August 15, 2019

"If I were a young single guy, I’d be inclined to bank a bunch of sperm, then get a vasectomy. For men, that’s pretty much the only way to achieve 'reproductive rights.'"

Writes Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit, after reading something at The Sun called "THE SPURGLARS I was desperate for a baby so I ‘spurgled’ a man and tricked him into getting me pregnant." I haven't read that yet, but I'm going to guess that "spurglar" is a portmanteau of "sperm" and "burglar."

What's the downside of the frozen-sperm-vasectomy plan? When do you reveal to your girlfriends that this is what you have done? Do you tell them what you did and why? Do you reveal your mistrust of women? Do you use the word "spurglar" in your explanation? This will affect her opinion of you. If she's thinking she wants children, maybe she's picturing a real sexual encounter, not a medical procedure. Where's the romance? Where's the profound love? What kind of father are you? And you've chosen to disconnect your sexual activity from fertility? Won't that affect your mind, your sense of power and connection to creative forces? And all because of your suspicion of women. What have you done to yourself?! Wouldn't it be ironic if the women — all the women you imagined yourself getting — didn't want you because of what you'd done and you're left with your sex-doll robot who was never going to get pregnant anyway?


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President-Mom-Jeans said...

"Read it properly and get back to me. I'm not going to restate what I said since the question is what I said at the time. Your paraphrase is incorrect."

I think Althouse is going senile. You aren't a professor anymore. You aren't able to bully around law students. Your retarded opinion about whether a paraphrase "is incorrect" isn't backed by being able to threaten people's grades. While unfortunately you are still getting paid by the taxpayers for that bloated pension, you are not a fucking profesor and can't shut down people as Queen of the classroom anymore. You are just a post menopausal idiot feminist now, much like the crazy cat lady screaming on the corner.

Schoolmarm going to schoolmarm.

Required field must not be blank said...

If the man is smart, he'll preserve his finances and fertility for his real family, instead of getting robbed of his resources and DNA by a woman who wants single parenthood, financed by her victim.

But he should not have this dilemma of preventing this kind of rape (because that is what it is) --- in a sane world, informed consent to fatherhood would be viewed as fundamental as the right to abortion is nowadays.

Sadly men are only safe and in control of their financial and emotional autonomy at the price of self mutilation.

In that respect, you're correct Anne --- that is not sexy or romantic at all, but the fault is not with the men, but with the women who predate on men.

Jim at said...

It’s part and parcel of the new men’s empowerment moment, otherwise known as “Oh poor me, I’m the victim”.

Banned poster who refuses to leave is now lecturing others on victimization.

Yancey Ward said...

"Men who sabotage condoms"

Also known as Puget Sound Dudes.

walter said...

Laslo Spatula said...
If I have to support this, then I guess I support most a woman who spurgled by mouth.
..which can lead to accidental spargling.

Yancey Ward said...

"Don't sleep with crazy, liberal women, even the good-looking ones! Those are the ones that will screw you over, somehow, someway."

At least, don't do it then show her your MAGA hat.

Michael K said...

In that respect, you're correct Anne --- that is not sexy or romantic at all, but the fault is not with the men, but with the women who predate on men.

Well known phenomenon unknown to Inga who had to bribe the male prostitutes.

Every young man should take the basic male course.

Anything else is dangerous. And costly

Earnest Prole said...

It’s impossible for one’s splooge to simultaneously be priceless and to wander the earth freely, even if your name is Glenn Reynolds.

My name goes here. said...

"Is it even a REAL and wide spread phenomenon that women are stealing men’s sperm to impregnate themselves with? "

It is real enough. I have seen women get pregnant to save a failing relationship. That is not a new technique, it has been around for a very long time.

I believe it was even one of the subplots in the movie An Officer and a Gentleman.

MayBee said...

Would you rather marry a man who had a vasectomy and froze sperm, or a man who paid for an abortion of his offspring?

Bay Area Guy said...

@Yancey Ward,

"Men who sabotage condoms"

Also known as Puget Sound Dudes.

Hah! I see what you did! Great movie, but now you are dating yourself.

"I wanna marry a naval aviator, not some Okie from Musgokee"

Then: fake pregnant to get married

Now: real pregnancy to not get married, but get child support.

The times they are a-changin'

FrankiM said...

“It is real enough. I have seen women get pregnant to save a failing relationship. That is not a new technique, it has been around for a very long time.”

Takes two to tango. Why are they even having sex if the relationship is failing? Take some responsibility for your actions.

walter said...

Yeah..but at that point she decides its a different dance.

I Callahan said...

Takes two to tango. Why are they even having sex if the relationship is failing? Take some responsibility for your actions.

Either you have no idea what happens in failing relationships, or you really are the dullard that you’ve been accused of being.

FrankiM said...

“ have no idea what happens in failing relationships...”

Evidently you do. No wonder your relationship failed.

Caligula said...

"Men get to choose too."

,Because (of course) we all have rights. Including a right to choose. Just as during the Middle Ages everyone had rights: serfs, lords, and kings, everyone had rights. Yes, Everyone. it's just that some had more rights than others. According to their station in life, of course.

So, yes, we all have rights. It's just that some have more rights than others, according to their role in reproducton. And when all is said and done, the only right men actually have regarding any children they may have remains the right to pay. Including (of course) the right to pay for choices made by others.

So, all have rights, and all have choices. Just as all the animals on Orwell's Animal Farm were equal. After all, even Orwell's Animals didn't pretend that they were equally equal.

n.n said...

or a man who paid for an abortion of his offspring?

This is applicable to both males and females. These things must be planned. Abortion and divestment of a baby... fetus, a diverse/colorful clump of cells, for people aspiring to a new model, a new car, a gay old time, or with a mood swing. Yeah, Pro-Choice is significant risk factor. A repeated or pattern of Choice establishes a wicked orientation.

DEEBEE said...

‘Do you reveal your mistrust of women?‘
That was quite one-sided and moronic.

Birkel said...

"Takes two to tango." Royal Ass FrankIngaM

1. Rock solid rubber/glue level argument. No points.

2. If one of them is snipped, it would take three. That's the whole point.

FrankiM said...

It appears that men simply cannot accept responsibility for their actions, everything is either theft or trickery to get your precious DNA. Get over yourselves.

John Althouse Cohen said...

Are men's rights guys sexy to women?

Are women attracted to men who don’t think for themselves, or who lack confidence in their own reasoning, and who go along with whatever views they imagine women find “sexy”?

I’m not seeing the big problem with a man explaining this plan to his partner. Of course you could put it in a way that sounds crude and off-putting, but you could do that with almost any life decision (including deciding to marry or have kids). But obviously, don’t do that! It can be explained much more sensitively as a way to not have to worry about the risk until both partners have decided they definitely want to have kids. I don’t understand this post’s suggestion that this would raise doubts about “what kind of a father” the man would be.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Can you imagine a gal saying "yeah I wanted to fuck a bunch of guys I couldn't trust but not risk getting pregnant so I've been on birth control for all my adult life; I've also prioritized my career and my own personal pleasure so I've had a large number of sex partners and have waited to settle down and have kids (so as not to hurt my earning potential at work) and now that I've met you, the man I want to marry, I need fertility treatment/to conceive via syringe in order to have our children" and the man thinking "wow this is the woman of my dreams!"

Totally agree and supports my meta-advice which is, Guys, Gals, promiscuous sex and building your relationship normal around the expectation of it just bites us all in the ass in the end. I know it seems like the numbers are against you but if you want a safe, rewarding and mutually satisfactory intimate life, don't date and/or have sex with low quality partners. Keep your pants on unless you know well, deeply care for and trust the other person. This is countercultural in this day and age but who other than someone with no dignity gives a shit about that? Do what you know is right and let all the rest of the idiots jump off a cliff together. They'll all have their Valtrex and their childless pointless lives.

Michael K said...

Why are they even having sex if the relationship is failing?

Inga relies on "50 shades of Gray" for her pleasuring herself. Keep plenty of batteries handy,.

bagoh20 said...

It just foolish to underestimate the power of self-interest, which causes everybody to be untrustworthy at some point. A man only has two choices to completely protect himself, and completely is the only way to do it. He can either totally abstain from sex, or get a vasectomy. If you want to have sex without doing reproduction which is how 99% of all sex is preferred, then freezing sperm is the only option that avoids paying a price as bad as not controlling your sperm. It is the only way to truely control both your sperm, and your future. I couldn't care less if that makes me less sexy to a woman who wants part of that control. I wouldn't even give a woman the keys to my car for sex. Sex is easier to get than an order of fries, and you only pay for the fries one time. An intelligent, truely self-actualized woman would not want a man just becuase she can control him, and a guy is making a big mistake if he lets a woman who needs that get his sperm.

LA_Bob said...

gilbar said,

"...just be straight forward, and say:
When i was young, i didn't want kids; so i got a vasectomy.....BUT; i thought that Maybe, some time in the future, i might reconsider.... So, i froze some sperm... Just in case."

Good grief, could it possibly be any simpler???

FrankiM said...

“Why are they even having sex if the relationship is failing?”

@Michael K,
How many marriages have you had? Any of your kids made in one of your failing relationships? Why didn’t you take better care to not impregnate your wife who hated you?

bagoh20 said...

People who have avoided having numerous sex partners always tell everyone how they are ruining their future chances at love, but that's just one of those things they hope is true so they don't have to face the possibility that they missed out on something.

Same thing with people who have avoided drinking, drugs, adventure, risk, and various other kinds of fun.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

It's hard to figure out which women are truly quality

No it's not. Read Proverbs chapter 31, which has been telling guys how to avoid women of low character for two thousand years. Ask yourself: What kind of things come out of her mouth? How does she spend her time? How do her friends behave? Does she build/tend/grow things or just consume them? Does she have respect for religion, even if she's not much of a believer herself, or is she contemptuous of it or other things she does not understand? Does she speak affectionately and caringly about her parents? Does she manage her money well? Can she stick with long-term projects; does she have discipline and attention span and maturity? Is she polite to waiters and cashiers? Does she take herself too seriously or does she have a sense of humor? Does she pick one indulgence and spend a bit too much on it (shoes, plants for her garden, getting her hair done, whatever) and leave it at that, or does she always think she deserves the best of everything? Does she look for ways to be helpful? Does she throw a tantrum when things don't go her way or does she take a deep breath and move on? Is she pleasant to travel with? Does she use drugs or alcohol to numb any of her feelings? Can she gracefully turn down an invitation without making the other person feel small?

This is all off the top of my head. It's not that hard, fellas. Your dads should have taught you this but if they didn't, you need to figure it out on your own. Just like women do.

The greatest things any of us will do for the quality of our life and relationships is to avoid entanglements with people of low character. We can love them and wish the best for them and don't need to dwell on their faults, but we must recognize them and avoid making ourselves vulnerable to them.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

People who have avoided having numerous sex partners always tell everyone how they are ruining their future chances at love, but that's just one of those things they hope is true so they don't have to face the possibility that they missed out on something.

Same thing with people who have avoided drinking, drugs, adventure, risk, and various other kinds of fun.

You're very smart and can take chances and have fun without it biting you in the ass. Most people are not smart, and should not follow your example.

Roughcoat said...

Can someone other than n.n. explain to me what ("=") means?

LA_Bob said...

You know, couples get together based on attraction, however defined. They don't necessarily expect to marry the "partner" until they've spent time getting to know them. True for women as well as men.

Getting to know someone may take awhile. Quite awhile. It is too much to expect of most people that they refrain from sexual intimacy until they decide to "get serious." True for women as well as men.

Accordingly, the frozen-sperm plan protects the woman as well as the man. It means she is not bound to someone if an "accident" occurs (and she doesn't believe in abortion). No more bound than he is.

I see this insurance as good for both parties.

Yrjooe said...

Why do you assume mistrust of women as motivation? Why can't men simply decide to take more ownership of their own reproduction? The fact that Reynolds identifies mistrust as his primary reason doesn't mean there aren't other legitimate motivations to do this. And you assume that women would be bothered by a man doing this. Why? Some women may appreciate the effort to be more thoughtful in planning one's own future.

SGT Ted said...

It’s part and parcel of the new men’s empowerment moment, otherwise known as “Oh poor me, I’m the victim”.

Lots of projecting and female shaming language going on here.

SGT Ted said...

"Takes two to tango. Why are they even having sex if the relationship is failing? Take some responsibility for your actions"

Those men are, by getting vasectomies, which you claim is playing the victim. Stay focused. You shit for brains.

GingerBeer said...

Given that women regularly use make-up, padded bras, butt pads, Spanx, vibrators, and bank their eggs I'm not sure any women is in a position to object to a guy who's had a vasectomy and frozen his sperm.

Roughcoat said...

Why are they even having sex if the relationship is failing?

Sometimes failing-relationship sex is the best sex.

Why don't you know that?

bagoh20 said...

“Why are they even having sex if the relationship is failing?”

I've always found that one of the best ways to make an unhappy woman happy is a good fuck. Having sex in a failing relationship is like getting a thirsty woman a cool glass of water.

Howard said...

eeeek a mouse says the chickencuck trumprsters as they get theyselves fixed.

John Althouse Cohen said...

Of course, there never would have been a feminist movement if women had held themselves back by asking, "Are women's rights gals sexy to men?" So, that would have been bad, and it's similarly bad if men hold themselves back with that kind of thought.

FrankiM said...

“Sometimes failing-relationship sex is the best sex.

Why don't you know that?”

Sorry, happily married for many years. Is that great sad sex worth the price of an unwanted child?

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Apart from that, she's perfectly all right!

Jim at said...

The woman who sent every male she ever slept with running for the hills the very second they sobered up is calling out other people over failed relationships.

Charlotte Allen said...

Hoodlum Doodlum said:

It's insane the kinds of things "we" say about men that we wouldn't tolerate anyone saying about women. Are those women who choose tubal ligation "creepy?" God help you if you utter such a thing!

We celebrate a woman choosing to have tons of casual sex and push to make contraceptives and abortions as easy for her to get as possible to protect her bodily autonomy and incentivize those choices (to engage in casual sex, not choose long term monogamy with childbearing, etc). We subsidize that lifestyle! The Media promotes it as the goal and anyone dissenting is shamed as regressive, not sex-positive, patriarchal, etc.

But now you're telling me that I'm supposed to view a man not associating sex with a profound moral and spiritual connection to life, procreation, etc, as some kind of a creep and loser.

Women: screw around, live it up, "own" your sexuality and we'll structure society around your every desire (contraceptives passed out like candy, guilt-free abortion on demand, articles encouraging you to prioritize your career over a family, etc).
Men: your bodily fluids are sacred and the act of making love should be approached with the profound and solemn understanding that you're participating in the most serious and meaningful action a human being can undertake; you must treat every possible sexual encounter (or even potential encounter) with the seriousness the Church demanded centuries ago.

Perfectly consistent!

Don't be silly, Hoodlum Doodlum. Women who get their tubes tied, their uteruses removed (without medical reason), their fetuses aborted because "I want to live my own life," etc. are just as creepy as the men who get "snipped" (do men really use that term? Yes, they do!). There is only one proviso: Some women, when they have abortions, really do feel abandoned and fearful that they won't be able to raise the child all alone. They're often pressured by their boyfriends. They can be excused. Getting a vasectomy is a deliberate act. There's no excuse.

Let me make myself clear: If you're not up to the consequences of sex, don't have the sex. Then you won't be "splurged."

And I disagree with the commentator who thinks it doesn't matter how you conceive a child (syringe, whatever). Yes, it does. Thawed-out frozen sperm--please, no.

What I'm

Laslo Spatula said...

Every time a single mother accepts child support, whether from the sperm-supplier or from the state, she is accepting the blood money of the Patriarchy.

I thought women were prouder than that.

I am Laslo.

Anonymous said...

Pants: You're very smart and can take chances and have fun without it biting you in the ass. Most people are not smart, and should not follow your example.


Somehow I don't think bagoh had the unemployed meth-head with five children by five different men in mind when he was advancing his hypothetical.

FrankiM said...

“The woman who sent every male she ever slept with running for the hills the very second they sobered up is calling out other people over failed relationships.”

Your mother?

Night Owl said...

And you've chosen to disconnect your sexual activity from fertility? Won't that affect your mind, your sense of power and connection to creative forces? And all because of your suspicion of women. What have you done to yourself?!

Off-topic-- but who cares this late in the thread-- The above statement made me think about transgendered people. Gay people can still reproduce sexually if they choose to. But those who transition to the opposite sex cannot. They effectively neuter themselves. I find it creepy that leftists are pushing this fad onto young kids.

I had one niece think she was gay at 14, and she "came out" and had a girlfriend-- and now at 22 she has a boyfriend and says she's not gay. And I have another niece who is 15 and at 13 decided she wanted to be a boy; she dresses like one, and prefers to be called by a boy's name. She must be escorted to the boys restroom in school. So far there is no talk of hormones or surgery. I'd put money down that she changes her mind by the time she's 19. So far none of my nephews have wanted to be girls, but give it time. Some are still very young and impressionable.

What the hell are we doing to our young people?

SGT Ted said...

"Getting a vasectomy is a deliberate act. There's no excuse."

Excuse for what? I don't recall you being in charge of men's life choices, Charlotte.

"And I disagree with the commentator who thinks it doesn't matter how you conceive a child (syringe, whatever). Yes, it does. Thawed-out frozen sperm--please, no."

That's very selfish and self centered of you, Charlotte.

So, do you think a woman having her eggs fertilized in a dish with the husbands sperm and then implanted matters and is a negative, like you say using frozen sperm matters?

What I'm seeing is lots of women who think they should have a say a mans fertility choices.

GRW3 said...

In the vein of informed consent for sex, seems like it could include limits to liability for unintended pregnancy.

Bay Area Guy said...

What precisely is the protocol for freezing one's sperm?

Do you use one of those plastic ice cube trays?

That could pose a hazard to the forgetful man seeking to drown his sorrows in a nice Scotch on the Rocks.

Seeing Red said...

It appears that men simply cannot accept responsibility for their actions, everything is either theft or trickery to get your precious DNA. Get over yourselves.

8/15/19, 1:59 PM

If women were as proactive, there’d Be fewer abortions.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Because you knew someone would do it..

n.n said...

If women were as proactive, there’d Be fewer abortions.

The first choice: abstention, the second choice: prevention, the third choice: attention, the fourth choice: adoption, and, of course, the wicked choice: Pro-Choice.

Rosalyn C. said...

"Unknown said...
I can not for the life of me not understand why there isn't a pill for men. I refuse to believe it can't be done. Nor do I think men would rebel against it, it just means more fun, less worry."

I LOL'd when I read that comment in the context of this thread. The reason there is no male birth control pill? Because women don't trust that a majority of men would use it conscientiously.

Charlotte Allen said...

SGT Ted said:

"Getting a vasectomy is a deliberate act. There's no excuse."

Excuse for what? I don't recall you being in charge of men's life choices, Charlotte.

"And I disagree with the commentator who thinks it doesn't matter how you conceive a child (syringe, whatever). Yes, it does. Thawed-out frozen sperm--please, no."

That's very selfish and self centered of you, Charlotte.

So, do you think a woman having her eggs fertilized in a dish with the husbands sperm and then implanted matters and is a negative, like you say using frozen sperm matters?

What I'm seeing is lots of women who think they should have a say a mans fertility choices.

Why is it that when I criticize the "frozen sperm" idea, I've got to simultaneously criticize a woman's having her eggs extracted and stuck into a dish--or I'm "selfish and self-centered"?

For the record, I think the whole idea of artificial conception is absurd--and it conveys to the offspring of such activity that their parents couldn't be bothered to conceive them the natural way--or that their conception was so expensive (as it is) that they'd better live up to their parents' expectations of them--or else?

Women's fertility peaks at age 25. Around then is the time to have children--not when they're 35 and they've got to rely on the ancient sperm their husbands froze when they were age 23. Seven-year-old sperm! Eggs plucked out with tweezers! How romantic! There's such a simple, lovely way--that's so much fun, besides--to have children. But it demands that both men and women start acting like adults when they reach maturity, not like overgrown adolescents who act as though they're entitled to consequence-free sexual pleasure until they're practically middle-aged.

Ken B said...

So the first comment was that AA missed the point. She replied, saying she didn’t. She then expatiated, proving she missed the point. The point was Reynolds was making a mordant observation about double standards. Althouse missed that entirely.

n.n said...

what ("=") means

Think bumper sticker.

I won't explain the significance of the politically congruent construct.

That said, I think the libertarian proposition was a better solution; but, I'm not Pro-Choice, and the people who advocated for "=" are.

n.n said...

it demands that both men and women start acting like adults when they reach maturity

Exactly. We're not children anymore, and children are not prepared to accept responsibility, that and self-moderation are the prerequisite for liberty in civilized societies.

Fernandinande said...

Proverbs chapter 31

"She wakes up while it is still dark and gives food to her family and portions of food to her female slaves."

There ya go, guys! All the wisdom you need on one convenient page: get an early-rising worm-garnering chick who owns some female slaves; the slaves will be nubile since God loves you.

tim in vermont said...

For some reason, the introduction to Walden comes to mind:

"As for the rest of my readers, they will accept such portions as apply to them. I trust that none will stretch the seams in putting on the coat, for it may do good service to him whom it fits.” - Henry David Thoreau

Fernandinande said...

Can someone other than n.n. explain to me what ("=") means?

"The equals sign or equality sign (=) is a mathematical symbol used to indicate equality. It was invented in 1557 by Robert Recorde. In an equation, the equals sign is placed between two (or more) expressions that have the same value. In Unicode and ASCII, it is U+003D = EQUALS SIGN (HTML =)."

"I won't explain the significance of the politically congruent construct."

IOW, he uses it as an occult symbol with special meaning to schizophrenics.

and the people who advocated for "=" are."


n.n, do you still have a good view of the swans from your window? Bars not blocking your view?

Kristen said...

Several years ago, my now-husband was tricked into pregnancy with a mentally unstable woman who believed that if she had his child, he would never be able to leave her. Spoiler: she was very wrong. And insane. We are now raising his son, and he has limited time with his mother because she continues to be unstable and abusive. My husband got a vasectomy immediately after his son was born, because he refused to ever be in that situation again, and I completely understand. We're now starting to try for kids of our own, and our process began with him getting a reversal surgery.
The system we have is a sucker for guys. We have a court system that mandates that fathers pay for a child, and a society where women decide whether or not to get pregnany. If she decides to get pregnant against the man's wishes, he is still on the hook for child support for the next 18 years, and there's nothing he can do about it. Who wouldn't get a vasectomy in that system?

Scott M said...

This will affect her opinion of you.

Only if she's a knuckle-dragging reactionary longing for a idyllic time that never existed.

Ken B said...

I think Gahrie has nailed Althouse. If male rape victims can be sued for child support then what limits are there on male liability? Sperm bank donors? That hardly seems sufficient to refute the claims made.

Jim at said...

Your mother?

My mother isn't the one running her mouth on a blog that banned her.

Ken B said...

JAC is right. “I have decided that I want to be able to control when I create children, and this technology allows me to do that” does not sound shameful, foolish, uncaring, or irresponsible.

Roughcoat said...

IOW, he uses it as an occult symbol with special meaning to schizophrenics.

Yeah. That's what I think too.

Gahrie said...

So, simply put, maybe Reynolds is seeing a new, different, unpleasant sexual landscape, that just wasn't there when I was single. On the other hand, maybe he is seeing something only in his head.

I've researched the court cases. It's real.

Gahrie said...

Getting spurgled is all very fine until the spruglar sues for child support.
Is the victim liable, professor?

This would be my question to the hostess, too.

Well given her stated support for male rape victims having to pay child support to their attacker, I would guess the answer is yes. (Along with the usual "child support is about the child not the mother, the child shouldn't be punished by the actions of it's mother", bullshit)

Gahrie said...

How about holding men accountable for children they DID NOT father ?

Althouse supports that too.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Jeez, Althouse. You have a lot of questions, for someone from Wisconsin!

NEO-FIDO said...

Choice is and should only belong in the wombs of women. Althouse has reiterated the point constantly and consistently.

It is too bad she never had a son in a bad marriage with a woman. It might be the only thing able to break through her pig headed obstinacy and actually have a modicum of self reflectiveness.

As always, the question Althouse refuses to ask, or even countenance, is WHY would men 'want to cut out the romance, cut away his creative power, why would he distrust women so badly that he wants his BALLS CUT?

No...because that would require she reexamine questions about women and feminism that she has long ago dismissed.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

My mother isn't the one running her mouth on a blog that banned her.

8/15/19, 5:12 PM

Inga is so happy and fulfilled that she spends her days obsessively commenting on a blog where she is neither liked nor wanted.

She craves attention - even the negative attention she receives here - because in real life nobody, listens to her or cares what she has to say. She's "somebody" here, a minor celebrity. Once she shuts down the computer, she's just another tiresome old biddy. She has to take out her anger and frustration on Trump, on white males, on Althouse commenters because life clearly isn't treating her well. Other elderly people find satisfaction in volunteering and helping others, but Inga is too selfish to do that.

I'd feel pity for her if she wasn't such a nasty bitch. No wonder nobody pays her attention in real life.

Michael K said...

The system we have is a sucker for guys. We have a court system that mandates that fathers pay for a child, and a society where women decide whether or not to get pregnany.

Bingo !

Mr. Majestyk said...

Have any the ladies here proclaiming they would never want to have a child conceived in a test tube (1) wanted to have a child, but (2) found out they would only be able to do so (realistically) through IVF?

JAORE said...

"“spurgler” is being pushed by rightist men. "

I doubt it's by "rightest" men. That seems to be the assumption of some that this is an incel occurrence. I've seen articles numerous times where this occurs with famous athletes and celebrities.

Ray said...

I did this. Though without the vasectomy. When I met my wife I had a hard time explaining the Ziplocs in my freezer.

Marcus Bressler said...

I thought the Hostess banished Inga but she's back again under an assumed name. Or I am PARAPHRASING her post regarding this incorrectly? Sue me.


I Callahan said...

Evidently you do. No wonder your relationship failed

Nope. 25 years married to the same woman. Swing and a miss.

I Callahan said...

eeeek a mouse says the chickencuck trumprsters as they get theyselves fixed.

You’re running out of material, or you’re just phoning it in now.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

I don't think anyone has mentioned this, but there is a good reason to freeze sperm when you are young.

Chances of birth defects and other abnormalities increase with the age of the father as well as the mother. Autism, in particular, is far more likely.

If you are freezing sperm anyway, you may as well get a vasectomy to make sure the right sperm end up getting used.

This is a completely rational thing to do.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Ray: "When I met my wife I had a hard time explaining the Ziplocs in my freezer."

Did you try telling her they were for the stock pot?

This would only work if she knew you were into cooking.

Maillard Reactionary said...

John Lynch said: "This is a completely rational thing to do."

You are officially banished from polite society, Sir.

Nice to know you.

Michael K said...

I don't think anyone has mentioned this, but there is a good reason to freeze sperm when you are young.

Chances of birth defects and other abnormalities increase with the age of the father as well as the mother. Autism, in particular, is far more likely.

My youngest daughter was born when I was 53 and the birth defect is ingratitude as I pay her college loans off.

So I agree.

bagoh20 said...

I thought it was the child itself that was the wonderful and important thing - you know the actual person. Now I find out that if you were conceived in any way other than a mutual orgasm timed exactly with a bolt of lightning while staring into each others eyes and whispering "I love you", then you really are not worthwhile, and it's just sad that you were born at all reminding us of how unnatural and less than ideal your existence is. Tell that to your artificial insemination produced children. Tell them all, and their parents how foul it is that they did it wrong.

bagoh20 said...

“What kind of a father”. Obviously one who takes his responsibilities seriously and doesn't risk everything just to get laid. Sounds like a damned good start to a fine dad to me.

bagoh20 said...

"You're very smart and can take chances and have fun without it biting you in the ass. Most people are not smart, and should not follow your example."

I wasn't describing myself. I'm not at either end of the spectrum, but people (including myself) tend to act like their own path is the enlightened one, becuase we discount the costs and inflate the benefits. The truth is that whatever path you take, the other path is one you miss completely. That's why my infinitely enlightened path zig zags back and forth across the landscape with u-turns and circles. The journey is the destination.

walter said...

With Doc Edes just a gmail away, Biden's promise doesn't interest me anymore.

Saint Croix said...

Does freezing eggs and then taking the pill "change you?"

The pill's a bad example as there are notable changes in women who are on it.

See this.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

It's obvious that Glenn Reynolds knows what it's like to be a man, young or otherwise, and our host hasn't got a clue. I don't expect her to. The reality of life as the opposite sex is mostly impenetrable for us sisgenders.

NEO-FIDO said...

The nice thing about our hostess is that she does not sit her continually trying to defend and justify things she says which are blatantly stupid.

There are, for example, several cases online where women did exactly this, and the NBA has a directive to their players to make sure to FLUSH THE CONDOMS. Quite a few unwilling baby daddies in the NBA, God Bless them.

The bad thing about our hostess is she never defends her positions because of her haughty disdain, being light years above us proles and if only we were clever and intelligent, we might approach her levels of evolution...

When has anyone heard Althouse say 'you know what...I hadn't considered that'?

That would be never. Don't expect it either. Because being a college professor and a chair means never having to say you are wrong or you are sorry.

When one is an actual practicing lawyer, the jury and the judge give one lessons in humility regularly as one loses cases. It grounds non-academic lawyers.

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Narr said...

Get thee behind me, copper westmoreland!

Not falling for this one again

Vasectomy Clinic Atlanta said...

There are just so many misconceptions surrounding around the men about the vasectomy. I would probably advise them to contact vasectomy doctors in Atlanta. There is no doubt that vasectomy was used to be painful but the things have changed and it is totally painless.

Harry Greb said...

Imagine that, a MAN actually getting to decide when, or if, he becomes a father, and with whom.

The only people who need be concerned by this are controlling women who think they alone should have that power. It begs the question of why the author is so outraged by this.

That men have to resort to invasive and risky surgery on their genitals just to protect themselves from unscrupulous women and harassment from the CSA is why we need the male abortion.

Or as Dave Chappelle put it, "if she can kill this mofo, I should be allowed to abandon it. My money, my choice."

The mother can keep her inalienable right to abort or keep a child. She just loses the right to make a man a father against his will (and force him to spend the next two decades paying for her decision).

That would be equality, and no doubt many women would hate the loss of power a pregnancy gives them over men. But those who are used to privilege will always regard equality as oppression.

Harry Greb said...

SGT Ted wrote:
"This post reveals the entire self serving and hypocritical bullshit of women in regards to reproductive rights. Thanks for revealing that women aren't really pro-choice when it comes to men's reproductive rights."

You're surprised by this? Feminism is not about equality or men having a choice in anything. Otherwise they'd support men having same right to opt out of a pregnancy as women do. You rarely, if ever, find a feminist who wants the draft extended to women, thinks 50% of the prison population to be female and demands female quotas for jobs like ditch digging, coal mining and deep-sea fishing.

Women love to control men. Any man who has ever lived with a woman will tell you one thing they hate above all else is when HE won't do what SHE wants him to do. A vasectomized man is harder to tie down, since he cannot be tricked into fatherhood, baby-trapped, spermjacked, duped into raising someone else's kid or forced, under threat of imprisonment, to pay her a big chunk of his salary for the next 18-21 years. With no children involved, he can dump her any time he likes and never look back.

The only people who need be concerned by this are the women who see a man as a meal ticket and would attempt the above to get it. If there are women out there who object to a man getting a vasectomy and freezing his sperm, then draw your own conclusions.

Incidentally, the other side of this coin, not covered here, is that women love vasectomies once they are done having children and don't want to use birth control any more. Go on places like Mumsnet and you'll find it full of posts like "HE won't get a vasectomy". And the sisterhood will pile into the guy for being selfish and advise her to divorce him or deny him sex until he agrees. Control again. He should only get a vasectomy when it's convenient for me and not a moment before.

Harry Greb said...

Gahrie wrote: "I've researched the court cases. It's real."

See SF vs. TM (1996), the case of a man who was raped by a woman while he unconscious and was nevertheless ordered to pay child support for her rape baby.

There have also been a number of cases involving underage boys who were victims of statutory rape at the hands of female babysitters and teachers and ordered to pay child support to their rapist (cf County of San Luis Obispo v. Nathaniel J).

(Before anyone brings it up, there has been at least one case where a woman was excused a child support order on the grounds that she had been raped)

Women have stolen sperm from sperm banks to get pregnant by forging the man's signature and yep, those guys were ordered to pay up too (see ARB vs R in the UK).

The mother can lie about paternity or the CSA can screw up and enforce the order against the wrong man, and he will still have to pay. Men have been imprisoned for not paying for children who aren't theirs and in some cases have never even met (see Frank Hatley, Carnell Alexander, for instance).

Essentially, there is a no crime or circumstance, however illegal, unjust or disturbing, that a court will not overlook when it comes to enforcing a child support order against a man.

Meanwhile, a female blogger who supports the above can't understand why men are recommending invasive and irreversible scrotal surgery to avoid undesired pregnancies.

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