I'm fascinated by the U.S. GDP breakdown and feminism.
In a $19.5 trillion economy, the durable goods sector accounts for agriculture, construction, manufacturing [$2.2 T], mining, transportation and utilities accounts for $4.4 trillion. That's our national actual stuff that gets made every year, the hard economy.
The government accounts for $2.1 trillion out of the trillions they spend. I'm not sure what accounts for that but at least the infrastructure work of public works departments nationwide and the Corps of Engineers. Outside of procurement I don't know how military service contributes to GDP.
The rest of it, services, the superstructure, accounts for $13 trillion.
In spite of the gains of women's equality they have still not broken into the durable goods sector. The hard work, the dangerous work is still man's work.
As everyone knows, the 79¢ canard comes from all women over all men. Men work more hours with more seniority at more dangerous jobs. Men still notch over 90% of workplace deaths. Hence, women make less money because they don't work as hard. As a whole, of course. But a farmer or oilfield worker works harder than a dental assistant so that kind of tips the scale, too. Can you even BLS?
For the last 25 years women have been the majority in our undergraduate population. They dominate K-12 [Summers off and indoctrination!], NGO's, HR departments, vet's offices, etc. Female doctors don't work as much as male doctors. That doesn't seem to console them. 79¢!
When I moved to Oregon 15 years ago, I became acquainted with modern private-sector sanitation pickup, unlike Chicago. It's no longer a muscle job. You have to drive an automatic transmission truck and use a joystick. I can't quite put my finger on it but it must be the most women h8ters industry in the U.S., aside from maybe plumbers. Women obviously can't even sue their way in.
Yet, women must be half of Google and CEOs, legislators and the President ASAP. It's almost like "whites" demanding "equal" representation in the NBA.
Modern feminism is all about denigrating men who, maybe for some biological reason, do the work that supports the entire superstructure of society, including protection and defense, at a high cost in disease, wounds and death.
But over the rise of Gramsci-ites, the 60s Mensheviks and today's CPUSA and DSA in the Democratic Party, extreme feminism has become the mantra of the government party. The Dems won the wealthiest 10 CDs and 41 of the top 50. The Dems are the party of slavery, sedition, segregation and socialism. They are the party of the urban gentry and the big tech bourgeoisie against the working and middle class and the rural areas.
Divide and conquer, "oppressed" womyn vs. men. [It's like the racism card but only as pork is the other white meat.] There's a lot of women and soi-boys out there that think that men should shut up and keep our heads down. Most if not all modern feminists would be happy reducing the male-dominated hard-economy working class to a helot caste.
When American climate alarmists claim to have witnessed the effects of global warming, they must be referring to a time beyond 14 years ago. That is because there has been no warming in the United States since at least 2005, according to updated data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
In January 2005, NOAA began recording temperatures at its newly built U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN). USCRN includes 114 pristinely maintained temperature stations spaced relatively uniformly across the lower 48 states. NOAA selected locations that were far away from urban and land-development impacts that might artificially taint temperature readings...
Biden has travelled into the cringeworthy realm. For those hoping to see him punished for decades of incompetence and malfeasance, that time has arrived.
I have nothing but contempt for Biden on this, he must have listened to CSNY in the seventies, everyone who had a brain did. It is impossible to change the meter by saying forty dead in Ohio, you can’t add a syllable to four dead in Ohio without adding beats. If Biden goes around doing this in his mind he is swine in a mire.
In spite of the gains of women's equality they have still not broken into the durable goods sector. The hard work, the dangerous work is still man's work.
World War II was won by people who made things. God help us if there is another war.
The criminal political class has exported our ability to make things. Meanwhile, they have imported 22 million foreign illegal parasites to live off the work of citizens. The Muslim men trying to get onto the trains running through the Chunnel from France to England told authorities they wanted to get to England because "The salary was better." That is illegal immigrant speak for welfare, or in England, the Dole.
True, but he forgot the first rule of climate fight club https://twitchy.com/gregp-3534/2019/08/25/enjoy-your-rules-trump-allies-are-reportedly-archiving-embarrassing-journo-tweets-and-the-nyt-is-having-a-meltdown-over-it/
the Post put out the story/ picture of Ghislaine at the burger joint as though taken by a random passer-by. They later swapped that out, when exposed, and attributed the pic to the Mega Agency. The pic(s) were taken by her attorney Leah Saffian, and photoshopped (Mega Agency also had the pics of JE's mansion, and corpse)
Maxwell's father Robert was a well known intelligence asset of Mossad until his death. He was chairman of Maxwell Communication Corporation and Mirror Group Newspapers. Robert Maxwell & Rupert Murdoch were on the board of directors for the "Mega Group" based out of Israel.
Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal https://www.mintpressnews.com/mega-group-maxwells-mossad-spy-story-jeffrey-epstein-scandal/261172/
The Post was the first to leak Epstein's suicide and Ghislaine's pics Larry Celona is the NY Post reporter who had the only post mortem photos of Epstein He was also featured in Kubrick's 'Eyes Wide Shut' He also broke the story about Kubrick's sudden death just before his heavily cut film 'Eyes Wide Shut' was released. Somehow Larry also broke the story of JFK jr's death Celona is on the Lolita Express flight manifest
Mint press is way too cray cray for me, now maxwells fate resembles that of edmund sabra, the mentor of bill browder, he comes in byrnes previous research.
Now landon thomas the fmr? Times reporter who ended up at new york magazine, and covered epsteins misdeeds with a pillow, did acknowledge robert fitofsky sic who engages in some interesting speculation
Trump barred Epstein from mar a lago years before Epstein was convicted. But practically everyone in the media and Hollywood and the Clintons hung around on his island after the conviction. It kinda looks l8ke Trump was the ONLY celebrity to cut ties with Epstein.
Hence, women make less money because they don't work as hard.
Back in Ames, durning the '90's, I was chatting up an el-ed major; and she said: "do You Realize, that GARBAGE Men make MORE Money than teachers do??"
and I said to her; "well, maybe you're in the wrong career?" and She said: "Pick up GARBAGE?!?! I would NEVER pick up Garbage; for any amount of money"
How the D candidates would introduce themselves at the next debate if they were honest
Hi, I’m Joe Biden. I’m the perfect apparatchik – no principles, no convictions, and no plan. I’m senile, and I have a problem with groping children. But vote for me anyway because orange man bad.
Hi, I’m Kamala Harris. My white ancestors owned slaves, but I use the melanin I got from my Indian ancestors to pretend to be black. My own father has publicly rebuked me for the pandering lies I tell. I fellated my way into politics; put me into the White house so I can suck even more!
Hi, I’m Elizabeth Warren. Even though I’m as white as library paste, I pretended to be an American Indian to get preferment. My research on medical bankruptcies was as fraudulent as the way I gamed the racial spoils system. So you should totally trust me when I say I’m “capitalist to my bones”!
I had an old lefty history Prof from Arkansas, who said when he was young a guy's dream was to get a job where he could wear a shirt and tie. Man, that was the shit.
Any white-collar job beat picking cotton or driving garbage trucks.
gilbar said...I said to her; "well, maybe you're in the wrong career?" and She said: "Pick up GARBAGE?!?! I would NEVER pick up Garbage; for any amount of money" -- Reminds me of a an op-ed by a teacher in 'Penguin's legendary stomping grounds, Isthmus rag..back during the Act 10 insurgency. Teacher talked about the lamentable conditions she would have to endure and talked about the absurd option of going into the dreaded private sector. I mean..wtf??? Right?
The problem is more than likely the standard errors and multi-co-linearity. The results are probably crap and to show his work (for replication) would surely torpedo the data, the methods, and the entire field.
I tried in 1995 to replicate the hockey stick but the results were always no better than chance no matter how much weighting and post-facto adjustments I gave up. I left the field shortly thereafter.
The best results (and explanation) I've seen has been by two researchers from the former Soviet Union living in Israel. But, they could never find a journal that would accept their results, which were indeed based on sunspots.
’Quick way to tell if the guy reporting the story has the slightest idea what he's talking about.’
Indeed. There’s no such animal as an ‘R2 variable’. r-squared is the coefficient of determination for a given regression analysis. Mann wouldn’t provide the underlying data set for his analysis.
Pay no attention to the fake scientist behind the curtain...
Blogger Daniel Jackson said The best results (and explanation) I've seen has been by two researchers from the former Soviet Union living in Israel. But, they could never find a journal that would accept their results, which were indeed based on sunspots. ____________ I'm confused!
Did they get hockey stick with sunspots factor in?
“The best results (and explanation) I've seen has been by two researchers from the former Soviet Union living in Israel. But, they could never find a journal that would accept their results, which were indeed based on sunspots”
Of course they were based on sunspots, or, rather better correlated. And that is because the primary driver for global temperature is the amount of solar radiation received from the sun, and sunspots correlate with the amount of solar radiation emitted by the sun. Also relevant to this are global wobble, and vagaries of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
Has any democrat and/or far left lunatic dared to call the obama economy a "dream-perfect economy" like LLR Chuck has?
Amazingly, astonishingly, once again, AGAIN, LLR Chuck has positioned himself on the far far left of the far far left!!
How is that even possible you might ask yourself?
The answer is simple: LLR Chuck seeks to credit Joe Biden and support his demented Dem candidacy even while Chuck pushes transparent BS about supporting the non-entity Walsh on the republican side to try and sow discord on the right in his fake conservative role.
That this latest effort by LLR Chuck is so transparently obvious and moronic simply speaks to the desperation being felt by Chuck and his fellow dems/lefties given their horrific candidate lineup.
“Trump barred Epstein from mar a lago years before Epstein was convicted. But practically everyone in the media and Hollywood and the Clintons hung around on his island after the conviction. It kinda looks l8ke Trump was the ONLY celebrity to cut ties with Epstein.”
There may be more to the story. Supposedly, a decade or so ago, when Trump was very much upside down financially, owing a lot more than he was worth, Epstein went to Trump, knowing that Trump was good with real estate, and didn’t have the money to ace him out, and asked him about buying, fixing up, and reselling a mansion in Florida. It was a good deal. Trump arranged financing from the big German bank, out bid Epstein, fixed it up, and doubled the money invested. Epstein, in revenge turned in Trump for financial irregularities, and Trump reciprocated over sexual ones on the part of Epstein. That may have been how Epstein ended up in jail and designated as a registered sex offender.
Epstein has been well protected at least from that time. Amazingly, Florida is now investigating the sweetheart deal he got back then with minimal jail time, and the ability to work at home at his local mansion for much of that time. They had enough on him to lock him up for the rest of his life, and didn’t.
So, why now? Why was Epstein, after so many years of being so well protected, suddenly arrested, denied bail, etc? Partly, it was because a judge unsealed some critical documents in his old case. But I wonder if it also ties into the termination of the Mueller investigation. Trump is now free to engage in payback. I think it likely that some of Epstein’s biggest protectors were the Clintons, who had essentially been behind a lot of the Russian Collusion hoax, that had hamstrung Trump and his Administration for its first two years. Bill Clinton appears to have been one of the people who flew the most on Epstein’s Lolita Express. All that dirt that was stored in Epstein’s Manhattan mansion is now in the hands of the feds in NYC. Probably some of the best blackmail information in the world.
First Aid Kit is really good. I first came across one of their songs on a television show, "Bones" I think it was a few years ago. Here is that song In the Hearts of Men.
Except epstein was the money manager for les wexner of the limited and victoria secret and was in business with apollo capitals leon black who owns telemundo among other matters.
.@AllenFrancesMD, a psychiatrist, tells @Brianstelter: Trump "may be responsible for many more million deaths" than Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong.
"Terrible damage Trump is doing to world climate at this global warming tipping point may be irreversable/could kill hundreds of millions of people in the coming decades. Many of them our children & grandchildren & their children. This is an existential crisis for humanity."
Epstein was only as good as his money handling skills like le chiffre in casino royale, when his downside was greater than the heat for dealing with him, he became expendable.
Harry sez he's willing to meet with the FBI now... (you mean thatFBI ??) it's been said he's "shitting himself" lately V. Roberts, pics, and the extreme unlikelihood he's Sgt. Schultz
Yes quite a coincidence wasnt it, now there was a classic law and order episode along these lines, a lebanese trafficker dies in a prison teansfer, one of the prison guards was an ira sympathizer.
All focus is on the Queen's son Andrew and his close ties to an elite child-sex trafficking kingpin. What about her other son? Jimmy Saville was the most prolific pedophile in British history - best buds with Charles. His turn is coming. The [Royal] family will not survive this.
"Of course they were based on sunspots, or, rather better correlated. And that is because the primary driver for global temperature is the amount of solar radiation received from the sun, and sunspots correlate with the amount of solar radiation emitted by the sun. Also relevant to this are global wobble, and vagaries of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun."
Exactly. Moreover this approach is much more successful with modeling changes on geologic time scales. Like ice ages etc.
"I'm confused! Did they get hockey stick with sunspots factor in? Or is Mann totally fraud?"
I think the latter but you should broaden the scope to include the entire endeavor. In my experience, the hockey stick was a very effective device in lectures to college sophomores and freshmen. I first saw this used by true believers in the Club of Rome estimates on the population explosion. Very effective drama to alarm the innocents. When the CoR craze went belly up, the hockey stick migrated to variations of the climate warming/cooling lectures with the same alarm to the innocents.
Any data on the hockey stick effect is horribly over cooked with weighting factors. The "sunspot" approach taking into account earth orbit and rotational anomalies is, as Mr. Hayden so eloquently put, has a better "R-square" and far fewer standard errors and without the weighting factors.
I don't think Mr. Mann is a fraud; just another true believer using the fraudulent data of the swag seekers in that field. More like a useful idiot. Or, just a putz.
Daniel Jackson said, "I don't think Mr. Mann is a fraud; just another true believer using the fraudulent data of the swag seekers in that field. More like a useful idiot. Or, just a putz."
I don't understand how that's possible. It seems to me that Michael Mann has to be a fraud.
Just take this situation. He is refusing to show his data and his evidence for a paper that has not been withdrawn. That's borderline or across-the-border to fraud right there.
I'm not talking about in a legal sense, but in a scientific sense.
How can one build a narrative, any imaginable sequence of mistakes, that makes this behavior innocent?
I accept that people make mistakes. We all do. But an ethical man, a non-fraudulent man, does not behave this way after making a mistake.
I delighted to talk to you because you are in field. You know more about the context than most of us.
But can you construct a story, it doesn't have to be true, you can imagine anything, where Michael Mann is not deliberately spreading false information that he knows is false?
There is a lot more that is wrong, scientifically speaking, with Michael Mann's research that just this. In fact, it is amazing how many separate and different issues there are and were with Michael Mann's research The website Climate Audit did a good job of addressing that over many years.
And unfortunately this is about much more than just Michael Mann. There are always some bad apples. But people talk about them. In climate science everybody knows who Michael Mann is. He's not some fringe figure; he's right at the heart of things.
Where are the climate scientists criticizing this bastard?
And if they can't bring themselves to do that, why should we believe anything they say?
Trump is doing to world climate at this global warming tipping point may be irreversable/could kill hundreds of millions of people in the coming decades.
It's TRUE! and it's WORSE THAN THAT!!!! There are about 5 Billion people alive today BECAUSE OF TRUMP, within 7 decades, the MAJORITY of those people WILL BE DEAD!!
Like your life?? That's TOO BAD! because of Trump; in the next 70 years, you're going to die!!!
Funny about women and the economy. I was just reading an article writtein in 2012 about how women’s IQs were now exceeding mens, and at the end of the article was this:
I fell into writing about health shortly after grad school, where I realized I didn't want to work in a lab for the rest of my life! - Alice Walton
I was waiting for that climate reference network data to come out and am not surprised that it didn’t show any warming. I am sure they will now update the NOAH data from conventional thermometers which are so rife with problems [raw data doesn’t show much warming] that they have to keep doing adjustments based on hunches at bottom, no matter how much they dress up these hunches with higher math.
It was the same with the ocean robot submarine temperature measurements. “Where is the missing heat!” Well, it turned out that they were able to find it by looking where they hadn’t measured and estimating! Once more dressing up their hunches with higher math to bamboozle the gullible.
Why they talk about the zillions of joules that seem to have accumulated in the ocean, they use “joules” because joules are really tiny, so the number looks gigantic, but they don’t give us the tiny temp increase in degrees, which is all that matters. I don’t know how many petajoules of heat has been dumped into the ocean cooling the nuclear reactors on submarines and nuke plants, or cooling the diesel engines in ships, but I bet it’s a huge number too,
Flynn says that the advantage of men over women is tiny and is probably accounted for by the women taking the test more seriously than the men.
This from a blog post in Psychology Today written after attending a talk by Flynn and talking to him.
After the talk, I asked Flynn if he'd like me to write a blog post setting the record straight about his data. He said he'd really appreciate that, because when he was interviewed, the interviewer kept asking him leading questions about women and multitasking, clearly wanting to get a particular answer out of him. This really bugs me. I wish we would stop with all the petty gender wars that have no actual basis in fact and address really significant issues.
He also says that no matter how hard you try, you can’t get rid of women’s verbal advantage and men’s spacial advantage.
I have recently become convinced that Chuck is a high quality character made up by some Democrat who gets tripped up when it comes to Obama and the Tea Party. Inga’s purplepenquin can’t even approach the level of believability that Chuck can manage from time to time.
Chuck’s inability to see that his Bulwark “bloody shirt” that he is always waving around is poorly reasoned ketcchup is another tell.
Okay. I stand corrected. However, I do not think Fraud is the appropriate noun. I would say his work is fraudulent; he, rather is a charlatan.
In the words of David Berlinski on this subject, "Global warming? Who knows Not me, for sure. But what I do know is that climate science is and has been in the hands of intellectual mediocrities and pious charatans." [Quoted in an interview with Dennis Praeger, 2014-02-18, on Science, Philosophy, and Society on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31MI5c7LYSU]
In truth, Mann is endemic of the larger disease destroying the world of academia in general, which has been the steady drift to Stalinism rather than Marxism. The hallmark of statistical inferences in so-called scientific discourse is replication and the open availability of DATA. Cronyism in the halls of the academy is hardly new--for example the arson at the Great Library of Alexandria that took out all writings contrary to Aristotle.
In this cash cow, it is not the driving out of divergent opinions that is troubling; rather it is how successful (hopefully, up until now) it has been in capturing vast amounts of money commandeering balanced rational investigation with proper null hypotheses.
As Berlinski points out in the above video, their success has given rise to "our betters" who can dismiss us, the Poor Class, with a wave of dainty paws.
Here is a situation where a narcissistic arrogant schmuck tried to bully someone who called him out. Such belligerence may work in academia, where juniors without tenure live in terror; but, in the world of Discovery, it's put up or shut up. American Justice may have its flaws, but the rules of discovery are the Crest Jewel of Perception.
BTW, as disclosure, I know from experience the blunt edge of academic power.
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/beautiful-minds/201207/men-women-and-iq-setting-the-record-straight Trigger warning: Group IQ differences are discussed.
Fake news; they don't measure men and women, they measure children whose brains haven't finished growing; men have a 3 to 5 point IQ advantage in actual adults (@Lynn, co-discoverer of the Lynn–Flynn effect).
Note how the race difference increases (quite a bit!) when they measure adults (24yo) rather than children: but they don't mention the sex differences at those ages.
Yeah, the areas where men dominate, abstract reasoning, appreciation of consequences, those areas of the brain are not fully developed until a man is 27, which is one reason why it’s hard to rent a car under that age.
I think there were some plans to use nuke in the 60s for that purpose, but the force of such a storm is greater but more diffuse.
The force of such a storm is greater? Ya think? Mankind's nuclear weapons are like a kid's cap pistol compared to the energies of great planetary storms such as hurricanes — even here at home on seemingly tranquil and beneficent Earth.
At 4.184 petajoules/megaton TNT, this is a yield equivalent (in nuclear weapons explosive parlance) to more than 12,400 megatons of TNT — a quantity far greater as it happens than the capacity of all of humanity's modern-day (or even at the height of the cold war) nuclear arsenals combined — while once again, that's energy expended every day of the hurricane.
Thus we thus see that the energy of the current maximum-sized warhead — the biggest in modern nuclear arsenals* (some 30 times larger in yield than the WWII Hiroshima bomb) — is expended by a run-of-the-mill earthly hurricane in a mere four seconds!
Given that gross disparity in energies, pretty clearly even the largest warheads in America's (or anybody else's) nuclear arsenal would likely be wholly inadequate for effectively displacing any hurricane (large or small) from ponderously proceeding along its way virtually anywhere (while destroying whatever) it “wants” to.
____ *According to physicist Freeman Dyson (personal communication), nuclear weapon inventories worldwide in recent decades do not require — and hence do not include — warheads more powerful than about 0.5 megaton TNT; or some 30 times the (16 kiloton) yield of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima at the end of World War II. (A result of the precision delivery systems that have been available to the principal nuclear powers for at least the last few decades, larger than this nuclear warheads are deemed — even by nuclear weaponeers! — to not be required for accomplishing any sensible military mission.)
I don’t know how many petajoules of heat has been dumped into the ocean cooling the nuclear reactors
This was a cover story in Scientific American back when I used to subscribe, 50 years ago. They were all excited about nuclear power cooling water creating global warming. I quit subscribing soon after this. It had gotten just too political.
In other news, a large mob of women wearing XXL sweat shirts decorated with sequined kitties was seen marching toward the Space Needle. Socks and Birkenstocks!!
“Except epstein was the money manager for les wexner of the limited and victoria secret and was in business with apollo capitals leon black who owns telemundo among other matters”
I think that there is something hunky going on. Guy didn’t have a college degree. Definitely not a Wharton finance MBA or MIT PhD. And several people who visited his investment company have said that the composition of the labor force there didn’t look like an investment company or corporate money manager. For one thing, the labor force there was too female and too young. We have seen no evidence whatsoever that Epstein had any real expertise in money management, other than that some very rich people had maybe entrusted him with their money.
Here is a theory - his money management company was a cover. Possibly a way for his blackmail victims to pay him off. And possibly a way for a foreign intelligence service (such as possibly Mossad) to finance his operation.
I am becoming more and more delighted with the way that just one or two comments by me triggers Drago and a few others into spasms of wildly personal attacks. It certainly doesn’t bother me. On the substance of anything and everything Drago writes, my view is somewhere beneath contempt.
My delight is in the fact that with so little effort on my part, I can work Drago and company into so many comments about... me. It is assuredly what Althouse does not want, filling her comments pages. But it’s what Drago and company are giving her. And after repeated requests by me that Althouse ban them fo their defiance of her “no personal attacks” directive(s) to all commenters.
It’s fantastic, how much space I occupy in Drago’s head, rent free, and how a single comment by me can trigger a dozen bizarrely obsessive comments by Drago over several pages. And on top of that, how frustrating it must be to Althouse to see it. The more Drago it gets, the more fun it is for me.
As for my full comment about Trump inheriting a great economy but still wallowing in negative favorables and ruinous federal budget deficits, at a time when the economy should be solving both things for any marginally competent president.
I don’t think that Mann was initially a fraud. Rather, I suspect it was more that he and his initial cohorts were just incompetent statisticians. They were paleoclimitologists, which meant that they counted tree rings for a living. They probably had had the one obligatory Stat class for their PhDs, and then didn’t really use it until much later in their careers. His Hockey Stick appears to have been initially just bad statistics, something that can, on occasion, be generated, by random noise. Excluding, of course, how they tried to “hide the decline” by the way that they tried to hide the Medieval Warming Period by the way they merged their tree ring proxy data with actual climate temperature data. And all of a sudden, a bunch of academics, who had spent their careers in remote places cutting down trees and counting their rings, were now at the center of a massive international movement to reduce the use of fossil fuels. Instead of freezing out in the boonies, with their saws and dead trees, they were now flying around the world first class, to headline conferences in five star resorts.
Mann’s problem is that instead of publishing a revision, or even a retraction, as he should have, he just kept doubling down, until his tower of prevarications finally collapsed. Suing for defamation was just idiotic, and esp in a Commonwealth country, with very different legal standards.
"Dept of Black People" Chuck: "As for my full comment about Trump inheriting a great economy ....."
The inevitable walkback begins, precisely as predicted.
You didn't write Trump inherited a great economy. Your wrote Trump inherited a "dream-perfect economy".
A Dream. Perfect. Economy.
Something even the hackiest of hacks on the far left would never dare to claim.
A Dream-perfect economy. LOL
Again, this one, like you're only being here to smear Trump with made up racist quotes that you created and you're only being here to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers and your defending obamacare and open borders and Lawfaregroup and every dem in sight, will live forever and wrecks your clear "RolCon" purpose.
I can't wait to see what gaffes Biden commits today that LLR Chuck will attempt to project onto Trump.
Nat Geo has gone all in for global warming, so I tossed the most recent issue directly in the recycling bin instead of giving it to Dad. Their History mag is pretty good but expensive.
It appears lunatic Joe Walsh has a long long history of using the N-word in addition to being a deadbeat dad, just like Charlie Sykes of the lefty website The Bulwark.
BTW, now that the left and the LLR's are claiming Trump has killed more people than Hitler, Mao and Stalin (approximately 200 MILLION!!), could we get an accounting of where this all took place and where the bodies are buried?
Beasts: "Please provide the economic indicators supporting your claim that Trump inherited a great economy, Chuck."
Chuck's original comment was that Trump inherited a literal "dream-perfect economy" from the "magnificent" obama.
The "great" comment was Chuck's rapid walkback as he simultaneously claimed he stood by his original comment!
I'd like to see the metrics for "dream-perfect economy". It should be easy since its the same metrics one would use to characterize the performance of unicorns.
***Given that gross disparity in energies, pretty clearly even the largest warheads in America's (or anybody else's) nuclear arsenal would likely be wholly inadequate for effectively displacing any hurricane (large or small) from ponderously proceeding along its way virtually anywhere (while destroying whatever) it “wants” to.***
So no harm in lobbing bombs into it! - just like putting ice cubes in boiling water??
So no harm in lobbing bombs into it! – just like putting ice cubes in boiling water??
Since the largest nuclear warheads are equivalent to a mere 4 seconds of hurricane-time, it should indeed do “no harm” (except for the hard radiation released, that is) — however, it won't do any good either, especially considering that nuclear explosions aren't the equivalent of “ice cubes” (which might soak up or dampen heat energy), but rather are pouring additional hot sparks onto the heat-engine conflagration which is a hurricane.
Just skylarking here, but It seems like you don’t have to counter every bit of force in a hurricane to disrupt it’s workings and turn into a big rainstorm.
’Just skylarking here, but It seems like you don’t have to counter every bit of force in a hurricane to disrupt it’s workings and turn into a big rainstorm.’
That’s what I was thinking, as well. Admittedly, I’ve only considered the idea of nuking a hurricane for a few minutes...
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११५ टिप्पण्या:
I'm fascinated by the U.S. GDP breakdown and feminism.
In a $19.5 trillion economy, the durable goods sector accounts for agriculture, construction, manufacturing [$2.2 T], mining, transportation and utilities accounts for $4.4 trillion. That's our national actual stuff that gets made every year, the hard economy.
The government accounts for $2.1 trillion out of the trillions they spend. I'm not sure what accounts for that but at least the infrastructure work of public works departments nationwide and the Corps of Engineers. Outside of procurement I don't know how military service contributes to GDP.
The rest of it, services, the superstructure, accounts for $13 trillion.
In spite of the gains of women's equality they have still not broken into the durable goods sector. The hard work, the dangerous work is still man's work.
As everyone knows, the 79¢ canard comes from all women over all men. Men work more hours with more seniority at more dangerous jobs. Men still notch over 90% of workplace deaths. Hence, women make less money because they don't work as hard. As a whole, of course. But a farmer or oilfield worker works harder than a dental assistant so that kind of tips the scale, too. Can you even BLS?
For the last 25 years women have been the majority in our undergraduate population. They dominate K-12 [Summers off and indoctrination!], NGO's, HR departments, vet's offices, etc. Female doctors don't work as much as male doctors. That doesn't seem to console them. 79¢!
When I moved to Oregon 15 years ago, I became acquainted with modern private-sector sanitation pickup, unlike Chicago. It's no longer a muscle job. You have to drive an automatic transmission truck and use a joystick. I can't quite put my finger on it but it must be the most women h8ters industry in the U.S., aside from maybe plumbers. Women obviously can't even sue their way in.
Yet, women must be half of Google and CEOs, legislators and the President ASAP. It's almost like "whites" demanding "equal" representation in the NBA.
Modern feminism is all about denigrating men who, maybe for some biological reason, do the work that supports the entire superstructure of society, including protection and defense, at a high cost in disease, wounds and death.
But over the rise of Gramsci-ites, the 60s Mensheviks and today's CPUSA and DSA in the Democratic Party, extreme feminism has become the mantra of the government party. The Dems won the wealthiest 10 CDs and 41 of the top 50. The Dems are the party of slavery, sedition, segregation and socialism. They are the party of the urban gentry and the big tech bourgeoisie against the working and middle class and the rural areas.
Divide and conquer, "oppressed" womyn vs. men. [It's like the racism card but only as pork is the other white meat.] There's a lot of women and soi-boys out there that think that men should shut up and keep our heads down. Most if not all modern feminists would be happy reducing the male-dominated hard-economy working class to a helot caste.
This is really not going to last. I hope.
a gaffe a day keeps the presidency away, eh, Herr Sniffengroper?
"40 Dead in O-hi-O"
Via Insty:
When American climate alarmists claim to have witnessed the effects of global warming, they must be referring to a time beyond 14 years ago. That is because there has been no warming in the United States since at least 2005, according to updated data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
In January 2005, NOAA began recording temperatures at its newly built U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN). USCRN includes 114 pristinely maintained temperature stations spaced relatively uniformly across the lower 48 states. NOAA selected locations that were far away from urban and land-development impacts that might artificially taint temperature readings...
Biden has travelled into the cringeworthy realm. For those hoping to see him punished for decades of incompetence and malfeasance, that time has arrived.
Oh never mind:
Well one is reminded of king nebuchanezzer who went mad and was grazing in the fields with the cows, yes biden was never that sharp, but its pathetic.
I have nothing but contempt for Biden on this, he must have listened to CSNY in the seventies, everyone who had a brain did. It is impossible to change the meter by saying forty dead in Ohio, you can’t add a syllable to four dead in Ohio without adding beats. If Biden goes around doing this in his mind he is swine in a mire.
In spite of the gains of women's equality they have still not broken into the durable goods sector. The hard work, the dangerous work is still man's work.
World War II was won by people who made things. God help us if there is another war.
The criminal political class has exported our ability to make things. Meanwhile, they have imported 22 million foreign illegal parasites to live off the work of citizens. The Muslim men trying to get onto the trains running through the Chunnel from France to England told authorities they wanted to get to England because "The salary was better." That is illegal immigrant speak for welfare, or in England, the Dole.
A little mist in the air, decaying leaves, lichen on the stones.
You have rediscovered, or recognized, the Japanese "wabi-sabi" aesthetic.
Wish I were there.
This may have been addressed
"Biden has travelled into the cringeworthy realm."
But is it better to keep him propped up in a confused weakened state, or have him taken out (politically) by Warren, Bernie or someone else?
Everybody is referring to Michael Mann's refusal to be about R2 variables. It should be R^2 (R squared).
Quick way to tell if the guy reporting the story has the slightest idea what he's talking about.
True, but he forgot the first rule of climate fight club
So its a regression exercise?
the Post put out the story/ picture of Ghislaine at the burger joint
as though taken by a random passer-by.
They later swapped that out, when exposed, and attributed the pic to the Mega Agency.
The pic(s) were taken by her attorney Leah Saffian, and photoshopped
(Mega Agency also had the pics of JE's mansion, and corpse)
Maxwell's father Robert was a well known intelligence asset of Mossad until his death.
He was chairman of Maxwell Communication Corporation and Mirror Group Newspapers.
Robert Maxwell & Rupert Murdoch were on the board of directors for the "Mega Group" based out of Israel.
Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal
The Post was the first to leak Epstein's suicide and Ghislaine's pics
Larry Celona is the NY Post reporter who had the only post mortem photos of Epstein He was also featured in Kubrick's 'Eyes Wide Shut' He also broke the story about Kubrick's sudden death just before his heavily cut film 'Eyes Wide Shut' was released. Somehow Larry also broke the story of JFK jr's death
Celona is on the Lolita Express flight manifest
That's Biden accounting for inflation...
The other suggests Mann Made Climate Change.
rhhardin: True enough, but for those of us who figured that out for themselves it's still good news.
What an asshole that Michael Mann is.
Mint press is way too cray cray for me, now maxwells fate resembles that of edmund sabra, the mentor of bill browder, he comes in byrnes previous research.
Now landon thomas the fmr? Times reporter who ended up at new york magazine, and covered epsteins misdeeds with a pillow, did acknowledge robert fitofsky sic who engages in some interesting speculation
Sorry fitrakis, he revealed some of the connections between wexner and epstein and where they might lead.
Trump barred Epstein from mar a lago years before Epstein was convicted. But practically everyone in the media and Hollywood and the Clintons hung around on his island after the conviction. It kinda looks l8ke Trump was the ONLY celebrity to cut ties with Epstein.
Yes they didnt even cut ties after he got out.
Some of his crazier stuff dovetails with the christic institute, who sponsored nathan phillips little scam.
I just saw an ad from the Warren campaign. A chance to win a flight to Houston to watch her debate.
Didn’t she support the Green New Deal?
It should be R^2 (R squared).
Don't forget the pie--with whipped topping.
Hence, women make less money because they don't work as hard.
Back in Ames, durning the '90's, I was chatting up an el-ed major; and she said:
"do You Realize, that GARBAGE Men make MORE Money than teachers do??"
and I said to her; "well, maybe you're in the wrong career?"
and She said: "Pick up GARBAGE?!?! I would NEVER pick up Garbage; for any amount of money"
I didn't get laid that night.
Spirit Lake, Baraboo, Wisconsin? Temporarily renamed Devils Lake by people with plenty to feel guilty about.
Ladies and gentlemen, just when you thought LLR Chuck could not get more leftist, he offered this on the cafe thread from last night:
LLR Chuck: "And now, Trump — having inherited a dream-perfect economy...."
yep. Chuck is now claiming his "magnificent" obama gave us a literal "dream-perfect economy"!!!!
Thanks Chuck. This will live forever.
This is hysterical. More at the link:
How the D candidates would introduce themselves at the next debate if they were honest
Hi, I’m Joe Biden. I’m the perfect apparatchik – no principles, no convictions, and no plan. I’m senile, and I have a problem with groping children. But vote for me anyway because orange man bad.
Hi, I’m Kamala Harris. My white ancestors owned slaves, but I use the melanin I got from my Indian ancestors to pretend to be black. My own father has publicly rebuked me for the pandering lies I tell. I fellated my way into politics; put me into the White house so I can suck even more!
Hi, I’m Elizabeth Warren. Even though I’m as white as library paste, I pretended to be an American Indian to get preferment. My research on medical bankruptcies was as fraudulent as the way I gamed the racial spoils system. So you should totally trust me when I say I’m “capitalist to my bones”!
Song. Stuck in my head. Here - have some too.
Fen - LOL!
Joe Rogan interviews Dan Crenshaw.
I had an old lefty history Prof from Arkansas, who said when he was young a guy's dream was to get a job where he could wear a shirt and tie. Man, that was the shit.
Any white-collar job beat picking cotton or driving garbage trucks.
gilbar said...I said to her; "well, maybe you're in the wrong career?"
and She said: "Pick up GARBAGE?!?! I would NEVER pick up Garbage; for any amount of money"
Reminds me of a an op-ed by a teacher in 'Penguin's legendary stomping grounds, Isthmus rag..back during the Act 10 insurgency.
Teacher talked about the lamentable conditions she would have to endure and talked about the absurd option of going into the dreaded private sector.
I mean..wtf??? Right?
"So its a regression exercise?"
The problem is more than likely the standard errors and multi-co-linearity. The results are probably crap and to show his work (for replication) would surely torpedo the data, the methods, and the entire field.
I tried in 1995 to replicate the hockey stick but the results were always no better than chance no matter how much weighting and post-facto adjustments I gave up. I left the field shortly thereafter.
The best results (and explanation) I've seen has been by two researchers from the former Soviet Union living in Israel. But, they could never find a journal that would accept their results, which were indeed based on sunspots.
It's always been about swag.
Just so it's not lost after LLR Chuck deletes it:
LLR & Deadbeat Dad Fanboy Chuck: "And now, Trump — having inherited a dream-perfect economy — ....."
8/25/19, 9:23 PM
’Quick way to tell if the guy reporting the story has the slightest idea what he's talking about.’
Indeed. There’s no such animal as an ‘R2 variable’. r-squared is the coefficient of determination for a given regression analysis. Mann wouldn’t provide the underlying data set for his analysis.
Pay no attention to the fake scientist behind the curtain...
Thank God that Players' Weekend is over and we don't have to look at those hideous unreadable monochrome uniforms any more.
’And now, Trump — having inherited a dream-perfect economy...’
Chuck must have learned about economics from Michael Mann.
Love this headline from Drudge -- it's so futuristic: "Sex robots with coding errors prone to violence and could strangle humans"
Blogger Daniel Jackson said
The best results (and explanation) I've seen has been by two researchers from the former Soviet Union living in Israel. But, they could never find a journal that would accept their results, which were indeed based on sunspots.
I'm confused!
Did they get hockey stick with sunspots factor in?
Or is Mann totally fraud?
What if the Robot Wars began because of bad sex.
Data? You don't need to see my stinking data.
The Science is settled! Nothing to see here!
“The best results (and explanation) I've seen has been by two researchers from the former Soviet Union living in Israel. But, they could never find a journal that would accept their results, which were indeed based on sunspots”
Of course they were based on sunspots, or, rather better correlated. And that is because the primary driver for global temperature is the amount of solar radiation received from the sun, and sunspots correlate with the amount of solar radiation emitted by the sun. Also relevant to this are global wobble, and vagaries of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
Has any democrat and/or far left lunatic dared to call the obama economy a "dream-perfect economy" like LLR Chuck has?
Amazingly, astonishingly, once again, AGAIN, LLR Chuck has positioned himself on the far far left of the far far left!!
How is that even possible you might ask yourself?
The answer is simple: LLR Chuck seeks to credit Joe Biden and support his demented Dem candidacy even while Chuck pushes transparent BS about supporting the non-entity Walsh on the republican side to try and sow discord on the right in his fake conservative role.
That this latest effort by LLR Chuck is so transparently obvious and moronic simply speaks to the desperation being felt by Chuck and his fellow dems/lefties given their horrific candidate lineup.
“Trump barred Epstein from mar a lago years before Epstein was convicted. But practically everyone in the media and Hollywood and the Clintons hung around on his island after the conviction. It kinda looks l8ke Trump was the ONLY celebrity to cut ties with Epstein.”
There may be more to the story. Supposedly, a decade or so ago, when Trump was very much upside down financially, owing a lot more than he was worth, Epstein went to Trump, knowing that Trump was good with real estate, and didn’t have the money to ace him out, and asked him about buying, fixing up, and reselling a mansion in Florida. It was a good deal. Trump arranged financing from the big German bank, out bid Epstein, fixed it up, and doubled the money invested. Epstein, in revenge turned in Trump for financial irregularities, and Trump reciprocated over sexual ones on the part of Epstein. That may have been how Epstein ended up in jail and designated as a registered sex offender.
Epstein has been well protected at least from that time. Amazingly, Florida is now investigating the sweetheart deal he got back then with minimal jail time, and the ability to work at home at his local mansion for much of that time. They had enough on him to lock him up for the rest of his life, and didn’t.
So, why now? Why was Epstein, after so many years of being so well protected, suddenly arrested, denied bail, etc? Partly, it was because a judge unsealed some critical documents in his old case. But I wonder if it also ties into the termination of the Mueller investigation. Trump is now free to engage in payback. I think it likely that some of Epstein’s biggest protectors were the Clintons, who had essentially been behind a lot of the Russian Collusion hoax, that had hamstrung Trump and his Administration for its first two years. Bill Clinton appears to have been one of the people who flew the most on Epstein’s Lolita Express. All that dirt that was stored in Epstein’s Manhattan mansion is now in the hands of the feds in NYC. Probably some of the best blackmail information in the world.
Gonna Walsh that man right outta his hair.
Wouldn't you expect a pretty connected dead man's switch in Eppy's case?
Blade runner and westworld weve seen this movie before
First Aid Kit is really good. I first came across one of their songs on a television show, "Bones" I think it was a few years ago. Here is that song In the Hearts of Men.
Except epstein was the money manager for les wexner of the limited and victoria secret and was in business with apollo capitals leon black who owns telemundo among other matters.
a conservative estimate??**
.@AllenFrancesMD, a psychiatrist, tells @Brianstelter: Trump "may be responsible for many more million deaths" than Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong.
"Terrible damage Trump is doing to world climate at this global warming tipping point may be irreversable/could kill hundreds of millions of people in the coming decades.
Many of them our children & grandchildren & their children.
This is an existential crisis for humanity."
** or a batshit crazy liberal one?
He wrote the latest dsm iv, and is certifiable, that is a planetary level of derangement,
Now seeing miss giuffres deposition (which auddently went down the memory hole) it is conceivable
Epstein was only as good as his money handling skills like le chiffre in casino royale, when his downside was greater than the heat for dealing with him, he became expendable.
Harry sez he's willing to meet with the FBI now...
(you mean thatFBI ??)
it's been said he's "shitting himself" lately
V. Roberts, pics, and the extreme unlikelihood he's Sgt. Schultz
willing or not, JE took one for the team
I think that can be safely ascertained, maybe they paid eight guards to look the other way.
and 8 cameras, and 8 inmates-- oh those crazy Eights!
Yes quite a coincidence wasnt it, now there was a classic law and order episode along these lines, a lebanese trafficker dies in a prison teansfer, one of the prison guards was an ira sympathizer.
You can't make this shit up.
Trump suggests using nuclear bombs to disrupt Atlantic hurricanes.
All focus is on the Queen's son Andrew and his close ties to an elite child-sex trafficking kingpin. What about her other son? Jimmy Saville was the most prolific pedophile in British history - best buds with Charles. His turn is coming. The [Royal] family will not survive this.
They came up in the era of jimmy thorpe lord lucan and stephen ward no?
Is that Devils Lake?
I have 50+ years of memories of rhat lake (I’m 59).
“Trump suggests using nuclear bombs to disrupt Atlantic hurricanes.”
I hope he meant H-bombs because those things make ships stand on end.
I think there were some plans to use nuke in the 60s for that purpose, but the force of such a storm is greater but more diffuse.
Theres nothing new under the sun, we just think there is,
Youve been quiet over the wonderful governor, she defeated tlaib in the primary
Try again:
"Of course they were based on sunspots, or, rather better correlated. And that is because the primary driver for global temperature is the amount of solar radiation received from the sun, and sunspots correlate with the amount of solar radiation emitted by the sun. Also relevant to this are global wobble, and vagaries of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun."
Exactly. Moreover this approach is much more successful with modeling changes on geologic time scales. Like ice ages etc.
"I'm confused! Did they get hockey stick with sunspots factor in? Or is Mann totally fraud?"
I think the latter but you should broaden the scope to include the entire endeavor. In my experience, the hockey stick was a very effective device in lectures to college sophomores and freshmen. I first saw this used by true believers in the Club of Rome estimates on the population explosion. Very effective drama to alarm the innocents. When the CoR craze went belly up, the hockey stick migrated to variations of the climate warming/cooling lectures with the same alarm to the innocents.
Any data on the hockey stick effect is horribly over cooked with weighting factors. The "sunspot" approach taking into account earth orbit and rotational anomalies is, as Mr. Hayden so eloquently put, has a better "R-square" and far fewer standard errors and without the weighting factors.
I don't think Mr. Mann is a fraud; just another true believer using the fraudulent data of the swag seekers in that field. More like a useful idiot. Or, just a putz.
Good question:
I think he is a fraud, and the fact that used the law to try to silence tim ball and mark ateyn proves the point.
R squared is for people who don’t like carrots.
Scientists encourage vigorous debate. Mann and his ilk use legal system to punish debate.
You are like a hurricane
I just shot a ‘nuke’ in your eye
Daniel Jackson said, "I don't think Mr. Mann is a fraud; just another true believer using the fraudulent data of the swag seekers in that field. More like a useful idiot. Or, just a putz."
I don't understand how that's possible. It seems to me that Michael Mann has to be a fraud.
Just take this situation. He is refusing to show his data and his evidence for a paper that has not been withdrawn. That's borderline or across-the-border to fraud right there.
I'm not talking about in a legal sense, but in a scientific sense.
How can one build a narrative, any imaginable sequence of mistakes, that makes this behavior innocent?
I accept that people make mistakes. We all do. But an ethical man, a non-fraudulent man, does not behave this way after making a mistake.
I delighted to talk to you because you are in field. You know more about the context than most of us.
But can you construct a story, it doesn't have to be true, you can imagine anything, where Michael Mann is not deliberately spreading false information that he knows is false?
There is a lot more that is wrong, scientifically speaking, with Michael Mann's research that just this. In fact, it is amazing how many separate and different issues there are and were with Michael Mann's research The website Climate Audit did a good job of addressing that over many years.
And unfortunately this is about much more than just Michael Mann. There are always some bad apples. But people talk about them. In climate science everybody knows who Michael Mann is. He's not some fringe figure; he's right at the heart of things.
Where are the climate scientists criticizing this bastard?
And if they can't bring themselves to do that, why should we believe anything they say?
Trump is doing to world climate at this global warming tipping point may be irreversable/could kill hundreds of millions of people in the coming decades.
It's TRUE! and it's WORSE THAN THAT!!!!
There are about 5 Billion people alive today
BECAUSE OF TRUMP, within 7 decades, the MAJORITY of those people WILL BE DEAD!!
Like your life?? That's TOO BAD! because of Trump; in the next 70 years, you're going to die!!!
Funny about women and the economy. I was just reading an article writtein in 2012 about how women’s IQs were now exceeding mens, and at the end of the article was this:
I fell into writing about health shortly after grad school, where I realized I didn't want to work in a lab for the rest of my life! - Alice Walton
I was waiting for that climate reference network data to come out and am not surprised that it didn’t show any warming. I am sure they will now update the NOAH data from conventional thermometers which are so rife with problems [raw data doesn’t show much warming] that they have to keep doing adjustments based on hunches at bottom, no matter how much they dress up these hunches with higher math.
It was the same with the ocean robot submarine temperature measurements. “Where is the missing heat!” Well, it turned out that they were able to find it by looking where they hadn’t measured and estimating! Once more dressing up their hunches with higher math to bamboozle the gullible.
Why they talk about the zillions of joules that seem to have accumulated in the ocean, they use “joules” because joules are really tiny, so the number looks gigantic, but they don’t give us the tiny temp increase in degrees, which is all that matters. I don’t know how many petajoules of heat has been dumped into the ocean cooling the nuclear reactors on submarines and nuke plants, or cooling the diesel engines in ships, but I bet it’s a huge number too,
Flynn says that the advantage of men over women is tiny and is probably accounted for by the women taking the test more seriously than the men.
This from a blog post in Psychology Today written after attending a talk by Flynn and talking to him.
After the talk, I asked Flynn if he'd like me to write a blog post setting the record straight about his data. He said he'd really appreciate that, because when he was interviewed, the interviewer kept asking him leading questions about women and multitasking, clearly wanting to get a particular answer out of him. This really bugs me. I wish we would stop with all the petty gender wars that have no actual basis in fact and address really significant issues.
He also says that no matter how hard you try, you can’t get rid of women’s verbal advantage and men’s spacial advantage.
Trigger warning: Group IQ differences are discussed.
Mr. Mann, I hesitate to call him professor, is a grifter. He saw what was needed to perfect the con and provided it. Nothing more.
Drago. Quit engaging the lying idiot. Better just to let him rot. He enjoys your attention. That goes for anyone else tempted to engage him.
If you liked the Mueller Report, you will love the Biden Presidency, “Now with even more senility!"
I have recently become convinced that Chuck is a high quality character made up by some Democrat who gets tripped up when it comes to Obama and the Tea Party. Inga’s purplepenquin can’t even approach the level of believability that Chuck can manage from time to time.
Chuck’s inability to see that his Bulwark “bloody shirt” that he is always waving around is poorly reasoned ketcchup is another tell.
@ Mr Mandrewa
Okay. I stand corrected. However, I do not think Fraud is the appropriate noun. I would say his work is fraudulent; he, rather is a charlatan.
In the words of David Berlinski on this subject, "Global warming? Who knows Not me, for sure. But what I do know is that climate science is and has been in the hands of intellectual mediocrities and pious charatans." [Quoted in an interview with Dennis Praeger, 2014-02-18, on Science, Philosophy, and Society on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31MI5c7LYSU]
In truth, Mann is endemic of the larger disease destroying the world of academia in general, which has been the steady drift to Stalinism rather than Marxism. The hallmark of statistical inferences in so-called scientific discourse is replication and the open availability of DATA. Cronyism in the halls of the academy is hardly new--for example the arson at the Great Library of Alexandria that took out all writings contrary to Aristotle.
In this cash cow, it is not the driving out of divergent opinions that is troubling; rather it is how successful (hopefully, up until now) it has been in capturing vast amounts of money commandeering balanced rational investigation with proper null hypotheses.
As Berlinski points out in the above video, their success has given rise to "our betters" who can dismiss us, the Poor Class, with a wave of dainty paws.
Here is a situation where a narcissistic arrogant schmuck tried to bully someone who called him out. Such belligerence may work in academia, where juniors without tenure live in terror; but, in the world of Discovery, it's put up or shut up. American Justice may have its flaws, but the rules of discovery are the Crest Jewel of Perception.
BTW, as disclosure, I know from experience the blunt edge of academic power.
Trigger warning: Group IQ differences are discussed.
Fake news; they don't measure men and women, they measure children whose brains haven't finished growing; men have a 3 to 5 point IQ advantage in actual adults (@Lynn, co-discoverer of the Lynn–Flynn effect).
Note how the race difference increases (quite a bit!) when they measure adults (24yo) rather than children: but they don't mention the sex differences at those ages.
It's like discussing the average physical strength or height of men and women based on measurements of children.
Yeah, the areas where men dominate, abstract reasoning, appreciation of consequences, those areas of the brain are not fully developed until a man is 27, which is one reason why it’s hard to rent a car under that age.
I think there were some plans to use nuke in the 60s for that purpose, but the force of such a storm is greater but more diffuse.
The force of such a storm is greater? Ya think? Mankind's nuclear weapons are like a kid's cap pistol compared to the energies of great planetary storms such as hurricanes — even here at home on seemingly tranquil and beneficent Earth.
According to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), for instance, the energy released by an average sized earthly hurricane or typhoon over the course of just a single day is in the vicinity of 5.2 • 10^19 joules.
At 4.184 petajoules/megaton TNT, this is a yield equivalent (in nuclear weapons explosive parlance) to more than 12,400 megatons of TNT — a quantity far greater as it happens than the capacity of all of humanity's modern-day (or even at the height of the cold war) nuclear arsenals combined — while once again, that's energy expended every day of the hurricane.
Thus we thus see that the energy of the current maximum-sized warhead — the biggest in modern nuclear arsenals* (some 30 times larger in yield than the WWII Hiroshima bomb) — is expended by a run-of-the-mill earthly hurricane in a mere four seconds!
Given that gross disparity in energies, pretty clearly even the largest warheads in America's (or anybody else's) nuclear arsenal would likely be wholly inadequate for effectively displacing any hurricane (large or small) from ponderously proceeding along its way virtually anywhere (while destroying whatever) it “wants” to.
*According to physicist Freeman Dyson (personal communication), nuclear weapon inventories worldwide in recent decades do not require — and hence do not include — warheads more powerful than about 0.5 megaton TNT; or some 30 times the (16 kiloton) yield of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima at the end of World War II. (A result of the precision delivery systems that have been available to the principal nuclear powers for at least the last few decades, larger than this nuclear warheads are deemed — even by nuclear weaponeers! — to not be required for accomplishing any sensible military mission.)
LLR Chuck: "LOL!
You can't make this shit up."
You just did.
I don’t know how many petajoules of heat has been dumped into the ocean cooling the nuclear reactors
This was a cover story in Scientific American back when I used to subscribe, 50 years ago. They were all excited about nuclear power cooling water creating global warming. I quit subscribing soon after this. It had gotten just too political.
Lizzie Warren was in Seattle yesterday.
In other news, a large mob of women wearing XXL sweat shirts decorated with sequined kitties was seen marching toward the Space Needle. Socks and Birkenstocks!!
“Except epstein was the money manager for les wexner of the limited and victoria secret and was in business with apollo capitals leon black who owns telemundo among other matters”
I think that there is something hunky going on. Guy didn’t have a college degree. Definitely not a Wharton finance MBA or MIT PhD. And several people who visited his investment company have said that the composition of the labor force there didn’t look like an investment company or corporate money manager. For one thing, the labor force there was too female and too young. We have seen no evidence whatsoever that Epstein had any real expertise in money management, other than that some very rich people had maybe entrusted him with their money.
Here is a theory - his money management company was a cover. Possibly a way for his blackmail victims to pay him off. And possibly a way for a foreign intelligence service (such as possibly Mossad) to finance his operation.
I am becoming more and more delighted with the way that just one or two comments by me triggers Drago and a few others into spasms of wildly personal attacks. It certainly doesn’t bother me. On the substance of anything and everything Drago writes, my view is somewhere beneath contempt.
My delight is in the fact that with so little effort on my part, I can work Drago and company into so many comments about... me. It is assuredly what Althouse does not want, filling her comments pages. But it’s what Drago and company are giving her. And after repeated requests by me that Althouse ban them fo their defiance of her “no personal attacks” directive(s) to all commenters.
It’s fantastic, how much space I occupy in Drago’s head, rent free, and how a single comment by me can trigger a dozen bizarrely obsessive comments by Drago over several pages. And on top of that, how frustrating it must be to Althouse to see it. The more Drago it gets, the more fun it is for me.
As for my full comment about Trump inheriting a great economy but still wallowing in negative favorables and ruinous federal budget deficits, at a time when the economy should be solving both things for any marginally competent president.
Sorry; I didn’t finish that last sentence. As for my comment that Drago wanted to ridicule; I stand by every word of it.
I don’t think that Mann was initially a fraud. Rather, I suspect it was more that he and his initial cohorts were just incompetent statisticians. They were paleoclimitologists, which meant that they counted tree rings for a living. They probably had had the one obligatory Stat class for their PhDs, and then didn’t really use it until much later in their careers. His Hockey Stick appears to have been initially just bad statistics, something that can, on occasion, be generated, by random noise. Excluding, of course, how they tried to “hide the decline” by the way that they tried to hide the Medieval Warming Period by the way they merged their tree ring proxy data with actual climate temperature data. And all of a sudden, a bunch of academics, who had spent their careers in remote places cutting down trees and counting their rings, were now at the center of a massive international movement to reduce the use of fossil fuels. Instead of freezing out in the boonies, with their saws and dead trees, they were now flying around the world first class, to headline conferences in five star resorts.
Mann’s problem is that instead of publishing a revision, or even a retraction, as he should have, he just kept doubling down, until his tower of prevarications finally collapsed. Suing for defamation was just idiotic, and esp in a Commonwealth country, with very different legal standards.
Suing for defamation was just idiotic, and esp in a Commonwealth country, with very different legal standards.
It has held up in the US thanks to the DC Circuit which has allowed his lawfare against Mark Steyn and National Review to proceed for years,
"Dept of Black People" Chuck: "As for my full comment about Trump inheriting a great economy ....."
The inevitable walkback begins, precisely as predicted.
You didn't write Trump inherited a great economy. Your wrote Trump inherited a "dream-perfect economy".
A Dream. Perfect. Economy.
Something even the hackiest of hacks on the far left would never dare to claim.
A Dream-perfect economy. LOL
Again, this one, like you're only being here to smear Trump with made up racist quotes that you created and you're only being here to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers and your defending obamacare and open borders and Lawfaregroup and every dem in sight, will live forever and wrecks your clear "RolCon" purpose.
I can't wait to see what gaffes Biden commits today that LLR Chuck will attempt to project onto Trump.
It should be great fun!
LLR Chuck: "Sorry; I didn’t finish that last sentence. As for my comment that Drago wanted to ridicule; I stand by every word of it."
You stand by the very comment that you are already trying to walkback!!
How perfectly Reid Hoffman-y "republican" of you!
It had gotten just too political.
Nat Geo has gone all in for global warming, so I tossed the most recent issue directly in the recycling bin instead of giving it to Dad. Their History mag is pretty good but expensive.
It appears lunatic Joe Walsh has a long long history of using the N-word in addition to being a deadbeat dad, just like Charlie Sykes of the lefty website The Bulwark.
No wonder LLR Chuck strongly supports Walsh.
BTW, now that the left and the LLR's are claiming Trump has killed more people than Hitler, Mao and Stalin (approximately 200 MILLION!!), could we get an accounting of where this all took place and where the bodies are buried?
’As for my full comment about Trump inheriting a great economy...’
Please provide the economic indicators supporting your claim that Trump inherited a great economy, Chuck.
Beasts: "Please provide the economic indicators supporting your claim that Trump inherited a great economy, Chuck."
Chuck's original comment was that Trump inherited a literal "dream-perfect economy" from the "magnificent" obama.
The "great" comment was Chuck's rapid walkback as he simultaneously claimed he stood by his original comment!
I'd like to see the metrics for "dream-perfect economy". It should be easy since its the same metrics one would use to characterize the performance of unicorns.
Your wrote Trump inherited a "dream-perfect economy".
Maybe Chuck meant it like the dream perfect economy that Regan inherited from Carter. Ready take off once the idiocy was removed.
It’s hilarious, Drago. Chuck shares the same economic illiteracy that plagues the ‘magnificent’ Obama.
***Given that gross disparity in energies, pretty clearly even the largest warheads in America's (or anybody else's) nuclear arsenal would likely be wholly inadequate for effectively displacing any hurricane (large or small) from ponderously proceeding along its way virtually anywhere (while destroying whatever) it “wants” to.***
So no harm in lobbing bombs into it! - just like putting ice cubes in boiling water??
I atarted on the next thread:
So no harm in lobbing bombs into it! – just like putting ice cubes in boiling water??
Since the largest nuclear warheads are equivalent to a mere 4 seconds of hurricane-time, it should indeed do “no harm” (except for the hard radiation released, that is) — however, it won't do any good either, especially considering that nuclear explosions aren't the equivalent of “ice cubes” (which might soak up or dampen heat energy), but rather are pouring additional hot sparks onto the heat-engine conflagration which is a hurricane.
Just skylarking here, but It seems like you don’t have to counter every bit of force in a hurricane to disrupt it’s workings and turn into a big rainstorm.
If for one second you countered the entire force of the hurricane, it would have a hell of a time re-organizing, I would think.
Like I said, I am assuming that context was lost in the rush to riducule the president, and I doubt he was serious, just skylarking.
’Just skylarking here, but It seems like you don’t have to counter every bit of force in a hurricane to disrupt it’s workings and turn into a big rainstorm.’
That’s what I was thinking, as well. Admittedly, I’ve only considered the idea of nuking a hurricane for a few minutes...
A butterfly in Beijing can alter the coarse of Atlantic hurricane because strange attractor
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