"The combined effect of the tan, the teeth, the hair, and maybe Botox and fillers, if not a facelift, is on the verge of unsettling. We all know Biden is old, but he seems determined to avoid reminding us. Rather than admitting his vitality is, quite naturally, on the wane, Biden is trying to prove he can keep up with rivals young enough to be his children or even grandchildren. This week, however, The Hill reports Biden allies 'have been floating the idea of altering the former vice president's schedule in an effort to reduce the gaffes he has made,' because their candidate tends "to make the blunders late in the day' when he is tired. This is a good idea, and one Biden should embrace openly. Admit he needs to relax in the evening. Acknowledge that most 76-year-olds are having dinner at 5 p.m., not rolling into their third campaign stop in eight hours. Use the schedule change to talk about what voters can realistically expect if they choose the oldest president in U.S. history. Running against the perpetually sleep deprived Trump, maybe use it to talk about how a good sleep schedule helps avoid the mental decline old age can bring. For candidates nearing 80, the best way to convince voters they're not too old is to own their oldness."
From "Joe Biden, own your age" by Bonnie Kristian (in The Week). Not act your age (the standard expression (which I attacked recently)). Own your age. "Act your age" tells you to change and be a better you. "Own your age" says you are what you and spare us the bullshit.
१०२ टिप्पण्या:
The plan is to run Biden and a true believer as Veep, and when he expires, he has already suffered a brain aneurism, voila America! You are now hard left!
Ah the plastic Joe Biden. Now plagiarizing youth! OTOH he may be the best of a very bad lot.
Bernie is a millionaire - thanks to the tax payer.
There is a Constitutional “right to define one’s concept of the universe”. #NoJudgment #NoLabels
Who does he think he is? Faye Dunaway?
I'd like Bernie to stand next to Billionaire Tom Steyer on the debate stage.
We have been lectured to by Bernie that Billionaires are a scourge needing eradication.
Bonnie Kristian, excuse maker.
Of all the things she could tell the old crook to come clean about, this is what she picks?
Trump's old enough to be my father (or even my grandfather) and his energy absolutely floors me. It's hard to believe he's only a little younger than Biden. It's even harder to believe he's older than Hillary and Warren.
Biden: He's tanned, ready, and resting.
What Bob Boyd said. Why not talk about Biden's kid making Clintonian amounts of money because of his Dad?
I've seen a couple of clips recently of Elizabeth Warren in Iowa where she kind of speed walk/runs to where the gathered crowd is waiting to hear her. I assume it is way for Warren campaign to let people know she still vigorous even tho she elderly.
bleh: "Trump's old enough to be my father (or even my grandfather) and his energy absolutely floors me. It's hard to believe he's only a little younger than Biden. It's even harder to believe he's older than Hillary and Warren."
This is what made LLR Chuck's sad attempts in the last couple of weeks to paint Biden as some energetic dynamo while Trump is old so laughable.
We have seen time and again the left taking what is an advantage for a republican and attempting to convince people that what they are seeing with their own eyes is not happening at all.
How many lectures did we have to endure from the left/LLR-left that Hillary was physically fantastic and only stumbled getting into the SUV?
The left/LLR-left will never change.
jwl: " I assume it is way for Warren campaign to let people know she still vigorous even tho she elderly."
Maybe she is simply drunk from all the beer-firewater she consumes in such a totally natural and completely unscripted way.
It is sort of funny how the three Democratic frontrunners would all older in January 2021 than Reagan or Trump were when they were inaugurated. There's been a lot of discussion in the media about Trump's age and whether he's been experiencing cognitive decline. Should the world's most powerful country really be run by a septuagenarian? Hey, Clinton, Bush and Obama all governed in their 40's and 50's, after all. That seems more appropriate!
But strangely, the Democrats have been gravitated to Sanders, Biden and Warren -- all of whom are old as dirt. What gives?
Andrew Wang challenged PDJT to a pushup contest. I would not be surprised if he would be able to squeeze out 5 or so. He is about my age, seems much more vigorous than I am and I can do 5 if I really have to. Perhaps not twice in the same week, but I could do 5 once in a while.
I'd love to see PDJT and Sleepy on a debate stage, Sleepy talking about about how vigorous he is, and, while he's talking, PDJT drops down, does 5 pushups, stand up and says "Now you"
I'd pay money to see that.
PDJT seems 10 years younger than his age. Sleepy seems 10 years older. Sleepy has had the top of his head off twice. By his own admission, he has not been the same since.
That should be disqualifying if having served as a VP were not enough.
John Henry
Biden sex doll.
Biden is leading in all the polls right now but I don't think he has a chance.
Not in today's Democrat party. Electing a straight white male?
No way.
bleh: "But strangely, the Democrats have been gravitated to Sanders, Biden and Warren -- all of whom are old as dirt. What gives?"
Fen's Law.
The dems/left/LLR's don't actually believe a single thing they lecture the rest of us about.
1. Kammy drew blood (political, not real, jeez) on Biden at the first debate by calling him a racist. Sepsis is creeping in for poor Joe. A lotta smart people are saying he's toast, but just doesn't know it yet.
2. Tulsi nailed Kammy at the second debate by calling her a racist prosecutor. Now, sepsis is creeping in too.
We need one of the Dems to go after Liz Warren, next.
John Henry: "I'd love to see PDJT and Sleepy on a debate stage, Sleepy talking about about how vigorous he is, and, while he's talking, PDJT drops down, does 5 pushups, stand up and says "Now you""
Trump certainly wouldn't surrender to Biden in front a global audience the way LLR fav Paul Ryan did.
Recall how Biden looked at Ryan and laughed and said "these guys (republicans) bet against America all the time"
What did Ryan say?
Not a thing.
Just the way the LLR's prefer it.
AAT said, "The plan is to run Biden and a true believer as Veep, and when he expires, he has already suffered a brain aneurism, voila America! You are now hard left!"
Maybe, maybe not. Too hard left and the next congressional election would likely result in a Republican congress blocking everything the lefty-VP-turned-president attempts. Happened to Clinton in '94 and twice to Obama.
Best line in the post: "...Biden is trying to prove he can keep up with rivals young enough to be his children or even grandchildren..."
The image of Gabbard and Buttigieg in Grandpa's Joe's lap is priceless.
Bob said...
The image of Gabbard and Buttigieg in Grandpa's Joe's lap is priceless.
While he smells their hair.
It appears Biden's age has owned him -- or pwned him, more accurately.
While he smells their hair.
My father and I went to restaurant for lunch once. He was 74 or 75 at the time. He ordered a hamburger. A couple of seconds after the server brought the burger (which was open-face), another server walked by our table carrying a plate of fish. With the fish aroma in the air, my father took a puzzled look at the burger and brought it up to his nose to sniff it.
At that moment, I understand why old people seem so strange sometimes.
She wants Biden to go to the Early Bird Special? There's political advice for the ages (and the aged).
Pocohantas just apologized to the Indians for lying about her 1/1024 Native American heritage all these years.
So, maybe she's serious about winning!
This would be a losing strategy. Biden, if he really wants to win, is going to have to keep a full schedule, and if the late day gaffes do him in, so be it. Being President is a full day job, and people will not vote for a guy who literally tells the voters that he is a sundowner.
Trump certainly wouldn't surrender to Biden in front a global audience the way LLR fav Paul Ryan did.
I was screaming at the TV at the time. I could not believe that Ryan could be so passive.
I can do a couple of pushups. Did a couple the other day to see. It's been a few years since I could do 100 and 100 situps.
Just makes Trumps energy level more extraordinary. A lot of old people kind of lose it when the Sun goes down, Sundowners
Any chance the writer is aware that taking whole days and most weekends off from the campaign is what Hillary did? Hell, Trump regularly mocked Hillary for staying at home.
While he smells their hair.
Sometimes I really wish I could draw and do satirical cartoons. An image of Mayor Pete as Alfred E Neuman with Grandpa Joe's nose buried in his hair. Whew!
I would like to see a confused Biden sniff Warren's head-dress at the next debate.
Bay Area Guy said...
I would like to see a confused Biden sniff Warren's head-dress at the next debate.
A cartoon bubble is above a confused Biden's head with the caption "Smells like feathers?"
The real question is whether the Dems will clone replacement Joes that sort of act like the dead Joe but never die, like they did with RBG.
Own your age not your shoe size!
"to reduce the gaffes he has made, because their candidate tends to make the blunders late in the day when he is tired"
Maybe we can arrange it that Biden works first shift at the POTUS factory, from 700am to 300pm, with no overtime requirements.
Lets get the negotiators out there right now to get HAMAS, al shabab, ISIS and others to agree on a No Attacks as the Biden Shift Nears Its End Each Day rule.
So I comment on Joe Biden's head being open and how his surgeon told him he would never be the same. Then I open Drudge and find this, from the same brain surgeon.
Kassell dismissed fears about the 76-year-old Biden's mental faculties, noting that he's "as sharp as he was 31 years ago"
Now that is what is known as damning with faint praise.
1) Biden was not all that sharp 32 years ago, before the surgery.
2) Kassel does not say whether Biden is as sharp as he was before the brain surgery or after.
JOhn Henry
"Acknowledge that most 76-year-olds are having dinner at 5 p.m."
Besides, ya get the best prices on the Early Bird Specials, especially at 430pm; ask Jack Klompus,
MK: "I was screaming at the TV at the time. I could not believe that Ryan could be so passive."
Once you accept the undeniable truth that LLR's exist to virtue signal and perform conservative policy failure theatre it all makes sense.
Do we want a president that goes to bed at 7 p.m. every night? If he's too old to keep up on the campaign trail then he's too old to be president.
Admit he needs to relax in the evening. Acknowledge that most 76-year-olds are having dinner at 5 p.m., not rolling into their third campaign stop in eight hours.
He can't admit that and be elected. Perhaps if he were a beloved elder statesman who was running because the public really wanted him to. But that's not the case. He needs to hustle or at least appear to hustle like the rest of them. Best he can do is make adjustments to his schedule that don't make him look old and tiring.
He may very well limp through to POTUS, but I'd bet even money against that.
Ha! He'd never own his age. He has got to be one of the vainest politicians we have.
Do they think it's harder to campaign than it is to actually be president? Does Biden plan on having someone like Valerie Jarrett doing the real work for him?
Billionaire Tom Steyer
While at the laundromat, yesterday, while doing my laundry (duh!); i heard the same Tom Steyer commercial three times (in 1 hour).
The basic gist was:
The Democrats aren't doing this!
Write your Representative, and DEMAND they vote to IMPEACH TRUMP!
Our Countries SURVIVAL Depends on this.
He was vague about Exactly WHY we needed to Impeach the President. It was left as Self-Evident
i guess it was something about how we should be listening to, and taking our orders From, some Billionaire from San Francisco instead of some Millionaire from New York.
It sort of made sense,
Lots of people voted Against Trump; NO ONE has voted against Steyer, and America is BASED on the premise that we should take our instruction from un-elected hedge fund managers, NOT someone that only got a majority of votes from a majority of voters in a majority of States
When I type "Joe Biden" into Google the first autocomplete suggestion is "Joe Biden age". It's safe to say that people are at least curious about his age, if not concerned.
The current crop of Dem candidates are like an old bag of potatoes, it's a matter of finding the least worst of them. Some of them have soft spots, some of them are a little too hard, some of them are rotting and smelly, and some of them are sprouting wierd things. The Biden tater is a little old and soft and smelly, but it may be the most palatable.
He DID sort of leave Blank what the point of Impeachment would be
There was No mention of the Senate, No mention of a trial; just the imperative of Impeachment
If you've been stupid all your life senile dementia will go mostly unnoticed.
Of course Kristian manages to get a shot in against Trump: sleep-deprived. As many commenters have noted, an objective observer would not say that of the candidates so far, Trump is the obviously or pathetically aged one. So they need a new diagnosis to explain his energy level and say there is probably something crazy going on.
I'm with bleh. I can't believe Americans will restrict themselves to such pathetically old people. 2016 was bad enough. I like Trump, and I think he's a pretty good President, but obviously the odds are against any big success with someone well into their 70s.
Do we want a president that goes to bed at 7 p.m. every night? If he's too old to keep up on the campaign trail then he's too old to be president.
When the 3AM call comes, he'll already be up.
He'll be peeing for the 8th time, but he'll be up.
biden was a blithering fool at 45, or knave, ymmv, he hasn't gotten any better, this is why I call it the Weak, from the war powers act to the partition of Iraq, he hasn't a lick of sense,
For some reason Biden's Brain Surgeon has decided it's time to make a statement.
Kassell dismissed fears about the 76-year-old Biden's mental faculties, noting that he's "as sharp as he was 31 years ago" and assuring people that the hemorrhage and subsequent operations did not result in any brain damage. "I am going to vote for the candidate who I am absolutely certain has a brain that is functioning," Kassell told Politico. "And that narrows it down to exactly one."
Not only is "as sharp as he was 31 years ago" faint praise, but he doesn't really say he's voting for Biden...
BTW, if you met a doctor billed as "Biden's Brain Surgeon" does that inspire confidence in their abilities?
Host: This is Dr. Kassell. He's Joe Biden's Brain Surgeon.
Me: So, that was the best you could do?
Kevin is hot today. Bravo
"BTW, if you met a doctor billed as "Biden's Brain Surgeon" does that inspire confidence in their abilities?"
Hey, be nice. it's a better gig than Biden's proctologist.
Jill Biden is making campaign ads for her husband.
And she's really telling it like it is!
"Your candidate might be better on, I don't know, health care, than Joe is, but you've got to look at who's going to win this election. And maybe you have to swallow a little bit and say, 'OK, I personally like so-and-so better,' but your bottom line has to be that we have to beat Trump."
Shorter Jill: Swallow! Swallow! Swallow! Swallow! Mmmmm. That's good candidate...
Trump should tweet: "Biden has had five brain aneurysms! Two aneurysms equals a lobotomy!" Then let Biden explain he's only had two.
it's like the race track doctor in cannonball run, nyet,
biden's staffers racked a 250 k fine, for failure to disclose the source of 2008 campaign contributions,
Running against the perpetually sleep deprived Trump
What evidence of this do they have other than 'We hate him'?
cbs would have crawl up to be a joke station, and yet nbc and abc are even worse,
Andrew, that was hilarious!
Still laughing.
Biden is not viable.
"I've seen a couple of clips recently of Elizabeth Warren in Iowa where she kind of speed walk/runs to where the gathered crowd is waiting to hear her."
Do a Google or YouTube search for "Chariots of Firewater."
You know, it's a lotta fun to bash Biden. He's basically an aging clown -- the King of Delaware -- who has just survived 50 years in DC, patiently waiting his turn to become Prez.
Thanks! If I could turn back time I'd be a political consultant. "I coulda been a contender." But who would have seen Trump coming? I envy the meme makers of the world.
I'll reiterate that I'd like to see a video of Biden gaffes set to the song "Sundown." But I don't have the skills.
Having a gerontocracy worked so well for the Soviet Union. Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, guys like that, who were actually younger than Biden is now when they bought the collective farm. Of course, Biden probably drinks less vodka.
No tag for simulacra?
--The Tag Police
Add me to those who were appalled at Ryan's passivity during the VP debate. He missed so many opportunities to knock Biden out. He did nothing, just like Romney.
I still thought Ryan won, just because Biden was so obnoxious. But many people seemed to like Biden's style. One of many times I've lost heart in America's citizenry.
Funny. The author of the article just couldn't help himself. He had to throw in a dig at Trump
" Running against the perpetually sleep deprived Trump,....."
Really. How does he know that Trump is sleep deprived? Many people, very successful people, operate on smaller amounts of sleep. Some as little as a few hours a night, like Edison. Others need much more.
Guy is just making shit up.
"Joe Biden's Brain Surgeon" would be a good name for a sock puppet. Or just "Joe Biden's Brain". Imagine “Joe Biden's Brain said... Windows are like eyes for houses.”
Andrew: "Add me to those who were appalled at Ryan's passivity during the VP debate. He missed so many opportunities to knock Biden out. He did nothing, just like Romney."
Every LLR in sight was very very very proud of Ryan's surrender monkey performance.
For those LLR's that were not pleased with Ryan's performance, like John Kasich, their only complaint was that Ryan didn't immediately confess to being a horrible person live on global television and endorse the obambi/biden ticket on the spot.
well ryan was supposed to be the rocket surgeon, and palin the dummy, but I think she put up more of a fight, with McCain, complicit, in Wallace and Schmidt's defamations,
Clint Eastwood is 89 years old. He has a new movie, The Mule, playing on HBO. He directed and stars in the movie in which he plays a 90 year old drug courier. The movie is quite watchable and holds your interest, but it's quite shocking to see him. He looks frail and even fragile. Old age happens, even to Clint Eastwood.....Eastwood does all his own stunts, including walking and staying awake, but it doesn't really have the feel of an Eastwood movie. You never get the sense that he's going to pull out gun and and murder the room....Anyway if old age can happen to Eastwood, it can certainly happen Biden and, maybe, in a few years to Trump.
narciso: "well ryan was supposed to be the rocket surgeon, and palin the dummy, but I think she put up more of a fight, with McCain, complicit, in Wallace and Schmidt's defamations,"
John "Glenn Simpson buddy" McCain showed his true Coup Schmuck colors before he passed away.
And now we know all about it...with even more to come.
Biden has kept his weight down, but he doesn't project anywhere near the same amount of vitality as Trump. Sanders has the energy, but it comes across as elderly and irritable. Buttigieg and Beto are definitely youthful and fit, but they're not registering in the polls. Maybe a youthful appearance has gone the way of tail fins.
I saw China Joe from about 20-30 feet last month in Council Bluffs. He said "good afternoon" at 11:15 am. And, yes, his face is quite tight for his age and his teeth are unnaturally white.
Trump will crush China Joe if Biden gets the nomination.
I predict one of the Dems will ask him why he Barack didn't stop the opioid crisis. But, of course, no one will ask him about his extensive ties to China or his knowledge of spying on the Trump campaign.
Joe also never gives press interviews. No questions from voters.
"Every LLR in sight was very very very proud of Ryan's surrender monkey performance."
I thought Ryan's debate performance was pathetic, but.... I am embarrassed to confess that at the time, I thought Romney and Ryan were stand-up guys, a moderate and a conservative, a good ticket.
Boy, was I lost!
I sincerely apologize a la John Cleese in a "Fish Called Wanda"
Not to be obsequious, but I learned a lot from the esteemed Commentariat herein. There is, indeed, a large portion of establishment Republicans, who would rather lose "honorably" to Dems and sustain the welfare state and all its DC perks, than fight and resist.
Ryan was one of those.
That's life -- ya learn something new every day.
"spare us the bullshit"
In that case, all Dems would have to suspend their campaigns.
I mean, Althouse, have you heard them say anything that isn't bullshit? I mean, of the remaining candidates? I mean, cruelly neutrally honestly?
OK, Gabbard wants no more stupid wars. Anything else?
Joe also never gives press interviews. No questions from voters.
This is evergreen:
Reporters had dug up a months-old video of a voter in Claremont, New Hampshire, pointedly asking Biden about his academic record.
Biden angrily responded, "I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect." He claimed he had gone to law school on a full academic scholarship and graduated in the top half of his class, adding, "I was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of my year."
In fact, Biden would soon acknowledge that he attended law school on a partial need-based scholarship, graduated near the bottom of his class and was merely "put up for that award" by a professor.
You lose your fast ball when you get older. If you're Trump - you could lose a few MPH's and you can still strike them out. But "Slow Joe" was a minor league pitcher even when he was young. He's gotten by on Spitballs, curve-balls, and being the Coach's best friend. Now, when we need a POTUS who can go 9 innings they want "Slow Joe" to only pitch relief. Its good to have friends in the Press Box.
Biden didn't startle anyone with his brain in HS, and his record in a mediocre Law school, was mediocre. Fortunately for him, the Democrats don't require great intellect, just political correctness.
Hairplugs, Facelifts, Botox, he looks OK from the Neck up. Just don't show him naked.
Anyone know how old Biden's brain surgeon is? If he's operated on Biden 31 years ago, he can't be any spring chicken himself. Is he sharp enough to know if Biden is as sharp now as he was then (which is damning with faint praise as John Henry noted).
I can't seem to find his age. Are we sure he even remembers the right patient?
.."he looks OK from the Neck up. Just don't show him naked."
Too late.
“Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,” Kessler writes in the book – due for release Aug. 5.
“Female Secret Service agents find that offensive,” he writes.
Not in today's Democrat party. Electing a straight white male?
No way.
That is why the strategy to use Slow Joe as a trojan horse to bring in a radical won't work. Crazy feminists in the dem party will not countenance a white male at the top of the ticket. They are hoping against hope that Fauxcahontas doesn't self-destruct ... she's all they've got!
He's had gaffes forever.
The new risk is one of his intermittent slurred speech episodes getting way out of hand.
Joe and his son Hunter Biden are both money grubbing corruption whores.
Good thing no one ever attacks America after 5pm...
One unsettling sci-fi trope(?) Is about getting your brain transplant into younger clone body
Who is more likely to choose that route?
Trump or Biden?
Good test for candidate character.
Calling Dave Begley can quiz them!
"Biden angrily responded, "I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect."
I'm smart. Not like people say. Like... dumb. I'm smart and I want respect - Joe Fredo Biden
Sleepy has had the top of his head off twice.
Hmmm. Good to know you can't clone genius from doofus.
Jo Biden bragged that he had graduated in the top half of his class,
Think about it; Jo's boast (which wasn't even True,) was that
He Was SO GOOD, That He Was Above Average
Leave off (for now) the fact that it wasn't Even Close to being true...
Jo thought that that was something to be proud of.
Not, The Top (Valedictorian); Not, Next to the Top (Salutatorian)
Not, In the Top 5%, Not, in the 10 (or even 20)%
But BRAGGING that he's in the top 50% (ala Lake Wobegone, where all the children are above average)
Jo Biden is SO STUPID, that he thinks a C+, is a GREAT GRADE
imagine this in a campaign ad
I felt him get closer to me from behind. He leaned further in and inhaled my hair. I was mortified. I thought to myself, “I didn’t wash my hair today and the vice-president of the United States is smelling it. And also, what in the actual fuck? Why is the vice-president of the United States smelling my hair?” He proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head. My brain couldn’t process what was happening. I was embarrassed. I was shocked. I was confused. There is a Spanish saying, “tragame tierra,” it means, “earth, swallow me whole.” I couldn’t move and I couldn’t say anything. I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me.
--Former Nevada Assemblywoman Lucy Flores
Media prefers Warren to Biden and now Harris since she stinks up the polls.
Any articles worrying about Warren's drawbacks as a candidate?
Her stream of nutty and unpopular position papers?
How about blacks not taking to old liberal "ex wife" white women like Hill and Liz? Better go all in on reparations, Lieawatha.
Joe Biden's new nickname: Abbie Normal
Bob said... Anyone know how old Biden's brain surgeon is?
I don't, BUT:
Dr. Kassell graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 1972. Dr. Kassell works in Charlottesville, VA and 2 other locations and specializes in Neurological Surgery.
So, if he was a Dogey Howser sort, and go his MD when he was 20, he'd be 67
I'd guess he's 70+
Doctor K, or anyone? how old would a person be if they graduated 1972?
Heck! Dr K, do you knoew this guy?
Joe "LLR" Biden just today in Iowa: RFK and MLK were assassinated in the 70's, in late 70....
Seriously LLR Chuck! Is this really the best you and your dem pals can do?
Chuckie, I strongly recommend you jump ship to Team Tomahawk ASAP!
EHR - He does not use electronic health records (EHR). The Electronic Health Records (EHR) Incentive Program encourages health care professionals to use certified EHR technology in ways that may improve health care.
I already like this Dr Kassell. 1972 graduate would make him mid 70s.
Mt friend Harold Ellis is 93 and working 5 days a week.
Most surgeons give up operating about 65,. My former partner kept it up to about 70.
I knew I liked thaqt guy Kassell.
Kassell dismissed fears about the 76-year-old Biden's mental faculties, noting that he's "as sharp as he was 31 years ago"
The combined effect of the tan, the teeth, the hair, and maybe Botox and fillers, if not a facelift, is on the verge of unsettling. We all know Biden is old, but he seems determined to avoid reminding us.
These quibbles should be uniformly applied to female candidates, especially older female candidates.
Biden can’t place the assassinations of Jack Kennedy or Bobby Kennedy even within the correct decade. Sleepy Joe says “late1970s.” For the benefit of Democrats and other brain-addled readers, the real dates were 1963 and 1968.
If Biden is as sharp today as he was 31 years ago, he must have been pretty stupid back then, too.
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