A question asked of a NYT advice columnist. The answer isn't interesting (just something about having a nuanced conversation with the daughter).
Hey, remember when Melania Trump tried to donate some Dr. Seuss books to an elementary school and the librarian rejected them?
[W]e will not be keeping the titles for our collection.... You may not be aware of this, but Dr. Seuss is a bit of a cliché, a tired and worn ambassador for children’s literature.... Another fact that many people are unaware of is that Dr. Seuss’s illustrations are steeped in racist propaganda, caricatures, and harmful stereotypes. Open one of his books (If I Ran a Zoo or And to Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street, for example), and you’ll see the racist mockery in his art. Grace Hwang Lynch’s School Library Journal article, “Is the Cat in the Hat Racist? Read Across America Shifts Away from Dr. Seuss and Toward Diverse Books,” reports on Katie Ishizuka’s work analyzing the minstrel characteristics and trope nature of Seuss’s characters. Scholar Philip Nel’s new book, Was the Cat in the Hat Black? The Hidden Racism of Children’s Literature, and the Need for Diverse Books, further explores and shines a spotlight on the systemic racism and oppression in education and literature.ADDED: If that Dr. Seuss quote is racist, then isn't just about every graduation speech racist? Aren't kids given racist advice all the time? You can be whatever you want. Is that a good message?
२०५ टिप्पण्या:
205 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»The woke version of The Cat in the Hat is now available.
It is called My Head up my Ass
Burn it all down.
Many people can't choose what they want to do because of talent.
I have a particular phrase at the ready for these 'nuanced conversation' situations: f*ck off.
It is a cotton headed mind that can twist such an innocuous and neutral phrase such as that Suess one into a nefarious and evil message. Shoot, am I allowed to say cotton headed?
Illustrating a variation on Sebastian's law: the probability that any exchange with a prog results in charges of racism approaches 1.
Fortunately women's sports are now open to men, so those structural constraints are off.
The more a person possesses an interior locus of control, the better the outcome for that person.
Even if you don't have control of your circumstances, the belief you do has positive benefits.
Conversely, blaming others for your own failings is a good way to be a loser. Even if the blame is deserved.
The idea of structural racism is bad for people, whether or not it is true. I'm suspicious of it because it came out of lit theory, not social science, and it seems to simply be Marxism with the serial numbers rubbed off.
"A classmate told her the sticker was racist because many people can’t choose what they want to do because of structural racism
Time to choose a new school.
The elites are insane. We saw that on TV this week.
Green New Deal? That's the ticket! Send trillions on a problem that doesn't exist and, in turn, destroy the US economy.
I keep pointing out how very racist our national parks, forests and BLM lands are, since you rarely see a Black, Brown or Red face among the tourists in any of them, though we Amerikans all pay taxes to maintain them. The Interior Department knows all about this effective discrimination.
If your daughter can be convinced by a friend to remove a sticker she likes, then a man will have no problem convincing her to make their relationship sexual before your daughter wants to. Teach your daughter to, uh, stick up for herself.
Yes yes. It’s all about teaching 12 year olds about “having agency.”
People that speak this way should not be listened to.
Besides, it’s the NYT so I’m calling Bullshit on the whole story. Why did the letter writer say “I believe structural racism is real” but then ask for help in how to deal with this issue? If she thinks structural racism is real, then she would have told her daughter to check her privilege and confess her guilt to the POC Gods.
No, the story is all bullshit. All made up.
The Cat in the Hat was black? Is the complaint that he wasn't portrayed by a black actor in the film? Boy, the racial grievance studies folks are fracking the hell out of an increasingly dry well, aren't they?
Will the special olympics allow handicapped M->F transgenders in the women's divisions.
Diversity breeds adversity is a progressive condition among the woke and sleepy.
Another fact that many people are unaware of is that Dr. Seuss’s illustrations are steeped in racist propaganda, caricatures, and harmful stereotypes. Open one of his books (If I Ran a Zoo or And to Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street, for example), and you’ll see the racist mockery in his art.
Clearly all these books must be burned. The future must be dull, grey, without whimsy or passion or fun. These things are all symptoms of a deeply racist culture. Anything too imaginative produced for children has to be racist and must be destroyed. In fact the entire concept of "whimsy" may be racist and dangerous wrongthink.
Will the special olympics allow handicapped M->F transgenders in the women's divisions.
Ah, the neogenders, exclusive in the transgender spectrum, shunned as weird by homosexuals and Pro-Sexuals alike.
Green new deal and eggs.
You have brains in your head. You have a penis in your pants. You can steer in any direction you choose.
We need character judgments to mitigate the progress of color judgments, and urban reform to mitigate the progress of children left behind or "equalized".
The daughter’s classmate is a rich, White girl.
So is the daughter.
The problems of Rich, White chicks.
I would simply note the difference between "steer yourself in a direction" and "choosing" what you "want to do".
One is called motivation and work, the other entitlement.
'A classmate told her the sticker was racist because many people can’t choose what they want to do because of structural racism.'
The soft bigotry of no expectations.
How much does anybody want to bet that if the same books had been donated by, say, Michelle Obama, the librarian would have fallen all over xerself printing up special bookplates to commemorate the donation?
The New York Times is the paper for Rich, White Chicks.
You have a stick in your hands. You have rudder pedals on your feet. You can steer in any direction you choose. Mind the wires.
Well, you can't steer yourself any direction and you can't be whatever you want so long as you believe it and work hard. Those are all lies. But we have to pretend like they're real. Humans have inborn limitations.
The Interior Department knows all about this effective discrimination.
Oh, I bet they do.
DALE: Listen! I've never been able to say this in my whole life, but as of 2 p.m. yesterday, I am a taxpayer. And I demand $36 worth of service. I know the chain of command, starting with your supervisor, Franklin Thomas, all the way up to the under-intendent of Transportation, Edward Dibble, whose daughters, Pat and Ellie, played ladybug soccer with the daughters of the President of the United States. And I'm not afraid to make some phone calls. I'm your worst nightmare. I have a three-line phone, and absolutely nothing at all to do with my time!
Do not judge your neighbor until you have walked a mile in his shoes, and taken into account his IQ.
A 12 year old should be able to deal with something like this without a mother's help.
When her 50-year-old daughter lives under the boot of the Chinese, she’ll understand structural racism.
Private schools or charter schools.
The daughter didn’t ask for help. She peeled off the sticker and tossed it.
The mom asked for help. From an advice columnist. At The NY Times.
Good chance this was a private school.
Yale and Harvard are private schools.
Private schools are asylums, too
Democrats and their owners need racism to exist.
So they supply it.
Okay, let's accept, for the sake of argument, that structural racism not only exists, but that it's everywhere. If so, does it prevent African-Americans from going to Ivy League universities? Does it prevent them from becoming doctors and lawyers? Does it prevent them from becoming President? Obviously not.
It may make it *more difficult* for them to achieve these things. (Heck, I believe it *is* more difficult for them, though not due to structural racism.)
But that doesn't contradict what Dr. Seuss said! In fact, it confirms his point -- you won't get anywhere unless you choose a direction and apply your brains, your feet, and everything else you've got to steering in that direction.
Structural racism is the other side of acting white.
AFAIK, the president's tweets about Baltimore were in reaction to Cummings comments about the border. In Althousian fashion, provide a link for your comment or delete it.
(or tell me to FO)
Good point.
For example, structural racism will definitely keep a black man from ever choosing to become President of the United States.
Future Teachers of America, middle school chapter.
I sure hope that letter is fake.
We live in stupid times.
The moral is that your well-meaning leftists, raised in the secure environment of rule of law and equality before the law, have no natural defenses against the bullies farther left.
No mention of “father” or “husband” in the letter or the response from the advice columnist.
Yet again, this is the sort of data point that indicates movement towards the direction of your doom.
Children are the future, especially the children of your upper castes, and their manias and fads are the inevitable norms of their time, which is coming quickly.
Liberal, rich, White People,
Give all your money to blacks.
Or shut the fuck up,
Here Endeth the Lesson
Yet again, this is the sort of data point that indicates movement towards the direction of your doom.
Children are the future, especially the children of your upper castes, and their manias and fads are the inevitable norms of their time, which is coming quickly.
One day those rich little girls will be the exterminators of the rest of you, or victims themselves.
They are already victims.
Some day they will be put out of their misery. Likely by their own hand
I remember the Librarian who hated Dr. Seuss. I also remember that Althouse quite liked her style, despite her looking like her head was growing out of a cabbage.
... many people can’t choose what they want to do because of structural racism.
... many colored people can’t choose what they want to do because of structural racism.
The girl’s biggest problem is she carries a water bottle to school.
Drink from the Whites Only fountain from now on
What's funny is that Dr. Suess was a Commie. So, I'm all in favor of banning him. Its not like he's the only kid book author in town.
And I don't think Kids' books are that important. Its more important that Parents start reading complex literature Like Dr. Doolittle Or Dickens or Alice in Wonderland to them as soon as they can handle it.
"many people are unaware of is that Dr. Seuss’s illustrations are steeped in racist propaganda, caricatures, and harmful stereotypes. "
Many people who are not dogs are unaware that a dog-whistle has been blown.
And many people who are not tragically triggered by racist micro-aggressions are unaware that caricatures might be interpreted as hate-filled incitement to violence toward persons or groups that -- can't really be recognized because the art is so cartoon-y.
It is kind of a shame that we don't have more Dr Suess style books published.
How exactly do kids know if something is cliché?
Dr. Seuss wasn’t a doctor. Many people are unaware of this.
“I'm all in favor of banning him. “
I’m not in favor of banning him, but I wouldn’t shed a tear.
A classmate told her the sticker was racist because many people can’t choose what they want to do because of structural racism.
I want to p,say in the NBA.
Can they solve structural shortness?
These people are trying to destroy the country and us.
We should return the favor before they succeed.
IF the elite are talking about "structural Racism" that means we will ALL be talking about Structural racism is 5 years. I can't think of a single elite idea or trend that didn't eventually triumph. Its certainly not going to be stopped by a bunch of wusses at National Review or the "Show me the Money" Republicans.
“You can be whatever you want.”
It’s not “racist” it’s worse, it’s classic liberalism.
“You can be whatever the state requires of you.” is more like it.
At this point in time, structural racism does indeed exist. But it is racism in favor of minorities and against Whites. The government is mandated to discriminate in favor of women and minorities and against White men due to Affirmative Action laws.
Who wants to talk like that when you’re 12?
You can be whatever you want to be.
This is a good message for children so long as it is tempered with broadness and perhaps some ambiguity. Plenty of young children want to be a professional athlete, but realistically if you want to be in say the NFL, you need to be in the top .001%. So maybe you don't need to be that 1 in a million athlete but you do need to be a part of that handful per 100,000 or so. That doesn't mean you can't have a career that is involved in sports. Maybe you can become a coach, or an analyst, or a writer, or work on the business side of a franchise.
Similarly with say being an MD, realistically if you aren't in say the top 5% at least for smarts, you will probably never make it as an MD. It doesn't mean you can't do something else in the field.
Correction to my own comment at 2:36 PM
I meant to write ...
... many People of Color can’t choose what they want to do because of structural racism.
Please make the mental correction.
Maybe they can become a transgendered dancer on the 414
No mention of “father” or “husband” in the letter or the response from the advice columnist.
Splooge stooges don't matter except as a source of income for women and children. They should be neither seen nor heard, just the checks cashed.
Blogger Seeing Red said...
Who wants to talk like that when you’re 12?
I guarantee you that 12 year old's parents are the wokest parents in the school.
From Songs of the Left.
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me
I think I'll go eat worms!
Big fat juicy ones
Eensie weensy squeensy ones
See how they wiggle and squirm!
The structural racism argument is an interesting contrast with Scott Adams today talking about the power of affirmation.
He not only wasn't a "Doctor" his name wasn't "Suess". He drove his first wife to suicide. And of course, he had no kids. which makes his "Kids books" rather creepy. Old Creepy left-wing atheist attracted to "Kids Books". You can fill in the blanks.
Dr Seuss' message is not "you can be whatever you want." The message offered here is, "You are the captain of your own ship and can steer it wherever you wish."
The message does not imply unlimited choice, it only implies choice. For regardless of one's circumstances, one almost always has choices. A king may have more choices than a pauper, but no matter how poor or out-of-power or oppressed one is, one almost always has choices.
To take an obvious example: a slave might have considered, "Shall I run away and risk horrible punishment (and perhaps death) or not?" That's a horrible choice, yet it remains ... a choice.
It's become common for people to say "But I had no choice!" when one did have choices but all the alternatives were unpleasant. It's also a lie. Perhaps you chose the least-bad choice, but you still choose.
Dr Seuss may be dated, but the criticism is still not valid.
And the communities that pay for public libraries really should take them back from the ideological librarians who often work in them and appoint a library board that answers to the community, not the ALA.
Humans have inborn limitations.
This has to be denied above all else, especially since those limitations differ in degree and kind.
Openidname said...
"Okay, let's accept, for the sake of argument, that structural racism not only exists, but that it's everywhere. If so, does it prevent African-Americans from going to Ivy League universities? Does it prevent them from becoming doctors and lawyers? Does it prevent them from becoming President? Obviously not."
It certainly seems to prevent their being any good at math, science or computer programming.
but I also think we should teach children that they have agency
The agency this child needs is Social Services to come and check on mommy.
Welcome to Progressivism!
Jamie said...
How much does anybody want to bet that if the same books had been donated by, say, Michelle Obama, the librarian would have fallen all over xerself printing up special bookplates to commemorate the donation?
I will not be taking that bet, just as i will not be taking any bets about if sun will rise in the east
Yes and no to the racist part.
I read a while ago that Dr. Seuss absolutely hated writing in that style, but was asked to do so by the president to raise the interest of children who were lowering the success ratings of schools. He agreed. Money compensation I did not read about. So he hated writing who we think we know Dr. Seuss to be, but somehow he agreed to the such. Yes and no type conundrum.
I’m already going into a fantasy land very far away from this subject matter were I’m happily ever after work.
Happy friday !
How much does anybody want to bet that if the same books had been donated by, say, Michelle Obama, the librarian would have fallen all over xerself printing up special bookplates to commemorate the donation?
The books would never be read. They'd be displayed behind glass in a hermetically sealed chamber.
Anyone who wants to discuss whether Dr. Suess books are "Racist" is a moron.
We’ve long ago reached the point where “racism” is a meaningless concept.
The worst structural racism in the U.S. are the government schools in the big city poor neighborhoods. Democrats still hating on the black man.
School reform must have reform schools as well as charters.
Were the books "racist"? See my 105 page memorandum on the subject. Why we could talk all day and NEVER get to a conclusion! What is "racism", after all. See my 250 page memorandum on the subject. We may never reach a conclusion! Or maybe Antisemitic? See my 500 page book!
And what is the meaning of "is"? See my 2 page leaflet. Also, Bill Clinton.
You can be whatever you want. Is that a good message?
No. And not because it ignores "structural racism". (Ignoring a fascist lie is good, far better than silencing the fascist liar because that makes you another sort of fascist.) It's not a good message because it is false.
Seuss only guaranteed success to 98.75%.
jimbino said...
I keep pointing out how very racist our national parks, forests and BLM lands are, since you rarely see a Black, Brown or Red face among the tourists in any of them, though we Amerikans all pay taxes to maintain them. The Interior Department knows all about this effective discrimination.
Solution: forced bussing to promote equal representation.
There is a simple explanation for the seeming pervasiveness of racism, and that is, we are all racists. All. Of. Us. Are. Racists. We are born with a suspicion of the other, an instinct to group with and defend those who are like us. This applies to nose-in-the-air liberals like Madame Librarian just as much as it does to anyone. What distinguishes the fair-minded and ethical among us from, say, Robert Byrd, is our willingness to recognize the failures inherent in tribal thinking and to apply the rules of life equally to all. We have to credit others with good faith until it is proven otherwise, and start from there. This requires a great deal of tolerance, a quality Madame Librarian and her ilk are devoid of.
We have long since reached a point where there is one, and only one, legitimate response to accusations of "Racist!".
The correct response is "F*ck you".
Replying in any other way saps your soul and your integrity.
I remember hearing (I think it was Junior Wells, and not James Brown) back in the 1970's preaching a message against racism and saying that it didn't matter if you were "black, brown, green or purple," but that we were all equal.
And all that I could imagine with those colors was a page out of a Dr. Seuss book.
Replace the sticker with FOAD.
jimbino, I think you're being facetious with your comment about National Parks being "too white", but that's actually a regular conversation had among the more woke segments of the outdoor recreation industry (which is most of it, really).
I remember hearing (I think it was Junior Wells, and not James Brown) back in the 1970's preaching a message against racism and saying that it didn't matter if you were "black, brown, green or purple," but that we were all equal.
Wonder Mike would like to say hello to the black to the white the red and the brown, the purple and yellow...
(just something about having a nuanced conversation with the daughter).
Use the opportunity to teach kids about race hustlers at an early age.
It's going on sixty-plus years since I read "If I Ran the Cicus," but I still fondly recall, and love, this description of an exotic bird called the "Hoodwink":
Here is a Hoodwink
Who winks with wink hood,
Without a good wink hood
A Hoodwink can't wink good.
There's Asians by the busload in Yellowstone. They must have hacked into the white privilege card account system or something.
Who would've known that an off-hand quip from a 12-year old girl could make so much red meat?
I agree that the idea "you can be whatever you want" is bad advice and not because it's racist. I also agree that's not what Suess was saying. The rest of the quote says,
"You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”
So what you know, what talents you have, and your own determination all play into it.
I don't know what people are thinking if they truly believe structural racism will keep people from being what they want to be. Perhaps they are looking at people who are failing and think, "yes, that must be it. It must be structural racism and not terrible choices that has kept them down".
I think pushing ideas like this is more divisive. I think constantly putting the idea in white people's heads that black people are less than or so very different is doing the opposite of what white liberals really thinks it does. Like the white liberals who talk down to black people, according to studies. You are training yourselves to see the *other* rather than the human.
And I agree with MadMan. Teach your daughter to stick up for herself! She's going to need that.
Suess was drinking buddies with Raymond Chandler. Between them they covered pop fiction from age 3 to 93.
In a segment of this episode, Georgetown University reveals that a Jesuit education on injustice led to granting of reparations for slave descendents. How most Americans missed such an education will be left to speculation.
There's lots of things blacks have never been able to do here because the injustice of the place isn't taken seriously.
Who would've known that an off-hand quip from a 12-year old girl could make so much red meat?
Who knew someone would mischaracterize the subject in order to mass-insult the other commenters?
Oh, right, everyone knew that would happen.
The author should tell her daughter to grow a pair. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
I knew from a young age there was a secret Seuss agenda. White eggs are not green. Now the brown eggs might be green, but we Privileged people who don't buy those.
That's my say on the subject. And it makes way more sense than the Fake Educators attacking our culture. Babylon Bee and the NYT are now at the same level of reality.
I imagine a sticker like that would've been pretty discouraging to Shoeless Joe Jackson. Also, water bottle. There are people in Flint, MI who are dying of thirst for lack of a water bottle. And the Flint MI city council members who voted to run their own water system resemble the remark about brains in the head.
This crap is getting out of hand. Every asshole and brat in America is a damn victim now and speech is prohibited.
Individualism = racist? That my friends is a total scam.
The Jesuits should pay reparations.
They are a Cult
The stated story is ridiculous.
That said, there are some unfortunate illustrations in the older Seuss books, and I was a little uncomfortable reading the "with their eyes at a slant" rhyme to my neice adopted from China. That's a pretty small subset of his books though.
My favorite is The Sleep Book because it's clever and really works. Then after that I Had Trouble Getting to Solla Saloo with a really proactive message at the end that probably makes modern day (rather than New Deal) Libs' heads explode.
Don’t read Dr. Seuss or The NY Times
Crack’s back and begging again.
Don’t ask him to get a job.
That would be like enslaving him and forcing him to pick cotton.
People with shoes in their feet don't steer. Who ever heard of steering yourself when running or walking? People without feet and in a wheelchair have to steer. It's not racist, it's cripplephobia or handicappedphobia or disabledphobia (whatever the word is for fear of crippled people). Cripples, that is people with real obstacles to overcome, are way down on the scale of victims compared to other minorities.
Growing up I knew I was different. I was reading adult books while my classmates were struggling with Dick and Jane. Didn't help any that my mother had custody after the divorce and was a full blown alcoholic. (And as to why the divorce at age 64 I found out last week through ancestry DNA results I have a half sibling.)
I've taken a bunch of self diagnostic exams on the internet over the last few years, and they all say the same thing. I have Asperger's Syndrome, big time. If I were to answer the questions as my 16 year old self I'd be even higher on the spectrum. Back then the solution for kids like me was "Grow up and deal with it! You're different, so what! Life isn't fair!" So I dealt with it and grew up. Found someone who liked me for being me, we got married, and have 5 successful adult children. Who all complain every now and then that their father shows no emotions- but they deal with it. It's actually a running family joke because I've freely shared the self diagnostics, and they can see it.
One of my daughter's friends was diagnosed with Asperger's. He was treated differently because of it. Never had to learn to deal with it because he was diagnosed and instead of being forced to adapt, schools catered to his difference. He's smart, but now failing as an adult because the cold cruel world doesn't cater to you, and he's never had to grow up and deal with the fact he's different.
I'm grateful I was never diagnosed. I have brains in my head, feet in my shoes, and can steer any direction I choose. And if I can't get there I can change course. Life isn't fair.
Lefties talk about structural racism for two reasons:
1. They are running out of excuses for the Black lower classes failure to thrive and;
2. They want to tear down the structure of democratic capitalism to improve all of our lives.
The horror! The horror! Dr. Seuss? Have they no shame? And he was a Commie!
Dr. Seuss's "Horton Hatches the Egg" is one of the monuments of Western thought, dealing with ethics, economics, social trust, formation of contract, agency, self-sacrifice, feminism, hedonism, breach of contract, natural law, commitment, sexism, transgender issues, gender roles, Christian virtues, cross-species fertilization, Lysenkoism, and the morality of circuses and freak shows. How many times did I hear my mother describe some wayward, irresponsible woman as "a Mayzie bird"? How often was I schooled on the virtue of "I meant what I said and I said what I meant. An elephant is faithful 100 percent"?
It is not a coincidence that the stupidest member of the Senate is named "Ma(y)zie" Hirono. And she is not an elephant (Republican), either.
The barbarians are inside the gates.
I call shenanigans. Or bullying. No 12 year old is going around talking about structural racism in any substantive or proto-substantive way. The letter is either a fabrication of the columnist, or a fabrication of the letter-writer. Or it's bullying on the part of the classmate, aping woke speech she's overheard in order to put social pressure on the daughter.
Today's nitwits have mastered self-esteem. See what it gets them?
That a twelve-year old girl would be caught up in this nonsense is too bad, but in some ways it's just a modern variation on what twelve year old girls have always endured. That her parents would be so torn and guilt-ridden by it that they need to ask the NYT for advice is appalling. No, chilling.
"Geisel, you magnificent bastard! I read your books!!!"
The Crack Emcee said...
"There's lots of things blacks have never been able to do here because the injustice of the place isn't taken seriously."
Yeah. I listed three of them, but there are certainly more.
"I want to play in the NBA.
Can they solve structural shortness?"
Spud Webb says "Fuck you and your self-imposed limitations!"
Seriously, I fucking DETEST people who quit before they try, and the only thing I hate more than that are cheesedicks telling other people that they can't succeed. I didn't end up an astronaut (childhood dream), or even a jet pilot (plan to succeed at childhood dream - hatched in high school), but I am pretty happy with where I ended up and the journey has been a blast.
The Vault Dweller: Similarly with say being an MD, realistically if you aren't in say the top 5% at least for smarts, you will probably never make it as an MD.
Man, I wish the administrators at my Health Plan knew that.
When i was in second grade in 1961, the Maryknoll nun who was my teacher told us not to buy Dr. Seuss books because he was a communist, and would use the money to buy tractors for Cuba.
the only thing I hate more than that are cheesedicks telling other people that they can't succeed.
Kids are looking for reasons not to work, they're naturally much more interested in play. If you tried to develop a more destructive program than telling kids they shouldn't bother trying because inescapable forces will prevent their success you wouldn't be able to.
But no apparently we're not even sure it's "a good message" to counter this. Whatevs.
Gospace @ 3:53, you raise an important issue here--something that has bothered me for a long time. Children of today are not given the chance to learn coping skills! Instead, they are over-diagnosed and made excuses for [sic]. How will they ever learn to handle defeat? Failure? Rejection? In other words, cope with normal human conditions? Congratulations, by the way, on your success.
If you work at something, you may not excel, but you'll get better at it. Isn't that what the world offers?
Albert Anonymous said it early on: this story is WAY OFF the end of the bullshit meter.
Let's encourage people at the bottom of the pecking order to believe they cannot compete.
That will make it easier for the mediocrities born to the Leftist Collectivist, big city Democratics to win the prize.
Can anybody here play this game? -- NFL Hall of Fame Coach
We are born with a suspicion of the other, an instinct to group with and defend those who are like us.
A color bias is intrinsic, natural, normal. However, diversity or color judgment (i.e. prejudice), is anthropogenic and progressed through affirmative action.
If a teacher told a student that she couldn't choose her own direction in life or pursue her dreams . . . That would be racist. And sexist. And very bad.
One of the most important beliefs leading to success is "efficacious thinking," also known as "self-efficacy." It's the belief that what you do can make a difference. Teaching kids that their efforts are futile (so they might as well not try) is horrible.
"You can be whatever you want to be" is unrealistic. But you can try to be what you want to be -- and get a lot farther than people who never tried.
Let's encourage people at the bottom of the pecking order to believe they cannot compete.
Yes, people should learn to kneel, to "bow down before the one they serve". That said, people once stood against involuntary exploitation and redistributive change (i.e. slavery), and now they need to stand against diversity or color judgment (e.g. racism) and other forms of politically congruent constructs and bigotry.
Green eggs, ham, and RACISM.
(Don't question it, you bigot.)
"If that Dr. Seuss quote is racist, then isn't just about every graduation speech racist?"
Yeah, so? This is progs we are talking about.
"Aren't kids given racist advice all the time?"
Umm, yeah.
In any exchange with any progs, the probability that charges of racism will occur approaches 1.
Anyway, looks like Althouse is still working within her old isn't -it-sad paradigm. They couldn't possibly mean that every graduation speech is racist could they? That would be terrible!
Structural racism exists. It was created by an alliance of lefty extremists, pale in skin hue, and black people in leadership positions to keep ordinary black people down.
Dr. Seuss was a Communist. They can sand blast and paint over his books any day - and its OK with me.
What IS the matter with these people? Is there some kind of prize for being the first to find something problematical? The cat is black (and white, actually) because that's what works graphically and because traditionally black cats are bad luck - which I suppose is also now problematical (do I get a prize?).
The charge of racism has become so commonplace that it is on the way to becoming a meaningless antiquated epithet, like "Jackanapes." It is clear to me that in this case it was leveled against the girl just to make her feel off balance -- to change the power dynamic of the conversation in favor of the person making the "racism" charge. Apparently it did work in this case, but we are moving in a direction where (I predict) charges of racism will be met with a head shake and a shrug.
Big Mike,
But why was it invented? It was invented to give the mediocre spawn of the "elite" Leftist Collectivists a better chance of success. They have destroyed the motivation of at least 30% of the population.
Now that's an example of the readership and audience of the NYT. Congratulations!
Leftist Collectivist:
Are you racist?
Proper answer:
No. I hate you all equally.
The librarian in question, Liz Phipps Soeiro, had previously dressed as The Cat In The Hat, so it wasn't about Dr. Seuss but Trump!!!11!!11
Here's what you Center-Right DUMMIES never understand.
Once you accept the idea that RACISM is the worst of all evils, you then give the Left unlimited power. All they have to do is EXPAND the definition of "Racism" and call anything they dislike "racist". And all you're left with is "Well, I'm not a Racist BUT I think so-and-so was OK".
Which means the Left will keep attacking and USING RACISM and you will be on the perpetual DEFENSE. And you will LOSE. Because you can't win by defending and apologizing and EXPLAINING. And accepting the premise, but arguing over the details.
My Jesuit education didn't include talk of reparations, Marxist sermons or cult indoctrinations. But we did pour concrete floors in a Mexican orphanage.
See my 4:59 for the answer.
It is clear to me that in this case it was leveled against the girl just to make her feel off balance
I doubt there was any interpersonal motivation. The other student was applying what she'd been taught.
I feel sorry for the daughter- the proper response really is to say, "Fuck off," though a 12 year old might word it more tactfully than I would.
Is it racist to call these people nuts? Does that evoke hunter-gatherers?
@Birkel (4:58), I am going to disagree slightly. Blacks are a critical component of the Democrats' identity group coalition. If blacks were encouraged to work hard to better their lives, they would make money and begin to resent paying ridiculous taxes. They might even (gasp!) vote Republican now and again. Black people voting Republican is not in the interest of pale-skinned lefties, so they throw cash in the direction of black leaders to play their part in convincing ordinary black people that they shouldn't try to get ahead; just settle for what the Democrats, in their wisdom, choose to give you.
Race Hustlers figured out that if everything is racist, they automatically win every argument.
Tell the kid to get better friends.
It's stunning how oppressive the libruls are. Scratch a leftie and there's a tyrant screaming to get out. Right now, they are mostly an annoyance, but Gawd help us if we ever find ourselves living in a world in which they are in charge.
- Krumhorn
Nonapod said...
Another fact that many people are unaware of is that Dr. Seuss’s illustrations are steeped in racist propaganda, caricatures, and harmful stereotypes. Open one of his books (If I Ran a Zoo or And to Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street, for example), and you’ll see the racist mockery in his art."
Would the librarian have said this if Michele Obama had donated the books?
Or was she eager to find a way of putting Melania down? She's married to a "racist," so nothing she does can be good or helpful. The books she donates have to be tied to racism because Orange Man Bad.
"No 12 year old is going around talking about structural racism in any substantive or proto-substantive way."
How old is that Greta child now sailing across the Atlantic? A couple of years older, perhaps. I have no doubt that there are schools where the propaganda happens at age 12 or even younger.
Would you prefer classist ?
The racist part is complete non-sense. Bingo !
But if you get high blood pressure from the word racist and go for a check up in a hospital and the employees are not equally chosen of a well balanced black/white ratio, some mutts in the mix. You may be contributing to a black supremacy group being the only the only white person. Please stop taking the word ‘racism to heart we are in 1980’s politics not pre/post Abe Lincoln.
Don’t believe the 1980 bs either. Bribe kids with rainbow lollipops so they grow up gay. If you believe that one I will personally help you stretch your middle fingers. Must warn though, I am not a licensed chiropractor or a massage therapist.
Not racist ok. Just AD magic with some Karmic psychology. Please ignore, relax and focus on anything else to talk about besides some illusionary race who will stress who faster to the grave. My apologies to my pulse.
Have a nice weekend !
This is how we get more Trump.
"In this case, I would have spoken up: 'Your bikini top needs adjusting.'"
That's the answer to a different question, but it still works.
This screams non-marriage material at age 12. That’s sad.
No, but that is what => 60 liberalism and secularism is built upon. That's why they rationalize failure with victimhood. For instance if it weren't for racism Blacks would not be at the bottom rung of society for the last 50 years.
When you don't have God as your Savior you substitute man (Self). And when you fail it makes you resentful and looking to point a finger, but never at yourself. That is a tough pill to swallow.
Once again the Left is being Manichean: everything is black and white (no pun intended). Let us posit that there is some structural racism (I deny this, but away we go)...this may reduce the choices of a minority person but it does not eliminate them, especially today. My black neighbor made more money than me and retired at 57. Everyone has choices even if it is to join or not join a gang, to smoke or not smoke crack. What the Left is saying is that blacks in particular are helpless, have no agency. Please.
Brain, don't fail me now!
Too late for some . . .
Comrade Lenin is not hoards cat
Putting your children in public school is the worst thing you can do for them. Private schools can be even worse, if you're not careful. If you can do it at all, educate them at home using K-12. It's free, and you'll save your child.
It'll never stop until all the infected carriers are completely defeated and rejected by the masses in an unquestionable defeat.
If I was the Grand Kleagle (or whatever) of the KKK, I couldn't be happier with a cultural environment in which black and brown people were so convinced whitey would keep them down there really isn't any point in trying. You can't succeed... jobs, marriage, health? Those things are all for suckers.
I guess we should stop funding inner-city schools and such, then, since blacks have no hope of improving their lives.
I attended a Univ Lab School in the fifties and IRRC one of my student teachers in the 3rd or 4th grade impressed upon us that when one spelled "American" the last four letters spell I CAN!. Today, of course, to express such sentiments is Quite OBVIOUSLY doubleplus ungood. Sigh...progress!!!
But that is the type of statement that will promote cynical youth. The girl is not even a teenager.
As adults we should know better, but I get confused, disgusted, frustrated or spark easily to anger.
All it takes is one time, one name calling and a scar for life. What then is the solution ?
What if the girl explained that I was called black in a negative way before and she may have even tried Dr. Seuss’ wisdom but it did not help her not be black. Instant defense mechanism without explanation.
She wakes up black and goes to sleep black.
Is the sticker motivational or defeating ?
A debate for 12 year olds ? What’s the solution ?
I don’t know.
All it takes is one time, one name calling and a scar for life. What then is the solution ?
I don't understand this way of thinking. Somebody says something mean to you, once, and it's grounds for throwing up your hands and giving up on life? Part of becoming an adult is learning to ignore the idiots.
There are a couple of us Unknowns out tonight..
There seems to be a denial today that "The Past Is A Different Country". When I was a kid, I could read the original Hardy Boys & Tom Swift books from the 20s & 30s and both realize that the racial attitudes were not enlightened and enjoy them. I think that eventually all books written before, say, 1980 are going to be verboten.
Computer farms mining bit coins dig less enthusiastically than the woke left digs for new ways to cry racism.
You made it - what are you bitching about?
You must be a slave to the STATE(D)
I think that eventually all books written before, say, 1980 are going to be verboten.
And, unfortunately, most books written after 1980, especially history, are not worth reading. It's a cultural purge and it makes me sad that I gave away most of my books.
ADDED: If that Dr. Seuss quote is racist, then isn't just about every graduation speech racist?
Oh Ann... Graduation Is racist.
Finishing school has itself become an act of structural racism.
You can't convince me "most history books written after 1980" aren't worth reading, if you can't prove you have read them.
If you like milhist, try Martin van Creveld-- Technology and War, Command in War, and Supply in War are well worth the time. Nolan's Allure of Battle is a bit repetitive (but so is history sometimes) but rewarding. Charles Mann's 1491 and 1493 are looks at the latest on the before and after of the Columbian Exchange.
Plenty of good stuff out there, still
I have no doubt that there are schools where the propaganda happens at age 12 or even younger.
I doubt the teaching came from a school, the other student learned this at home.
"You can be whoever you want," is a TERRIBLE message.
"You must be who the woke and wise tell you to be," is the mantra of the new age.
...and there are five lights.
"I think that eventually all books written before, say, 1980 are going to be verboten."
One of a hundred reasons why the absurd copyright period should be reduced to match the patent period.
"I don't understand this way of thinking. Somebody says something mean to you, once, and it's grounds for throwing up your hands and giving up on life? Part of becoming an adult is learning to ignore the idiots."
I can bend my mind to that conditioning and very much agree that there is healthy ignoring of another person or group that is toxic to first and foremost your family, branched out to friends, co-workers, etc. Friends can be toxic, family or me as an individual. I don't understand the word idiot, not in negative nor positive way. Close word to idiom, still I get no connection. I don't distinguish categories of mind descifer. Example(s): A death individual had to read my lips while I relayed a verbal message. Big no no while she was driving. We survived. A blind man was at dis-ease with his body language any time I said see you later as a farewell. I myself was stressed by simply being mindful of another's disadvantage. An adult has responsibility to their and theirs. Another adult can and I strongly believe may disagree. Walking away from a quarrel is usually the best solution, but in my life experience I am never better prepared to return to past quarrels and I do avoid the such when possible.
Oh Ann... Graduation Is racist.
Finishing school has itself become an act of structural racism.
Well, the differing graduation rates is a sign of the disparate impact that structural racism has on education today. (according to the Left)
If I was the Grand Kleagle (or whatever) of the KKK, I couldn't be happier with a cultural environment in which black and brown people were so convinced whitey would keep them down there really isn't any point in trying. You can't succeed... jobs, marriage, health? Those things are all for suckers
Being successful is "acting White".
I doubt the girl discussing structural racism was herself a minority. She just thinks she's helping by understanding that black people can't possibly succeed. Except President Obama, Senator Booker, Senator Harris, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, the founder of BET, Kenneth Chenault, Herman Cain, Secretaries of State Powell and Rice, Ambassador Susan Rice, Ben Carson and Thomas Sowell to name a dozen people who seem pretty successful to me.
Leora said...
I doubt the girl discussing structural racism was herself a minority. She just thinks she's helping by understanding that black people can't possibly succeed. Except President Obama, Senator Booker, Senator Harris, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, the founder of BET, Kenneth Chenault, Herman Cain, Secretaries of State Powell and Rice, Ambassador Susan Rice, Ben Carson and Thomas Sowell to name a dozen people who seem pretty successful to me.
But many of them are conservatives...aka RACE TRAITORS. So they don't count.
Finishing school has itself become an act of structural racism.
A couple of H.S. friends of mine went to finishing school.
Or maybe you were referring to finishing school. ;-)
Kanye was threatened.
If you entire world view requires that you be the victim, then everything will be oppressive.
There seems to be a massive social engineering process going on in the USA. One that rots the brain.
The remaining sane ones in the USA will have to tackle at some time what you laughingly call 'Public Education'. And they better start doing it as quickly as possible because a country with a dysfunctional education will inevitably become a dysfunctional country.
Dr. Seuss is the author of the best book on racism ever written, The Sneetches. He not only attacks racism, he attacks the very idea of race as stupid. It's a brilliant book, a children's version of the lessons of Dr. King. But the best part is how he foresaw how this stupidity would be turned into dollars. The diversity industry is a billion dollar industry today. Dr. Seuss saw our future in 1961. He saw where it was heading. He saw the money. He saw Al Sharpton and the rest of those scam artists.
No wonder they hate him!
All that racist means anymore is either that the person addressed is white or that the person is non-white but not conforming to the stereotype of their minority group.
It's a cheap accusation that doesn't cost the accuser much directly, so it will keep on being used as long as there's a payoff. It doubles as a useful tool of SJWs to eliminate works and figures they disagree with on substantive matters on the grounds of insufficient melanin to be granted the right to personhood and speech.
I can understand calling a person racist.
I'm not able to understand how a group of words can be racist!
What am I missing?
Further: racism to be rejected or adopted, accept as inevitable?
Structural racism means that affirmative action must have been a failure so we can dismantle it.
mockturtle said...
I think that eventually all books written before, say, 1980 are going to be verboten.
And, unfortunately, most books written after 1980, especially history, are not worth reading. It's a cultural purge and it makes me sad that I gave away most of my books.
8/2/19, 8:16 PM
Niall Ferguson's histories are well worth reading. So are David Hackett Fischer's books about colonial and revolutionary war-era America.
My favorite Seuss book his “Oh, ThePeople You’ll Do!” Better than the places you’Il go.
NY Post
August 2, 2019
"A city Department of Education panel approved its hotly divisive diversity policy this week, infuriating Asian parents who turned out for a raucous meeting in Chinatown, where they blasted the city for failing to initially provide a Chinese translator — and ripped the chancellor as racist.
The 10 members present from the Panel for Education Policy – comprised of mayoral and borough president appointees – unanimously adopted the so-called Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education [CR-SE], guidelines meant to de-emphasize Eurocentrism in the city’s predominately black and Hispanic school system."
'...The five-hour Wednesday night meeting at Middle School 131 on Hester Street was set to begin after Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza greeted the restive crowd of about 150 people in both English and Spanish.
But a seething faction of Asian parents, already furious over proposed admissions changes that would cull their numbers at top city schools, loudly objected to the absence of a Chinese translator and jeered Carranza silent.
“Fire the racist!” several shouted, while others sarcastically yelled that the interpreter absence was “not culturally responsive!”'
'...CR-SE notes that schools will be required “identify and interrupt policies and practices that center historically advantaged social/cultural groups and lead to predictable outcomes of success or failure for historically marginalized students.”
CR-SE further states that classroom activities should “foster critical consciousness about historical and contemporary forms of bias oppression” and that schools should “promote student agency to end societal inequities.”
Carranza, who has had to parry cronyism charges in recent weeks after quietly hiring several former associates, spoke in favor of CR-SE Wednesday night, arguing that objectors are “misinformed” as to its spirit and that it embraces all cultures and identities.'
Naturally, Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed a politically-correct idiot like himself as the NYC Schools Chancellor.
His Dishonor is now polling at .02% in the RCP Poll Average for the 2020 Presidential Nomination of the Left Party.
The indoctrination continues, and thought crime is real. Sad, really. No one is safe because anything said now triggers people to demand that they have their safe space, even if it controls the thought space of another.
What an amazing piece of wisdom!
The US, as a society, and especially all Democrat left-thinking people are taking directions from 12-year-old girls.
You can't trust anyone over 13!
This explains a lot.
I would have replied:
Which limits a black child's choices more when growing up:
1. "Structural racism" (how does a child actually encounter whatever that is?), or
2. Leukemia.
Go to any children's hospital (especially the oncology department) and watch what young black children REALLY have to contend with.
You're attempting to make sense of madness, which is futile.
How does anyone get to this stage in the first place? (think of how long and hard the journey of fail has to be to arrive at this sad place in life)
Is there anything you can do to rescue them? And, if you were successful, would they really be saved? And is it safe to give this crazy person space to be crazy in a new way? Maybe obsessing about imaginary racism keep them too occupied from wanting to murder others(!)
The only thing you can do for the child is to take it out of that toxic environment, for the adults I think it is too late, they are a lost cause. They might seem ridiculous now, but they are mad, bad and dangerous. Avoid.
I am so delighted my sons' main competition will be a gentry class (one step above where we are) that has been incapacitated by this pap. On the other hand, not exactly good for the country.
Just about everything blamed on racism is better explained, even by Occam's Razor standards, by IQ. When that becomes more generally realized, perhaps we can have adult conversations about what to do about it.
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