July 1, 2019

"Toward the end of dinner, Elizabeth confessed that she had needed to go to the bathroom for a while, but had been nervous about leaving her drink with someone she didn’t know."

"'That’s just how I walk through the world,' she said later, 'being constantly worried that I’m going to be taken advantage of.' (I’m with Elizabeth on this one. She’s not weird; blind dates are.) Jordan didn’t take it personally and told her the only way to feel totally at ease would be to take her drink with her to the bathroom. It was sound logic, but she decided to wait it out anyway.... He was down to hook up if she was, but he didn’t get that sense from her — correctly, as it turned out. Elizabeth was interested, however, in being walked home: 'He was very gracious in offering his male privilege to me in that way.'... He asked her if she was attracted to him. She told him she was still figuring that out."

From "Date Lab: He thought she was sweet. But was she weird enough?" (WaPo).


Automatic_Wing said...

You're weird enough, Elizabeth.

traditionalguy said...

Fear is a many splendored thing. Don't leave home without it.

Automatic_Wing said...

Why is someone with all these anxieties going on a blind date in the first place?

gilbar said...

ummm, the SIMPLE SOLUTION is to:
A) Finish your drink
B) go to the little girl's room and get rid of it
C) pick up a new drink at the bar on your way back

jaydub said...

Never walk someone home who mentions "male privilege." Ever.

Curious George said...

'He was very gracious in offering his male privilege to me in that way.'

Where boners go to die.

Anonymous said...

Walking is the theme of the day.

Dude1394 said...

“Elizabeth Leff is a 24-year-old leadership development associate at a faith-based social justice advocacy group.”. Is there truly such a thing? How in the world could this be a money-making position. Are these jobs just made up to pay activists?? Very strange.

gilbar said...

Automatic_Wing said...
Why is someone with all these anxieties going on a blind date in the first place?

A blind date paid for by Washington Post (WITH PHOTOGRAPHS!)

I kinda sorta doubt that all that many date rapers really truly WANT their name and face PUBLISHED in the WASHINGTON POST. Well, maybe SOME date rapers are into that notoriety; but they're going to tip the bartender to slip the roofies in for them .
Also, they're going to kill you and eat you afterwords

But for MOST date rapers, being written about in the paper tends to put them on their good behavior

Wince said...

Elizabeth confessed that she had needed to go to the bathroom for a while, but had been nervous about leaving her drink with someone she didn’t know.

"Excuse me, may I go to the bathroom first?"

gilbar said...

someone said... Are these jobs just made up to pay activists?? Very strange.

Well, you're a Non-profit; you have to spend the money on SOMETHING; i mean, that's the point right?

Ann Althouse said...



AllenS said...

Never walk home with someone carrying a chainsaw.

Ann Althouse said...

I'm very amused by the use of "go to the bathroom" to mean urinate, anywhere, without regard to location in a bathroom.

There's an old Monty Python clip in which Graham Chapman is doing an American accent and using "going to the bathroom" like that. Maybe EDH knows how to find it...

Beasts of England said...

'He asked her if she was attracted to him. She told him she was still figuring that out...'

The short answer is no. The longer answer is attractive enough for a walk home, I guess.

AlbertAnonymous said...

“He was very gracious in offering me his male privilege in that way?” WTF? Who speaks like that?

This is the kind of gal you steer clear of.

Never in the crazy...

Phil 314 said...

Is this the newspaper version of reality TV? WaPo now inventing stuff for our entertainment. It’s not “truth”. Clearly not in the “darkness” but I’d be okay if it died.

gilbar said...

Phil 314 said... Is this the newspaper version of reality TV?

Yes, yes it IS
Of All the Things in the Washington Post, the THING that i miss reading is Date Lab. It Rocks!

gilbar said...

Remember the title of this lab; He thought she was sweet. But was she weird enough?" (WaPo).

Maybe, Magic Eight Ball says: Reply hazy, try again.
Can someone with a subscription (like our Beloved Professor Althouse) tell me what the follow up was? Did they meet again?
OMG, i might have to pay for another subscription !!

Swede said...

First off, I feel bad for people in the dating scene today. What a fucking nightmare.

Second, she's completely right to want to ensure she's safe.

Last, any woman who uses the term "male privilege" without sarcasm should be left at the table. "Check, please".

I went on 2 blind dates in college, both were set up by mutual friends. Mutual friends always think "OMG! They'd make such a great couple!". Fucking idiots. Anyway, neither one worked out long term in the sense that a relationship developed. Both were very nice, not crazy girls. It was college and we smashed like crazy for a while, but there wasn't enough chemistry to make that last. One ended up going to Michigan State and got her D.O. and ended up working in the same healthcare system I did.

The point is that I haven't had coffee yet.

Swede said...

Also, unless you were a platoon leader during the war, what the fuck does a 24 year old know about leadership development?


MayBee said...

If you don't trust someone with your drink, you shouldn't trust them on a walk home OR with knowing where you live.

rcocean said...

I'm the 5th person to notice the non-logic. Don't trust you with my drink, but you can walk me home alone.

Althouse readers are analytical!

rcocean said...

If i was getting set up for a blind date, I would have two questions. One, is she ugly? Two, does she use phrases like "male privilege"?

The Minnow Wrangler said...

When I was a member of an online dating site there were a couple of guys with whom I exchanged phone numbers. We talked a few times. Still the idea of meeting them in person was scary. I almost had a couple of real life dates but they never happened. Anyway my plan was to have someone else drop me off a couple of blocks away, keep my phone handy at all times, etc. I don't think men understand what this is like for women. Most of us aren't really interested in one night stands although I'm sure there are exceptions.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

OMFG. Kids these days. Please pray for my six. They have to navigate this Clown World* bullshit.

*hat tip to Angle-Dyne

Rory said...

"constantly worried that I’m going to be taken advantage of."

But a chaperone would obviously be silly.

The Minnow Wrangler said...

Actually I met my husband on match.com but we never met in person for over two years. So I had plenty of time to "get to know him" before throwing caution to the wind and agreeing to ride with him in his semi for two weeks to visit his parents. That was pretty scary too but I took a lot of precautions and we ended up getting along very well.

gilbar said...

Liz is a neurotic little worry wort; Even though she knew she was safe with him (being published and all), she couldn't help herself from worrying about her drink; Kind of the way ALL my trips have to be made in a counter clockwise direction (it is inauspicious to go clockwise, you'll get dizzy). She NEVER claimed to be logical
The Problem Was. Even though she was a loopy loon; she wasn't weird enough (BORING!) for him.
So, even though she Explicitly signaled that she Wanted More*; he never dated her again**. He needs weirdness, and neurotic little worry worts are a dime a dozen in DC

Wanted More*
she let him walk her home,
she was 'still figuring that out' if she liked him (no NO yet!)
When he asked if she 'kissed on the 1st date?' she said Not Usually***

never dated her again** some texts, but no further dates; Yes, i got a subscription :(
Not Usually *** So, she's BASICALLY BEGGING HIM to Ravish her, then and there!

Quaestor said...

Why not excuse oneself like a normal, discreet, not insane person and then order a fresh drink after returning from the necessary room? Why impugn the motives of someone who, though a stranger, is trusted by a trusted third party, the default situation of the blind date? Women can have their groundless suspicions, in the age of groundless accusations it's to be expected, but making groundless suspicions of one's host a topic of table talk is extremely impolite if not borderline psychotic behavior. Personally, I'd much rather pay for an extra drink than be insulted. If I were on the other end of the table I would call for the check and leave.

Leland said...

She verbalized that she didn't want someone taking advantage of her, which is a clear sign she isn't ready for a relationship.

Rick said...

any woman who uses the term "male privilege" without sarcasm should be left at the table. "Check, please".

Same for patriarchy. The best case is an ongoing behavioral audit with someone who assumes your every action has the worst possible motivation. Worst case it that something makes her unhappy and she re-imagines the relationship to preclude consent and has you arrested.

No one is desperate enough for this to be an acceptable dating environment.

Rick said...

Why not excuse oneself like a normal, discreet, not insane person and then order a fresh drink after returning from the necessary room?

It's a shit test. If you're willing to put up with it she knows she can control the relationship.

Bay Area Guy said...

These two could benefit from a dating app solely dedicated to LOSERS trying to find love.

No sane person of any gender would date either of them.

john said...

Could'nt the WAPO camerman watched over the drink while she went to the loo? Or didn't she trust him/her either?

Quaestor said...

It's a shit test.

Color me skeptical. Liz doesn't impress me as someone with enough foresight to concoct anything beyond a Baldrick-level cunning plan.

john said...

"Elizabeth didn’t need to ask too many questions to learn about Jordan or his family. Those insights arrived with the free round of drinks that the server delivered courtesy of Jordan’s father, stepmother, and “stepbrother and stepsister” (i.e. their dogs)."

OMFG. Sorry Elizabeth, you are definitely not the weird one on this date, and you have every right to be worried about your drink. My apologies.

stlcdr said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...
I'm very amused by the use of "go to the bathroom" to mean urinate, anywhere, without regard to location in a bathroom.

There's an old Monty Python clip in which Graham Chapman is doing an American accent and using "going to the bathroom" like that. Maybe EDH knows how to find it...

7/1/19, 7:30 AM

So it's not just men that appreciate toilet humor?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Elizabeth Leff is a 24-year-old leadership development associate at a faith-based social justice advocacy group”

She’s cute but do you really want to carry someone like that? ‘Cause she’s someone who’s going to need a lot of carrying.

Rick said...

Liz doesn't impress me as someone with enough foresight

The test isn't something she thought up. She's testing to see if will accept her worldview which just happens to demand he play a subservient role.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Ideally, you meet your one true love when she’s 19 or 20. ‘Cause you can forestall a heap of nonsense. If she’s the type that’s susceptible to nonsense. They aren’t all.

wwww said...

She's too nervous to go on blind dates. She wanted to hide it from her parents. Wasn't comfortable with the idea. She wasn't comfortable with him. Or, the situation made her so uncomfortable she was anxious. She might have trusted someone else with her drink.

He didn't think she was "weird" enough to be really into her but he was willing to hook up because she was attractive enough. She is not a sleep with someone on the first date type. Their personalities do not fit together. This doesn't end in a marriage. She works for a faith-based group. My advice: date someone from a young adult group or her church or someone she meets at a church retreat.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Unknown said..."Walking is the theme of the day."

I think the theme is the-world-is-going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket/young-people-are-nuts.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Swede said...

Last, any woman who uses the term "male privilege" without sarcasm should be left at the table. "Check, please".

Do not ask for the check. Ask for two checks, separating what each of you ordered, because:
1) You wouldn't want to exert the male privilege of paying for her meal, and
2) If you split the check yourself you would probably use math, which is a tool of the patriarchy, which would likely trigger her.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Finish the drink, go to the bathroom, order a fresh drink.

then, don't ever go out on a date ever ever again, because nutz.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Elizabeth was interested, however, in being walked home: 'He was very gracious in offering his male privilege to me in that way.'

In other words, she wanted to use his bodyguard services and pay him with her bitch attitude.

Otto said...

Social snowflakes. Effeteism Wd9?) in spades.

Michael said...

He was very gracious in offering his male privilege to me in that way.'.

This is the way people at the WaPo talk. Normal to them and theirs.

tcrosse said...

There's an old Monty Python clip in which Graham Chapman is doing an American accent and using "going to the bathroom" like that

The Brits have their own set of euphemisms, like "spend a penny" or "go to the loo".
A nice young lady on a first date does not say "I gotta pee".

Jaq said...

I feel bad for young people.

Wince said...

20th Century Vole?

(We start with animation, which leads us to the 'Twentieth Century Vole' trademark. Cut to film producer's office. Six writers sitting round a table with one very impressive chair empty at the head of the table. They wait reverently. Suddenly the door of the room flies open and Larry Saltzberg, the film producer, walks in. The writers leap to their feet.)

Larry: I like that! I like that, I can't take it any more, and then Rock Hudson says...

'I'm a very rich film producer and I need a lobotomy' and then Doris Dog says 'I think you're very handsome and I'm going to take all my clothes off' and then Doris Dog turns into a yak and goes to the bathroom on David Lemming.

No, wait, wait! (picks up phone) Hello, (cut to 'It's' man film with Larry continuing voice over) hello, hello, who are you? You're an out-of-work writer? Well, you're fired. Roll the credits.

(Here the credits do start to roll with Larry's voice continuing over) Produced by Irving C. Saltzberg Jnr. of Irving C. Saltzberg Productions Ltd. and Saltzberg Art Films, Oil, Real Estate, Banking and Prostitution Inc.)

Sam L. said...

"From "Date Lab: He thought she was sweet. But was she weird enough?" (WaPo)." The WaPoo is weird enough all by itself.

gilbar said...

I get the impression that a Lot of you aren't familiar with Date Lab.
It's a recurring section of the Washington Post.
The point is to laugh at the people
to wish them happiness

PM said...

Sure it was a privilege to walk her home, but did he need to yell "And stay out!" after she shut the door?

Bruce Hayden said...

“If i was getting set up for a blind date, I would have two questions. One, is she ugly? Two, does she use phrases like "male privilege"?”

My partner set up one blind date in her life, and it went horribly. The guy who would be her first husband was cute and very charming. They set one of his brothers up with her best friend. The four of them were going to have a drink and then maybe go dancing. It lasted maybe 20 minutes. My partner and her husband to be figured that they would be perfect together - they were both big and ugly. She was 6’, and he was maybe 6’6”. It was the ugly that was a problem. Both of them thought that they were way too good looking to date the other one. And my partner learned more ways to say that someone is too ugly to date that night and in the ensuing weeks. They were both highly insulted that the two setting up the date didn’t recognize that.

walter said...

"Elizabeth Leff is a 24-year-old leadership development associate at a faith-based social justice advocacy group. She wants someone who is “funny, empathetic, thoughtful, fun [and] medium-adventurous.” Jordan Taffet is a 25-year-old case worker for the mentally ill. He is seeking a woman with a pixie cut and prefers someone shorter than he is."

She could have used her trip to the can as a test, if she had one of these:
SipChip Drink Spiking Test for Date Rape Drug Detection

wwww said...

"In other words, she wanted to use his bodyguard services and pay him with her bitch attitude."

She is not a prostitute. He shouldn't offer to walk her home if he didn't enjoy her company; her company should be reason enough. If he is not interested in her conversation, or would not enjoy a stroll outside -- with no obligation of sexual favours -- he should not offer. She can take a Taxi home.

And the men who think a young woman should sleep with a guy she met one hour prior, and the men who want her to leave her drink unattended on a blind date, I hope this isn't your advice to daughters and granddaughters when they're working in a large city like WA DC. A University of Utah student was killed a few days ago for not being cautious enough. The majority of men aren't Ted Bundy. But some are.

wwww said...

& for how she spoke: Strikes me as a very shy person with anxiety issues. Not surprising she was verbally awkward on a blind date.

She needs a man who puts her at ease and makes her feel protected. He wanted a "weird" "eccentric" woman who is willing to get down on the first date & she probably sensed that they did not click.

Freeman Hunt said...

If you think your friends might set you up with someone who would drug and rape you, maybe opt out of the blind dates.

walter said...

Just maybe a date supervised by a national newspaper photog provides a level of "safe space".
But if one has concerns, one of the last things that makes sense is to lead them to your home.

Ann Althouse said...

Thank you, thank you, EDH,

It’s even better than I remembered, and I have remembered that since the 70s.

Bruce Hayden said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...
“I'm very amused by the use of "go to the bathroom" to mean urinate, anywhere, without regard to location in a bathroom.”

We are constantly going around on terms for this. She just says that she is going to go pee. Something I never heard from my mother in the fifty odd years we shared this earth. I have other names for it, esp after noting that guys don’t pee, they piss. One of my favorites is “hitting the pissitorium”.

Not specifying whether you are going #1 or #2, or a woman changing her tampon or fixing her makeup, is just one of those privacy things.

Of course, using a date’s bathroom for #2 can be problematic, as evidenced by, I believe, comedic episodes in Seinfeld and Big Bang.

wwww said...

If you think your friends might set you up with someone who would drug and rape you, maybe opt out of the blind dates.

It's the WA Post setting them up, not her friends. But she should have opted out. She was too nervous for this situation, and got awkward and, it sounds, insecure. I would not be surprised if her friends pushed her to send in her application and maybe filled it out for her.

Bruce Hayden said...

“She is not a prostitute. He shouldn't offer to walk her home if he didn't enjoy her company; her company should be reason enough. If he is not interested in her conversation, or would not enjoy a stroll outside -- with no obligation of sexual favours -- he should not offer. She can take a Taxi home.”

I disagree, and it is maybe having grown up in an earlier generation. You don’t walk women home for the sex, but because it is what guys are supposed to do. It is chivalrous.

wwww said...

I disagree, and it is maybe having grown up in an earlier generation. You don’t walk women home for the sex, but because it is what guys are supposed to do. It is chivalrous.

Yes, it is chivalrous. But we do not disagree. But if he is not chivalrous and is going to expect something, he should not offer. A man should never walk a woman (he just met!) home for sex--that's disgusting. That's treating her like a whore. If he's not honourable, he should not offer to walk her home.

It sounded to me that some commenters expected her to exchange sexual favours for "bodyguard" protection.

Original Mike said...

"I disagree, and it is maybe having grown up in an earlier generation. You don’t walk women home for the sex, but because it is what guys are supposed to do. It is chivalrous."

Yep. It's the right thing to do to make sure she gets home safely.

People used to know these things.

Original Mike said...

"It sounded to me that some commenters expected her to exchange sexual favours for "bodyguard" protection."

I didn't take it that way. I heard 'he's going to walk her home and she's giving him this "male privilege" garbage. But who knows?

wwww said...

I didn't take it that way. I heard 'he's going to walk her home and she's giving him this "male privilege" garbage. But who knows?

Commenters called her a bitch for worrying about her drink.

She told him at the end of the date what was going on and why she was uncomfortable. She told him she needed to go to the bathroom but was used to watching out for her drink, and she didn't know what to do. She struck me as (1) Incredibly Socially Awkward (2) Shy (3) Anxiety prone. But she opened up to him, trusting him not to make fun of her. Then she says thank you for walking her home, again, in an incredibly socially awkward way. & people say she's being bitchy.

A bitchy person tends to be much more confident or dismissive. She was thanking him while being incredibly socially awkward and bumbling her words around.

Bill Peschel said...

In the future, everyone will be on a reality show for 15 minutes.

"It's a recurring section of the Washington Post.
The point is to laugh at the people "

So this is the Post's version of the "roast me" posts I see on The Chive?

Original Mike said...

There's a whole lot of your own interpretation in there, wwww.

wwww said...

It was fine, pleasant time. They aren't right for each other. They figured that out. No one was a bitch, no one's feelings were hurt. He was chivalrous and walked her home. But the commenters here are upset and angry and her. She is a nervous, conventional person and not the type who is going to enjoy a blind date. He showed up to the date in combat boots and likes weird, eccentric traits. There's no reason to bash her for being awkward and cautious.

"Elizabeth, who had been nervous about going out with a stranger."

"Jordan said. “I did get the sense that she was perhaps a little more inhibited than I was."

“My first thought was, ‘He told his family that he was doing this?’ ” Elizabeth recalled, incredulous. She had not, and would not have told her parents she was going on a blind date. For one, they just don’t have that kind of relationship. For another, “They’d be like, ‘That sounds pretty unsafe and stupid. Why are you doing that?’ ” she said, adding, “The paranoidness I feel about strangers I think is passed down.”

Toward the end of dinner, Elizabeth confessed that she had needed to go to the bathroom for a while, but had been nervous about leaving her drink with someone she didn’t know.

Elizabeth seemed sweet, but not weird or idiosyncratic enough to bowl him over.

He was down to hook up if she was, but he didn’t get that sense from her — correctly, as it turned out.

It was a nice walk. They stopped at Barbie Pond, the diorama of doll torsos at 15th and Q streets NW. They played a game called “Perfect Perfect Perfect,” where each person asks about dealbreakers that would make an otherwise perfect partner undateable. (Elizabeth said she couldn’t date a perfect man who never brushes his teeth. To her astonishment, Jordan said he could overlook something like that.)

Jordan suspected Elizabeth might have more conventional taste in men, so he took that as a victory for his personality.

wwww said...

"There's a whole lot of your own interpretation in there, wwww."

yeah but that's the point of Date Lab! It's fun to analyze behaviour. & it's interesting to me that I read this as a awkward, but ultimately pleasant, while older men see this as unbearably insulting to him. I thought commenters wanted her to put out. It turns out they think she's a bitch, and I don't know why.

Yeah her wording is weird and massively awkward, but she strikes me as a very socially awkward person. I didn't take it as a "bash" on him. If she didn't trust him, she wouldn't have told him she needed to pee. Bitchy, defensive people don't make themselves vulnerable like that.

wwww said...

He said he thought she was "sweet" but conventional. She wasn't acting like a "bitch" to him. But she is inhibited with strangers and reserved. Shy.

Scott M said...

Never walk someone home who mentions "male privilege." Ever.

You can also use "fiercely" as a red flag. Someone freely tossing around "fiercely" is likely to be a privilege adherent.

walter said...

So..she mentioned the worry about being roofied and he said nothing?
Or was this confession to the article author?

Earnest Prole said...

He’s trying to hide his insecurity about being a short guy with some goofy outfit, which is more like hanging a light on it. Elizabeth is just not that into you. Check back with her in five years or so when desperation about her approaching thirtieth birthday is starting to sink in.

Achilles said...

Anyone who uses the term "male privilege" is a bitch.

Men are privileged with:

1. 5x higher suicide rates.
2. 10+x higher work related death rates not including military service.
3. 5x higher school dropout rates.
4. 5 year lower life expectancy.
5. 32% of women get a college degree, 22% of men get a college degree.
6. 20x higher incarceration rates.

One year trips to Afghanistan would cure this bullshit.

walter said...

That might exceed medium adventure.

Original Mike said...

"Anyone who uses the term "male privilege" is a bitch."

Well, it was insulting in the context of offering to walk her home.

Rick said...

It sounded to me that some commenters expected her to exchange sexual favours for "bodyguard" protection.

This willfully mischaracterizes comments to justify otherwise unsupportable criticism. In fact their criticism was of her presumption in making demands of her date even as she criticized him for accepting the demand. This just shows how left wingers training in extremism prevents their understanding reality.

stlcdr said...

Blogger gilbar said...
I get the impression that a Lot of you aren't familiar with Date Lab.

No, I suspect not.

It's a recurring section of the Washington Post.

Ah, that explains it.

So, a good old reality TV show...without the TV.

GRW3 said...

Girls/Women being afraid to abandon a drink with a stranger is reasonable. Guys, in such a situation just tell her to throw it away and you'll buy her another one when she gets back (and not before). A woman I work with was at a business conference and met somebody from her home state. She enjoyed talking about home but thought he was a little off. They had been out to smoke before and when she indicated she wanted to smoke again, he grabbed their drinks and dashed out ahead of her. Red Flags Went Up at that, so she just went to her room. The bartender said the guy came in a bit later with her glass completely empty.

rcocean said...

The obvious solution was to leave the drink on the table, and then have him take a sip before you go back drinking it. Or switch drinks. Its what Sam Spade or Philip Marlowe would do.

Or Pat him down, and do a full body search. Another suggestion, "accidentally" Spill your drink and order another.

wwww said...

Well, it was insulting in the context of offering to walk her home.

That's your interpretation because you think she was being sarcastic and ungrateful. She said to the interviewer that he was "extremely gracious" to use his "male privilege" to walk her home. I think you believe she's being sarcastic because you're triggered by the words "male privilege", but I think she's an anxious person saying it straight & using the literal definition.

She's looking for someone who is conventional and will want to walk her home. She works for a faith-based organization. She probably goes to church on Sunday and would want to take her future family to church. This guy was probably a little too eccentric and combat-boots wearing for her.

She's saying he was gracious to use his superior male strength and safety to accompany her home. ie=male privilege. Men are less scared to walk around in the dark on city streets. It means she would be scared to walk on the street alone and he offered to accompany her because he's not scared because he's a man. But, yes, awkward wording.

Not awkward would be to simply say "it was gracious" or "I appreciated his thoughtfulness." I'm taking her wording as someone who isn't just awkward with the date, but awkward with the interviewer. As the guy said, she is "inhibited."

rcocean said...

If a woman wants to take her drink to the bathroom - that's weird, but I can live with it. But anyone who yaps about "Male Privilege" - damn you can see the lights flashing and warning siren blasting.

walter said...

Just buy the frickin test..via Althouse Amazon portal, of course.
Makes a great conversation starter when you return refreshed and bladder is emptied:
"Don't take this personally. But your Jewish Cowboy heritage means you might be a bit of a rascal."

Milwaukie guy said...

Above my pissoir is a poster: WWJSD What Would Jimmy Stewart Do? He would have walked her home and been very gallant. But Donna Reed would have given him a peck on the cheek.

Original Mike said...

"That's your interpretation because you think she was being sarcastic and ungrateful."

No, I don't think she meant to be insulting. She was, nonetheless. He was being gracious, why couldn't she leave it at that? Why lard it up with the male privilege put down?

rcocean said...

Assholes always have an excuse for being assholes. Usually they say they are "awkward" or they're "insecure". Why in the hell that excuses being a bitch, is unclear to me.
Insulting someone who's asked to "walk you home" with the phrase "male Privilege" isn't awkward. Its an indication you're dealing with a dumb feminist fruitcake.

BTW, fans of Babs Striesand used to excuse her being a domineering demanding bitch by saying she was "insecure". Why, that was supposed to excuse it was never made clear.

Darrell said...

Never wear a "Two in the Pink, One in the Stink" t-shirt on any date--blind or otherwise.

wwww said...

"Anyone who uses the term "male privilege" is a bitch."

You all are projecting every bad date onto her. She didn't say it to him on the date. She said it to the interviewer. It's gracious for a man to walk a woman home in WA DC because it's not the best idea for a woman to walk around alone at night in a city. She knows that, she appreciated it, and she called it "male privilege" instead of "honor or chivalry" but it means the same thing.

A knight did not see himself as vulnerable as the damsel. He's protecting her. She saw that he was acting to protect her. She's saying he was "extremely gracious" and you all are being super triggered by her awkward wording of "male privilege."

Anyways, I could do a much better job at successful matching hen the love lab people. She's going to marry a someone who is goes to her church, wears pressed khakis and a button down shirt on the first date, always brushes his teeth.

Tom T. said...

Fortunately he wasn't a person of color, so she didn't have to be further paralyzed by the fear that her fear was racist.

Note that walking her home compromises her security by letting him know where she lives.

wwww said...

No, I don't think she meant to be insulting. She was, nonetheless. He was being gracious, why couldn't she leave it at that? Why lard it up with the male privilege put down?

Because (1) she wasn't saying it as a put down and (2) she's socially awkward in interview situations.

In any case, she did not describe it as male privilege to her date, but to the interviewer, after the date. You're taking the phrasing as an insult but she didn't mean it as an insult. Why do you think it means she's insulting him? To me it makes her sound socially awkward, but not insulting. I think she's trying to be nice and complementary of him to the interviewer.

Original Mike said...

"Male privilege" is a term meant to be derogatory. This is not "my interpretation". This is the world we currently live in.

wwww said...

"Note that walking her home compromises her security by letting him know where she lives."

She trusted him by the point she told him she had to pee. She wouldn't have told him unless she did. But she's still inhibited and awkward & hearing all of the voices telling her that "only stupid girls leave their drinks unattended."

wwww said...

"Male privilege" is a term meant to be derogatory. This is not "my interpretation". This is the world we currently live in.

Nah it's not. I'm closer in age to these two and I've lived in WA DC in my 20s. She's stating he feels safe walking around Dupont Circle and she does not.

Jim at said...

He was very gracious in offering his male privilege to me in that way.

It's not enough to say thank you, is it?
No. You have to be an ass and pull this crap.

Walk yourself home, wench. And don't ever call me.

walter said...

Elizabeth didn’t need to ask too many questions to learn about Jordan or his family. Those insights arrived with the free round of drinks that the server delivered courtesy of Jordan’s father, stepmother, and “stepbrother and stepsister” (i.e. their dogs). “My first thought was, ‘He told his family that he was doing this?’ ”
What does this mean? Did they give him $$ to help him out? Are they at another table there giving him thumbs up? ;)

So..walking her home isn't chivalry..and her having the guy pay(w/familial help) isn't "female privilege".

Jim at said...

Commenters called her a bitch for worrying about her drink.

No. People are calling her a bitch because she sounds like a bitch ... what with him having the sheer audacity to offer his male privilege and stuff.

Tom T. said...

wwww: "She's stating he feels safe walking around Dupont Circle and she does not."

I agree, but note the unstated (and sexist) assumption that she's in a position to determine what's in his mind. He may in fact have been very fearful but unwilling to show it, due to societal expectations that he be protective of her or at least stoic toward danger.

wwww said...

You all are being very cranky and judgy of her behaviour. She says he was "extremely gracious." He thought she was sweet. He was on the scene, so he's the most reliable narrator of her behaviour.

I think you're too triggered by words that make you think of feminism or social justice warriors. She gave no indication that she wanted to talk about SJW or debate feminism or whatever. She thought it was extremely gracious that he walked her home. She did not want to kiss him good night, and he was very polite. They were not a good romantic match, but they each thought the other was a nice person. It ended nicely for both.

BUT if commenters on this thread had gone out with her, I guess it would have ended up with men calling an fearful and anxiety-prone-24 year old a bitch and cursing her out to his friends about what an awful, rude person he had to sit with.

Original Mike said...

"She's stating he feels safe walking around Dupont Circle and she does not."

Yeah, I got her meaning. That's not the issue.

wwww said...

I agree, but note the unstated (and sexist) assumption that she's in a position to determine what's in his mind. He may in fact have been very fearful but unwilling to show it, due to societal expectations that he be protective of her or at least stoic toward danger.

That's possible. However, most men I've met, including my husband, are not nervous about walking alone in Dupont Circle on a summer evening. I would be. It's not that strange for a young woman to assume a young man isn't worried.

I think it's odd people are calling her a bitch. She reads to me like a awkward, anxiety-prone person who is inhibited with strangers. But she is nice and polite.

Rick said...

["Male privilege" is a term meant to be derogatory. ]

Nah it's not

Of course it is. Men are subjected to much higher levels of violence than women in all societies including ours. Men are expected to accept their own increased risk without complaint and also to increase that risk further to protect those least at risk.

Radfems have begun referring to this as a privilege instead of a sacrifice to ensure men receive no credit for doing so.

wwww said...

Yeah, I got her meaning. That's not the issue.

ok well maybe this is generational but I don't your issue with her, beyond her using awkward words. I guess this is a agree to disagree place: You think she was being deliberately demeaning or insulting. I don't. I think she was appreciative of him walking her home.

They read to me as two basically nice people, who are not a match.

gilbar said...

okay, I hate to say this; but (this time) i totally agree with wwww; mostly because she seems to be the only person here that follows Date Lab.

YES, Liz was TOTALLY (for her) opening up to that guy; She'd (in her neurotic way) laid it on the table, and was just waiting for him to pick up.

But he was So Shallow that he INSISTED on a traditionally weird person; instead of embracing the charming weirdness of Liz's complete mousedom.
With just a little grooming and nurturing; he could have cultivated Liz's inner psycho ans been able to rue the day he'd met her

wwww said...

Men are subjected to much higher levels of violence than women in all societies including ours. Men are expected to accept their own increased risk without complaint and also to increase that risk further to protect those least at risk.

Yes but the average man feels much safer walking around at night in cities at, say 9:00 PM in the summertime. She knows this; it's not a secret. You all are getting so very angry at her. It must be projection because it doesn't make any sense. She was nice and polite. She recognized he was "extremely gracious." What more did you want? And why are you so offended when the guy on the date thought she was "sweet?"

Original Mike said...

"but note the unstated (and sexist) assumption that she's in a position to determine what's in his mind. He may in fact have been very fearful but unwilling to show it, due to societal expectations that he be protective of her or at least stoic toward danger."

I don't know what you're trying to say here. I'm simply stating that "gracious" would have been to say thank you and left it at that. Layering on the "you get to be safe and I don't", what's the point of that? It's not his fault, though the "male privilege" line is implying exactly that. That's what rankles.

"Bitch" is a bit much. Jerk suffices.

Fen said...

Jordan Taffet is a 25-year-old case worker for the mentally ill.

Hahahahaha. This is likely a routine encounter for poor Jordan. LOL.

But I doubt these people even exist. Or if they do, they are roleplaying "composite characters" for the clickbait. Why would today's "journalist" even bother following real people? You can just make up the narrative you wanted to write anyway, and if you are busted it's not like there will be any consequence.

wwww said...

but (this time) i totally agree with wwww; mostly because she seems to be the only person here that follows Date Lab.

LOL thank you! I won't hold you to it and will expect disagreement on everything else.Date Lab is like watching the Bachelor and talking about it with your sister. It's fun to analyze the dynamics and figure out if they're meant for each other or not. It's not really about getting upset at SJWs.

Yeah he didn't see she was really neurotic and mousey. & she told him she had to pee. No way she wouldn't have done that if she didn't trust him. I think she sensed that he wasn't that into her.

walter said...

I think what wwww is driving at is that the "privilege" term is so prevalent in mindset and vocabulary of the demographic that when they invoke it, it's strictly a factual (to them) not judgemental reference.
However, she describes her workplace as a "social justice advocacy group"..so it's not surprising for folks to interpret her comment to interviewer as more typically judgemental when taken to that level.
I can believe young folks living SJ labelsphere might be reflexive about it.
I am curious what she would consider female privilege.

Tom T. said...

She's expecting him to be solicitous of her idiosyncrasies, but she's content to generalize about him that he's thinking what most men would. That's why calling it "sharing his male privilege" is a bit insulting. She's going out if her way to diminish his assistance by saying "this was easy for him," when she had no idea what was actually in his mind.

Fen said...

She is not a prostitute.

Really? Do you think she would go out with him if he was unemployed?

Guys, tell your gal you've decided to quit your 6-figure income career and follow your dream of studying The Nut Gathering Habit Of The North American Squirrel. If you ever wanted to know if she really loves you...

Rick said...

I think you're too triggered by words that make you think of feminism or social justice warriors.

People reject the philosophy underlying her SJW beliefs which is belittling and offensive. The words don't bother you because you support the philosophy.

wwww said...

Layering on the "you get to be safe and I don't", what's the point of that? It's not his fault, though the "male privilege" line is implying exactly that. That's what rankles.

honestly I think she's just being awkward. The syntax was awkward. I see it as a lack of vocabulary. Chivalry fit the vocab word better, but I don't see her as trying to insult or demean his graciousness.

Fen said...

A man should never walk a woman (he just met!) home for sex--that's disgusting. That's treating her like a whore. If he's not honorable, he should not offer to walk her home.

That's not how it works, I walk a girl home for more than one reason. The top two:

1) to protect her from getting mugged and/or raped

2) to give her the opportunity to invite me in for a more intimate encounter.

Girls are shy but not shy. The "walk me to my door" has always been viewed as an opportunity for her to ask "would you like to come in for a nightcap?" An honorable man does not press the issue, if she says "thanks for a fun time, goodnight" then of course you smile and wave as you walk away. But if you think we aren't keyed to hear an invite, you don't know men.

Leland said...

If you think your friends might set you up with someone who would drug and rape you, maybe opt out of the blind dates.

I'd want to find better friends.

Fen said...

The most bizarre moment every young man encounters: 6 months of attempting to exploit every available opportunity to get her in bed, and she plops down next to you after the first hour long sex romp and coos: "Gods finally! I've been waiting 6 months for that! I thought you would never make the move!"

And you replay all the strange signals she sent you for 6 months and realize they were all hints to speed your game along. She just couldn't ask you straight out.

When the sexes ARE finally treated equally and women are expected to make their own moves, I think they are going to be in shock at how thin the line is between "hitting on a guy" and sexually harassing him.

Hint: asking for his phone number is NOT rape

Original Mike said...

"but I don't see her as trying to insult or demean his graciousness."

In this case, I don't either. But you can be a jerk without realizing it. And if you don't think the SJWs who filled her head with this "male privilege" stuff don't mean it as a put down, well we will have to agree to disagree.

The Minnow Wrangler said...

My husband could probably teach a course on "how not to scare women on online dating sites." Like, never use the word "horny". Don't talk about sex or nude pictures or what she is wearing (unless you have actually progressed to that stage of flirting).

All of those things are threatening to single women. Like most (all?) men, he was interested in sex but he understood that I was not looking for a one night stand. You have to give women a chance to get to know you before bringing up that subject. If she finds you attractive it will happen naturally. If you can't be patient you are doomed to fail. I think women are actually less picky than men about looks, physique, finances, et al.

Use good grammar and spelling. I can't tell you how often I was turned off by horrible spelling and grammar. Even if you're not an English major at least make an effort and use spell check LOL

wwww said...

The words don't bother you because you support the philosophy.

What philosophy? That men feel safer walking around at night? That's not an ideology, thats' a general thing that happens. I think men are chivalrous to walk women home at night.

Ugh, talking about Date Lab should be fun.

Ok, Fine: You all HATE her and she's a BITCH and she should have had SEX and put out on the first date. She should have trusted a stranger and left the drink out and of course she wasn't trusting him when she told him she had to PEE.

She wasn't trusting enough of a stranger and that was awful because it shows she's a FEMINIST. And not she's not shy or awkward or nervous. She's a very strong woman who is a black belt and confident about walking by herself on the street.

Really saying MALE PRIVEDGE reveals the TRUTH! She hates all men and she wasn't actually extremely grateful and she didn't mean what she said, that he was extremely gracious. He was WRONG to say she was sweet. It shows that she is the worst castrating ball-breaking jerky feminist and we should burn her at the stake. Burn her! Burn her! And she is AWFUL because she's a SJW who is a feminist bitch castrating ball breaker who won't put out on the first date and isn't appreciative enough of men in general.

I'm guessing you all don't talk about the Bachelor or other reality TV shows with your siblings. The way date lab works is we talk about why they were a good or a bad match. We gossip about their personalities. It's fun.

Rick said...

You all are getting so very angry at her.

I'm not angry at her. I reject the double standard of her expecting something from him while belittling his willingness to provide it. It's strange that you invent expectations of sex in order to justify your criticism while not just accepting but reinforcing the expectation which did exist.

So women have no responsibilities (even to be respectful, I'm not referring to sex) but men still do. It's typical radfem: roles advantaging women are not just acceptable but entirely legitimate as they stem from real differences. All roles women don't like are illegitimate expressions of patriarchy.

And why are you so offended when the guy on the date thought she was "sweet?"

I'm providing a service showing the inexperienced what to watch out for.

Fen said...

Elizabeth is just not that into you. Check back with her in five years or so when desperation about her approaching thirtieth birthday is starting to sink in.

Because she'll need a cat-sitter so she can attend the Lesbian S&M Workshop.

wwww said...

"You have to give women a chance to get to know you before bringing up that subject."

Yes, I think he ruined his chances when he asked her if she found him attractive. And the not brushing the teeth stuff didn't help.

Fen said...

"Male privilege" is a term meant to be derogatory.

Nah it's not

Yes it is, it establishing victim hierarchy. It's also an attempt to browbeat another with the very rude assumption that their successes were given to them, not earned.

And I guarantee you, if I had mentioned Elizabeth's American Female Privilege, she'd have thrown her drink in my face.

Original Mike said...

wwww; come back off the ledge.

Fen said...

That men feel safer walking around at night? That's not an ideology, thats' a general thing that happens

Why do you assume men feel safer walking around at night? She is likely to be raped, I am likely to be murdered.

And if I am escorting her home, society has an expectation that I should risk my life to prevent her from getting raped.

Do male lives matter?

wwww said...

"I'm providing a service showing the inexperienced what to watch out for."
I don't get the impression the average age of men on this blog is 24.

"I'm not angry at her."

You all sound very angry at her.

"It's strange that you invent expectations of sex"
Some of the comments seem to be implying that she wasn't enough of a "good time" girl and so she'll end up unmarried and barren. That the walk home was "free" body guarding service. That she took advantage of him, somehow. That she didn't pay him something that was owed.

"I reject the double standard of her expecting something from him while belittling his willingness to provide it."
She is not belittling him. She said he was "extremely gracious." And he thought she was sweet. He met her; you didn't.

And of course she has responsibilities.

Her responsibility is to be a good conversationalist, be kind, socially pleasant, and appreciative of the fact he was willing to go out of his way. She emphasized how extremely gracious he was to the interviewer.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wwww said...

Why do you assume men feel safer walking around at night?

Because my husband feels a lot safer walking around at night.

rehajm said...

Hey, can I walk ya home?

Rick said...

What philosophy?

The SJW philosophy that accepting risk is an unearned privilege.

The way date lab works is we talk about why they were a good or a bad match. We gossip about their personalities. It's fun.

Like the way you asserted people claimed she owed him sex for walking her home? Was that fun for you?

wwww said...

"I'm just saying, if you want to speak for your own sex, fine. But don't make assumptions about males, about what are motives are, about what we are thinking, about what we are not afraid of. Stay in your corner."

This is Date Lab and we're talking about this couple. The whole point is to talk abut this couple.

I am sure some men are very cautious or scared to walk at night. I'm sure there are man women who are not cautious to walk around at night. (or to get drunk at Frat Parties. I am well aware there are lots of college women who are not cautious of their safety. That girl from the University of Utah got killed the other day. The girl who got killed in South Carolina when she got into a Uber. They weren't worried. I know a lot of women aren't worried. People are individuals. It's quite likely some men are far more worried then the women who got killed or kidnapped in the Ubers.

In this couple, it's my evaluation the man was not a nervous person. Meanwhile, she was very cautious and anxiety-prone. That's my analysis from the little information we have. That doesn't mean another man wouldn't be far more nervous then her. Everyone is an individual.

GingerBeer said...

She's just dating her own date.

gilbar said...

Fen said...
Guys, tell your gal you've decided to quit your five-figure income career and follow your dream of Professional Trout Bum. If you ever wanted to know if she really loves you...

Been There, done that!

Fen said...

I'm just saying, if you want to speak for your own sex, fine. But don't make assumptions about men, about what our motives are, about what we are thinking, about what we are not afraid of.

That's like me writing a book: The 3rd Trimester And What To Expect

Stay in your corner.

Fen said...

Sorry for the jump, I found a more entertaining way to make my point, so...edited

Fen said...

This is Date Lab and we're talking about this couple. The whole point is to talk abut this couple.

Oh. I don't believe these are real people. This is Reality TV - why spend all that time and energy trying to recruit a certain dynamic from random public normals when you can simply ring up casting and do "composite characters" for half the effort?

I think most of the Survivor cast were ringers too. And especially that Singer Show, how many times are they going to play "this ugly person's voice will shock you!" until we get that it's all rigged. You really think they leave a thing like ratings to chance?

Rick said...

She is not belittling him.

Of course she did. He walked her home sacrificing his time and energy which she belittled as a male privilege.

You all sound very angry at her.

So we can conclude you don't know what anger sounds like.

Some of the comments seem to be implying

The "seem" is a weasel word. The comments made no such inference as your "seem" admits but you wanted to attack so you made it up. So when you say discussing Date Lab is supposed to be fun that's what you meant, right? Inventing strawmen to justify criticizing others? Is what you do when you watch the Bachelor also? Sounds like fun!

Fen said...

And wwww, I don't mean to jump your shit. And I've noticed you very gracefully handle the pushback you get from you comments here. I haven't yet decided if you are arguing in good faith, but please don't take my attention personally. Keep setting em up. ;)

wwww said...

"wwww; come back off the ledge."

People are bashing her and calling her names for her social anxiety, for not wanting to leave her drink alone, for being accepting a walk home. People are calling that entitled or jerky. People should be praising her for her caution. Many women are not cautious enough. Yes she used a dumb phrase, after the date, in the interview. But she was sweet and nice on the date and she said he was extremely gracious.

That said, they weren't a good match. He didn't see her weirdness and thought she wasn't eccentric enough. He wasn't that into her, and men usually know on the first date. It's generally not going to end in a good marriage unless the man is really into her, and he almost always knows immediately.

Original Mike said...

For the record, I'm not the least bit angry at her.

Fen said...

People are bashing her and calling her names for her social anxiety, for not wanting to leave her drink alone, for being accepting a walk home

No, that's not why.

Greg P said...

He was down to hook up if she was, but he didn’t get that sense from her — correctly, as it turned out. Elizabeth was interested, however, in being walked home: 'He was very gracious in offering his male privilege to me in that way.'.

Wow! She's a sexist pig. Dump her

Fen said...

"I got this former opera star with the voice of an Angel-"

"Okay okay... can we put her in a fat suit, blacken out a few teeth, give her a few lines from The Ignorant Deplorable?"

"Sure, and place her in the prime slot"

"Just remind Simon to look surprised this time around..."

Greg P said...

wwww said...
"wwww; come back off the ledge."

No, I'm bashing her for being stupid / insane enough to say "male privilege" in a non-ironic fashion.

You might screw someone like that, but you do NOT want to get into a relationship with that kind of crazy.

wwww said...

I haven't yet decided if you are arguing in good faith

I am genuinely annoyed people are bashing on this woman who seems perfectly nice, if not a bit anxiety prone and extremely awkward. But we're going out soon, so no more arguing from me.

The "seem" is a weasel word.
Yeah I use too many prepositions when I write fast. Feel free to edit those out of any sentences. "the comments imply" reads a lot better.

Is what you do when you watch the Bachelor also? Sounds like fun!
We don't argue about feminism or politics. We have fun talking about the personalities and guessing if they'll stay together. We analyze the social interactions. It's fun! What she said wasn't a social interaction on date lab. It was said to the interviewer after the date. All this arguing about politics or feminism makes me exhausted. I'm interested in personalities.

And we watch the Kardashians And my sister has gotten me to watch Southern Comfort. And she wants me to listen to a podcast about reality TV called Watch What's Crappens.

Greg P said...

Blogger wwww said...
I didn't take it that way. I heard 'he's going to walk her home and she's giving him this "male privilege" garbage. But who knows?

Commenters called her a bitch for worrying about her drink.

She told him at the end of the date what was going on and why she was uncomfortable. She told him she needed to go to the bathroom but was used to watching out for her drink, and she didn't know what to do. She struck me as (1) Incredibly Socially Awkward (2) Shy (3) Anxiety prone. But she opened up to him, trusting him not to make fun of her. Then she says thank you for walking her home, again, in an incredibly socially awkward way. & people say she's being bitchy.

You just don't get it, do you?

"Male privilege" is an utterly bullshit left wing fraud. If she actually believes in it, then she's an idiot, or so left wing indoctrinated as to be function indistinguishable from being an idiot.

People are bashing on her for being an idiot on the drink thing, because, even if she didn't trust the WaPo camera person, there were a lot of ways that an intelligent person should have dealt with the problem, as mentioned by multiple commenters.

Then there's the whole "if you don't trust him with your drink, how can you possibly trust him to walk you home?"

But the main point is: if she's going to talk like a man-hating feminist witch, she is not worth any effort on the part of any man.

"'Male privilege'? Seriously? Enjoy your cats. Bye!"

Jim at said...

People are bashing her and calling her names for her social anxiety, for not wanting to leave her drink alone, for being accepting a walk home.

For the last time, if she hadn't uttered the words offering his male privilege I doubt anybody would have a problem with any of the other issues she has.

Fen said...

Been There, done that!

And you've got the profile pic to prove it! Well done!

Rick said...

I haven't yet decided if you are arguing in good faith,

Consider her assertion on the first busing thread. Dems used busing to attack Biden's positions on race. Various commenters discuss the racial politics and others the impacts of busing. None say anywhere that busing itself will be a major issue in the campaign. Nevertheless www concludes

wwww said...
You all think federal busing is going to be a major campaign issue in 2020? Ok, let's go with it. In a year, I'll check back. We can discuss how wrong I was and discuss the major campaign issue of federal busing in the 2020 general campaign.

She absurdly mischaracterizes others fit her belief they are stupid. Much like in this thread she claimed people expected Elizabeth to sleep with her date in return for walking her home. These aren't reasonable interpretations.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

No, I was just offering to LOAN you my male privilege while you walked yourself home.

Rick said...

We don't argue about feminism or politics.

And yet here your first response was to absurdly mischaracterize the comments to further a political criticism.

walter said...


rcocean said...

Nobody hates. She's just an asshole. And a fruitcake. Go be her friend. I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole.

NEO-FIDO said...

The proper response would be for the man to take her drink, finish it himself, politely gesture for her to go to the facilities, and pay the bill before she returns.

She answered if she is attracted to him. As the Master Class dating coach Kelly Bundy has sagely observed, a woman knows if she's attracted enough to sleep with you within 15 seconds.

She may not want to sleep with him, but that doesn't rule out a relationship. In fact, doling out sexual favors as..erm...favors is a distinct plus in the relationship from a woman's perspective...

Jim at said...

You know how this guy could've really offered his male privilege?

Take her to a restaurant/bar on Ladies Night.

NEO-FIDO said...

It is a reflex for wwww. Zhe can't stop apologizing for the Left.

Anyone SJW is into weaponizing culture and someone in a leadership position is a true believer.

If you are in the vast majority who does not like where the SJWs are trying to guide society, of course she is offputting and looked at with suspicion.

She might be shy and awkward and STILL a rather censorious person who sees all male female interactions through a lens of privilege and suspicion. Not mutually exclusive propositions.

He wasted drinks on her.

As far as her and girls like her, they are throwing up so many MORE roadblocks to relationships that they should just embrace spinsterhood now.

Relationships are dangerous. Always. For men and women. But somehow they still make it work. A smart and confident woman would have said slightly loudly to him (and everyone else) 'Watch my drink'. And everyone would keep an eye on it WITHOUT being patently insulting.

But honestly, that kind of rubbish was probably editorial adlibbing to 'inform girls' because even my 16 year olds already knew that much.

JEEZ the WaPo thinks women are stupid...

Earnest Prole said...

Commenters called her a bitch for worrying about her drink.

Commenters here, like Social Justice Snowflakes, are triggered by particular words and phrases and lose track of the gist of the conversation.

The difference is that most Social Justice Snowflakes are little girls, whereas most commenters here are old men.

NEO-FIDO said...

Earnest Prole

I can see why you think that most SJ Snowflakes are little girls. No, the beards are (mostly) on the men. They just have the musculature, lack of spine, fashion sense and soft hands of little girls. It is an easy mistake to make.

Earnest Prole said...

It is an easy mistake to make.

Thanks for explaining my leetle joke to the two-digit IQ crowd.

MadisonMan said...

Some of the comments seem to be implying

More accurate (and less passive): "I'm inferring that the comments..."

gilbar said...

insane enough to say "male privilege" in a non-ironic fashion.
so, to continue WAY past the done mark

am i the only one that that was Liz's attempt at humor?

Greg P said...

gilbar said...
insane enough to say "male privilege" in a non-ironic fashion.
so, to continue WAY past the done mark

am i the only one that that was Liz's attempt at humor?

“Elizabeth Leff is a 24-year-old leadership development associate at a faith-based social justice advocacy group.” Such people don't have a sense of humor, certainly not about their own politics

The Vault Dweller said...

If a woman has a worry that the date she is might possibly spike her drink with roofies she should probably just excuse herself from the date or better yet not go in the first place.

pious agnostic said...

We all know that interviewers edit and rework their interviews. I'll bet $20 that the interviewer introduced the "male privilege" language.

Here's how I think it went:

EL: "He then offered to walk me home, which I think was gracious of him."

Interviewer: "Isn't the fact he felt safe just his male privilege?"

EL: "He was very gracious in offering his male privilege to me in that way."

BOOM! Everybody is pissed at her, when it's the interviewer who magicked this up.

stevew said...

Have I mentioned recently that soon my wife and I will celebrate our 39th wedding anniversary? So glad I don't have to date or court or whatever it is they call it these days.

Howard said...

Elizabeth Leff is a 24-year-old leadership development associate at a faith-based social justice advocacy group. She wants someone who is “funny, empathetic, thoughtful, fun [and] medium-adventurous.” Jordan Taffet is a 25-year-old case worker for the mentally ill. He is seeking a woman with a pixie cut and prefers someone shorter than he is.


Howard said...

gilbar: only cucks don't have male privilege, so she was complimenting Jordan who desires his women to be shorter.

Rory said...


She has a bunch of articles for the Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism. Quite a bit of it about immigration, lots of pictures of people carrying signs.

rcocean said...

"She has a bunch of articles for the Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism. Quite a bit of it about immigration, lots of pictures of people carrying signs."

IOW, we're talking about two left-wing SJWs. Well Okey-Dokey. Its like reading about Terry Gross and Bill maher going on a date. Interesting - but atypical. No wonder we get the oddball language and behavior.

Howard said...

everybody knows Bill Maher is banging Ann Coulter.

wwww said...

More accurate (and less passive): "I'm inferring that the comments..."

Agreed. A much better edit. I'd change it to "I infer that the comments" to take out the -ing ending & make it stronger.

btw: I don't mean to say that her language wasn't odd and a bit bizarre. She comes across as socially awkward and anxiety-prone. Was simply explaining I think she's socially awkward/weird vs. attempting to be rude.

Sersly you're talking about forced Federal Busing again? The courts ruled against forced busing years ago. I answered Althouse's exact question as to that point & got tons of flack for it. I said, "no it's not going to be a major campaign issue." Got tons of flack for saying the obvious. You're right not everyone on the thread said that. But it sure seems like it when a bunch of y'all pile one at once and I get random unrelated insults. Anyways, I got sick of arguing with people who got on my case for answering Althouse's question.

It's not surprising that someone is going to get annoyed if a bunch of commenters start flinging insults and misrepresenting my views. It doesn't need to be every commenter. Two or three feel like a barrage.

So I said fine, let's stop arguing and check back in 2020 to see who has the best prediction. I was done with that thread.

wwww said...

"You just don't get it, do you"

If she said it in a snarky way to him, I'd think she was rude. That would be rude or extremely odd behaviour.

But, she said it to an interviewer after the fact, in a odd way, while saying her date was "extremely gracious."

Evidence: Her date said she was sweet. She gave evidence of neurotic and anxiety-prone behaviour. The cumulative evidence draws me to a tentative conclusion that her language w/ WA Post was due to socially awkwardness and awkward use of language and vocabulary, which would be consistent with her other social anxiety and anxious behaviour. After all, it's not socially graceful to tell your date you have to pee. And she was still too nervous to go to the bathroom. That's some major social anxiety right there.

rcocean said...

"everybody knows Bill Maher is banging Ann Coulter."

Maher is an ugly dwarf. He's 5-4 in his platform shoes. He's probably banging Ruth Bader Ginsberg. She probably thinks he's tall and handsome.

Michael K said...

everybody knows Bill Maher is banging Ann Coulter.

In your dreams. The wet ones, of course. She is about 6 feet tall. You remind me of the midget accuse of rape He was asked how he did it since the woman was a foot taller."I used a bucket," he said.

Rick said...

Sersly you're talking about forced Federal Busing again?

No, I'm talking about you misrepresenting what people say.

let's stop arguing and check back in 2020 to see who has the best prediction.

Fine, I predict you'll still be mischaracterizing people's comments so you can claim they are wrong.

It's not surprising that someone is going to get annoyed if a bunch of commenters start flinging insults and misrepresenting my views.

1) Even if this were true why would this bother you? As we see you routinely do it to everyone else starting with your first response which defended her from accusations of prostitution even though no such assertions were made.

2) Where have others misrepresented your views?

Greg P said...

Blogger wwww said...
"You just don't get it, do you"

If she said it in a snarky way to him, I'd think she was rude. That would be rude or extremely odd behaviour.

But, she said it to an interviewer after the fact, in a odd way, while saying her date was "extremely gracious."

The point is she's a leftist nutcase. Screw them? Sure. Just make sure to video it so she can't lie about it after you dump her.

But get into a relationship with someone who says "He was very gracious in offering his male privilege to me in that way" about a guy walking her home?

I don't care how good looking she is, that's too far to the wrong way on the "crazy-hot" matrix.

"Always keep an eye on your drick"? Smart, or well trained.

"I can't go to the bathroom because I have to keep an eye on my drink, from A: a guy I'll trust enough to walk me home, and B: a WaPo cameraman"?

She's a simpleton who follows rules by rote, without bothering to think about them, or working to apply them to the current situation rather than just blindly following them.

Crazy, and stupid. Make sure you don't get her pregnant, because it would be a shame if she bred

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