Gov. Steve Bullock of MontanaThe Wednesday people:
Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana
Former Rep. John Delaney of Maryland
Gov. John Hickenlooper of Colorado
Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota
Former Rep. Beto O'Rourke of Texas
Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio
Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont
Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts
Author Marianne Williamson
Sen. Michael Bennet of ColoradoHere's a boring reason for picking Wednesday. Kamala Harris is positioned once again to take a shot at Joe Biden. Have you noticed her bounce (from the last debate) is fading? Will she try to do the same thing again? Will Joe fight back this time? Will he fight back enough to get in trouble? As for Tuesday, there's hope that Marianne Williamson will be especially weird. Ugh. Something better needs to happen. Maybe Andrew Yang's microphone will work.
Former Vice President Joe Biden
Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City
Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey
Former Housing Secretary Julián Castro
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York
Sen. Kamala Harris of California
Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington
Entrepreneur Andrew Yang
IN THE COMMENTS: Ralph L said:
Yang is going to yell "Fuck!" evocatively.
१५२ टिप्पण्या:
I don't think either will be boring because the fringe candidates are running out of time to have a break-through. They will come out with some crazy stuff just to get noticed.
If I have to pick a day, I pick Wednesday because that's where you see the most New York and California people.
If Biden sneaks in a reference to "Willie Brown" or "Spartacus," I will vote for that doddering fool.
I was going to say Wednesday for that reason (Harris v Biden) but think that Tuesday will be more exciting, there are more desperate candidates that have to do something dramatic to keep their campaign motivated and in the race.
So now Democrat's are going to be asked to speak directly about impeachment.
That will make both "debates" fun.
Wednesday will probably be more exciting, but not exciting enough to pay attention to. It might be fun to see if Biden pulls the same juvenile antics that he did on the second VP debate with Paul Ryan - he was blown out in the first one that time, too. But, how vile and sarcastic can an old white dude get with a female of color?
I would like to see Tulsi Gabbard go after Kamala Harris.
I applaud Francisco D's double entendre.
I like Tim’s cornered animal theory. You could check the respective war chests vs burn rates as a good indicator but I’m just gonna pick Gilly goes off. Beto a close second. Anyone remember Beto?
"Will he fight back enough to get in trouble?"
Biden has been cocooned in DC for the last 48 years (that's not a typo: forty-eight years)
He doesn't understand that a white man is not allowed to criticize a black woman the same way Harris will criticize him. He will counter-attack and will be confused by the double standard when he's tagged as racist and sexist.
And that will just make him look Old, to compound the self-inflicted injury.
Racist sexist and old. Out of touch with mainstream Dems.
On Tuesday, you have 8 nobodies and Bernie and Pochahontas.
A socialist and a Harvard Professor. Not a good choice. Where is Harvard Prof, Bruce Hay when you really need him.
When a debate is really seeking consensus. I would say Biden v. Harris offers the biggest opportunity for fireworks, but I'm lousy at predicting these things.
It's really time for the night of long knives as far as this is concerned though. Too many insane cooks are spoiling the never-was-going-to-be-good-to-begin-with-anyway broth. Why should we be paying attention to a whole bunch of never-weres?
Tuesday night's looking a little pale...
No hand raising weigh ins, mas Espagnol.
Even without Biden and Harris, the Wednesday slate is more interesting to me (with the possible exception of Williamson - she might be funny).
I predict that all of the Dem candidates will be wary of raising their hands.
Day 1 for me. Harris taking shots at Biden is already boring because Harris's style of identify politics is particularly dreary. Booker is dumb as a brick and anything he says is painful to listen to, as well. Buttigieg is intriguing to me as is Williamson and those two with Warren and Sanders sounds like it could be fun.
Yang is going to yell "Fuck!" evocatively.
It's all about audience. I suppose women. What will they like best.
Who knows.
A lot of it is guessing and a lot of it is performance of what you guessed at.
A priori I'd looking like you mean well is the best all-around woman-persuading strategy.
It's the race for the Poison Chalice.
Wednesday for sure. Biden is riding at #1, and the long knives will be out. That's what we want to see. Yes?
Yang: Before I get cut off, I'd like to talk about circumcision..
Tuesday night: Bernie vs Warren for the title of left-most New Englander in the battle for New Hampshire.
If you are a basketball fan, this is the NIT tournament of politics.
I look forward to Joe Biden being called a racist again. He's got Booker and Harris after him.
The second debate will be the most exciting. Ex-Vice President Biden will die from a heart attack on stage after demonstrating how many push-ups he can do.
After his lifeless body is removed from the stage, to be recycled with other blocks of wood, Senator Corey Booker will, in a testosterone fueled rage, throat-punch Senator Kamala Harris - demonstrating both his masculinity and his feminism.
You might wonder how this will demonstrate his feminism? By considering Senator Harris as an equal regardless of her claimed gender of female.
In the next round of debates, Senator Booker will beat Senator Sanders to death with the boney carcass of Senator Warren after challenging her on her ability to "fight!" for the people.
Booker wins the nomination!
They need to go to a two tiered debate. Have the top 8 on the same night, and everyone else at the kiddies table. I'm already tired of seeing .001% Hickenlooper.
If somebody impugns booker, I'd like to hear him give the "Who steals my purse steals trash" speech. I'd tune in for that.
When the Left rails against the "1%" in America, they should include the 15 obscure current Dem candidates, hovering at or beneath 1% in the polls.
They need to have game show buzzers to demonstrate reaction time.
Yang will be effectively neutralized by the appearance of Yin.
Perhaps Biden will have some canned attack lines ready to roll out against Harris. It would be interesting to see how that goes over.
I predict zero mention of Russia, Mueller, the Squad, or impeachment.
Marianne Williamson was pretty hot looking in high school.
It would be awesome, though, if they were asked: "Rep. Omar said that she is ashamed of America. Raise your hand if you are ashamed of America too."
To boost ratings, the Dems might consider making Robert Mueller, chief moderator of the debate.
He could make determinations as to which questions are within the "purview" of the debate.
Last debate they were asked about the Georgia State Rep being told to go back to where she came from.
Since then, we've learned that *she* was the one who told a cuban-american democrat to go back to his country.
Another racial hoax exposed.
Anyone think the moderators will revisit their mistake?
I expect Michelle O to run on stage and grab the microphone from Bernie like those BLM black women did in 2016.
And he will stand there like he did in 2016.
The White Guys need their own debate. That would be interesting.
Marianne is going to win Tuesday night....
Three white women and seven white men on Tuesday.
Two women of color, one white woman, three non-white men, and four white men on Wednesday.
I'm voting for Tuesday. The race card won't be played as much on Tuesday so that leaves them more time to say something really interesting. And the arm waving will be much more vigorous on Tuesday.
"Marianne Williamson was pretty hot looking in high school."
Yeah, the crazy hot chick.
They should combine the two debates into one night -- but have a brief halftime interlude with Congresswoman Omar strutting on stage in a burkini.
See if you can tell the Real Americans from the Fake Americans by their funny names:
Rep. Klookersetts Forado
Sen. Joe Willizabet
Sen. Secrenney Kamalizabbary of Texasio
Rep. Ryandrettigie Bene of New John
Gov. Tim Repretaryland, Mayor of New Jayork
Rep. Senne Buttigie Pet of Jay Klockeneurkaaa
Rep. Gilloopernian Colobucharis of New Yand
As mentioned above, Robert Mueller must be involved somehow.
Six of their surnames begin with B, and then there's Beto and Bernie. It's the B Squad.
Tuesday has real possibilities- Sanders vs Warren is really death match in my opinion- neither one can win the nomination unless the other drops out before New Hampshire, or is forced way down into single digits before Iowa. In my opinion, they need to target each other.
However, I don't think Sanders and Warren will target each other- they will target Biden who won't even be on the stage with them, so I am more looking forward to Wednesday- Harris will be forced to continue the attack on Biden, and I do think it is quite likely Biden will fight back harder and thus end up making a blunder.
I predict Bullockmania.
Alan, I'll see your Marianne and raise you a Tulsi.
Let's just stipulate that had Fox News Channel ended up with an all-white night the DNS-Media Complex would be screaming and stamping their feet and citing this as the last straw in their ongoing jihad against the only well-known balanced network (I actually prefer the conservative OAN because they don't daily indulge partisan idiots like Shep Smith and Donna Brazile). The outcome would be labeled prima facie evidence of racism, "random draw" notwithstanding. After all, Progressives insist on equality of OUTCOMES no matter the circumstances. I'm mildly surprised CNN has got away with such blatantly unfair results.
I will further observe that, Damn!, the Democrats really have a lot of oldish white guys running. Blatant racism it is.
Yang will call for the re-issue of one thousand and ten thousand dollars bill to make it easier for he and his followers to give away the country...Go Salmon P. Chase!!!
"Yang is going to yell "Fuck!" evocatively."
Buttigieg has to get out in front of this, and will start the debate with:
Wednesday; the candidates most likely to say something crazy and/or be in real attack mode vs. other candidates on stage. On the other hand, Marianne's outfit could be pretty exciting. It was last time. Why not separate them with the "whiteys" on one night and the "others" on the next?
Bernie and Warren are the New England Socialists.
They’ve been tip-toeing around each other because their base voters are split between them. And they seem to agree on everything.
Bernie probably has the white boys and Warren has the white girls. The black vote is non existent for them. They are the whitest Senators from the whitest part of the country.
mockturtle said...
Yang will be effectively neutralized by the appearance of Yin.
The first debates is all white people. Where is the diversity???
"... and I do think it is quite likely Biden will fight back harder and thus end up making a blunder."
He's gotta mention Willie Brown. Not directly with respect to Kammy's prodigious blowing, thereof, on her political ascent, but in some other context.
"...I remember the '72 convention, where we had another Californian, Willie Brown, leading the political troops against Nixon..." Something like that.
We need "Willie Brown" to be uttered by someone on camera, maybe Tulsi will do it.
Biden is the only Dem who invokes Obama. It’s like W was in the 2012 GOP primaries. They pretend he doesn’t exist
mockturtle said...
Yang will be effectively neutralized by the appearance of Yin.
Heh -- too bad Anthony Weiner and Eric Holder aren't running........
Tulsi bikini round or we riot.
OT: Lively posting day chez Althouse, with the day's posts running off the front page. (Not that it's ever non-lively.) Just wanted to (gratefully and mindfully!) post a note of thanks for her continuing to host this nice salon.
AA headline - "More debates coming up next week. Try to predict which day will be more exciting...." Sorry, I would never juxtaposition the words "exciting" and "debates" among politicians. Does that not bring up the word 'Oxymoron'?
lonejustice said...
The first debates is all white people. Where is the diversity???
In the back of the bus on night two.
It's in Detroit. I'll watch hoping that one of the Red Wing defensemen comes in and checks Don LeMon into the boards.
Aside from that, I want to be interested, but then they start talking and all I can think is, Seriously? People. Beto O'Rourke almost beat Ted Cruz? Seriously?
Almost as bad as Trump beating Hillary. Except that Trump has actually accomplished things in his life. And I don't mean posting a dental visit on social media. Beto. Man. Go Dems.
Re: Tuesday Night
It's Warren and Sanders' night, with everyone else looking to have a breakout "moment". And in order to break out, the rest will have to attack Warren and/or Sanders. They can't just say Trump is bad and free college and free healthcare for all is awesome and totally realistic. They need separation.
Re: Wednesday Night
The main show will be Harris vs Biden: The Destruction in Detroit. Everyone will be expecting (hoping for) some back and forth sniping. Once again, the rest of the pack will have to distinguish themselves in some way in order to get any traction.
I can't say for sure which night will be more interesting, but I'm leaning toward Wednesday due to Biden vs Harris.
If Mayor Pete married Steve Bullock he'd be Pete Buttock.
Inslee is on the second card.
So embarrassing for the State of Washington.
It is tie to start shaming people for voting for that idiot.
Inslee and Hickenlooper are both competing for the pot head vote.
At first glance it seemed like they stacked all of the has-beens on Tuesday.
But they all seem to be has-beens now.
50/50 the nominee is not in this field.
Klobuchar and Gillenbrand should double date with Inslee and Hickenlooper
“Yang will be effectively neutralized by the appearance of Yin”.
I laughed out loud when I saw that. Does that make me a racist?
"Klobuchar and Gillenbrand should double date with Inslee and Hickenlooper"
Dear Lord, that would be the whitest, blandest double-date on the planet.
Tuesday is economic justice day: Sanders vs Warren for the Occupy Wall Street vote. When this race gets down to three people or so, one of them won't be there, so the stakes are high. Most of the center left is in the Tuesday group, which might or might not be an interesting backdrop to the Sanders Warren contest.
Wednesday looks like social justice day wrapped around the Biden Harris faceoff. Race, immigration, abuse of women, climate change. Yang and Gabbard are outliers. Gabbard likes to talk foreign policy and she's a fairly serious person. Bennet's the center left here; i can't imagine how he gets noticed.
This is tough. I think Marianne Williamson will make Tuesday worth tuning in for everyone. Wednesday seems like better choices to give a vote.
Known Unknown... The Motor City will be Burnin
Brother Wayne Kramer!
Tuesday is economic justice day: Sanders vs Warren for the Occupy Wall Street vote.
Wednesday looks like social justice day wrapped around the Biden Harris faceof
At some point in the campaign, we need a "Jerry Nadler hits the salad bar day"
Mockturtle wins the internet for today.
I'm hoping for a WWF opening. Harris is rambling some non-answer when onto the stage strides Trump, announcer blares LETS GET READY TO RUMMNMMMMBLE! as Trump grabs Biden's mic away from him and says "let's do this"
mockturtle: Yang will be effectively neutralized by the appearance of Yin.
(throws bowl of red M&Ms at writing staff)
I made a donation to Marianne Williamson's campaign last weekend, and now I get emails from her daily. Best money I ever spent. I'd seriously like her to stick around for as long as possible; I might have a crush on her. Hot in HS? She's pretty hot now for her age.
Thursday also looks good. Lots of finger-pointing and what winning will mean for us.
Bob Eubanks
Bill Cullen
Richard Dawson
Wink Martindale
Howie Mandel
Bud Collyer
I made a donation to Marianne Williamson's campaign last weekend, and now I get emails from her daily. Best money I ever spent. I'd seriously like her to stick around for as long as possible; I might have a crush on her. Hot in HS? She's pretty hot now for her age.
She has that hot gnostic vibe!
I think if one of them, preferably one of the white folks, showed up in a full gorilla costume that would be cool. Then one of the others could set the suit on fire. Chaos,
Big question is who will kneel for the National Anthem?
Big question is who will kneel for the National Anthem?
Don't be surprised if it's Jay Inslee.
Not saying he will, but why would his campaign - and his campaign only - ask in advance if the National Anthem was going to be played?
I plan on voting for Trump no matter what, however, if Marianne Williamson flashes her bare tits at the free for all, I might reconsider. Hint, hint.
Marianne Williamson is in heavy-duty preparation for the debate. She's lighting candles, meditating on crystals, and vision-boarding a victory.
Marianne made it passed the first round of debates into the second round.
Is this a great country or what?
How entertaining would a debate between Marianne and The Donald be?
Pay per view !
Tuesday, you have the frustrated sane moderates Bullock, Delaney and (ehh) Hickenlooper vs. the vanguard progressive wingers Bernie and Warren, plus Marianne and her woo.
If I could only be bothered to watch one (which is probably the case) then it's Tuesday for sure.
To Althouse's reasoning:
If Harris takes another shot at Biden, we'll be able to go see the clip on Youtube. I'm not watching 3 hours of debate just for that.
If by "exciting" you mean "projectile-vomit-inducing," I would have to choose . . . ah hell, who am I kidding? Both debates will be equally "exciting."
They should have a secret guest each night who walks on stage only after everyone else has been announced.
Tuesday: Kim Jong Un
Wednesday: Anthony Weiner
After all, that’s basically what the Republicans did in 2016 with Trump.
And look how well that worked out for them.
Dems will not nominate a white person for Prez for the next 20 years at least.
Kamala Harris will win the nomination easily. After all, she best fits the Obama formula - biracial, grew up in foreign country for part of her youth, had at least one immigrant parent, credentialed and sounds smart but has only average IQ, probably despises America and will make liberal use of EO's if elected.
Harris will pick Warren as her VP. So we'd have two hate filled women on the Dem ticket.
If Mayor Pete married Steve Bullock he'd be Pete Buttock.
Then Elizabeth Warren can say to her husband, "Honey, Let's invite the Buttocks over for dinner tonight."
Not quite as funny as June Cleaver telling Ward, "Honey I think you were too hard on The Beaver last night."
I, for one, would love to hear Williamson tell Kim she plans to get him to denuclearize by “loving him long time”.
I am for Marianne. She can show off by making the Statue of Liberty disappear. At this point the Dems need a magician.
I want to see Lenard Zelig...err.. I mean Joe Biden to debate. He changes his past positions on a dime.
And don't say they'll both be boring.
And perhaps not, but I won't be watching. I had been thinking that the less boring night would be Tuesday, because Sanders and Warren pretty much occupy the same niche and pursue the same voter demographic, so sooner or later one has to take the other out. But now I think yhe less boring night will be Wednesday, as people start toting up the Biden gaffes. Any chance he'll try to get handsy with Gabbard?
Trump won the 2020 election when he stated in a tweet that the calumnies of the Dem leftists, "... must not be allowed to go unanswered." That he dared call the scum out on their vile policies and even viler statements led to such over-the-top faux outrage from the Dems that Trump is hereby declared the winner of this weeks debates. Yes, both of them.
It would be way more fun to see this done as a series of seeded one-on-one, or even two-on-two rounds or brackets, like Wimbledon or the US Open.
Which night is 'shirts' and which night is 'skins'? I have a preference, but don't want to influence the DNC...
The first night will be a battle of sorts for the millennial and Gen Z votes, with Mayor Pete, Sanders, O'Rourke, and Warren sharing the stage.
I would like to live in gnostic harmony with Marianne Williamson.
Whatever happened to "I'm for boring?" It's a slippery slope from needing the fringe candidates to keep the debates interesting to getting a fringe President.
Wednesday is the better one, obvi. It has Biden-Kamala and the two of the three interesting candidates, Yang and Tulsi. The other being Marianne Williamson.
Tuesday promises to be a total snoozefest unless Marianne can save it.
Set up a Deadpool to see who drops out next. Swallow is already gone. Where is a poll when we need one?
Tuesday night's looking a little pale...
Not a problem!! Inslee is going to be in black face.
Biden will mention Willie Brown. If he doesn’t he’s toast. Neither of them have accomplished anything, it’s all personal insults and identity politics.
If Biden is half the politician he thinks he is, he will bribe the moderator appropriately (you’re my next exclusive interview!) to set up his mention of Willie Brown.
We’ll also know at that point if the media want the fight to be between Biden and Harris. If ignored they want warren vs Harris to guarantee a woman candidate (again).
Do we need a Deadeye Dick reference for Marianne?
Marianne - she's a vegetarian.
(Marianne, Marianne, Marianne)
Marianne will outlive all the septuagenarians.
(Marianne, Marianne, Marianne)
Oh, she loves me so and hates to be alone,
Don't eat meat, but she sure like the bone!
Biden does not need to say anything. Biden talking will knock a couple of his advantage points, but he's facing some of the dumbest motherfuckers ever assembled. He be the man.
Yang has commissioned a really goofy mural in my neighborhood asking what you could do with a $1000/month, which is kinda funny because besides the low graphic quality you couldn't even rent a studio apartment in the shitty building on top of the BQE on which the mural is painted, or even get a bedroom in a share situation for $1K.
Who will be listening to the question from the moderator and ask themselves most often, "What would Michelle and Oprah say?" I'm guessing the Wednesday crowd.
Therefore, Tuesday will be more interesting.
Beto will apologize for being born a straight white man.
I'm glad Howard Schultz of Starbucks fame isn't running as a Democrat. He would dominate the Democrat debates by appearing moderate and reasonable. He'd be a formidable candidate against Trump in the general election.
It's sad that the Democrats have 20+ candidates who all have the same socialist Green New Deal and identity group platform. --But at least Ann gets to watch boring candidates.
no, he wouldn't he'd end up like john Delaney, who?
Tuesday. That's the day we will learn which candidates had slave owning great great great great great great great grandparents.
Williamson should recruit Stevie Nicks for her veep.
Tommy, on the chance a Democrat wins, wouldn’t it be nice to have someone sane and of accomplishment? He’s even boring.
All of this is academic. Nadler is going to impeach Trump, which automatically installs Hillary as President, so there's no further need for an election. Right?
The spectre of AOC and the rest of the America-hating pro-terrorist Squad will hang over these buffoons on both nights.
That's the day we will learn which candidates had slave owning great... grandparents
Of African, and North and Central American origin.
When Joe Biden is the smartest guy in the room. You need another room.
indeed, meanwhile:
Wednesday, only Gabbard has a chance at being a President who will not go down in history as a failure - an outside shot, but still a shot - she needs to draw back from her anti-life position the way Soetero drew back from his anti-gay-marriage position
he wasn't serious, otherwise he would have been hung in effigy in west Hollywood, and he proved it by appointing a nambla board member to the education department,
how high will the minimum wage get by night's end?
(not the wage THEY pay their staff, but the wage YOU should)
I am less interested in fireworks between Kamala and Joe than seeing Marianne and Tulsi. They are the only two candidates that I find interesting. So I guess if I weren't going on vacation I would have to watch both nights...but I think I'll listen to the loons at the lake, instead.
When Joe Biden is the smartest guy in the room. You need another room.
...or-- he's doing time in solitary
Marianne should offer to make Inslee her Secretary of State. In fact, she should say she'll appoint them all to the Cabinet of Love.
Tuesday will be the most boring by far. Who will be the target of someone wanting traction Tuesday night? Trump? Nah, they ALL hate Trump.
Biden, the leader of the rat pack? Nah, he won't be on stage.
Bernie or Warren? Sure, but now you are trying to pry points away from people with few to spare. Plus Warren and the Bern are politically very close. Tear down one and the other may benefit more than you will.
Third tier Mayor Pete MIGHT gain from this strategy. But his collapse among black voters is his death sentence. And,"Hey, I'm gay and more Christian than Moses" shtick ain't flying high with very many.
Tulsi sort of likes Trump.
The little guy from Indiana likes him too.
Not that it matters.
Don't expect to hear them say it out loud, you have to understand "the psychology of the individual," as Jeeves so often pointed out to his young friend who followed the code of the Worcesters ....
Anyway, the only ones who have any chance of being inaugurated in 2021 are Harris and Warren, keep an eye on those two.
Which is unfortunate because it means that Tulsi will not be the VP candidate.
The little guy from Indiana might be a VP candidate, though, which is sad for the United States.
On the other hand, a Tulsi/Pence election in 2024, with a Republican Senate, a Republican Congress, and 6 Bush and Trump appointees on the Supreme Court, will be amusing, and by then the stakes will be a little less intense, or at least one hopes and pray so, if one loves America and Americans.
All of this is academic. Nadler is going to impeach Trump, which automatically installs Hillary as President, so there's no further need for an election. Right?
Worse, there is a Scientific Consensus (LOL) that we only have 12 months before Global Warming Doom Ver 5.2 is inevitable.
So why bother with another election?
We’ll also know at that point if the media want the fight to be between Biden and Harris
I think the Media has already decided Biden needs to get out of her way.
I predict they will throw her softballs to nail Biden in the groin with.
Beto will apologize for being born a straight white man.
Immediately followed by Booker who will VIGOROUSLY insist he isn't in the closet.
I think Tom Cruise is not gay because the women he has been associated with have all been really hot, and Booker's current girlfriend is really hot.
Real gay dudes have no eye for hotness or the lack thereof, I think Booker is not gay.
I would love for Trump to call a press conference, and come out dressed in American flag workout clothes, like Carl Weathers in the first Rocky movie. Then, do 5 minutes of pushups, 5 minutes of pull ups, and 5 minutes of jumping jacks. (Sit ups would look too weird.) Then, challenge Biden to do half as many of each exercise in the same amount of time, before the debate. Say he will resign his office if Biden can succeed. Biden will either refuse, and look weak, or try it, and die of a heart attack.
I'd also like Trump to start calling Gillibrand "Dumb Blond" as he tweets about her family's sex cult.
@ steven Cooper...I think not. Warren's "plan" is nuts and she is so unemphatic/unlikable..dogs howl and children hide at the sound of her voice (deja vu Hillary).
Harris is a cop who, for good reason, is not trusted by POC.
I really have no idea who the Dems will run, none of them are viable as events wash over them they all have that deer-in-the-headlights stare.
Obama decimated the Democrat party...they have no bench.
I'll go out on a limb and predict Nikki Haley as the first female president in 2024. Pence is too polite, he'll get the Romney media treatment. Haley will stuff it down their throats, ala Trump.
BJM - I hope you are right, I am no expert.
Warren is unlikeable but check out those pictures of her when she was in the hospital, after having given birth. The transcendent honest pride and happiness on her face is not something poor Hillary was ever able to publicly express. If she (Warren) can recover a small fraction of that, maybe she can win crazed states like Wisconsin and Florida, which Trump would need to win if the race is not a pro-Trump landslide ???
Anyway, the St Louis Blues were the worst team in hockey just a few months before they won the Stanley Cup ... I subscribed to that hockey package where you can watch --- not in HD but hockey fans don't care - out of town hockey games for about 85 cents a day .... and I stopped watching the St Louis Blues in January because I thought they had no chance.
Nikki Haley reminds me of Churchill before he hit the 60 mark - confident, witty and completely lacking in common sense.
I really have no idea who the Dems will run, none of them are viable as events wash over them they all have that deer-in-the-headlights stare.
That's why I'm not rooting for a Trump VS Biden election.
Trump needs to dispatch whoever is favored for 2024. I'm not sure the GOP can manage it.'re right the GOP couldn't manage finding their own asses with both hands, a mirror and a flashlight.
@Stephen Cooper...yes, Churchill was very wrongheaded about several common sense issues, India being one of them...but while he was in the wilderness he wrote what became a primer for defeating Hitler and transformed him into a statesman.
BJM - rem acu tetigisti ....
Nikki Haley currently runs with the neocon crowd, and I get that, she was never really in the military (and while Churchill was in the military he only served in places where eventual victory was pretty much assured - and yes I know that he had some real defeats and was even a prisoner of war - but it was all fun and games because he was on the side that had no chance of losing) ----
I am not sure what it is going to take to make Nikki Haley capable of understanding our enemies as well as Trump does ----
but maybe she will be a former neocon one day ....
Seriously, I suppose Tuesday will be about socialism (Warren, Sanders) and Wednesday about identity politics (Biden, Harris). Socialism has no chance and identity politics - well, if Biden can come up with a formula against Harris, he locks up the nomination. But Hillary locked up the nomination and yet had trouble recovering from Sander's attacks. So on both days a side issue is formulations of the issues from the losers that cripple the front runners. For instance, is Biden going to turn into a Mueller in two years? Isn't Warren even shriller and more off-putting than Hillary? isn't California turning onto the place not to be from - what if the Black Death, the plague, gets going there among the homeless? Isn't Sanders a millionaire now?
Reads like the lineup of acts for Woodstock 50. A bunch of folks you may or may not have heard of but have no interest in seeing.
"Tuesday night's looking a little pale...
Not a problem!! Inslee is going to be in blackface"
Dang, a lot of folks are on this evening.
Competition to see who has the proposal most destructive to America
One of the one percenters should whip out a strat play star spangled banner then pour on the lighter fluid and welcome the flames
The Robert Francis experience
How about singing instead of Spanish?
Sparty could bust out Eddie Murphy
'I'm gonna get me a shotgun and shoot all the whities I see'
Blame it on Tbone
Boring is boring until you decide you’re for boring, then it’s exciting!
"Real gay dudes have no eye for hotness or the lack thereof . . ."
We've apparently known different types of Gays. All the Gays I've known have a great eye for female hotness. They just don't respond to it viscerally, the way we straight males so.
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