Somehow doubt you just "happened to come across" this 🤔🤔
— Bearded Potato (@InclusiveTwit) August 8, 2019
By the way, $7 really is the perfect price for lemonade. You have to get the pricing right. Most people won't buy $7 lemonade, but that's not the point. You're not really selling lemonade. Who wants the liquid that random children have in a vat? And that's the point: You're selling the opportunity to demonstrate belief in the goodness of children. And for those who are buying, it's got to cost $10, i.e., the $7 list price plus the $3 topping up for the added boost of the joy of showing the kids that you don't expect them to step down from their dreams and engage in the grubby business of making change. Indeed, if you are a politician, it's a great conversation opener. Hand the kids a 10 and say: I don't need change. It's you who need change. And when I am President, you are going to see change.
१५५ टिप्पण्या:
I like that the article pretends this person was stumbling aimlessly through Iowa and happened to run into none other than Elizabeth Warren buying lemonade. What are the odds? Reporters like this who brazenly seek out the facts about politicians are a rare treasure.
No kid charges $7 for lemonade.
You don't even need the captions. I know that Liz Warren is doing some kind of fakery as soon as I see her with her knees bent like that.
From the Twitter --
"She bought 7 cups at a $1 a piece for the people she was with and tipped the girls $3. But please continue attacking her for being nice to kids with a lemonade stand."
Here's $10! Now the scary people behind me are going to take $5 and I'll give you $2 worth of free stuff, please make sure to act grateful and proud of this act of patriotism. By the way if you sell too much lemonade I'll call you greedy and exploitive!!
Have a nice day.
No reasonable person would pay $7 - much less $10 - for a glass of lemonade in Harlan, Iowa. There are a number of Casey’s in Harlan and I think the top price is $1.99. Bucky’s In Omaha is 99 cents for all sizes!
What is going on here is that cute kids are cashing in on their cuteness. Cute sells.
Some kid in some random spot-in-the-road town in Iowa is charging everyone seven dollars for a cup of lemonade?
Sorry that does not pass the smell test.
You have two cups of lemonade.
Elizabeth Warren confiscates one and gives it to your neighbor.
Wonder how many boys' lemonade stands she passed to find this one.
An astute kid would have tacked on a wealth tax when they saw it was Warren.
Say, $25.
This would be a great poll question Althouse.
“Do you believe that actual people — who are not presidential candidates staging photo ops — pay $7 for lemonade in small town Iowa?”
96% “no”.
are the kids real? or offspring of campaign staff?
By the cut of her mouth you can tell she is lecturing to the gyrlz.
Also, are those really kids? They look like pretty much full grown heifers. Or is that how they grow them out in Iowa?
It's time to have a national conversation on common sense Crocs control.
$1 for cup of lemonade that likely cost 5 cents to make. No other lemonade stand for many blocks if not miles. And I don’t see any people of color buying lemonade at this stand.
See the game is rigged. We need to break up Big Lemonade.
I hope the kids lectured her on the benefits of capitalism.
As always, there's a Seinfeld clip that's directly on point.
Judging from the body language it looks like the lemonade stand is about to be shut down by a small minded bureaucrat.
The lemonade stands are just nostalgia bait for Boomers. They serve no function. The kids learn nothing. The parents supply all of their needs and so it's a hundred percent profit. There used to be a point to them, here's $20 go buy your supplies make some money pay me back and figure out how much money you've made and you ended up with a legitimate business lesson. Now they're just virtue signaling traffic hazards. I cheer every time a cop shoots one down
I would rather just give $10 to a random kid than have to drink the liquid some kid on the side of the street has in a vat, even if the liquid, the so-called "lemonade," were free.
In another dateline, Iowa, I see that she's going all-in with the malignant "white supremacist" batshittery.
Do any of the Dem candidates *not* think this is a good idea?
The grain alcohol kills the germs. And you were wondering why $7.
Does Warren always wear black leotard tops and a jacket?
Warren likely reported the kids for not having a food & beverage license.
"The lemonade stands are just nostalgia bait for Boomers."
Lemonade stands are from an earlier era than Boomers.
The psychiatric advice stand that Lucy had in "Peanuts" was a reference to the classic lemonade stand. That Lucy stand began around 1960, so the lemonade stand had to have been a longstanding trope of Americana.
Ah, yes, here's a history of the lemonade stand:
"Lemonade stands were first referenced in news media by the New York Times in 1879. A shopkeeper in New York City erected a stand outside his store and sold lemonade to passersby. The stand was so popular that a little crowd gathered there each day and blocked the sidewalk, leading authorities to intervene. In 1880, a New York Times article mentioned "scores" of lemonade stands cropping up all over the city during the hot summers where patrons could buy a glass of freshly-made lemonade for 5 cents, as opposed to the 15 cents charged in a bar. The Times also reported children setting up stands in 1880 as an easy means of making money. The Globe and Mail first mentioned lemonade stands as a summer activity for children in 1898. Prior to the New York City stands, one of the earliest documented lemonade stands was operated by Edward Bok from 1873 to 1876. He was ten years old when he began selling ice water for a penny to passengers in horse drawn carts who stopped to allow their horses water. Other boys soon began copying Bok's idea and stealing his business, so he made lemonade and sold it for three cents a glass instead."
So, clearly, it's not a Boomer thing. It was an old-timey concept when we Boomers were growing up.
Blogger AllenS said...
From the Twitter --
"She bought 7 cups at a $1 a piece for the people she was with and tipped the girls $3. But please continue attacking her for being nice to kids with a lemonade stand.”
Goddamned facts.
"are the kids real? or offspring of campaign staff?"
They do look kind of old for lemonade stand.
To paraphrase P.T. Barnum, There's a sucker running for president every minute.
The lemonade stands are just nostalgia bait for Boomers. They serve no function
Wrong. At 8, I was a pro at location finding
and pricing of Kool-Aid (a cheaper substrate for lemonade). I set up at an auction and the competition tried to run me out, but the crowd defended our rights. I learned a lot that day.
I've wondered that myself. Sad thing is, it really might work for some people. I think a majority of Americans still believe that Trump called white supremacists "fine people."
I've constantly hoped for a backlash against the Democrats. But the mid-terms proved that they can still get away with all kinds of s--t, and even be rewarded for it.
rink the liquid some kid on the side of the street has in a vat,
Althouse invents the bespoke lemonade market.
Shorter whitney: Get off my lawn.
Wonder if the 'reporter' was one of those Warren purchased lemonade for.
She has to charge $7. She pays herself a livable wage of $15 an hour.
Waldo and Darla had a lemonade stand in an Our Gang comedy. $0.01 a glass.
It was an old-timey concept when we Boomers were growing up.
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Did those kids have a permit to sell that stuff?
I see that Ms. Norvell fancies herself a "reporter," rather than a publicist for the Warren campaign.
Kim Norvell just casually lying. What else does she lie about on Twitter?
Judging from the picture, the price was $7 because it was the Boniva-infused Lemonade.
Shouldn't lemonade be free? Behold the tyranny of capitalism.
Larry Davis is my ideal lemonade stand patron.
Yikes !
And in NYC delivering for UberEATS you are pretty much guaranteed a quarter more with the possibility of tip.
At least 2 trips an hour. Milage beyond any commuter. Enjoy the life giving lemons while you can.
Because when life takes away lemons, cigarettes are at least $13.00 a pack !
Nice one Iowa.
It's a pretty funny picture: six other people there, all standing away from the stand. Did Warren go, "You say it's SEVEN DOLLARS? Here's TEN dollars - that's a THREE DOLLAR TIP!"
Blogger Patrick said...
I see that Ms. Norvell fancies herself a "reporter," rather than a publicist for the Warren campaign.
I don’t understand this. I just looked up her page on the Des Moines Register’s website. She’s a reporter. I gather that she’s a reporter whom you don’t like or respect. Just like Kevin Corke is a reporter whom I don’t like and don’t respect. But I can’t imagine myself claiming that Kevin Corke is not a reporter.
I might say that Sean Hannity is not a reporter. I’d say that with real confidence, and even the expectation that Hannity himself would agree. But that might be too easy.
Blogger Tank said...
Kim Norvell just casually lying. What else does she lie about on Twitter?
What was the lie? Be very specific.
She just happened to come across this scene.
What’s with the numbers?
Andrew: I've wondered that myself. Sad thing is, it really might work for some people. I think a majority of Americans still believe that Trump called white supremacists "fine people."
I've constantly hoped for a backlash against the Democrats. But the mid-terms proved that they can still get away with all kinds of s--t, and even be rewarded for it.
Could be, and I'm the last person to look to for predictive insight into voting behavior. But I'm am disturbed by just how nasty, in-your-face, and unhinged the anti-white rhetoric has become. This is dangerous stuff, and imo it shows a real want of intelligence in the people so heedlessly throwing it around.
I agree that most people buy the msm bullshit about "what Trump said about white supremacists". But as with everything, most people don't pay attention to things, or wise up to what's going on, until it socks *them* in the gut. It's one thing to tut-tut that "oh, Trump supports those awful people". It's another when the crazy harridan or daft old geezer is in your townhall, calling you and your children worthless white supremacist pieces of shit who are fully deserving of being dispossessed and worse.
The lemonade stand is a front for a sex business.
Chuck, do you agree she was lying about that?
If you read the reporter's tweets, you'll discover she bought 7 for $7 or $1 each. You're welcome.
Chuck: I might say that Sean Hannity is not a reporter. I’d say that with real confidence, and even the expectation that Hannity himself would agree. But that might be too easy.
What's up with your obsession with the entirely tedious and uninteresting Sean Hannity? You so often throw in irrelevant references to his existence. I haven't noticed anybody else around here paying any attention to him. Must be love.
7 cups for $1 each. No one sells $7 lemonade - outside of SF and NYC.
"you'll discover she bought 7 for $7 or $1 each. You're welcome."
Everyone's not going to read all of the thread or all of reporter's tweets. The photo presented shows Warren all by herself and that she bought lemonade for $7, tipped to $10. It's both dishonest reporting and sloppy writing.
She's a fake reporter. She's an opinion writer who pretends to be objective once and a while. this is PR stuff for Warren.
BTW, a Local El Paso TV Reporter was complaining that Trump refused have "independent and Objective" reporters along during his medical visit. I laughed till I split my side.
it makes it sound like the Kids were price gouging.
Certainly, if the reporter had simply reported that she accompanied Warren to a lemonade stand, there's no issue. But as Ann flagged, pretending that she "just happened" upon the moment reflects badly upon her journalism (and upon those who profess not to see the distinction).
$7 a cup = $28 a Quart. That's almost as much as an OK bottle of champagne.
That doesn't look like any of the lemonade stands that pop up in our neighborhood. Here its usually a couple of 8 to 10 year olds with the obligatory 13 to 14 year old keeping an eye on them.
Good for Warren for getting out and mingling with her fellow common people. Adlai Stevenson used to do that sort of thing while campaigning, too. Perhaps next we'll learn that Warren has a hole in one of her shoes.
Who are these lemonade sellers, by the way? Had this been Trump buying from them, they would have been doxxed by now, with reporters interviewing every other member of the babysitters club, looking for racially insensitive remarks or violent tendencies.
Yes Chuck, the reporter assigned to cover Warren “just happened to come across” Warren buying lemonade.
Call us when Hannity “just happens” to run across Trump inspecting a border wall...
"She bought 7 cups at a $1 a piece for the people she was with..."
Well, that makes more sense.
Great comments at twitter.
Just happened to run across a fair and unbiased reporter acting like a paid campaign PR spox. In a short span of just FIVE hrs, she tweeted that EW called Pres. Trump a white supremacist FOUR times.
THIS is Iowa!!!
I see Chuck is back from Neo.
Blogger Tank said...
Chuck, do you agree she was lying about that?
No. I have no basis to make such a presumption. So that is why I asked you for your basis.
Among the alternatives that I was considering was that at the time in question, the Warren campaign was not scheduled for anything, their press contingent had been dismissed, and as it happened the reporter did bump into the Warren team by chance. Just the same as “happening” into your boss at a neighborhood lemonade stand would be “happening” into someone with whom you otherwise spent 40 hours a week.
It’s just one of a vast number of options. I don’t know. But then I made no allegations of “lying.” At least not in this particular context. You are asserting that this is all a lie. And all I have done is to ask you for the basis of that assertion.
It's possible the reporter was being ironic--the campaign just happened to steer them all to a lemonade stand--but she didn't do it well.
$7 lemonade is the Belgian endive of the 2020 election cycle.
Norvell tweet from two hours later:
"Just happened to have explosive diarrhea after A-hole @ewarren put me on the spot buying me a gross lemonade I didn't even want from a filthy street corner stand in Bumfuck Iowa."
Blogger Kevin said...
Yes Chuck, the reporter assigned to cover Warren “just happened to come across” Warren buying lemonade.
Call us when Hannity “just happens” to run across Trump inspecting a border wall...
No, Kevin; apart from the context of any border wall, Hannity has ABSOLUTELY been involved in such a scenario. But right now, for 10 more comments, I cannot comment about it. But if you Google something like, ‘Fox news rebukes Hannity for rally appearance in November 2018,” I think you’ll get it. Sean just happened to be there. For an interview. Haha.
Call us when Hannity “just happens” to run across Trump inspecting a border wall
Wasn't there a time when Hannity "just happened" to get up on a stage with the President and made a speech? Or am I thinking of somebody else?
Hannity has ABSOLUTELY been involved in such a scenario.
I don't watch or listen to Hannity and am not that impressed with his wisdom but boy he sure attached himself to the right candidate when Kristol and Lowry and other supposed pundits got the 2016 election so wrong. Lowry scurried back but Kristol just poured gasoline on himself and lit the match,
7 cups for 7 bucks makes a LOT more sense.
Maybe this reporter who “happened” to run across this important photo op could work on communicating clearly.
Since that IS the job, or used to be. Before they all turned into Democrats running PR 24x7.
First, she lectured the kid on how she didn't build that lemonade stand and how she could not even think of doing business without union workers building roads (because no one else can build a road) and without the government putting in standards of protection for her own good. Then she explains that she's (a) got to get a license to do what she's doing, (b) She has to send in a form with payment to get an application for that license, (c) has to apply for a state tax number, (d) Federal tax number, (e) pay off a number of city 'commissioners', (f) pay a separate application fee for environmental impact studies, (g) wait for the results of those studies and if approved (h) pay a quarterly fee for environmental impact. Then she'll need to (i) declare if she's really a women-owed business, and provide proof. All of this must be completed within 10 days or she loses the right to have that business there.
If she gets those approvals, she still cannot open until she has passed a health inspection, then a structure inspection. Then and only then will she be given a CO to operate her business there.
Elizabeth will then tell her that her business is part of the community and she should consider sharing any profits with Planned Parenthood, as they provide key health services for local women and if you don't do that, then you don't like women.
But...have a nice day.
I agree. You're not buying lemonade - you're buying children are the future guilt credits.
That's Connecticut pricing.
Hey Chuck if you can find two or more occurrences of this reporter saying anything negative about Warren — since she is *covering* her rather than *promoting* her — you win.
But it has to be something a reasonable Warren supporter would see as negative. Since that is what a true reporter covering a candidate would do.
Let’s put the odds at ... 12-1 against.
The problem for your contention that we should take the title of reporter at face value is that job has almost ceased to exist. Not completely gone, no, but on the endangered species list.
I'm glad others corrected the story on price. $7 is not a good price for lemonade, even if buying it for the children. I might have believed $3, but $1 sounds about right for kids just learning how to sell things. Kids learning how to sell things aren't looking for gratuity.
Blogger Jeff Brokaw said...
7 cups for 7 bucks makes a LOT more sense.
Maybe this reporter who “happened” to run across this important photo op could work on communicating clearly.
Since that IS the job, or used to be. Before they all turned into Democrats running PR 24x7.
Jeff, read more carefully. The reporter did not mis-report that it was $7 for a single cup of lemonade. Other, uh, readers made that mistake. Many of them, in fact. I’ll just bet that you can figure out who.
I know that Liz Warren is doing some kind of fakery as soon as I see her with her knees bent like that.
My first impression was that she seems physically frail, as if she is starving herself to remain thin.
If EW did pay 7 glasses for $1 each, she's using her money to give it to others.
This foreshadows a 70% tax rate on all Harvard Law profs earning $400k plus.
what's the dark patch over her ear?
I know how it is. I was walking down the street in my neighborhood and just happened to come across Cory Booker. Just hanging out helping to trim my neighbors shrubs.
Those darn politicians just show up in the craziest places, huh?
What I have to wonder about is why there is an entire generation of 'journalists' who feel so compelled to pull for 'their team' that they'll literally throw away any credibility they have as journalists to show their credentials as regressives instead. They see it more important to be a member in good standing of The Party, than to be a quality, productive professional in their chosen field.
8/9/19, 9:25 AM
Blogger Jeff Brokaw said...
Hey Chuck if you can find two or more occurrences of this reporter saying anything negative about Warren — since she is *covering* her rather than *promoting* her — you win.
But it has to be something a reasonable Warren supporter would see as negative. Since that is what a true reporter covering a candidate would do.
Let’s put the odds at ... 12-1 against.
The problem for your contention that we should take the title of reporter at face value is that job has almost ceased to exist. Not completely gone, no, but on the endangered species list.
Fuck you, Jeff. I’m not your research assistant. I’m an attorney and if you want to hire me it’s $450 an hour with a $4500 retainer to be applied against your balance.
I am also not the jackass who claimed that the reporter was “lying.” If that were true, I might be interested but neither you nor anyone else has backed up that claim. I’m the guy who simply asked what the evidence was.
As for your general view implying that no one deserves the title of “reporter” anymore; tell it to somebody who cares.
Wasn't there a time when Hannity "just happened" to get up on a stage with the President and made a speech? Or am I thinking of somebody else?
Hannity didn't say he "just happened" to run into the President, but was there to attend the rally and "just happened" to be called onto stage.
When questioned, his response was that he did not attend to do so. As such, it was relevant to the story, which was about Hannity, not Trump.
The "just happened" in the lemonade story is also relevant, but in a different way. A story about a candidate buying lemonade is not news in Iowa -- they all do it, it's scripted and boring, and no one wants to read about it.
However, the idea that it "just happened" gives the reporter the angle to make it reportable. It's no longer a check-mark on a carefully-scripted itinerary, but something that was supposed to be private but we were allowed to somehow see.
As the entire newsworthiness of the encounter depends on the reporter "just happening" on it, it's right to doubt that the reporter and Warren were jointly lucky enough that this improbable event occurred.
I would similarly doubt that Hannity was casually mucking about the Southwest desert and came across the President and his entourage making sure the latest section of border wall was strictly up to code.
"Reporter" then has 4 tweets about Warren saying Trump is a white supremacist. She probably doesn't realize it makes Warren look bad to many people.
Warren could have had a foot-long corndog for less than 7 bucks.
Hillary's lemonade moment in Iowa:
This isn’t the first time Clinton has name-dropped Beyoncé on the campaign trail. At an Iowa town hall meeting in December, Clinton consolidated the Beyhive vote when she told the audience, “I want to be as good a president as Beyonce is a performer.”
“You see her on TV, it’s impressive; you see her in person, you’re just stunned,” Clinton said of the singer. “Thinking like, ‘How does she do that?’ Really. I mean, she’s singing, she’s up and she’s down. She’s just amazing.”
On March 24th, Clinton visited Beyoncé at a Los Angeles shoot where the singer was putting the finishing touches on the Lemonade film, which sparked rumors about whether the Democratic presidential candidate might film a cameo for the then-unknown project, Us Weekly reported at the time. A Clinton spokesperson denied the film shoot meeting took place, but that was likely a ruse to help keep Beyoncé’s top secret Lemonade under wraps.
In May 2015, Beyoncé attended a high-profile New York City fundraiser hosted by L.A. Reid in support of Clinton’s campaign.
I guess I'm with Jeff Brokaw on this one.
I keep hearing, recently anyway, that reporters are supposed to be adversarial. Imagine my surprise when browsing her Twitter feed and failing to find one post critical of Warren. There were several highlighting Warren's accusations that Trump is a white supremacist, of course, but nothing critical of Warren. In fact several tweets could easily have been written by Warren's campaign staff. If we've leaned anything the last few years, isn't it that "Democracy dies in darkness"?
And what does Hannity have to do with this? Is he a reporter?
Trump also swung through Iowa while Hillary sampled the local fare:
The Donald Trump circus rolled into the Iowa State Fair on Saturday, complete with free helicopter rides for the kids.
“I love children. I love Iowa,” The Donald declared upon his arrival at the election-season rite of passage, where presidential hopefuls vie for photo ops eating corn dogs and fried Snickers bars.
But Trump’s helicopter free-ride stunt got the most attention Saturday.
“Who’s going first? Where are your parents?” Trump asked a crowd of about 20 kids, many wearing “Trump” T-shirts, before they piled aboard his $7 million chopper.
For safety reasons, Trump was barred from offering the rides in the fairgrounds, so he rented a nearby parking lot.
Children went up in groups of five for five-minute jaunts. The GOP presidential candidate accompanied them on some of the flights.
Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton wasn’t immune to state-fair silliness, snapping selfies with voters while she ate a pork chop on a stick and drank an oversized lemonade.
“I highly recommend it,” Clinton gushed of the fried treat.
Clinton posed for photos with a real cow called Maggie and a butter sculpture of a heifer.
Prog reporter posts a misleading post! A post that misleadingly happens to read as campaign propaganda for a prog politico! Althouse, say it ain't so!
"I am also not the jackass who claimed that the reporter was “lying.” If that were true, I might be interested but neither you nor anyone else has backed up that claim. I’m the guy who simply asked what the evidence was."
Chuck, Perhaps you should up your reading comprehension as well. The evidence is in the original post. "Bearded Potato" even underlined it. A reporter covering Warren for her paper claims to just happen to come across Warren doing something. No need to resort to calling someone, who pointed that out, a "jackass."
“She bought 7 cups at a $1 a piece for the people she was with and tipped the girls $3. But please continue attacking her for being nice to kids with a lemonade stand.”
So it’s fake news that she paid $7 for a cup of lemonade. Who first mentioned it was for ONE cup of lemonade?
“By the way, $7 really is the perfect price for lemonade. You have to get the pricing right. Most people won't buy $7 lemonade, but that's not the point.”
Warren Derangement Syndrome on display. Weak sauce to bash her for buying lemonade from some kids. Who cares if it was an opportunity for a picture? What politician wouldn’t have been happy to have a photo of himself/ herself taken with kids at a lemonade stand? Really, you can’t find anything more substantive to bash her over?
And what I did was to draft a simple, sample scenario in which a reporter who was assigned to the Warren campaign might well have “happened” upon her.
Now it might be that the reporter was merely in the midst of daylong reporting on, and photography of, Warren. And possibly, the claim that she “just happened” upon Warren is in fact a lie. But I don’t know that. And you don’t seem to know that.
And for people who toss out charges of “lying,” without any more specific basis... Yeah; in my book that makes them jackasses. Jackasses, like you.
It cost $7. Warren the fake Indian gave them $10. I have no issue with that at all; it was her money (setting aside the dishonest methods she used to get "her money").
But it reveals, yet again, the attitude of Democrats, especially when they're in charge of spending other people's money.
“It cost $7. Warren the fake Indian gave them $10. I have no issue with that at all; it was her money (setting aside the dishonest methods she used to get "her money").”
It cost $1. For ONE cup of lemonade. You don’t care how Trump made his money, but you are upset about how Warren made/makes her money?
Apparently we're BOTH jackasses now. Nice to meet you.
You don’t care how Trump made his money, but you are upset about how Warren made/makes her money?
Trump did not claim to be an Indian to get preferential treatment, Inga.
Trump asked a crowd of about 20 kids, many wearing “Trump” T-shirts, before they piled aboard his $7 million chopper.
My younger son just got back from a trip east with his kids. He commented on the number of kids high school age who were wearing Trump tee shirts. He is post baby boomer and his kids are teens. He says many, if not most of the kids he sees as friends with his, are pretty conservative. They are very into sports, which may affect things. He is convinced he is seeing a reaction against the crazy "Millenials."
At a nearby high school, the football team is collapsing from heatstroke because someone stole their Gatorade jug during two-a-days.
Also - does no one care that this lemonade stand is blocking a damned wheelchair ramp?
“Fuck you, Jeff.”
Chuck, pinned.
Look in the run up to the primaries that count, it's pander time all the time. So you have a cute photo of an older woman buying some lemonade from kids on a street corner in Iowa.
And when you are pandering to a different demographic, you stand in your kitchen and swig beer straight from the bottle. [An action that Liz would never take if she were at a party with her Harvard faculty friends. Too blue collar, too deplorable.]
Now if Liz wants to pander to a different demographic--say English expats who've become naturalized US citizens and voters--you mix the beer and the lemonade and you have a shandy.
She'll get there before the campaign is over.
While I'm at it, say a prayer for the Des Moines Register reporter who was assigned to track the campaigns of Ms. Warren and Bill DeBlasio. Somebody up there hates her. A fake Indian and a blowhard--nobody's Dream Team.
“Look in the run up to the primaries that count, it's pander time all the time. So you have a cute photo of an older woman buying some lemonade from kids on a street corner in Iowa.”
And Trump panders to Evangelicals, White Nationalists, xenophobes and more...
Chuck asked:
"What was the lie? Be very specific."
No one believes she "just came across this". What I noticed about the tweet is that the photo had no attribution. Who took this photo? Where did Ms. Norvell find this photo- she gave no one credit for taking it, and this seems damned odd to me for a reporter to not give such attribution. I personally think this photo was sent to Ms. Norvell by the Warren campaign, and the photo was taken by a Warren staff member. If you look at Ms. Warren's feed, however, you find another, different photo from the same event. I think this is solid evidence that Norvell went with a Warren Campaign photo that wasn't already published by Warren's campaign staff. Norvell did this so that she could say "came across this."
So, yes, I am calling Ms. Norvell a liar about "coming across this"- she is simply a tool for the Warren campaign, and not really a reporter on the Warren campaign at all. Given the nature of politics, I think it even likely this entire event was a staged opportunity. I think the girls were out there solely for the purpose of having Warren "stop by". In politics, it isn't possible to be too cynical.
Blogger Comanche Voter said...
While I'm at it, say a prayer for the Des Moines Register reporter who was assigned to track the campaigns of Ms. Warren and Bill DeBlasio. Somebody up there hates her. A fake Indian and a blowhard--nobody's Dream Team.
I was going to ask WHAT “Bill DiBlasio campaign” in Iowa? How many staff, volunteers and caucus supporters does DiBlasio have in Iowa? Seriously!
Too funny. Journo-lists will need to up their game in the internet era. We know all too well your bias covering politicians you simply adore. It would help if you covered up a little and didn't make it so blatant.
WJ said...
Apparently we're BOTH jackasses now. Nice to meet you.
Likewise. Someone is being a jackass, but it's not us.
Chuck cannot admit when he is wrong.
Nice contrast with Hillary. Anyone besides me remember that she hopped into a van with some of her staff for a drive from her home in New York to Iowa. Along the way they stopped at a Chipotle — and Hillary couldn’t be bothered to hit the tip jar. Somehow the episode seemed emblematic of her.
I'll just note the very nicely completed ADA sidewalk apron juxtaposed with the crumbling sidewalk. "This is Iowa" demonstrating another make-work federal requirement!
Is there any reason why Chuckles (and Althouse for that matter) almost always give the most charitable interpretation of anything said or done by the left or the MSM, and the worst possible interpretation of anything said or done by the Right?
Still, if Liz Warren is being generous, it’s fair to assume that she’s using someone else’s money.
Blogger Tank said...
“WJ said...
Apparently we're BOTH jackasses now. Nice to meet you.”
Likewise. Someone is being a jackass, but it's not us.
Chuck cannot admit when he is wrong.
Exactly what am I being wrong about?
I asked you for evidence that of all the possible scenarios for the reporter having encountered Warren, you knew that she was “lying.”
And you’ve given us nothing in response.
If EW did pay 7 glasses for $1 each, she's using her money to give it to others.
Did she use her own money? She's on the campaign trail and she just got a photo op with a contribution in kind from this reporter.
If Norvell is covering Warren and took the photo herself, then she very likely was following the Winnebago yesterday, or probably rode in it, so "just came across" is a lie, but that isn't necessarily the best interpretation of the tweet, and certainly not the one I made. I think she wants you to think she "came across" this photo, and I also think this is almost certainly a lie, too- I think someone on the Warren campaign mailed out photos to reporters covering the primary campaigns- in other words, Norvell is passing on Warren campaign material under the guise of her job as a "reporter"- much like most of the news media does.
I bet that 10 dollars is campaign money, but you won't be able to prove it since it will all be covered by miscellaneous expenses filed.
If I were Bay Area Guy, I'd be irritated at Chuck so obviously inflating his comment count.
Apparently, Chuck was born last night.
Bay Area Guy aimed too low- 500 comments for a bottle of gin would have been better.
Chuck I’d like to have a civilized discussion but you go straight to personal attacks.
And speaking of how valuable our time is, mine is valuable because I can never get it back so I do not engage with ill-mannered louts who cannot comprehend the difference between an invitation to go find the data you are arguing for, versus an order to do so.
You want me to believe your argument against all available evidence, then put up or shut up. Your choice. You went with “f&@k you”.
Looks like I got my answer.
It was not an order but I think most people picked up on that.
Not commenting here is NO loss to me. - FrankiM
Warren Derangement Syndrome on display. Weak sauce to bash her for buying lemonade from some kids. Who cares if it was an opportunity for a picture? What politician wouldn’t have been happy to have a photo of himself/ herself taken with kids at a lemonade stand? Really, you can’t find anything more substantive to bash her over?
BTW, we're focusing on the 'reporter' who just happened to stumble upon this scripted scene. Not Warren. Dumas.
They charged her seven! dollars for a cup of lemonade?
That Manhattan Island deal makes a lot more sense now.
Latest Dem nominees for president were from:
IL [Kenya]
IL {Kenya]
NY [via IL]
I expect the Dems will nominate Warren from Massachusetts for prez and Harris for VP.
I sincerely hope you're right.
I usually keep my politics discreet, especially at work. For this reason I'm sometimes around liberals who assume I'm one of them. I have heard several times from intelligent people that all Trump supporters are racists. (And they still believe that Russia got Trump elected.)
I hope the constant Democrat and media hysteria produces a backlash. But I also realize that the nonstop propaganda is effective. Not enough people have woken up to that yet.
Seven will get you ten that it was other people's money that Warren was handing them.
LLR Chuck: "And what I did was to draft a simple, sample scenario in which a reporter who was assigned to the Warren campaign might well have “happened” upon her."
LLR-lefty Chuck is always very very helpful and creative in conjuring up "scenarios" that minimize the obvious lies and hackery of his beloved dems.
Chuck's efforts to obfuscate and minimize the serial Stolen Valor lies told over multiple years by hack dem Senator Blumenthal are particularly instructive and infamous.
It appears clear from LLR Chuck's steadfast defense of Li'l Tomahawk Warren the dem/lefty/LLR-lefty crew has come to the realization that Biden and Harris are never going to get there and thus it is time to go all in on protecting the only seemingly viable dem left.
Expect a great deal more of this round-the-clock Warren protective postings by LLR Chuck and Team Dem.
Who wants the liquid that random children have in a vat?
Thanks, that gave me a laugh. You would think they were selling nuclear waste in a cup. "Random children selling liquid in a vat" should be a new Althouse disgust category, like men in shorts.
LLR Chuck: "I’m an attorney and if you want to hire me it’s $450 an hour with a $4500 retainer to be applied against your balance."
Why not $1,000 an hour with an $Eleventy-Thousand retainer and a Spaceplane AND Morgan Fairchild wife?!!!
Next up for LLR Chuck, dropping his SoulCycle and Equinox gym membership.
And Lizzie thought she got a good deal selling Manhattan for $24
You didn’t make that case anyone hasn’t mentioned or forgot
I live in the bay area and keep my beliefs incognito but its amazing what many otherwise intelligent liberals believe and tell themselves. They really think Trump collaborated with the russians to get elected. They really believe ALL Trump supporters are racists and are against even legal immigration. And woe betide anyone that brings them counter information to these cherished beliefs. Their whole world view has been constructed by other liberals big and small like this "journalist" that just "happened" to see this heart warming scene at a lemonade stand.
It also "just so happened" that Clinton campaign hired gun foreigner Christopher Steele was in long time communication and cooperation with LLR Chuck-approved Sen McCain and his staff to help with Team Fix The Election which became Team Overthrow Duly Elected President.
Now I understand better why McCain did not want the object of his coup attempt to attend his funeral.
I cant wait to see how LLR Chuck spins this one!! Should be great fun.
Speaking of nostalgia and lemonade stands - recently a post was being shared on the local Facebook community pages. Seems like someone's kids had set up a lemonade stand. They used some antique family heirloom as their stand - perhaps it was what grandma used to sell lemonade when she was a kid. Anyway, the kids lost interest, closed up shop, and left the stand between the sidewalk and curb. Well, in our area, unwanted things are usually put out there for people to take. Someone took it.
I just remembered how CNN just happened to come across the FBI as they were raiding Michael Cohen. There are at least as many innocent scenarios as to how that happened as in the present case. They must all be ruled out before anyone should conclude that CNN had been tipped off.
Is that a campaign expenditure?
Who can forget how a photographer "just happened" to "stumble across" a very very very "amorous-appearing" Bill and Hillary Clinton dancing together on a "deserted" stretch of beach, looking lovingly into each eyes with the "hidden" photographer capturing the moment beautifully?
You remember don't you? It was right about the time we all learned Billy boy was shoving cigars up a certain intern........
What a wonderful loving moment between Bill and Hil!
And it was so spontaneous and unplanned and that photographer was just a whiz at getting through Secret Service cordon's to snap the pic!!
I'll be LLR Chuck still has a copy of that pic hanging over his mantleplace!!
I buy the lemonade and dump it out at home, but there's no way I'd pay seven dollars. I don't want to lead the children into being *totally* delusional.
The most money one of my kids ever made was when he put up a stand where you could pay him to say the St. Crispin's Day speech from Henry V. You could pay a dollar for a little bit of it, $2 for about half, or $3 for the whole thing (long,) but most people gave him a lot more than that.
Freeman Hunt @ 4:56,
I love that story!
Hannity is not a reporter. Apples to oranges. Hannity runs a conservative opinion show.
And Trump panders to Evangelicals, White Nationalists, xenophobes and more...
And Inga hates all those deplorables, especially the evangelicals.
The white nationalists are like Zombies, hard to find in the wild. New York Times has plenty of them.
I wonder when was the last spontaneous, unscripted gesture Warren made in public. It's probably been decades. Hillary made a spontaneous gesture recently. She fainted.....If you watch closely, you will occasionally see Trump do something scripted and planned, but most of his gestures look loose and spontaneous because they are.....If George Stephanopoulous and Katie Couric truly did not know who Jeffrey Epstein was when they accepted an invitation to his party, it just goes to show you how well informed they are. You would think they would have just happened upon the background knowledge that he was one of America's most celebrated pervs, but, then, there are so many in Dem donor circles.
Warren drinks the lemonade so her followers can drink the Kool-Aid.
How typically Democratic — buying votes with other people's money.
"The most money one of my kids ever made was when he put up a stand where you could pay him to say the St. Crispin's Day speech from Henry V. You could pay a dollar for a little bit of it, $2 for about half, or $3 for the whole thing (long,) but most people gave him a lot more than that"
That is absolutely fantastic. I would have given him a twenty just for the delightful improbability of it all.
People are so cynical these days. No one thinks Liz would have stopped at a lemonade stand and bought lemonade if she weren't an active politician? And doesn't think someone isn't just randomly wandering neighborhoods and happened to capture this endearing moment? For shame. I am disappoint.
Fuck you, Jeff. I’m not your research assistant. I’m an attorney and if you want to hire me it’s $450 an hour with a $4500 retainer to be applied against your balance.
Pretty steep rates for someone who got his degree by saving Bazooka Joe wrappers.
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Dear Chuck,
Thank you for putting {the bold numbers} after every post. It makes your lunacy easier to avoid.
I see no one here is buying Althouse’s $7 glass of lemonade. So that must not be the perfect price. Kids in Harlan, Iowa would know how to make change, by the way. And they are probably Republicans, as 69.2% of that county voted for Trump in 2016.
In the 70s, during the Carter gas crisis and rationing by license plate numbers in PA, I made a frigging mint through lemonade and iced tea. I made 5 gallons of each, put them in my younger brother's Red Ryder wagon, and pulled them along the line of cars lined up for gas at the corner station. Sometimes had to refill and return. It was also a boon, in that people were carrying coins dating before 1964 (90% silver). I saved them, and still do. If nothing else, I can melt them down and make bullets for whatever hell awaits our future. Would 90% silver bullets take out a Zombie Lib?
She has to charge $7. She pays herself a livable wage of $15 an hour
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