"'Max Boot Fans the Flames of Racial Hatred' was the headline of an article by John Hirschauer. This was a response to a Post column I had written last week taking aim at the 55 percent of whites who in a 2018 poll said that discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minority groups.... In reply, Hirschauer labeled me one of 'the self-loathing whites' who has adopted 'the politics of self-hatred.' He accused me of 'speaking in … totalizing racial language' that 'is stoking the flames of race hatred.' So telling whites not to be racists is an incitement to race hatred? How Orwellian.... I have no idea what 'totalizing racial language' means; it’s the kind of cant that [National Review founder William F.] Buckley, a stickler for precise language, would have mocked. What I do know is that this article employed the language of 'race treason' against me. Yes, Hirschauer attacked white supremacists in passing but he also engaged in moral equivalency and implied that, by denouncing racism, I was driving whites into their arms. ('Boot sets up a Faustian choice for ‘white’ readers: Side with the white supremacists and their detestable program, or sell your political soul to Max Boot and become one of the self-loathing whites.') This is part of a rhetorical strategy also employed by Trump, who occasionally denounces white supremacists but more often promotes racism while insisting his critics are the real racists."
From "National Review’s ugly attack on me reflects the Trumpification of conservatism" by Max Boot (in WaPo).
२७६ टिप्पण्या:
276 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Hating white people has become so normalized at the New York Times regularly has articles with 'Becky' in the title which is a racial slur for a white woman and on the MSNBC people come on talking about eradicating whiteness. If you don't think they mean white people you're not paying attention. Language like this does not guarantee a genocide but it always precedes one
Anybody who uses white supremacist doesn't know what he's talking about. Not a serious thinker.
Whites have legitimate complaints, as do men. But the complaints aren’t taken seriously and the people making them are ridiculed. Obviously, in such a situation, at least some people will scream louder in an effort to get heard.
It’s a variation on, “you want more Trump? Because this is how you get more Trump.”
Max Boot is a traitor to economic and political sanity. His lame attempt to cover it up by deploying the leftist meme of the day fails, as usual.
The most serious and literal white supremacists are the black Africans heading north to Europe.
Hank Schrader:
I don't know who you are. I don't even know who I'm talking to.
Walter White:
If that's true, if you don't know who I am... then maybe your best course would be to tread lightly.
What race hatred, by the way. As far as I can tell, everybody on the right is trying to figure out how to make things better.
On the left they're trying to dig in.
I don't read Max Boot anymore, but from the quoted passage:
"I had written last week taking aim at the 55 percent of whites who in a 2018 poll said that discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minority groups... So telling whites not to be racists is an incitement to race hatred?"
I would say, yes. Calling people racists because they believe that "discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against blacks" is indeed an incitement to race hatred.
First I would like to know who Max Boot is, and by who I mean what he thinks. This sounds promising:
"This loss of mission has also allowed a weird collection of nuts and cranks to assume prominent positions at Berkeley, as they have at other leading U.S. colleges. Deconstructionists in the English department teach that words have no intrinsic meaning. Revisionists in the history department teach that the Constitution was the result of a capitalist cabal. Newly minted Ph.D.'s in the ethnic-studies field teach that America has waged genocidal war against its racial minorities for centuries."
That's from a 1991 article he wrote for the Los Angeles Times when he graduated from Berkeley.
But he doesn't expand on that in the article. He doesn't actually attack these ideas.
Instead his message is that the problem with the universities is that they are all over the place.
He accused me of 'speaking in … totalizing racial language' that 'is stoking the flames of race hatred.' So telling whites that they are racists, for Being White is an incitement to race hatred?
Max Boot's complaint does what so much of his recent writing does: misrepresent reality.
And no, someone stoking the embers of race hatred is not "a traitor to the white race". He is a traitor to humanity.
Max Boot is an inconsequential whiner. The guy jumped on the #NeverTrump train and just kept chugging along. Good riddance.
The common fight for freedom American duty has no skin color and no Gringo privilege. That's why the self appointed Class Warfare generalisimos hate it and preach "hate whitey" 24/7.
And Trump laughs. He has Hong Konger singing the National Anthem to the Flag that represents the common fight for freedom. How they gonna compete with that Scots Irish idea?
"So telling whites not to be racists is an incitement to race hatred?"
Handy rule of thumb for Mr. Boot: Are you singling out one 'race' for special treatment, simply because of that 'race' (whatever you choose that to mean)? Then — you might be a racist demagogue.
Translators are traitors. Traduttore, traditore.
I may be about to overdose on popcorn.
All you white people need to straighten up!
Oh, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet, Max.
In reply, Hirschauer labeled me one of 'the self-loathing whites' who has adopted 'the politics of self-hatred.' He accused me of 'speaking in … totalizing racial language' that 'is stoking the flames of race hatred.'
Sounds like Hirschauer is using cruel neutrality to me.
Is this true?
Is this the real Max Boot? Quote: “If only we could keep the hard-working Latin American newcomers and deport the contemptible Republican cowards — that would truly enhance America’s greatness.”
But I can't read the column from which that quote came to see if it reads differently in context since I don't have a subscription to the Washington Post and I don't want one as I don't want to support them in way.
Hey Max, We're just not that into you. Beat it. And we mean beat it.
White elites dismissively lecturing white non-elites into having the correct opinions by saying “STFU you ignorant hateful racists” is not a great plan.
This is how you get more Trump.
Why does Max Boot think he has any gravitas in postulating what he thinks is an answer to a problem he defines as having a binary solution? Most here would agree he is an elite globalist warmonger.
I had never heard of Max Boot until Trump came along. Now I see his angry face often and read about him or things by him oftener. Too damn often if you really must know. What a piece of self-parody he is: the virtue monster from the pretend Right gone mad. These neoconservative are the Undead and unkillable. I guess we have to accept them on the political landscape like mosquitos when camping. But that doesn’t mean we can’t slap at them or buy Raid.
Max Boot is simply one of many fake LLR grifters who was always a leftist at heart but found a viable economic niche for a long while as a self-described "principled conservative" who tellingly always ended up advocating for Losing With Honor.
Trump has exposed all of these natural leftists hiding in conservative clothing.
The entirety of The Bulwark staff is a good example.
President Trump has never promoted racism.
This whole race issue is at the for front because Democrats have nothing to campaign on. Democrats are chanting the same chants about helping the disadvantaged, and President Trump hasn't created any federal program to "help". He just supercharged the economy, by channeling JFK, "a rising tide lifts ALL boats"
President Trump has ignored identity politics, reasons making America Great, provides opportunity to all, not aide to some.
But that doesn’t mean we can’t slap at them or buy Raid.
It is a wonder someone hasn't used Raid to eradicate him.
As I noted here before, white liberals are the *only* racial/ethnic/ideological group in America that expresses an out-group preference, meaning white liberals were more favorable toward nonwhites and are the only group to show this preference for group other than their own.
Boot used to be a "neo-conservative" and made his name championing the invasion of Iraq. Other than being a Never Trumper, I don't know what his beliefs are.
I do think that polite society's relentless mocking of white Americans and their grievances will drive people into groups that are sympathetic to those grievances, whether its Trump's camp or something extreme. How could that not be the case?
Democrats: Race. Race. Racist. Racey. Race. Race. Intersectionality.
Republicans: This is all so racist.
Dems: Its because of Trump!
All right, now I think I'm starting to understand who Max Boot is.
This is from an opinion piece of his published in the Salt Lake Tribune:
"Trump attacked Ford for not remembering all the details of the trauma that she says she suffered: “I had one beer. Well, do you think it was — nope, it was one beer. How did you get home? I don’t remember. How’d you get there? I don’t remember. Where is the place? I don’t remember. How many years ago was it? I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know.” His heartless japery was greeted with laughter from his cult followers — the same kind of contemptuous laughter that Ford remembers hearing after her alleged assault at the hands of a youthful Kavanaugh."
First of all as far I'm concerned he has a moral problem. He doesn't know right from wrong. Everyone that believed in the Christine Blasey Ford was facilitating evil. And this is apart from whether something actually occurred or not.
And second, it's just not that deep. He's not insightful. Even if we believed every assertion he made in that opinion piece, there is not much substance.
This is his evidence for Donald Trump being the worst president? Was he paying attention during the Obama administration? Was he paying attention during the Clinton administration?
Anyone paying attention to those two could come with a much more substantive list of grievances.
I had written last week taking aim at the 55 percent of whites who in a 2018 poll said that discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minority groups...
Discrimination within the populace has been on the decline for decades.
Where discrimination has persisted, indeed had a resurgence, is in the public sector. If you put the qualifier "institutional" or "deliberate" or "officially sanctioned" or "written into law" in front of the word "discrimination" in that quote it'd be a much stronger assertion.
I had written last week taking aim at the 55 percent of whites who in a 2018 poll said that discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minority groups...
Shorter Max Boot: Man taking aim at white people surprised at charges of racism.
Boot was called racially divisive (a gentler form of "racist.)
Boot called his accusers racist.
It's pretty clear that 21st century American politics is going to be a contest of who can more successfully pin these labels on their opponents, above all other issues. This has been something the Right has been very slow to learn. Once they start fully competing, perhaps by noting that the Left now completely mocks the notion of a color-blind society, or that the Left openly rejects the term "America is a melting pot," they might make some strides.
Videos show a white man arguing vociferously with a black woman over the behavior of her kids.
Videos don't show black Africans torturing and murdering white farmers.
Whites are still much better off than blacks.
Whites are still much smarter and much less prone to crime than blacks.
On what sort of racism does the goofy Whappo scribbler blame the high income of Asian immigrants and their offspring?
It’s hard to imagine a white man being choked to death by police, as Eric Garner was in New York, for illegally selling cigarettes.
It's hard to imagine a white man stupid enough to fight with police after being "arrested by the NYPD more than thirty times since 1980 on charges such as assault, resisting arrest, and grand larceny."
Everybody else is better off without that career criminal.
It's hard to imagine that the Whappoo scribbler would want to live next door to the man he's pretending to care about.
[It’s hard to imagine] two white men being evicted by police from a Starbucks for asking to use the bathroom without ordering anything, as two black men were in Philadelphia.
It's hard to imagine two white men feeling entitled to use other peoples' property without any cost to themselves, i.e. without buying anything. Even bums buy a coffee at MxDonald's.
Hating white people has become so normalized at the New York Times regularly has articles with 'Becky' in the title which is a racial slur for a white woman
NY Times opinion piece this year: "Should I Give Up on White People?"
Max Boot
"Appalling attack by the president on [FREDO] one of America’s most respected journalists—a fearless (and eminently sane) truth teller I am proud to work with at @cnn. We cannot accept as normal these kinds of attacks on the free press."
I believe little Maxie is attacking Natiinal Review at this time because an interesting sub-group at that publication now fully recognize the truth of the collusion conspiracy and the clear and open marxist embrace of the demcrat party and this group is now willing to speak up against the dems and call them out. See Rich Lowrey (increasingly) and Andy McCarthy with his new book.
This is why Maxie and his fellow LLR-lefties have been activated: National Review was expected to continue its leftward drift and absorption into Full Team Left alignment (just like The Weekly Standard did and The Bulwark is) but rational voices stopped that...for now. Thus, here come the attacks.
With Max Boot, again, follow the money.
He writes as he is directed.
Its an open opportunity for a real investigative journalist, a proper muck-raker, to follow all this money.
Someone like O'Keefe of Project Veritas, or Judicial Watch.
White people keep casting black magic spells, especially on blacks.
What to do with these witches?
Commentary has become nearly unreadable, boot is in the same vein.
That WaPo article of Boot's is bizarre, starting from the very first lines - in his alternate reality, the only problem of racial violence in South Africa comes from entitled whites abusing noble forbearing blacks, all of whom have abjured any policies of revenge.
OK, Max.
But at least we now know what a "white supremacist" is: any white who disagrees with the likes of Max Boot about the existence or extent of racism against whites.
Drago: Max Boot is simply one of many fake LLR grifters who was always a leftist at heart but found a viable economic niche for a long while as a self-described "principled conservative"...
Seems to be what Trot-at-heart termites like Boot went in for after they'd succeeded in making "neo-con" too smelly to hide behind anymore.
Is this the real Max Boot? Quote: “If only we could keep the hard-working Latin American newcomers and deport the contemptible Republican cowards — that would truly enhance America’s greatness.”
But I can't read the column from which that quote came to see if it reads differently in context since I don't have a subscription to the Washington Post and I don't want one as I don't want to support them in way.
I read somewhere - perhaps on the internets - that certain content blockers can remedy that.
Kinda like the old "You Might Be A Redneck" routine. IF you've ever said that "... discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minority groups... So telling whites not to be racists is an incitement to race hatred? You might be a racist.
Whites who claim victim status deserve the Boot who is one of the few conservatives left who still have principles.
National Review: Boot denounces white-grievance politics (a politics well worth denouncing) while simultaneously granting other grievance groups a blank check to raid the expansive store of imputed guilt and collective punishment.
This. The main schism isn't white/non-whites or "racists"/"anti-racists," it's people who insist on one standard v. people who insist on a race-based sliding scale.
Whites who claim victim status deserve the Boot who is one of the few conservatives left who still have principles.
And those principles are... what?
Whites should be punished with racial quotas and their kids should be used as pawns in school busing?
White wealth should be expropriated and given to blacks?
National Reviews criticism of me reflect my nasty view of all Trump Supporters, as if National Review represents Trump supporters.
Drago said...
LLR Chuck has long argued here that ALL Trump supporters are literal modern day racist John Birchers while he defends every democrat and democrat policy position.
What a lie. What a blindingly mendacious lie.
I've never written such a thing. Just yesterday, in the context of arguing about the Charlottesville Hoax Hoax, I specifically said that I was unconcerned and unconvinced about any "racism" with Trump. I wrote that I didn't know if Trump was a racist. The problem with Trump, I said, was that he is a lying idiot.
You miserable fucking asshole, Drago. Lying about me and mischaracterizing me in this way. I hadn't even posted a comment here on this page before now and there you were, attacking me by name and distracting the conversation away from Althouse's main post.
I don't know if you are a racist, Drago. I don't know and I don't care. I know that you are stupid, and that you are a liar. That's enough. Right on this page, it is enough.
Yesterday was also the day that I ridiculed both Biden and Trump as equivalent gaffe machines as well. (As regards your relentlessly moronic claim that I am a big defender of Democrats. There aren't any Democrats whom I like. I can't remember the last time I ever voted for a Democrat. Talk to Althouse about voting for Democrats.)
Booty Boy must be feeling pretty lonely now that Republicans hate him for being a white guilt whiner and Democrats still hate him for supporting Middle East endless war.
The John Birchers were extreme and conspiratorialist anti-communists.
They saw reds under every bed, and were rather crude about it.
As it happened, as it has subsequently been revealed, the JBS was in the main quite correct. Indeed, even Buckley knew this, his main objection to them was rhetorical, not factual.
In a war of tribes there are no in-betweens, no half-ways, no moderates.
Because such wars are always zero-sum.
I like how the Trump defectors get the most viscous treatment from the in crowd. It must really chap their cheeks when someone flees the safety of Mommy's skirt. Does the name Pavlov strike a chord?
Being attacked by National Review is like being mauled by a sheep.
LLR and Noted Liar LLR Chuck: "What a lie. What a blindingly mendacious lie."
You are the liar.
You have repeatedly brought this up out of the blue in multiple Althouse threads as well as linking repeatedly to little Maxie Boot and the Lawfareblog hack leftists at the heart of the Russian collusion/obstruction hoax conspiracy as well repeatedly linking to the lefty-billionaire funded hack crew at The Bulwark.
But now you have a problem, don't you?
After having done all that for years you now have little Maxie being activated against National Review and you are in tough rhetorical spot.
I fully expect you to increase your mendacious volume to cover for your mendacious mendaciousness in the hopes that no one notices.
Not that you, like Bootie, had any shred of credibility remaining.
Spoiler: You don't.
Boot needs to be replaced at WaPo and CNN by a minority.
National Review: Sometimes he rails against white people as such; his claims range from the tautological (“White people can be pretty clueless”) to the plainly calumnious (“ . . . the sense of outrage that white people feel when they fear losing their privileged position to people of color”).
Clueless white people. White privilege. These terms are more at home on Twitter, or its dumber cousin, universities.
Littlegreenfootballs 2.0
In tribal wars there are no principles, merely identity.
You want a safe intraspecific conflict between rival elites, of a system that identifies with its rivals, for a principled fight.
Such as 18th century Europe for instance.
But that’s not what you have, because your identity-creation systems have made intraspecific conflict moot.
Max openly indulges in the double standard where he can hurl insults and grave charges about other people's motives and character, but him receiving the same treatment is unconscionable. His hubris and narcissism are so thick they're an almost palpable miasma surrounding him. Go justify an incompetently prosecuted war that did great damage to the United States again Max.
We should stop dividing people into races on the census.
Do you know how many white people there are in the world? I googled it.
Nobody knows. Nobody has any idea.
White people in...
North America 279 million
South America 173 million
Australia 23 million
Africa 4 million
Europe N/D (no data)
Asia no data
Interesting, yes? Except for the UK, Europe doesn't have any demographic data on white people. Neither does Asia. And Mexico is either 9% white or 47% white.
The term, "white people," is very recent in human history. It made an appearance in the 17th century. That's rather shocking. If race is so important to the human race, why were there no words to describe it in ancient Greece or Rome? Why does the Bible say nothing about race?
Racism is kind of like Marxism. Very, very new, in the big scheme of things.
And since racism, like Marxism, has inflicted a lot of pain and suffering in the world, one wonders why we still want to play this game.
Racial division on the census is a bad thing. It's largely unhelpful information, and in many ways it's used for awful things.
Think of the racial gerrymander, for instance. If we stop dividing people into races with the census, the racial gerrymander becomes impossible. And litigation based on racial statistics becomes next-to-impossible.
Race-based political organization becomes much more difficult.
And the best part of attacking racial division on the census?
The people who love racial division are forced to defend their practice. They have to tell us why they like race so much, and why it's so important to divide people into races.
If you want to see the future look to your schools.
I am a broken record on this, but it beats repeating, with catonian frequency.
What good it will do I have no idea.
They are, among other things, busy creating tribes there, and teaching grievance and hatred to little children who brought nothing of the sort with them.
It is a shocking evil that they do.
I like how the Trump defectors get the most viscous treatment-
The GOP had a pact. We support whoever wins the primary, for party unity. And we keep our criticism private. My crowd kept their word - we held our noses and supported RINOs like Romney and frauds like the "Maverick Moderate" John McCain. But when it was OUR turn to elect the nominee we felt truly supported our interests, people like Max Boot and his fellow Never Trumper Cucks bolted the party. Some of them even advocated voting for Hillary to "teach" us a lesson.
"When we defeat an enemy, we tend to their wounded and treat captives humanely. But traitors? Traitors we hang." - 9:16, The Book of Fen
Max Boot is a joke and the people defending Max Boot are, themselves, jokes. His characterization of the original article is stupid and the fact that his subsequent doubling down has been championed by the Media (another WashPo hit, a prime slot on Anderson Cooper's show without rebuttal) should tell you he's so firmly in the "useful idiot" category he can be dismissed as just another Leftist.
I've been attacking writers for NR, and NRO, for the last 3 years or so and I have no problem discussing their myriad shortcomings, but Boot's self-discrediting approach misses the mark so widely even I can't enjoy NR getting a taste of their own medicine (reckless charges of racism and/or alt-righthood tossed at people they disagree with).
Blogger roesch/voltaire said...Whites who claim victim status deserve the Boot who is one of the few conservatives left who still have principles.
Very few, if any see themselves as victims. However, they do see the tribalism on display with identity politics and know what tribe stands up for them.
I didn't know Max Boot had moved on the race-baiting beat. His schtick used to cheerleading for unwinnable land wars in Asia.
They are, among other things, busy creating tribes there, and teaching grievance and hatred to little children who brought nothing of the sort with them.
My children's school district brought in a "diversity consultant" who told teachers that the phrase "America is a melting pot" is offensive. There are 40 different dialects spoken in this school district. The kids could really use that unifying message. Yeah, this is kind of evil.
And this is not a liberal area. It's pretty traditional.
If you disagree with Boot you're either a, depending on the issue: Russian agent working for Putin, a boot licking apologist for Trump, a white supremacist, or in some casese all of the above.
No one best typifies the reckless hysteria of the anti-Trump crowd more than Boot. He has no understanding of history, no depth, no weight to his arguments. He's an embarrassment.
Fen: "My crowd kept their word - we held our noses and supported RINOs like Romney and frauds like the "Maverick Moderate" John McCain."
And now we know McCain and his staff were knee deep into the Russian Collusion setup.
As was one LLR Chuck-approved Bill Kristol with all his little meetings with Glenn Simpson.
Automatic_Wing: "I didn't know Max Boot had moved on the race-baiting beat."
Bootie is just doing for race what LLR Chuck has attempted here for years in terms of linking Trump to anti-semitism.
Steve M. Galbraith: "If you disagree with Boot you're either a, depending on the issue: Russian agent working for Putin, a boot licking apologist for Trump, a white supremacist, or in some casese all of the above."
Its interesting to note that the left has taken this same tactic international and thus, suddenly, Boris Johnson is a tool of Putin AND a racist...in the leadup to Oct 31 and Brexit.
What a surprise.
Sohrab amari nuked boot and french from orbit in first things, i think they confused ends and means
"This is part of a rhetorical strategy also employed by Trump, who occasionally denounces white supremacists but more often promotes racism."
How does Trump "promote racism"?
Boot is a g**mn a**le. F**k him.
Never have so many words mattered so little to so many.
Before Trump came along the left said Boot was a neocon war criminal who needed to be tried in the Hague.
Now all of a sudden he's a principled conservative that must be listened to. All of that war crime stuff? Never mind.
Here you go:
If you disagree with Boot you're either a, depending on the issue: Russian agent working for Putin,
Boot, of course, was born in the Soviet Union. Sort of like Angela Merkel. When the chips are down, the Soviet comes out.
Phew. I'm glad these media personalities are moving towards unity instead of divisiveness.
Oh, wait...
Well michael i was born elsewhere, but i dont reproach my adopted country with the lefts own nostrums, something my paisan acosta also misses.
“But I can't read the column from which that quote came to see if it reads differently in context since I don't have a subscription to the Washington Post and I don't want one as I don't want to support them in way.”
I read somewhere — perhaps on the internets — that certain content blockers can remedy that.
Specifically, go to the site from a “private” browser window (e.g., from Safari on an iPhone), and there is no paywall at Wapo.
The regnant dogma is that all white people benefit from racism. And therefore all white people are racist, even if unconsciously so. And (of course) any denial that one is racist can only taken as evidence that one is very racist indeed.
That this might produce some unpleasant blowback would seem obvious, at least to anyone who is not fully 'woke.'
At best, as with those mandatory diversity training meetings, thoughts remain free even when public behaviors are coerced. And thus the effects may be contrary to what's intended.
Whereas at worst at least some will figure that since they're going to be considered 'racist' anyway, why not just be (overtly) racist?
It's revealing as well that Boot cites one writer from the NR and smears the entire publication - all of its writers - as either "white supremacists" or defenders of "white supremacists."
This is really indicative of how he views things. He's a Paul Krugman type. If you have a disagreement with him then it must not be a legitimate difference of opinion: your motives must be attacked.
The lansdale bio was good, he didnt avail himself of some of the primary research moyar did, but different strokes, i dont dismiss applebaums scholarly work either, just her excathedra one.
What Max Boot was doing with Fredo Cuomo yesterday would make Titus blush.
Max isn't a race traitor. He only hates 55% of whites.
Every American who kneels should be asked -
"What would you do if you were in Hong Kong now?"
This, from the review in "First Things" best summarizes Boot's worldview:
"Max Boot is among those who see conservatism as an adjunct to liberalism. He takes it as self-evident that his style of conservatism is the only kind with moral legitimacy; everything else is Continental “chauvinism,” “blood-and-soil” thuggery, or odious Trumpism."
Any disagreement with him from anywhere on the right is illegitimate. That criticism - and that critic - is characterized not as having a legitimate substantive disagreement; no, it's evidence that the critic is an agent of Putin or a nativist xenophobe or corrupt in some other way.
Michael lind had this big heretical moment back in the 90s where he repeated all of gore vidals old tropes against evangelicals and israel, it did somewhat pass.
I like to show rather than tell, boots recent work is contradictory, inflammatory and illogical, what point is but to fisk.
The Democrats and the left have for the last 50 years have promoted racial divides, tribalism, then they are shocked that whites vote tribal. Minorities are enlightened voting for their tribal self interest, but whites are racist in doing so.
Read Trump's prepared speeches, there is nothing racist or white supremacist about them. Believing Trump is racist is like believing in Santa Claus.
Howard: "I like how the Trump defectors get the most viscous treatment from the in crowd."
It is not possible to defect from something you were never a part of.
If you want vicious treatment examples, just follow anyone who has migrated from left to right in the political leanings.
Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell once commented that when he was a democrat the media loved him. He was invited onto shows and everyone listened with rapt attention and applauded his thinking.
Then, without changing his philosophy one bit, he became a republican and he said suddenly he was the dumbest buy alive and wasn't invited to appear anywhere anymore.
Max boot (what a fake name! Why didn't he call himself Max Power) is a FAKE CON. There's no reason to read a liberal who pretended to be Conservative before he "suddenly realized" under trump that he wanted the Liberal Democrats to win everything.
That even the NR cucks think he's a fraud tells you something.
another FAKE-CON, jennifer rubin, has been writing stuff that Matt Yglesis would be proud of for over 2 years. she's another one who "suddenly realized" she was a liberal democrat in 2016. She was saddened when the D's didn't win everything in 2018. Other examples: Bill Kristol, Burt Stephens, Bruce Bartlett, George Will, Jonah Godberg, Erick Erickson.
There is the tell, sometimes trump is more blunt than id like. But what is the ultimate goal, recycling the same old frankfurt school nostrums doesnt cut it.
rcocean: "another FAKE-CON, jennifer rubin, has been writing stuff that Matt Yglesis would be proud of for over 2 years."
No bigger lefty hacks than Yglesias and Vox.
Would it surprise anyone at all to know LLR Chuck has approvingly linked to both in the last year?
Spoiler: no.
I've never written such a thing. Just yesterday, in the context of arguing about the Charlottesville Hoax Hoax, I specifically said that I was unconcerned and unconvinced about any "racism" with Trump. I wrote that I didn't know if Trump was a racist. The problem with Trump, I said, was that he is a lying idiot.
Shorter Chuck: I never said Trump was a racist. I said he was lying when he said he wasn’t one.
Max Boot, like all liberals, is not against "racism" or "racial Supremacy" he's just against "WHITE AMERICAN" racism and "WHITE AMERICAN supremacy. Just like he's not against Israeli nationalism, just American nationalism.
Diversity breeds adversity. Don't indulge color judgments. Lose your Pro-Choice quasi-religion ("ethics").
Heres another:
Godwin's law has been amended to include allegations of diversity, including color supremacy, sexism, phobias, etc.
Last post. Y'know we Center-right types didn't get together and vote for George Will, Rubin, Boot, Erickson, and David Brooks to represent "Conservatives" on TV and in the Wapo/NYT. They were all hired by Liberals and then LABELED Conservative.
But they're FAKE CONS, and they always were. And that's also true of the current crop at NR, who're paid off by Google and some mysterious "Big Donors". David French and Kevin Williamson are FAKE CONS and I don't know any Center-Right people who think they are on OUR SIDE.
In both cases, NR chose the left over a conservative, in the traditional sense, approach to a controversy.
Most NR writers, like putative Republicans James Comey and Robert Mueller, is more interested in self preservation and self enrichment than principles. They know which side their bread is buttered on.
They are simply whores.
It looks like we are entering another LLR Chuck "Department of Black People" scenario where LLR Chuck refuses to admit what he wrote and then later, when all subterfuge options have dissipated, then rounds on his accusers to say that yes, yes he did it...but ONLY because of Trump!!
Whites are still much better off than blacks.
Which blacks? The Hutu or the Tutsi? The Swaziland leftist regime or the 80% who receive foreign aid? The Mandela factions or the black Africans that they lynched? The state of society is improved through revitalization, rehabilitation, and reconciliation.
Ah, this thread, just another opportunity for the daily bashing of the heretics.
FrankiM: "Ah, this thread, just another opportunity for the daily bashing of the heretics."
I'm sorry your hoax gang rape narratives all failed.
Better luck next time.
pssssst: I hear there might be another hoax dossier! And this one is supposed to be much much better-er.
When I say Boot is self-discrediting I mean both in the shitty arguments he presents and in his "thinking" over the last few years in general. He said not too long ago that he had never bothered to read or think deeply about the foundational documents of American conservatism but after Trump was elected he decided he should, and--wouldn't you know it!--he found that they were all horribly racist and that the Republican party (and much of conservatism more broadly) as a racist/sexist/homophobic enterprise, rotten from the start and white supremacist to the core.
Now this is a guy who has, as far as I can tell, made his living as a pundit and a public intellectual. For such a person to admit, proudly, to have been so badly ignorant in the very area he was being paid to discuss is an admission of fraud! Why would anyone take anything he says seriously, now?
Heretics like Boot are getting the special Trumpist “shunning” treatment.
“It’s now time to amend and update the Commandments for a new messianic cult of “Trumpianity.”
No. 1: Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Authors typically sign their own works, but this president autographed the Bible for Alabama tornado victims. Doubtless, it was the most time Trump ever spent with that book. Yet His flock failed to see the irony in Bibles signed by the least Christian person in the room, and some called Him a “spiritual savior.” (Fix this commandment by changing “me” to “The Donald.”)
No. 2: Thou shalt make no graven image. Normally, this conjures up the “golden calf” of Exodus. The new Messiah is often photographed seated on His golden throne in His Trump Tower of Babel in New York City. Is there a similar throne in his bathroom, from which He tweets the Wisdom of Solomon to the faithful each morning? (Delete this one.)
No. 3: Thou shalt not take the Lord’s name in vain. In my misspent Methodist and Baptist youth, none of my pastors could agree on exactly what this means. It’s the best sort of doctrine — as vague as the Trinity — a “mystery” no one really understands. (Redact “Lord” to “Donald” and encourage a wide range of interpretations.)
No. 4: Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy. This does not refer to churchgoing, in which the great man has never shown much interest, but rather to sinking putts on Sunday at His MiraLAX Golf Resort in Palm Beach. (Change “holy” to “hole-y” here.)
No. 5: Honor thy father and mother. Unlike the Virgin Mary, our new Lord’s mother is seldom mentioned, and The Donald has always grossly disrespected women. However, Fred Trump’s wealth enabled his son to behave as if being born on third base is the same as hitting a triple. Without His father’s millions, it’s unlikely anyone would ever have heard of Him, so He should be very grateful. (Remove the words “and mother.”)
No. 6: Thou shalt not kill. Members of the Religious Right love guns and the death penalty, and have never met a war they didn’t like. On the other hand, they’re rapturous about the lives of the unborn, although less so once the infant is delivered and becomes old enough to need medical care or to be put in a cage. (Replace “kill” with “abort.”)
No. 7: Thou shalt not commit adultery. A Messiah cheating on his wife with porn stars makes this awkward, but evangelicals would rejoice if they could substitute their favorite missing sin into the original Commandments. (Swap “adultery” for “homosexuality.”)
No. 8: Thou shalt not steal. The new Savior is an NYC real estate developer and committed politician, so this simply won’t work at all. (Eliminate this Commandment.)
No. 9: Thou shalt not bear false witness. With more than 10,000 documented lies in just two years, this rule is the Dear Leader’s least favorite. He slandered Obama (for being Kenyan) and Ted Cruz’s father (for being involved in JFK’s assassination), both without evidence. He also smears our neighbors — Mexican ancestry makes jurists unfit judges, and most are “rapists, criminals and drug dealers.” (Remove the word “not.”)
No. 10: Thou shalt not covet. Following this mandate would be the end of capitalism, which is based on coveting. Ayn Rand, who helped inspire the Reagan Era’s creed of “greed is good,” would turn over in her grave over such altruistic tripe. (Remove “not.”)
Hi Ooola
HD: "or such a person to admit, proudly, to have been so badly ignorant in the very area he was being paid to discuss is an admission of fraud! Why would anyone take anything he says seriously, now?"
A very valid question to ask those on these pages who felt compelled to link to Boot and use him as a foundation for expressing their own beliefs.
I wonder if it would be possible to have one of these unthinking automatons provide an explanation for why they think Boot was worth linking to.
I wonder who we could ask....
They know which side their bread is buttered on.
They are a bit like "rice Christians" in China. The presidency was Republican and opportunities for federal rice bowls were easier if you said you were Republican from 1980 until 2008. That's a career,.
Trump's election broke Max Boot and he's never recovered. It's sad to watch. There's no reason to debate him as he is simply not someone who can be debated. He has decided his cause is righteous so therefore he can do no wrong. Anyone who opposes him is acting in bad faith to the point of evil. It's disturbing that someone who seemed reasonable at one point has become a fanatic, and not only that but a fanatic for causes he would have opposed five years ago.
“I wonder if it would be possible to have one of these unthinking automatons provide an explanation for why they think Boot was worth linking to.
I wonder who we could ask....”
Althouse? She linked to Boot right here in this blogpost.
“From "National Review’s ugly attack on me reflects the Trumpification of conservatism" by Max Boot (in WaPo).
posted by Ann Althouse at 7:04 AM on Aug 14, 2019”
I think Inga must have been at that golf tournament with Stormy. How else would she know if the blackmail was based on truth ?
Inga: "Althouse? She linked to Boot right here in this blogpost."
By way of exposing him.
Are you sure you want to keep commenting using your own thoughts? Wouldn't you be more comfortable just cutting and pasting?
Now this is a guy who has, as far as I can tell, made his living as a pundit and a public intellectual. For such a person to admit, proudly, to have been so badly ignorant in the very area he was being paid to discuss is an admission of fraud! Why would anyone take anything he says seriously, now?
Yes, it's not just his "Any disagreement with me is from a corrupt person and is therefore illegitimate" worldview; it's his near complete lack of substance, of any depth, of any greater understanding of history and of the ideas he is discussing. He essentially admitted this ignorance of the ideas he embraced.
And it's interesting that when he is reminded that the left was calling him a "necon war criminal" just a few years ago he laughs it off.
As to other objections:
Its rather awkward isnt it:
“By way of exposing him.”
Are you sure?
". It's disturbing that someone who seemed reasonable at one point "
Time to go (re)read The Savage Wars Of Peace from our current perspective and see how many tells were missed the first time around.
FrankiM: "Are you sure?"
Any discussion which includes Max Boot calling Fredo Cuomo "one of America’s most respected journalists" by definition exposes little Maxie!
Boot left the tribe when he said this:This is the Trump party. They’ve basically made a Faustian bargain, where they say, “Give us judges and tax cuts and we’ll look the other way, at your racism, your xenophobia, your insanity, your attacks on our allies.” They’ve basically sold out for the judges and for the tax cuts. And for me it’s an appalling bargain.
roesch/voltaire: "Boot left the tribe when he said this:This is the Trump party."
He was never a part of "the tribe", by his own admission.
I guess you missed this upthread from HoodlumDoodlum: "When I say Boot is self-discrediting I mean both in the shitty arguments he presents and in his "thinking" over the last few years in general. He said not too long ago that he had never bothered to read or think deeply about the foundational documents of American conservatism but after Trump was elected he decided he should, and--wouldn't you know it!--he found that they were all horribly racist and that the Republican party (and much of conservatism more broadly) as a racist/sexist/homophobic enterprise, rotten from the start and white supremacist to the core."
r/v, perhaps reading a bit slower would help you understand better what is being discussed.
Wait, "Max Boot" isn't satire from The Onion or The Babylon Bee?
buwaya said...
"In tribal wars there are no principles, merely identity."
And Max Boot is a race traitor.
White supremacists have always been rare and wacky. That didn’t change with Trump. It is fair bet that anyone published by WaPo who says or implies otherwise is indeed “fanning the flames of racial hatred.” It is also fair to assume that if confronted like Boot was, they will double down.
Divisive is what the leftmediaswine do with their political coverage and commentary - that, and little else.
Earnest Prole: "Wait, "Max Boot" isn't satire from The Onion or The Babylon Bee?"
According to "deep thinker" R/V, Boot was a deeply conservative intellectual and respected member of the conservative movement.......
Not THAT'S satire!
“ ... as, essentially, a traitor to the white race.”
“Essentially” is the signal that a straw man and lefty bullshit will follow.
Drago, when you ask these readers if it would surprise them to know that I have been linking to columns by Jennifer Rubin, et al, that’s an odd phrasing.
Because I haven’t linked to Jennifer Rubin. So they should be surprised.
You could have made yourself clearer if you had accused me straight-up. But that would have been flatly false. And you couldn’t quote me or link to anything. Although that failing does not seem to have stopped you in the past.
Anyway; once again you’re wrong.
Your intellectual class created the destructive madness of tribalism, and they are busy locking it down permanently, for all time.
At this point there is no way out of this, you are shattered, done.
There is no other politics left.
Democratics, including Max Boot and Chuck: All of our voting blocs should think of themselves as voting blocs.
Conservatives with less melanin: Ok.
*steam from Democratics' ears*
Democratics, including Max Boot and Chuck: That's racist!
White supremacists are evil, white nationalism is evil and both are disgusting, bankrupt ideologies.
But other than a small group of cranks and oddballs - some of whom are dangerous - it's not a significant movement in any way. Yes, we need to watch them but let's keep things in perspective, please.
I think Boot knows this but doesn't care because he's obsessed with all thing Trump. And defeating Trump, for this group of never Trumpers, means using anything and everything you can use.
White supremacists account for, what? 5,000 people? Who counted them?
It's a lie that people with those views have any sizable numbers. More people believe in Nessie. And Bigfoot. And Bigfoot riding Nessie. Hell, more people probably believe Chuck is conservative.
LLR and Noted Liar Chuck: "Drago, when you ask these readers if it would surprise them to know that I have been linking to columns by Jennifer Rubin, et al, that’s an odd phrasing."
What an interesting little deflection lie that is!
I didn't say you had linked to Jennifer Rubin, another commenter did.
I said you had linked to Yglesias and Vox, which you have.
After exposing your earlier lies in quite dramatic fashion I am not surprised you felt you had to offer up this ploy.
Spoiler: It didn't work.
From the above exchange:
rcocean: "another FAKE-CON, jennifer rubin, has been writing stuff that Matt Yglesis would be proud of for over 2 years."
Drago: "No bigger lefty hacks than Yglesias and Vox.
Would it surprise anyone at all to know LLR Chuck has approvingly linked to both in the last year?
Spoiler: no."
8/14/19, 9:37 AM
Once again LLR and Noted Liar Chuck, you are wrong.....and remain a liar.
Still waiting on LLR and Noted Liar Chuck to admit he called Trump a racist as well as someone who didn't want blacks living in his building.
Not that we need LLR and Noted Liar Chuck to admit what his own quote betrays, but it would be interesting to see it happen.
LLR and Noted Liar Chuck is NOT having a great day...and neither are his democrat allies.
Re: CJinPA:
It's pretty clear that 21st century American politics is going to be a contest of who can more successfully pin these labels on their opponents, above all other issues. This has been something the Right has been very slow to learn. Once they start fully competing, perhaps by noting that the Left now completely mocks the notion of a color-blind society, or that the Left openly rejects the term "America is a melting pot," they might make some strides.
On the contrary, I think what we're going to see in the 21st century is Republicans learning from Trump's example, and baiting Progressives and the more cowardly sort of Liberal into declaring more and more commonplace, unobjectionable customs and opinions to be "racist," until it's obvious that the term "racism" has no meaning anymore.
I think the shift to terms like "White Nationalism" or "White Supremacy" has in part been driven by the belated realisation that (1) the epithet "racist" has been overused to the point that it just doesn't have the bite that it used to, and (2) the average person is increasingly aware that there are a lot of minorities who are vastly more racist -- exaggeratedly so -- than the average White person who is the target for this kind of talk. You can only get so far pushing back by claiming that minorities can't be racist, because that's obviously, laughably untrue. But you can claim that minorities aren't "White Nationalist" or "White Supremacist," because you've deliberately narrowed the parameters of the debate from racism to Whiteness.
"This is part of a rhetorical strategy also employed by Trump, who occasionally denounces white supremacists but more often promotes racism while insisting his critics are the real racists."
Not a fan of the President, but ... I ain't seen that, in his actual text.
People's Very Special Glosses of it, yes.
But not the text itself.
(I mean, I've seen the actual denunciation of white supremacists, yes.
But not "promoting racism".
Which is a convenient construction - not "being racist", but "promoting racism".
What kind, to whom, how? Anything the speaker doesn't like?)
Whats going on in your schools is like a crack propagating through a pressure vessel.
You have to closely inspect the thing to see it, but it is there.
Its surprising how few bother to look.
The tank may look like it is sound, but it isn't.
Boot is only one of many...eventually. Only the true believers, such as those we see here in these threads will remain.
It's too soon to say when Donald Trump's presidency will end, but it's not too soon to say how it will end. It will end in disgrace. And when it does, Trump's defenders will turn on him.
Trump's cult of personality is a cult of power-worshippers. "It is the place and power we bow to, not the man," William Hazlitt wrote in his 1823 essay "On the Spirit of Monarchy." When Trump is deprived of his place and power, people will stop bowing to him.
The people who are loyal to Trump are loyal not because they like him as a person but because they have something to gain from him. In an interview with The New York Times, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) admitted that he embraced Trump "to try to be relevant." So far, his plan has worked superbly — Graham has a recurring slot on Hannity. Once Trump is gone, however, Graham will no longer need the man he once dismissed as "the world's biggest jackass." He will find someone else to latch onto, and he will forget about Trump just as he forgot about John McCain.
Trump's post-presidency will be sadder and more pathetic than his presidency. His presidential library will be neither presidential nor a library. His memoir, if someone writes one for him, will be dreadful — ghostwritten, poorly written, replete with falsehoods and errors, and bereft of insights and useful information. His presidential papers will contain such statements as "Horseface"; "trade wars are good, and easy to win"; "a very stable genius"; and "your favorite President, me!" No mainstream public figure will want to be associated with his legacy.
One can imagine the tumblers in LLR Chuck's mind tumbling over and over and over again.
How to reestablish sufficient conservative street cred in order to more effectively attack republicans in 2019 and 2020 for Team Dem (a la Reid Hoffman and crews)?
Yet there is now so much evidence on the books that he has to obfuscate and overcome in order to do that..........
Quite the conundrum.
FrankiM: "Boot is only one of many...eventually"
You have been telling us all for years that its already happened!! Of course, given your russia collusion hoax record, does it surprise anyone you'd get this wrong as well?
Nobody knows what Max Boot knows!!
White people prating about white supremacy is indeed racist because it carries the implicit assumption that people of color are just supine victims, helpless before the cruelty of the Simon Legree's of Whitedom. Coincidentally, also the Democrat Party modus operandi since 1828.
Don't forget the change in slurs reveals an underlying problem for Democratics. Namely, black voters appear to be less hostile to Trump - and his policies - than are the TV "elites" who are searching for a moniker that will hurt Trump in 2020.
Watch videos of man-on-the-Street videos from inner cities. Black folks are on camera saying positive things about Trump. No request for anonymity. They're not worried about reprisals. Imagine how that change came to pass.
Self-interest always wins. Some call it greed.
Little old ladies in bad neighborhoods want law and order. They are vulnerable. They want opportunities. They are tired of displacement by now-preferred (by Democratic elites) illegal immigrants.
And, My Lord, Inga is laughably clumsy at trying to assume a new identity here.
When I imagine tumblers and Chuck, racist fopdoodle, I imagine an afternoon drink or three.
Birkel: "Little old ladies in bad neighborhoods want law and order. They are vulnerable."
Just today we hear of ANOTHER case of 2 illegal aliens raping an 11 year old over and over again.
Of course, none of FrankIngaM's or LLR Chuck's beloved MSMers will be showing video of that girl or her family crying.
Like all the other victims of FrankInga's "spark of divinity" illegal alien criminals, this little girl doesn't even exist in the lefty media landscape. She never existed at all.
The Cracker Emcee Refulgent,
To be fair to the entity that used to pretend to be Inga, it is really fucking stupid.
The Cracker Emcee Refulgent: "And, My Lord, Inga is laughably clumsy at trying to assume a new identity here."
She and LLR Chuck make a perfect pair.
"Inga" used to pretend to have a child for every occasion.
"Absolute Moral Authority" is a stupid debate tactic.
The Center-Right doesn't have the brains or the guts to label the Liberal/Left for what they are: Unpatriotic, Anti-American, and Anti-white.
So, they stay on the defensive, and lose. Which they like. Being "good losers" is their favorite state of mind. Of course, when they're taxes start going up to pay for "Free Everything" then will finally get upset. and it will be too late.
rcocean, for the benefit our early in day imbiber LLR Chuck, could you add "I'm Not Drago" to the bottom of your posts to help LLR Chuck distinguish between our comments.
He gets a little.....fuzzy...sometimes.
Nothing is more laughable then reading some Center-Right person saying "doesn't the left understand where this leads?! Civil War!" Nobody on the Liberal/Left is concerned about "Civil War" - they don't give a damn. They want power, and they want to win. Its only the Center-Right that frets and worries about "Where will this all lead?" and "What about the country?"
"This is part of a rhetorical strategy also employed by Trump, who occasionally denounces white supremacists but more often promotes racism while insisting his critics are the real racists."
This whole "racism" and "white supremacy" thing is a consequence of the past 50 years teaching blacks, and to some degree Hispanics, that they are inferior. What else does Affirmative Action mean?
Grade inflation and the proliferation of useless college majors like the "Studies" fields are more proof.
African and West Indian blacks have not been fed this diet in inferiority and, at least in medical students,. I have not seen it.
White leftists (There are no longer any liberals in the Democrat party) have doubled down with this propaganda that white is bad and should be "wiped out." The white leftists plan to be here to run things when the blacks fail and need help. Ditto for the illegals coming over the border.
People like R/V say what they think is the proper lie but they know better deep down.
It reminds me of the ending of "Lawrence of Arabia" when the Arabs take Damascus and discover they don't know how to run a modern city . That is the left's fantasy.
I'm not as pessimistic as buwaya. I think the kids are catching on to the lies they are being fed in the colleges.
That is one reason why college enrollment, especially at the leftist places like Oberlin, is dropping. Maybe second term Trump will propose a student loan solution involving large surrenders by colleges.
a rather sad pattern,
White supremacists account for, what? 5,000 people? Who counted them?
I think it's probably in the tens of thousands, perhaps upwards to 100,000 or so. We're a country of 320 million people; a small percent of idiots and morons can be up in the thousands.
But how you and I view "white supremacists" is not how Boot and his allies view it. For him simply disagreeing with his racial views and, for example, not believing that all white people are guilty of some crime - present or past - or that reparations is an impossible and unfair answer to the REAL past injustices is evidence of a "white supremacy" worldview.
There are real political disagreements as to how to address the wrongs done by the country. Viewing people as simply whites over here and blacks over there and brown people over there - that is, people as a "means" towards something and not as an end - is not how we're going to solve things. But to Mr. Boot that's somehow "white supremacist" thinking.
Americans are not, in principle, diversitists. Allegations of racism, sexism, color supremacy, etc. are a stereotypical insult to people who do not nurture character that indulges color judgments.
Galbraith: "Viewing people as simply whites over here and blacks over there and brown people over there - that is, people as a "means" towards something and not as an end - is not how we're going to solve things. But to Mr. Boot that's somehow "white supremacist" thinking."
Let's face it. Boot, like all the fake CON LLR's, doesn't share the same objectives as you. The ONLY problem they want to solve is how to give democrats complete permanent control of govt at all levels.
This is what George Will, Bill Kristol, Charlie Sykes, Rick Wilson, Max Boot et al are all about.
And nothing else.
Your estimate is pretty good. Thomas Wictor (before Twitter banned him, I think) sat down and calculated the actual number of white supremacists in America. Adding up the numbers for the different factions and splinter groups, he concluded that the total number of Nazis - swastika-wearing Jew-hating Hitler admirers - is around 500, the total number of Klansmen - pointy-hat-wearing racist cross-burners - is around 3,500. I believe he also pointed out that a fair percentage of both groups undoubtedly consists of undercover agents of federal, state, and local law enforcement. If that percentage is as high as 20%, the remaining 3,200 sincere Nazis and Klansmen would add up to one-thousandth of one percent of the population of the U.S., or one in every 100,000. It can't be much more than that. Are there other equally vile groups that can be accurately described as 'white supremacists'? If so, someone needs to name them.
Liberals have to get the blacks pissed off to keep them from voting for Trump. You can't have racial healing by making false charges of white supremacists. And where are these white supremacists?
Boot knows who is signing his checks these days.
Just to make the point though- he was calling those 55% racist for thinking that whites are increasingly being discriminated against. An honest intellectual would have tried to argue that they were misinformed, not racist, but Boot couldn't resist lobbing in the charge because he writes for WaPo now.
I've lost a lot of respect for 'conservative' pundits who suddenly decided Trump was so far off the reservation they'd vote for Hillary as the 'conservative' alternative.
Friggin' idiots. Guess it all depends on the desired narrative of those passing out the paychecks, right?
As a youngster reading the news, my general thoughts at the time were: (1) Time and Newsweek were the two biggest magazines, and getting the cover of either one was a very big deal and (2) National Review and the New Republic were the best two magazines for substantive stories.
This was, of course, all pre-internet.
Yes, I thought then and still think now that Buckley's NR was fantastic. However, post-Buckley (since 1997), NR has declined a lot.
Indeed, NR's "Against Trump" editorial in 2016 was so stupid and so foolish, because it actually helped Trump win the nomination (by splintering conservative votes among the other 9 GOP candidates).
The #neverTrumpers at NR such as French and Goldberg are clueless
However, Victor Davis Hanson and Andrew McCarthy have been excellent.
What is my point? Trump has confused a lotta people. They don't understand him, they dislike his tone, mannerisms and speaking style, they are vexed by his tweets.
However, if you put all that noise aside, and focus on his policy achievements in office as President (i.e., his public record), you see a guy doing a good job and mostly doing conservative things.
1. Good tax cuts
2. Great deregulation
3. Fantastic judges
4. Great effort (not always successful) at stemming illegal immigration
5. No new foreign wars in the Middle East
6. Great economy on his watch.
It's that simple.
So, it's easy see why the Dems hate him. They still can't get over the unexpected Hillary loss in 2016.
But, at this point, with this public record, if you are a conservative or a Republican, and you're still a #Nevertrumper, the problem isn't with Trump, it's with you.
FrankiM (9:59am):
"Thou shalt not covet. Following this mandate would be the end of capitalism, . . ."
This is obviously false, indeed the opposite of the truth: it would be the end of socialism. Try quoting the entire 10th commandment: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods" or (depending on which Bible you consult) "You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor". That clearly forbids the taking or destruction of your neighbor's property, whether directly by theft or vandalism or through government action (e.g. by voting in legislators who will confiscate your neighbor's guns or gas-guzzling cars or servants or second homes or bank accounts). It does not forbid working hard to produce a product or service that enough people will voluntarily pay you for that you make enough money to buy equivalents to whatever of your neighbor's goods you would like to own yourself.
I won't bother commenting on the anti-Trump commentary on the other nine commandments: falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.
"And where are these white supremacists?"
As I posted to a friend yesterday on Facebook...
"Attempting to codify any of this (trying to figure out why you're suddenly a 'White Supremacist) is Acting White and obviously the efforts of a White Supremacist. As well as any other reason we'll make the hell up later, up to and including using correct spelling, punctuation, showing up on time for work, bathing regularly, eating anything in a wrapper, using chairs, beds and other furniture, and having more than one change of clothes or two pair of shoes."
There's something extremely sick and self-defeating about what the Dems are doing with the WS accusations. If you call me something I know that I AM NOT, how willing am I going to be to 'help' you out with money or a vote later? Because there's no way you CANNOT prove you're not a racist/white supremacist/nationalist/whatever-f'kin'-ist they want to charge you with.
Boot is only one of many...eventually. Only the true believers, such as those we see here in these threads will remain.
Inga's talking points strongly suggest that Projection is what the intellectually bankrupt Left has to offer these days.
That and calling people White Supremacists and Cultists, like dumb 5th graders
I cannot remember a time when the Left was so intellectually and morally bankrupt.
Maybe it was always there and Trump fighting back has brought it to the fore.
indeed doc weevil is there something in the water in connetticut:
Cracker Emcee: And, My Lord, Inga is laughably clumsy at trying to assume a new identity here.
Birkel: To be fair to the entity that used to pretend to be Inga, it is really fucking stupid.
Is it? Inga's getting what she wants - attention. And all she had to do to get it is "sneak" back in under a comically transparent disguise, and continue posting the same brain-dead parrot chatter that always got her what she wanted in the past.
So, despite the fact that our hostess told her to piss off, and asked other commenters not to respond to her, she keeps on winning at the only game she's interested in playing. If she's really fucking stupid (and she is), what does that make the people who keep losing to her in her little game?
Boot is/was part of this tribe:He moved to The Wall Street Journal for the next eight years.[3] After writing an investigative column about legal issues called "Rule of Law" for four years, he was promoted to editor of the op-ed page.[10]
Blogger Francisco D said...
I cannot remember a time when the Left was so intellectually and morally bankrupt.
Maybe it was always there and Trump fighting back has brought it to the fore.
I've said for about 18 months that Trump hasn't driven them crazy, he's only exposed them for what they've always been.
I missed the comedy in the comments while dumb bitch appeared to be banned and LLR was earning liquor.
Things seem balanced again.
Drago needs his chew-toys.
they still want to fit us with the serf's collar,
Michael Gerson, who collaborated with prince talal, disdained the tea party, rubin had great agita, they've been recycling authoritarian personality, right out of the Frankfurt school manual
roesch/voltaire: "Boot is/was part of this tribe:He moved to The Wall Street Journal for the next eight years"
He was a participant. A "hanger on".
No amount of your spinning can alter Max Boots own admission about his complete ignorance of conservatism.
Max Boot was a republican in name only whuch is why it was so very very easy for Boot to swing to the far left without hesitation to chase the lefty dollars.
Max Boot is his generations David Gergen who admitted he had never even met a conservative until he left college.
it was a short trip,
Cooke: Max Boot's Dishonesty
Anyone who knows me would laugh at my helping to spread a defense of NR...but the truth is the truth!
Victimhood, it’s what’s on the menu for those eating at the Trump Cafe.
“Boot and Hirschauer have exchanged fire in dueling columns over the last few days, and when Boot appeared on CNN to talk about this, he explained that “there’s this victimhood complex which has taken root among many whites,” which Trump exploits among his supporters. Boot argued that white people need to break away from this mindset, which prompted Cooper to remark that “conservatives used to make fun of Democrats and liberals for a victimhood mentality.””
Inga is projecting again.
It is however encouraging that she seems to have abandoned posting her own thoughts which is a very prudent move.
When a Leftist Collectivist points to the Wall Street Journal...
Remember, it was the home of Glenn Simpson, founder and CEO of Fusion GPS.
The WSJ was the home of Democratics who are paid by Democratics' attorneys via the Hillary Clinton campaign.
IOW, the Leftist Collectivists are lying.
Up above, Drago partially quoted from my comment on April 27 at 6:40 am. Here is the complete comment (I was replying to commenter “Nobody”
Blogger Chuck said...
“Nobody said...
Yes, Chuck, if you start out believing that Trump is a Nazi white supremacist, despite his history, and squint exactly right, and wherever you can find any grammatical imprecision, you interpret it in your own way, then you can make a weak ass argument that Trump was praising white supremacists.”
Where exactly did I suggest that Trump is a Nazi white supremacist? Don't spend too much time on that, because I didn't. And neither did Robert Tracinski.
No; Trump's problem is that he is just the same sort of low-grade soft-racist fuckhead as is seen throughout the white outer boroughs of New York. They like black sports stars who play for the Jets or the Mets or the Nets, but don't particularly want them living in their buildings.
Which is why Trump will be seen palling around with Omarosa or Kanye, but is the same guy who was sued for racial discrimination in housing by the federal government in the 1970's (and settled), and who infamously said (about a black financial officer at one of his casinos before it failed) that he didn't want black guys counting his money but rather he wanted little guys wearing yarmulkes counting his money.
I don't think Trump is a Nazi, although his ex-wife did say that Trump was fascinated by a book of Hitler's speeches. No; I think Trump is just a very ordinary low-grade racist. Who, as a public speaker, is completely incompetent to articulate anything carefully about a complex event like the Charlottesville riot.
4/27/19, 6:45 AM Delete
I was arguing against any extremist/racial positions on Trump. But acknowledging the obvious and the indisputable.
I’m not on the Democrats’ side; I’m not on Trump’s side.
Here is the link to my 4/27/19 comment, and the other comments on that page, which are helpful to anyone’s understanding of the arguments. I stand by every word;
Re: Steven Galbraith:
But how you and I view "white supremacists" is not how Boot and his allies view it. For him simply disagreeing with his racial views and, for example, not believing that all white people are guilty of some crime - present or past - or that reparations is an impossible and unfair answer to the REAL past injustices is evidence of a "white supremacy" worldview.
Exactly -- we live in a world where, apparently, enjoying classical music is white supremacy. Where (only half jokingly) people are promoting the idea that owning a white dog is reflective of white supremacy.
LLR and Noted Liar Chuck: "I was arguing against any extremist/racial positions on Trump."
You claimed you had never called Trump a racist.
You lied. You had.
You claimed you had never asserted Trump didnt want to live in the same building as blacks.
You lied. You had.
Its irrefutable Mr "Dept of Black People" guy.
Cooke via Insty: Before yesterday, my primary criticism of the Washington Post’s Max Boot was political in nature. As I wrote in a recent book review, I found it regrettable that Boot’s opposition to the president had not prevented him from “succumbing reactively to Trump’s cult of personality, or from making Trump the origin of every graph onto which he plots himself.”
Remember how SheWhoShant BeNamed was always accusing everyone here of being part of a Trump cult? Well, it occurs to me that she was partially right - there is a Trump Cult, but it consists of people willing to beclown themselves in their Ahab-pursuit to spear the Great Orange Whale.
It's the era of the Great Unmasking. Some "conservatives" revealed they were Cuck Traitors all along, now awkwardly searching for someone to surrender to. While the Left revealed they are batshit crazy, more coarse and with less class than Donald Trump.
What an unbelievable 8 years to be alive. Thank you, Mr President.
How the "White Replacement" Conspiracy Theory Spread Around the Globe
LLR Chuck stands by every word that he claims he never wrote.
Re: Chuck:
I don't think Trump is a Nazi, although his ex-wife did say that Trump was fascinated by a book of Hitler's speeches. No; I think Trump is just a very ordinary low-grade racist.
I think he's someone who is a "racist" in the sense that he thinks there are differences between the races -- that, for example, blacks tend to be good at sports, and that Jews tend to be smart. He's old, so his stereotypes may be even more fine-grained, e.g. that the English are phlegmatic and the Italians are exciteable and the Germans are punctilious and the Scottish are stingy and the Irish are habitually drunk. I don't think that translates into animus. It's just a stereotypical way of looking at the world. But it's also a stereotypical way of looking at the world that is practically universal among upper middle class people in places like New York City or California. Well, re: the Blacks and the Jews, at least, not all the rest. One would also have to add in the common stereotypes that Latinos are poor but hard-working, and Asians are grinds who are good at math and bad at writing -- I haven't seen statements from Trump reflecting these views, but they are common among well-to-do American professionals, and so I kind of assume he shares them too. I suspect these prejudices are widespread among upper class people too, but I am not intimate with enough upper class Americans to say.
What's unusual about Trump is that he doesn't bury it behind layers of polite cant, the way most people do. He just says it. It's one of the things that makes him seem low-class, as though he never learned the smooth and condescending euphemisms that one is supposed to employ in public. But I think there's a mix of (1) he didn't learn them (because he's very old, and grew up in a time when that wasn't the fashion) and (2) he knows and doesn't care, and (3) he just likes to épater le bourgeois, to the delight of his fans.
Max Boot is his generations David Gergen who admitted he had never even met a conservative until he left college.
Yeah, no. In college Boot was the most famous conservative on campus:
He became a high school journalist with a contrarian bent who “reveled in dissenting,” and he describes teenage fanboy trips to hear William F. Buckley lecture and attend Ronald Reagan’s final campaign rally in 1984. (“How I loved that man!”) Boot went to college at UC Berkeley, where he gained notoriety as a columnist for the Daily Californian intent on “making a bonfire of Berkeley’s liberal pieties.” He quotes little of his early work in the book. His collegiate oeuvre, however, is available in the University Library and shows us the young writer hard at work as a self-styled “conservative troublemaker” equally strident on matters political and cultural. In a typical column from 1991 he opined that failure to rally around the flag and support the Gulf War “amounts, in my view, to treason.” In another he wrote of his college town: “Berkeley is a sick, stupid city populated by shallow, insincere people” teeming with “discontented gluttons” and “fat, indolent hypocrites.”
His relatively conservative column became a source of controversy in the more liberal Berkeley community — a community member once threw a brick through a window of the Daily Cal office with a discourteous note attached because Boot’s column had upset them. Another time, Boot received a bullet in the mail with his name on it.
Anybody who knows anything - literally anything at all - about National Review, Charles Cooke, or Dan McLaughlin knows that attempting to tar those two writers in particular as racists or Trumpists is beyond laughable.
FrankIngaM believes linking to another leftist writing about the hoax white supremacy narrative (which replaced the hoax collusion lies) will be enough to put the hoax "over the top".
Its adorable!
Why isnt there a hoax white supremacy dossier?!!
For him simply disagreeing with his racial views and, for example, not believing that all white people are guilty of some crime - present or past
This is just more projection. Why are "People of Color" trying to get into this hateful land of white supremacy ? They have been convinced by the left that they cannot run their own countries and societies.
Look at Democrat run cities, white or black. The best run country in Africa was South Africa. What is happening there now ?
It might be a bit Anglophile to say that countries founded and run by AngloSaxons are the successful societies but immigrants for the 200 years agreed to follow that pattern. The political left has now convinced half the population to discard the rules they lived by.
Ironically, England, the source of those rules, has been busy discarding their own system.
"Great Orange Whale" is the best appellation for Trump yet. What he actually is, is irrelevant: all that matters is what he represents in the broken minds of the scarred, crippled monomaniacs hunting him, and the damage they're willing to do to themselves, their ship, and everyone on it.
Re: Drago:
Why isnt there a hoax white supremacy dossier?!!
Why hasn't a vocal impersonator put together a DeepFake of Trump employing the awesome, eldritch, mystical power of the N-word?!!
I mean, you know it's going to happen sooner or later. They'll manufacture the fabled pee tape too.
The white replacement theory is actually made up of two sub-conspiracies: “the great replacement” theory, which originated in France, and “the white genocide theory”, which comes from the US. Together, the theories are among the most widespread ideologies in far-right spaces, and the primary catalysts of far-right mass violence.
The great replacement can generally be understood as two core beliefs. The first is that “western” identity is under siege by massive waves of immigration from non-European/non-white countries, resulting in a replacement of white European individuals via demographics. The second is that replacement has been orchestrated by a shadowy group as part of their grand plan to rule the world – which they will do by creating a completely racially homogenous society. This group is often overtly identified as being Jews, but sometimes the antisemitism is more implicit.
The white supremacist Renard Camus introduced the term in his book De l’Innocence, warning of the replacement of white Europeans by peoples coming from the Middle East and North Africa. This is the text that influences much of the white supremacist discourse that we see today, and fuels the growing “identitarian” movement around the world. Identitarians advocate for an ethnically and racially heterogeneous world; they believe that racial mixing (ie sex and reproduction between people of different races) weakens the fabric of our society and is an imminent threat to the stability of majority-white, western nations – as well as the world.
Of all the positives Trump's brought to the table, exposing 'conservative' traitors like Max Boot may have the most long-term impact.
Never again will we allow these people to have a voice in the conservative movement.
Trump taking up residence rent-free in the head of yet another pointy-headed elitist (i.e., see yesterday's Althouse diatribe about Cuomo's 'Fredo' fracas being 'just like Trump'...)
Game of Thrones only the wannabe kings are races of people. Conventional wisdom went from aspiring (correctly, in my view) to not notice the race of any person to a situation where a great many people in power believe that every race but Caucasian should be noticed. Off with the heads of people who are Caucasian (looking) and/or think this is divisive and dangerous.
Balfegor: "Why hasn't a vocal impersonator put together a DeepFake of Trump employing the awesome, eldritch, mystical power of the N-word?!!"
Probably because FrankiM's and LLR Chuck's dem buddies know they can just lie and pretend its already happened.
Just look at how the dems are STILL running with the lie that African American dems were cursed at and spit at by republicans immediately after obambicare was passed.
Not having video or audio or witnesses or any evidence at all did not stop FrankiM's and LLR Chuck's dem allies from spreading pee tape lies for 3 years.
And they still are...
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