The top-rated comment — with 1141 up votes — at "Kirsten Gillibrand Drops Out of 2020 Democratic Presidential Race/The New York senator anchored her candidacy in issues of women’s equality, but she was unable to gain traction and her failure to qualify for the next debate convinced her to withdraw" (NYT).
I keep reading comments, in order of up votes, and every single one is about Al Franken:
1073 Recommend: "She thought that taking down Al Franken would springboard her to national office. Not only was she wrong to silence one of the most effective progressive voices in the Senate, she badly miscalculated its effect on her political career."
998 Recommend: "Gillibrand’s insistence that denying due process to Al Franken was the right path demonstrates what a poor senator she is, and what a terrible president she would be. Franken deserved a hearing, not a lynch mob. He may have been found culpable, in which case he should have resigned. But Gillibrand instead forced fellow Democrats to pile on to her rush to judgement. I’m so glad to see her go."
994 Recommend: "To some this will sound terrible, but most likely, her assault on Al Franken doomed her candidacy from day one. In my ultra liberal household where both my wife and I plan to vote for Elisabefh [sic] Warren, we just did not believe her when she claimed that she felt morally obligated to insist on Franken resign from the senate. We both believe that her motivation was to make a national name for herself and Al Franken was nothing more than collateral damage. If you can’t convince people like us, the north east liberals that we are, of your authenticity, I don’t see how you stand a chance in a national contest."
835 Recommend: "Her entire career is now defined by what she did to Al Franken. So long Senator, don't let the door hit you on the way out."
669 Recommend: "Al Franken should move to New York State and primary her."
I read 15 more comments that are about Al Franken before I get to the first one that doesn't mention him.
१५६ टिप्पण्या:
Al Franken could have refused to resign. I don't see how his career failing is her fault entirely.
I for one think we owe her a giant vote of thanks for getting rid of Franken.
The only good fascist politician is an out of office fascist politician.
By any means necessary
John Henry
Women judge their power by how much damage they can do.
Depends on mob action.
Now the mob has turned, but it's still a mob.
"Al Franken could have refused to resign. I don't see how his career failing is her fault entirely."
Just because he's to blame too isn't a reason not to blame her. They're both guilty. It was a sick little dance.
Kind of an inverse Hillary measurement. Remember how all her campaigns had that background rumble of “what is Bill doing?”
PS - @Ann the robot verification thing gave me over thirty screens to check.
A bad sketch.
"...for no reason whatsoever."
This doesn't mean that there wasn't any evidence, just that the tactic didn't work to drive the elected President out of office. She undermined due process to the kid from Columbia - that's a bigger deal than leaning on another Senator.
Couldn't have happened to a nicer couple of people...they both got a dose of progressive 'justice.'
I saw her in person. Intensely unlikable. Almost as bad as HRC.
Whatever the reason, glad she’s gone.
I picture Franken and Gillibrand clinging to the chandelier and falling, like the scene in War of the Roses.
They both deserve to lose. The commenters too. y’all wallow in it for a while.
Funny how the commenter believes Franken deserves rule of law.
But Gillibrand instead forced fellow Democrats to pile on to her rush to judgement.
Forced, how? Does she know about dirt on them too?
Al Frankin deserves all the ills that he's received... plus interest to be determined later.
One good act does not make Gillibrand tolerable, perhaps she should ersign from the Senate to assuage our host's feelings.
Last night Tucker Carlson characterized her as the worst candidate ever, mostly for being a total phony about everything, and he also mentioned Franken who he is no fan of.
If Franken has just stalled for awhile, he'd still be a Senator.
If calling on Franken to resign means you can't be president, wouldn't that disqualify a couple of other candidates?
Funny how the top-rated comment discusses authenticity and the poster then says he is voting for Warren...
Now we will never know which side of the plate the comb goes at state dinners.
If Franken has just stalled for awhile, he'd still be a Senator.
I’m far more cynical. He was supposed to be the example of what was supposed to happen with Kavanaugh. Accusation then sentence. Skip the other steps. Soften the public to the lack of due process. He had to go.
We’ll resurrect him after Judge K is gone...
He got mowed down by friendly fire, the true target of which was Trump.
Al Franken would have demanded Al Franken's resignation if the tables were turned. Besides, its not like a Republican is sitting in that seat. Democrats, its always truth not facts.
she Wasn't Just about Al Frankin!
didn't she Also carry a mattress* around the capitol with her for a couple of years?
Didn't they call her Mattress Senator?
a mattress* i think it was, so everyone would know that If they wanted to assfuck her, she was ready
Until the “Me Too” thing gave her an issue, she was a backbencher who just voted exactly as Schumer voted. The Times readers think poor Al was treated badly by her? What about how she helped ruin the life of a Columbia student who had the misfortune to have dated crazy Mattress Girl? Gillebrand brought her to the State of the Union address, saying she’s so proud of her for standing up to her “rapist,” not alleged rapist. Franken took one for the team in the scheme to impeach Trump, and now that there won’t be any impeachment, liberals conveniently have this dunce to blame for losing him.
It was not a sick little dance at all. It was a beautiful ballet or a bad opera ,two like souls in conflict with both brought low. Hubris. Comedy.
And the commenter lamenting the lack of due process is to be commended for being able to get dressed in the morning.
After all the trouble Al went to in order to steal the senate election who would have thought he would have resigned so easily. Justice usually comes harder than it did in his case.
He was exchanged for Roy Moore with a +1 D in the Senate.
Never met a lynch mob she didn’t want to lead. What a piece of shit. Of course, so is Franken. Sort of a Spanish Civil War situation. The enemy of your enemy is not your friend if they’re your enemy too.
Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, call your office.
"Al Frankin deserves all the ills that he's received... plus interest to be determined later."
Why? What about Franken's congressional record or personal behavior makes him so deserving of "all the ills that he's received?"
Now we will never know which side of the plate the comb goes at state dinners.
Over and out, of course.
Cook, we believe he stole an election, and that's enough for me.
Hahahha! That was my first comment about it, too. My husband and I were trying to picture how Al Franken must feel right now.
Gillibrand has a pretty face and a nice hair style. Those two features were good enough to get Donald Trump elected President, why not her? /sarc
Robert Cook Admits he see No Problem with...
Stealing Election
Sexually Assaulting Women
Workplace Harassment
Workplace quid pro quo
Complete lack of talent, and relying on Tom Davis for jokes
Am I surprised that these people don't know what due process means? No. No, I am not.
In any case, Gillibrand's move against Franken was indicative of her personality, so if you don't like it, then you don't like her.
Her senate seat is now most likely up for grabs.
Robert Cook said...
Why? What about Franken's congressional record or personal behavior makes him so deserving of "all the ills that he's received
His fascism.
Or what you might call progressivism
John Henry
In the first two debates, Biden was damaged by Kammy, and Kammy was damaged by Tulsi -- so it's probably a good idea for the DNC to prune away the excess low ranking candidates, who can't win, but can only damage the upper tier candidates.
Kirsten who?
"No one will miss her." Is she being sent to Elba in exile? I thought she was simply dropping out of the race and will continue to find about the same amount of public recognition and media support in her role as a progressive (i.e. political opportunist) Senator from NY.
"Gillibrand has a pretty face and a nice hair style”
I used to think she was attractive. But I have found over the years with pretty women, that some of them, once you get to know them, start to look pretty bad when they reveal themselves as assholes, you begin to focus on their flaws just like women you like get prettier even if they didn’t start that way in your estimation, as you begin to not see their flaws and your eye focuses on their better features.
“No one will miss her”
Isn’t that something that serial killers often say?
He was supposed to be the example of what was supposed to happen with Kavanaugh.
No, Franken stepped down to grease the skids for an accusation to take down Trump. Didn't work.
EDH: "Her senate seat is now most likely up for grabs."
We'll see if the Clintons have sufficient residual influence to "make Chelsea happen" or if a NY version of Stacey Abrams can jump in.
Something tells me Fredo Cuomo knows it would be pointless for him to jump in..
From comments at article...669 Recommend: "Al Franken should move to New York State and primary her."
Excellent idea. A twofer. NY gets rid of Gillibrand, MN gets rid of Franken.
Robert Cook said...
"Al Frankin deserves all the ills that he's received... plus interest to be determined later."
Why? What about Franken's congressional record or personal behavior makes him so deserving of "all the ills that he's received?"
His political career started with him stealing an election and it ended with him using his power to feel up unwilling women. What good is there to say about Al Franken?
Ok, one thing--I really enjoyed Stewart Saves His Family.
"Franken deserved a hearing, not a lynch mob."
Fair enough.
"But Gillibrand instead forced fellow Democrats to pile on to her rush to judgement. I’m so glad to see her go."
Ah. Why do I get the impression that it's not the "lynch mob/denial of a fair hearing and due process" thing per se that's so upsetting to these people.
Anybody in the comments (I can't see them) bothered by Gillibrand's sheer dopiness?
"His political career started with him stealing an election and it ended with him using his power to feel up unwilling women. What good is there to say about Al Franken?"
How did he steal an election?
What women did he feel up? As I recall, as a gag, he pretended to be feeling up a woman in a photograph, but he did not touch her. Were there other incidents?
I have no idea if Franken was a distinguished congressperson in terms of having passed any significant bills or accomplishing anything of note, but to the extent I am aware of or remember the "scandal" leading to his resignation, it seemed largely much ado about virtually nothing.
Franken might have hurt her in the primary with the far left, but her authenticity is what hurt her with regular people. She is fake. It's the same thing that hurts Booker and Kamala too. You feel as if they'd do or say anything for power. Warren has laid off the stupid stuff more since the beer debacle.
"one of the most effective progressive voices in the Senate"
A crude ass-grabbing nitwit as one of their "most effective" voices: and progs have the temerity to whine about Trump.
No, Russia was the Trump meme. It was fun to link Trump’s sexual exploits to metoo but it wasn’t metoos raison d’etre. Metoo was in the hopper for the supremes long before Trump became a problem.
That Gillibrand forced fellow Democrats to pile on to her rush to judgement says a lot about her party, doesn't it.
Following up on Cookie’s question, what are the legislative accomplishment of either Franken or Gillibrand? I’ve only heard of their public proclamations and nothing regarding accomplishments in the Senate.
Talk is cheap on both sides of the aisle.
heh. Usually the left do not care at all about "
due process". Vilify and lie and Maddow until the person is destroyed.
Franken didn't steal the election - the democratic corruption machine did it for him. After the other guy won, they recounted the ballots until they found enough for Franken to win.
Funny how re-counts ALWAYS go to the democratic.
If the left want to come clean on sexual abuse hypocrisy - they need a collective Bill Clinton Time machine.
*it's just sex!*
Now we will never know which side of the plate the comb goes at state dinners.
That was Amy Klovenhoof.
I don't care for Al Franken the politician, but it should have been left up to the voters of Minnesota.
Social Justice doesn't believe in democracy.
Al Franken had to resign so that the Democrats would be able to vote against seating Roy Moore if Moore won the special election in Alabama.
That is why Gillibrand and Franken acted as they did.
If she took that kind of fire it will be amusing to see the comments aimed at de Blasio when his wheels fall off. What a turd!
No Republican Senators spoke up in Franken's defense, because Franken was an extraordinarily uncivil Senator.
"Al Franken had to resign so that the Democrats would be able to vote against seating Roy Moore if Moore won the special election in Alabama. “
How do they explain Menendez - D - NJ?
He has to have been really happy the day of Epstein’s suicide (air quotes).
"We'll see if the Clintons have sufficient residual influence to "make Chelsea happen”
The Clintons made Gillibrand happen.
Al Franken had to resign so that the Democrats would be able to vote against seating Roy Moore
Yup. Also undemocratic.
The modern Democratic Party doesn't really believe in democracy. They feel entitled to a veto over the will of the people. They feel entitled to get what they want.
But I have found over the years with pretty women, that some of them, once you get to know them, start to look pretty bad when they reveal themselves as assholes, you begin to focus on their flaws just like women you like get prettier even if they didn’t start that way in your estimation, as you begin to not see their flaws and your eye focuses on their better features.
Great advice about attractive women: no matter how pretty she is, some guy somewhere is tired of her shit.
Sounds like astroturf.
"If you can’t convince people like us, the north east liberals that we are, of your authenticity, I don’t see how you stand a chance in a national contest."
I don't think the fact they're voting for Warren adds to the claim they're looking for authenticity.
Lefties love them some Franken. Snark + sanctimony = OMG! He's so clever!
I expect that sort of mindless fawning from the people like the NY liberals in the first comment. It's disappointing that the people of Minnesota went along with it. Of course, there was the trunk full of 'discovered' ballots. So maybe the sin of Minnesota was allowing the corruption of an election, rather than majoritarian stupidity.
"PS - @Ann the robot verification thing gave me over thirty screens to check."
Easy enough fix. Just skip it.
It doesn't seem to care that I'm a robot.
Robert Cook asked...
How did he steal an election?
What women did he feel up?
Robert, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, 'cause you've (in the past) seemed to be authentic, not a fake.... However, you're starting to stretch it.
Do you ACTUALLY NOT know about...
It looks increasingly likely that at least one member of the United States Senate may owe his seat in the world’s greatest deliberative body not to his charisma or the persuasiveness of his message but to voter fraud.
list of accusers
They just needed to rubber stamp obamacare, afte that he was useless.
First they came for the Frankens, and I did not speak out because I was not a Franken.
Then they came for the Alans, and I did not speak out because I was not an Alan.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me but I wasn't at home, ha ha.
Agree with cook. What did franken do besides that air-grab of a gal's boobs?
And it seems so long ago now.
I could call him like caligulas horse, but horses are smarter.
A bunch of loser liberal comments.
Robert Cook said...
"His political career started with him stealing an election and it ended with him using his power to feel up unwilling women. What good is there to say about Al Franken?"
How did he steal an election?
What women did he feel up? As I recall, as a gag, he pretended to be feeling up a woman in a photograph, but he did not touch her. Were there other incidents?
Don't you remember the recount battle, where every round, a handful of new votes was found in places like trunks of cars, always heavily favoring Franken. Then, the moment he pulled ahead, the recounts stopped. As they always do when the Democrat pulls ahead.
I recall 5 complaints against Franken. The one you refer to was the only one for which there was photo evidence, but it wasn't the only one. Others included unwanted kissing and extra handsy "rehearsals."
There was no injustice done to him. Franken was merely held to his own standards.
This is what happens when a calculator miscalculates.
Now Leftist Collectivists want due process?
For a rich white man?
All the black kids kicked off college campus because of Obama's Administration have questions.
The rehabilitation of Al Franken among the left is curious. Why him?
Al Franken and Al Franken alone is responsible for his resignation. Like all the D's he wanted to "get" Roy Moore and the R's in a "me too" scandal and they couldn't go on the attack with Al Franken on their team.
Why doesn't Al run against Gillibrand if he feels so strongly about it? Franken's more of a new Yorker than a Minnesota guy anyway. And NY doesn't mind carpetbaggers.
Now that KG is out of the race, she has plenty of time to explain "White Privilege" to all you White ladies. Althouse, when are you available to meet?
I would image that it was Al Franken’s wife who forced him to resign. Is it better to have a husband who is a sitting Senator but who has some blots on his record, or who is a retired Senator that lots of people think shouldn’t have retired but has more time for you? She chose well.
Dave Chappelle for Senate.
"IT was a sick dance"
But a funny dance. Hilarious to most.
“I read 15 more comments that are about Al Franken before I get to the first one that doesn't mention him.“
Sounds like the re-hab Franken movement is up early and wallpapering.
I doubt anyone wants more time with Al Franken. Even his wife. Does she exist? Lets see her picture. I bet she's a looker.
Unlike the R's who constantly throw their own under the bus, and forget them, the D's Always forgive their guys and rehabilitate them - eventually. To the left, the only unforgivable sin is betraying them on policy or turning conservative. But corruption, graft, sex crimes, treason, communism, murder or whatever, its all met with "well, we need to look at the whole picture". CF: LBJ or Castro.
Can any one list Gillibrand's signature issues? What has the Democrat field of candidates lost with her departure?
Regarding her looks: Gillibrand was often shown working out at the gym. The reason she spent time in the gym was to counteract a tendency toward being "lumpy". She does not trend toward natural physical attractiveness.
Is Klobuchar still a candidate?
The fake boob grab is to sexism as blackface is to racism. As we have seen in Virginia, a blackface photo need not end your career but only if your replacement is an alleged rapist. If only Franken's potential replacement had been an alleged rapist, he could have easily survived the scandal.....Who is Gillibrand now endorsing? The Gillibrand endorsement will give some candidate a boost in the polls. We're talking about dozens of votes. I think she and Hillary should get together and speak with a united voice and get behind Delaney.
The woman to keep your eyes on in the future is Sinema.
How did he steal an election?
The old fashioned Democrat way. Finding just enough votes in the car trunk of a local pol.
We just want to see if she still has her Nxivm tattoo.
Funny how liberal women support Franken over Gillibrand.
The biggest obstacle to a woman becoming President is sexism from women, not from men.
I have no sympathy for Gillibrand and very little for Franken.
Gillibrand was gifted her Senate seat by Hillary, she never earned it. She was a complete nobody who attempted to gain notoriety by supporting whatever the progressive cause of the moment (like that Columbia mattress girl stunt). She was basically a complete caricature of a progressive.
AS for Franken, he should not have been allowed to become a Senator given the extremely dubious recount fiasco during his initial election. And as for his sexual misconduct allegations, while I may personally believe that they were very forgivable, it's pretty obvious that if the tables were turned, so to speak, he would have been at least as merciless with regards to demanding the resignation of a Republican Senator.
She was good enough,
She was smart enough,
But, gosh darn it, people didn't like her!
You'd have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at both of these meanies.
All hypocrites. If Franken had an R next to his name, she would be the cats meow. And not a single word about due process would have been uttered.
Ilhan Omar (D-SOMALIA) has learned the Franken lesson well, never admit anything.
The Progs don't object to sexual improprieties so long it's done by their side. Gillibrand should have realized that. The reason Bill Cosby was so soundly vilified was that he is a conservative black. The worst of the worst.
Obama was a screen into which we could project out hopes and dreams. KG is just vapid, an Albany creature who seemed a useful vessel for other powerful people's power projection.
With Gillibrand it's always a performance. Surely at least Franken could appreciate that.
Ken B declares: The woman to keep your eyes on in the future is Sinema.
Sinema has far too much common sense to be appreciated by her fellow Democrats. Rather like Tulsi Gabbard, she is no ideologue and belongs in a third party.
I never thought Franken should resign, particularly with a Dem governor ready to appoint an anodyne successor. Why clear the air? Let everything and everyone stew in their own juice. Franken was a clown. Roy Moore should have to stand or fall on his campaign. Women in politics needed to grow up. Hollywood celebrities need to focus on their careers. Look at what has happened in VA. Gov. “Coonman” Northam has shown that blackface isn’t so bad after all, and Lt Gov Fairfax has shown that a little bad sex in college shouldn’t be a career killer.
Yup, Al should have told the Dems to go jump in the Potomac, he was staying.
This is another example of Fen's Law.
Shorter Cook: What's really the meaning of "is" ?
Talk about revisionism. The only reason Franken was taken down was because the Left needed credibility to go after Trump for saying that celebrity-groupie gold digging whores will LET you grab them by the pussy in exchange for the chance to marry your bank account.
They sacrificed Franken to take a swing at Trump.
How did he steal an election?
Sophist Cook: How do you define "steal" ?
If Democrats don't care that the Lt. Gov. of Virginia is likely a rapist, they don't care if Stuart Smalley did or did not grab at least one person's boobs.
998 Recommend: Gillibrand’s insistence that denying due process to Al Franken was the right path demonstrates what a poor senator she is, and what a terrible president she would be.
I bet 2/3rds of that 998 were just fine with what was done to Kavanaugh.
"Gillibrand has a pretty face and a nice hair style”
There is something immensely unattractive about that woman. It is her personality and it bleeds into her looks. I get the creeps when I look at her, same as with Hillary.
If there was any moral clarity, after Trump wins reelection we'd see comments like:
1073 Recommend: "They thought that taking down Donald Trump would springboard them to national office. Not only were they wrong to silence one of the most effective Presidents for working class people, they badly miscalculated its effect on their political party."
998 Recommend: "Democrats' insistence that denying due process to Donald Trump was the right path demonstrates what poor political leaders they are, and what terrible governance they would provide. Trump deserved a hearing, not a lynch mob. He may have been found culpable, in which case he should have resigned. But leadership instead forced fellow Democrats to pile on to his rush to judgement. I’m so glad to see them go."
994 Recommend: "To some this will sound terrible, but most likely, their assault on Donald Trump doomed their candidacy from day one. In my swing-voting household where both my wife and I plan to vote for Trump, we just did not believe them when they claimed that they felt morally obligated to insist on Trump's impeachment. We both believe that their motivation was to make a national name for themselves and Trump was nothing more than collateral damage. If you can’t convince people like us, the blue-collar heartland voters that we are, of your authenticity, I don’t see how you stand a chance in a national contest."
835 Recommend: "Their entire party is now defined by what they did to Trump and his family by abusing the levers of power. So long Democrats, don't let the door hit you on the way out."
669 Recommend: "Donald Trump should move to New York State after his term ends and run for mayor."
Franken deserved a hearing, not a lynch mob
Franken is reliably left so he deserves what others do not.
I bet 2/3rds of that 998 were just fine with what was done to Kavanaugh.
I wonder how many have spoken out about campus Title IX inquisitions? My rough estimate is zero. Only in-group members deserve fair treatment.
It'd be even better if she resigned from the Senate, and got on with her life.
Sounds like Gillibrand upset a lot of hypocrites. I bet every single one of those commenters would have had literally no problem with what happened to Franken if his name had been Cruz and had been the senator from Texas.
And her campaign got no traction because the woman is a moron.
If Franken had got due process we could have seen his high school yearbook. We would have got to see Democrat yearbook decoders at work.
Truth Franken is a douche, just like Gillibrand is a douchette.
"The reason Bill Cosby was so soundly vilified was that he is a conservative black."
I don't know what he is in jail, but Cosby has been a liberal all his life. He was distinguished from the pack because he took the position that victim status didn't negate the duty to behave yourself.
Ken B said, "The woman to keep your eyes on in the future is Sinema."
Oh, god, not another blonde Kirsten (even if it's "Ky" instead of "Ki")!
These authoritarian fucksticks never learn.
First, you scapegoat Franken for being a tasteless unfunny clod, because he's convenient.
Now, you scapegoat Gillibrand for helping scapegoat Franken.
Who's next? I guarantee the tumbrels are still rolling.
Blogger David Begley said...
“I saw her in person. Intensely unlikable. Almost as bad as HRC”
What I don’t get is how she thought that she could win. Maybe as Hillary V 2.0? Whoever wins the nomination is going to have to share the stage with Trump. And be subjected to ridicule by half the country. Regardless of everything else, a lot of the people who meet Trump in person apparently actually like him. Partly, he appears to actually care about people, asking about family, etc. maybe not as bad as GW Bush, who knew all the spouse and children names of everyone around him, from WH ushers, up through SS, to his Cabinet. And would ask about them. But similar.
One factor that is going to be hard to beat when it comes to Trump in the election last year, is that he seems to have taken the shackles off, when it comes to dominating groups. Read an article recently looking at his body language at the G7. No doubt, he has known how to dominate groups for quite some time but we didn’t see much of that during his campaign against Crooked Hillary. I suspect that there was a fear of looking like he was using his size to intimidate this small woman, and worried about how that would play with women around the country. Now he is secure as being POTUS. He flies in on AF1, with the usual photo ops getting off the plane, with his model wife in a new designer outfit on his way to utterly dominating the G7 conference. He is probably the most powerful person on the planet right now, and most aren’t going to begrudge that. Now when he gets up on stage with the Dem nominee, and dominates the stage, most will say, “of course he dominates the room - he is the President”. And his opponent is going to be stuck explaining and showing why the country would be safer in their hands.
Of course, Presidents always have this advantage to some extent, but my prediction is that it will be bigger for Trump. First he is a big man, bigger maybe even than he should be for his health. But he has also practiced for decades dominating groups. He does it with size, brains, and personality. Most normal men react positively to his sort of dominance displays. They are just wired that way. Not the millennial soy boys, who have trouble dominating their pets, of course. But in the universe of male dominance, they are irrelevant. He just has to keep from alienating too many female voters by being too mean to his opponent. Gillibrand’s only hope there was to portray herself as a victim of this big meanie. But that would have required her to be nice and personable, in order to garner sympathy. And she apparently comes up short there.
Robert Cook said...
What women did he feel up? As I recall, as a gag, he pretended to be feeling up a woman in a photograph, but he did not touch her. Were there other incidents?
It's revealing Cook only remembers events involving Democrats if he can challenge them. Corroborating accusations are simply ignored. It's a standard tactic to focus on only the weakest charge and imply innocence is proven if the weakest charge can be impugned.
Here's a list including
Lindsay Menz says Franken grabbed her buttocks when the pair posed for a photo at the Minnesota State Fair in 2010.
CNBC list of Franken accusations
Noticed Al Franken’s signature within the Wikipedia page.
I got the ALF part, the rest is more complex.....
Alf never sexually harassed anyone.
Alf ate cats !
Although he may be a closeted aardvark.
What I don’t get is how she thought that she could win.
She probably didn't, there are many benefits other than winning.
"No one will miss her. A self-promoter who destroyed Al Franken’s political career for no reason whatsoever. Good riddance."
I'm willing to bet that author of that comment and all those that liked it thought calling out Franken's behavior and demanding his resignation was just fine at the time. That was at the height of the #metoo movement and I don't recall many, if any, on the Left insisting on due process or careful vetting of accusations.
Gillibrand says she is ending her campaign so she can focus on helping her party defeat President Trump.
Let's see how many offers for her help materialize.
she Wasn't Just about Al Frankin!
didn't she Also carry a mattress* around the capitol with her for a couple of years?
Didn't they call her Mattress Senator?
a mattress* i think it was, so everyone would know that If they wanted to assfuck her, she was ready
I always felt a bit sorry for Mattress Girl. Slutty enough to go up to a dorm room to fuck a guy, in order to get into a relationship with him, but then low enough to file a grievance against him when he didn’t reciprocate her feelings later on, on the grounds that she was slutty enough to fuck him, but he used the wrong orifice, which would have been fine, if she had caught him, but she didn’t, and then stupid enough to carry that mattress around for the rest of her time in college to advertise that she was a slut, and will even take it in the ass for the right guy. Imagine how you would feel if she were your daughter. I would be mortified.
I hate typing on touchpads. Words and letters mysteriously appear or disappear.
Al Franken was installed in office by fraud.
He resigned - he wasn't removed from office by anyone.
His boorish behavior was arguably far worse than that of the exhaustively investigated by the MSM which spread probable lies about judge Moore to aid his defeat. None of the accusations against Franken the unfunny comedian elevated to office by fraud were ever proved false.
Not sorry he's gone from the Senate. Don't give a crap one way or another about my home state senator. Nor the other one for that matter.
Sinema has far too much common sense to be appreciated by her fellow Democrats. Rather like Tulsi Gabbard, she is no ideologue and belongs in a third party.
This is what people used to say about Gillibrand given her gun rights support among other moderate positions. Then we found out it was a facade.
If Sinema wasn't in the backroom promising the far left she's really one of them she never would have won a primary.
A few samples of her comments:
In a 2003 opinion piece, Sinema declared that Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush were "'the real Saddam and Osama lovers'".[30]
When asked on a local radio show whether she would oppose someone joining the Taliban and fighting on its behalf, Sinema responded, "'Fine… I don't care if you want to do that, go ahead.'"[24]
During 2005 and 2006 Sinema co-hosted a radio show with 9/11 truther Jeff Farias.[24]
"Until the average American realizes that capitalism damages her livelihood while augmenting the livelihoods of the wealthy, the Almighty Dollar will continue to rule", she wrote.[29]
And after all, their witch hunt failed, and the warlock was seated. Perhaps Franken was simply not viable, and his career was aborted by the established Cult.
stupid enough to carry that mattress around for the rest of her time in college to advertise that she was a slut, and will even take it in the ass for the right guy.
Made a porn flick of her recreating the "rape." Embarrassed doesn't quite cover it.
She is way over the line inn the Hot Crazy Matrix.
Franken was a clown and a terrible Senator. His examination of Sessions and then lying about Sessions being unethical was a perfect example. Had he been on the kavanaugh confirmation it would've been stomach-turning and made crazy-eyes Booker/Hazy Hirano look like Rhodes Scholars and classy by comparison. He isn't just a failed comedian, he's a complete shit as a human being. Just a perfect fit for the Democrats. I'm not surprised they miss him and want him back.
If Sinema wasn't in the backroom promising the far left she's really one of them she never would have won a primary.
A few samples of her comments:
Too bad McSally was such a weak candidate. As Hugh Hewitt once wrote in a book, "If it's not close, they can't cheat."
Not sure that is true anymore with ballot harvesting. Plus illegals voting. One district in Orange County had 114% turnout. That used to be limited to Chicago and Philly.
Rory responds: I don't know what he is in jail, but Cosby has been a liberal all his life. He was distinguished from the pack because he took the position that victim status didn't negate the duty to behave yourself.
I used the lower case 'conservative' rather than the upper case as I wasn't referring to his political affiliations so much as his unwillingness to play the race card and his support for family values. He was anathema to the Al Sharpton crowd.
he was upholding middle class bourgeois norms, that was the real crime, you can't have a people ready to revolt, if they have expectations of proper behavior, Weinstein mainstreamed deviancy for 20 years,
In the 'what if' fantasies that the Left tells itself, they think that Franken-groper would be able to comedically 'put Trump in his place' if it hadn't been for...well, they can't take responsibility for #MeToo cumming all over their faces, so Gillibrand is the Fluffer by Proxy.
She is responsible for the Premature Eject-ulation and not the culture of hate that the Left pushed so hard.
Did she really force Franken out of office? How?
Mr DeBlasio can't go to the next Demo party, the push notification tells me. Perhaps he'll commiserate with Senator Gillibrand over drinks with Mr and Mrs Clinton.
Al "Rapeyfingers" Franken and Kirsten Gillibrand deserve each other.
Ditto to those who blame Franken for not standing his ground. He didn't have to resign, but didn't have the backbone to do so, and is now on his whining tour.
She's not good enough, she's not smart enough, and doggone it, people don't like her.
Mr. Forward said...
Now we will never know which side of the plate the comb goes at state dinners.
IIRC, that was Klobuchar the Boss From Hell, not Jellybrains the Flip-Flopping Phony.
"But Gillibrand instead forced fellow Democrats to pile on to her rush to judgement."
I think the Eagles said it best in "Peaceful Easy Feeling":
"Oh, but she can't take you anyway,
"You don't already know how to go."
The DNC made him an offer he could not refuse. They sacrificed Franken monster to color Moore. Acceptable collateral damage for political progress.
I keep reading comments, in order of up votes, and every single one is about Al Franken:
Only because Tom Davis died in 2012.
Cancer at 59.
I wondered why we hadn't heard anything from him lately.
I also wonder if Franken realizes how lucky he was to lose only his seat and not his life.
Al Franken got more leeway than most, and there were pictures.
On stealing the election: I don't think it was stolen in the classic sense. I think Republicans just got outplayed in the counting and lawfare. Late ballots should never have been allowed, but even during the manual recount, you would see things like: "Franken's name crossed out, Coleman's circle filled in: Voter intent is unclear, vote counts for no one;" "Coleman's name crossed out, Franken's oval checked: Voter intent is clear, vote counts for Franken." There was no consistent standard, and instead of fighting, Coleman gave up.
Also: The woman that Franken was play grabbing in her sleep ALSO accused him of unwanted touching while she was awake. If you ignore that fact, then you can downplay it as "just a picture." Knowing he was also harassing her during her waking hours puts the picture in a much different light.
Pretty much all I know about Al Franken is what I saw on SNL. I rate him #1 in NOT FUNNY.
Gillibrand forced Franken out of office.
With a gun, IRC.
Gillibrand misjudged which way the wind was blowing on the amber waves of wokeness. I still have a hard time understanding why so many are sore over the loss of Franken's career to her opportunism, Franken never seemed like he was anything other than a back-bencher type who was there to give Reid and Schumer his vote.
Who is Gillibrand now endorsing?
She says she will endorse someone, (but for now it's wait and see.)
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