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"I wait for him to misspell or mispronounce something, and then I wait for my Serial Brain to decode."
Said Michelle Sellati, who attended Trump's Cincinnati rally last night, quoted in "Fear and gloating in Cincinnati" (WaPo). She was one of the "noticeable contingent of rallygoers wearing the symbols of the QAnon conspiracy theory." WaPo explains that QAnon "helps explain the president’s foibles to those who see him as the author of living scripture" and that Serial Brain is "a YouTube channel that she says analyzes the missing letters in the president’s tweets — and the garbled words in the president’s mouth — for clues to what’s going to happen in the future." Asked to explain something that did take place after a coded clue from Trump, Sellati said, "The chemtrails are gone. Since July 4. Look at the sky. It’s beautiful." I'm just going to hope Sellati and Serial Brain are wily pranksters.
७९ टिप्पण्या:
WaPo explains that QAnon "helps explain the president’s foibles to those who see him as the author of living scripture"
The projection is strong. At least we don’t get any more photos with President halos.
No matter how crazy-culty they try to make Trump's audience sound, they're still less crazy-culty than the Democrat's candidates.
This seems on par with the Flat Earth movement.
It's easy to connect the dots when there are only two of them.
I am Laslo.
The QAnon conspiracies require us to believe that institutions like the CIA and FBI have dark ulterior motives that motivate their actions, often at odds from their expected services.
So, yeah: silly.
I am Laslo.
"WaPo explains that QAnon "helps explain the president’s foibles to those who see him as the author of living scripture..."
Now can you give us that "Trump is like Jesus" Althouse tag I've been asking for?
Yeah wow, crazy random people in a crowd trying to be part of a media spectacle.film at Thirteen O'Clock
Who is Dan Zak?
[W]hy is this Scripture so unclear? If we want to warn someone of a terrible danger, do we go about it by telling him a riddle whose solution will be the warning?
- Wittgenstein
I'm just going to hope Sellati and Serial Brain are wily pranksters.
Poe's Law. *shrug*
People searching for an explanation to prove their lives aren't just a random series of events and experiences. The search for meaning outside of themselves.
People believe all sorts of foolish things. Marxism, for example, or MSNBC.
Maybe she was saying "Cereal Brain". You eat a box or two of Froot Loops or Lucky Charms every day for a couple of weeks and just about anybody will see the world in a new way.
Seems harmless. Like believing the CIA flooded the hood with crack cocaine.
White People acting like Black People
Bezos believed that Trump and Saudi Arabia hacked his phone and posted his dick pics.
Perhaps this journalist should work for someone sane
QAnon is Eric Trump
QAnon+ is Donald Trump
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller helps explain the President’s treason to Washington Post journalists who see Mueller as the author of living scripture.
Is the WaPo still grieving the loss of Qatar’s Asset who was on their payroll?
Trump's opponents in the media love to boost fringe elements like QAnon to make Trump's supporters seem kooky; they hope to tie them to Trump and therefore to diminish Trump. They do the same thing with white supremacists and the alt-right and of course the Russians. The constant question asked of Trump is "will you renounce?"
It's all so dumb. Trump is a man who speaks for himself and is very comfortable doing so. He's a loudmouth and won't be silenced. If you want to know what he believes and what he represents, he broadcasts his thoughts every day via Twitter. He does rallies all the time. In his speeches and press conferences, he goes off script frequently. He speaks extemporaneously and off-the-cuff more than any President ever. You can judge him based on all that material.
The thing is, shitty people have the right to vote, too. They have to pick a candidate and you can be sure there's no shortage of dirtbags who support Democratic candidates. If the media were so inclined, they could easily use some of those dirtbags to dirty up Democratic Presidents.
Al Sharpton's support alone could discredit any Democratic President, if we're going to play that game. But we aren't playing that game.
In our screwed up world, Al Sharpton is well compensated media personality and respected figure on the Left. He's the Democratic kingmaker.
Qanon is a "deniable" back-channel propaganda outlet operated by the Trump machine.
Perhaps, and likely, with the occasional participation by Trump himself.
Trump gives it just enough veiled public acknowledgement to keep it both credible and deniable.
It is a brilliant device. It is full of mystery and gnostic understandings. It amounts to an ongoing work of literature of considerable merit.
How true it is in detail I don't know. Likely some is and some is fantasy. But its starting point, and general sense, is that the American-International institutional system is vastly corrupt and self-serving. That part is correct, in spades.
"fringe elements like QAnon"
I don't think Qanon is fringe at all; I get the impression of millions of followers, direct and indirect.
This is not literature in the traditional sense, using traditional forms.
It is quite a new thing, using current systems and technologies and existing within a different mode of human society.
This Qanon is a mystery story with profound implications, an alternate world system, existing in parallel with the "official" worldview, with a parallel "underside" plot.
This has been done before of course, in more traditional literary and theatrical forms, but never so directly tied to real people or real events. It also includes a powerful element of audience participation.
My only problem with Qanon, as a literary production, is the pacing.
In other words, it is painfully slow.
The trouble of course is that it is tied to reality.
You mean rick Wilson, who is caterwalling over gabbard, not in the proper way,
The chemtrails are gone.
She's got a Point! there are NO Chemtrails now, just boring old contrails
Were there Chemtrails before? Well, a Lot of people seemed to think so; and One thing's for sure: No Chemtrails now!
Rick Wilson. A weird guy who's perfectly straight, but gives off a kiddie toucher vibe.
I wouldn't trust him to board my dog for a weekend.
when you wonder why guiliani's campaign went pearshaped, you can blame the likes of rick Wilson and john avlon, abbott and Costello,
My guess is the WaPo wrote this because they believe all people who don't hate Trump are secretly QAnon people.
buwaya, is there such a thing as a falsifiable conspiracy theory? (Falsifiable in the Karl Popper sense of course.)
My basic problem with conspiracy theories, like metaphysical theories, is that they never seem to be falsifiable--satisfying or entertaining as they might otherwise be. At least I've never encountered one that was held in anything but unquestioning belief.
What would it take to falsify Qanon, in your opinion?
As an example of the problems with conventional history and why conspiratorialism is necessary -
Consider that ever-popular topic, the WWII Japanese internment; from the 2016 edition of
Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve
"In 1942, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, which authorized the
relocation and internment of 110,000 Japanese Americans and “resident aliens”
living within 60 miles of the West Coast, and stretching inland into Arizona, on
grounds of national security. The order violated their constitutional and human
rights, but the Supreme Court, in a decision heavily criticized today, upheld its
implementation in Korematsu v. United States, arguing, “when under conditions of
modern warfare our shores are threatened by hostile forces, the power to protect
must be commensurate with the threatened danger.”
In addition, many persons of Italian and German origin who were in the United
States when World War II began were classified as “enemy aliens” under the
Enemy Alien Control Program and had their rights restricted, including thousands
who were interned. The racial distinction in the application of these policies is
clear in the fact that, unlike the Italians and Germans who were interned, over 60
percent of those with Japanese ancestry were American citizens. Japanese
Americans lost personal property, businesses, farms, and homes as a result of their
forced removal. After Japanese Americans spent many years campaigning for
redress, Congress apologized in 1988 for Japanese internment and allocated
compensation funds for survivors. Only What We Could Carry, edited by Lawson
Inada, is a particularly good source for firsthand accounts of the Japanese
American experience during World War II, including oral histories of servicemen."
Next post - the rest of the story -
I don't put much stock in quanon, but is it crazier than believing that mueller who took honoraria, from a drug laundering branch of citigroup, banamex, whose history was chronicled by al Giordano 18 years ago, is a good cop, along with his firms representation of deutch bank, which aaron zebley was also a party to,
of course, the big deal they leave out of the story, is fdr's long standing animus toward Japanese immigrants going back to the 20s, maybe it has something to do with his grandfather warren Delano's part of the china trade, much like Russell forbes and the weld family,
"What would it take to falsify Qanon, in your opinion?"
It is a propaganda outlet, it is impossible to falsify.
One must assume that it is a mixture of true and false.
We are not equipped to evaluate it yet, to sort out one from the other.
Would QAnon explain Bernie Sanders penchant for tyranny? Just wondering.
now who carried out the policy, white shoe wall street lawyer john mccloy, of milbank and tweed, and karl bendetsen, who years later was part of Reagan's kitchen cabinet,
They're fringe loons pushed to the front when convenient. Or maybe that too is just a conspiracy theory.
of course neither fdr's anti animus, nor earl warren's amoral pragmatism really come to light in this analysis, of course hoover who was no opponent of preventive detention in principle was against it, along with atty general biddle,
of course a theory that had much more purchase in Hollywood (lethal weapon, above the law, cagney and lacey, Miami vice, (and it's successor crime story) was the christics institute, that merry band of tricksters, headed by Daniel sheehan, yes the same behind private Nathan phillips, alluded to a decades long government conspiracy which involved everything from iran contra to the kennedy assassination and before,
Compare above, re the Japanese Internment, vs this from Ron Unz -
American Pravda: The Power of Organized Crime
How a Young Syndicate Lawyer from Chicago Earned a Fortune Looting the Property of the Japanese-Americans, then Lived Happily Ever After as America's Most Respected Civil Libertarian Federal Appellate Court Judge
"Within a couple of years, these federal holdings had swelled to include half a million acres of the state’s best farmland, some 1,265 small Japanese-owned hotels, and numerous urban parcels throughout Los Angeles, San Jose, and other cities. In 1942 the federal government estimated the value of these former Japanese-American properties at around $3 billion in present day dollars, but the huge postwar California economic and population boom would surely have greatly increased the worth of this real estate portfolio by the early 1950s. The business assets and patent holdings of the seized German companies were worth additional billions.
Following the end of the war, all this property needed to be sold off, and powerful Chicago interests recognized this tremendous opportunity. The 1946 elections had produced a crushing national defeat for the ruling Democrats, with the Republicans regaining control of both houses of Congress for the first time since 1932. President Truman thus faced a desperate battle for reelection, and Chicago’s powerful political machine deployed its considerable political clout to place the sales process in the hands of David L. Bazelon, a young Chicago lawyer and leading Democratic fund-raiser with deep Syndicate ties. Bazelon had taken a pay cut of 80% to enter government service, but he soon boasted to the Washington Post that he had become “one of the largest businessmen in the country.” His motive quickly became apparent as he arranged the sale of assets for a fraction of their real value to his circle of Chicago friends and associates, sometimes apparently receiving a secret slice of the lucrative ownership stakes in return.
As an extreme example, Bazelon almost immediately sold Chicago’s Henry Crown a twenty-six thousand acre California mine site, containing tens of millions of dollars worth of coal, for a mere $150,000. A private $1 million sale of seized German property in 1948 to a group formed by his lifelong best friend and former law partner Paul Ziffren was worth $40 million by 1954, and Ziffren soon rewarded Bazelon with a 9.2% share of his multimillion-dollar real estate holding company. Another major beneficiary of Bazelon’s unusual sales practices later told a Congressional investigating committee that he gave Bazelon a 25% share of his large hotel holding company because he “was just feeling good and generous and was grateful.”
These particular hidden gifts to Bazelon only later came to light through chance references that were eventually uncovered by diligent researchers, so we may assume that such transactions probably represented just the tip of an enormous iceberg. It seems plausible that Bazelon received quiet kickbacks totaling many millions or perhaps even tens of millions in present-day dollars in exchange for his very favorable distribution of billions in government assets to the network of beneficiaries who shared his roots in the Chicago Syndicate.
This vast transfer of wealth in the early postwar years from the plundered Nisei gave all these mobbed-up Chicago newcomers the financial wherewithal to soon gain substantial control of California’s money-based political system. "
"Meanwhile, the earliest and most prominent advocate of the internment policy was California Attorney-General Earl Warren, who used the political issue with great effectiveness to unseat the state’s incumbent Democratic governor in the 1942 election. And we should note that Warren’s successful gubernatorial campaign was masterminded by Chotiner, a Beverly Hills attorney with strong underworld connections, who later became a good friend and sometime business partner of Korshak and the other members of the Chicago Syndicate circle.
Perhaps Warren and his backers merely believed that demonizing a small and powerless racial minority and demanding that they be placed behind barbed wire would represent an excellent path to statewide political victory in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. But they may also have considered that the concurrent seizure of billions in accumulated property might provide lucrative later opportunities for unscrupulous individuals, opportunities that were indeed fully realized just a few years later."
In other words, this was not some result of nativist hysteria, as the official California History standards have it, but in retrospect a case of deliberate looting on the part of a corrupt political-judicial system in cahoots with a similarly corrupt executive branch.
And the corrupt system that managed this were never brought to account, but merely entrenched their power through exploitation of this looted wealth.
"Former FDR cabinet secretary Harold Ickes, a principled and progressive New Dealer, reacted with total outrage, denouncing the Bazelon appointment as “deplorable” and an “all-time low” in the pages of The New Republic, and calling for a Senate investigation into his distribution of seized property. As a former Chicago newsman, Ickes had been a longtime opponent of the Capone Syndicate and its corruption, and he personally wrote Truman in an unsuccessful last-ditch attempt to sink the nomination: “I happen to know a good deal about Bazelon and I consider him to be thoroughly unfit for the job he holds, to say nothing of a United States judgeship, either on the Court of Appeals or on the District Court.”
But - but -but -
There is no hint of Bazelon in "official" history.
"When he died in 1993 at the age of 83, his hugely glowing obituaries in The New York Times and The Washington Post gave no hint of his sordid past, and despite the massive documentation provided in Russo’s thick 2006 volume, his extensive personal Wikipedia page still remains pristine pure of any such taint.
In an interview with Russo, Connie Carlson, the former chief white-collar crime investigator for California’s Attorney-General, acidly noted: “Isn’t it interesting how all these ‘civil libertarians’ ended up with the confiscated Japanese land?”
A rather fundamental matter that seems to explain much of the nature of California's politico-social system, and that was a direct consequence of that Japanese internment, is not present in the official history. Interesting.
This is a "conspiracy theory" with excellent documentation, and moreover is fundamental to a realistic personal view of California, and the US, and elsewhere. That of rampant and massive corruption, and impunity, and the depraved origins of the modern leadership class. Quite a story to tell little children.
What, along these lines, of similarly massive scope, lies beneath modern events? Qanon as a theory, or a story really, is not necessarily the most extreme possible "truth".
And all that, about the purpose and fallout of that one incident is what small part of some alternate view of the nature of the US and its institutions? This is what comes out of turning up a few rocks. What lies beneath all these other ... endless mountain ranges of rocks?
and consider one of the most successful production companies from the better part of 30 years,
or relating to one of the uk's rather long standing expedition,
You should read James Ellroy’s Novels, if you haven’t already.
You’d enjoy them
For a silly jokester putting on a "conspiracy theory", the people behind Q have amassed a world wide audience that accepts the hundreds of proofs that Q is an insider in the Trump orbit exposing the narratives fed to Americans for 50 years. Best to proceed with caution. Truth is a force of nature.
What happened to the Illuminati?
Thank heaven Obama was spared having fringe fans.
I read the first two of the American quartet including the cool six hundred, but I found the last 'bloods a rover' too meandering to follow, it covers some of the same ground as mailer's harlot's ghost, and part of bowman's boomsday,
buwaya said...
Qanon is a "deniable" back-channel propaganda outlet operated by the Trump machine.
Perhaps, and likely, with the occasional participation by Trump himself.
Trump gives it just enough veiled public acknowledgement to keep it both credible and deniable.
I'll bite: where is your evidence that it's "operated by the Trump machine"?
After all, "deniable" doesn't mean there's NO evidence otherwise.
And none of this perhaps and likely bullshit: where's your evidence?
Where is it?
I get so frustrated with the poor writing at WaPo and elsewhere I want to scream. Take this sentence: QAnon "helps explain the president’s foibles to those who see him as the author of living scripture." This makes it sound like QAnon is an organization that has its objective explaining Trumps foibles, and its target audience is people who are such extreme Trump supporters that they might not be aware of any of these "foibles" or weakness of character, because they see Trump as some kind of religious figure. But when I read the link provided by joker, I learn that QAnon, far from being an anti-Trump organization is an extreme pro-Trump organization.
Bravo bleh. There is this constant barrage against Trump by the mass media. If it is not his policies it's his personality, if it's not his personality it's his looks, if it"s not his looks, it's his family and on and on. Today it is Qanon. Tomorrow it will ....
All this talk about Qanon is just what the media loves. They laugh ( and Ann)while most of you go in circles about Qanon.
And I will add that Ann most of the time is a willing messenger for the mass media's campaign against Trump.
Remember Ann didn't vote for Trump ( she voted for Jill Stein) and from one of her post thinks he is "weird".
Indeed it's rather striking what is presented as iron clad facts, when the evidence is out there to counteract it:
yesterday's batch of anti-Q's. This is getting old
"What happened to the Illuminati?"
The speculative types that dreamt them up were pikers.
OK, here is a true event that is very rarely mentioned in anyone's history. Imagine the change in world-view one would require to put it in context of 19th century British history and politics. There is nothing secret here in terms of the events baldly put, what went on behind the scenes, the "conspiracy", is something else.
This was a battle fought by a "deniable" fleet recruited from ex and serving British Royal Navy crews and officers (with winks and nods), intervening in a Portuguese Civil War. It was all of course in service to British commercial and strategic interests. This proved critical in that particular war, one of several such that Portugal suffered in those troubled days, where Britain also put a massive finger on the scales.
The same sort of thing happened in British interventions in Spanish Civil Wars.
Another "deniable" British force, from the Army in this case, intervened on the liberal side against the Spanish Carlists, 1835-1837. This was an army recruited on the same "wink and a nod" basis from serving and reserve officers and men, many of whom were veterans of Wellingtons armies. In this case that "wink and a nod" army came off badly in battle with Basque militias.
In both cases above France also intervened in various ways on the British-"liberal" side, in coordination.
Both cases are very little different from what Britain and France were up to in the case of Libya, 120 years later. And prior to that, similar hanky panky in the Spanish American revolutions, etc.
All of this was decided behind closed doors, without legislation, much of it within the institutions (the Army and the Navy), and it is all still rather mysterious.
There is a very great deal in history that is mysterious.
Phidippus said...
buwaya, is there such a thing as a falsifiable conspiracy theory?
The very fact that there is no evidence of the conspiracy; Is PROOF of the MAGNITUDE of the Conspiracy!
WaPo reporter admits to waiting for someone else to tell her how to think about Trump
"The very fact that there is no evidence of the conspiracy; Is PROOF of the MAGNITUDE of the Conspiracy!"
The interesting part is that there is endless evidence of conspiracies, albeit usually long after the fact. There is generally little contemporaneous evidence of a particular conspiracy.
But the track record of all your institutions indicates that "conspiracy" is their normal mode of operation.
odd timing
California Removes Arrest Reports From Kamala Years
Remember Ann didn't vote for Trump ( she voted for Jill Stein) and from one of her post thinks he is "weird".
8/2/19, 4:39 PM
Otto, Althouse voted for Hillary Clinton, not Jill Stein.
@ Nichevo I am going by the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree saying. Her son john, whom she is close with, voted for Stein.
I am interested in knowing why you say she voted for Hillary.
1984, is not a cautionary tale, it's a how to manual for them,
I'm beyond tired of reading crap about Trump, his rally-goers, what they look like, what they wear, what they worship, as written by some toady with a pinch of snuff up a nostril. Ann's stomach is lined with thicker iron than mine.
eVery nOw and ThEn i Find Out wheRe the TrutH isn't Evidently For us All To see plainly, More As a reflectioN of what is not seen.
Up to this point in this thread the words "race" and "racist" have not appeared. Try that anywhere else with Trump as the subject.
Anyway, I'm here to screw that up.
"Only 41 percent of black voters, who are overwhelmingly Democrat believe that Trump voters are racist, which is less than Democrats as a whole. Democrats as a whole are the only group that has a plurality of likely voters who agree with the statement that Trump supporters are racist. Every other group, male and female, age group, and race have a plurality or majority who do not believe Trump supporters are racist. This speaks volumes about white Democrats and racial politics."
As I understand it, Q is the oracle, and their Anons (for their anonymity) interpret what Q had said. The Anons also do a lot of crowd sourced research, directed, to some extent, by Q. I think that the Anons did appear to help break both Spygate and Epstein cases. For example, they appear to have tracked down Epstein’s flight manifests to show who flew with him, and did so most frequently, such as Bill Clinton, who flew with Epstein far more than Clinton claimed, often w/o his Secret Service detail - maybe.
A lot of Q followers believe that Q is tied closely to military intelligence, or, as some have suggested, one of the Trumps. Military intelligence in a quiet war against civilian intelligence (esp CIA and FBI) that orchestrated Spygate, Trump Collusion hoax, etc. The funny part is that there appear to be a lot of leftists/Dems following Q out of fear about what and when they, or people they know, might be exposed.
The problem, as I understand it, is that predictions were made that did not come true. The falsification mentioned above. In particular, a lot of followers were expecting sizable numbers of indictments of civilian intelligence and Obama Administration officials. Haven’t happened, and right now I am unsure whether any of those involved will do any prison time.
I do have friends who still follow Q fairly religiously, though, I suspect, less faithfully, than they did a year ago.
I like more orthodox researchers like quid verum and Sundance and marketworks and apelbaum
Part of what I think has driven the Q Anon phenomenon is that the more that has been exposed of Spygate, etc, the more it stinks. The civilian intelligence segment of our govt (CIA plus National Security portions of FBI and DoJ) working with the Obama House grossly violated federal laws and norms to whitewash the Dem nominees thousands of blatant national security felonies, while using tax payer funded capabilities to dirty up and spy on her opponent and his campaign, transition, and Administration. These capabilities were put in place in response to the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks, but were turned against American citizens for completely partisan reasons. As I said, it stinks.
And it isn’t getting better. No one involved has been indicted, while Trump people have been convicted for mere process crimes invented by the people running the fake witch hunt. And instead of investigating the orchestrated and coordinated rampant violence we are seeing by fascist Antifa thugs, the FBI has named “white supremists” their most fearful domestic targets. There is massive projection going on there, as they look to the right, expecting violence in response to the actual coordinated violence that they are studiously ignoring on the left.
The amazing thing to me has been that there has been almost no violence in the right so far, despite egregious and continuous violent provocations. People seem to just keep buying guns and ammunition, but keeping them all still locked up. And maybe that is why the FBI is getting worried. But if they were actually doing their job, they would be locking up fascist Antifa thugs, as well as the billionaires funding them, instead of protecting them.
@Narcisco - I have followed Sundance for quite some time, but not the others you cite. Could you provide their URLs, if you have a chance?
One thing that is obvious about these Q Drops is that those who have kept up with them along the way since October 2017 know a history of the last 2 years of Trump's activities that is entirely unknown to anyone accepting the CIA approved for release Media Narratives of events.
That means that at the least Q has set many minds free from the strange Fairy Tales we all believed before that experience.
They are halfway between quodverum and Sundance
FBI is implicated in destroying evidence to benefit Clinton.
No Cafe post, so I thought I would express my opinion on the Chinese Tariffs.
My opinion of the matter is that maybe Americans will realize that they buy crap that they don't need. Are you buying new clothes or backpacks and other crap because you need it? Or because you just want new stuff? Did you really wear out those clothes or do you just want something new? Does that lunchbox and backpack still work? Your kid just wants a new one?
Additionally, manufacturing new and disposing old is counter to Green agenda, so I would think that Dems would be in favor of expensive cheap Chinese goods.
US federal court exposes Democratic Party conspiracy against Assange and WikiLeaks
I don't think they are pranksters.
I follow a few of the Qanon's on twitter and i'm pretty sure they're serious.
They never make any sense to me but I'm hoping to someday be able to decode what the hell it is they're getting at. Because so far, I have no clue.
I've moved my foregoing (now deleted) comments over to today's cafe post.
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