"'Max Boot Fans the Flames of Racial Hatred' was the headline of an article by John Hirschauer. This was a response to a Post column I had written last week taking aim at the 55 percent of whites who in a 2018 poll said that discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minority groups.... In reply, Hirschauer labeled me one of 'the self-loathing whites' who has adopted 'the politics of self-hatred.' He accused me of 'speaking in … totalizing racial language' that 'is stoking the flames of race hatred.' So telling whites not to be racists is an incitement to race hatred? How Orwellian.... I have no idea what 'totalizing racial language' means; it’s the kind of cant that [National Review founder William F.] Buckley, a stickler for precise language, would have mocked. What I do know is that this article employed the language of 'race treason' against me. Yes, Hirschauer attacked white supremacists in passing but he also engaged in moral equivalency and implied that, by denouncing racism, I was driving whites into their arms. ('Boot sets up a Faustian choice for ‘white’ readers: Side with the white supremacists and their detestable program, or sell your political soul to Max Boot and become one of the self-loathing whites.') This is part of a rhetorical strategy also employed by Trump, who occasionally denounces white supremacists but more often promotes racism while insisting his critics are the real racists."
From "National Review’s ugly attack on me reflects the Trumpification of conservatism" by Max Boot (in WaPo).
२७६ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 276 पैकी 201 – 276Not commenting here is NO loss to me. - FrankiM
Public-facing theories about the Great Replacement, playing for popular respectability, usually eschew direct reference to white supremacy, favouring the altogether more slippery language of diversity, cultural preservation and of self-defence. Hence, the insistence among the “identitarian” right, that if BAME people can talk about defending the survival of their own cultures and races, then so can white people. The El Paso manifesto decried “shameless race mixers” for “destroy[ing] genetic diversity”.
These excuses are just as flimsy as they sound, collapsing into all-out racism under the weight of the slightest scrutiny. The soft-shuffle manoeuvre from race to culture is a routine canard of the far right to avoid accountability, and handwringing about “cultural preservation” is nothing but a dog whistle for those embarrassed to openly show their disgust for miscegenation. Moreover, the steady effects of demographic change and cultural mixing are only worrisome if you’re clinging to a rabid ideal of ethnocultural purity; a foundational doctrine of fascists everywhere. There is precisely zero evidence that “liberal elites” would be interested in the fatal dilution of whiteness, even if they did indeed have shadowy cabals of Jewish people to put their plans in motion. None of this really matters; the conspiracy is less about levelling a statistically robust world picture, and more about telegraphing a sense of global white victimhood around which to arrange a sense of political outrage. It’s about mobilising an age-old panic to build a case for extreme racial violence.
Max Boot needs a boot in his backside.
there you go, FrankiM. Giving Althouse the hotlinks she asked for.
Jim at:
"Not commenting here is NO loss to me. - FrankiM"
Technically, FrankIngaM ISN'T commenting here.
She is simply reposting the work of others.
The population replacement protocol includes normalization of dysfunctional orientations, planned parenthood/selective-child, immigration reform (e.g. anti-nativism, labor arbitrage, democratic gerrymandering), social justice adventures (e.g. witch hunts, warlock trials, elective wars, abortion zones without borders), [rabid] diversity, and cultural deprecation.
And when london turns out like in ben judahs portrait they say what exactly.
Oh aorry:
As familiar as you are with the titty twister, I am sure you remember his acknowledgement of being "on the spectrum".
Is it fair to continue taking advantage of such a person?
Fair or not, keep it up, it is hilarious.
I admit being envious of your ability to get him flailing in such a short time span.
"Yeah, no. In college Boot was the most famous conservative on campus:"
His problem was that he found it wasn't so easy making a living at it, after school.
A piper needs a patron, unless he has the star quality of a Limbaugh who could become his own patron.
And he who pays the piper calls the tune.
This is the general media problem, as manifested on the "right".
Even Buckley couldn't really afford to maintain a perpetual money sink like NR.
He too needed patrons.
Quelle aurprise:
Adelson is one of the few right leaning billionaires. I stayed in one of his hotels a few years ago. I think they are the only ones in Vegas not unionized. I asked a few employees how they liked working there. They loved it. Great bosses.
I actually looked at Inga's botched link,. No surprise to see a hard left source,
That story of Max Boot being a conservative rabble-rouser at UC Berkeley in 80s & 90s, sounds eerily similar to another conservative rabble-rouser at UCB during the same time -- David Brock.
And really, is there anything more amazing then the party of infanticide and the selling of baby parts lecturing others on morality?
The Mooch just went full Boot on twitter.
Berkeley is as left-wing wacko as you can get. It was a nest of Commies in the 30s, and never has changed. Just being Normal makes you "Conservative' there. That's why Boot and Brock, etc. could get a reputation as a bomb-throwing "Severe" conservative. David Frum pulled the same trick at Havard or Yale.
An easy way to become a FAKE CON is to spend your time taking pot-shots at the crazy left. Some people think you're conservative, when in fact you're just attacking socialism or some crazy SJW. Just because you attack AOC or don't like Warren's "free everything" - doesn't mean you're a Right winger.
If Trump had lost to Hillary, Boot, Goldberg, Kristol, etc. would've been attacking her trying to push National Health Insurance or for cutting the defense budget or supporting some crazy left-wing thing. But as we know, that doesn't make Goldberg or Kristol or Boot - one of us.
Ah Max, you are not a traitor to the white race. You're just a doofus.
Congratulations Max, you have unlocked the “reliably wrong 100% of the time” achievement!
Its always humorous how the Center-right and the Liberal/left are the ying and yang of each other. With the Left, deviate 1 mm from the 'party line' and they cast you as a heretic. Meanwhile, with the gullible Center-Right, you can call them racists, bigots, homophobes, AND support D's for President and they STILL won't criticize you or cast you out. Remember Charles Johnson, he LITERALLY had to go on TV and call everyone to the Right of Obama NAZI's and RACIST PIGS, before the Conservatives finally disavowed him. IT was pathetic!
You've heard of a cock fight. Well Cooke at NR and Boot are now having a Cuck fight. Boot has called NR "Racists" and "Immigration restrictions". My how that must burn! Calling people on the Center-right bigots and racists is NR and David French's job! Hilarious. I'm getting popcorn and enjoying the show. May the best cuck win.
daskol: "The Mooch just went full Boot on twitter."
He has to. He needs 2 things:
1) TV contracts
2) lefty/dem investors
Other turncoat Fake Cons:
Gary Wills
George Will
David Brock
David Frum
Conor friesendork.
One could add the whole Bush Family, but did anyone REALLY believe they were conservative?
Just because you attack AOC or don't like Warren's "free everything" - doesn't mean you're a Right winger.
Take it from someone who regularly read Boot’s stuff in the UC Berkeley Daily Californian back in the day: He was a generic collegiate right-winger except that he was a better writer than most.
Next you’re going to tell us Boot is no true Scotsman.
criticizing leftist excess doesn't make you a right-winger.
You'll have to do better than, "I can vouch for him back in the day". Like I said, you practically have to piss on WF Buckley's grave before the Right will give up the idea that someone was/is a conservative. Or that they were fooled.
One could add the whole Bush Family, but did anyone REALLY believe they were conservative?
It's interesting that Reagan was persuaded to tap Bush as his VP. He literally rescued the Bush dynasty from his failed political career, even though he would have easily beaten Carter without Bush.
But, some Reaganite advisers thought RR needed to shore up establishment support, and Bush was the establishment, so he got the VP nod, over a young Conservative heir, like, say, Congressman Jack Kemp. It seemed like a sensible move at the time.
After 3 Bush terms (1988-1992; 2000 - 2008), history may judge otherwise.
Drago I so hate to disappoint you and leave you feeling bad.
If it will make you feel better, I am willing to go with, "Donald Trump is a racist." I don't like it myself. It's too one-dimensional, with not nearly enough nuance. And I have no wish to share much of anything -- even my Trump hatred -- with the far left.
But if you really insist, I could go with, "Donald Trump is a racist."
I'd be with the majority of Americans (per Quinnipiac polling) if I did that.
It's interesting that Reagan was persuaded to tap Bush as his VP.
Remember that in 1976, Reagan was considered a wild man,. just like Trump in 2016.
Dole as majority leader lost the Senate for him by delaying the tax cut into 1982 and the old guard did not believe this Supply side stuff would ever work.
Gingrich called Dole the "Tax Collector for the welfare state." Of course, Dole was the good loser in 1996.
I accidentally read a Chuck comment. Chuck would be a big Dole supporter today.
Reagan would be far too radical for Chuck. and Max Boot too, of course,.
I just want to encourage the TrumpWorld boyz to keep chipping away at Republicans who no longer meet your standards.
I hope your lists get bigger and bigger.
I personally think that all Republicans should be on your little list.
Michael K said...
I accidentally read a Chuck comment. Chuck would be a big Dole supporter today.
Reagan would be far too radical for Chuck. and Max Boot too, of course,.
What a profoundly shit-eating comment, coming out of TrumpWorld.
Bob Dole won a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart. What did Cadet Bone Spurs get?
"It's interesting that Reagan was persuaded to tap Bush as his VP."
Ford was part of the gang that "persuaded" Reagan to pick Bush. IOW, they demanded Reagan pick Bush, or they'd stay home. IRC, the polls weren't good, so Reagan had little choice. Even with Bush as VP, some of the Republican Establishment broke away and Supported Anderson.
Anderson was a Never-Reagan type who later turned Democrat.
"Bob Dole won a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart. What did Cadet Bone Spurs get?"
Julius Rosenberg was a WW 2 vet. What did Robert Taft ever do? McGovern flew 25 missions over Germany while Nixon never went to sea. People say Herbert Hoover was a great man but where was in WW1? How many krauts did he kill? And Coolidge what a slacker.
I think we can agree that medals are the true measure of a Political Candidate. that's why we should nominate John Kerry in 2020!
LLR and Noted Liar Chuck: "Bob Dole won a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart. What did Cadet Bone Spurs get?"
Keep in mind, this comment was written by someone who actively defended, multiple times, the serial Stolen Valor lies told by hack dem senator Dick "Da Nang" Blumenthal over multiple years in multiple venues.
LLR and Noted Liar Chuck has now completed Stage 4 of his typical 4 Stages of comment walk backs.
The four LLR and Noted Liar Chuck comment walk back stages are as follows:
1) Deny writing the comment altogether (Check!)
2) Acknowledge writing "something" but not what was called out (Check!)
3) Acknowledge writing what was called out but claiming it was misconstrued (Check!)
4) When all else has failed and there is no more wiggle room, "own" the comment but begin deflecting onto something else (Check!)
BTW, LLR Chuck isn't addressing his obvious lie that he never wrote Trump doesn't want blacks living in his building.
I guess when you write as many lies as LLR Chuck in service to your dem allies, you can't possibly come up with excuses for all of them.
One must pick and choose.
Drago said...
LLR and Noted Liar Chuck: "Bob Dole won a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart. What did Cadet Bone Spurs get?"
Keep in mind, this comment was written by someone who actively defended, multiple times, the serial Stolen Valor lies told by hack dem senator Dick "Da Nang" Blumenthal over multiple years in multiple venues.
Nooope. Not true.
I defended Blumenthal exactly once. When Blumenthal -- rightly and truly -- told reporters that in a conversation he had with Justice Gorsuch before the Justice's confirmation hearing, that Gorsuch found it disheartening and demoralizing for Trump to personally attack federal judges.
Blumenthal was right. Trump tweeted that Blumenthal had misrepresented the conversation. Blumenthal hadn't misrepresented anything. In his live-televised confirmation hearing just a couple of weeks later, Gorsuch repeated that it was demoralizing and disheartening to hear anyone -- including the President -- to disparage federal judges personally.
Tom Cotton is the recipient of several combat awards and LLR Chuck could not wait to attack him in support of Dick Durbin (US troops are "gestapo") and Stolen Valor Dick Blumenthal.
Just so you know precisely who and what LLR Chuck is.
Where was Trump when Al Gore was facing down the VC with a pencil and an eraser? Where was Nixon and Humphrey when George Wallace was flying 20 missions over Japan? How could we have elected Ronnie "Spent the war in SoCal" Reagan when J.B. Anderson was fighting the Hun in Germany and France?
And Alf Landon and Wendall Wilkie were both wearing the uniform when Franklin "never left DC" Roosevelt was running for President.
LLR and Noted Liar LLR Chuck: "Nooope. Not true."
Totally true.
LLR Chuck actually asserted on these boards Stolen Valor Dick Blumenthal misspoke once about his service record, when in reality (and everyone knew this) Blumenthal had lied repeatedly over several years about his service.
Again, if LLR Chuck wasn't lying in support of the dems he would literally have nothing to say.
Its laughable when fucking liberals who are GLOBALISTS and anti-american use military service to attack Trump.
Its LOL.
as Julie Kelly notes, this phantom epidemic of 'white supremacy' has it's purpose, vidal employed against buckley at that debate in 68, farther back, they went after goldwater for not signing to what we realize was a much more transformative bill in 64, to bypass any objections to economic redistribution,
Drago - just keep asking your boyfriend to answer you. He'll get to you sooner or later.
Few crave war more than Max Boot. This was mistaken, by him and others, as being pro-military and thus [kind of] conservative. In reality he's a wannabe socialist who is eager for military conquest.
rcocean: "Its laughable when fucking liberals who are GLOBALISTS and anti-american use military service to attack Trump."
Do you remember when LLR Chuck felt so defensive about his own cowardly lack of service that he was compelled to write a War and Peace length treatise on Althouse explaining every nuance and detail about his complicated decision not to serve?
Now THAT ought to have been satire, but for LLR Chuck it was his AOC-like "reality".
nothing to see here:
Why the hell does anybody care what Pappy Bush did in his military service? Or JFK?
The only question we need consider regarding their respective political careers is did the public policy they pursued work? And if it worked, toward what end?
Both Bushes were failures. Obama was a failure. Dole, McCain, Kerry, Hillary, and Chuck wanted to be failures but failed in their pursuit of the chance to fail.
What a profoundly shit-eating comment, coming out of TrumpWorld.
Chuckles has sort of morphed into Inga, I mean FrankiM.
He will probably keep trolling so he can make a bet with BAG or some other sporting person. His failed law practice income apparently does not suffice to maintain his gin habit.
kamala harris, is already demagoguing the shooting, 'this is msbc'
he was a cair favorite in Cleveland and Miami,
What a profoundly shit-eating comment, coming out of TrumpWorld.
I knew it was a mistake to actually read a Chuck comment. I usually scroll by. I won't make that mistake again.
Prole: Take it from someone who regularly read Boot’s stuff in the UC Berkeley Daily Californian back in the day: He was a generic collegiate right-winger except that he was a better writer than most.
Next you’re going to tell us Boot is no true Scotsman.
I was a generic collegiate left-winger in my college days. What's your point?
Boot eventually ended up as a war-mongering neocon/"principled conservative", who now has a gig shilling for the globalist uniparty (apparently a not uncommon career move among neocons), raining down anathema on re-emerging strains of traditional American conservatism* and the interests of millions of ordinary Americans who label themselves conservative. What's your point?
*There's a re-alignment going on. "Principled conservatives" and GOPers want to maintain the identification of American "conservatism" with post-war neoliberalism (which has been the case for the last 40 years or so), but that's no longer a very useful or productive way of analyzing people and events. That left-wing organs hire them to rain down anathema on ordinary Americans who consider themselves "conservative" tells you something slightly more interesting and pertinent about them than the fact that they may have been collegiate right-wingers.
Blogger Michael K said...
What a profoundly shit-eating comment, coming out of TrumpWorld.
I knew it was a mistake to actually read a Chuck comment. I usually scroll by. I won't make that mistake again.
Good. Talk to Drago, wouldja?
I could supply a list of three dozen Althouse commenters from whom I hope never to hear from again.
I was having a conversation about race with a non-White friend today, about racism and White supremacy. At one point, I said: "Remember 77% of the people in this country are White. Most of them think of themselves as "American" rather than "White". You (meaning the Left) really don't want to convince White people that being White is a defining characteristic the way it is for non-Whites. You've been trying to do so for the last sixty years." She looked stunned.
LLR and Noted Liar Chuck: "I could supply a list of three dozen Althouse commenters from whom I hope never to hear from again."
This just in: Liars dont like having their lies pointed out.
"...from whom I hope never to hear from ..."
Good Lord that's awful construction.
If you need help proofing a legal document some time, ask any high schooler.
LLR and Noted Liar Chuck: "I could supply a list of three dozen Althouse commenters from whom I hope never to hear from again."
And not a single one of them would be any of our lefty lunatic posters.
Chuck: "Bob Dole won a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart."
You don't "win" a Bronze Star or Purple Heart, idiot.
"What did Cadet Bone Spurs get?"
Remind us again when and where you served? Oh that's right, you didn't. So how about you stop using military service as a political weapon you fucking chickenshit keyboard commando. Not your place.
'Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.'
This has happened to the civil rights movement opposing segregation; it's now a racket called "opposing white supremacy." Republicans oppose tax-payer-funded abortion for minorities which is wiping out the blacks; Republicans expose and oppose trapping children into failing public schools which disproportionately impacts minorities; Republicans support effective policing which would cut down on the murder rate among inner city minorities. Republicans support bringing back manufacturing jobs which provide a decent living for high-school and non-high-school graduates who are disproportionately minorities. Democrats oppose all these policies which help or protect minorities. Then the Dems turn around and say the mess the Dems have made of the cities is caused by "white supremacy", not by lefty Dems policies. In short, "White supremacy" is a term used by Dems to describe the rat-infested mess the Dems have made of the big cities they run and their culture. White supremacy means: "Don't blame me just because I was in charge and turned the place into another lefty sh*thole just like Venezuela." It's just like Elijah Cummings, who did nothing for the poor in his rat-infested Congressional area for twenty years, and then called criticism of himself "racism."
Drago said...
Tom Cotton is the recipient of several combat awards and LLR Chuck could not wait to attack him in support of Dick Durbin (US troops are "gestapo") and Stolen Valor Dick Blumenthal.
Just so you know precisely who and what LLR Chuck is.
I attacked Tom Cotton precisely once. And only once. Regrettably, I attacked him, because I had looked forward to Cotton being a future Presidential candidate.
And it was when Cotton, as a party to the meeting where Trump uttered the phrase, "shithole countries," claimed to not recall Trump saying it. Cotton's lie was shameful. I don't care what your military record is. And Cotton's is most honorable and I know it. You don't get away with that kind of lie.
Grand Beagle Fen said...
Chuck: "Bob Dole won a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart."
You don't "win" a Bronze Star or Purple Heart, idiot.
"What did Cadet Bone Spurs get?"
Remind us again when and where you served? Oh that's right, you didn't. So how about you stop using military service as a political weapon you fucking chickenshit keyboard commando. Not your place.
The U.S. was not at war when I was military age, and I did not dodge the draft.
Thats right, they have no constructive policies ti speak off.
I did not dodge the draft.<
Like Bill Clinton? Bone spurs are still disqualifying. If you had ever gone through a recruit center, you would know that,
Whoops, I did it again.
Max Boot — the Uncle Tim
LLR and Noted Liar Chuck: "And it was when Cotton, as a party to the meeting where Trump uttered the phrase, "shithole countries," claimed to not recall Trump saying it. Cotton's lie was shameful. I
don't care what your military record is. And Cotton's is most honorable and I know it. You don't get away with that kind of lie."
Remember, this lie about Tom Cotten is brought to us by Chuck, the guy who defended Stolen Valor Dick Blumemthsls lies about his Vietnam service.
Of all the many many democrats Chuck has defended over the years for many many disreputable reasons, this was one of his most dishonorable efforts, and so very typically leftist.
Meh...Max Boot...Meh..."something something Trump something something racist something something white..."
Chuck: The U.S. was not at war when I was military age, and I did not dodge the draft.
Neither did my cat.
You have to be drafted before you can dodge/not dodge the draft.
You were never drafted. You never volunteered to serve either.
STFU and sit down. Stop using military service as a prop to take cheap shots at Trump.
You fucking chickenhawk coward.
Self-admitted Smear Merchant and racist Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, is able to read the mind of a man he's never met!?
Imagine Senator Cotton's surprise.
Blogger Michael K said...
“I did not dodge the draft.”
Like Bill Clinton? Bone spurs are still disqualifying. If you had ever gone through a recruit center, you would know that,
Whoops, I did it again.
Nobody believes that shit. Least of all me.
Trump was never treated for bone spurs. He got the diagnosis as a favor from a podiatrist who was renting office space from Fred Trump.
Blogger Drago said...
LLR and Noted Liar Chuck: "And it was when Cotton, as a party to the meeting where Trump uttered the phrase, "shithole countries," claimed to not recall Trump saying it. Cotton's lie was shameful. I
don't care what your military record is. And Cotton's is most honorable and I know it. You don't get away with that kind of lie."
Remember, this lie about Tom Cotten is brought to us by Chuck, the guy who defended Stolen Valor Dick Blumemthsls lies about his Vietnam service.
I didn’t “defend” Blumenthal’s misstatement about his military service (“during” Vietnam, and not “in” Vietnam). How could I? Blumenthal himself said he had made a bad mistake and apologized for it. Not a lot to defend there.
Now did Trump serve IN Vietnam or DURING Vietnam?
LLR and Noted Liar Chuck: "I didn’t “defend” Blumenthal’s misstatement about his military service (“during” Vietnam, and not “in” Vietnam)."
You repeatedly, purposely, mischaracterized Blumenthals serial lies as a single "misstatement" (and you did it again here!! LOL) which occurred over years and at different events!
Too funny.
LLR Chuck pro-dem lies on top of lies on top of lies.
Some people are so hard to take that their personalities tower over the actual issues of any controversy. Max Boot is getting to be one of those people.
In this brave new world, all are cursed.
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