support after the birth. I think with some of the mental issues associated with transgenderism, Braiden may have some post-partum psychosis issues. The change in hormones could be very difficult, especially if there are problems already with her body image. The line about breast feeding in particular is concerning. Owen may not get the proper nutrition if Braiden feels uncomfortable with lactating.

holdfast said...

Maybe it’s time to accept Allah into my life as my warlord and savior?

I mean, an Islamic Republic might not be that much fun, but as I get older hangovers are less pleasant anyway. And at least a Mullah-run government wouldn’t put up with this stupid shit.

Marty said...

This is madness, and I am not talking only about this woman or this article. About 4.5% of the US Population is gay and about 1% or so are transgender, yet the media and politicians twist the country into knots trying to force the rest of us not just to tolerate the insanity but to embrace it.

Birkel said...

Your numbers are too high.

Tank said...


You're right about Marty's numbers.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"The Impossible Dream"
from MAN OF LA MANCHA (1972)
music by Mitch Leigh and lyrics by Joe Darion

To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star

This is my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far

To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell
For a heavenly cause

And I know if I'll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest

And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star

Jeff Brokaw said...

I learned all I need to know when I learned that the doctor (at Johns Hopkins in the 70s-80s) who pioneered transgender surgery to treat gender dysphoria stopped performing it because it did not help at all and made many people worse.

His conclusion: they are mentally ill and since surgery will not, and cannot, help with that, it is unethical. So he stopped.

He wrote an opinion piece in the WSJ a few years ago about it.

Guildofcannonballs said...'Toole/impossibledream-lyrics.htm

I remember Frank singing:

To be willing to give, when there's no more to give.

To be willing to die, so that honor and justice may live.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Paul McHugh is his name and here’s a Bing search on the topic

Guildofcannonballs said...

The reality is Phil Mickelson lived a life of extreme pressure but extreme rewards, and yet any talk about The Mick, The Man, The Master was about how Tiger was so much better.

I have always thought from first glance Mrs. Mickelson is an ideal wife and mother of children

In this environment, of course crazies will feel enabled to point out how the idea if you ain't first you're last is preposterous.

I chose to be the shit-shoveler G. Patton warned against.

No honest assessment of current realty would warrant the best and brightest sacrificing America's future was the best bet in 1940, sacrifice in this case being dereliction of duty unreported due to politics.

Tom T. said...

@Jeff Brokaw. The person in this article has not had surgery, if I remember correctly.

FWIW, though, that doctor's interpretation of the medical literature regarding the efficacy of surgery is a minority view. Personally, I can't imagine every wanting such surgery, but the doctors who perform it do so because it is the accepted standard of care.

gilbar said...

i wonder if They has ever hear the poem
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm Schizophrenic
And so am I

gilbar said...

Just remember!
They need access to Abortions too!

Friendo said...

you are so fucked-up. Jeezus, what a fucking mess.

Michael K said...

the doctors who perform it do so because it is the accepted standard of care.<

And the money, of course. Personally, I would not touch one of these crazies.

Michael K said...

His conclusion: they are mentally ill and since surgery will not, and cannot, help with that, it is unethical. So he stopped.


Birkel said...

Yeah, Tom T.
It was only Johns Hopkins.

Jeff Brokaw said...

@Tom T - my point was that these people are mentally ill, but that key point gets lost in all the celebratory media coverage.

I’m not concerned about his view being the minority view if it’s the correct one.

gilbar said...

- my point was that these people are mentally ill, but that key point gets lost in all the celebratory media

Please compare society's feelings towards 'cutters' with society's feelings towards gender dysphoria.
If a 12 year girl wants to make small cuts on her arm, she's Crazy and needs help
If a 12 year 'girl' wants to cut off her penis, that's to be celebrated

gilbar said...

Could an expert explain to me, why one is okay, and the other has to be drugged into submission?

Part 2
If a 12 year girl wants to stick a needle into her ears, she needs parental permission
If a 12 year 'girl' wants to stick a needle into her womb, that's her choice

Fen said...

To me, this seems like a person with a lot of self-awareness and devotion. They understand how troubled their own life is

Wait. By "they", are we talking about a group of people, one person, or someone with multiple personality disorder? :)

I don't care what their personal pronoun is, my brain has to dig through their delusion to categorize if they are:

a) a man pretending to be a woman
b) a woman pretending to be a man

I read a recent article on a tranny who wanted to get an abortion. Wasn't till the end of the piece we discovered this way a guy pretending to be pregnant.

Gunner said...

How screwed up does a guy have to be to commit the war crime of impregnating that mess?

GRW3 said...

Being a parent means sacrifice. Braiden knows that. Excellent.

Birkel said...

A lid for every pot, you know?

Anonymous said...

I love reading the news. More than once in my life I have made a conscious decision to put my attention somewhere else. Today is one of those days. When I feel the urge to see what is going on in the world I will remember this story as an example of what the media is offering to give me in exchange for my time, which they resell for cash.

I think an attitude of gratitude is good for the soul. So, in that spirit, thank you media for making my decision easier!

Gunner said...

Birkel, that is not a pot! That's like trying to put a lid on a poop volcano!

The article says the guy was her old high school boyfriend. Really dude? You didn't notice any differences and just figured you would still do it?

stlcdr said...

I don’t really care about this person as long as they do the right thing for their kid (that is, let them grow, learn and not push a distorted way of living on them).

What really grinds my gears is the way WaPo normalizes this kind of thing. It’s not normal (note that not normal does not equate to bad, necesserily) but it titillates the readership.

Craig Howard said...

This person is apparently trying hard to avoid passing on her/his gender confusion to the child. I find it admirable and a welcome break from the rest of the transgender noise that's aimed at us.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Where's Planned Parenthood when you need them?

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