১৮ জুলাই, ২০১৯

"President Trump on Thursday disavowed the 'send her back' chant that broke out at his re-election rally Wednesday night..."

"... when he railed against a Somali-born congresswoman, as Republicans in Congress rushed to distance themselves and their party from the ugly refrain. Mr. Trump said he was 'not happy' with the chant [and] claimed that he had tried to cut off the chant, an assertion contradicted by video of the event. Asked why he did not stop it, Mr. Trump said, 'I think I did — I started speaking very quickly.' In fact, as the crowd roared 'send her back,' Mr. Trump looked around silently and paused as the scene unfolded in front of him, doing nothing to halt the chorus. 'I was not happy with it,' Mr. Trump said on Thursday at the White House. 'I disagree with it.'"

From "Trump Disavows ‘Send Her Back’ Chant as G.O.P. Frets Over Ugly Phrase" (NYT).

Are we supposed to have a big debate about what was in his head at the time and whether he — the only one with access to the place — is lying when he purports to tell us what was going on inside? Do we have nothing better to do?! The important thing is that he's distancing himself from the chant and letting his fans know they shouldn't chant it.

We talked about the chant earlier this morning, and I took a poll. Here are the results (with almost a thousand voters):

Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at 4.30.27 PM

I'm surprised anyone voted for the disgusting option, "Yes. It's thrilling to see one individual singled out and scared." I'm going to assume those were trolls. That was the last of the "yes" options, and it led to "no" options, the first 3 of which signaled why that last "yes" ooption was off-the-charts bad. Perhaps some voters were influenced by the Alinsky answer: "Yes. Alinsky said it best: 'Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.'" I think that nudges some people to think: The left would do it to the right, so the right should do it to the left.

I like to develop and express my opinion through poll options, and I try to write each one fully committing to the state of mind one would need to make that choice. Sometimes I do polls when I don't really have a right answer in mind. But in this case, my answer was most certainly "no," and I really felt like an actor playing a villain when I was composing 2 or 3 of those "yes" options.

ADDED: Assess "I started speaking very quickly" for yourself:

If you've watched that whole video, please vote here:

Did Trump lie when he said "I started speaking very quickly"?
pollcode.com free polls

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«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   260 এর 201 – থেকে 260
Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

These mind-dope washing agents think today matters to Trump in 2020/2020.

narciso বলেছেন...

How does the left including the splc treat hirai Ali again?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Farmer, reading what you wrote makes me think about a guy getting hustled at a pool table. The hustler keeps making “lucky” shots, but the mark thinks it’s all just luck and no way a guy who seems that inept could be winning through skill, could it?

narciso বলেছেন...

And it was carried out by comeys friend pat Fitzgerald with the collaboration of Mueller, protecting David radler, and the rest of the hollinger board

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Plan B is: ya know, at any ol' time at our whim or (in)discresion, we could just say hey, ya know, Scott Walker could be like lil' Luke and kinda you know like make a comeback or maybe somthing nicer to make folks think I really don't believe in anything but making myself okay with losing.

Orange man bad.


Gospace বলেছেন...


Saddam Hussein was captured 13 DEC 2003. Everyone knew his life would end dangling at the end of a rope. By the time of his capture all his blood descendants, children and grandchildren, were dead. Gaddafi agreed to open up all his facilities for WMD inspection, not just nuclear, on 19 DEC 2003. Someone told him he was next unless he did so, but we didn't care about anything else and he could remain in power as long as he could keep it.

Hillary and Obama broke that deal. I'm actually surprised Kim Jong-un, knowing this, is seriously negotiating with us.

There are no records of such a deal. No one involved in it will ever say anything. But look at the dates and it's obvious this is what happened.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

The news cycle is so ramped up in 2019 that this won't matter at all by Monday.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Seeping further than jealously has ever seeped, onto Althouse's blog we succom.

narciso বলেছেন...

Kim was a recipient of aq khans tool kit as early as 2001, Qaddafi was the farthest recipient down the line

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Indifference toward mediocrity isn't saintly.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

cannon ball

Polis voted to kill the electoral college. He voted to give our votes to CA and NY. That's recall territory.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I suggest that when he says "please", he is signaling that he knows it's a bad optic. The tell is that the does not encourage the chant at all, unlike the Hillary "lock her up" chant. He's no dummy, he figured it out quickly and moved along. It won't happen again - his supporters aren't dumb either.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

I'm surprised anyone voted for the disgusting option, "Yes. It's thrilling to see one individual singled out and scared."

@Althouse, I didn’t vote for it, but I can see why a normal person, meaning not a troll, would feel that way. Cracking Rand Paul’s ribs, shooting Steve Scalise, an old man wearing a red baseball cap — not even a MAGA cap — maced in the face by a female Antifa member, Andy Ngo’s beat down, why shouldn’t a lefty provocateur be verbally assaulted and given something to think about. If she was in charge, do you think Jews would be able to feel safe?

You seem to have this notion that Republicans should be superhumanly forbearing. And if we aren’t ... then what? You get to think Republicans are eeeeeeeevil?

For what it’s worth, if her father lied on his paperwork when he received asylum in America, then he needs to be sent back to Somalia. If she participated in tax fraud and/or immigration fraud then she needs to have the book thrown at her. Members of Congress should obey the laws, not scoff at them on the grounds that they’re Democrats and laws are only for Republicans.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

"did not have some master strategy beforehand to use them to win. "

Bannon articulates that economic nationalism was the chosen strategy and path. That no one else was drafting a platform that included it. Listening to him, it's hard to believe they 'stumbled' on some kind of winning message halfway through.

gadfly বলেছেন...

So Trump paused for 13 seconds to allow the "Send her back" chant to build during his spew - despite having no knowledge that the chant would occur. Another tweet, another lie.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Moderation Mary is back again.

Tank বলেছেন...

Michael K said...

I think the 1965 immigration reform was infinitely more important.

Oh, I agree but the culture haas been destroyed following Obergefell. Some say Lawrence vs Texas but that was not it.

What we see is the victim culture and the gay marriage thing set it off.

I think the country will split up but not until after I am gone.

This is what I used to think, but things have accelerated so quickly that I don't believe it anymore. We're already at a point where a few incidents could set off the next violent civil war (we're already in a non-violent civil war, and members of the left are already in a violent civil war).

buwaya বলেছেন...

"Yes. It's thrilling to see one individual singled out and scared"

I don't know about thrilling, but it is often necessary and typical in such cases.
The classic procedure for maintaining discipline, or suppressing dissent, is to make an example.

This is true in schoolrooms and armies, in prisons and among mafiosi, and in guerrilla wars and revolutions.

This is normal, and very common in this cold civil war.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Let us talk tradition with traditional Catholic haters.

That elevates Catholics.

And forever will.

So let's do it, as per Buckley was want.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

We all know Althouse can't comprehend "If the Army and the Navy, ever look on Heavan's scenes, they will find those shores are guided by United States Marines.

Why be cruel about it? Because your IQ allows labeling it nueagra as an excyuse:?

Your daddy never taught you not to be cruel so you're vengance.

Birches বলেছেন...

This is the first time I listened to the chant. It's really hard to understand. I'm not sure I would know what they're saying if I wasn't told.

wildswan বলেছেন...

What KheSanh said 8:52.

PS I'm surprised she was naturalized at 17.

dreams বলেছেন...

It was mostly in fun, we need to lighten up. We all know that the crowd wasn't serious because we all they're not going to be sent back.

Michael K বলেছেন...

A daughter of of Obergefell.

BJM বলেছেন...

The media plays Wil E. Coyote again...they are keeping the story alive and looking like dicks.

ABC News couldn't allow these kids to have their moment.

Michael Fitzgerald বলেছেন...

How many of you lefty vermin have denounced the democrat party for their support of the racist, rapist leadership of the state of Virginia? .... Yeah, that's what I thought. Fuck you despicable hypocrites. May God shoot you in the fucking face after torturing you for eternity.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Doc Mike can blame the gays but he can't admit his own role in the decline of the defense of marraige. One man. One woman. Another woman. Another daughter....

NExt thing, you're working well into your 70s at government medical jobs to support 'em. No wonder he always seems so sad, and thinks everyone accepts his opinion as gospel truth...

He's used to distributing a little bit o cash to his own birds in the nest so they will nod their heads and listen to him, "Yes Daddy."

Easy to see why you have been repeatedly banned. What an ugly soul you are !

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

Oh, it's much too late to hide behind the priests robes, Doc Mike.

You're better than that.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

"Was a struggle to survive, I'm proudly lucky I'm alive"

Dwight Yoakam.

Rick বলেছেন...

I try to write each one fully committing to the state of mind one would need to make that choice.

Can you detail the mindset required to believe a US Congresswoman supported by half the country and essentially all our institutions is "relatively powerless"?

Mary Beth বলেছেন...

Even knowing what the crowd is chanting, I can't really tell at first what they are saying.

It's possible that Trump wasn't bothered by the chant at the time. It's also possible it took him a while to hear what they were saying (or couldn't hear/decipher it until an aide let him know via his earpiece).

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Some dotage is Buckleyesque: Then there are Southern Lawyers.

Boy do their grudges just last and last and last.


Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

McDasterdlt Rathoysa3/

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“May God shoot you in the fucking face after torturing you for eternity.”

Trumpist Christianity in action! What a witness to your Faith!

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

"Some dotage is Buckleyesque" qA


Birkel বলেছেন...

Actual incitement that sees baseball fields shot up, ICE stations attacked with fire bombs and guns:

Imagined incitement of non-existent acts:
Worst thing ever

The press is corrupt.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Imagine how small ALthouse or I would be compared to BUckley.

We have. No grudge, just comeuppance.

Jeff Brokaw বলেছেন...

Dumbest controversy ever - it’s a chant at a rally for a few seconds and has zero significance beyond that.

In other news, 50 years ago this month we landed on the moon and came back safely. The nation was transfixed by something important.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

History is: Buckley brought about Reagan so let's all whom want another Reagan foment another BUckley.


Not Buckley's fault.

XXX or oops zzz.

Tearing down idols as an atheist has more meaning than the atheist, history has shown, can comprehend.

Buckley not only comprehended but wrote splendidly 'bout it. You ought be curious enough to know if you desire an opion* others' garnerings unsuppose.

*I'll define it as soon as I can ruin a UW Emeritus Law Prof gig and not a moment 'fore.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

When you take their dough, it is because they are bad and you are good. The system ought have given you all their money, cause you are good and they are bad.

THe system is bad.

You deserve all.


Fen বলেছেন...

anti-de Sitter space: Anywho Fen, Why pretend you care about the suffering of Libyans?

?? I haven't said anything about any Libyans.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Hillary, Althouse, Kammala,, Lizy: they respect men but only if they die in greater numbers so talentless cancers can just be allowed unlimited cancering. Like men have done for millenia. And women have just accepted, without encouraging vastly greater levels of death for the stain of being born a male.

Men dying is because they take a glory only an early death provides which harms women of all economic ladder rungs.

Comanche Voter বলেছেন...

I have some amusement at our host's plight re people voting both yes and no--and one "voter" voting as many as 6 times. Madison is a Democrat controlled city, and it's close to Chicago.
The Chicago machine pols urge folks to vote early, and often---indeed they urge the dead to rise from the graves. It's a Chicago civic duty. Looks like Ms. Althouse has inadvertently run a Chicago style election.

As for "outrage" over "send her back"? Hey they are Deplorables, and what can a Deplorable do? Plain speaking (although not necessarily genteel manners) is what Deplorables do.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

I gave up until I REALIZED a super amazing rich guy is reading me.

His laughs and pity, scorn and validification, smugly righteousnessly on point, and super duper way of influencing, as proven here, at the Althouse blog, well, by God, this is life.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

I just don't understand why I don't understand: Catholic Justices.

They are everywhere!

Traditional bigots just haven't been able to terminate them.

And oh boy did they ever team up with Satan and try over and over and over.

That tradition is shit. Ain't workin' this time 'neither.

narciso বলেছেন...

You understand that Buckley's original crew meyer Burnham chambers had seen the Soviet system up close, the first had been been given some pointers by the leading recruiter eudocio ravines in Latin America. Besides Catholicism pre Vatican 2 actually believed in something

Crazy World বলেছেন...

Chant? So now the President of the USA is responsible for every utterance from the citizens? Perhaps he had something else on his mind.
Either way, it worked, she sent herself back according to her latest tweets. Home Sweet Home she says.
Good job Mr. President and yes I watched and voted.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

I paraphrased Bobby Altman's The Long Goodbye.

Babs Stanwyck: I just dont' understnad why I jus on't understand why I dont underdstand it all"

John C. Williams.

It's a long goodgue.
it happens everyday.

When a missed hello, turns into a long goodbye.

You don't have to try, when it catch iour eye,

And a sweet hello becomes a long goog FUCK THIS:


Gospace বলেছেন...

BTW, no fault divorce was pushed by the women's lib movement as being a liberating thing for women, making it easier for them to escape an abusive marriage. Though abuse was considered a valid divorce reason everywhere in the U.S. Turns out no fault divorce and equal rights combined together led to end of alimony and women, overall, are worse off for it. Although women still initiate well more than half of all divorces from what I've read.

Rusty বলেছেন...

What are we outraged at today? That's for the usual suspects. How many bike locks do you own?
Learning to shoot a gun?
Who killed Seth Rich? We know why. Just wanna know who.

James Sarver বলেছেন...

"The important thing is that he's distancing himself from the chant and letting his fans know they shouldn't chant it."

This assumes the worst possible construction of the chant, or at least is a capitulation to the spin of those who insist on that construction.

It was an outcry of frustration, not a call for extra-legal(or even legal)action. If you think Trump should have scolded his followers for expressing that frustration you have missed the point of why he was elected.

The pearl-clutchers that want to equate the venting of a rally crowd with public officials calling for specific legal action (anybody remember what was proposed for Dr. Gorka?) should loosen their grip before the string breaks and their precious politeness pearls are cast before the swine.

Hagar বলেছেন...

About as serious as the "Lock her up!" chant for Hillary!

sharkcutie বলেছেন...

Wink, wink, nudge, nudge!

sharkcutie বলেছেন...

Wink, wink, nudge, nudge!

Kay বলেছেন...

The Donald’s just saying what Pelosi would if she didn’t have to pander to the more polite modes of liberal racism in San Francisco by restraining herself from saying what any rich scion of an Italian political dynasty from the east coast would normally say about newer immigrants.

Jim at বলেছেন...

There are lots of cultists who will follow him no matter what and it may not be as harmless as you may think.

Hilarious coming from the person who's still pissed James Hodgkinson wasn't a better shot.

Once again, if we were half as violent as you accuse us of being, you would've already been dragged out of your house and shot in the street.

Yet, there you sit. Pounding your keyboard without a care in the world.

Skippy Tisdale বলেছেন...

"The child was being indoctrinated."


J. Farmer বলেছেন...

@Big Mike:

@Farmer, reading what you wrote makes me think about a guy getting hustled at a pool table. The hustler keeps making “lucky” shots, but the mark thinks it’s all just luck and no way a guy who seems that inept could be winning through skill, could it?

Right. Trump's playing 4-D chess. That's why he got rolled by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. You remind me of the people who were really impressed by "Chauncey Gardiner" in Being There.

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

The PA system amplifies Trump's speech. The chanting crowd is complete mishmash of echoes and reverberations to infinity, without amplification, from the podium's position. TV microphones are positioned to capture Trump (first), and crowd (second). Sound reinforcement 101.

funsize বলেছেন...

"They are really going to hate the new rules"

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