Some Republicans were... adamant in their defense of Mr. Trump: “What has really happened here is that the president and his supporters have been forced to endure months of allegations of racism,” said Representative Dan Meuser, Republican of Pennsylvania. “This ridiculous slander does a disservice to our nation.”...What a painful spectacle! I watched a good deal of it on C-SPAN and it struck me as a perversion of the legislative function — appropriating the institutions of government for the purpose of exaggerated, ugly political speech. Take it to Twitter, why don't you? The Democrats were interpreting the President's remarks, which were only, at worst, implicitly racist, and condemning him based on their interpretation — their partisan interpretation. That does not belong in Congress.
“There’s no excuse for any response to those words but a swift and strong, unified condemnation,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi said as the House debated the resolution. “Every single member of this institution, Democratic and Republican, should join us in condemning the president’s racist tweets.” As Republicans rose to protest, Ms. Pelosi turned toward them on the House floor and picked up her speech, her voice rising as she added, “To do anything less would be a shocking rejection of our values and a shameful abdication of our oath of office to protect the American people.”
Representative Doug Collins of Georgia, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, made a formal objection to the remarks, charging that they had violated the rules of decorum in the House, which call for lawmakers to avoid impugning the motives of their colleagues or the president.... Republicans sought to turn the tables and condemn Ms. Pelosi for her remarks about Mr. Trump — which many Democrats had echoed in their own speeches before her — touching off tumult as officials scrambled to review House rules and determine how to proceed.... The move by Republicans to have her words stricken from the record then failed along party lines, and Ms. Pelosi was unrepentant.
“I stand by my statement,” she said as she strode through the Capitol. “I’m proud of the attention being called to it because what the president said was completely inappropriate.”...
१६ जुलै, २०१९
"The House voted on Tuesday to condemn as racist President Trump’s attacks against four congresswomen of color..."
"... but only after the debate over the president’s language devolved into a bitterly partisan brawl that showcased deep rifts over race, ethnicity and political ideology in the age of Trump," the NYT reports.
१३० टिप्पण्या:
How naive....
They can't put together a budget, they can't manage a vote on all manner of important issues, but they can successfully come to a resolution on a tweet.
More to my point of naivity..
a perversion of the legislative function — appropriating the institutions of government for the purpose of exaggerated, ugly political speech.
The Democrats have now hit Trump with their best shot. Now what?
Surprize, surprize, the CIA owned and operated Media that has long been the enemy of the people also owns and operates the House of Representatives.
Of course Trump knows that he has a lock on re-election. So all of his political moves from here on in are 100% designed to take over the House of Representatives that he had to get away from Paul Ryan and his RINO friends to set up his taking it over from the stupid Dems. AOC has to be a Trump agent.
Go Trump!
How slippery is the slope?
Do you ever wonder how we got here?
I made this point in an earlier blogpost: I am not ashamed of how I have lived me life. So call me a racist, and I'll say "so what? I'm a racist. What's the problem with that?" and now I apply that to Trump: "sure he's a racist. So what? What's the problem with that." It's like being called a neo-post-modern-Hegelian. I have no idea what it means. It doesn't make me feel bad about myself, and it doesn't convince me to dislike anyone else labelled with the same epithet. Too bad. It was once a term that had meaning.
Again, the Democrats have made it clear since jan 1, 2017, that they have ZERO interest in working with trump for the good of the country. They will only oppose, obstruct and insult. To the cheers of their left-wing Base and the NYT.
So, Pelosi might as well pass stupid, useless resolutions that pass on partisan lines. because that's all the Democrats are good for. They got nothing else to do.
Its the "We Stand with AOC" resolution. Trump should be happy.
No "civility bullshit" tag? Surely one side or the other deserves it; probably both.
"Republicans sought to turn the tables and condemn Ms. Pelosi for her remarks about Mr. Trump —"
Republicans pounce.
Hillary's campaign was all about what a big meanie Trump was. How did that work out for her?
take it to twitter. maybe they can do the impeachment there. 'cause its all ugly political theater.
New America is going to be great. In an earlier post, Achilles accused me of defeatism. I couldn't imagine being an optimistic conservative. Sounds exhausting.
That does not belong in Congress.
It sounds as if you think the Congress was once something other than a disreputable den of thieves. Wherever did you get that idea?
I love how the God Emperor sent into disarray the leadership of the House of Representative with a couple of tweets.
He must possess the mindstone, its driven them crazy
The House passes a resolution to draw attention to something that most people wouldn't have paid any attention to. This then gets people noticing how those congresswomen are behaving. Then, people who are both registered to vote and make the effort to get to the polls are more irritated with "The Squad" then they are with "The Donald". Unexpectedly.
I am hoping that a Convention of States to impose term limits on these cretins will be successful.
Demonization of Trump by Democrat politicians are attempts to keep the attention of Democrat voters diverted away from from the failings of their own representatives.
Republicans tried the same thing with Obama.
It worked until it didn't and Trump's election was the result.
The first thing Trump said was: If they are so smart, why don't they fix the countries they originally came from. He was referring to the fact that many who came to the US as refugees or whose parents came have gone back when conditions are better and used their experiences in the US to benefit their country of origin. This applies to Russians, Sudanese, Kenyans. Mexicans. " Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came" And, he said, when they have shown they can fix the desolate mess they came from, then come back here and tell us how to run this country." Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough." But The Commie Queen Squad interpreted this as racist just as they interpret America as racist, the American President as racist, the American Speaker of the House as racist, American history as racist, American culture as racist, the American electorate as racist, American TV as racist, American climate as racist, American literature as racist. In fact racist seems to be the only word the know to describe anything they see, or hear. Of course, Ilhan Omar comes from an Arab clan, the Majeerteen, which as the leader of the Majeerteen Sultanate in Somalia was a major participant in the trans-Africa slave trade from 1800 to 1923. 500,000 slaves stolen from East Africa and sent into slavery in the Arab world including in Somalia. But I suppose Ilhan's buddies don't think that trade was racist, that country was racist, that history was racist, that clan was racist. And they probably don't think she should even consider going back and trying to heal the wounds and making reparation. In fact, they probably think she should stay and try to collect reparations here.
"We Stand with AOC"
Isn't that diversitist? Kneel, right? Wasn't AOC the one who endangered children. women, and, yes, men, by denying funding and harassing people and businesses? Emigration reform would mitigate the progress of immigration reform at both ends of the bridge and throughout, including trafficking, rapists, other predators, and children left behind. There could be less one child dunked while fleeing from a social justice zone.
What you saw today, Professor, is an example of the unfixable rift in this country. It only gets worse from here.
Al Green filed the articles of impeachment, and mysteriously few people are talking about the strange absence of Nancy Pelosi. Could it be that calling the President racist (an ugly, fact-free smear) got her removed from the floor? Uh ohhhh!
And now we come to yet another battle of the Democrats punching themselves vigorously in the face. It's gonna be biblical.
I remember the name they gave their property, the zanj but her history is much more in keeping with recent history in Somalia, the regime of siad barre
Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came" And, he said, when they have shown they can fix the desolate mess they came from, then come back here and tell us how to run this country." Then come back and show us how it is done
They couldn't hold onto "minority" leader status, and the office with "benefits" that they enjoy in America. They assert the problem is here, not there, and that they have a solution to fix the problem here, not there. El Salvador has take the first steps to emigration reform. Mexico has made baby steps, too. Somalia is confronting its militant Muslim population. Libya is still a shit hole h/t Obama. There are people ready and willing to stand, not kneel, in their pursuit of affirmative emigration reform.
It is a curious naivete.
It strikes hardest among those older people accustomed to an orderly past.
Its a nostalgic world view, coloring current reality with a strong tinge of remembrance. Or a very filtered, consensus view from that past. It assumes trends, it assumes continuity. It leads to endless downside surprises.
The realist should always see the now as the year zero. Everything is always possible. Do not rely on trends. Be open to fear. Or, perhaps, to bloodthirsty ambition, if thats your thing. All times are likely to turn "interesting".
History, oddly perhaps, is the best guide. History should be seen without nostalgia, without sentiment, and without parochialism. History correctly evaluated is a cruel teacher that offers no comfort.
Don’t misinterpret my statement as naïveté. You are making an incorrect assumption ( in the extreme).
This stuff makes the country ignore the governing pricks. How useless are they.
that showcased deep rifts over race, ethnicity and political ideology
Not really. It's really all about power and control.
buwaya writes the same bullshit as Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Good grief, what a fraud.
Can Speaker Pelosi give an explanation of what are "our" values? She dreams that her values are our values. What a delusional woman.
I don't think naïveté.
I think it was entirely predictable.
I think Althouse cheered the destruction of institutions.
But like most smart people she thought she might have control of the destruction.
I call Boomers.
Actually he is stone cold sober, the hinges of history can swing away to serfdom or to freedom.
Well neither do democrats. So?
P.S. Why do I have to go through (correctly) FIFTEEN captcha screens to post here? You make it too much work and.....
Ann, the Democrats are running scared. They have no one to match him in the 2020 race. No one. And now they might even lose the House.. I.E. Government ran totally by Republicans. One or two more SCOTUS appointments and the country is Republican.
And that is why they want so desperately to have felons vote in jail, illegals to flood the country, "free college", "free healthcare", tuition forgiveness, homeless tents in all cities, etc.... they are trying to buy as many votes as they can cause they are sinking... and desperate people do desperate things.
What I was referring to:
I agree completely with Althouse., an abuse of the legislative process that looks petty and childish. What next? RESOLVED: President Trump has cooties?
320Busdriver said... "I am hoping that a Convention of States to impose term limits on these cretins will be successful."
I've never understood the love for term limits.
Voting for candidates without any legislative record is how you get first-termers like AOC and Ilhan Omar.
And Congressfolk who aren't running for reelection aren't answerable to the electorate at all -- see things like the way Jeff Flake behaved after announcing he wasn't running for reelection.
No bigger sin than "racisss" you racisssts. Everyone is a racist. Except, of course, the pro-terror anti-Semitic congress woman from jerksville.
Jew-haters gotta stick together
Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke heaps praise on Rep. Ilhan Omar
Hey Uncle Ben,
you said you gave us a Republic, if we can keep it ! Do we have to like it too? It is not easy!
The dumbest thing heard today on the hack-D press?
"Media experts are monitoring white nationalist sentiment and they are all happy about Trump."
yes - media are MONITORING WHITE NATIONALISTS. yes sirreee.
Well there is such a thing as rotten boroughs as trollope might say, and Conyers Detroit, and Ellisons Minneapolis fall in that category
Yes - the media and the democrat party have the same "partisan interpretation" of Trump's
Must be a coincidence.
This will be a yuuuuuge win for Trump going into the next election. The "Squad" represent the public face of the Post-Marxist/Modernist Left, the presence of which "moderate & sensible" liberalism strives mightily to ignore & bury so that it can maintain its oh-so-important airs of reasonableness & propriety against the crazed Deplorables.
So, the "moderate & sensible" liberal Establishment reacted in its reflexive & unthinking way, and tried to play this stand-off as one of the evil, racist Trump vs the Forces of Decency. The only problem is that all this public discussion of The Squad gives the Right-Wing media world ample opportunity to publicize exactly what it is the The Squad has said that sent Trump around the bend. As the examples filter down to Main Street, folks tart to think "Holy Shit! --- Trump is Right! These women are anti-American whack jobs! And the Dems lined up in a row to defend them!".
As well as the front running presidential candidate, they're just slathering themselves with tar.
If budget RESOLUTION is law, why is the recent RESOLUTION abuse of legislative function?
a perversion of the legislative function — appropriating the institutions of government for the purpose of exaggerated, ugly political speech.
Budget : To take money from Jack to give to Jill - is also ugly speech has been going on for ever.
Althouse condemns the libs to the ash heap.
P.S. civility
P.P.S. carry on.
Term limits sound good, but really would mean the (Democrat) bureaucracy would run things even moreso than now. Term Limits & The Spoils System: *That* I could get behind.
BTW Trooper interpreted fat shaming when he was told that fatties need to stop chowing like pigs.
That's not calling folks fat.
J. Farmer said...
New America is going to be great. In an earlier post, Achilles accused me of defeatism. I couldn't imagine being an optimistic conservative. Sounds exhausting.
I am going to repeat a sentiment from that thread.
You will be surprised how many people will do what it takes when presented the opportunity to do the right thing.
Things have never been as good as they are now. More people know the truth than ever before. The media has always been a tool for the globalists. And that tool has never been more ineffective.
Democrat fascists and thugs and people who do evil do not do well in the fights that are to come. They are on a quest for power over others and this makes them selfish and hollow.
Our country is full of veterans that have faced their like in various shit holes around the world.
They will be defeated. As things go today I am starting to doubt there will even be a fight.
Pigs are cute.
Maybe that advice was from a hater of cuteness.
anti-de Sitter space said...
Althouse condemns the libs to the ash heap.
P.S. civility
P.P.S. carry on.
The problem for you is the liberals are noticing that the democrat party is not liberal anymore if it ever really was.
It is impossible to miss now. Trump has forced Pelosi to embrace the fascists.
Your little friends celebrated tearing down the US flag over the ICE federal building and replacing it with the Mexican flag. They are committing another violent attack in DC now. The details will be interesting. The Democrats running the city of Portland have tacitly endorsed the attacks on the Portland facility numerous times. One of your little terrorist friends is a leftist hero for attacking the Tacoma facility with an Illegal AR and firebombs.
How many "Sanctuary Cities" are part of this now declared civil war?
There is no more pretense.
It is no longer OK to be a democrat.
War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want.
The Democrat house has declared war, they know not what they have done.
What's liberal about cheering on the complete lack of freedom of speech at the core of our government? I.e, what's liberal about wanting us to have a gov based on tyranny, w/ speech codes designed to insulate evil?
Althouse's deep support re forcing Nancy to not call a spade a spade is oppression thirst = not liberal.
The insult "racist" has lost all of its intended impact. That is what the media the Democrats just don't seem to get- you can't keep calling everything racist like this without completely diluting the meaning of the word and the effect of using it. Unless you are a staunch anti-Trump voter, today's clown show in the House will only cement Trump's support, not degrade it. You can't fix stupid, I guess.
Orwell was not writing how to books.
Does the OED have the etymology re "at worst"?
We gots a golden year WI law prof strugglin' on isle for. Clean up needed. STAT.
anti-de Sitter space said...
What's liberal about cheering on the complete lack of freedom of speech at the core of our government? I.e, what's liberal about wanting us to have a gov based on tyranny, w/ speech codes designed to insulate evil?
Althouse's deep support re forcing Nancy to not call a spade a spade is oppression thirst = not liberal.
You fascists are free to say what you want. Nobody wants AOC to stop talking. She has outed you pieces of shit and made the truth of what you are undeniable. Pelosi tried to shut them up.
Not us and not Trump. We are happy to let everyone know what you people are saying.
You are not free to attack us on college campuses.
You are not free to attack ICE centers and raise Mexican flags.
You are not free to shoot at republican softball teams.
You are not free to use illegal AR-15's in terrorist attacks.
You are not free to take our money to pay for illegal immigrant health care.
You are not free to force us to pay for infanticide.
You are not free to spy on your political opponents.
Hillary Clinton operatives were caught on tape paying for violence at Trump rallies.
This train has been coming down the tracks for a while. Today will be remembered though as a special day.
"One of your little terrorist friends is a leftist hero for attacking the Tacoma facility with an Illegal AR..."
Say what? This is first I've heard that there was something out of the ordinary about the rifle he used. Say more...
Diversity... fake allegations of diversity breeds adversity.
That said, the board of Planned Parenthood rendered a Choice, deemed their President nonviable, and aborted her [employment] in the fourth trimester.
BTW, where has all the "interpreting" been coming from?
Sometimes DJT is just asking the dark gals to go on an international vaca and come back w/ ideas to help America, sometimes the dark gals were just asked to go back to their towns to get ideas, sometimes DJT did mean to be racist so that all the whites would be scared that the Ds have scary dark gals around.
That last con explanation (which seems quite popular re cons, now) happens to be exactly what has been obvious to non-DJT-hacks from the start (i.e., no interpretation.)
Both sides seeing eye to eye.
"and a shameful abdication of our oath of office to protect the American people”
They took no such oath. The Article VI oath is to support "this Constitution," meaning the written one, the one that's to limit fedgov. Ds and far too many Rs violate that oath of limitation from Day 1 of any new Congress. Failure to limit is IMO the source of our problems.
the board of Planned Parenthood rendered a Choice... and aborted their President
A real tragicomedy.
6.5 mill views on that video of DNC operatives explaining how they pay for violence aimed at Trump supporters.
The words are coming out of the horses mouth.
No opinion. No interpretation.
Democrats saying openly they are paying for people to commit violence at republican events.
@Kirk Parker,
Say what? This is first I've heard that there was something out of the ordinary about the rifle he used. Say more...
From the last paragraph of the antifa attacker on the ICE compound, Willem Van Spronsen's manifesto.
the semi automatic weapon i used was a cheap, home built unregistered "ghost" ar15, had six magazines. i strongly encourage comrades and incoming comrades to arm themselves. we are now responsible for defending people from the predatory state. ignore the laws of arming yourself if you have the luxury, i did
Shitter doing the "dark gals" reframing.'Again..thinking that's what's distincive about them.
Sad! (and raaaaacccist)
Nothing illegal about that.
You can make, yourself, any firearm it is legal for you to own, and you aren't even required to put a serial number on it. (You can't sell it in that condition, though.)
Your tax-funded anchor Judy Woodruff led off with "Trump's racist tweets."
The last part of what you quoted from the manifesto is maybe just his Booker Spartacus moment nor something, the guy does seem to have been a bit of a nutcase.
Ann Althouse said...
Don’t misinterpret my statement as naïveté. You are making an incorrect assumption ( in the extreme)
Please Help me figure out the convoluted double negative.
I shall return after sleeping on it.
Kirk Parker said...
"One of your little terrorist friends is a leftist hero for attacking the Tacoma facility with an Illegal AR..."
Say what? This is first I've heard that there was something out of the ordinary about the rifle he used. Say more...
His own words in his own manifesto:
"the semi automatic weapon i used was a cheap, home built unregistered "ghost" ar15, had six
magazines. i strongly encourage comrades and incoming comrades to arm themselves. we are now
responsible for defending people from the predatory state. ignore the laws of arming yourself if you
have the luxury, i did. "
Those gun laws are meant for their enemies not them. Their enemies are us.
They have erected a memorial to their hero.
YH beat me to it.
The legislative function has been perverted for quite some time...and in more ways than one. Why should it be at all surprising that Congress has devolved into something resembling Twitter and is now turning into a flame war?
The real problem for Pelosi is this is the best she can do in her present position. She knows impeachment is political suicide that has no chance of removing Trump, she has no say on the judicial confirmation process, which is where most of Trump's and the Senate's focus seems to be these days, the endless investigations of Trump are going nowhere, and she can't get any legislation enacted without either Trump's agreement or overwhelming bi-partisan support.
So she has now moved a social media spat into the halls of Congress because the House Democrats literally have nothing better to do. Pelosi should have learned from Boehner's experience - when a party holds only the House and not the Senate or the presidency, they can't do very much unless they work with the other party.
The strange thing is why Pelosi thinks this will be politically helpful. AOC and Omar for two are not terribly popular outside the radical base, the last thing she should want to be doing is drawing attention to their ideas or their recent press conference.
“Of course, Ilhan Omar comes from an Arab clan, the Majeerteen, which as the leader of the Majeerteen Sultanate in Somalia was a major participant in the trans-Africa slave trade from 1800 to 1923. 500,000 slaves stolen from East Africa and sent into slavery in the Arab world including in Somalia. But I suppose Ilhan's buddies don't think that trade was racist, that country was racist, that history was racist, that clan was racist.”
Of course it wasn’t racist. It was blacks selling fellow blacks as slaves. Probably doing some enslaving of other blacks too, along the way. Nothing racist about it, since they were all blacks. Just like black on black crime, or even black on white crime, in this country isn’t racist.
Of course Trump knows that he has a lock on re-election. So all of his political moves from here on in are 100% designed to take over the House of Representatives that he had to get away from Paul Ryan and his RINO friends to set up his taking it over from the stupid Dems. AOC has to be a Trump agent.
Go Trump!
7/16/19, 9:18 PM
You keep it up now, ya hear.
I don't intend to keep on repeating myself. But it is your system, not mine, that trust Catholics so, so disproportionately we are going to have to just go ahead and add Amy to make it that much more clear to you who runs things.
It the Southerly Lawyers Reba sang about in "That's the Night That The Lights Went Out In Georgia"
That's the night that they hung an innocent man.
So don't you be trustin' you no soul now to no damn backwoods or city-dwelling folks neither. Reba told you, she done did. She damn sure done did.
But you didn't wanna listen.
"You don't want to be the town drunk Eddie, not in Manhatten."
- Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle film
etc etc etc
Said by J. J. Leigh.
Washington, D.C., ought be appreciated for the lack of debauchry, including, yes, Edward "Ted" Kennedy and his democratics friends in rape over many decades.
That reality is of course too horrible to contemplate seriously so best focus on anything, anything or not at all, beyond that $22,000,000,000,000.00 grandchildren will never know their elder kin mortgaged for short term gain at their expense.
But you're both wrong (as is the terrorist.) It's NOT illegal to manufacture your own rifle.
No kidding! The much respected House! (approval rating 19.2 %).
Talking head crisis clicks means money. It's all for women.
I don't see what's racist about Trump's remarks even under their interpretation. It sounded like an immigration thing. If you don't feel you fit under our constitution perhaps the country whose culture you're favoring could use your help making that country work. If it works out, come back and let us know what you did. Nation building has mostly been a failure in third world countries, if left to the locals.
It might be that the dems' actual position is that socialism would work if it was run by white people.
Rob wrote, "No "civility bullshit" tag? Surely one side or the other deserves it; probably both."
I had added it on rereading the post after I first published it, but I forgot to hit publish.
Thanks for the prompt.
It's there now.
This definitely is a civility bullshit topic. The Dems are demanding that Trump restrain himself, even as they are cranking it up. He engaged in harsh speech, for his political purposes, and they act outraged, even as they not only plan to use uncivil speech themselves, but are using it in real time, by calling Trump "racist."
It’s like all those town councils instead of prioritizing which potholes to fix chose to spend their time condemning George Bush for his war mongering. Meh.
It's a condemnocracy.
Doesn’t belong in Congress? Does now...
If they had condemned Hoover, it would have been the Hoover damn.
Pelosi is gavel gazing.
Now it's on to the trial in the Senate, then. Romney will help.
If the Senate convicts, they take away Trump's access to a computer.
Roberto's rules of order. They use it in third world parliaments.
I am so sick and tired of these crybabies. I can't wait to vote them all out and get some sanity in Congress. THEY have said WAY worse things about Trump and his supporters. I have been called MANY names because I didn't vote for OBAMA the first time. That's when my eyes got opened up to how deranged the left can become. I am sick and tired of getting called a Racist, a white supremacist, a hater and everything in between. This IS a clown show. Embarrassing.
The last part of what you quoted from the manifesto is maybe just his Booker Spartacus moment nor something, the guy does seem to have been a bit of a nutcase.
Really? A bit of a nutcase? Do you really think so? Burning Federal buildings and cars is sort of a bad thing, no?
Remember when it took them a week to try to condemn Omar (D-CAIR) for her anti-semitic statements, then never really did but condemned everyone else?
Oh- I haven't seen this mentioned yet, but it looked to me in real time watching it that Pelosi was drunk.
"Only implicitly racist" can replace "Cruel neutrality" as the new motto for the blog.
“The Democrats were interpreting the President's remarks, which were only, at worst, implicitly racist, and condemning him based on their interpretation — their partisan interpretation."
I think Althouse should have said “invidiously inferred to be racist” Which is maybe what she meant, maybe not, she’s pretty good with words.
Maybe the Democrats should Double Secret Impeach Trump.
I don't see what's racist about Trump's remarks even under their interpretation.
A popular bumper sticker in the 70s was
"America. Love it or leave it"
It was directed a white liberals who loved the USSR
Does Inga realize that was “impeachment”?
Trump was censured for a tweet that couldn’t be taken off Twitter.
That was it.
The mob has formally registered its outrage.
It was a whimper, not a bang.
buwaya writes the same bullshit as Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Good grief, what a fraud.
This from a person who goes by the moniker "Limited Perspective". Talk about truth and irony...
“Maybe the Democrats should Double Secret Impeach Trump. “
Isn’t that what they just did?
Birkel @ 10:13 is correct about Ann whom I call a 60s liberal.
This was all predicted by Author James Burnham in his 1964 book " Suicide of the West".
"And in general,liberalism is better out of power than in power, better at changing than preserving,better at destroying than building."
" The liberals have no replacement for the structure they have so enthusiastically helped to tear down"
Just think of the tearing down of institutions Ann did during her > 30 years of teaching law.
That is truly sad.
They won't impeach him but they'll do this?
No wonder libs are pissed at Pelosi.
She'll give 'em a little taste, but not the real thing.
'Condemnation' is better than actually doing a job that they are supposed to be doping. Are they going to send Trump a strongly worded letter?
The whole bunch of representatives are a complete waste of space.
implicitly racist
Maybe people need to learn the definition of racist instead of accepting the Democrat's and media's definition.
From Merriam Webster
a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
Decorum is a genitive plural: of honorable acts, deeds. So strictly speaking includes an "of."
Racist is taken to imply belief that a race is morally inferior.
Every condemnation makes use of that with "deserves the same condemnation as ..." to work.
Like if you believe the average IQ of American blacks is 86, you're a racist; the opprobrium that's supposed to attach to it though comes from claim that's belief about morality. It might be the opposite. You might think that it's important to teach good character to get society to work for everybody. That there's no moral IQ.
They teach the opposite of good character in school. They seek to prove that the jerkoffs get their way, instead.
It's racist for Trump to not know where every representative of color was born.
Diversity, or color judgment, not limited to racism.
Like it’s racist to think part of white privilege is because whites read to their children while other races don’t.
That convoluted “logic” is one I will never understand.
rhhardin said...
Racist is taken to imply belief that a race is morally inferior.
Every condemnation makes use of that with "deserves the same condemnation as ..." to work.
Like if you believe the average IQ of American blacks is 86, you're a racist; the opprobrium that's supposed to attach to it though comes from claim that's belief about morality. It might be the opposite. You might think that it's important to teach good character to get society to work for everybody. That there's no moral IQ.
Actually, it's possible to believe in racial differences without being racist. Because racial differences, including IQ, are real. Same thing- it's possible to believe there are athletic differences between men and women without being sexist. Because there are.
The key is- treating every individual as an individual. Problem with the race obsessed- which means Democrats (the party of group rights), is that equal opportunity for individuals doesn't lead to equal outcomes for groups.
If the EEOC number counters really wanted to count things- they'd start looking at the fact that most local pizza places are owned and operated by Italians, and all local Chinese places owned and operated by Chinese. Why does that disparity exist? IT ISN'T FAIR! Well, it isn't fair if you're obsessed with equal outcome rather than equal opportunity. A black or Italian or Greek could certainly open up a Chinese restaurant. But two things- the interest in doing so isn't there- and the odds or success are likely low.
Liberals are truly stupid, violent creatures.
The party of Governor Blackface frowns on your racist shenanigans.
Actually, it's possible to believe in racial differences without being racist. Because racial differences, including IQ, are real. Same thing- it's possible to believe there are athletic differences between men and women without being sexist. Because there are.
The Connecticut lawsuit is going to be interesting.
That does not belong in Congress.
I disagree. Everybody needs to see just who - and what - these people are.
Dems are idjits.
Liberals are truly stupid, violent creatures.
They aren't liberals for there is nothing liberal about them.
They are leftists. Vile, traitorous, fifth-column, totalitarian leftists.
Treat them as such.
I take it that the words "racist" and "racism" are being used in the current bastardized sense by the [people who bastardized "liberal" and "liberalism"?
Only Breitbart seems to have the account of the parliamentary rules debate and historical significance of the Speaker leaving the House during a debate.
I keep seeing people here say that Althouse has been helping to tear down our sacred (my word) institutions. And pointing out this is especially egregious for a Constitutional Law Professor. Maybe some of this criticism is justified but I see it differently. The real problem to me is the CLP’s are engaged in the game of Law, and not in a serious discussion of the shortcomings of the Constitution which must be obvious to everyone now. A lot of people that post here are in denial of how shitty the Constitution is and they blame the People Who Run Things for our current social upheaval. Root Cause Analysis shows that it cannot be the People who are at blame; it must be the Process. Besides, it’s the opposite side of the coin condemning Socialists for their failures. So Althouse and her cohort write scholarly papers about this nuance and that detail but they have nothing of value to add to solving the root cause. Madison admonished us twice in the Federalist Papers that it is up to us to modify the Constitution when needed. Franklin alluded to the same solution is his famous epigram. And yet we dither. In 1861, after 30 years off Senatorial deadlock we went to war with NO ONE suggesting a Convention to try to resolve the issues. I see the same solution being proposed here on a near daily basis. So I ask: When will some polity be politically mature enough to decide to live constitutionally? That is, stop thinking of Civil War as the Go To solution for problems! It should be the last solution after all others have been tried. And CLP’s are criminally negligent in sticking to their sinecures instead of engaging on the question.
Trump: "Give me a demerit"
The Church of Justice love condemnation
A religion without redemption
The Democrats are branding themselves as the party that thinks you're a racist, if you're white, Asian-American, Latino with the wrong opinions and black with the wrong opinions. People don't like to be called racist. It's not "fragility." It's human nature. I think every time a Democrat says "racist," a swing voter is alienated. This is how you get more Trump.
An antidote for all you rifle “experts” out there...
The lower receiver is what BATFE considers “the gun” on an AR platform rifle. It is commonly referred to as the “lower.”
There is a way to buy a “blank” AR lower that does not have to be serialized and go through the normal rifle purchase process. In practical terms, it is a matter of certain holes on the “blank” lower not being milled through the lower receiver. Regular retail purchasers or amateur gunsmiths can purchase lowers with these holes blank (meaning intact), and then mill these holes through the lower receiver themselves — post-purchase. This can also be accomplished through mail order. This purchase method is completely legal and untraceable from the standpoint of BATFE regulation and serial number registration conformation.
The kind of lower described in the immediate paragraph above is sometimes refererred to s a “ghost” AR. But please keep in mind: you still have to have the wherewithal and skill to build out the rest of the rifle to create a functioning machine. This is complex — it is no small task, for a host of reasons I will not outline here.
Therefore, please understand that buying a “ghost” AR lower is not a cash-and-carry, piece-of-cake kind of concealed purchase. There is no free lunch — you are obligated to register your “finished” rifle. The loophole only allows you to avoid registration upon receipt of the “unfinished” lower — again, referred to as a “ghost” lower. But not legally once the rifle is assembled and ready as a complete, functioning firearm.
They guy who charged the Tacoma ICE facility — Willem Van Spronsen — wrote a “manifesto” that is important to read:
Reading it will help you better understand the kind of mind we’re up against. I assume you’ve noticed that none of the mainstream news outlets have done a deep dive into this man’s ideology — though it is readily available. I did a Google search. Not that complicated.
Curious that Willem Von Spronsen’s actions have not led to a gun crontol debate.
That is all.
I am NOT Laslo.
Your otherwise-helpful explanation of partially-finished lowers and "ghost" guns goes off the rails at the end: There is no obligation to "register" your completed rifle, and no ability either, as few states maintain any kind of registry of firearm ownership.
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