If you're into superheroes, SF, or animation, the youtube Pitch Meeting videos are very funny. A writer pitches the movie to a producer and we see where all those bouts of illogic and dead-end plot holes come from. You can overdose, but a few at a time are "tight".
I want to talk about Elizabeth Warren accusing an innocent cop of racially motivated murder. How is that not the most destructive lie a presidential candidate has made since Biden's campaign announcement at least?
@kathryn told yoos Gawker had it out about a month ago Before SHTF, Let's Revisit Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-07-08/shtf-lets-revisit-jeffrey-epsteins-little-black-book
Someone will have to tell Cuomo that Fredo will never replace dago.
His rant was another beautiful example of The Streisand Effect. Fredo will be with him until the end,
"NY, NY, March 15, 2042 --- Longtime television personality Chris Cuomo lost his battle with lefty-itis today, surrounded by his family and former colleagues from the long-defunct news channel CNN. Always known affectionately as Fredo by his friends and critics alike, Cuomo aka Fredo was never ever able to regain his stature as a reporter following a rant . . ."
But here's a sad aspect of all this-- And the events lately rub it in our faces. We are asked to believe this was all an unfortunate SNAFU That's bullshit. But if we dont buy that, where can we go for a more plausible answer? The only other alternative is considered 'conspiracy' Our Betters leave us with this choice: Either believe our Bullshit, or a 'conspiracy theory'
Regardless of whether you wear a Pussy Hat, a MAGA Hat, or Tin-Foil Hat, no one is buying this shit. They are, in a sense, forcing us toward 'conspiracy theories'
‘Spygate’ Professor Claims Immunity Against Russian-British Academic’s Lawsuit
"Stefan Halper, the former Cambridge University professor who allegedly met with several Trump campaign aides as an FBI informant, asked a federal judge Tuesday to dismiss a defamation lawsuit that a Russian-British academic filed against him in May, saying government agents have immunity from litigation.
Halper does not confirm he was an FBI informant in his motion to dismiss. He also does not admit to being a source for articles about Svetlana Lokhova, the Russia-born academic. But he argues that if he were an FBI informant, he would have immunity afforded to other government agents."
"...In his dismissal motion on Tuesday, Halper said that Lokhova had not provided proof he was the source for allegations in the media that Lokhova had illicit contacts with Flynn or that she was a Russian spy."
Cuomo must realize that, due to this outburst, he will be called Fredo by just about everyone for the rest of his life. And maybe even on his gravestone. ;-D
I started the procedure for purchasing a handgun yesterday up at the Tulalip Indian reservation.
You can't use your US passport. Well, you can, but they want the address off the driver's license.
Handguns involve a lot of paperwork. You can "buy" the weapon on-line, but that doesn't start the Washington state mandated wait. You have to meet-n-greet the store employee, and that's when the wait starts. He was USMC. He had a very....refined....sense of humor. It seems the store employee has final say on your purchase, and I'm OK with that.
A CCW permit would have diminished the wait period. There was another exception.....perhaps military or law enforcement. It wasn't applicable, so I don't really recall.
I had to check the box that I agreed to have my medical records reviewed. I'm not really sure what this means in light of HIPA. It also seems to be expo facto. If you shoot up the school house, then we will examine your records.
How do I find standing to challenge THAT!!
Oddly, you can walk out the door with a rifle, or shotgun.......on the same day!! Ummmm....try to keep that under your hat!!
Where The Heck Is Ghislaine Maxwell? It’s being widely reported that she perished in an unfortunate electric scooter accident on August 19, 2019. Condolences to her family.
Epstein was a spook or at the very least an 'asset'. Maxwell might be too or at least someone put close to him to run him.
We'll never know. KGB used to train their people to vomit shortly before choking themselves so that upon pass out they'd still asphyxiate due to a clogged airway.
I have no doubt he killed himself. He knew what he had needed to die with him. Tale as old as time.
Maxwell will turn up dead or with an elaborate and well rehearsed explanation.
Heard on the street today - an insane street person, an elderly black man, was yelling at passers-by in the evening rush hour - “ You are all refugees! You haven’t even got registration! You can’t get hired! Go home!”
There might be one more Trump voter in San Francisco.
Seriously, if this sort of thing has gotten down to the level of that wretch, then the Democrats have something to worry about. Not least because they normally own that demographic.
On 5 November 1991, Maxwell was last in contact with the crew of his yacht, the Lady Ghislaine, at 4:25 a.m. local time, but was found to be missing later in the morning.[46] Maxwell was presumed to have fallen overboard from the vessel, which was cruising off the Canary Islands,[46][48] and his naked body was subsequently recovered from the Atlantic Ocean.[44] The official ruling at an inquest held in December 1991 was death by a heart attack combined with accidental drowning,[49] although three pathologists had been unable to agree on the cause of his death at the inquest;
gspencer said... Humor from the '60s was so much better.
A tire salesman pushing one of the brands carried by the retailer,
“Yeah, we really like these Italian racing tires . . . dago smooth and dago fast, but when dago flat, dago ‘whop, whop, whop'”
And all my Italian descended friends laughed at that joke. I miss the days when humor could be ethnic without worrying about a subsequent employment tribunal.
The thing about most ethnic jokes is that can be repurposed.
"Italian war rifle for sale, never fired and only dropped once." turned into "Arab war rifle" following the 6 Day War, turned into "Iraqi war rifle" following the removal of Saddam from power. Isaac Asimov in one of his books about humor wrote that if you couldn't substitute a made up ethnic group (I forget the made up group he used) into the joke and still have it be funny, it probably shouldn't be told. The above about tires being an exception to the rule...
But then, you don't even need ethnic groups- just groups. A Kentucky hillbilly had 10 kids and couldn't afford any more, and a friend told about a vasectomy, and that all it required was a tin can and some M-80s. He was confused, and went to see a doctor right over the border in Illinois. After he asked what a vasectomy was the doctor explained and told him it would cost $3,000. "Gee, doc, I can't afford that kind of money, I live up in the hills." "Oh, you live in the hills? In that case, just take some M-80s, put them in a can and light, hold the can, and count to ten."
So that night, when he gets home, he puts the M-80s in his can, lights them off, and folding the fingers down in his left hand counts "One, two, three, four, five...", looks around confused, sticks the can between his thighs, and continues with his right hand "six, seven, eight......"
I turned some interesting links on wexner from the 90, showing mob ties and possible deep state ties. Also greg craigs trial will be delayed again, halper is trying to dismiss the lokhova lawsuit based on his intelligence connections
"And the events lately rub it in our faces. We are asked to believe this was all an unfortunate SNAFU" Yeah..have to say..the speed at which Rush moved to pave the way for accepting that gave me. Pause.
Cuomo has admitted that this was not his best moment and could have been handled better. I have some sympathy for him. It wasn't a gaffe and it wasn't a manipulative lie. It was a moment of human weakness. He didn't look very good, but he looked human. You don't see that too often, especially among pols and broadcasters. Even at their rapiest, Charley Rose and Matt Lauer were poised and self controlled....I don't see Cuomo coming out ahead, but supporters are rallying around him. At least, he'll never be referred to as coma or comma. Fredo is now the inescapable and eternal nickname. Maybe if he asked some supporters in the press and Hollywood to start referring to him as "T-Bone" he might be able to create an alternate reality. It's worth a shot.
Cant get rid of them: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/mueller-alumni-landing-cushy-jobs-at-law-firms-universities-even-a-book-deal-after-russia-probe?fbclid=IwAR06G76KalHeIZChVMGT0KCkGLFo-peuAoAlSkymSBYOHAUp2S1z9LgnUpk
Its a very stable outfit: https://mobile.twitter.com/Charlie4Change/status/1158360805190131713?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1158360805190131713&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Facecomments.mu.nu%2F%3Fpost%3D382812
Apparently Rush Limbaugh is quoted as remembering something Cuomo said on air:
"Remember when the Covington kids were confronted by the elderly Indian banging on the drum? You remember what [Cuomo] said on CNN? Fredo said the kid should have walked away. [Cuomo] said the kid should have not stood there in the Indian guy’s face and provoked the incident. He should have walked away," Limbaugh said on his radio show Tuesday.
Cuomo hoisted on is own petard. And a despicable petard it is.
"Maybe if he asked some supporters in the press and Hollywood to start referring to him as "T-Bone" he might be able to create an alternate reality. It's worth a shot."
It is hard to keep that kind of muscle mass at age 49. It is possible to do it without them, but I think it quite likely that he is using anabolic steroids to do so. This is the sort of thing a Fredo would do.
#StrongCNNDefender Chuck: "Justin Amash owns Trump on Twitter"
Justin Amash is being run out of office by the citizenry of his district where Amash, who is completely owned by the Chinese as Rick Wilson is by the Qataris, sits at 5% approval!!
What an absolutely perfect political "twin" to LLR Chuck!!
Something tells me that when LLR Chuck-approved Biden said any poor child can do just as well as a white kid Biden was excluding LLR Chuck!
Quick questions: How many hours per week does LLR Chuck watch videos of Fredo Cuomo working out and how jealous does that make Dick Durbin and Rachel Maddow?
We will know LLR Chuck has reached Peak Poor Dem Performance Depression when we see him cruising the highways looking for Robert Francis O'Rourke so he can help him change a tire....followed by a totally above board and not-sexual at all shoulder rub.
“Epstein was a spook or at the very least an 'asset'. Maxwell might be too or at least someone put close to him to run him.”
There is reason to believe that Robert Maxwell was Mossad. There is apparently a plaque for him amongst the other Mossad agents who have lost their lives. He was raised fairly orthodox Jewish, lost much of his family in a Nazi concentration camp, and was a vocal Zionist. His favorite child, the one he named his yacht after, would probably not been Jewish, having a non Jewish mother, but working for Mossad is often a family business. The Epstein brothers are, of course, ethnic Jews (but at least Jeffrey appears to have been non practicing).
Mossad would make more sense for the Epstein brothers than other spy services, exp those of our enemies, such as Russia and China. Our intelligence services are more likely to turn a blind eye to the actions of Mossad agents, than any other countries besides our Five Eyes allies. And working for a spy agency would possibly explain where the Epsteins got their money.
Only NOW are the authorities raiding Epstein’s properties! This should have been done on the day Epstein was arrested. Any evidence in those properties is long gone. Videotapes? Discs? Photos? Documents? All gone by now.
How convenient.
Epstein had already been either attacked, faked an attack or tried to commit suicide a few days before yet Barr did NOTHING and Epstein died in the second incident. Barr, an intelligent and seemingly thoughtful administrator, did nothing. The first incident should have been a red flag to Barr, to anyone in his position.
How convenient.
Why would anyone testify against the powerful people in this case? The message of the killer(s) of Epstein is clear as day: The government will not protect you and the government is not even seriously trying to prosecute these people who trafficked you and molested you. Do the smart thing, keep your mouth shut and live.
How convenient.
The CCTV was “not working” during Epstein’s death.
How convenient.
The guard on duty was not an employee of the jail, but rather some sort of temporary hire, therefore no guard’s job, pension or freedom is at risk due to the jail’s negligent custody. They even outsourced the blame. Nice touch.
The suicide watch issue is irrelevant. On suicide watch or not, Epstein was the key federal witness in a huge explosive scandal with many powerful people implicated and should have had air-tight security 24/7 yet this was obviously and glaringly NOT the case.
How convenient.
I believe this latest Epstein arrest was made only because highly embarrassing (as it turned out) court documents from the previous Epstein arrest, trial and conviction were about to be unsealed as a result of legal proceedings brought years ago by Mike Cernovich to have the records unsealed. Cernovich’s request was reluctantly granted years after he placed it because it turns out that those types of records cannot legally be sealed in the first place. The Miami Herald, which had ignored Epstein all those years previously, copied Cernovich’s initiative and filed its own request a full year after Cernovich’s action yet took total credit for breaking the story. No mention of Cernovich. What whores!
So … the federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York decided since it was all going to come out anyway they better look like they were doing something about it and arrested Epstein, who was returning from an overseas trip, at an airport, flying in I guess on the Lolita Express itself. But for some (I’m sure good) reason no search warrants were obtained and all of Epstein’s properties remained untouched by the crack investigative team of the SDNY until weeks after Epstein’s arrest.
If not for Mike Cernovich’s initiative and tenacity Epstein would be happily running his pedophilic-based extortion and blackmail ring today. And you wouldn’t hear a peep from the Miami Herald. Or from the federal prosecutors of the SDNY. Or from their boss, AG Barr.
Trump was making a joke, but still, obviously Fredo has an anger problem he should get counseling for. Seriously. In a way Amash has a point, but we all know that Trump would be a Democrat if this were 20 years ago. Better than Hillary, whom Trump beat, BTW.
Totally not a lefty...just another online "LLR" or "principled conservative" or "moderate" who simply aligns with the current far left position on every issue just because!
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८६ टिप्पण्या:
Super Easy: Barely An Inconvenience!
If you're into superheroes, SF, or animation, the youtube Pitch Meeting videos are very funny. A writer pitches the movie to a producer and we see where all those bouts of illogic and dead-end plot holes come from. You can overdose, but a few at a time are "tight".
What do you call a sauce that's full of calories but short on flavor?
AlFredo sauce.
Just the thing for Cheesecake Factory's carbonara. Fake sauce for fake Italian lmao.
Where The Heck Is Ghislaine Maxwell?
almost (or maybe more so in certain respects) as big a fish as Epstein
His partner in crime. Bonny to his Clyde.
Are we upset that supposedly the ball was dropped quite suspiciously re: JE?
Lost opportunity for damning testimony??
then should you want another crack at it?? She's Epstein Lite
Why does no one seem to care about going after her??
hate to sound like a broken record, but this already stinks-- this just stinks even more
Olive Garden is bad prepping strategy.
Blogger Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
Where The Heck Is Ghislaine Maxwell
Does rhhardin post in the evening? I bet he has an answer.
Me? I hope she has a copy of the "little black book."
I want to talk about Elizabeth Warren accusing an innocent cop of racially motivated murder. How is that not the most destructive lie a presidential candidate has made since Biden's campaign announcement at least?
At least Fredo came out as openly Italian.
Humor from the '60s was so much better.
A tire salesman pushing one of the brands carried by the retailer,
“Yeah, we really like these Italian racing tires . . . dago smooth and dago fast, but when dago flat, dago ‘whop, whop, whop'”
Ann, have you listened to the Rolling Thunder Revue box set? Inquiring minds want to know.
told yoos Gawker had it out about a month ago
Before SHTF, Let's Revisit Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book
Someone will have to tell Cuomo that Fredo will never replace dago.
His rant was another beautiful example of The Streisand Effect. Fredo will be with him until the end,
"NY, NY, March 15, 2042 --- Longtime television personality Chris Cuomo lost his battle with lefty-itis today, surrounded by his family and former colleagues from the long-defunct news channel CNN. Always known affectionately as Fredo by his friends and critics alike, Cuomo aka Fredo was never ever able to regain his stature as a reporter following a rant . . ."
Epstein’s Death May Be A “Turning Point In The Public’s Willingness To Accept Official Bullshit”
But here's a sad aspect of all this--
And the events lately rub it in our faces.
We are asked to believe this was all an unfortunate SNAFU
That's bullshit.
But if we dont buy that, where can we go for a more plausible answer?
The only other alternative is considered 'conspiracy'
Our Betters leave us with this choice:
Either believe our Bullshit, or a 'conspiracy theory'
Regardless of whether you wear a Pussy Hat, a MAGA Hat, or Tin-Foil Hat,
no one is buying this shit.
They are, in a sense, forcing us toward 'conspiracy theories'
Chuck Ross, DC August 13
‘Spygate’ Professor Claims Immunity Against Russian-British Academic’s Lawsuit
"Stefan Halper, the former Cambridge University professor who allegedly met with several Trump campaign aides as an FBI informant, asked a federal judge Tuesday to dismiss a defamation lawsuit that a Russian-British academic filed against him in May, saying government agents have immunity from litigation.
Halper does not confirm he was an FBI informant in his motion to dismiss. He also does not admit to being a source for articles about Svetlana Lokhova, the Russia-born academic. But he argues that if he were an FBI informant, he would have immunity afforded to other government agents."
"...In his dismissal motion on Tuesday, Halper said that Lokhova had not provided proof he was the source for allegations in the media that Lokhova had illicit contacts with Flynn or that she was a Russian spy."
That's a novel argument! Claiming immunity because you just might, maybe, could be a government informant.
hope it isnt true--
"Ghislaine Maxwell was given immunity years ago in the first #Epstein case and it's unclear if she can be prosecuted" according to Joe diGenova
Cuomo must realize that, due to this outburst, he will be called Fredo by just about everyone for the rest of his life. And maybe even on his gravestone. ;-D
I started the procedure for purchasing a handgun yesterday up at the Tulalip Indian reservation.
You can't use your US passport. Well, you can, but they want the address off the driver's license.
Handguns involve a lot of paperwork. You can "buy" the weapon on-line, but that doesn't start the Washington state mandated wait. You have to meet-n-greet the store employee, and that's when the wait starts. He was USMC. He had a very....refined....sense of humor. It seems the store employee has final say on your purchase, and I'm OK with that.
A CCW permit would have diminished the wait period. There was another exception.....perhaps military or law enforcement. It wasn't applicable, so I don't really recall.
I had to check the box that I agreed to have my medical records reviewed. I'm not really sure what this means in light of HIPA. It also seems to be expo facto. If you shoot up the school house, then we will examine your records.
How do I find standing to challenge THAT!!
Oddly, you can walk out the door with a rifle, or shotgun.......on the same day!! Ummmm....try to keep that under your hat!!
"and it's unclear if she can be prosecuted according to Joe diGenova"
Prosecuting her isn't the end game. We want to know what she knows about all the goings-on. Nudge Nudge Wink Wink,
Where The Heck Is Ghislaine Maxwell?
It’s being widely reported that she perished in an unfortunate electric scooter accident on August 19, 2019. Condolences to her family.
Epstein was a spook or at the very least an 'asset'. Maxwell might be too or at least someone put close to him to run him.
We'll never know. KGB used to train their people to vomit shortly before choking themselves so that upon pass out they'd still asphyxiate due to a clogged airway.
I have no doubt he killed himself. He knew what he had needed to die with him. Tale as old as time.
Maxwell will turn up dead or with an elaborate and well rehearsed explanation.
Screencap this.
Heard on the street today - an insane street person, an elderly black man, was yelling at passers-by in the evening rush hour -
“ You are all refugees! You haven’t even got registration! You can’t get hired! Go home!”
There might be one more Trump voter in San Francisco.
Seriously, if this sort of thing has gotten down to the level of that wretch, then the Democrats have something to worry about.
Not least because they normally own that demographic.
Where The Heck Is Ghislaine Maxwell?
Maybe with her father.
On 5 November 1991, Maxwell was last in contact with the crew of his yacht, the Lady Ghislaine, at 4:25 a.m. local time, but was found to be missing later in the morning.[46] Maxwell was presumed to have fallen overboard from the vessel, which was cruising off the Canary Islands,[46][48] and his naked body was subsequently recovered from the Atlantic Ocean.[44] The official ruling at an inquest held in December 1991 was death by a heart attack combined with accidental drowning,[49] although three pathologists had been unable to agree on the cause of his death at the inquest;
No mystery there,.
Hong Kong protestors running around with American flags.
Hong Kong protestors running around with American flags.
Well, that's more than the Clown Car crew is doing..
Ordered Andy McCarthy's new book today. Looking forward to it,
Read (Listened to) Gregg Jarrett's book last week deriving. Pretty good. Lots on Hillary and the Russians, Very lawyerly.
gspencer said...
Humor from the '60s was so much better.
A tire salesman pushing one of the brands carried by the retailer,
“Yeah, we really like these Italian racing tires . . . dago smooth and dago fast, but when dago flat, dago ‘whop, whop, whop'”
And all my Italian descended friends laughed at that joke. I miss the days when humor could be ethnic without worrying about a subsequent employment tribunal.
The thing about most ethnic jokes is that can be repurposed.
"Italian war rifle for sale, never fired and only dropped once." turned into "Arab war rifle" following the 6 Day War, turned into "Iraqi war rifle" following the removal of Saddam from power. Isaac Asimov in one of his books about humor wrote that if you couldn't substitute a made up ethnic group (I forget the made up group he used) into the joke and still have it be funny, it probably shouldn't be told. The above about tires being an exception to the rule...
But then, you don't even need ethnic groups- just groups. A Kentucky hillbilly had 10 kids and couldn't afford any more, and a friend told about a vasectomy, and that all it required was a tin can and some M-80s. He was confused, and went to see a doctor right over the border in Illinois. After he asked what a vasectomy was the doctor explained and told him it would cost $3,000. "Gee, doc, I can't afford that kind of money, I live up in the hills." "Oh, you live in the hills? In that case, just take some M-80s, put them in a can and light, hold the can, and count to ten."
So that night, when he gets home, he puts the M-80s in his can, lights them off, and folding the fingers down in his left hand counts "One, two, three, four, five...", looks around confused, sticks the can between his thighs, and continues with his right hand "six, seven, eight......"
I turned some interesting links on wexner from the 90, showing mob ties and possible deep state ties.
Also greg craigs trial will be delayed again, halper is trying to dismiss the lokhova lawsuit based on his intelligence connections
"And the events lately rub it in our faces.
We are asked to believe this was all an unfortunate SNAFU"
Yeah..have to say..the speed at which Rush moved to pave the way for accepting that gave me. Pause.
Carpe Donktum does Fredo "Jersey Shore" Cuomo
"Ghislaine Maxwell was given immunity years ago in the first #Epstein case and it's unclear if she can be prosecuted" according to Joe diGenova
Wouldn't the immunity be treated the same way as Epstiens plea deal and double jeopardy? Different jurisdiction, different crimes?
Cuomo has admitted that this was not his best moment and could have been handled better. I have some sympathy for him. It wasn't a gaffe and it wasn't a manipulative lie. It was a moment of human weakness. He didn't look very good, but he looked human. You don't see that too often, especially among pols and broadcasters. Even at their rapiest, Charley Rose and Matt Lauer were poised and self controlled....I don't see Cuomo coming out ahead, but supporters are rallying around him. At least, he'll never be referred to as coma or comma. Fredo is now the inescapable and eternal nickname. Maybe if he asked some supporters in the press and Hollywood to start referring to him as "T-Bone" he might be able to create an alternate reality. It's worth a shot.
is an 'immunity deal' like paying a cover charge at an 'all-U-can -eat' joint?
blanket immunity in perpetuity?
Ghislaine Maxwell, Sarah Kellen, and Nada Marcinkova all pimping.
Gotta be loads of fresh crimes outside extant deals yes??
At least Fredo came out as openly Italian.
"Vote for Cuomo, Not the Homo" -- remember that Dem Gem ?
If you have brains of Play-doh
dont bitch when they call you "Fredo"
Link not working here
How about this one:
Its about yon at the hong kong airport, things seem to have calmed down.
Justin Amash owns Trump on Twitter:
Cant get rid of them:
Its a very stable outfit:
A little early, Chuck.
Apparently Rush Limbaugh is quoted as remembering something Cuomo said on air:
"Remember when the Covington kids were confronted by the elderly Indian banging on the drum? You remember what [Cuomo] said on CNN? Fredo said the kid should have walked away. [Cuomo] said the kid should have not stood there in the Indian guy’s face and provoked the incident. He should have walked away," Limbaugh said on his radio show Tuesday.
Cuomo hoisted on is own petard. And a despicable petard it is.
"Where The Heck Is Ghislaine Maxwell?"
Dodging several hired Dr. Kevorkians.
Thank you for illustrating why Trump shouldn’t trust that your 25th A tactic won’t be used arbitrarily to violate his rights.
We can't be concerned with HK flag wavers when Fredo's getting his roid rage on.
ya know-- I think you're on to something here
Tom Fitness(Fitton) makes his muscles the old fashioned way
Yah..his obligatory flex pics are kinda odd.
Well how else does he break into the document vaults
"Maybe if he asked some supporters in the press and Hollywood to start referring to him as "T-Bone" he might be able to create an alternate reality. It's worth a shot."
He wouldn't get T-bone, it would be Koko.
Justin Amash owns Trump on Twitter:
And China owns Amash.. Sounds fair to me.
hops into a nearby phone booth... FOIA-Man!!
It is hard to keep that kind of muscle mass at age 49. It is possible to do it without them, but I think it quite likely that he is using anabolic steroids to do so. This is the sort of thing a Fredo would do.
Life long Fredo's like Amash, I see.
Something like that, exceot there are no few phonebooths anymore.
#StrongCNNDefender Chuck: "Justin Amash owns Trump on Twitter"
Justin Amash is being run out of office by the citizenry of his district where Amash, who is completely owned by the Chinese as Rick Wilson is by the Qataris, sits at 5% approval!!
What an absolutely perfect political "twin" to LLR Chuck!!
Something tells me that when LLR Chuck-approved Biden said any poor child can do just as well as a white kid Biden was excluding LLR Chuck!
yeah-- but had to keep the tradition--
what do we have ATM booths?
Public urinals?
Did u see the latest in -where- London? Pissing people off
Quick questions: How many hours per week does LLR Chuck watch videos of Fredo Cuomo working out and how jealous does that make Dick Durbin and Rachel Maddow?
A lot of Tanqeray has suddenly disappeared.
BAG due to wake to a slew of payment declined notices.
walter: "Drago, A lot of Tanqeray has suddenly disappeared."
Not surprising given the recent performances of LLR Chuck's dem pals.
Not. Looking. Good....for Team Dem/LLR.
Hey, anybody else catch the "severely conservative" (wink wink) lefty-billionaire funded hack shop The Bulwark simply printing lefties openly now?
No wonder Chuck adores them so.
We will know LLR Chuck has reached Peak Poor Dem Performance Depression when we see him cruising the highways looking for Robert Francis O'Rourke so he can help him change a tire....followed by a totally above board and not-sexual at all shoulder rub.
I do so enjoy how LLR Chuck and his far left pals are desperately trying to wring all the usefulness they can out of Dead Man Walking Amash!
Have the police checked to see if Fredo Cuomo has any guns- that rant is surely a big red flag.
“Epstein was a spook or at the very least an 'asset'. Maxwell might be too or at least someone put close to him to run him.”
There is reason to believe that Robert Maxwell was Mossad. There is apparently a plaque for him amongst the other Mossad agents who have lost their lives. He was raised fairly orthodox Jewish, lost much of his family in a Nazi concentration camp, and was a vocal Zionist. His favorite child, the one he named his yacht after, would probably not been Jewish, having a non Jewish mother, but working for Mossad is often a family business. The Epstein brothers are, of course, ethnic Jews (but at least Jeffrey appears to have been non practicing).
Mossad would make more sense for the Epstein brothers than other spy services, exp those of our enemies, such as Russia and China. Our intelligence services are more likely to turn a blind eye to the actions of Mossad agents, than any other countries besides our Five Eyes allies. And working for a spy agency would possibly explain where the Epsteins got their money.
Only NOW are the authorities raiding Epstein’s properties! This should have been done on the day Epstein was arrested. Any evidence in those properties is long gone. Videotapes? Discs? Photos? Documents? All gone by now.
How convenient.
Epstein had already been either attacked, faked an attack or tried to commit suicide a few days before yet Barr did NOTHING and Epstein died in the second incident. Barr, an intelligent and seemingly thoughtful administrator, did nothing. The first incident should have been a red flag to Barr, to anyone in his position.
How convenient.
Why would anyone testify against the powerful people in this case? The message of the killer(s) of Epstein is clear as day: The government will not protect you and the government is not even seriously trying to prosecute these people who trafficked you and molested you. Do the smart thing, keep your mouth shut and live.
How convenient.
The CCTV was “not working” during Epstein’s death.
How convenient.
The guard on duty was not an employee of the jail, but rather some sort of temporary hire, therefore no guard’s job, pension or freedom is at risk due to the jail’s negligent custody. They even outsourced the blame. Nice touch.
The suicide watch issue is irrelevant. On suicide watch or not, Epstein was the key federal witness in a huge explosive scandal with many powerful people implicated and should have had air-tight security 24/7 yet this was obviously and glaringly NOT the case.
How convenient.
I believe this latest Epstein arrest was made only because highly embarrassing (as it turned out) court documents from the previous Epstein arrest, trial and conviction were about to be unsealed as a result of legal proceedings brought years ago by Mike Cernovich to have the records unsealed. Cernovich’s request was reluctantly granted years after he placed it because it turns out that those types of records cannot legally be sealed in the first place. The Miami Herald, which had ignored Epstein all those years previously, copied Cernovich’s initiative and filed its own request a full year after Cernovich’s action yet took total credit for breaking the story. No mention of Cernovich. What whores!
So … the federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York decided since it was all going to come out anyway they better look like they were doing something about it and arrested Epstein, who was returning from an overseas trip, at an airport, flying in I guess on the Lolita Express itself. But for some (I’m sure good) reason no search warrants were obtained and all of Epstein’s properties remained untouched by the crack investigative team of the SDNY until weeks after Epstein’s arrest.
If not for Mike Cernovich’s initiative and tenacity Epstein would be happily running his pedophilic-based extortion and blackmail ring today. And you wouldn’t hear a peep from the Miami Herald. Or from the federal prosecutors of the SDNY. Or from their boss, AG Barr.
Epstein's a Pedo
Cuomo's now Fredo
And Liz and Kammy
Garnered 4 from Geppetto
maxwell, barak --you might like this (nicole junkerman)
like i watch evry post http://www.filmeonline2020.ro/ filme online
Agreed. The article on Nicole Junkerman makes a case that she is Israeli intelligence, and may have been recruited by Jeffrey Epstein.
Beto ain't no wayzzze tired.
Change you can believe in.
Kinda funny how one lil' comment from Chuck results in five separate mini-rants from Drago.
And by "funny", I mean "sad"
Dance little monkey, dance
Another lefty leaps to the defense of "principled conservative" LLR Chuck!
Dance little monkey!
Unlike the big ass bottle of gin for civility monkey dance?
Not a lefty.
And nothing in my comment was defending anything Chuck said nor done.
Simply observing how easily you get all kinds of wound-up.
Quick question: What is the over/under on how many times Drago will mention Chuck by name in a thread after Chuck posts only once?
Nevermind...doesn't really matter - bet the "over" regardless.
Where on the political spectrum would you place yourself?
Drago said...
Anotheri'm not a lefty leaps to the defense of "principled conservative" LLR Chuck!
You see, PP is NOT a leftie; it just agrees with the leftie position: EVERY TIME
Are Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein on their own private island somewhere?
I'm pretty sure that they're in their own Private Idaho
Trump was making a joke, but still, obviously Fredo has an anger problem he should get counseling for. Seriously. In a way Amash has a point, but we all know that Trump would be a Democrat if this were 20 years ago. Better than Hillary, whom Trump beat, BTW.
purplepenquin: "Not a lefty."
Got it! (wink wink)
Totally not a lefty...just another online "LLR" or "principled conservative" or "moderate" who simply aligns with the current far left position on every issue just because!
We see that alot these days...
Could someone here please create a video of Biden's gaffes, set to "Sundown" by Gordon Lightfoot?
set to "Sundown" by Gordon Lightfoot?
You're going to need a longer song.
My reason for choosing the song is because of Biden's apparent dementia. But listening to it again, two lines seem particularly appropriate.
"Sundown you better take care
If I find you been creepin' 'round my back stairs."
"Sometimes I think it's a sin
When I feel like I'm winnin' when I'm losin' again."
Simply observing how easily you get all kinds of wound-up.
Not a lefty but just spouts lefty stuff all the time.
If you work at it a bit more, you'll have Inga down perfectly. Just a few "Trumpian Cults" and you'll have it,
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